Victory Christian Center | Mid-Week Teaching Service (09.08.21)

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i love you glorified lord i love you i love you lord i love you lord [Music] you are a mighty god mighty god mighty god yes you are [Music] mighty [Music] [Music] you are [Music] [Music] you are an awesome god you are an awesome god awesome god awesome god yes you are awesome [Music] you're a faithful god you are a faithful god you've been faithful to me lord you're a faithful god [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you're a healing god you are a healing god you are a healing god healing god healing god yes you are [Music] god yes you are feeling good [Music] [Music] you're a holy ghost [Music] [Music] you are a yes ghost [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] that's holy god that's my god he's mighty he's awesome he's faithful he's my hero [Music] yes [Music] everybody i love you lord [Music] my voice [Music] [Music] rejoice [Music] danger [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] r [Music] i love you lord you make life so sweet [Music] my god [Music] praise [Music] as i [Music] hallelujah [Music] love you lord [Music] [Music] my [Music] [Music] you let it be a sweet [Music] let us beat us [Music] [Music] let me be [Music] let us be a sweet sweet sound in your ear our father hallelujah come on lift him lift him up hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah let us be a sweet sweet sound in your ear our god our heavenly father hallelujah to your name praise be unto your name glory to god come on let us be [Applause] [Music] come on sing it stronger than that come on your let us be a sweet sound in your ear our god we love you tonight we praise you tonight we exalt you tonight and we humble ourselves unto your mighty hand this night you are our father and our god not our will but your will be done not just in this service but every day of our lives in the name of jesus you instruct us you teach us in the way that we should go you guide us with your eyes in the name of jesus you lead us by your spirit [Music] the steps of a good man are ordered by the lord you order our steps god oh our father we yield our lives to you humble ourselves before you and father we invite the person and the ministry of the holy spirit into this place tonight in the name of jesus that the spirit of god might glorify the son of the living god that you might receive glory in your son father let everything that's said and done bring you honor in jesus mighty name and we lift up all men everywhere as you will all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth draw men and women of you by the spirit of god thrust out laborers into the harvest and here we are send us in the name of jesus we pray for those in political positions father we pray that there will be a divine encounter and divine visitation that each one might come to know that you are god and god all by yourself and father remove from office everyone all over this world that refuse to know you and replace them with men that have a heart towards you women that have a heart towards you have a heart of compassion a heart for righteousness that the spirit of god convict this world of sin and righteousness and of judgment in the name of jesus father we pray for removal of the deep state and the radical left the progressives in this nation those that refuse god to live by the constitution those that refuse to have liberties and freedoms in this nation god removed them from office give us lord constitutionalists give us men and women that love you men and women that have a heart for people a compassion god that are patriots that love this nation god may we always be a sovereign nation not a one world globalist state in the name of jesus god we pray for israel we pray for the peace of jerusalem prosperity within his walls we pray god that you'll give the prime minister wisdom god relative to the vaccine and all the stuff going on there in the name of jesus god deliver israel in jesus mighty name give them victory over their enemies father we pray for every ministry gift the apostle prophet evangelist pastor teacher god give us fresh oil give us revelation knowledge in the things of god god forgive us of our sins in the name of jesus god is in the truth by the spirit of god deliver us from unreasonable and wicked men and that let there be provision for that which you called us to and we thank you for it in the name of jesus and god forgive me for that for there's always provision for that which you call us to god may we just stay in your lane and not in our own lane where we have to try to figure things out how is this going to happen how's this going to come together god deliver us from ourselves in the name of jesus as ministry guests and father we thank you for being the lord our god that heals us and takes sickness out of our midst and we give you glory in jesus name amen and amen go ahead and welcome your brothers and sisters tonight and while you're doing that let me welcome those of you that have joined us through live streaming we welcome you we love you god loves you thank you for joining us tonight for our mid-week service call somebody up tell them to subscribe to our youtube channel and to go to church with you tonight as we will get into the word of god just a little bit later and we're we're just so honored that you decided to be a part of our service tonight hallelujah thank you singers so very much ushers do your best to let them come on down those of you that are in the back if you'll come down a little closer very much appreciate that i might call for communion tonight and then we have to go all over the place and if you just come on down we very much appreciate that and we do thank you for being in service tonight amen we love all of you and god loves you thank you for being here tonight i'm glad i'm a christian now i'm serious about that i'm glad i'm saved i'm glad my name is written in the lamb's book a lot hey man i'm on i'm i'm in the book my name is on the road hallelujah and i'm glad about that praise god all right let's see here uh no real prayer requests relative to uh people that are right now presently in the hospital or anything like that and we thank god for that amen so let's just uh thank god for for our our church family total healing and health father we continue to speak healing and health and miracles within our church family in the name of jesus we thank you father that you sent your word and healed us that you forgave all of our iniquities and you healed all of our diseases that by the stripes of jesus we were healed you took our infirmities and bore our sicknesses we we decree that throughout our church family in the name of jesus we decree miracles in the name of jesus deliverances in the name of jesus and god we give you the glory for spirits of infirmity loose our church family in the name of jesus we come against you by the power in the name and the blood of jesus we're god's covenant people lose us and let us go we stand against you you foul wicked spirits in jesus name amen and amen so amen everybody all right saturday morning we'll have uh intercessory prayer in the youth building okay we have a a particular group that have rented a certain part of our campus three out this weekend and so we'll have intercessory prayer 10 o'clock saturday morning in the youth building all right in the game room area so please be mindful of that and we'll soon you'll notice uh before saturday about that as well reminding you there will be a mandatory meeting for anyone employee or volunteer that drives uh one of our vehicles buses etc then that meeting will be next sunday september the 19th so we'll give you giving you a couple of weeks notice here at 5 30. very very important meeting if you are one of our bus drivers you know in the ministry school etc we need to meet with you on sunday september the 19th 5 30 at campus three all right uh samaritan's purse is now hiring for seasonal jobs i think they'll put that on the screen and you can uh take their email information and if you're interested please follow up all right let's have our video announcements please we are so glad you joined us for our service here at victory where we are touching and changing lives for the glory of god please pay attention to the following announcements in the know we'll have a session next friday at 7 30 pm at campus 3. this is a members only event there will be a mandatory meeting for anyone employee or volunteer that drives a vehicle or bus for victory christian center church or school on sunday september 19th at 5 30 p.m at campus three the young men of valor will be having our next man up day saturday september 25th from 10 a.m to 4 p.m at the victory after school building man up day is open to all young men ages 6 to 12. the day will be filled with fun and action-packed activities all designed to grow your young man in the things of god lunch will be provided parents please sign up your young man at the welcome center through wednesday september 22nd vccs is hiring for two bus driver positions interested applicants should send their resume to info or fax the school office at 704-391-0494 in order to replenish the stock of our regular food ministry the missions department is asking each member to bring macaroni and cheese this week thank you in advance are you looking for a way to serve god in this ministry well look no further because the church in the city women's shelter needs volunteers on a daily basis we have various shifts for cooks and chaperones that will surely fit your schedule no prior experience is necessary just a love for god and a desire to serve others if you are a member of vcc and would like to sign up please stop by the welcome center after service today to find out how you can be a part of touching and changing lives through this ministry giving online is quick and easy go to click on the give tab on the navigation bar in the header once on that page scroll down and there are instructions to show you how to give now click on the gold give now button and it will take you to the online donation page there you can simply fill in the information and submit your donation if you would like to text to give text 704-253-8770 put in your dollar amount without the dollar sign if this is your first time using this feature you will receive a link click on the link and put in your card information finally wait for a confirmation text thank you for your faithfulness in giving it's not a physical life it's not a soulish life it's a spirit life and god is a spirit the word is spirit and they that are born of god sons of god must be led by the spirit the devil has points of contact okay you can go to the little woman around the corner and she'll give you a string and put on your finger you can go to root work and he can give you a little bunch of hair a little package of salt okay the devil specializes in points of contact all right and so you better not understand some things about the point of contact living in a natural world makes it difficult to live the spirit life it's something we must decide to do and makes the difference between victory and defeat choose between the three-part message series spiritual contact in a physical world by mrs marlinghal or the four-part message series it's a spirit life by pastor robinson each package includes a copy of charles capps book changing the scene and shaping the unseen digital download packages for each series are also available shop the vcc workshop to start saving today thank you for watching the vcc announcements and don't forget you can find these announcements events and more on the victory christian center church app get it at the google play or apple app store all right one other announcement here the evangelism team will be ministering in the community on this saturday september the 11th from 11 15 to 12 45 and so if you're interested in going out with the evangelism evangelism team this saturday please meet in the near let's say near the gym entrance of the victory youth building so that's the back side of our uh youth building near the gym entrance this saturday 11 45 11 15 all right to 12 45 is the time that they'll be out in the community all right you ready to give all right sunday i asked you twice i'm going to do it again you ready to give amen amen if you're in need of an offering envelope please lift your hand at this time you know i was reading 2 corinthians 9 8 i think it was or is in the amplified bible we're going to have minister davis come in just a moment and exhort us but look at put it on the screen please amplify the bible if you will ii corinthians 9 i think it is verse 8. i'm probably messing you up because you guys working on something else back there but notice uh let's see let's see if it's verse 7 i want yeah there it is now notice the latter part and he's unwilling to abandon or do without he's unwilling to abandon god says i'm not going to abandon this abandon this or do without a cheerful joyous prompt to do it give her but notice the last ladder part your heart got to be in this thing your heart has to be in this your heart has to be connected to your envelope or to your phone or to whatever way you give are you following that is your heart connected to that tonight amen all right everyone have your offering envelope we're going to have tracy davis minister davis come and exhort us and please forgive me tracy for just taking up a little bit of your time there okay all right amen good evening everybody the bibles to deuteronomy 16 coming from the amplified bible and i'm going to read just the last sentence in verse 16 and i'm going to read verse 17. the last sentence in verse 16 it says they shall not appear before the lord empty-handed every man shall give as he is able according to the blessing of the lord your god which he has given you when we come into the house of the lord we should never come empty-handed for god has blessed us and he is still blessing us the bible says that he has blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places through christ jesus so when we come into his presence we should always be prepared to present our tithes and our offerings to the lord is that right for the bible said in verse 17 he said that every man that means every man woman boy and girl should give watch this he said give according to the blessing of the lord god which he has given you so that means that god has already blessed us to be a blessing to the kingdom of god and the work of the ministry and since he has blessed us we should not show up in the sanctuary without a seed for the bible says in second corinthians 9 and 10 that he has given seed to the sower and bread to the eater and he said that he will multiply our seed sown and he will increase the fruits of our righteousness that's what the bible says amen so when we give tonight we're giving from our heart we're giving because god has blessed us to be a blessing and when we give we ought to give knowing that god has already met our needs amen so on tonight when you give and when you give your seed you know when i think about a seed i think about a story in the bible and the bible said in in and i think it was mark 24 it talks about a widow the bible says that she was poverty-stricken but she came into the temple and the bible says that she threw in two copper mites and jesus called the disciples and he said that this woman she gave more than all those that contribute to the treasury and he said that those that gave the rich folks they gave out of their abundance but she gave out of the deep poverty and she gave everything that she had so if you are in the sanctuary tonight we ought to have something in our hands and if all you got is a nickel two dimes and a quarter you need to put it in an envelope and be ready to give amen amen well if you all need anybody else need envelope after that exhortation if you do raise your hand high there's one over here anybody else praise god well let us send to us to our feet hallelujah lord god we thank you we honor you tonight god with our gifts our tithes and our offerings lord god we come before you with thanksgiving in the name of the lord jesus christ and we thank you father god that you have blessed us to be a blessing we honor you with our tithes and our offerings in the name of jesus so father god you said to bring you the tithe into the storehouse that there may be meat in your house and prove you herewith said the lord of hosts if you will not open the windows of heaven and pour us out a blessing that we don't have room enough to receive so god we thank you right now we give unto you father and we thank you that every need is met in our lives father we thank you lord that we owe no man to love him and father god we thank you that every debt is paid off in our lives father god we give you all the glory the honor and the praise in the name of jesus and we thank you right now that we are faithful and cheerful givers on tonight in jesus mighty name we pray amen and amen amen come on let's give god praise hallelujah amen hallelujah glory to god glory to god glory to god thank you father glory to god thank you father hallelujah jesus name we give you glory for it amen and amen all right you may be seated ushers let's receive our gifts amen thank you lord we praise you we give you glory for your grace and your mercies today we thank you lord hallelujah amazing grace [Music] i once was [Music] we're gonna say it again amazing grace [Music] me [Applause] i was [Music] when we've been there [Music] is [Music] [Music] to sing past praise [Music] it again when we've been there [Music] biggest [Music] to see [Music] now say praise god praise god praise god praise god praise god praise god god [Music] [Music] everybody praise god [Music] praise god [Music] [Music] praise god praise god [Music] oh our father you're so worthy you're so worthy of our praise you're so deserving of our praise god help us just to endeavor to give you the praise that's due unto your name the sacrifice of our lips giving praise into your name in you we live and move and have our being every good and every perfect gift has come from above god may we give you the praise that's due you help us lord in this area of our lives help me in the name of jesus thank you for this time we have to look into the word we call it fruitful blessed productive in jesus name thank you for your anointed word and i thank you for your anointing within and upon me father enabling me to minister your word and to do so accurately open up our eyes to see in our ears to hear god is in the truth by the spirit of god and we'll be careful to give you the glory for it as i humble myself unto your mighty hand and in your sight i am what i am by your grace and i acknowledge that openly and open and unashamedly in jesus name amen and amen all right you may be seated thank you singer so very much amen and you know minister davis was right every time you come to church you ought to give something amen i don't care if it's a penny everybody amen doesn't care if it's a nickel ma'am you come to the house of the lord you ought to be bringing some well i'm broke you mean you just spent your money today and you forgot about church tonight hello amen i drove down to columbia south carolina today and drove back up and had to put gas in the car you know years ago if i had to go places and i knew there was church and stuff like that i cut back on gas money to make sure i had money to put in church amen you come before god with an offering that's how you get ahead that's how you get blessed amen always put aside something i remember years and years and years ago probably 1977 or something when kenneth copeland said that he put a pencil in the offering envelope you know he didn't have any in the bucket that is he didn't have anything else to give he just pulled out a pencil put in there god you know i'm giving you this because he started understanding the law of seed time and harvest amen somebody always always give god something when you come to church always amen amen it doesn't have to be a hundred dollar check every time you give you've already given your tithes and offerings and stuff like that you have to every week try every service rather try to give what you don't have you know you understand what i'm trying to say now but you can give something every time now if you're stepping out in faith where every week you want to give a hundred dollars even above your tithe and office that's great i agree with you you're in the faith walk right that's your goal that's what you want to do you understand what i'm teaching you tonight without getting confused every year i don't talk about my business a whole lot every year i endeavor to give more to get more on purpose i'm talking about on the off nights i'm talking about on the off check days are you following that i can't you know i don't talk much about my personal stuff but i i don't i don't want to give the same amount you know uh that i gave last year i can purpose that i can just purpose i'll get one dollar extra come on talk to me and then by the end of the year however much that is right but just don't be satisfied in staying where you presently are in your giving jesus name god honors his word yes he does it's not a man that he should like all right let's talk about faith again i talked about faith last week in the youth building the week before the youth building and tonight in the dome in that good shot about it somebody faith as i told you as you already know is one of the most important subjects in all of the word of god one of them love is another the holy spirit's another etc but faith is important extremely important all of you young people in here don't you need to understand man faith is not for adults only you have to start walking in faith now and understanding faith now amen now what have we been talking about in the youth building what's the name of this series when is faith god's faith when is faith god's faith acceptable faith when is faith god's faith when is it god's faith you know i want god's faith i i don't want i don't want to walk in any other kind of faith not in the natural earthly realm you got to walk in a certain amount of earth faith in that right or natural faith and we talked about that that human faith but i want my faith to be acceptable to god just like listen now just like my body and my mind is supposed to be acceptable to god come on romans 12 i beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of god that you present your bodies a living sacrifice holy and what acceptable acceptable to god your body is supposed to be acceptable to god is that right in other words god doesn't want everything going into your body and he doesn't want you to take your body to every place come on isn't that right he don't want your body doing whatever you wanted to do present your body a living sacrifice holy then the next verse says and be not conformed to this world will be but be transformed by the what renewing of your mind if my mind is renewed what will happen i can prove what is that good acceptable and perfect will of god so i want my faith to be acceptable just like my body is supposed to be acceptable and my mind is to be removed so i can prove what is what is that acceptable and perfect will of god agreed all right let's quickly review here i didn't realize i had given you about 11 points already but we're gonna go through all 11. you can take a snapshot if you want to that's and roll it too all right number one only two things jesus marveled over faith and unbelief is that right all right number two believers faith is the ability to see god clearly number three our relationship with god is the easiest most consistent and effective way to strengthen our ability to see that which is invisible number four faith is acceptable to god when it is of the heart number five when it doesn't demand proof is acceptable to god now notice when it doesn't demand proof no fleeces know god if you want me to do something than this let this happen in whatever else it doesn't demand proof right john chapter 6 verse 2 talks about how they sought him because of a sign because they saw the sign and they followed him because of things he was doing see they saw his signs which he performed that's why they were following him matthew 16 4 talks about this adulteress and and corrupt generation you you you wanting a sign all right let's go back to the review all right number what six are we on not wavering mentally as to the outcome that is acceptable faith when you don't waver mentally number seven not struggling over the greatness of the promises number eight when you can't be talked out of it number nine when your mouth and actions line up with what you believe number 10 when our belief is scriptural when our belief is biblical and number 11 when it be when it combines a loving concern for another person with great trust in jesus okay now you think about the centurion my servant is lying at home and he's at the point of death isn't that right see his concern his is for another person but his trust is in god that's acceptable faith when you have concern for another person and you're using your faith for another person and you got total trust in god that god can do something amen all right so that's important for us to understand i i want to give you a couple other points just right under that that i want to well i'll remind you of something i think first and that's this that that god's faith is to be elevated to a place beyond ourselves remember we told you that no you remember last week i said that kind of sort of maybe all right well i did praise the lord and i gave you a bunch of scriptures i didn't really get to them all and i said this as well is that care or concern is love in action demonstrated by god as expressed in romans 5 8 and john 3 16 through 18. all right that's important now write this down generosity generosity is a part of faith spirit okay it's a part of faith's spirit so your faith is not acceptable to god if you're stingy if your hands are always closed because generosity is part of faith's spirit amen now let's move on now let's go to number 12. we'll try to get to a couple other things tonight lord willing when is faith acceptable to god when is it god's faith number 12 when your soul is anchored when your soul is anchored now we're three part being right spirit soul and body when your soul is anchored your soul is where we get messed up right when it comes to faith many times we have to cast down imagination because your mind is a part of your soul your emotions we've said so many times faith doesn't work where emotions live we said so many times how you can release your faith seemingly more easily for someone else than your own child because with your child your emotions are caught up with that are you here that's your soulless man and your soulless man must be anchored for your faith to become acceptable faith are you here tonight say if i say amen all right let's get into this let's let's read hebrews chapter 6. the bible says in hebrews 6 starting at the 13th verse for when god made a promise to abraham because he could swear by no one greater he swore by himself saying surely blessing i will bless you multiplying i will multiply you and so after he had patiently endured he obtained what the promise after abraham patiently endured abraham received the promise all right so that has to do with his son isaac is that not right for men indeed swear by the greater and an oath for confirmation is for them an end of all dispute thus god determining to show more abundantly to the heirs of promise i'm an air promise are you not an air promise to show more abundantly to the heirs of promise the immutability of his counsel well we say that this virus has been mutating right mutating means what changing so god willing to show the immutability so that means he doesn't change all right so god doesn't change to show the immutability of his counsel confirmed it by an oath that by two immutable things in which it is impossible for god to what lie we might have a strong consolation who have fled for refuge to lay hold of the hope set before us this hope we have as an anchor of the anchor of the soul okay faith works when your soul is anchored that's acceptable faith when your soulless man is not going all over the world relative to what you're believing god for relative to your vision relative to what god has spoken to your heart about your soul is anchored are you here james chapter one we're gonna look at some things tonight hebrews and james chapter 1. the bible says right here verse 5 if any of you lack wisdom let him ask of god who gives to all men what liberally and without reproach and it will be given to him but let him ask in faith no what doubting with no doubting the doubt is in your mind and and many times it comes to your to your emotional arena relative to you can you can you even feel fear etc and different emotions in your body because your soul is not what ain't courage so it says here but let him ask in faith with no doubting for he who doubts is like a wave of the seed driven and tossed driven in what tossed by the wind for let not that man suppose that he will receive anything from the lord for he is a double-minded man unstable in all his ways ephesians chapter 4 look at that very quickly here and then psalm 112. ephesians chapter 4 the bible says in the 13th verse or so 13-14 talking about ministry gifts what did he give them till we all for the equipping of the saints verse 12 so we all come to the unity of the faith that's verse 13 and of the knowledge of the son of god to a perfect man to the measure of the standard of the fullness of christ that we should no longer be children what's that next word toss tossed to and fro talks like the waves of the sea look at psalm 112 acceptable faith is faith that is anchored your soul is anchored you must be anchored in your soul no double-mindedness verse 7. talking about this man that fears the lord etc it's trusting in the lord and all these kinds of good blessings and and things that god says about that type of man in verse 7 it says he will not be afraid of evil tidings his heart is what steadfast fixed trusting in the lord his heart is fixed trusting in the lord his heart is steadfast trusting in the lord fixes in the king james rendering now let's go back to our notes here faith is acceptable to god when it is when you have a soul that is that is anchored okay the soul is not drifting and being tossed and wavering etc it's fixed now what does anchored mean i'm giving you some definitions tonight all right anchor anchored is a person or thing that provides stability or confidence in and otherwise and rather shouldn't be the word and and that could be my fault a person or thing that provides stability or confidence in otherwise uncertain situations okay now the disciples on that boat right they're fighting for their lives they were in an uncertain situation but somebody said let's wake up let's wake up jesus all right tell your neighbor you wake up too let's wake up jesus why because because there's somebody that can bring stability to this situation there's somebody that that can bring me some confidence in this situation so anchored means a person or thing that provides stability or confidence in otherwise uncertain situations provide with a firm basis or foundation secure firmly in position a heavy so god wants us firm in a position secure and secured firmly in a position our our anchor our soul is anchored it's firm in this position right it's not waving teeter-tottering vacillating etc if it does it is not acceptable faith he just said in hebrews 6 two immutable things that by these your soul might be anchored isn't that right yes and our heart is supposed to be fixed and so we want you to see that now um let's look at another another definition of this is a heavy object attached to a rope or chain used to more a vessel to the sea to the bottom of the sea so that's what they use for ships etc now what's the definition we're going to give you this i don't know if they have this so we're going to roll now i'm going to give you a definition of toss remember in james chapter 1 don't be tossed to and fro now we just looked at anchor now i want to look at toss the definition of toss is as follows an unsettled condition of the mind influenced and agitated you ever had your mind influenced by something and agitated by something i have influenced and agitated and here it says in in uh strong's concordance by one false teaching and another okay so one lie of the devil your mind getting influenced by a lie you're gonna die you're gonna lose your house you're gonna lose your car you're going to lose this you know you're going to get the virus this is just lying devil amen and then and then it means uh and characterized by that immaturity characterized see toss means characterized by that immaturity which lacks that firm conviction okay your toss when you lack that firm conviction your you're tossed when you're immature in your relationship with god all right now maybe i'll fix that up a little bit you you're immature when put it differently let me go back to this definition i'll i'll play off the definition characterized by that immaturity which leads which lacks rather that firm conviction begotten by the truth the firm conviction is birthed by the truth what is truth the word is what truth so immaturity comes to us the less we're in the word of god or we become we won't get seasoned or grow if we neglect the word of god right that's a better way to put it maybe all right i want to give you another definition fixed because these three words anchor tossed and fixed were in scriptures that we looked at in james and uh in ephesians and uh psalm 112 etc fix fixed means established your heart is established firm solid make fast all right now write this down please notice that if we are not anchored if we're not anchored settled or established faith doesn't work all right i'm going to say it again if we're not anchored settled or established faith doesn't work put it this way it's not acceptable to god put it this way don't expect to receive anything from the lord a double-minded man is unstable in all of his ways don't let him think he shall receive anything of the lord if you're not anchored if you're not established right are you with me all right if you're not settled write this down very important real important pastor write it down okay you ready you sure make sure there an egyptian mind and a in an egyptian mind won't let discovered spiritual knowledge control them an egyptian mind won't let discovered spiritual knowledge control them they'll type it on the screen for you a little bit i'm gonna say it one more time an egyptian mind brother coffee won't let discovered spiritual knowledge control them an egyptian mind won't let discovered spiritual knowledge control them think with me about the nation israel coming out of egypt god sent moses is that right hey i can't talk hey listen don't i don't want to hear that moses i made the mouth i'll give you a word to speak and put it in my own words now well who shall i say sent you sent me i am that i am okay what else here what's that in your hand rod okay put it down all right turn into this pick it back up it kind of turned back to normal show those signs etc god used moses to deliver the nation israel right out of egypt is that right amen i am submitting to you that that egyptian mind caused them to fail over and over again and it caused them not to receive the knowledge that moses was teaching them the egyptian mind controlled them they failed every time every time do you know they were supposed to go to the promised land in eight to 11 days but their egyptian mind controlled them do you know eighteen months out they got to cadence barnea and god allowed them to send out spies into the land 12 spies went out 12 spies came back they all say the same thing and 10 of them had an egyptian mind and that egyptian mind it it it uh contaminated the entire nation they even said one time let us make a captain to go back to egypt over and over again it was better that we die in egypt what about the cucumbers and the melons you brothers out here there's no water the egyptian mind the worldly carnal mind would not allow the teachings of moses about jehovah god i am that i am to begin to control their thinking and so every time they came to a critical point a juncture they failed the worldly carnal mind their soul never got anchored so a whole listen to this now it took 40 years and a whole new generation to get the egyptian mind i'm not going to say to get it out but the birth a new way of thinking are you here now now you have to the old generation died out 20 years and younger up to 20 years old and moses spent all of that time teaching and teaching and teaching and teaching to finally listen to me now till finally you read the first three chapters of joshua you don't find any doubt any fear non-belief none none that generation when they got started they believed god in and through joshua first three chapters chapters you read it so what am i saying the less we get our minds renewed the more the egyptian worldly mind will keep what i'm teaching you over the years from controlling you and you will fail when the doctor says you have cancer you will fail when the doctor says you got six months to live you will fail when they say you're gonna lose your job if you don't get the shot you will fail because the carnal worldly mind is preventing this word from controlling your mind and your thinking are you hearing this they failed when they should not have failed because they had too much of egypt in them how much egypt is in you i read romans chapter 12 verse 1 and 2. isn't that right we got to understand we got to understand man this world is designed to take us away from god and to take our convictions away from god amen and we'll fail we'll fail at critical points and times in our lives because the world's thinking will control us but yet we heard the word we've been sitting under the word but we never allowed that word to penetrate saturate and uh and take up habitation lodging on the inside of us abide in us as jesus said take a residence in us as the bible says are you here okay i'm talking about our soul has to be anchored the egyptian mind was not an anchored soul the mind of the israelites it it never got anchored until listen until the new generation came up are you are you with me and it took moses as a word no don't you know don't uh be a stickler to what i'm about to say but it took moses 40 years 40 years and he started with the babies and all the way up to 20 years old he started with them let me teach you about jehovah god let me teach you about el shaddai let me teach you about jehovah gyra let me teach you about jehovah rafa let me teach you about the god of war let me let me teach you let me teach you because the older generation they lived in egypt too long and egypt caused fear and doubt and unbelief and yet moses was telling them after after all these signs this is god he opened up the red sea but they still could not let go of the mind the carnal mind from egypt are you here after all god has done for you over and over again then something else is presented will your soul be stable will it be fixed and anchored or will you be talked out of the will of god and moved out of god's plan and purpose am i making sense to you tonight amen an egyptian mind will not let discovered spiritual knowledge control you you cannot have a worldly mind you can't live in both worlds you can't be double-minded about this thing are you with me his heart was fixed trusting in the lord his heart was established so it didn't matter what came his way he knew they that be with us are more than they that be with them god is on my side i will not fear what can man do unto me let me tell you this how do you know when when you're when you're when you're anchored how do you know there's three or four things number one your mouth will tell you yeah your mouth will let everybody know your mouth will tell you people be saying gas prices going up and you'll be saying my god supply all my need according wish people be saying boy i tell you what you got to be careful when you're around people you'll be saying no weapon formed against me prosperous and every diseased german touches my body dies instantly in the name of jesus your mouth exposes it so when you when you don't talk right it shows you're not anchored and when your soul isn't anchored it's unacceptable faith hello your soul has to be anchored you'll always talk about your stripes i'm healed you all will you'll always talk abundance and surplus you'll always talk victory right you'll always do that your mouth will tell you that that your soul is anchored in this thing that you can't be tossed you can't be moved you're established and not only your words will tell you but your body will even tell you hebrews 5 talks about how how when you're growing in god and you reach a certain point your whole body is it can discern between good and evil you you've trained your body to think a certain way to to move in a certain direction and listen your body will start moving from your spirit and then your mind is saying where you going and your spirit say mind shut up are you with me here i'm saying some things maybe i maybe need to hold on to a little bit but but your mouth and your mind your mind won't go all over the place when your soul is anchored the mind is a part of your soul i'm talking about you won't just be always trying to get a hold of yourself always trying to get a hold of yourself there might be moments where you have to just cast down but generally speaking the peace of god the past of all understanding is keeping your heart and mind through christ jesus in the midst of the storm you're just like jesus you're sleeping in the boat right and then the bible says you cast your cares upon him he he cares for you and be anxious for nothing but in everything by what prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made only to god and the peace of god that the pastor law and the sins shall keep your heart and mind through christ in other words people say man how can you have so much peace i know what's going on in your life because your soul is anchored your soul is anchored it's acceptable faith are you with me here you don't have an egyptian mind the world is not contaminating controlling your mind keeping you from receiving the revelation of the word of god where he says i'll never leave you i won't forsake you that's i'll meet all of your need and that's what we have to get to right that's the target isn't that the target that we're always stable always established and fixed and not tossed regardless of what comes our way and that's what we work towards in jesus name so our minds our soul our words our bodies it lets us know that we reach the point of being anchored because your body don't even want to do wrong your body starts fighting you when you don't want to die you just don't feel right in your body you don't feel right it's almost like you forgot to brush your teeth you don't feel right you got to go back i i didn't give my ties your body messes with you your mind messes with you because you're anchored you know you can be anchored in one area and not another the goal is to get anchored in every area anchored in our health and our finances in our mind etcetera setter right we can do it say we can do it with the help of god all right so we have to understand these kinds of things that we're endeavoring to share with you tonight uh now how do we get anchored let's let's talk about that a little bit how do we get anchored and real simple answers recognizing accepting and bracing that god is immutable isn't that what we read in hebrews 6 i mean i got to recognize his he's immutable that should give you comfort that he doesn't change he's not like the weather he's not like people somebody said thank god i agree with that thank god like me today and hate me tomorrow smile at my face for a week and then damn me for the next two weeks god is immutable doesn't change you know what i like about god whatever he thought about something years ago he still thinks the same way about it whatever his will was all these many years ago thousands of years ago it's still his will today politics changed people changed the economy changed christian's attitudes towards the world change when i say that you know i don't think there's nothing wrong with that you know but yet there was a time where all the christians said come out from among them all the christians said that's not what we do but but things you know like the political world politically correct evolved so many things have changed but one thing is god never changes shout out about somebody [Applause] never said that that lets me go to sleep at night because he says the angel of the lord will encamp around about me he doesn't change and say well today is friday it won't work i got to go somewhere else no he never changes isn't that good news you got to embrace that you have to recognize that you have to accept that that he never changes that helps you to get anchored he's not don't compare him to somebody that let you down don't compare him to somebody that lied to you he cannot lie are you understanding that he doesn't change doesn't change he's the same yesterday today and forever so we recognize accept and embrace that god is immutable we recognize accept and embrace that god did in christ what he said he do that's how we get anchored that god did what he said he'll do he did it in christ he prophesied in genesis chapter three there's one coming isn't that right that's going to mess you up satan he's going absolutely defeat you whip you genesis 3 15. we have to understand that we have to understand that jesus spoiled principles and powers he did exactly what god said he'll do i can get anchored the devil is defeated say it out loud [Music] exactly right he took from the devil you know things that the devil trusted in his armor etcetera he destroyed him that had the power of the of death even the devil so that's how we see things and that's how we uh uh get anchored all right and then and listen i'm gonna give you a third one here recognize accept and embrace that god must not only choose us but we have to choose him you won't get anchored if you don't choose god you have to choose him above anything and everything and anybody you choose god he chose you you choose him amen a lot of us haven't chosen god i'm talking about i'm talking about totally god only jesus said if you're going to come after me you have to hate mother father brothers and sisters in the hebrew that simply means they cannot be first so all that means they cannot be first they cannot have first place in your life the only person that has first place is god he chose you you have to choose him and when you choose him you're on your way of being anchored to being anchored in god i gotta have a god that can never let me down isn't that right his immutable and omniscient all omnipresent and omnipotent and all those other good things all right now uh when we choose god we when we do that then it three things we we draw near to him see when you choose god when you choose a person you draw near when you choose a thing you draw near isn't that right you start learning all you can about it you start wanting to find out all you can and and get good at it don't you want to get good at being a christian amen i do i want to get better at it i haven't arrived and so i draw near to him and then we have to consecrate ourselves i'm talking about when you choose him you'll draw near to him and then you'll consecrate yourself you're only living for one person you're only sold out to one person you're only committed to one person you surrender to one person his name is jesus total consecration will this please my father can my father go with me here can my father watch this with me is my father pleased i consecrate my life to god see that's when you that's how you get anchored you choose him and choosing him demands consecration amen amen and then when we choose him we'll feed our spirits on a daily basis we always get anchored as you get to know him and then the fourth thing about it is getting anchored is you have to recognize accept and embrace god's position his title his authority and his ability embrace his position title authority ability etc etc etc embrace his position title authority ability etc when you i you know i had a big brother i have a big brother i didn't get into i never had one fight in my life isn't that amazing yeah one fight in my life growing up and some of you heard this before i said this before over the years not one fight in my life in the second grade third grade but it was there was one guy he was a bully in the class he went around popping everybody on the head and punching them in the chest and everything like that and i thought to myself you're not gonna do that to me i said now how can i get around this his name was anthony i said i know what i'll do i'm gonna go to anthony and say let's box all right and i saw that hey anthony let's box man my dad and cousin uncle tony had taught me a couple of things how to hold my face and boom boom boom says box man i popped him twice boom boom hey look come on man let's box anthony he swing and i block it he was my friend that point on man didn't didn't didn't ever ever never never never ever i never had a fight my whole life left my whole life i don't know where i got that wisdom from the deal with anthony that was god's wisdom you know what i mean and anthony was my friend and defended me and stuff like that and uh i don't know what i'm trying to tell you all about anyway [Music] but but what i'm saying is i guess what i'm starting to get over into is somewhere i was going to say something but we have to recognize god's position in his title and his authority etcetera and his ability right in order to get anchored there is no rock like our rock right oh i know what it was right and so i got a big brother right and uh and and i always knew that if i ever got in trouble my big brother right could come amen right i always knew that you know i didn't get any stuff where i had to say marty he'd come running you know but there are certain times i'm in certain places and marty would say to me you stay close to me stay close to me what was he trying to say i got you i got you and guess what when he say stay close to me you know what i felt like yeah i'm good i'm good you know what guess who's close to me he said he'll never leave me norfolk state man he's a very present help i feel all right that's right i'm telling you what this man goes out of his door every morning feeling all right angel is the lord he can't round about me god is with me i know his his authority his ability his title he is i am that i am you understand that you can be anchored when you know a person's position title authority etc and you know they're backing you up you know they're with you you know they're committed they've commissioned you assigned you am i making sense here those of you that have a job if your supervisor tells you to go somewhere and do something on behalf of the company you go anchored you go with confidence with annoying because you know who sent you isn't that right you know their position their title their authority and so that's how we can begin to get anchored when we embrace these things about god all right i've been going too long and i have one other point two other points i want to give you i'll pick it up lord willing another time all right let's stand to our feet now i said some things a little differently tonight but but the main point is simply this acceptable faith is faith that relies on who god is and rest in that you're not moved by things amen paul said none of these things do what none of these things move me what was he saying my soul is anchored it's established it's fixed i can't be tossed all right don't let your mind toss you don't let your emotions toss you believe in one day one week and the next week you're not teeter-totting vacillating up and down back and forth god is immutable and we ought to be the same way we don't change when we got god's word on it we don't change when we release our faith we don't change is that right so father in jesus name god helped to remove the egyptian mindset out of our lives because it hurt us at every critical juncture of our lives will fail because we'll think as the world thinks we'll always operate by our own feelings and emotions and not the word of god god help us to commit to renewing our minds with the word of god so when things happen we'll only talk the word think the word act the word believe the word the only way we're to live god going from faith to faith living the word of god that just shall live by his faith god if i ever go out lord i want to go out believing believing no other way god believing established my heart is fixed let god be true and every man a liar a heart is fixed but god as i've said over and over again i'm living till jesus comes back thank you lord so help us father to walk out of the world and out of the world's thinking because whoever trains us is how we'll think and talk and act train us father and we thank you for doing just that in the name of jesus god grow us grow us as the author and the finisher of our faith grow us grow us in faith and may we cooperate with you lord and we give you the glory for it in the name of jesus every head bowed and believers praying quietly softly under your breath father we thank you that faith comes by hearing hearing by the word of god the more we hear the word feed our spirit the more our soul is anchored father in the name of jesus those of you that need help in this area you know you're choosing to go [Music] and and you know sunday morning i had a little little challenge just really discerning for a moment this is i believe exactly how it should be stated those of you that need to consecrate yourself to god because when you do you'll choose him you'll draw nigh to him near to him you'll feed his word on his word and for some of us in this room tonight that is the reason why your soul is isn't yet anchored that's the reason why the egyptian mind is still surfacing at critical times in your life and you choose the world's way you choose the flesh way you choose the out that you believe is best for you instead of seeking the face of god so there's people here tonight i want you to come down to the front of we're going to pray for you relative to just a consecration so that let me let me put it another way until you consecrate until we consecrate our faith will never be the way god wants it to be faith that's acceptable to god is faith that works in a consecrated person and a person who says god i surrender i choose you there's nothing more important than you do you understand that the price that jesus paid for us deserves our consecration all that he went through for us and as we consecrate that is a big step in beginning to have faith that's acceptable to him so i want you to come from however many is more than one person i can guarantee you that in my spirit i know that it's hard to have acceptable faith and we're serving two masters jesus said you can't serve two masters you just can't do it how can you serve two masters and your faith be acceptable to god [Music] it's got to sell out to god you got to surrender to god yield it all to god [Music] i want to be like jesus i want to as old as i am i still want to grow in stature and in wisdom and in favor with god and man i'm not talking about getting taller but i can get healthier i can get stronger than i am right now come on talk to me that's the god's truth i'm not moses or anything but when he died his natural strength was not abated his eyes weren't even dim let me have ministers up here please like we need men and women [Music] and and and we'll we'll give our invitations if there's anyone that's watching through live streaming and you need to give your life to christ or rededicate your life to god or be filled the holy spirit or you need a church home there's a number on the screen six three 704-525-8638 call that number keep calling until you get through because we love you god loves you and we want you to know jesus christ as your personal savior and lord we want you filled with the holy spirit we want you back in right standing with god and if you don't have a church home and you've been watching regularly and you believe this church is where you should be then you call that number they'll talk with you about how you can take your new members classes online and become a part of victory christmas center all right we love you thank you for joining us tonight the next time we'll be live streaming will be friday morning at eight o'clock it's time to be healed we have a live telecast we'd love to have you join us for that and then on sunday morning we'll be back here in the dorm lord willing at 10 o'clock thank you god bless you for being a part you
Channel: VCC Charlotte
Views: 2,007
Rating: 4.8857141 out of 5
Id: r0bWnVQz0uY
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Length: 96min 20sec (5780 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 08 2021
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