ESO - 2023 Complete Beginner's Guide!

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welcome back this video is going to be the most complete beginner's guide for Elder Scrolls Online that has ever been made by the time you finish this video you will understand every system in ESO and we'll be able to navigate the game with confidence I suggest listening to this while you play and using the timestamps to revisit any topic that you need to come back to later as always please leave a comment and I'll do my best to respond to every single one don't believe me try it out without wasting any more time let's dive straight in alright let's talk about character creation when you buy Elder Scrolls Online it will by default allow you to have eight character slots if you have a version of the game that includes the elsewhere expansion then you will be able to create nine characters you can also purchase an additional 9 character slots allowing you to have up to 18 character slots total Elder Scrolls Online is definitely a game that lends itself to having lots of alts you create a character you do a lot of stuff on that character and then you can create a nulls and do it all over again but on a different class and you can repeat quests or you can also take advantage of being able to do dailies more than once so if you have two characters then you can do a least two times per day which can be very beneficial to your character in terms of you know maybe doing the dailies in certain DLC zones and at the end of those dailies you have a chance to get a cosmetic well if you're doing those dailies on three characters you're three times as likely to get the Cosmetic that you're trying to get but the best part of eso is you only have to level alts up to 50 after 50 your characters share Champion points these are an account wide level so right now there's a total of 3 600 account wide levels called Champion points that you can earn only about 1300 of those are actually effective Champion points everything beyond that is kind of alternate Loadout options you can only use about thirteen hundred fourteen hundred of them at a time and that might sound like a massive number and it kind of is it's a little bit of a grind certainly getting all the way up to 1400 but fortunately for you someone that's just starting the game now they greatly expedited the pace at which you get Champion points so you earn Champion points right now three times as fast as you used to so your levels are going to fly the first dungeon you do could give you as many as 50 Champion points so because Champion points are account wide you only have to get a character to 50 which you can do in as little time as a day so if you're the type of person that's going to want to jump from a necromancer to a Templar to a dragon knight and then to a sorcerer then go ahead and play lots of characters or if you're the type of person that just wants to play one character all day every day there's nothing wrong with doing that either it's not going to hold you back now let's go over the act of actually creating your character the character creation process can be a little bit confusing especially for a brand new player because of the three alliances that the game has to offer right now the game has realiances and 10 races so you've got the Daggerfall Covenant which means you would either be a Breton an orc or a red guard if you create an aldamari Dominion character it's going to be either high elf what else or khajiits and if you create an ebonheart pact character it's going to be Argonian Dark Elf or Nord Elder Scrolls Online is a massive and complicated game the quantity and the depth of the choice is available to you are a large part of why you'll be able to play ESO for months and even years similarly rise of Kingdoms also has an insane amount of depth and customization for you while you're building your kingdom rise of Kingdoms is the sponsor of today's video and it features a massive technology tree based on real life history choose a path in your military tree that lets you train elite soldiers like British longbows or go for German Titanic Knights instead you can also improve your soldiers by unlocking upgrades like stirrups for a more offensive Cavalry or you can upgrade your archers and place them defensively you can even work together with your allies to find territory secrets that give even your low ranking soldiers Elite Powers you can play Rise of Kingdoms on your phone or on your PC with full drag and click RTS controls rise of Kingdoms features 13 different civilizations each with their own historical leaders architectural Styles military units and more take your army into battle with friends and purchase debate in Alliance fights as big as 30 verse 30. customize your city's layout and appearance to make it look amazing while also being a military Juggernaut your base will exist in a seamless world map that you can zoom in and out of to see other players and Barbarian outposts as well as natural landmarks like Rivers mountain ranges and strategic passes that you can capture to gain entrance into neighboring regions choose from historical figures like Julius Caesar Sun Tzu or Joan of Arc and level them up by defeating barbarians and winning battles further upgrade your commander by choosing abilities in an RPG style talent tree and skill system support my channel by downloading rise of Kingdoms from the link in the description below or using the QR code on screen right now and receive a special bonus by using the code ROK Tech pow technology is power build your powerful Kingdom in Rise of Kingdoms thanks for listening let's get back to the video now you'll notice if you pick a race it's automatically going to change your alliance by default these races are bound to these alliances now these alliances these factions only matter when it comes to very specific aspect next of the game which is PVP so in cyrodiil you will only be able to fight with other ebb and art pack members when you're Evan heart packed and when you're in Imperial City sewers you'll only be able to fight with other ebonheart pact members when you're having heart packed in the Battlegrounds it doesn't matter if actions don't matter there so it's literally two pieces of the game two very small pieces of the game compared to the rest and this is only going to affect people that are going to seek out PVP so if you're starting the game with a friend and you guys want to PVP then make sure you both pick the same Alliance that's going to be important for you if you guys aren't going to be getting into PVP then your alliance doesn't matter don't worry about it pick the race that you're excited about there is a third option there is a DLC pack that you can buy called any race any Alliance you can buy this in the crown store it's one of the first DLCs a lot of people purchase and this is going to allow you to mix and match races and alliances so you would be able to create an orc that was on the ebenhardt pack you can choose these two things independently that way the game also offers the option to change your alliance after you've made your characters so if you already made your character and your friend already made their character and someday you decide you want to get into PVP but you're on the wrong Alliance or they are you can buy an alliance change token from the cash shop and change your alliance so these things your race can be changed with cash up transaction your alliance can be changed with the cash shop transaction these are things that you can fix at a later date these are not things that will break your character if you change your mind down the road it's just gonna cost you a little bit of money to do that now once you've chosen your race let's go ahead and go with a Breton here you can either randomize your appearance here and you know hope it picks something decent or ridiculous for you depending on what kind of look you're going for or we could go with female same thing we could randomize here and this is a good way to see the wide range of options that you can eventually have and we can go ahead and fine-tune this look so let's say we were gonna go with this girl right here and the first thing you could pick is let's say you want to be choosing your class you can choose Dragonite sorcerer Nightblade Templar Warden or Necromancer these are the six classes in Elder Scrolls Online The Warden and The Necromancer were the first two DLC classes added to the game and currently the only two DLC classes added the game so the first four are the base game classes these two are purchased separately the Dragonite deals with a lot of poison and fire the sorcerer deals with a lot of lightning and wind the Nightblade deals with like Shadow Magic and blood magic and stealth the Templar deals with lights and sunlight and that type of damage the warden is more of a nature Summoner kind of class you have Animal Companions like a bear and Earth Magic like trees and flowers and things like that and then there's the Necromancer who raises the dead and has a lot of Undead magic and stuff like that uh all of these classes are viable all of these classes can do all content in the game there is no class that is the wrong choice if you're ever curious which class is currently the best just look for one of my uh which class is best this patch guides on my YouTube channel I usually put a couple of these out every year just to make sure that they're always up to date for you guys I also have class 2 list on my website I'll put links to these things down in the description below so that you guys don't have to go hunting around YouTube or the internet Forum but just know that those are there in case you want to know which class is the best right now but I would urge you not to make your decision based on that because it does change every three months or so they're always rebalancing the game the best class this patch is almost certainly not going to be the best class next patch right but the best is never far from the worst and so you're gonna be fine with no matter what you choose choose something that excites you choose something that aesthetically looks cool to you whether it's poison and fire or Shadow and blood right pick what you're excited about after your class you can choose to alter your appearance you can choose to make your character large or thin muscular it's up to you or somewhere in the middle you can change their heights can change their skin color you can change body markings you can change torso sizes right it's got everything that you would normally like to change in these types of games it's got chest slider it's got a posterior slider and what else does it have foot leg right it's conscious about everything that you could possibly want for sure it's one of the most involved character creators in the MMOs that are out right now you can change your voice and again on your face you can make it soft singular or heroic and hairstyles you can mess around with you can there's an age slider you can definitely make them look older if you'd like to you know whatever you're into and uh if you don't know feel free to just hit that randomize slider until it gets close to something and then you can fine tune it from there I do that a lot when I'm making my alts I made like 15 16 17 18 characters by now and if I don't start by randomizing something I always end up with a character that looks the same as all my other characters so I usually start by randomizing until it ends up with something that looks kind of cool to me and then I'll go in and fine tune it from there once you've settled on and look for your character you can go ahead and name it all right and then create and you'll be given the option to play through the tutorial or skip the tutorial it doesn't matter which one you choose if you play through the tutorial it's going to eventually drop you into a room that lets you pick a portal that takes you to any expansion the game has come out with so far if you choose to skip the tutorial it's going to put you in the newest expansion that you own so if you own high aisle it's going to drop you at the beginning of the high aisle story whether or not you do the tutorial you can start in any Zone that you want for this video I'm going to go ahead and skip the tutorial just to show you what happens when you get into the game and what you can do from there alright like I said so so since I own high aisle it's dropped me in high aisle right in front of jakarn here and the marker over his head that is an important marker that is a main story Quest marker or in this case a Zone story quests every Zone in the game has a Zone story attached to it so if you go into that zone over here on the left you'll be able to see what percent of the map you've finished and how many of the quests you've done or how much of the Zone story cyrodol is a PVP zone so it's only got one zone story and this doesn't have a lot of PVE has a ton of PVP though if we go to La number you can see here 0 out of 24 of the Zone story quests completed so you can always open this up and look over here and see what you have and what you don't have done right off the bat you can teleport to any expansion Zone in the game so if you want to go to somersets or if you want to go to elsewhere or Southern elsewhere Northern elsewhere any DLC Zone that's come out there will be a shrine for you to get to it so like I said it doesn't really matter if you do the tutorial or not you'll be able to choose where you go from there you've got two options when you load into the game you can either do the game in order I'll put a link to how to do the game in order because the game doesn't make you do it in order it just drops you in like this we're here we're in this Zone and it says okay go do what you want to do literally that's it you can go do whatever you want to do from this point if you want to experience the game in the order that it was written in the order that it was made then use the link down in the description below and that's going to teach you how to do this game in order otherwise just pick a zone that looks cool to you if you don't want to do the base game then I would start with vardenfell and go from vardenfell to the Clockwork study to Somerset that's the best story arc in the game by far but it's made all the better if you do the preceding content because once upon a time there was a story order that you had to play the game in zoss just removed that and made the whole game all one level so once you land in the game you're gonna spawn right in front of an NPC like this one he's gonna have this marker over it that is the Zone story marker there's a few different types of quests in this game there's daily quests which are going to have a blue marker above the NPC's head that means you can redo those every single day there's going to be little up arrows like little wide or black up arrows those are just one time quests that you can do and then there's going to be this Quest marker it's more of a diamond shape you know a little more frill to it and this is a Zone story Quest this means that up here you can see anytime you're in a Zone it'll tell you how many Zone story quests are on that zone and this is the story for that zone it's a compartmentalized story that starts and ends in that zone and you get it's like a little mini story for the game and every single zone in the game has its own compartmentalized story that you can play through now you've got two options when you spawn in the game you can either play through the game as it was made and as it was intended in its original design which is going to start you on one of these little Islands over here and then you're gonna go to like another one and then you'll go through the zones like for instance if you started in Daggerfall Covenant anyway if you were in EP you'd start over here play through these zones and if you're 88 then you would start over here and on these little islands and then go up into the mainland here this way right so it kind of depends which faction you choose there's a different order of the zones for every faction and then after you get through your faction story you would go into the expansion zones now you can do the game in order I'll give you a link in the description below if you want to do that because the game doesn't tell you how to do it in order it just drops you into the game like it has for me right now in the newest Zone that you own uh so you know which can be a little bit disorienting for new players they're like oh this is where the game starts but really you just got dropped into the newest expansion that you own which is absolutely not where the game starts but it is its own story so it would be okay if you did that first but if you want to do it in order check out the link in the description below I'll put that there it's a written guide that you can have open and on hand and it'll basically just tell you you know which order to go to each Zone and do that zone story so you'd go to this Zone and you do this Zone story then you go to this Zone and do that zone story right and so on and so forth and you know it just if you're the type of person that's really into Elder Scrolls lore or really going to be into the story then I kind of recommend doing the game in order but also I have a character creation guide I'll also link that that's going to be really useful for there's a few things I would do out of order also like picking up all of the expansion features that have been added there's been new skill lines Companions and things like this that have been added over the years and rather than level up without them I would go grab those without doing those own stories that they're in just go to the Zone pick the thing up and then leave and start at the beginning of the story with all of those extra features enabled on your account now if that's a little bit confusing to you don't worry there's a video for that it's in the description option as well I've linked it the cool thing about these Zone store requests is that if you finish the entire Zone story for a Zone you're gonna get about three skill points this is a decent way to get extra skill points on your character you're going to use these skill points to choose skills that you want so if I want flame school I have one skill point boom I click I unlock it and now I can slot it on my bar now I have zero skill points right so these cost skill points you need skill points for these and one way to get those is by doing Zone story quests another way to get these is by just simply running around the map and collecting skyshards which is a lot faster way to get skill points every three Sky shards is going to give you a skill point so that's the different types of quests you can do and the order that you can do the game in you can either do it in any order that you want you know if this zone is beautiful and you just want to start in high aisle because it's pretty it looks fun go for it if you want to do the game in order so you better understand the story and the characters that you meet along the way well then I've got a written guide Linked In the description that'll help you with that as well alright the next thing that we're going to talk about is death and consequences what happens when you die in Elder Scrolls Online so we're gonna go ahead and let our character die here alright so we've died so so what does this actually mean well you've got a few options you can see here at the bottom of the screen it says you can res here and use a soul gem you could also res at a waste Shrine if you don't have a soul gem or maybe that's just where you want to be anyway so if you choose the waistline option it's just going to take you to the nearest way Shrine which is not far away for me right now that would be something I could do or I could use the gym to resume my battle with this enemy and get revenge on it Soul Gems have a couple of uses in Elder Scrolls Online one of which is resin yourself when you die and another is resting your teammates when they die so in Dungeons and in Trials like if you're in combat you can't res yourself someone has to Res you until you get out of combat then you could rest yourself and you would need a soul gem to Res yourself likewise if one of your teammates dies they need you to Res them and you'll need a soul gem on you in order to rest them so you always want to have a nice chunky stack of these on you you're almost always going to have way more than you need I usually get excess I'll have multiple stacks of 200 and I always sell the excess I never carry more than 200 on me so anytime I have a stack of 200 and then a stack of 20. I'll go sell the stack of 2 200 it's about 6 000 gold which is actually a really nice income and just checking these things when you have access it's a good bit of money to help you get going early on Empty Soul Gems will turn into filled Soul Gems kind of naturally while you're playing the game so just know that you need some of these but enemies will drop both Soul Gems and filled Soul Gems so in this example let's go ahead and res in place we're gonna use one of my soul gems and what's going to happen is you're going to be ethereal you'll be a little ghost real quick and you'll be invulnerable to damage you can kind of sort yourself out move yourself away from the enemy and get your composure again and then after a few moments boom you're back and you could go and fight that enemy another use for Soul Gems is your end chance on your weapons weapons have enchants that you have to maintain their charge on and the way you charge them is by using one of your soul gems so right here at the top of this you see that little blue bar and it's filled up it's like 90 full right there's a little gap on the left and the right side I can right click this item and then click charge and then choose the Soul Gem and it's Gonna Fill that back up now if we look at it the blue bar is completely full if your charge goes all the way to zero then your enchant stops working this weapon's firing chant right so it'll occasionally do 2838 flame damage to my enemy that is because of the charge on the weapon so you always want to keep your weapons charge on and you do that by using a soul gem so when your charge gets to zero don't worry you don't have to buy a new item and like I said you're gonna have way more Soul Gems than you need so when you use these to charge your weapon it's not a big deal okay next up let's go over the user interface mine might look just a little bit different than yours because I am using some add-ons whereas you probably don't have add-ons installed yet the first thing that's worth knowing is you've got your chat box here you can grab the chat by the word chat and you can drag that anywhere you want you can reshape it by grabbing the corner and make it any size you want it's totally up to you you can hit the period on your keyboard and this will bring up a cursor which will allow you to grab things and move them around some stuff can be moved without an add-on and some stuff will need an add-on in order to be moved if you want to move your skill bars or your health bars around you're gonna need an add-on to move those things presently at the top you have a compass here and that Compass is going to tell you where your objectives are if you have a quest you'll be able to find your quests on there if there's a shrine nearby it'll show you the shrine if there's a point of Interest that'll be on there as well and so you can use your compass much like you could in say Skyrim to navigate the world uh ESO does not come with a mini map my mini map is available because I have an add-on installed if you're on Console unfortunately you will not have a mini map and if you're on PC you will not start with one unless you install an add-on that allows you to have one which you know I will link my add-ons guide I think there are some incredible add-ons that have been made for Elder Scrolls Online the minimap is just one of them so if you if that sounds like something that would be nice to have be sure to check out my add-ons guide I'll link that down in the description below down here at the bottom of the screen you'll see your skills typically you'll only see one bar at a time so you've got two bars of skills in ESL we call them the front bar which is going to be your top weapon here and then we call the other one your back bar so you can equip two weapons at once so you can have a staff and then a sword or a staff and a staff it's really up to you but you can have two weapons and each weapon is what we call a bar because you have a bar of skills and then you can switch bars and then you have another bar of skills so you can have a total of 12 different abilities slotted five abilities and an ultimate on each bar by default you'll be able to see five abilities and one ultimate and then you'll swap bars and you'll be able to see the other one I have an add-on that lets me see both bars at the same time next to that you have your active consumable on display you can change the consumable that is active by holding down q and selecting it from your quick slot wheel so right now I have a potion active so every time I press that button my potion would go off or I could change to my food and then eat my food and that's going to give me a food buff the way you change the Buffs and the consumables that are on the bar is you open up your inventory then you click on the quick slot button and now you can drag anything you want from your inventory over to here and replace the items or put them on there if you don't have anything there yet you could also put things like tools once you've unlocked some tools maybe from some of the expansion zones or mementos if you just want to do something fun and cosmetic you can use these right these can all be slotted onto your quick slot wheel and then you can choose them anytime then at the top of the screen we have our menu bar and this is going to have your crowdsor first which is going to have all of the craft store items this is where you can buy Cosmetics you can buy some pay to advance faster kind of things you can also buy those Crown crates and if you buy Crown crates they will show up right here and then you can open Crown crates the important thing to know about Crown crates one is you can earn Crown crates by watching my stream when I am playing ESO so be sure to swing by lucky ghost and see if I have any Crown crates dropping that's going to be able to give you everything from potions and mimic Stones all the way to a pet or a mount and you will get one of these Oro Bros crates just like this and then you'll open these crates right now he gave me four cards that means I did not get amount the mount would be in the fifth card in the middle the good things always come in the fifth card that throws last if you get four cards I'm sorry that's not good news so then we open these up and as usual we got some potions and a crown item right here right these are all items that I do not want to keep I want to go ahead and convert these to gems one of the nice things about the crowdsource is that when you open these crates and you don't get anything good which is most of the time going to be the case you can go back and then you can click this button here gem extraction now I can turn these bad items from the crate into a currency called Crown gems and it's kind of like a mercy currency or a Pity currency so if you keep gambling on these crates and you don't get what you want then you can go ahead and continue turning those into gems and eventually you'll have enough gems to buy whatever it is that you wanted in the crates like I mentioned and that means you're likely going to be spending somewhere around 400 to get enough to say buy something like these rating Apex mounts if we go down here we can see this right in Apex Mount here is going to cost two thousand five hundred gems that is an absolute ton of gems and the gem price of these mounts has been going up from patch to patch and just know that you know generally if something has a higher gem price it also has a lower drop rate so the drop rate for all of these is incredibly low and the drop rate for this horse is likely even lower still it is going to be very very difficult to get these guys be very careful if you start gambling for these Crown crates it's going to cost you hundreds of dollars I almost guarantee it so that's where you open the crates and then that's where you spend those Gems or any other cash up currency you want to spend next we have our inventory that's what we were showing you earlier and this is where you can browse your inventory it's got these filters at the top that allow you to look at furniture web bins you know you can sort it however you want to and then there's sub filters also that's great so in the inventory we also have our ESO plus craft bag this is where you can see all of the crafting materials that you won't see how many I have here I have hundreds of thousands of crafting materials spanned over hundreds of different slots here there are hundreds and hundreds of these these would take up I don't know thousands of space thousands of inventory slots if they were all dumped into my inventory but my inventory is only 200 slots big so that's why it's imperative to have ESO plus if you do end up playing this game for a long time and if you don't have ESO plus then it's still doable but you're probably gonna have to forego interacting with a lot of the crafting sides of the game because this is just too many materials to hold on to you're gonna be better off just selling them to an NPC rendering them giving them away to a friend or something like that next we have the currency tab this is going to tell you how much of each type of currency you have in the game you've got Alliance points which are earned through PVP you've got the crown gems which are earned by opening crates or watching my stream you've got crowns which you get from purchasing these These are the cash up currency that you turn into round gems when you gamble for something and you don't get it uh you've got event tickets which are every month there's an event in ESO and usually that event will give between two and three tickets a day that you can use to buy some kind of cosmetic that is unique to that event then there you've got your gold gold and ESO is going to be used for a lot of things it's going to be used to buy upgrade materials it's going to be used to buy items off of Guild Traders it's going to be used for upgrading your bag space right gold uses is used for a lot of things as a new player I would recommend spending your gold the first thing you're going to spend your gold on is upgrading your bags and upgrading your bank space you will never regret maxing out your inventory space and your bank space so I say dump all your gold there first as well as upgrading your Mount at the mount trainer I would start with speed if I was you because you're never going to feel like you're moving too fast and ESO it's a massive game with lots of land cover and getting that mount speed really helps next we've got your outfit change tokens this is just going to let you change your outfit next we've got without paying the gold fee that's associated with that not a big deal honestly and then we've got sales of endeavor this is the free currency that was added to the game that you can use in lieu of crown gems so if you want one of those really spicy mounts I was showing you earlier there is a way to get those now without spending real money money but to get that mount that I was showing you it's likely going to take you about 10 to 12 months of doing these daily quests there's three dailies every day and you have to do them every day for about 10 to 12 months as well as there's one weekly you can do every week and you've got to do that every week for about 10 to 12 months and then you'll be able to get them out unfortunately the cash shop rotates mounts every three months so if you see a mount that you like right now you probably won't be able to get it with these seals it's best not to look at the cash shop until you have enough sales to get a mount and then start looking at it otherwise the fomo is going to get the best of you next we have the telvar stones the telvar stones are earned in PvP these are specifically earned in Imperial City that's a pvpve e-zone where you can fight NPCs or you can fight players and much of the reason for being there is to earn this currency specifically then you've got transmute crystals these are a very important currency in ESO you get these from doing random daily dungeons or for participating in cyrodiil and these allow you to re-trade your items every item drops with a trade on it like like the vines which increases your Mundus effect or some other trait and those traits are very important India so they make they give you a very important stat you can use these transmits to retrace the item or to re-craft it from scratch once you've already found it I'll go over the transmute system in much more detail later in the video but just know it's an important currency there's a lot of reasons for it then we've got undaunted Keys undaunted keys are going to be earned from doing your pledges and then rip vouchers are going to be earned from doing Master writs we'll talk about all of these things in more detail as we go through this video and when I get to those sections okay the next screen is going to be the character screen the character screen is going to tell you everything about like well it's going to just tell you some super Superfluous like super basic things about your character what title you've chosen these have no statistical impact on your character it's purely cosmetic you just pick one and there are a lot of titles in the game I have hundreds I don't know maybe even I don't know how many I have I have a ton of these nearly every single title in the game there's a lot of them so they're purely cosmetic though they're not going to give you any stat bonuses or anything like that so don't stress it too much just pick what's sounds fun or looks cool in your opinion then you've got your attributes here more often than not mag DPS are going to go 64 Megs damn DPS are going to go 64 stem tanks are going to go 64 Health something like that usually what these people are doing right now that's subject to change depending on the patch so always be checking out my build guides these uh I'll link those down in the description below those will tell you where to put your attribute points which Mundus Stone to pick up you can also see that here in your character page which Mundus we have right now we have the lover as this tune was doing a lot of solo content you can change your mind Stone anytime for free you just got to go up and interact with that Mundus Stone somewhere in the world the important thing is that you have one on you so grab one of these early like the first month of sun you see grab it unless you're following one of my guides then you know find a way to get to the one that I recommend but any money stone is better than no Mundus Stone at all and like I said they're free and you can change them anytime you want next we have the skills that you can choose it's actually skills and passives that you can choose so at the top is always going to be your three class lines it's got your skills here that you can invest in so you can always unlock a skill and then you'll have the chance to morph it into one of two other abilities every skill has a base version and then two morphs that you can choose from every skill line also has passives that you can use to upgrade your class and your character ESO is a game where it's a sum of a thousand parts right there's no one passive that's going to make you incredibly strong but there are so many passives in all these different skill lines that when you eventually have all of them they add up to making your character incredibly strong generally you're going to want to grab all your class passives you're going to want to grab all of your weapon passives for whichever weapon types you're using you do not need to grab weapon passives for weapons that you're not using those won't help you grab the armor passes for the armors that you're using so if you're using medium armor and light or medium mostly or entirely describe medium right but if you're wearing a little bit of light definitely grab the medium definitely grab the light armor passives as well yeah so lets you build your character any way that you want and what this means is you can create incredibly powerful characters and you can also create paper weights you can create absolute messes of characters it's very easy to make a character that is not very combat effective it might be fun but it might not be very strong you know that's one of the great things and the bad things about unlimited character customization that ESO offers you so if you feel like your character's a little weak or if you feel like you see other people that are a lot stronger than you definitely check out one of my writing guides but when you first start the game you know I highly encourage you to go around spelunk explore and you know unlock the skills that look cool to you you can always respect it later for a very cheap and you get one free respect at level 43 so you know don't stress when you're ready for a best and Slot build for your character then go ahead and check out my link down in the description below for build guides I have build guides for solo content for group content you know for raid content whatever you're looking to do and more okay next let's talk about race which race should you choose first let's start with the meta stamina DPS are either going to go dark elf and even Khajiit these two are neck and neck right now as far as raw damage output goes followed closely behind by orc and then ironically high elf puts out a ton of damage and then Red Guard and wood elf are going to be your sustain races these are the ones that have passive that are going to improve your ability to cast lots of stamina abilities without running out of stamina these are especially useful when you're a lower champion level where it's usually harder for you to sustain later on your sustain gets a lot better because of your champion passives and these become much less necessary for the magdps we've got high elf as your best in slot race followed very closely by dark elf and Khajiit next in an interesting change of pace we've got orc which is typically a Stam tune but since they have a spell damage line they actually put out a decent amount of magic and DBS and then we've got Bretton which is your sustained race for Magic a DPS tune which simply means they're able to cast more magic spells for longer without running out of resources same with the Red Guard and what else for stamina this is more useful early on when you don't have the champion points that are going to allow you to have better sustain this is also insanely useful for solo builds where you don't have people in your party that are giving you Buffs that improve your sustain so Brennan is actually a really solid choice or solo magdp yeah and what elf and Redguard are fantastic choices for solo stem DPS next we've got the Healer and tank rolls the best in slot healer class right now is Bretton or the sustain runner-ups are gonna go to Argonian Pyle Khajiit and dark elf and then the best tank class is going to be Nord followed closely by Imperial and Argonian and even Redguard is not a bad choice do you have to pick one of these what if you don't like them at options well don't worry these are just suggestions these are just the ones that perform the best but even the worst performers for a role are still going to be able to do all the content in the game albeit it will be a little more difficult for them the only place in which it really really matters which race you pick is going to be in the very end game content where you want every Advantage you can get just so that you have a chance at taking down the content that you need to take down within the time limits that are imposed upon you okay so now let's dive deep into each one of these racist passives and talk about which of their passives are actually useful which ones you should pay attention to which ones you should ignore and what makes them tick we're gonna go through this list alphabetically so let's start with Argonian Argonian gets 1 000 of each resource which makes them a really well-rounded race they get six percent increased healing done which is one of the reasons that they're fantastic healers they also get a disease resistance line which I'm going to be honest with you these two right here we don't think about much they're there but they're not making a huge impact on any content in this game this here is massive though they get 3125 Health magic and stamina every time they drink a potion typically when someone drinks a health potion they get health and nothing else if they drink a stamina potion they get salmon and nothing else and if they drink a magic abortion they get magic out and nothing else but not the Argonian it's a tripod for them which are actually very expensive potions most people have to buy argonians use any potions and they get a tripod for free which means it's going to give them all three resources every time they drink a potion this passive is especially useful for tanks who are constantly draining all three resource pools and then we have the last passive line which I'm gonna go over for every race and I want you to ignore this one when you're choosing your race because it doesn't matter the reason this one doesn't matter is because it's always going to give you some kind of boosted XP right to a skill line a weapon line or an armor line it's something that doesn't matter past the first one percent of the game your character is going to max out that skill line within the first week or two and then you play this MMO for months or even years and this line right here is doing absolutely nothing for you because it's so easy to get to max level on all of these skill lines this passive on every race should be ignored when you're picking your character and think of it more like oh I picked Argonian bonus I get Resto staff skill line XP but this should in no way dictate which race you play because after the first week of being on your character it no longer matters because the skill line is going to be maxed out with or without this passive then it gets 50 swimming speed the most RP passive in the game there is no real water content in this game so this passive is mostly a meme Breton 2000 Max Magica minus seven percent of Magicka abilities costs 130 Magicka recovery these three right here are the heart and soul of the Bretton is why we pick them for magtoons this is why healers choose them they have fantastic sustain unmatched by any other magic erase this sustain is perfect for healers it's perfect for magic damage dealers and they get spell resistance which is fantastic for solo builds I really like running Breton on a character I know I'm going to be doing almost exclusively solo content on because when you're soloing that's where you're most likely to run into Resource Management problems so you don't have a Healer throwing you resources you don't have a tank buffing you it's you alone that's responsible for making sure you don't run out of resources so all of these passives are really nice you will very often be burning chilled or concuss so you'll get an additional 23-10 resistances this right here is going to be why this is a fantastic solo class on top of the sustain which is really difficult to manage when you're soloing you get quite a bit of spell resistance which is really nice as you will be taking all of the damage when you're soloing you won't have a tank in front of you so this is going to help to mitigate some of that damage for you which makes Bretton a really nice solo race my favorite it for magic cartoons and then we've got the last one which I've asked you to ignore when considering a race right we get 15 light armor skill line XP great you're gonna level up your light armor a little bit faster it doesn't matter because instead of being maxed out in a few days it's going to be maxed out by the fourth day of the character at which point this may as well have never existed also you get one percent bonus Alliance Point gain which isn't nothing but it's really close to nothing next we've got dark elf which is going to be one of our jack of all trades Races they get Max stamina and Max Magicka they get weapon damage and spell damage which makes them one of the best in slot races for both stamina damage dealers and Magic damage dealers so if you don't know if you want to be a stammed DPS or a MAG DPS you can pick dark elf and be ready for either one then they've got a massive 4620 flame resistance which is actually a pretty substantial amount of flame resistance recently they doubled the amount of flame resistance they get to make this buff matter and it worked this can be pretty nice in certain content where you're taking a lot of fire damage and then last and definitely least we have the Superfluous line which is going to give us dual wield XP and minus 50 damage from lava there is no content in which this is going to be relevant nobody should be standing in lava and if you stand in lava for very long you're going to be dead anyway 50 less damage or no next up let's go over half is the best and Slot mag DPS race because they get 2000 Max magic and 258 spell damage if you notice here that is barely edging out the max mag for dark elf so they are just a hair better and I mean just a hair it's very very close between the high off and the dark elf but the dark elf has the ability to go mag or Stam so it's really not a bad choice to choose dark out however high elf does also get restore 625 of your lowest Magica or stamina after activating any ability so they've got a nice little sustain passive built in here which is actually pretty useful they also get a 5 damage reduction while casting abilities we don't cast a lot of channeled abilities this might come in handy if if you are using a channeled spammable like crystal shards on a sore shirt for a lot of classes this is not going to do anything for you then we have 15 destruction staff skill line and one percent generic XP gain again it's not nothing but it's very close high elf will be an excellent choice for anybody that wants to be a magic DBS tune and in a recent patch they were also given weapon damage and making this best and Slot mag DPS not a bad choice for stamina DPS next we have Imperial who's great for tanking and for PVP you get 2 000 additional Health you get 2 000 stamina and most importantly you get minus six percent costs of all your abilities this is great for your sustain and this applies to your ultimate as well this means you can cast your ultimate six percent sooner because it costs six percent less to cast and then for our Superfluous line we've got the 15 one hand and shield skill line XB and one percent extra gold gained next we have Khajiit the other jack of all trades race Khajiit is going to give you Max Health mag and stamina they're also going to have 100 Health recover every then they're also going to have 85 mag and stem recovery so you see they're getting mag health and Stam then they're also getting mag and stem recovery then they're getting crit damage to both mag and stem damage and they're getting crit healing in case you want to be a Healer with this character Khajiit is the most well-rounded race in the game best suited for every role in the game they've got mag recovery stem recovery health recovery they've got crit damage and crit healing literally they have every role in the game covered whether it's a tank A Healer or a DPS and then they've got this RP passive down here which is going to reduce the range in which they're detected by three meters this is never going to come in handy in group content it can be useful while you're soloing around or rping or thieving or questing but generally in group content you're never going to be sneaking anywhere it doesn't really work out that way and then we've got our Superfluous passive 15 medium armor skill line and an actually useful passive here uh five percent chance to pickpocket this one right here is not bad if you're gonna go around pickpocketing or using that as a way to make money you can do that an additional five percent chance so that your chance to succeed on a pickpocket is 80 or 85 percent instead of 75 or 80 can be really nice next we've got Nord which is considered to be the best in slide race for tanks by most of the player base Nords get 1500 Max stamina and a thousand Health they also most importantly get 2 600 physical resistance and spell resistance and then an additional 4 620 old resistance that is a ton of resistances to damage that they get for free other races if they play tank they've got to go and acquire these types of resistances by putting on gear but not the Nord they get it built in as a racial passive which is a large part of why people choose them for tanks and just like the other passive I talked about earlier this one was recently doubled to make it a more meaningful passive it used to be 2310 and now it's 46 20 which means it's now something that's pretty exciting they also get five ultimate generation whenever taking damage well as a tank they're always taking damage which means everything 10 seconds they get an additional 5 volt charge which is great one of the things tanks are doing the most in this game is casting their support ultimate to make their DPS do more damage or to help them survive either way this is incredibly useful for a tank and then finally we've got the two-handed skill line XP again please ignore this one when you're choosing your race it doesn't matter and then finally we've got 15 extra minutes on a drink buff this is nice if you're using a drink buff 15 minutes is a decent amount of time these Buffs typically last for one to two hours so 15 minutes on top of that is not bound next we have the org or it used to be the best in slot race for stamina DPS but they got a little bit of a Nerf and some other races got above making them now maybe the third best in slot for stamina DPS they get 1000 Max stamina they get 1 000 of their Max health and then they get a 2125 heel whenever they deal damage every four seconds so this works out to be a little over 500 health per second that they end up having come in because of this passive which is kind of nice for solo it's not incredibly useful in group content they also have 258 weapon damage and 258 spell damage because of this line right here they're actually decent as a MAG DPS Choice which is kind of weird but this was added in the last patch so there it is they've also got a 10 Sprint speed bonus and minus 12 Sprint cost which is incredibly useful for melee DPS as you're constantly trying to close ground on enemies which means you're sprinting and it's costing you 12 percent less to do so than other races and then last and definitely least they get their heavy armor skill line XP which you should ignore and then they also get a 10 inspiration bonus which means when you deconstruct gear your crafting bench levels 10 faster and just like your heavy armor skill line your crafting benches will be leveled in a matter of days or a couple of weeks they'll be max level and then this passive line again it's going to be doing nothing for your character so do disregard it when choosing your race next we have red guard Red Guard gets 2 000 Max stamina minus eight percent weaponability costs for these reasons right here it's an especially really good stamina DPS class particularly when it comes to sustain great for low CP characters or new players decent for tanking but with sustain being what it is presently in the game it's it's fairly easy to sustain especially in group content and this passive is a bit Overkill I would much rather have the weapon damage from one of the races that gives weapon damage if I'm going to be a stamina DPS they also get minus 15 snare slowing this feels really good they get 1005 stamina restore when dealing damage improving their sustain even further and then again 15 one-handed Shield skill on XP and an extra 15 minutes on food Buffs most of our Buffs in this game are food Buffs so you get an extra 15 minutes on that one or two hour buff it's nice it's not nothing this one's actually something but it's nothing to write home to Mom about and last but not least the Widow the wood elves get 2000 Max stamina 258 stamina recovery for these reasons right here they make decent stamp DPS they're more of a sustain pick than a damage pick and as I I kind of mentioned sustain is already pretty easy in ESO right now so it's a little bit Overkill to pick a race just for the sustain I wouldn't typically opt for the damage however there is a compelling argument to be made for what elves especially for solo play and we'll get into why here you've got the 2000 poison resistance and disease resistance which is another thing where you don't really notice it or think about it while you're playing the game you get three meter stealth detection again you don't really notice this especially in PVE content this might come in useful in PvP they get a constant five percent move speed bonus which is nice five percent is something it's not a lot but it's something they get 950 physical and spell penetration and this is probably the most interesting line that I see here stamina tunes right now are struggling to penetrate the enemy's resistances and especially while soloing it's pretty difficult to meet the pen caps so for this reason Widow you know you can make a pretty good argument for what else despite not getting that weapon damage line they do get Max stamina and they are getting some free penetration that other stamina races don't get which can allow you to spec into more weapon damage to kind of help balance things out they also get 10 fall damage protection which means you're going to take 10 less damage when you fall from something fall damage in ESO is pretty significant it's pretty punishing there was a passive built into the game called Break fall now it's in the champion Point tree where you get 35 fall damage reduction so this 10 it wasn't very much before and it's even less significant now with that other CP passive being built into the game it'd be cool to see them increase this and make it a little more interesting for what else and then you get your 15 bow skill line XP again ignore this it doesn't matter do not feel like you have to go bow because of what else have a bow passive I can't express how important this is not right this doesn't matter ignore this line and then of course you should very much be aware of the fact that what else are known to eat friends neighbors and family members be wary what else are cannibals due to the Green pack the tree and the forest told them they are not allowed to eat green things they must preserve the forest and so it instead said you have to eat people and what else do this this is written into the lore of the game if you don't believe me go ahead and Google green packs and see what that's all about think of them as like anti-vegans what elf Mains don't get mad I'm just the messenger all right now let's talk about attributes I touched on them a little bit before but now we're gonna dive all the way in you're going to get a total of 64 attribute points while playing Elder Scrolls Online you get these every time you level sometimes you'll get one and sometimes you'll get more than one when you level depending on the level that you are once you get to 50 you will no longer get any more attribute points you'll be capped out at 64 total if you're a magic of DPS you're likely going to go 64 Magicka and if you're a Healer You're Gonna Go 64. Magicka if you're a stamina DPS you're likely going to go 64 stamina and if you're a tank you're probably gonna go almost entirely into hell and maybe just a little bit into stamina or Magicka usually tanks are going to want to have a little more damn than Magicka so that when they grab synergies they get stamina back and not Magicka that's more of a finer detail that'll be explained in one of my build guides the reason that we we presently pump all of our points into either Magica or stamina is because it's going to make you have more of that resource so if you put 64 in a Magicka then your magic of pool will be bigger if you put 64 points into stamina then your stamina pool will be bigger instead of having 13 000 stamina you'll have 36 000 salmon at that sort of thing and your damage that you do is in part based on the size of your resource pool so what you want to do is make one resource pool as big as possible and then when it's determining how much damage you're doing to the enemy one of the things it asks is how big is their biggest resource pool and that's factored into the formula so if you're a magic attune you're going to be wearing a lot of gear that happens to give some magic so then you want to pump all your points into Magicka so that that magic of stat is really big multiplier when it calculates your damage same thing for stamina and when your tank tanks and Eso Just they really don't do damage so they could care less about those two stats what they want to be doing is not dying they want to be able to take a ton of damage and so they're going to pump Health once you get to 50 you're going to stop getting attribute points and instead you're going to get Champion points as I mentioned earlier there's a total of 3 600 Champion points but you're only really going to be using 1400 at a time so when you hit around 1400 you are as strong as you're going to be at that point it's just a matter of picking and choosing which stars you're invested in because you can only invest in so many at a time so the way Champion points work is you have these three consolations every time you level you get a point into one and it rotates so your first champion level will give you a point into the Green Tree the second one will give you one point for the blue and the third one will give you a point for the red and it'll just continue to rotate like that a point into green blue red green blue red every time you level right and when you go into these trays you'll see that there's all these different stars and if you hover over them it tells you what that star does so for example fighting finesses increases your critical damage and critical healing done by four percent per stage and if you look at this star it has two stages there's the one bar and if I put points into it it starts filling up right and then right there now that bar is filled so now we have four percent crit damage and critical healing and then if we fill it all the way up we have eight percent from this node now there's three types of nodes in the constellations there are your slottable nodes which means they don't work unless you slot them this is a slottable node so I would have to drag it up here and replace one of these slottables right you can only have four slot levels at a time and this is to prevent too much power Creep from happening from the system so some of these Stars you have to pick and choose between so you've got your slottables which are the big bright ones you can see they're very big and very bright then you've got the always on Stars the yellow stars these are passives that are always on all the time so you can Max these all out so you're gonna Max all the yellow stars out and then you've got the purple stars these actually open sub constellations so if you click on it now you've got a sub constellation with more yellow stars and more slottables like I mentioned you're gonna Max all of your yellow stars and then you're gonna pick four slottables and you're gonna slot those up here and that's how you would handle this tree this is probably the most confusing part of the game for new players because there are so many options and at first it's not very clear which stars are good and which stars are bad and this is where I highly encourage you to use one of my written guides to if nothing else come up with your own build and then go to my written guide and have it help you with your CP usage and it'll tell you which stars to invest in and most builds are going to use 90 the same Stars so if you just go grab my my CPU build uh it's gonna be perfect for yours it's gonna be more than good enough you're gonna have to repeat this process for each tree so blue tree is going to be your offensive tree this is where your damage is coming from primarily the red tree is going to be damage mitigation and sustain and then the green tree is going to be quality of life things so like taking less fall damage 50 reduced cost of your way shrines right there's no power in the green tree the whole point of the green tree is it's supposed to be the fun tree this is where you can kind of you can spec into things based on what you're doing some of these make you better Fisher some of them make you a better Thief some of them make you move faster some of them make you use less potions when you're in combat some of them make you gather better right so it's mostly for all of the uh RP side of the game the collecting and the Skilling and all that sort of stuff so this is personal preference almost entirely whereas the blue tree and the red tree are very much going to determine how strong your character is next up I'm quickly going to touch on major and minor Buffs the way major and minor Buffs work in ESO these are very very important these are very powerful Buffs the named Buffs are very powerful and generally when you're booting your build together you're going to want to make sure that you have a few very critical ones and right now for instance if we look at this skill Barb trap has minor Force attached to it you can see it there in the description of the ability so minor force will stack with Major Force but minor force will not stack with minor Force the purpose of giving these Buffs names is so that you know that you cannot stack it with another buff of the same name so you would not want to wear two skills that give you minor force or you would not want to wear an ability that gives you minor force and then wear an armor that gives you minor Force right because minor force does not stack with minor Force but you could wear something that gives you minor force and where something that gives you Major Force as long as it is not the same exact name so a minor buff will stack with a major buff and a minor buff will also stack with a different minor buff so you could have minor horse and you could stack that with minor savagery as long as it's not the exact same name you're good to go that's just something that's worth mentioning that a lot of people don't know about when they first jump into ESL okay next up let's talk about roles in Elder Scrolls Online you have your three archetypical roles you have your tank your healer and your DPS your tank is going to be responsible for taunting all of the mobs getting them to face him and to attack him especially the dangerous mobs and the bosses the healer is going to be responsible for keeping everybody alive and dishing out Buffs since energies for the group and the DPS are going to be responsible for it doing damage and rezzing whoever falls down since the tank is busy tanking and the healer's busy healing it's gonna be the dps's job to arrest somebody if they go down if you want the short artist cues and the most friends go ahead and choose tank there's not nearly enough tanks and Elder Scrolls Online healers are the next in line to be most sought after and then DPS well there's just more than enough DPS just like every MMO there's way too many DPS that doesn't stop me from maining a DPS I love to play the role but just know that you're gonna have the longest cues and the most competition for the roll if you play a damage dealer on the flip side though damage dealers have the most fun questing whereas tanks and healers Can it can be a little bit of a slow slog through the questing experience because they don't deal hardly any damage alright are you still with me next let's go ahead and talk about Munda Stones we touched on them just briefly earlier but let's go in a little bit deeper this time so money stones are going to be located all throughout the world you've got Mundo Stones like the warrior the tower the thief and these are Buffs this is how many there are in the game look at them all you can see them around this perimeter here there are a ton of different Mundus Stones each with its varying amounts of usefulness and uh it changes from patch to patch which one is the most effective Monday for your role so it'll usually be tanks or wearing one DPS or wearing another and healers another still if you want to know which Mondays you should use as always go ahead and check out my guides Linked In the description down below but here's how might this work you just walk up to it and then you interact with it so this is the warrior right now I have the lover right I just interact with it except the sign my character is going to go ahead and suck that on in and then if we look at my character now I have the warrior Boon instead of uh the one that I had before which was lover and it says increases your weapon damage by 238 and if we were to go ahead and take Tower same thing it's free so you can pick up a Mundus and I highly encourage you to pick one up right away even if it's the wrong one just grab the first one that you see when you're a new player because it's more important that you have something instead of nothing anything's going to be better than nothing and then you know refer to my guide when you're ready to grab the best one for your character there's two different places that you can find these Mundus Stones one is in somebody's house somebody could have bought them all and put them in their house like in the house I'm in right now however these are very expensive that I don't even want to know how many dollars it took to put all these in this house was probably hundreds I'm guessing so um if we open up the map there's a free way to get these if you don't have a friend for instance I spent hundreds of dollars putting them all in their house you open up your map and then you look for these symbols like this one right here it's the Steed right and if you go over to that and you grab it it says the seed's gonna increase your run speed by five percent and your Healthcare are free as well so these are located all over the world so maybe refer to one of my builds see which one you need and then Google where you could find that stone out in the wilderness and then you just teleport to that zone and you run to that spot in the map and you grab the Mundus Stone that is recommended for your build this is one of those things that new players often miss and they'll get to like level 50 and realize that they never grab this massive free passive that they could have been running around with since level one so okay sure to grab it early now speaking of the open world like I mentioned earlier you can go to any Zone in any order because there's World scaling so the entire world let's say the entire world is cp160 the entire world is built like all your enemies are cp160 and when you're level one you're being given a hidden buff that makes your character perform as though he is cp160 right you're getting this buff this General buff that makes your character a lot stronger than it is so that allows your level one character to fight these 160 mobs and when you level that buff is slowly Stripped Away from your character so that when you so you'll see as you level your stats are actually going to go down unless you put on higher level armor to replace those lost stats right so if you keep leveling up but if you don't put any gear on your stats your character's actually getting weaker if you're not replacing your gear as you level up so if you're wearing level 20 gear at level 20 you'll be at 100 Effectiveness but if you're wearing level 20 gear at level 40. now your character is only like 50 effective right you're actually even though you're higher level your character actually got weaker because you didn't replace that buff that's being stripped from your character and then from 160 and Beyond you're just pure growth you're just getting stronger every time you level that power creep is really starting to kick in and you're gonna notice that your character starts to kind of trivialize a lot of the questing content it's not going to to be let's say very challenging for you out in the open world you're going to have no problem knocking down those World bosses the delve bosses and the public dungeon bosses anything that a single player you will absolutely Crush so once you hit 160 and Beyond when it comes to replacing the gear and the power that you're losing as you level up your weapon is going to be the most important one and we'll probably talk about that a little bit more in the gearing section but your weapon is the thing that you want to be the highest level your weapon is the thing that you want to be the highest quality weapons have the single most damage gains attached to them all right next up we're going to talk about respecting your character so let's say that you're in here and you're choosing your skills and then eventually you decide I don't like this build it's not feeling great I want to change my skills I want to change my passives your character is very fluid in ESO they make it very easy to respect anytime you want so don't stress about which skills you pick you can come here and respect for next to nothing it's a negligible fee there's two things that you can respect here one is your attributes and you just come up to the shrine of oriel these shrines are located in all of the faction cities in the game so here's the one one in Alden root you just come here and then there's the shrine right there for example uh the TP Shrine so you teleport there then you just run right over here and you've got the shrine to Oriel interact with one of these in any Zone that they are in as well they'll be in all the chapter zones as well as the faction zones and then you make a donation of 3200 gold which is next to nothing once you get going in this game and that's going to reset your attributes and allow you to spec them however you want I'm gonna put them all into stamina because this is a stamina DPS and then you can also come to this Shrine the shrine to stendar it's this little thing here you can kind of see it right there and we have two options of this one my character has every single skyshard in the game and this is based on the cost of this is based on how many skill points you have so the more skill points you have unlocked the more it costs to do a full respect which is why mine is going to cost 22 000 if I need to do a full respect now I have way more skill points than I need so I almost never need to do a full respect I'm just gonna respect my morphs my skill morphs which is only going to cost 2 450. now if that doesn't make sense to you quickly review what that means so every skill right when you pick a skill like this one here we have bone totem right so I put one point into that and then at that point it allows you to upgrade it one more time and you've got morphs right so I could either go remote totem or Agony totem and remote totem is going to basically be a similar skill but it's going to allow me to cast it wherever I aim it as opposed to right on top of me and it turns it into a kind of a ranged ability right so if I do a full respect I'll be able to get all of my skill points back even the base one if I do a more free spec the I would only be able to change the morph I wouldn't be able to take the point out of the base skill so I would be able to come here and then go to morphs and if I go to that skill I can take one point out but I can't take both right because I only paid the 2 000 gold rather than the 22 000 gold so I can't unspec from the base scale but I can change the morph which is almost always going to be enough so if possible make sure that you choose the cheaper of the two options just re-choose your morphs as opposed to the full price option which for you is going to be much much cheaper as a new players going to be negligible so if you need to do a full respect go ahead and do a full respect it's not going to cost this much until you're way way deeper into the game and you have so many skill points that this amount of gold doesn't matter I right now have uh what I have 65 million gold on this character so in 20K whatever it doesn't matter to me if you do decide to do a full respect then what you're going to be able to do is you're going to be able to take all the points out of a skill see it turns gray I got all my skill points back you're also going to be able to take points out of passives as well if you're doing a partial respect you won't be able to take these passive points out those are gonna have to stay and you're only gonna be able to take the morphs out all right next we're going to talk about one more cool thing you can do in this area right here which is you can talk to this priest now the reason you would talk to this priest is if you have been cursed by the werewolf curse or the vampire curse right so if you're a vampire or a werewolf he will give you the option to cleanse yourself for a negligible fee something like 69 gold no joke right so you come here and you then remove that curse if you turn into a vampire or a werewolf there's some good things that happen and there's some bad things that happen to you right it's a bit of a kiss curse kind of situation so vampires for instance they get some cool vampire passives that reduce the damage they take when they're low but they also have some downsides like they take more damage from fire and non-vampfire abilities cost more similarly with werewolves you get extra stamina regen and some other cool passives but you also take more damage from Poison so it's a little bit of a give and a little bit of take when you take on one of those curses so sometimes you might decide oh you know what I don't like being a vampire anymore I don't like dealing with the downsides of it I don't want to manage that so you come to this guy and you can remove it he is standing next to the shrines so every time there is a shrine distendor and a shrine to Ariel there's also the priest standing next to it where you can remove the curse of the werewolf or the vampire alright next up let's go ahead and talk about Sky shards this is a skyshard right here when you see one of these out in the world you should grab it every three Sky shards that you pick up you get one skill point when you grab it this will happen it'll play this nice little animation here and that when you get a third one you'll see it just went from five skill points to six now I have zero out of three so that'll fill up every time I grab one it'll go one out of three then two then three out of three uh and it'll go back to zero and I'll get a skill point instead so every three that you get you get one skill point to spend in here you can unlock skills and passives with it grab them whenever you see them you can see them on the map they have this symbol right here if you go near one it'll automatically pop up on your map that's the game's way of helping you find it if you get close so because they can be kind of tucked into weird little places kind of hidden out of sight and that's just them being nice they added that feature kind of recently actually and but but that only activates once you get fairly close to it there's a nice add-on called map pins by the way I will link my add-ons guide in the description below so that you can have all of my favorite add-ons there are some really essential ones there uh but map pins will make it so that you can see them all over the map regardless of whether you've been close to it so like this one over here I've never been anywhere near it but I know I need to swing by that area and grab that skyshard on this character because I have not done that yet all right next up let's talk about guilds in ESO you can be in five guilds at any one time and that's because Gales have very specific purposes in ESO in ESO you can be in a trading Guild you can be in a PVE Guild a role-playing Guild a social Guild a PVP Guild a questing guild or a crafting Guild right so because the only way to use the guild Trader is to be in a trading Guild he also lets you be in up to five kills basically this is the reason otherwise you can't really interact with the economy in a meaningful way you've got to be in a trading Guild and that trading Guild must have a Trader so one of the things you're going to want to do once you have a ton of stuff that's worth selling is come in here click on trading and then click on has Trader and then you're going to want to join one of these trading guilds and you'll notice looking for serious Trader join us we have a consistent High selling kiosk 200k in sales or 30k Raffles Weekly right so they want you to sell 200 000 gold worth of items every week a new player should not join this Guild because you're gonna fail or you're gonna stress trying to meet the sales quota and it's just gonna be it's gonna turn the game into a job for you so don't join something like that you want to join a a casual Guild so you would be going in here and looking for one that says hey we welcome new players or there's no fees or super low fees something really easy for a new player to basically join right so this one right here no fees or mins let's make gold together this would be a great one all for a brand new player likewise you can use this to search for a group PVE guilds these are what you would use to maybe find a guild to actively do trials and dungeons with uh it's gonna be a lot easier to join trial groups if you're in a guild that's running trials actively as opposed to going to the zone of craglorn right here and you would stand in Bell carth this town right here and you just shout for a group for a trial just like until someone hopefully picks you up or until you form the one yourself right it's not the best way to get into a trial much better to join a guild that does that stuff regularly um so definitely take advantage of the guild finder in order to get to that you just press G on your keyboard or open up the menu right here guilts and then you can click through and search for guilds that you want to join that is the Real Player type of guilds okay now let's go over the PVE guilds these are the guilds that you could pick up and they'll give you extra skills and extra passives to use and some of these are going to be good for solely that activity like Thieves Guild it's not going to make you stronger in combat but it will Bank you better at thieving so you'll like haggling you can sell your fence items for 10 more that's nice right a little extra income but it's not going to make you stronger in Trials than in dungeons same thing with dark brotherhood no power in here but there is some quality of life and some nice Dark Brotherhood related like passives like uh Bounty heat resulting from a witness murder or assault is reduced by 50 so you have to pay less Bounty if you get caught nice little passives in here if you're doing that kind of like RP activity um the other guilds Fighters Mages Sygic and undaunted these are all going to have skills and passives that help you do more damage in combat one thing to know about these guilds is if you hover over the bar at the top it tells you how to level that Guild so if we hover over the bar here it says improve the skill line by increasing your rank in the dark brotherhood complete Gold Coast story quests perform contracts fulfill sacraments right so if you're ever not sure how to level a guild that you've unlocked just hover over that bar and it will tell you Fighters Guild destroy dark anchors or kill Daedra boom easy nice man so sorry brotherhood like I mentioned this is going to be passives that are mostly just like RP related fighter skilled you've got some really powerful passives in here these first four passives are so good right now and uh the skills are being used a lot right now that's always subject to change that's just the meta that exists today so always check my written guides to find the most up-to-date builds and which guilds are in which guilds are out this first passive is always going to be useful though no matter the meta it allows you to intimidate NPCs this opens up dialogue options that allows you to skip let's say trivial parts of quests so if you don't have this option the NPC might say now go pick up 10 rocks and you have intimidate so you could be like nah man I'll bash your school and if you do make me go do that and he'll be like okay you know never mind you don't have to go pick up the 10 rocks and you're like that's right thank you right so this opens up extra dialogue options it lets you skip some trivial parts of some quests that you would otherwise have to go 2 same with a major scale um it's got some really powerful abilities and ultimates and some great passives but this first one here is great for every build it allows you to persuade NPCs which instead of threatening to bash their head in so you can skip that part of the quest you can say hey man like we're after the same thing here you know let me skip the quest right like you can you can appeal to their sensibilities right sidjik this is a guild from Somerset and it's got some really cool abilities that come and go from The Meta depending on the patch and uh some passives that are pretty neat as well Thieves Guild this is a great one if you want to do thieving if you want to go pickpocket enemies steal things and make a bit of coin or maybe steal some Cosmetics or Furnishings you know there's a lot of cool stuff you can get from thieving and you here it tells you how to level it you go to that zone and you do the Zone story and some of the dailies right and you'll help level your Thieves Guild and unlock all your passives that basically make thieving uh more effective and easier to do undaunted this is a skill line that every build in the game is going to take advantage of it's going to basically have some cool skills but very powerful passives which increase your max resources values so more stamina more Magicka more health and you get more of those things back when you grab synergies so everybody grabs undaunted and if you're looking for a really friendly player girl to join uh just join the Discord and request an invite in the request and invite section of the Discord for ESO and we'll get you right in so that you have new players and Veterans alike to play with you can ask them questions or you can join them in activities right no reason to play this game alone uh especially when you could be in my guild the next skill lines we're going to talk about are scrying and excavation you get both of these at the same time from the Raymore chapter and these are a three-step system that allows you to dig up really cool items in ESO it allows you to dig out Furnishings it allows you to dig up a mount that allows you to dig up Mythic items these are really really powerful one-piece items like ring of the Bell order my favorite one that gives you life leech really effective while soloing right the scrying activation is really cool so I'll really quickly go over how it works and what it is but I have an entire video guide devoted to scrolling and excavation make sure you check that out if you feel a little bit confused and overwhelmed when I go over it right now you probably will because that video is like 12 minutes long and I'm gonna go over it in like one minute right now but you're gonna get the gist of it from here so scrolling and Excavating how do you get to it what is it so you unlock the skill lines and you're gonna get all of these passives they are all very very good the best passive is the fat the last one right here it says Keen Eye Treasure Chest this is gonna make Treasure Chest glow so that you never miss a treasure chest out in the wild ever again what is crying and Excavating so it's going to give you this menu right here it's the Antiquities menu in your Journal so if you're on PC you press J or you click this icon right here if you're on Console right and you could open up one of these scries that you have available to you and then you're going to use your skills that you have up here at the top at first you don't have very many right you start with one skill but eventually you unlock all these cool skills that help make scrying easier and the first goal is to connect all the dots by using your skill so I lit up the tiles and connected all these glowing dots that were in here right and now it's like oh good you successfully scribed so it's going to fill that up one check mark for each dot I connected and if you run out of like scrying power while you're doing that and you only connect five of the dots then you'll have two things if you're only Connect Four you'll have three places you have to go search for the item right so it says uh go down here and scry the item so we would come over here now we're down here in the middle of that blue circle and we're gonna use our antiquarian I this thing right here on my hot wheel now you can see it's selected here you can get that on the Hot Wheel by pressing uh well opening your inventory going to Quick slots going to tools dragging the antiquarian eye onto the wheel right then you use it from here and if you use it there's going to be this thing that spawns and it's pointing towards right the light is going towards your destination so if you're not sure which way you go which way is the light traveling from this thing it's traveling this way and it points right here boom a lot of people they do this and they don't know you can put the eye on your wheel and have it tell you where in this big giant Circle this is kind of a small one sometimes it's really big and there's a lot of stuff around and it's really hard to see this dig site so using your eye to point to it is great then you're going to get this screen right here this is where your excavation skill line that was the scrying skill line so when you get all the scrying passives it makes scrying easier and then as you level up excavation it makes Excavating easier so at first you'll start with only this little brush but then you unlock your trowel and your shovel making it a lot easier to dig up your treasure you're going to start off by using this as a hot and cold indicator your auger here so I always do the four corners right and I got lucky I didn't even have to do those it was right here so now I'm going to try to pinpoint where right green means it's under this spot yellow means you're close orange means it's well it's in the white area you see that white outline so that means this is telling us some part of the treasure is under this area here if we follow that white little box that it makes right and that's why it's hitting this node right here we know that it is here and it is here so I'm going to dig it up I'm going to dig that area right there so I'm going to flatten this whole area so I can use the shovel again I'm going a little bit faster I'm not really explaining how to use all the tools for that you should watch my complete guide on how to do that I dug up the treasure I even got one of the little bonus treasures and we can further connect these fissures okay by having a equal depth connecting all of them and then using a double charge of the trowel I know this is oh and trust me I know this is a bit confusing because I'm going kind of fast but boom and that exposes the other secret treasures okay the thing about the secret treasures is they are exposed not in a specific place but by the number of tiles that you dig up so this one was under the Sixth tile let's say that you exposed if the sixth tile you exposed was here the treasure would be here if the sixth tile you exposed was here then it would show up over here right they are not in a set location it's more of a mini game to unlock like uncover a number of tiles so if I would have dug all of my tiles in the top left corner after you know digging up this all of the bonus Treasures would have been up here in the top left corner uh hopefully that makes sense it's just that their location is not bound to any one spot in here it's bound to a number of tiles that you had uncovered so really the name of the game after you dig up your treasure you must do that first is to dig up as many tiles as possible um and fissure connecting is the best way to do that if you ever have any questions on fissures or scrying and Excavating check out my screen and Excavating guide link down in the description below I have a whole video guide on that it's kind of like it's a big topic to put into this really long guide so yeah that's crying and Excavating and as you can see it gave me a new lead that I could go and I could go dig that one up next if I wanted to um it could also give you a lead for the Mythic item or a piece of furniture right you never know what you're gonna get from those things if you want to dig up certain leads or certain Mythic items be sure to check out my website it has locations of the leads for Mythic items especially the best Mythic items so check that out link down in the description all right next let's dive in a little bit more on the front bar and back bar how they work why they work the the way that they work how you should expect to be utilizing them in the future as kind of mentioned earlier you have the front bar which is the first two weapons here and then the back bar which is your back bar weapons the back bar is going to be unlocked at level 15. so you won't have access to the back bar and the second weapon slot until you get to 15 and then once you get 15 you can put another weapon back there so right now I'm running dual wield on the front bar I'm wearing a two-handed weapon on the back bar and this is allowing me to put dual wield abilities on the front bar and two-handed abilities on the back bar as well as taking advantage of the passives that are associated with those weapons the passives that are associated with those weapons are only active while you're on that bar so I only get the uh Mall passives while I'm on the back bar when I switch to the front bar then I only get the like the dual wield passives same with any skills so some skills buff certain bars so for instance like this skill right here that last line on the description says while slotted your Damage Done is increased by three percent that is only active while I'm on this bar when I switch to the back bar that skills gone and so is that three percent off just something to know is skills that come with Buffs while slotted if it says buff is active while slotted that means only the bar that it's on gets that Buff when you switch to the other bar you lose that buff so you tend to want to put your bar buffers on the front bar and load up that front bar with bar buffers and like a spammable so that that front bar can do the most damage possible and you want to spend as much of your time there as possible you dip back into the back bar only when you need to to reapply like the odds or Buffs and things like that at first having two bars and managing two bars it's going to feel like you are all thumbs it's going to feel very funky and very awkward switching from one bar to the next looking for the ability that you know is there somewhere when you have played the game for a while you'll be switching through you know one to the next you'll do you'll use your ability on the front bar and then you go to the back bar and use one ability to go to the front bar and use another and then to the back bar to use another and you'll be switching and using abilities and firing them off in Rapid succession before you know it trust me on that I know at first it's gonna feel awkward at first it's gonna feel like it's hard everybody starts there but you know what far worse players than you have got good at bar swapping and using abilities I TR I just promise you that okay all right the next thing that we should go over is gear and sets so Elder Scrolls Online has a couple different types of sets in this game actually quite a few different types of sites Elder Scrolls Online has I think over around or over 500 sets in the game right now sets are well you get five pieces of a set and you get Buffs for each different combination right so at two pieces of the set you get in this set critical chance and on three sets you get minor Slayer so if we take reli for example relicans perfected Jack when I have two pieces of this set I get 657 crit chance when I have three pieces I get minor Slayer when I get that fourth piece I get another line of crit chance and when I have all five pieces I get another two bonuses right so sets and Elder Scrolls Online work in that way if you have two pieces you get a bonus if you have three you get another one and four and so on all the way up to five pieces for most sets there are some sets that are less and there are some sets that are more but most of them are five pieces so generally most builds and I do say most because there are exceptions most builds are going to be running two different five piece sets so you'll run five pieces like on the body right one two three four five and then you'll run five pieces on the jewelry and the weapons right one two three four five or one two three four five right a two-handed weapon counts as two pieces of a set that's very important to know a lot of players start the game and have no idea that that one item is counting for two pieces of a set so they count and they're like hey wait I only see one two three four I only have four pieces of the set how is that gonna work well no that mall accounts for two pieces right so you are still getting that five pieces of pillar by putting that mall back there then we have another type of set it's a two-piece set called a monster set and uh depending on the meta that we're in uh sometimes every build will be running a monster set and sometimes almost none of them will be so if you're running a monster set it's gonna be a two piece set that hovers your head and your shoulder pieces and monster sense are earned by doing dungeons so the way you get a monster set is the head drops from a specific dungeon boss so every dungeons final boss drops a specific monster helmet if you do that dungeon on Veterans so on veteran it's a guaranteed chance at that monster helmet it might drop in light it might drop in medium it might drop in heavy so you might have to run it a few times to get the weight that you want right whether it's light medium or heavy but you're guaranteed to get a monster helmet from that boss and every boss always drops the same monster helmet so slime craw always drops in whereas sewers so if you wanted slimecraft you go wear a sewers on veteran and you get your slime crawl helmet all of my written guides tell you where every piece of gear you need is dropped it always tells you below the gear it says your monster set drops here your five piece that drops here and your other five piece that drops here it always tells you exactly where to find each one so you know which dungeon to go run to get each piece of gear so you have your five piece sets your two piece sets and then you have your one piece Mythic item so Mythic items are unique in that item it's a one piece like of jewelry or one piece of body armor that has a very powerful bonus attached to it so which Mythic is in meta changes from patch to patch and it's usually The Meta one is like the new was one added to the game right because it's an MMO and that's how it generally works and then the best Mythic item for soloing right now is generally the Ring of the pal order for example which is subject to change if zos adds a newer better Mythic item for solving then you know we might equip that instead while we're solving here is what a so here is an example of a Mythic item it's the Ring Of The Wild hunts it's got this kind of orange text to it and it says that while you're wearing this you your move speed is increased by 15 while in combat and 45 while out of combat so this is a fantastic Mythic item for questing or exploring or uh thieving right because you are just zipping around you move so fast that 45 move speed is very very fast it's worth noting your move speed caps out at a 100 bonus so whatever you do don't try to get a like a ton of move speed items and put them all in one character because you will be wasting a lot of that you can only get plus 100 over the normal move speed so this item alone is giving you 45 you get a passive from the CP that gives you some more move speed you get another item and boom boom you're capped out on your move speed so uh just be aware of that if you do start stacking move speed it only lets you get 100 move speed same for your Mount Your Mount can only have up to 100 bonus move speed all right next let's talk about mounts mounts and Elder Scrolls Online are a Mobility tool but a little bit more than that also because you can upgrade your Mount to upgrade your character uh Mount upgrades are character specific so if you fully upgrade your mount on one character then all of the mounts on that character get those upgrades but if you change to a different character he will have zero upgrades so let me show you what I mean by that so what you're going to do is come to a stable Master it might look like this on the map if he's standing by himself from here see the little horse you go to that horse in some zones there won't be a horse on the map because it'll be standing some next to something else yeah so you'll go to The Source on the map or look for the stable Master if you don't see a horse they might be next to something you know like um if we hover over this there's a bunch of things on that tooltip so sometimes the stable Master doesn't get the little horsey icon he's mixed in with something thing else but go to the stable Master generally a horse icon on the map and you talk to him and he's going to show you the three things that you can upgrade you can do one upgrade per day for 250 gold it's a very trivial amount of gold do it every day you're gonna want to start with speed at least most people will unless you don't have ESO plus then there's a case to be made for carry capacity because your inventory is going to be a nightmare so start with speed if you have ESO Plus or start with speed if you're tired of moving slow and you're going to increase your move speed by one percent per day up to 60 times so two months later boom you're maxed out on your move speed on your Mount the next thing I would do is carry capacity this will be another 60 days right so that's 60 that's 60 and then another 60 so 180 days over about half a year and you fully upgraded your mount on one character this is one of the reasons why sometimes people start their alts earlier than later so like if you know you're gonna make maybe a necromancer next you could start him today and then get these upgrades going because it is you know six months of upgrades that you have to get through before it's maxed out at least the first 60 days those are the big ones those are the ones you feel because when you go from a mount that has 60 increase move speed and then you get onto an ALT that has zero percent increase move speed it's almost unbearable you definitely feel it and you you're like oh man I wish this was upgraded why do they make us do this one day at a time this is awful right so that's something you'll hear people complain about why are Mount upgrades not account wide and maybe maybe some days also will hear that call and maybe they will make them account wide one day but today is not that day so make sure you start these right away and again I recommend speed then carry capacity and then stamina unless you're gonna be going to cyrodiil and being a PVP main then maybe stamina after speed because it's gonna make it take longer for you to get knocked off your mount in PvP which is nice you might be wondering how you get them out well at level 10 it's a level up reward so boom you'll hit Level 10 and then all you have to do is hit h on PC or whatever the mount button is on console and your Mount will summon underneath you you may have to slot the mount once you get it it might not automatically be there it'll most likely be there on PC it's going to be H but if for some reason you hit 10 and the mount doesn't spawn when you press the mount button just open your collections menu go to your mounts and then choose you'll only have one it'll be the sorrel horse and you just double click that and it'll equip it as your default Mount if you have other mounts you can choose other mounts in here as well this is all in your collections menu which is right here these little collections icon and then Collectibles and then you've got all the things you have collected including mounts in here and just choose the one you want to use like I said you'll start with the sorrel horse this bad boy right here right he looks like this not quite as snazzy as the other horse I was riding but hey you know he gets the job done there's no difference in performance from one mount to the other Mount Skins are purely cosmetic so whether your horse looks like a you know some super epic superhero whether he looks like this not so fancy sororis right here they move at the same speed they perform the exact same it's just a skin it doesn't change the way they act at all so don't feel like you to seek out a better Mount it's purely cosmetic okay next up let's talk about the banker you're going to see this symbol it's a little chess on the map this is the bank the bank is great for a couple of reasons one is it's got a ton of extra storage for you 240 Slots of extra storage if you don't have ESO Plus or 480 extra slots if you do have ESO plus right it doubles it if you have ESO plus this is where you can store all of the things that you want to hold on to to get them out of your character's inventory your bank is account wide so you can put an item in here on one character and then pull it out on another character a lot of items in ESO will be account bound almost no items will be character bound so usually if you get an item you can pass it between all of your characters once you've equipped it and once you've been using it but you can't sell it to anybody else right so you can put it in your bank any of your characters can use it um almost nothing in ESO is character bound so there's almost nothing I think the only things in ESO that are character bound are Level Up Rewards so that you can't level up lots of tunes and abuse that by passing the level of Awards all to one character so Level Up Rewards are the only thing that I can think of off the top of my head that are character bound everything else is account bound when it's bound to you which means you can use your bank to pass it between them freely the other important thing that the bank gets used for and when we talk to him is you'll see here you've got Bank you've got Guild Bank and you've got Guild store right so your guild bank if you're in a guild you might have a guild bank and then there might be items in here that you're allowed to take or you're not that's it varies depending on the guild and how they set up their Guild Bank and the permissions in that Guild Bank generally if you're in a guild make sure you check with a guild leader before you start pulling stuff out of here just see what the rules are they might say hey it's one item a week one item a day or no items at all you know just check with them make sure you're not ruffling any feathers so that's your bank and then your guild bank and that leads us to the next topic I'll cover the guild Trader and the guild store so ESO does not have an auction house ESO has a 200 to 300 mini auction houses that players have to bid on so there's Guild Traders located all around the world here I'll run out to a group of them really quick for you right here on the map you can see this symbol it's a balance right it's like a balance you've got the scales there um like the scales of Justice right and then you've got a banner behind that right that Banner indicates that it is Guild Traders if you see the balance you see that scale uh without the bad the tabard or without that Banner behind it like this one right here these are just NPC Traders like General Merchant it's you know he's selling you uh really super basic items it is not stuff that is being sold to you by other players or by trading guilds it's habard means that is the stuff being sold by trading guilds alright so when you come up to the guild Trader you're gonna see that nothing is there right and uh that's not because they're not selling anything it's because you haven't searched for something yet they're actually selling hundreds or even thousands of different items on this one Trader so if you hit start search it's just going to show you literally everything that's for sale which is not useful in any way shape or form I promise you it's gonna show you a bunch of junk what you want to do is click on this box up here so for for instance if you came here because your build recommended lava foot soup it's a very popular stamina food lava foot okay so we have the recipe and the food itself you don't want to buy the recipe especially as a new player the food itself is very cheap so we're gonna we're gonna click on that so that it puts it in quotes right that means it is typed right you don't have any typos because what are the odds you're going to type lava foot soup Dash and dash sultry like who's gonna type it like that who's gonna remember all that right so just start typing it and then use the autofill to click and that way you know boom there it is these are being sold at 250 a pop right and my add-on's telling me that they generally go for 187 to 233 there's great like I mentioned there's some really good add-ons for this game some of the best add-ons are the ones that help you with Guild Traders and knowing if you're being ripped off or not I have these all in my written guide for my add-ons make sure you check that out it's in the description down below if you're on PC make sure to use the add-ons I recommend they're going to save you a ton of heartache and a ton of money in the long run I promise you and a ton of time if you're on Console you know good luck because you don't have add-ons that's how you use the guild Trader that's where you find the guild Traders at the scale on top of the tabber not the scale without the tabard those are just general NPC Merchants they're selling uh sometimes it's you know Furnishing sometimes it's really basic recipes you know random stuff like that okay so that's how you buy from Guild Traders how about how do you sell on a guild Trader well that's a great question you're gonna come over here to the bank remember how I said you had to join a trading Guild that had a guild Trader so first you would do that you would go to the guild list you would clicks you know a guild finder and you would browse guilds like trading has Trader and um you would have to find a guild that actually has one of those trading spots that Guild that little NPC I was just talking about there was a guild out there that built millions of gold to have that NPC for one week and they have to rebid every single week this is eso's gold sync if you will and there's hundreds of those NPCs located in the game every single zone has a a batch of Guild traders in it right and so there's tons of them out there it's a fragmented Auction House basically uh it is my least favorite part of Elder Scrolls Online I would much rather have one centralized auction house I go I talk to One NPC I search for the item it shows up I buy it I'm done uh rather than going to an NPC searching and being like I don't know if this is a good price then checking the next one check the next one right because you have to check multiple ones to make sure you're not getting ripped off but you know it is what it is that's the that's the guild trading system that's in here that's the auction now system that exists um ESO is a great game but no game's perfect and so I would say this is probably my least favorite part of eso uh but anyway I digress we get back to it so how do you sell on a guild Trader so if you're in a trading Guild that has a guild Trader uh what you're gonna do is come to the bank you're gonna click Guild store then down here make sure you choose the guild that has the guild Trader I'm in five guilds right but only one of the guilds I'm in spicy life has a guild Trader so I accept and then I click sell and from here I can choose is the item I want to sell so like this ring right here my add-on is telling me this is going for around 5700 gold to 7200 gold so I can put that there I'd say 5700 gold right and boom I could list it and so the house is going to take 399 gold my profit is going to be 5200 gold right very very insignificant item um I could also sell if I wanted to make more money I could sell like Cosmetics right like motifs like down here I have one that's 33 000 I have a lot of really cheap ones in my inventory that I need to get rid of I'll do that after this video right you can sell stuff on here to make money so right now for example I'll list this one 33 000 so I'm gonna put it to 32 000 I'm gonna just undercut just a little bit I don't really need the money all that much anyway and uh I just want to get it out of my inventory and into the hands of someone that's going to enjoy it right so boom there we go we're gonna sell it and now when somebody buys that item that money will come to me in the mail uh all I have to do is click on this button down here um it would be in my mail there would be a new piece of mail and it would say uh oh right here I have one items sold right this is one that sold four days ago 3600 gold and I just grabbed that and delete that uh that's so that's how you sell on the auction house you got to be in a trading Guild that has a guild Trader then you come to the bank you go to the guild store you click sell you list your items for whatever price you want to and you're good to go it's a little bit convoluted I know it's not my favorite part of eso but it gets the job done and hey who knows maybe someday we see them do a massive revamp on this system so that we have a more centralized trading system that's a lot easier for new players to access all right the next thing that we're going to go over is cosmetic customization how to do it how it works and why it is so amazing in Elder Scrolls Online customization is something that ESO does better than just about any other MMO out there I mean honestly I can't think of one that really has the level of customization that ESO has a final fantasy comes close wow comes close but both of those systems don't have a lot of the options that you do in Elder Scrolls online and it's certainly not as conveniently I don't know laid out you know the glamor system is kind of clunky the transplant system is really nice but it doesn't have quite as many options as the eso Alpha station does so this is one thing that ESO does really really well and here's what so at the outfit station uh you'll see well let's start with dies here's all the dies that you can have in ESO this is every die in the game right now you can sort it by Rarity if you're a monster or you could sort it by Hue you know if you're someone with a bit sane so this puts all your Reds together you know your yellows Your Greens your Blues purples right and so on so this makes it much easier to pick the color you're looking for when you're trying to put a look together and it tells you if you don't have a die unlocked it tells you why so mud crab maroon says unlocked by the chin accumulator achievement and by the way all these dies are unlocked by achievements you earn these dies you don't have to buy them you earn them by getting achievements throughout the game sometimes it's from doing a dungeon sometimes from a trial sometimes from a quest it just depends on the die but if you right click on it and you can view the internet it tells you what you have to do for this one I'm I need to collect these very rare trophies um and the gossamer winglet is the one I don't have I've spent a bit of time trying to get this damn thing and let me tell you what it hasn't dropped and I'm never gonna use this color so I am not very motivated to keep trying so that's all the dies and then you can apply those dies over here to a piece of gear so if I wanted to put this whatever is a faded dwemers call the red right I can put this all over the scare right on these die channels each piece of gear has up to three different die channels that you can customize or you could just randomize your dice you don't know what you want to put on you're looking for a new look you're not sure what to go you can start by randomizing I always start by randomizing dies and gear until I see something that look like inspires me right a combination or something you know unfortunately I hate everything that I've seen so far here's something to go back to my default look we're gonna keep this one and then you've got the armor Styles here you can see all of the helmet motifs I've found so in wow you find transmogs in Final Fantasy you get your glams right in ESO you get motifs they look like this it's little pieces of paper and when you consume this item you learn it and then it appears in your list right you've got head ones shoulders chests hands waist legs feet right every piece of gear and your weapons so you find each one of these was a motif that I found out in the world and there are tons of them you can see there's so much cosmetic customization look at that look at that it's uh you know there's so many options some are amazing looking some are hideous some are beautiful and just like a lot of MMOs you know you've got some of them that are just really high res beautiful looking and then you've got some old base game ones and you put it on you're like wow I wish they would uh update this like right so there's those and then again you can randomize you know and here's just a bunch of runs so you can just see how funky and how out there and cool some of them can be the game has a lot of different looks you can have all right we'll get rid of that and uh yeah so you can go through here and you can mix and match and choose them all and come up with a look that is very very unique to you same with weapons weapons look really cool now unfortunately the coolest weapons are oftentimes sold in the cash up however you can get some pretty neat looking weapons from the game as well the two I'm wearing right now these are cash up you can tell because of all the day glow all of this you know uh particle effects if you see particle effects that's generally cash shops now I'm gonna put two non-cash up items on right so these are two non-cash shop items so the fire that was coming off of it that was my fire enchant that'll happen every once in a while even on a you know base game item you'll see a little bit of Fire coming off of it but see how these don't glow um that's because they are not cash up weapons what else we got so that's weapons the summer this dies and then one of the things that ESO has that other games really don't have on this level is they have skins so you can come in here I'll put on a costume so you can see my skin let's go with an order now this is the skin I'm wearing right now so if I take this skin off skins here's what my character normally looks like right this is the default dark elf skin and uh I'm wearing this one to make him kind of have this glow where the part of the arm you can see through his costume but I could also put this one on put this this one up this one right there's so many really cool skins in here so a lot of hideous ones a lot of Epic ones some heroic ones um some really really cool variety and some really cool stuff the artists have come up with it just blows me away man I love what they do in this game with the skins and and the alpha station um but that's not all you can customize right so you can get these skins by the way I would say I don't know maybe half of these I earned from the game in half of these I got from the cash shop here uh if you want to know which skins you can earn for free by playing the game some of them are quite easy to get I have a guide on that be sure to check out the Skins guide in my description down below if you want to do that same with personality right so right now I have the talvani Magister he looks like he's brooding and plotting but maybe I want to be more I don't know a zombie I can put this on and now my character looks like a zombie right so there's all these different personalities most of these personalities are Crown sore you had to buy these with cash but some of them are earned from playing the game again I have a video for that so I'll link that in the description you're probably noticing I have a video for literally everything in here ISO so if you're ever not sure about something just search for Lucky ghost and then the topic and one of my guides will come up telling you exactly what you need to know and there you go that's a good example of how much customization the authorization and your collections offers you you've also got hats hairstyles head markings facial hair major adornments minor adornments body markings you know uh you saw one of the costumes the bather style but they have like other stuff too like this if you want to completely transform your look just lots of options in this game to really customize your look and really make it the way that you want to make it alright next up we have fast travel so in Elder Scrolls Online you can fast travel anywhere anytime if you go up to a shrine and teleport to another Shrine it's free however if you don't go up to Shrine and you just select to teleport somewhere you'll see here the gold value is ticking down basically if you fast travel back to back there's a max value and let's say that it's uh let's say it's 600 gold on your character right that number changes based on what you've invested in in your CP but let's just say the max value is 600 gold if you've tped recently without going to a shrine and then it'll count down from 600 down to the minimum value and so it gets cheaper the longer it's been since you fast traveled without using a shrine now if you run up to a shrine and then click on it to travel to another Shrine it's free and it doesn't matter how often you do that so let's just go ahead and do that I'm going to teleport right now without using a shrine which means it's going to Skyrocket the cost of my next one is going to go up to the max value so if I were to teleport now instead of being a hundred and change it's 590 gold right and it's starting to count down it's getting cheaper the longer it's been for my last teleport now if I and rather than opening my map and clicking on a shrine to teleport somewhere if I just go up to a shrine and I interact with it I can teleport see there's no cost Associated so I can teleport for free so as long as you go to the shrines and teleport it's free this is something a lot of new players Miss they don't realize that teleporting isn't um it doesn't cost anything it can be free if you wanted to if you want to save a few seconds though and just teleport from where you're standing rather than run back to a shrine like maybe you're deep in a delve well you know just teleport for free also a little trick of the trade is you can open up your friends list and you can right click and you can travel to them and it'll take you to the nearest Shrine to that person which is always free it's always free to travel to a friend it's always free to travel to a guild so I could open up this and I can travel to any member of my guild for free so if you want to if you want to get out of where you're at and you want to get to a shrine it'll boom then that'll drop you right next to a shrine when you land and then you can use that Shrine to teleport wherever you want for free again just you know it's a little bit of a double jump but it saves you gold if maybe you're a new player and you don't have a lot of gold to spend on traveling like that all right the next thing that we're going to talk about is group content Elder Scrolls Online has a few different types of group content it's got dungeons it's got Arenas and it's got trials trials are Elder Scrolls version of raid so there's three different difficulties for each type of content there is normal then there is veteran and then sometimes there's even a hard mode difficulty so if we open up our party finder here so if you're on PC you just go to p on your keyboard or you press this button right here if you're on Console right and it opens up this menu and then for dungeons you just click dungeon finder random normal dungeon and join the queue and that'll automatically join you with other players make sure to choose your role first right you have to choose whether you're a tank A Healer or GPS I I encourage you to pick a damage dealer if you're a damage dealer and if you're not a tank don't play as a tank uh people really frown upon that you will get some very nasty comments from players a lot of times but if you are gonna tank just make sure you know at least have a taunt you know if you're a decent player you can get by as a tank as long as you have a taunt and you're keeping the boss still so that the group can kill it really you're doing a pretty good job as the tank you know assuming you're not just dying uh that's that's gonna be solid right but if you're queuing is a DPS that's the longest queue if you're queuing as a tank that's the shortest queue and if your queuing as a Healer it's almost as short as the tank but not quite right so just be aware DPS has the longest queue might take might take 10 minutes it might take 45 minutes you just never know you could alternatively queue for a specific dungeon like you're following one of my guides and it says hey you need this set and it drops in this dungeon well then you can come into here you can choose specific dungeon queue up for that dungeon like if you want a monster set well you wait till you get to 160 which well you should start doing your random normals like as soon as you hit Level 10 because at level 10 the only dungeon You're going to be able to do is the really easy ones here fungal Grotto Final clutch right banish cells these are your level 10 dungeons they're very easy it's impossible to fail really and so I encourage you to jump into the dungeons sooner rather than waiting until you're really high level and then you might get a DLC dungeon down here as your first dungeon and they're a lot more difficult a lot more mechanic heavy but really anything on normal is going to be it's gonna be a pushover more than likely there's going to be at least one person in your group that could have soloed the dungeon anyway so your first time in there it's okay if you're not great yet and nobody's gonna care they probably won't even notice honestly so don't worry about being a new player in ESO we're all there once get in there and uh dungeons are the best place to get crafting materials right because you get so much gear dumped on you and you can Decon that at the end of the dungeon so you get great experience great crafting materials you get a skill point the first time you do each dungeon you get so much value for your character so much gains for your character for each dungeon you do the first time so I highly encourage you to try to do every single dungeon at least once and definitely do one random normal dungeon a day if you can if you have time definitely do that as for veteran dungeons never do a veteran random unless you're really experienced and you know what you're doing and but there's really no reason because veteran you'll notice you get the exact same reward it's no different there's no point in queuing up for a random veteran it's just going to take a lot longer and be a lot harder unless you know you're at that point where you're ready for random veteran content which means you're over 160 and you have two five piece sets you have you know your whole build put together more or less you got a lot of your passives and at least 160 Champion points right specked in that's when you can start queuing up for veteran before that there's no real reason and farm your gear definitely form your game normal difficulty because it's the same gear dropping in normal literally this exact same gear it's just a hundred times faster to form it in normal and since it might take you 10 or 15 runs of a dungeon to form that set you don't want to try to farm it in veteran where the dungeon runs take three times as long you want to form those 10 or 15 runs in normal where you smash through it you get the gear and then boom you can use that gear to conquer that veteran content when you're ready okay so that's dungeons then there's also trials now trials are a little bit more complicated you have to go to craglorn go to the town of belkarth Ryan teleport to the shrine and Crag Lord and look at Zone chat and you're basically gonna just shout hey DPS looking for group for uh normal sunspire or normal clad rest or whatever dungeon or whatever trial you're looking for right you come here and you shout for it and that's uh that's the best ESO has right now there is no trial finder you can't just click a button and join a group like you can for dungeons unfortunately you've got to go to this Zone and like shout and Joan chat or respond to people in zone chat that are already shouting me they might be saying looking for DPS or looking for a tank and then you can respond to them hey I want to go and they might ask you you know what kind of experience do you have you know just make sure that you're qualified just be ready for that okay but if it's a normal dungeon most likely they won't ask any questions because Normal dungeons are pushovers they're real easy they're they're meant for new players to go and farm their gears alternatively I would highly recommend if you find yourself really enjoying trials and you want to get into that scene join a trial Guild they will set up like a schedule where they say you know every Friday we're doing this and you can sign up to run it so on Friday you know at six o'clock you already signed up you're going to be in the group that runs sunspire at six on Friday like you know your name's on the list and they might have a group at six and a group at seven and you can pick the time that you want to go and the dungeon and the trial you want to go to really recommend joining a PVE Guild that does that kind of stuff if you want to get into that kind of stuff it's way better than standing in Craig Lauren trying to find a group of pugs so dungeons are four man content that's one tank one either and two DPS trials are two tanks two healers and eight DPS generally now there's some flexibility there sometimes groups will like to take one tank or sometimes there's content in Trials where they take three tanks it just kind of depends on the trial and the group and how they want to set up for it but on average let's just say two tanks two healers atps and then the Arenas are going to be one tank one Healer and two GPS much like the dungeons the Arenas are usually you stand in a room and then waves of enemies spawn and you just kill them that's what an arena is in ESO for the most part the exception being vodashron Hollows it's a solo Arena that's more like a dungeon it's a solo dungeon you run through it and you kill bosses but the rest of the Arenas right now you spawn into a room and then waves of enemies come at you you kill them in the final waves of Bot all right now let's talk about the gear cap because I have kind of touched on it a couple times in the video already but it's something that's really important to understand so let's dive into it head first here the gear cap in Elder Scrolls Online is cp160 so it's level 50 cp160 if you look at any of my items right there it says ring of night terror and then right below it says level 50 cp160 that is the max level that is likely to never change the only way this would change is if they got rid of the CP require government altogether and they made the max level for gear level 50 which in my opinion they should do the first 160 levels of like gear is so pointless because CP is account wide so if you get a cp149 item you will never use it again because when you create a new character that character will start at level 1 CP 800 right it never sees those lower CPA levels again you're going to get it to 50 and then you're gonna put all your level 50 gear on it that's CP 160. uh so anyway all that to say max level for gear is right now it's level 50 cp160 so don't craft yourself gear until you're 160. you can you know there's no point in having like low CP gear and don't buy any gear that is below 160. so this is generally why people just kind of wear what they wear they just wear what they find until 160. they might Farm some low-level sets that way that you get them in your collections because when you find something you're later able to craft it using transmits so you can go farm it at like level 25 to level 50 and then once you hit cp160 that's when you craft it at max level and you put it on but don't invest in gear really until you hit 160 okay that's the takeaway from this get to 160. that's the max level for gear everything below that is literally garbage and nobody wants it oh which you know reminds me you're gonna find a lot of gear as you play I'll just cross online and you're gonna wonder is it worth saving is it worth keeping well if it's a dungeon gear you can't trade it unless it was to a person that was in the dungeon with you when it dropped but if you trade it to them then it doesn't get added to your collections so more often than not you're just going to keep it you're going to Decon it that way you get the materials we'll go into deconing in a little bit but just know you know if you're wondering what to do with all that gear that you're finding just deconstruct it so that you get the crafting materials that you'll later use to craft and upgrade gear it is the circle of life it's not that you're wasting this gear that you find I know you're going to find this like purple ring or something and you're gonna be like oh man oh it's a purple item I want to save it it's it's so good and and the truth of the matter is it's probably not if it's uh if it's a CPA 45 item or if it's a level 26 item just deconstruct it take the materials and run nobody wants the low level gear I promise you that okay and then also while we're talking about gear let's finish up the conversation on Monster set so like we kind of touched on earlier monster sets are two piece sets that you wear on your head and your shoulders you get Monster sets by going to a dungeon and killing the final boss in that dungeon that's gonna drop the helmet the shoulder is going to drop from the undaunted pledges so you're going to do undaunted pledges those are going to give you a currency called undaunted Keys you're going to take those keys you're going to go to the undaunted Enclave which is the symbol right here in every faction City so for instance in this case Elden root right and then you go to Elden root you go to the undaunted Enclave there's going to be NPCs there that sell uh there's three of them two of them are selling like all the base game shoulders one selling all the DLC shoulders and you just Scramble for them there there's two different coffers and you hope that you get the shoulder that you want in the weight that you want it can be a little bit of an RNG nightmare sometimes or sometimes you get lucky you get what you want right off the bat but yeah so so if I have a slime crawl Visage then I go to an NPC there and I use my keys to gamble for the Slime cross shoulders once I have both pieces then I get the two piece set bonus which is usually a really really powerful set bonus that's the great thing about monster sets is the one piece bonus is usually really powerful not a lot of things have a one piece bonus really it's just Mythic items and monster helmets so Mythic items and monster sets have a one piece bonus Mythic items have really powerful one piece bonuses because that's all they are it's a one piece set and then monster sets have uh the next most powerful one-piece bonus and the good thing is you can wear two different monster sets so you could get two different one piece bonus for Monster sets whereas Mythic items you can only wear one at a time monster sets come and go from The Meta sometimes we're using two pieces of a monster set in our build sometimes we're only taking advantage of the one piece bonus it kind of just depends on the patch so you know refer to a written guide if you're curious about what the meta is right now I've got tons of build guides again Linked In the description if you're curious about those now let's talk about perfected here you'll notice that some gear says it's perfected and earlier I said dungeons drop the same gear in normal as they do in veteran and that's true trials however drop perfected gear so in a normal trial it would drop Relic and Jack and then in a veteran Cloud rust it would drop relican's perfected Jack and basically these have a they have one extra set line on them instead of having one five piece bonus the perfected gear that drops from veteran trials has two five piece bonuses usually the second one that you you know that comes from perfected is uh it's a stat like 1000 Max stamina like we have here it's good for maybe a couple percent damage you know so instead of doing a hundred thousand damage your character is now capable of a hundred and two thousand damage it's a very small increase to your character's power but it is an increase to your character's power so generally you're going to want to farm your trial gear on normal difficulty first and then once you have that put together then you can go ahead and start farming your perfected gear in veteran once you're ready for that veteran trials especially veteran DLC trials are the hardest content in the game game you know that's very difficult especially for new players so don't expect to be jumping into veteran DLC trials until you're at minimum 300 CP and most likely a group won't take you till you're more like six seven 800 CP and putting out maybe a 60 70 or 80k parse so it's gonna be a while before you're farming perfected gear unless you've got some friends helping you out okay that's just normal part of the way it goes so get your normal gear um and don't feel like that's a waste of time to farm that out it's going to be very very good almost nearly as effective as the perfected gear anyway much like trials have perfected gear Arenas also have perfected gear so if you do the four man Arena on veteran you can get perfected weapons at the end rather than just the normal ones and solo Arenas also have perfected gear so if you run Voltron Hollows on veteran you get a perfected weapon from that as well again it's just one extra stat line it's usually not a big bonus but it's a measurable bonus so it's that last inch of power that we seek out when we're building our characters all right now let's go ahead and talk about PVP a little bit so it'll just goes online there's three types of player versus player we've got first of all we've got the Battlegrounds here so the Battlegrounds is 4v4 V4 you can open up your party menu same place as the dungeon finder right and you can queue into the Battlegrounds Here solo or group so you can queue in Solo or you can group with some friends and qn as a group that's up to you and you join the queue and it's gonna be four V4 V4 so three teams of four going at it uh that's the Battleground alternatively you could go to cyrodale cyrodiil is where it's faction versus faction versus faction so you've got uh webinar packed is red then you've got aldamere Dominion which is yellow and then you've got Daggerfall Covenant which is blue so these three factions are always fighting you know 24 7 in here Waging War on each other and the goal of which is to capture these keeps here these six keeps in the middle are what determine who the emperor is in cyrodiil it's the most coveted achievement in Certo really is getting to be Emperor while you're there so in order to become the emperor in Certo you have to to have the most Alliance points earned in that campaign in your faction right so if you're EP you have to have the most Alliance points in your entire faction your faction has to capture all six of these metal keeps that go around this water here once you capture all six of those Boom the game will automatically make the person with the most Alliance points in that faction the emperor right until another faction dethrones them by taking those six center keeps themselves while you are the emperor you have massive stat Buffs you're like basically a boss roaming around cyrodel you know taking down armies and almost by yourself at times so it's a lot of fun to get if you ever happen to get that it's pretty hard to get because there's a lot of people going for it at all times but it's pretty cool um that's Cyril and the way you get to cyrodiil unlike other places in the game you can't just teleport into cereal you have to queue into cereal so you press L if you're on PC it's the Alliance War and it's this button here if you're on console and then you go to this button up here it says campaigns click that and then you can choose a campaign to join and cereal Ray hose is the alliance locked one which means you can only like if you join greyhost on your EP tune then none of your 80 or DC Tunes can go in a greyhose you can only go into this in one faction so all of your EP Tunes would be able to go in there your evinr pectins but none of your other tunes that were any other faction could go this you know this way you can't uh play Both Sides in that one right the rest of them are not Alliance locked so any tune could go into any one of these if they wanted to and you can see here how many people are in them these ones are quite empty all right then you've got standard which is pop logs for a couple of the factions and like just a lion's locked this one's the most popular one usually there's a lot of people in that one keeping it nice and full cereal can be quite laggy especially during prime time so if you go there when nobody else is there that's simultaneously the best and the worst experience it's the best performing um but also it can be hard to find like good engaging battles so uh it's a bit of a mixed bag in cereal in terms of performance and experience uh if you go there and it's just too laggy that's when you would fall back to like Battlegrounds or maybe even Imperial cities so Imperial City same thing in order to get to Imperial City you have to cue right you open up the same menu The Alliance War menu and you come in here and you pick Imperial City now Imperial City is usually pretty dead outside of a couple of events a year that push everybody in there so if you go into Imperial City and you don't really run into a lot of people don't be surprised that's not terribly uncommon unfortunately Imperial City is a pvpve zone so you can go in there and you can form telvar by killing NPCs or you can go in there and you can form telvar about killing people that were farming tail of art right when you kill someone you take half their telvar and vice versa if they kill you they take half of your telvar so you know if you go in there and keep your head on a swivel be careful and just know that you can Bank your telvar so if you go in there and you get like 10 000 Tovar you can go back to your base go to your bank in your base and bank that telvar so that when you die you don't lose it if your tailbar is in your bank you don't lose it if your telvar is on your person and you die you'll lose half of it so very important to know about Imperial City a lot of people lose a lot of so far the first time and they're in there and not knowing that they could have banked it and kept it safe if you're curious about how much telvar you have on you you can always open up your inventory go to currency and you can see it right here tell varstones this character is carrying 4 500 on him uh not a lot but not a little you know so it's a decent amount I might take that out with me and try to take advantage of a multiplier you get more telvar per kill based on a multiplier so the more you're carrying on you when you kill things the more tevar you get for killing them it's kind of a risk reward thing but if you die you lose 50 of it so you know it's your it's up to you how much of a risk you take and how much reward you try to go for out there all right next let's go over combat and Elder Scrolls Online so in combat and Elder Scrolls Online you have three basic functions that you need to be taken care of one is you've got a Dodge roll that lets you avoid damage boom so we Dodge rolled that attack some attacks will be more forecasts than others uh there's usually going to be a red circle or a red cone or something like on the ground like this one here telling you hey that's bad get out of it you can Dodge out of it you can also choose to block incoming attacks this is going to cause stamina every time you block an attack when you run out of stamina while one you won't be able to dodge anymore you won't be able to block anymore and you won't be able to Sprint right stamina is used for all of those things so it's very important that you don't run out of stamina if you can help it you can get stamina back by using a stamina potion like this boom there it goes up or by heavy attacking your enemy if you're using a melee weapon if you're using a staff when you have the attack you'll get magic back so that's that's blocking that's how that works it's a game of resource management some attacks you'll want to block some you'll want to dodge roll it kind of depends on the attack and really you just learn by engaging with the mobs and you'll start to see certain types of mobs you have attacks you definitely want to Dodge in some f attacks you want to block then we also have Dodge Ram right which cause stamina now the thing to know about Dodge roll that a lot of people don't notice is see these lines under my feet if I dodge roll again while those lines are still there the Dodge will costs infinitely more boom see how it's chewing up my stamina and Dodge again I'm out of salmon on like four Dodge rolls uh now if I wait for those lines to be gone to dodge roll that were on my feet and I dodge roll look it it's like a tiny little chunk of my stamina right but if I dodge roll again back to back it starts to cost more each time see how it's boom that one was like half of my Sandbar so you don't want to dodge roll in quick succession it gets uh more expensive each time until it's just eating like huge chunks of your bar so you want a Dodge roll and then wait right see how I have a lot of iframes there if even if you dodge roll a little early when they when he throws his attack at you you're still gonna like you get a second and a half of iframes basically okay so watch I'll Dodge real early like that he did a step back there because we Dodge it's really forgiving I'm intentionally trying to dodge early um and then you get your stamina back by heavy attacking see it starts going up like that or if you have a good build put together if you're following one of my build guides you will almost never need the heavy attack that's really if you're having to do a lot of heavy attacking on a build it's generally a sign that the build um is lacking and sustain somewhere or possibly that you just don't have all of your passives and all of your Champion points yet but generally once you get a build put together uh you shouldn't need to be doing a lot of heavy attacking and that's basically how the combat in ESO Works you're going to be using Logitech to generate ultimate you're going to be using Dodge roll to avoid you know abilities uh you're going to jump out of the red if you see it standing in red will get you killed in veteran in normal you can get away with a lot but it also creates a lot of bad habits letting people stand in the Red without dying they learn very quickly and Veteran that that's not okay you can block attacks by you know using your block button and that's going to mitigate a lot of the damage but at the cost of your uh stamina right so it eats up your stamina when you block and also you'll notice if I use my stamina and I block stamina doesn't regen while blocking so really bad for a tank to constantly block when they don't need to because their Sam's not going to go up so they're going to be losing stem when the enemy hits them but they're not going to be getting it back while they're blocking so they can find themselves out of stamina when they need it the most when they have big heavy attacks coming in that's going to one shot them right because they they blocked they overblock being a good tank is all about learning how to manage your resources knowing which attacks to block and knowing which which attacks to let hit you and just let your healer heal you through a light attack right it's not going to do any damage to you you don't need to block that it's going to tickle so your healer will heal you can serve your stamina for when you need it for that heavy attack that will one shot you and same goes for you know DPS and healers there's a lot of times where you need to know how to manage your stamina to keep yourself alive you need to have that stamina available for that Dodge roll when you need it the most or you need to have that segment available for the block when you need it the most all right next let's talk about synergies healers are going to be giving out a lot of synergies tanks are going to give out a lot of synergies DPS are going to get about synergies basically synergies are they're the result of certain skills some skills have synergies attached to them so for instance if I use this skill you'll see on the bottom there it says use x to use grave robber press X to use grave rubber so if I press it that extra effect happens this skill when someone synergizes with it it shoots out a massive wave of damage hurting the enemies nearby different synergies have different effects sometimes this energy will give you a buff for 15 seconds that makes you do more damage sometimes this energy will give you health and depending on what passives you have your Synergy is going to give you resources back like those undaunted passives that cause synergies every time you grab any Synergy it's going to give you health Magica and stamina back really really critical to your sustain and group content so group content your healers are going to be giving out a lot of synergy so that you can be constantly grabbing them so that you're getting resources back this is huge for the DPS and they're sustained so they're not running out of stamina or Magicka and it's huge for the tank especially so he's not running out of sustain when he's trying to fight for his life against the mob that he's holding aggro on now this leads into consumables consumables are all about giving you more sustain when you hear someone say uh it has good sustain or this helps your sustain that means it helps your ability not to run out of your primary resources whatever those are if you're a stamina tune it helps you not run out of stamina or if you're Magicka it helps you not run out of magic all right that's what people refer to when they say it has good sustain so if you run out of sustained in ESO it usually means if you're a DPS that you're not doing any damage or if you're a tank that you're dead so you don't want to have bad sustain on your build or in your group and one of the primary ways maybe the primary way that you improve your sustaining ESO is through consumables consumables and Elder Scrolls Online are not optional they're not there as like oh here's extra one percent buff to your character no more like consumables or an extra 30 buff to your character right because food like lava foot soup very very popular consumable one of the ones I always recommend in a lot of my builds is because one you can wear it from level one to level 160 to level 3600 right it's a food that scales for you all the way from level one a lot of foods have level requirements on them but not lava foot and it happens to be amazing it gives you a 5 000 stamina or just about and almost 500 recovery uh so that increased stamina and that increased stamina recovery means it's so much harder for you to run out of stamina while you're using this food whereas without it it's very very easy you will run out of sustain really fast in content if you're not running some kind of food that's helping your sustain or if you're not in a group where a Healer or tank is helping with your sustain right so food is a big deal both for your damage and for your sustain of your resource likewise potions oceans are another part of this game that new players Overlook for far too long usually potions and Elder Scrolls Online are not optional they are very very important to your build and to your sustain the game is built assuming that you are going to use food and you're going to use potions and if you don't use those things you're going to run out of stamina or you're going to run out of Magicka or both right so very important that you use these until you do your sustain is going to be handicapped and so so is your build so you got your basic stamina potions which drop off of mobs they're these little green ones these are great for stem Tunes then you got your little basic blue ones essence of Magicka these drop off of mobs as well and these are perfect for using when you're a new player right they're very cheap you can buy them at Guild Traders for next to nothing and it helps you get in the habit of using them every 45 seconds while in combat which is what you should do these are meant to be used on cooldown as soon as they come off of cooldown in combat and that's how you prevent yourself from running out of resources in those Dungeons and in those trials is spamming these potions when you're in combat you don't have to worry about using them when you're out of combat but when your income absolutely use them and then once you get to the big boy content right the veteran content where it's not just it's not enough to do it's not enough to have a little better sustain you need a lot more sustain and you need more damage then boom you pull out something like essence of weapon power potions these are huge first of all it gives you a 20 weapon damage buff so boom that's 20 that's so huge it also gives you major savagery which gives you extra crit chance and it gives you stay stamina and it gives you 100 uptime on all of these things so the Buffs last four 47 seconds the cooldown is 45 seconds right so you have a hundred percent uptime on these Buffs if you're using them properly so potions and food and ESO long story short very important don't ignore them uh as soon as you start doing group content make sure that you are getting in the habit of using these things on cooldown now for questing and stuff like that uh the battles are dispersed enough where you know you'll probably be fine getting by without them but once you get to group content when you're constantly in action constantly in battle it's going to really help to get in the habit of using these potions when it comes to food and potions you can put them on your quick SWOT wheel which is what I highly recommend that you do because you're going to be using them like I said constantly and you don't want to have to come in here open three menus dive into three different layers of those menus and then dig out and double click on it right so what you want to do is open your menu and then drag the potion on here and then boom now you can see every time I press Q I'm going to be using that potion if I want to change that out or maybe what another good thing to do another good strategy is to have both your valuable potions and your cheat potions right so if you're doing something easy like a normal dungeon you can use your cheat potions and then if you go into a veterans engine boom you slot those valuable potions right you don't want to use these expensive potions on questing content right because it's so easy that's Overkill it's a waste of your money but for the hard content absolutely okay next up we have the transmute station there's a couple of really really powerful things you can do with a transmute station so uh this is quickly going to become one of your favorite things in ESO once you get used to it the first thing that you can do at the transmute station is retrade items so if you have a very valuable weapon like you've golden it out right but you want to change the trait right now this one's near node but let's say I wanted it to be precise I could come in here and I could use 50 transmits to change that trait rather than going out and farming it all over again and hoping it drops in precise which would be a pain in the butt right this is a crafted set so I would actually just craft it anyway maybe a bad example but like the coral Riptide dagger this is a trial set you would have to form this in a trial it dropped and charged right charge is pretty useless For Me Maybe I want precise or maybe I want nernhunter I could do that with the Stagger I could Retreat it no problem and have it the right trait for a cost of 50 transits in order to retrade it to nernhold I would have had to have researched nernhold from a dagger I'll talk about how to do that in this section coming up here next when I get into crafting but just know that in order to retrace something you need two things one is you need the material that it takes to retrade it in this case it's this one right here and you need to have researched the ability to turn it into that trait so those are the two steps okay oh I guess three you need the transmute crystals right so you need those three things you need the knowledge you need the item and then you need the transmit crystals right and then you can change the trait on an item now the other thing that you can do at a transmute station is you can reconstruct items this is relatively new well it's not that new anymore but it was one of the best things that they added to Elder Scrolls Online line period it's your sticker book right here it's got every time you find a piece of gear and you bind it to yourself either by deconstructing it by selling it to an NPC or by equipping it right or just right click it and bind it you can do all those things anything you do to basically prevent another person from buying it to themselves so anything you do to make it bound to your account or to prevent someone else from having it well it'll put it in your sticker book essentially that's the way to think about it once it's in here that means you've collected it and you can recraft it anytime you want so you can deconstruct it and then if you ever decide oh man I need that set again it's good again you know they just buffed it you can come in here and you can just click on the helmet you can choose the quality you can choose the trait and then you can just hit reconstruct and boom you're crafting that item the way this works is if you have collected the entire set right if you've collected all the weapons and all of the armor and all the jewelry it only costs 25 right so 25 transmutes or if you've only collected one piece of gear like I have here I have this perfected Coral Riptide ring I've only collected one so it costs 75. here I've collected the whole set it so it's 25 right so it's a scale it's a sliding scale if you've collected two it would be instead of 75 it would be let's say 70 right and it would get cheaper to craft it the more pieces of it that you have found so ideally you'll wait until you've formed a bunch of that set so that you're not burning through all of your transmutes to craft it so wait until you formed all the pieces you need and then maybe even a few more so you're getting closer to 25 per piece when it comes to crafting because it's going to cost you transmutes right and transmutes to see how many you have open your inventory click on the currency tab right here and it says I have 642 out of a thousand so you'll burn through them really fast once you start putting a build together right because it's going to cost five pieces of gear so that's 5 times 25 at the minimum and then another five piece set so that's another 5 times 25 right and then uh maybe a back bar weapon maybe a Mythic item right and you can see that 25 a piece starts that up really fast and that's the cheapest they can be right you might be crafting it at 50 a piece because you didn't form the whole set so some incentive to form everything and have them all ready to go but yeah this was a great addition to the game the sticker book and it makes it so that once you found it you never have to form that set again so once you farm a set even if you deconstruct it to make room in your bank to make room in your inventory because that set got nerfed and it's not good anymore if the sauce ever makes it good again you can just come in here and recraft it instantly you don't have to go run that dungeon 20 times again to get that set which feels fantastic as I mentioned this costs transmutes so what are transmutes how do you get them transmutes are earned in a few different ways in ESO the primary way to earn transmuse is going to be from the dungeon finder you just click dungeon finder random normal join Q when you finish the dungeon you will at the end get 10 transmutes you can do this on every character every day one time so if you have five characters you can get 50 transmits a day right it only works on your first random normal of the day per character so if you have 10 characters you could get 100 transmits per day right yeah I mean really your sanity is the limit there so as much as you want to form it you can and you can rack up a lot of it fast that way if you're more of a PVP kind of guy you can go to cyrodo and you can get tier 1 in cyrodial and that's going to give you 50 transmutes but those campaigns last as long as almost what a month so if the campaign just started you might not want to wait a month for your transmutes right so that that can be a good way to kind of go in there and get tier one if you enjoy PVP or if you don't need the transmutes anytime soon you can go in there and get tier one on a few tunes right that would be 150 transmutes that you would eventually get when that campaign ended and the rewards were sent out that's a great way to do it as well to see what's here you are you just look right here you would go to the overview tab of the campaigns and you would see you are well right now I'm tier zero I have not pvp'd this campaign if I wanted to I would have to go into Blackreach you must go into your home campaign to increase your tier just a heads up if I was to go into gray host and PVP in there I would not get any experience towards my campaign it has to be the one that I set as my home Campaign which right now is Blackridge the way you change your home campaign is you click on it right click on it if you're on PC right click on it and set it as your home standard is my home now I could change it to an alliance liked one if I wanted to and then I would go in there so just make sure you set one as your home and then go in and farm your AP which will give you tier points you can get this leveled up by doing literally anything in there that involves gaining AP so killing players but more importantly capturing keeps capturing resources those are going to be the things that really chunk this up in significant amounts and you can get it done as fast as 45 minutes you know 30 minutes if things are going really really in your favor but you could also go in there for an hour and not getting any AP at all you know it's a crap shoot when you're in cereal you never know what kind of a day it's going to be in there for you all right now like I mentioned let's talk about those crafting stations so crafting stations are pretty huge in ESO you're going to use these for a lot of things and they can do a lot for you some obvious and some not so obvious so let's take a look at for example here's the stations that you have you have the blacksmithing station this is where you craft Metal Gear right so your heavy armor or your melee weapons that kind of thing you've got the woodworking station this is where you craft bows Shields because then ESO Shields are wood it's sword and board not sword and shield sword and board so your Shields are made out of wood and Eso Just a Little clarification I know a lot of people go to the metal station you know myself included I went there every time for a long time looking for my shield and I oh yeah oh yeah it's it's wood The Shield's made of wood okay so in here this is where you craft your bows your staves and your Shield then you've got your clothing station this is where you craft all of your light and medium armor so cloth right leather that kind of thing then you've got your jewelry crafting station wishes where you would obviously guess uh your jewelry is crafted right then beyond that you have a cooking fire like this one or like this one right here it looks different depending on where you're at but there's cooking fires and you can interact with these and you can craft your consumables your meals and your drinks then there is the enchanting table the enchanting table is where you craft glyphs to enchant your weapons and your gear with and then your Alchemy Station which is where you craft your potions and your poisons okay so lots of different crafting benches and Elder Scrolls Online so let's talk about The Crafting stations that involve crafting gear if you interact with the blacksmithing station you've got some tabs here this is what we're going to clarify so the first one is refine do not touch this tab do not touch this tab for a long time don't touch this tab on your main don't touch it on your alts right you have the option to refine here right it'll tell you like hey you could refine these things if you click on them and turn them into better materials don't do that don't do that that's a trap okay let me explain why you want to max out one of your Crafters abilities there's a passive right under blacksmithing it's called metal extraction maximizes the chances of extracting blacksmithing ingredients that allows the refining of the most powerful tempers from raw materials so you want to pick a character that's going to be your crafter typically the smart thing to do is to make it your main there's a lot of reasons for your main being your crafter one your main is gonna have more skill points than you need like you can see here I've got three Builds on this character and I still have 46 points left over and he's maxed out his crafting right because your main is going to inevitably find way more skill points than he needs there's going to be one from every dungeon trial Arena there's going to be three from every zone right there's gonna be six from every Zone Sky shards right so you just inevitably end up with literally I think I have 480 450 480 uh skill points on this character way more than I need right so maxing out crafting on my main was perfect because now I don't have to log out of this character and into a crafter every time I want to upgrade one of my many pieces of gear right or if I want to let's say retrade a piece of gear upgrade a piece of gear craft potions craft food right I don't have to take off that piece of gear put it in the bank log out switch over to the other character grab it upgrade it put it back in the bank log out log back into this character grab it out of the bank put it on right like there's just so many unnecessary steps if you put your crafter on an ALT it's not the end of the world if you did it and sometimes your main stops being your main and then your crafter ends up being your alt just because you changed Mains and there's nothing you can do about that but in a perfect world your crafter being your main is ideal so yeah as I was saying don't refine until you've maxed metal extraction out okay just like you don't want to upgrade your gear from Blue to purple and purple to Gold until you've maxed out temper expertise whatever the equivalent is for that weight of armor right so if you're wearing cloth armor like leather or linen right like if you're wearing a light armor or a medium armor you need to max out uh tanning expertise before you max out your gear right this is very very important otherwise you're literally wasting hundreds of thousands of gold on your way to Gold quality and I'm not exaggerating it's hundreds of thousands of gold that you're wasting in materials because it literally cuts the cost from 20 of the material to eight so more than halved when when you have this right so you don't want to upgrade gear without getting your crafting done okay you can do like green to blue and you might even be willing to do blue to purple right because those ingredients aren't that expensive uh jewelry is expensive don't waste these get this one done get your plating expertise right get that one done early do not upgrade jewelry without that it's a very expensive okay so um this is all kind of man this has been a 10 I was trying to talk about crafting and I started getting out uh really important advice about crafting instead but make sure just the moral of the story though is I know this is a lot of information the moral of the story is don't start refining until you've maxed out your passives that improve the materials you get from refining because again you're gonna be throwing away hundreds of thousands or even millions of gold if you do this so don't touch the stab until you maxed out that passive and then also there's a CP one and it is called meticulous disassembly so make sure you have this maxed out and slotted make sure you have the corresponding extraction passives maxed out and then and only then you can start refining your different benches each bench has a refining of the materials for that bench right and you don't want to touch those unless you've maxed that out so don't ever touch it on your alts craft it touch it on your crafter only and only after you've got your passives leveled up otherwise you're throwing away a ton of gold okay so that's the first step that's refining so basically when you're out there Gathering materials in the world and you're getting these materials that you can refine and turn into materials that you can create left and upgrade with the next tab is the crafting tab itself this is where you can craft items you can craft a dagger right and here you chose like the level you never ever ever really want to craft anything that's not CP 160. now this is very important to notice okay I went all the way to the right right boom you would think this would be 160 because I hit all the way to the right so it should be the max level it's not it's CP 150. there's so I guarantee you there's a lot of people in the game running around right now with gear that is not max level because they didn't realize they maxed this out but then there's this little button that pops up right here boom now it's 160. now the gear is one it's a lot more expensive to craft it went from costing 10 rubidites to costing 100 but it's also a lot more powerful as a result so make sure if you craft something that you go all the way to the right and then you hit this little plus sign it's really easy to miss that then you've got here these are just Styles it just changes the way it looks it doesn't change the way it performs and you're likely gonna override it with a motif at the outfit station so for this I wouldn't I wouldn't worry too much about what you choose choose something that you have a lot of or that's really cheap or whatever and I just kind crafted in any style that doesn't really matter you're just going to override it at the alpha station and then choose your trade okay so your trade like I said I have 33 of the neuron Crux so that I can make it nernhold or I have 1.1 000 of decisive because I never make decisive stuff so you need these materials in order to pick the trait and you get these materials a lot of ways you get these materials by deconstructing items that had that trait things like that okay the next tab is going to be deconstruct this is where you deconstruct gear that you find to take the materials out of it that you can hopefully use to craft something else later and also deconstructing is what levels up your benches crafting doesn't really level your benches in ESO not your armor benches all of your experience so right here in the top left you can see that my blacksmithing is level 50 right that is primarily earned by deconstructing heavy armor or weapons it's the deconstructing process that levels your bench and when you find one of these items with one of these symbols on it that means that's intricate that means you get increased inspiration inspiration is just crafting experience it's just another name for crafting experience so um when I deconstruct these I get mega crafting experience because they have the intricate thing on them right mine's already maxed out so when I deconstruct it I just get the materials I don't need the experience I don't get any experience it's maxed so next let's go to the Improvement tab Improvement is where you upgrade things so if you find an item that's green here's where you'll come to upgrade it to blue and then from Blue to purple and from purple to Gold if I click on this Coral Riptide dagger for instance boom it shows up here as purple so I can upgrade it to purple it's gonna cost me four of my grain solvent I have 3.1 000 grain solvents so I'm going to do that as an example here I have this item locked so it's making me type confirm okay I have it locked so I don't accidentally deconstruct it in the deconstruct tab oh which reminds me if you have an item that you find right like it's a piece of gear you want to save and you don't want to accidentally deconstruct it make sure you right click it and lock so I unlocked it now when I go to deconstruct look it's there it's very easy I could accidentally Decon it when I'm because you'll come here and you'll have 40 items to deconstruct very very easy right after one dungeon you'll have so much stuff to deconstruct so you do two or three in a row and it's real easy to lose the good items you know throw the baby out with a bath water if you will so make sure when you get an item you want to hold on to that it's important to you or that you're wearing right always right click it lock it that way it doesn't show up here anymore and then you can still upgrade it but it's gonna say okay make sure you want to make this change to this item it's a lock that I'm so confirm you just type that in and then you can do it so here you can see this cost eight eight of my tempering alloy so you make this item ring alloy is one of the cheapest materials for going to Gold let's see how much that costs tempering alloy okay these are selling for 16 to 20 000 a piece I'm using eight of those instead of 20 right so I'm saving 12 times 16 to 20 000. massive savings by upgrading my crafting passives before upgrading the item okay that's nothing though look at this what about jewelry let's look at chromium plating this is selling for 301 to 376 000 an average of 345 000 okay so if I was to improve that item it's it's either eight or ten to upgrade it if you don't have that passive right we're saving four times three hundred forty five thousand on the low end 1.3 million gold being saved per piece of jewelry if we upgrade the passives before we upgrade the item right that's just one piece of Joy we're wearing three and we're changing them like every other patch right so one uh this is why we almost never take our jewelry to gold first of all I don't recommend it I'm running purple jewelry right now and uh it's fine you know I can do every bit of content in the game with purple jewelry I have done every bit of content in the game with purple jewelry it is not necessary to upgrade your jewelry to Golden ESO it's really not it's not worth it you're you get some decent damage gains like let's say a few percent but yeah it's gonna cost you Millions right and it might only be relevant set for three months and then you know three months later you're having to do it all over again so upgrade your jewelry last upgrade your weapons first upgrade your monster set second your body armor third and your jewelry less okay jewelry less okay so that's the let's see so that's Improvement and that's how you improve and how you get the materials to improve right from deconstructing things and then you've got research so research is if I had an item on me so let's see oh I can't research anything on this character because I have it all okay so if I had found an item that I didn't already have researched I would be able to come in here right and click on that item and I would research the trade-off of that item but because this character has already researched every trait on every piece of gear I can't really show that to you but just know you click on this tab so for example if your build calls for a nerd honed weapon you would come in here you would go to the weapons you would go to the dagger right and you would get a nurn tone to dagger you would have it in your inventory you would come here and you would click research and then that would allow you to research the nerdhone trade off of that dagger that you probably just purchased off a guild Trader that's the easiest way to get nerd honed every other trait you can get real easily just by you know you'll go through Dungeons and inevitably you'll pick up an item you'll drop you know it'll drop powered so you research power it on day one and then on day two you run a dungeon and it drops charge so you research charged right nerd Hound is the one that's like super rare uh it's hard to get it only comes out of certain places like trials and stuff like that so um this one the easiest thing to do is just go to Guild Trader search for a low level white dagger with an earned Hound on it you buy it for like uh 18K 20K I'm not sure what the price is these days and then you just go back to your station you research it boom you it's a one-time cause now you have that trait you can reconstruct craft it forever and just to go over this crafting passives one more time for you because they are so important and I know it's confusing so the crafting passives you want to pay attention to are the ones that are called extraction well it's basically the bottom one and then the the one like two up from the bottom on everyone if that's easier to remember so you've got tempering expertise metal extraction then you've got tanning expertise and unraveling right then you've got jewelry you've got plating expertise and jewelry extraction and then woodworking expertise extraction right it's almost always expertise and extraction you want those too before you start getting into crafting and refining just know that all right you want to get those done the other thing that you want to have before you start getting into crafting is uh anytime you're going to uh refine or deconstruct it's beneficial to have meticulous disassembly slot it up here in your green notes this is one I would honestly recommend any new player and even veteran player you have this one slotted all the time there's just so much money all of these are kind of RP passives this one is making you and saving you a ton of money just by having it slotted so uh it's one of those things that's just better to have slotted all the time because if you forget to slot it before you do a big crafting session or a big refining session or something you're losing a lot of money and as a result and by having that CP node and um this one slotted you double your take you're getting twice as many gold materials as you would by not having those slotted okay so literally it's 100 percent increase in your return by having that passive and that CP node slotted very important can't emphasize it enough all right next up let's talk about leveling and Elder Scrolls Online how do you level an ESO well that's a complicated answer and a not complicated answer at the same time because Elder Scrolls Online is very much a not holding your hand type of game it lets you go and do whatever you enjoy doing now there's certainly some things that are going to be much faster than others there's certainly some things that are going to be much more profitable than others there is no right or wrong way to level really I highly encourage you to do the thing that's enjoyable to you and the levels will naturally come I will say that questing is the slowest way to level and grinding out XP in certain places in the game is the fastest way to level just going there and killing mobs over and over and resetting the instance and rinsing and repeating I will link a power leveling guide in the description for you that's going to go over all of the best and fastest ways to level if you want to like skip the actual experience and you just want to get to the max level as soon as possible you can do that I don't recommend it I don't think that's the best way to enjoy Elder Scrolls online but I know some of you don't care what I think is the best way to enjoy it you just want to get to max level and so don't worry I've got you covered I've got a guide for that of course but for those of you that want to level a little bit more naturally what I would recommend doing is you know questing in your favorite area doing at least one random normal dungeon a day that's gonna give you a hundred thousand experience this would take you from 10 to 13 that's three levels from one dungeon right it would also take you from 20 to 22 right it's two levels and the higher you get the like the fewer levels that you get from doing a dungeon right but you're still going to get a substantial amount of experience and then like later on it's still giving you a full level just from doing one dungeon that's pretty huge and it's a great way to expedite your leveling just make sure you get your one random dungeon a day if nothing else and even if you're just questing that's going to help get you to max level in a decent clip you can also double dip on this XP by doing a random Battleground this gives you the same exact XP reward and you can do it once a day as well now Battlegrounds will well your first time you're going to get curb stomp pretty bad people are are going to come and probably wreck your face unless you happen to get lucky enough to get paired up against other people doing their first Battlegrounds which you know that sometimes happens but pretty rarely so you know if you go in there and you take a lashing you take a pretty good beating don't feel bad that happens to everybody the first time they go in there okay but if your team gets second place or better so first or second place out of the three teams in there you get this experience if your team gets third you don't get the XP you gotta queue up again and do it until your team gets second or better okay just something to know about that reward just queuing up isn't enough your team has to get second or first I have a complete leveling guide I'm going to link that in the description as well it's a leveling guide for one to three hundred it tells you all the things you should do at each level interval so it'll say from one to ten you should be doing these things from 15 to 20 you should be doing these things from you know 50 to 100 you should be doing this right it's a very thorough leveling guide if you're someone that's worried you're gonna miss something important or do something wrong I encourage you not to stress um but you know if if you want to be sure I have a guide for that it's a complete leveling guide one to three hundred one of my most popular videos so I'll link that in the description as well in case you want to check that out now there's another thing that I should mention now that I've talked about doing Battlegrounds and that is that in Elder Scrolls Online there's really two types of content well let's say there's three types of content in ES file this is probably easier there's your solo content there is your group content and then there's your PVP content and each of these things requires slightly different builds and ESO you could go into the PvP Arenas with a group PVE built but you're going to get absolutely smashed if you face a decent PVP right because he's going to be wearing PVP gear PVP gear does really well in PvP content but it does horribly in PVE content and PVE gear that's really good in PVE and it does horribly in PvP right so you can't use one build for everything in ESO it just doesn't work that way and the same thing like if you take a group build into solo content like a veteran solo Arena you know you might not have the heel or the sustained most likely to really do very well in that content so you know picking the right build for the type of content that you want to engage in is very important I have a website that has solo builds and it has group builds and it even has some PVP builds if you're interested in that so as always I'll put a link to that down in the description below uh just make sure that you kind of know what you want to do in ESO and just know that that build is going to have some limitations there's no such thing as a build that is really good at solo content really good at group PVE content and really good at PVP content that just doesn't exist you could do a PVE build and a PVP build and I highly recommend that you if you do that you take advantage of the Armory here the Armory is something that was recently added to ESO and it's something that lets you switch between builds just like we're describing right now so the Armory lets you have let's say a stamcro PVE build right and then a PVP builds you get to pick what it's called the symbols are right you can edit it so the the way this works is you put your Build Together you put it on your character then you come here and then you click save build and whatever you're wearing it's going to put your gear your food your potions it's going to put your Mundus uh your curse whether your werewolf Empire or neither it's going to put your outfit right it's gonna put your attributes your slottables your your skills your morphs right It's Gonna Save the entire build right all 64 of my stamina right and that way this is my PVE build so when I'm gonna PVE I click one button and boom I'm ready to go for PVE okay and then what if I want to do some PVP and I was telling you this PVE build is going to crush in PVE content but it's going to suck real horribly in PvP content let's be real so then I come here before I go PVP and I click equip build I load out my PVP builds right and this is going to allow me to crush faces in PvP so it's saved you'll notice there's so many differences here right my PVP build is nothing like my PE build it's got way more defense I've got points into Health something I would never do as a DPS in PVE content it's got a bit of stamina right some a healing ultimate on the back bar I mean this you would never put this in PVE but in PvP you're forced to be your own tank your own healer and your own DPS all in one package so it's a little bit of everything on one build and that's what the Armory station is for it's for making those big changes when you're going to change your build in a way that requires you you would have to respect multiple times right I would have to respect my CP I would have to respect my attributes I'd have to respect my morphs and my skills and I would have to change gear I would have to change my Mondays uh my curse right all of this it would be such a pain to change all of this but now it's one click because of the Armory station great addition to the game one caveat though exhaust did over monetize this thing a little bit so they give you two loadouts that you can use right here you've got one and two for free you get these two for free and then you could pay for additional slots right for 1500 crowns not terribly cheap date okay the thing about this is this is perk character so if you have 18 characters just know that if you pay for this Armory slot upgrade it's only applying to the character you buy it on so make sure one you buy it on the right character and make sure two that you know that the other 17 characters you have you're gonna have to buy that third slot one at a time on those characters if you're interested in engaging with that which is where if you're on PC you know you can use an add-on like Wizard's wardrobe this is a free add-on that you can download and it basically does the same thing as the Armory but without charging you and you can have infinite loadouts and not pay a dime this existed before the Armory but zos added this so that console had this and then zos charged console for the extra slots see I can make infinite so you know just uh I love I love ESO and I love a lot of things that sauce has done with ESO but I also hate the way the sauce overmonetizes an abuse console sometimes you know I just oh I'm gonna keep this video positive but that's just one of my little grievances there so now there is one difference though between Wizard's wardrobe and the Armory the Armory is going to change things that Wizard's wardrobe won't so the Armory is going to change your attributes Wizards wardrobe cannot right you got to go to Shrine for that and it's also gonna change your curse and your mind yes right these things so those it's there's a little bit of extra convenience because this Armory is able to do some stuff that your add-on isn't all right but like if you're just changing from one PVE build to another PVE build this is the way to go user Wizards wardrobe for that you can go from like an AOE build a single Target build to a solo build right all of that because it's most it's really just all going to be using the same curse or lack of it's going to be using the same attributes and it's going to be using you know probably the same Mondays for most of that so you don't need the Armory slots is basically what I'm getting at there's a way around spending all that money one character at a time next I'm going to briefly go over what parsing is you're going to hear people talk about parsing an ESO a lot parsing is how we determine how good our build is how much damage we're doing with our build rights so a lot of times you'll find a build that's posted on the Internet by a very reliable source and and you'll go try it out and it'll feel weak and you're not sure why or what's happening uh and so it's likely going to be because you haven't parsed on EA you haven't practiced your rotation you have not sat there and beat on one of these dummies like this guy right here or this one right here is the most common because it's been in the game the longest so most most people will have one of these in their house so you have to buy one of these from the crown store they are not free and if you buy one or someone in your guild buys one then you can come and parse on it and you just beat on it right you just beat on it and it's gonna tell you at the end how much damage per second you did right it's gonna spit out a number and it'll say oh you did 50 000 DPS or a hundred thousand DPS and you'll know what level of content you are ready for if you want to do normal content in ESO there really is no DPS requirement if you want to do veteran content like veteran trials and ESO I would say 50 or 60 000 DPS minimum for veteran trials would be a pretty common ask if you want to do veteran DLC trials it's probably going to be more like 70 or 80 000 DPS minimum for ask and if you want to do veteran DLC hard mode trials they're probably going to be asking you to have well over 100 000 DPS on one of these parses right so it's a good way for you to come in I would recommend coming in if you want to parsing every 50 or 100 CP as you're leveling up so you can really see oh man my damage is actually going up considerably every time I come back here and I promise you that the first time you parse your damage will double just because you'll start to see how important it is to maintain dots so uh the biggest DPS loss in ESO for new players is going to be not maintaining dots right in ESO you have basically you have like you have your spammable sometimes the semi-spamable right but you have a spammable that you use anytime all your dots are ticking or or your Buffs right and then every other skill is a DOT or a buff so you have one spammable and then a DOT or a buff as every other skill so you're playing a little bit of a whack-a-mole here where you're trying to keep all those dots ticking they all last between 10 and 30 seconds generally and you keep reapplying them and if they fall off you go and reapply them if you're all ticking right right you really you pull them all and then you've got five seconds until one of those Buffs or dots falls off then you can use your spammable five times right or in the necromancer's case you'd use your spammable and I don't want to get into rotations here because that's a whole other bag of worms every one of my builds has its own rotation and I tell you what the rotation is in a really simple easy to understand manner hopefully yeah I'm not going to get into the weeds of rotations but just know the number one reason new players struggle with their DPS is because they underestimate how important it is to make sure all of their dots are ticking at all times right and light attacking between every single ability when do you lie detect between every ability who lie detects between everybody everybody literally everybody healers DPS and even tanks although tanks are sometimes gonna heavy attack instead of light attack between inability the reason we light attack between abilities is one you're seeing all these effects trigger when I light attack him that's procking my enchant on my weapon it's procking my five piece set on my armor it's procking my other five piece set that's that Big Stone that just came out of the ground right light attacking does a lot of stuff it's also it's also when I like to see how my old charge is at zero right now see it says zero and if I lie detect well let's first if I use blast bones it still has zero right using abilities does not make your ultimate charge very important to know very important to remember light tech now it's going up three to three at a time okay and it should be for nine ticks for a total of 27 Old charge and there it goes right so every time you light attack you get nine seconds of alt regen it doesn't stack you know it's nine seconds from when you lie detect so you always want to make sure that you are light attacking between every ability for the damage for the enchant procs for the alt regen there's a lot of benefits that come from light attacking between every single ability it's just a part of eso it's something that every new player struggles with at first it's really actually very simple don't overthink it don't overthink light attack weaving and that's what it's called it is as simple as going live attack ability light attack ability it's just it's just a click between every skill that's it it's not complicated it's not hard it's just muscle memory it's just something that you have to get used to and people will tell you about animation canceling that's literally just canceling the animation of your light attack so this is a lie detect without canceling the animation okay it goes all the way around and then the arms come back and then he rests in front of him so it starts stops right I could do Logitech animation let's take animation you don't even see the light attack happening anymore you just see the Scythe right but both are happening because I'm using the Logitech and the Scythe in near succession so almost at the exact same time I pressed Logitech but a fraction of a second later I press the scythe and I get credit for both because they technically have different cooldowns the Slide Attack has one cooldown I can only light attack so fast and the Scythe has a one second Global cooldown just like all abilities do so we do one light attack and one Scythe per second anyway we're getting into the weeds of parsing just know that that is light attack weaving that is what parsing is you use it to calculate your damage per second and this tells you if one your build is good or two you're good at a build like if you know your build's good and you want to know how good you are at using it you come and you parse if you're just gonna do questing in ESO if you're just gonna do normal content you don't have to worry about parsing uh don't stress this this is only for people that want to go into veteran veteran DLC trials that kind of thing next thing we're going to touch on briefly is dark anchors or domen or geysers or dragons or hairstorns or Oblivion Gates these are all the exact same thing in Elder Scrolls Online every Zone has dark anchors or dominant domain is kind of like the term it's like a little world event that happens in random places around the world it's usually denoted by this symbol right here see this it looks like the hurricane symbol on like a weather report that right there that is a dark anchor or a domain or whatever you want to call it every Zone has a few different local occasions these can spawn so this one has one here here and here and only one can be active at a time and when one is active you'll see like two swords crossing over top of it indicating hey this is the one that's active right now and when you go to any zone so if I go to this Zone it has a bunch of them right right here here here here here here all over the place every Zone has its own version so in all the base game zones it's these dark anchors that fall from the sky and then all of the chapters they have their own iteration of that here it's volcanic vents in Somerset it's these geysers that shoot water out of the ground right it's always a different thing depending on which chapter it is but it's also the same thing in a way it's an event where everybody congregates and like takes it down uh they can all be soloed they're all pretty easy to do they can be soloed by just about anybody except maybe gray more graymores can be kind of difficult to solo probably especially for a new player domain to be aware of though is the ones in alacare desert these Stand Out Above the Rest for one reason I'll teleport there real quick to show you why okay so in new so here's the you can see this is the active one right now which means this will probably be the next active one that I'm at I'm guessing it's going clockwise it can change but right now it appears to be going clockwise so in a moment you'll see this crowd of people this crowd is going 24 7 7 you know it's like seven days a week all day every day the there is always the alacare domen people come here and lose their souls you have to be careful about doing the alacare domain it can be a very effective way to level it doesn't require you to have any gear it's the Netflix and chill way to level in ESO like if you just want to get passive experience without turning your brain on without having any good gear this is where it is so here they come as predicted right they're all spawning in you'll see a lot of people come and they're all running up to do this domain event up here which we should be able to see spawning in any second let's go up and I'll show you what that looks like okay there it is it's spawning in these big anchors come down from the sky the sound is so awesome on this boom there Comes The Anchor that's why it's called a dark anchor and it's uh it's just gonna drop a bunch of enemies down on the ground everybody's gonna go They're gonna kill those enemies and uh you don't get very much experience for killing anything in there the most of the experience comes from the end when you kill the final boss and the event is over this quote unquote event is over and you get this bulk of XP after the event is over it's like 5000 XP without really any Buffs something like that and then you move on to the next one right and so they're gonna kill this one until the final boss uh spawns and then they'll kill that boss and then they'll teleport to this one right here and they'll teleport to this go here and let's all part of this and go here right if you're ever curious about the domain Farm I have a guide on that tells you just search for Lucky ghost delman guide or whatever you know and you will find that so there's the boss they're melting it right there's so many people here it goes so fast which is why this is such a good XP early on there's a lot of ways to level that are faster than domain there's none that are easier because it doesn't require you to do anything other than tag one enemy one time and that gives you credit for the domen and you can move on to the next one it's that easy now there they go and like I said this is going 24 7 all day every day be careful with these I've seen a lot of people basically come and get addicted to these because it's so easy and so effective and uh they never go play the rest of the game and then and they they one day burn out and they get bored and they wonder why it's because they were just running from Dome into Dome and killing these things over and over for like three weeks and then just burnt out on the game all right so be careful with those they're effective but you know be careful all right next up let's talk about the justice system and Elder Scrolls Online so in Elder Scrolls Online you can steal from people you can thieve right but if you get caught like if you fail like so if I come up behind this person I have a chance that says 100 chance of pickpocket them so I do right and I get the item down there in the bottom right you'll see I can steal from a person three times before their pockets are empty each time that you steal from the same person your chances succeeding generally gets lower although some NPCs are super basic and you have a great chance of succeeding generally the higher this chance of succeeding the worse the loot is going to be from the NPC now if I were to get caught like if a guard was walking by and saw me steal from this person he would get mad or if I attack this person I think I'm gonna do right now I am now notorious down here you can see my so if a guard comes up to me or if I walk by a guard he's gonna say hey Holt you just broke the law right because I just killed this civilian I won I stole from her but I didn't get a bounty for that because I didn't get caught and then I murdered her so now I'm gonna walk by this guard to show you what happened it's not really a big deal if you get caught for it you just have to pay the 138 gold and the big thing is that they'll take from you anything that you have on you that was stolen so if you've been doing a lot of thieving like if you just were stealing from a town for an hour you don't want to get caught right because you'll lose all that hard work before you get a chance to go and sell it so if I talk to this if I walk by this guy he'll be like hey right and I have the option to pay and he'll take all the stolen goods off of me I can I can use clemency which is one of my passives from my thiebing line I uh which you know actually I'll do that right I'm gonna do that so he would have just taken the gold from me and the 83 gold that I owed and he would have taken the items but I could have come to the outlaw Refuge Outlaw Refuge is the symbol right here after you steal you can come in here and you go to the fence and then you come in here talk to the fence and the first thing they're gonna say is I will not buy anything from you if you have a bounty I have a 23 Gold bouncy left right so say I have some passives that reduce that so that's why it's less than what it says okay yeah here there's 14 gold now I'm saying I got some Goods man I want to sell these here he's like sure I'll pay 110 gold for that okay and I'm selling it to him I could also launder it so if I wanted if it was an item like let's say I got a Furnishing recipe that was really valuable or I got something that was actually valuable and I wanted to keep it I could launder it which means I pay him 100 gold he gives it back to me and I get to keep it in my inventory when you sell it to the fence it's gone and it's gone forever there's no buyback when you sell the defense so be careful in here don't accidentally sell something that you wanted to keep and just know that if it says treasure see in the top left of the corner there if it says treasure it's garbage treasure neoso is meant for one thing and one thing only it is to be sold to NPCs for the gold value of that treasure so this one is worth 100 gold I'd sell it for 100 gold I have some passives that make it so that I get more than 100 gold when I sell to the fence apparently a 10 bonus right there's passives in the uh passive line for thieving there's also passives in your CP tree that would actually make this a lot more that I don't currently have slotted right now so this is going for 110 gold and if we slot that passive increase fence values okay so we'll put this on confirm the changes always remember to confirm changes all right and then we talk to the fence it was selling for 110 now it sells for 135. oh you know if you're gonna do some thieving just make sure that you go ahead and go to the green tree and Slot your thieving ones you want to slot cut purse this is going to give you higher quality items and Slot Infamous this is going to give you 25 more and if you have I've done a lot of testing on this I sold there's a there's an achievement where you have to steal a million gold worth of items selling them to this fence it's literally it's 100 to like 300 gold at a time basically up to 1 million in gold and stolen goods that achievement was not quick and easy to get that took me a while and uh so I was able to do some tests and what I found out was when you have this cut purses art and this Infamous it works out to exactly double the profits from your thieving exactly double so if I was going out and getting 10K every time I filled up my inventory with stolen goods when I slotted these two I would get 20K every time I went out and filled out my inventory with stolen goods it was exactly double so that must have been their plan when they set these two up is like all right we want to we want to make it so that when they saw both of these they make literally exactly 20 twice what they would normally make because that's what it worked out to and I tested it a bunch of times so make more money you know double your income by starting those two anytime you're saving all right the next thing I'm going to touch on real quickly is force picking locks this is a question I get a lot when people are watching me stream ESO I'll be streaming the game and I'll walk up to the chest and I'll open it immediately and they're like wait a second how did you skip the lock picking minigame normally you have to come in here and you have to push this down and as soon as it starts vibrating you let go all right you just watch it and you just let go right and you get to the last one same thing I'm not going to do it right now so I can show you the alternative option which is down here at the bottom it says Force lock 85 chance I can just walk up to a chest and press r and force picked lock now I have a 85 chance to succeed at that because I maxed out Ledger domain so if we go down here to legitimate right here we see locksmith improves your chances of forcing locks by 70 so that this lock would have been 15 but because of this passive it's now 85 right so normally you would fail and you would fail a lot trying to do this but Ledger domain lets me right and how do you level up Ledger domain you level blood your domain by selling stolen goods like we did a moment ago okay so if we come here and we do uh shits and I just press r boom it opens up I don't have to play that minigame and the mini game is fine and all but after you've done it a million times you're gonna want to just get through it fast especially if you're in a dungeon there's people waiting on you most likely if you don't have the force pick unlocked they will and they'll be standing there like why did this guy open it why didn't he just let me open the chest I could open it real quick and we could be on our way to killing the next set of mobs and get this passive whenever you get a chance it's not super urgent it's not a big deal I mean if you have to manually unlock chess in a dungeon it's not the end of the world by any means or out in the open world some people even enjoy the mini game but I personally think it's a fantastic one to have on hand it's super convenient and a little known thing the neso a lot of people overlook this they don't know it's there all right next let's talk about housing and you may not have known it um but much of this video has been taking place in my house this island is actually my house one of the things that ESO does better than any other game Bar None is housing and this whole island my volcano my Islands my Resorts uh the stages over there these stations right a bit of a mess right now because I've moved around things a lot lately ever since uh well this is my house this whole island and I've got other houses all over the world you can tell where the houses are located because of these little houses on the map these are the ones I don't own and if you see one that is white I want the one I'm in or this one right here it's kind of hidden uh this one right here that's one I own right so I own a ton of houses ESO has a ton of houses that you can buy for gold the best houses will be bought in the crown store for as much as 100 so there's some good sides and bad sides to the eso housing but the cool thing is just how insanely awesome the housing system is and how much it lets you customize it I mean if you go into my Island house it will look nothing like someone else's Island house and it will not that will look nothing like someone else's you can do some pretty cool things in here I've seen some pretty cool creations and really impressive to see what people have done with housing and ESO you get a super basic house right when you start the game you'll be in town and there'll be a quest to like get your basic in-house go ahead and grab that it's nice you can teleport back to it for free and it's located in town like this was my first house the saint Ellen Penthouse it's the like literally a six by six room that I could store a few of my most basic things in I didn't have much at that point so I mean it was big enough it wasn't fancy but it got the job done eventually I moved into something like this and when you are in your house to move things around just press F5 or the button that shows up down here if you're on Console here's F5 and then I can browse all of the goods in my inventory or that I own and I can put these in the house like this little imp guy can set him here right it's literally unlimited what you could do almost uh the housing system is so impressive in ESO in order to buy a house generally speaking you just walk up to it you try to enter it and it'll say do you want to purchase this house if you can't purchase it with gold it'll tell you how much it costs to buy in crowns some of them are locked behind achievements some are not there's some really nice houses you can buy for gold and that are like the faction achievement homes stuff like that they cost like three million 3.5 million gold and stuff all the way down to just a few thousand gold so you know do some research do some shopping and pick the one that looks school to you next up I'm going to quickly talk about add-ons add-ons are something that you can use on PC there are no add-ons on Console unfortunately add-ons are incredibly powerful and an insanely I mean I don't know if I can play the game without them anymore I've I've had them for so long I've been spoiled by the the amount of quality of life that they provide you may notice that my UI looks very different than yours especially like uh my inventory it's all sorted and neat and nice and modern looking uh compared to like the base game UI and that's all because of my add-ons right it's all doing that it's all changed the way that everything looks for me and bringing it a little bit into the modern age in my opinion I really like my add-ons and the thing about the add-ons is I recommend downloading a program called minion I have a whole add-ons guide that goes into much more detail about getting add-ons installing add-ons but the best thing about minion is that you can once they're installed you just click update all every patch and it updates them like that for you and one of my most popular guides is my add-on guide so be sure to check that out Link in the description below some really really fantastic add-ons by some fantastic add-on authors out there definitely recommend taking advantage of them if you and if you're on PC they're going to do things like tell you the value of items when you hover over them they're going to do things like sort your inventory or Auto sell junk when you talk to NPCs they're going to warn you of mechanics if you're trying to learn a dungeon like they're very powerful add-ons they do so much good stuff next let's talk about companions so first let's go over the commands that were added with Blackwood in Blackwood there are two companions added to the game Ember and Sebastian Ember can be collected by heading up north to the Doom Vault volpinas and Bastion can be collected by heading down south in the zone of Blackwood to deep scorn Hollow if you go there you'll find Bastion tied up you start a quest with him likewise if you go up to the Doom Vault you'll find Miri up here so she is a dark elf He is an imperial she's kind of uh she's kind of like fun not really she's pretty critical but not too bad Bastion is a whiner uh he complains a lot he doesn't like cheese and he's going to tell you every time that you touch something that he doesn't like she doesn't like when you pick up fireflies that's her big thing and there you don't realize how often you accidentally pick up fire flies in this game until you were carrying her around and she's constantly complaining about it so those two commands if you want the like sassy dark elf that's her if you want the whiny Imperial that's him fortunately in the next chapter after that one right so that was Blackwood and the next chapter which was high aisle they added two more companions these are significantly better in terms of their personalities functionality wise they're all the same they all perform just as well as the other they're all based on a class so you know every class in ESO can be a tank healer DPS so every companion can be a tank killer DPS it's really just about how you set them up in my opinion High aisle has the best companion which is going to be Ember and she's collected uh here at the tour dryak this little castle looking thing come here find her and start a quest with her and that's gonna unlock her she's the best companion Barna she's the happiest spunkiest she's just in a good mood she puts you in a good mood with some of the stuff she says she'll you know get gleefully excited about every little thing you do and uh you know she's just kind of fun to have around she brightens the mood a lot when you're traveling around especially when you compare her to the other companions that I know zos tried to make them realistic they tried to give them likes and dislikes and what ended up happening with the rest is they spent a lot of time complaining because all their dislikes are happening constantly throughout the game like if you're doing a little bit of thieving they get mad at you if you eat cheese they get mad at you if you pick a firefly even matter you if you do anything in a game like there's some you're constantly doing something where they're complaining whereas Amber she's just go with the flow man the only time she gets mad at you is if you're fishing which I don't do a lot of anyway or if she catches like if you get caught thieving like she's cool with you thieving she gets excited she's like yeah let's go uh but if you get caught she'll be like Oh I'm disappointed hey I thought you were better than that so and then over here you've got castle nevir and that's where you would unlock Isabelle she's kind of like your knight in shining armor um she's nice she's in a better mood than say the two companions from Blackwood but she is also a little bit of a complainer you know so she's like Bastion 2.0 basically she's similar personality to Bastion but complains a little bit less than Bastion um but yeah Ember is a Khajiit and she is a bread my vote if you're gonna pick up a companion go to for drag pick up Amber and never look back dude she's the best one by far manions do about nine to ten thousand DPS so that's about the damage you're gonna be doing on day one is a level one Noob and they don't really ever get better than that so they're just meant to be a little personality that follows you along there's a little bit of a progression system you can put gear on them it's companion specific gear that drops uh let's see let me go out and open up my companion menu so you can see what that's like so if we summon my favorite companion here don't mind her outfit chat made me do it okay she's dressed just like me okay and that was I promise that wasn't my idea you know it's humiliating for her so companion menu we can see like right here's all the gear you can put on your companion so I've got some blue some green I didn't spend a lot of time upgrading her gear because uh frankly I'm sure DPS is so small compared to mine and I am not I'm bragging or anything like that like I'm she's there for the personality she's not there for the damage that's that's basically what it is but if you're a brand new player or if you're a tank or you're a Healer that doesn't do a lot of GPS the damage that they provide can be helpful and then here you can change their skills you go to the skills menu by clicking skills and then you can drag these on here as you unlock um Guild you can drag The Guild skills on here you level up the guilds by doing guild quests so if you go do a Fighter's Guild daily it levels up your fighter skills or your companion just make sure that your companion is out when you turn in the fighter skill daily and that levels up fighter skilled on your companion okay very important same with major skill same with undone did Guild just do the dailies but have the companion out when you turn them in then that's going to level up the companion's skill lines you can dress your companion you can either put custom costumes on them by going to an outfit station and editing their outfit there or you can just if you don't have like an outfit that you want to put on them you can just do this and you can put one of your costumes that you have on them if you've dyed this costume for yourself it'll be dyed when they put it on the same exact way you had it uh you can also pick the amount that they have so when you get on your Mount they will also get on the mount that you choose so I have her on that mount and I'm on this one okay the last thing that you can look at is the com equipment so if I had some companion equipment it would be like right there right and I could be like oh I got a companion belt put it here currently if you have any companion equipment it's taking up your inventory space until you put it on your companion so you don't want to run around with like a bunch of companion equipment that you don't need go ahead and sell it if you don't need it because it'll be just clogging up your limited inventory space so you know occasionally put your Best Equipment on her and sell the rest another cool thing that was added to Elder Scrolls Online was the seals of endeavor system I touched on it a little bit earlier when I was talking about crates but we can go more in depth right now so the seals of endeavor was added as a way for you to get the really really cool mounts like for instance the one I'm on right now I bought this with seals of endeavor this is my material inspired mount for material inspired outfit uh it just looks absolutely stunning and I got this without paying a dime I got this by doing the sales quest in the game now it does unfortunately take 10 to 12 months of doing the dailies to unlock said mount or mount like it sauces you know they didn't make it easy but it's better than not having any weight at all to find out what the seals of endeavor dailies are you just open up the group menu with PE on your keyboard or if you're on Console this button up here the little people right and then you click Endeavors you can do three daily Endeavors per day and you can do one weekly Endeavor per week found me you come in here the three weekly options are it gives you options so if you're a PVP it says you can go to Battlegrounds if you're a PVE or you can kill 75 dangerous foes or a complete two Arenas really they give you three options but you can only get credit for one so I'd be able to get 225 from here and then I'd be able to do three of these at 15 and pop any three that I chose right so I could read two lore books or I could enchant three pieces of equipment and then there's always a PVP one for the pvpers or a crafting one for Crafters right so they try to have something in here for everyone if you're curious about how many seals you have and how much it costs to buy something down here at the bottom you have the sales of endeavor store the sales of a never store holds the same items as the current set of crown crates so Crown crates last two to three months something like that and these items so these are what's in the crown crates that you would have to gamble for probably four hundred dollars and beyond for these mounts right or if you've been saving up sales for 10 to 12 months you can come in here seals and go to the crown crates and go to the radiant Apex and boom sixteen thousand sales to buy these things and currently I have four thousand seals so it looks like it's gonna be another eight months or so before I can do this right if if I do my quest every single day uh it takes a while and it takes a lot of commitment to get these things without paying big bucks but at least the option is there next let's talk about another new feature that was added semi recently and that is curated loot so curated loot is not really something that you see in game it's not a window we can open up as much as it is well it kind of is so curated loot is a new loot table that ESO implemented that says if a boss can drop an item that you have not collected in your sticker book yet it will drop that item so if I go run this trial again and I get a drop the boss is guaranteed not to give me this Coral Riptide ring because I already have it it'll give me one of the weapons or one of the pieces of jewelry or one of the pieces of armor one of the things I don't have yet so the important thing to know about ESO loot tables in Dungeons and trials is the first few bosses in a dungeon or a trial only drop armor unless it's a named item that's a super weird thing named items don't perform any better than any other items it's just like sometimes a weapon will drop on the first boss and it'll have like a weird name attached to it and it doesn't perform any better it's not any different from any other weapons it's just got a name on it and it happens to drop from the first boss instead of the last boss but typically only the last boss will drop weapons and jewelry so you'll have to kill the last boss in a dungeon to have a chance at the weapon or jewelry that you need from that boss or from that dungeon whereas the first three or four bosses leading up to that boss they're all gonna drop the armor pieces so you're always gonna fill out your armor pieces really fast because all of the bosses leading up to the final boss drop armor right and there's only a few armor pieces but then you have a ton of weapons and jewelry and these only drop from the final boss so this is where the time comes in the time sync for filling out a set it's uh killing the final boss of the dungeon The X Factor is every time you open a chest in a dungeon it could drop any item from that dungeon so a chest if you find a chest in the dungeon it could drop a amulet it could drop a helmet it could drop a weapon the chest doesn't have a limited loot table and it's also it doesn't take advantage of curated loot so it could also drop you an item you already have so the chest is kind of like the it does what it wants it drops anything it wants it doesn't care about your loot table doesn't care about curated Loot and it doesn't care what bosses draw it's just going to drop any item from that dungeon right whereas the bosses only the last boss is gonna drop these things so curated loot says when you get to the last boss he's gonna drop one of the weapons or jewelry that you don't have and same with the bosses leading up to him which is why it's important when you're going through a dungeon on the first time you bind every piece of gear that you get as you get it this prevents the next boss from dropping that same piece of gear that way you don't get two chess pieces in a row like you kill one boss he drops the chest and if you don't bind that to yourself the next boss could drop that same chest so you gotta open your inventory right click the item find it see that option right there just click bind and then boom you've bound that item to yourself no boss will drop that for you again until you've collected every other item that that boss can drop and then he'll just start dropping anything again it'll just be random loot but the game is basically trying to help you fill out your collection as fast as possible that is curated loot that's what people refer to when they say curated loot is a relatively new feature in ESL it's a great quality of life Edition all right the next thing we're going to talk about is Tales of trivia this is the thing that was added with high aisle it's a card game minigame but it's not that many game these card games last between 15 and 20 minutes but if you're the type of player that enjoys card games you might really enjoy Tales of tribute so it's worth checking out it's worth trying just in case you enjoy it so pick up Tales of tribute you go to this symbol right here in the zone of high aisle so here's the zone of file then you have the town of ganfallon bay then the very southern part on this little Peninsula right here you have this building so you go over here you pick up the tales attribute quests there will be a tutorial attached it's a fun little thing you try that out and learn how to play Tales of tribute it can be some decent rewards and some decent achievement rewards from doing this let's talk about how to buy the game just in case you haven't done that yet if you have feel free to skip this section using the timestamps below Elder Scrolls Online is available on PC Xbox and PlayStation on PC you can either buy the game from steam or you can buy it from the other Scrolls online website and use their launcher there's no difference between the two versions of the game so feel free to use either one it doesn't really matter honestly the upside of buying it from Steam is that you don't have to log in and use your password every day the upside of buying it from sauce is that if steam does go down you will still have to use your password every day but you'll still be able to get into the game there's usually going to be two versions of the game available for you to buy and depending on whether or not ESO is on sale it's usually going to be going for between five and twenty dollars for the base game around five dollars when it's on sale and around twenty dollars when it's not for the base game Elder Scrolls skulls expansions chapter so whenever you hear someone talking about a chapter they're talking about an expansion so if they say the newest chapter was awesome they're talking about the newest expansion so one of the things you have to decide when you're buying is if you want to own all of the expansions or not if you buy the newest expansion or the newest chapter then you'll own all of the chapters or all of the expansions up to that point and when you buy that in combination with the base game that's usually going to run you around 60 dollars if nothing's on sale just to clarify this is not the same is including all the DLCs of which there are a ton there are four pieces of content released every year there's two dungeon DLCs each one has two dungeons and there's two Zone DLCs one of those Zone DLCs is the expansion the or the chapter as ESO calls it and the other DLC is a Zone DLC usually the way it works is the first quarter is two dungeons the second quarter is the expansion if you buy Elder Scrolls online and you buy the newest chapter so that you own all of the chapters or all of the expansions you still won't own any of the DLC dungeons or any of the DLC zones that accounts for roughly half of the game or more these days so in order to have access to all of that content what you're going to need to do is subscribe to ESO plus the optional subscription for Elder Scrolls Online so what is ESO plus well it's going to include full access to all of the DLCs which is what I just started touching on it's going to give you unlimited storage for your crafting materials this is the crafting bag and this is the major thing that everyone talks about ESO plus being worth it it's the fact that you don't have this inventory struggle goal all the time when you're playing the game if you're really enjoying ESO then ESO plus is almost certainly going to be worth it because it's going to make it so that you're not spending your whole play session managing your inventory there's over 500 different ingredients these stack into the thousands when you have ESO plus and without ESO plus these are going to be clogging up your Banks your alts like your main character's inventory it's going to be a lot of work to manage them it's possible but it is a lot of work esoplus is also going to give you crowns every month that you can use in the crown store to buy any of this stuff that is in there it's also going to give you double the bank space for your account so even more inventory your bank space is going to go up from 240 to 480. it's going to give you increased gold and experience by 10 it's going to give you increased crafty inspiration and trait research by 10 these are small things but they're nice to have I mean 10 faster leveling is you know that's great 10 extra gold isn't a big deal you don't gain most of your gold from drops so that 10 gold isn't really it's nothing to write home about uh 10 increased crafting and inspiration it's going to give you double furnishings and collectibles so if you get into housing this is going to allow you to put twice as many furnishings and collectibles in your house that's going to be fantastic it's going to give you the exclusive ability to dye costume so in the game you're going to be able to dye your outfits no matter what but there's a separate thing called a costume this is an entire ensemble that you can buy from the cash shop and if you buy one of these without ESO plus you can't dye it if you do buy it then there's three different die slots that you can select it's all very basic and you won't spend a lot of time wearing costumes most likely and you won't spend a lot of time dying costumes but if you have a ESO plus you'll have the ability to do that just know that without esoplus you can still dye your normal outfits which is what you'll be wearing most of the time once you get going in the game and you have a ton of motifs as we call them in ESO which is same thing as a transmog if you came from Wow or your glamor dresser if you're coming from Final Fantasy 14 you're also going to have double the currency cap for transmute crystals so transmute cap is going to go from 500 to 1000 for you massive and you're also going to have exclusive access to Unique Crown store deals this is nice it's not selling you things that you wouldn't otherwise be able to buy but it's giving you these things at a slight discount again the major reason for getting ESO plus is the crowns every month the double Bank space the Unlimited crafting bag and access to all of the DLC Packs remember this is right here this first thing this is half the game you either have this with ESO Plus or you don't without it it's worth mentioning that you can choose to buy these DLC Packs individually one piece at a time and never subbed to the game so you would eventually own the entire game if you buy it all one piece at a time but you still wouldn't have this unless you get ESO plus so that's always an option for you if you don't like having a subscription in a video game so what's the deal on ESO plus is it worth it is it not worth it in my opinion if you're enjoying the game it's 100 worth it it gives you so much quality of life it makes your inventory a lot more fun to deal with and it unlocks all of the best content in the game so if you're enjoying the game it's absolutely worth it but if you can't afford it or if you just don't like paying a sub you can still enjoy a lot of what ESO has to offer without it the next thing we'll talk about is the crown store or or this game's version of a cash shop a lot of people want to know before they jump into a game whether it is pay to win or not in my opinion ESO is not paid a win in a way that will negatively impact your experience no one can go into the cash shop and buy gear everyone has to go into the Dungeons and into the trials and farm that stuff themselves you can use the cash shop to expedite your progress however and you can also use the cash shop primarily more than anything else to get Cosmetics you can buy outfits like this armor pack here and you can open it up and you can view the things and see what they look like on your character you know or you can buy a hat different holiday hats little things like that it's mostly cosmetic stuff it also has ground crates this is eso's gambling mechanic if you're someone who likes to gamble in your video game with real live cash and these Crown crates are for you just buyer beware these Crown crates have really really low drop rates so most people buy these Crown crates hoping to get one of these mounts these mounts are often going to cost you 400 or more if you're trying to get one of these That's How Low the drop rates are it's below half a percent chance to drop one of these bad boys right it's really really low and so it's really really expensive to get one so if you buy these crates don't expect to be getting these things it's much more likely you're going to be getting this stuff down here which is going to be little cosmetic things maybe some Peds maybe a piece of armor and very very likely you're gonna get things like this like these dies or these poisons or brown mimic Stones you know these are the most common things you get all the way down here so just buy beware gamble responsibly I can't emphasize this enough it's very very very unlikely I'm talking 400 and Beyond unlikely that you are going to get at Sweet radiant Apex Mount at the top there you know so don't fall through these grades don't let your friends fall for these crates so be careful if you're spending your money on these crates just know the odds are very very much stacked against you and you're looking at possibly spending 400 and Beyond to get that amount that you want if you're gonna be upset that you've spent 400 getting them out it might be best not to try to get one of them but again on the bright side this Crown store is mostly cosmetic it's not a Pay to Win cash shop where people can come in here and directly buy Power that nobody else can have access to nobody's gonna be able to come into the cash up and get stronger than somebody that is not using the cash shop you do not need to worry about that type of pay to win and Elder Scrolls Online alright guys that is it if you are still here let me know down in the comments below that you made it all the way to the end of this incredibly long video I promise you as long as it took you to watch it took me five times as long to record I have been recording this thing all day long and I still have to edit oh my God I hope you enjoyed it I hope you found this thing to be incredibly useful always remember that you can refer back to it just open up the time stamps in either the comment or the description down below hit Ctrl F and just type the name of the topic you want to search for whether it's leveling whether it's refining materials retrading gear trials respects Sky shards right you just control F and then click on that time stamp and it takes you right to my video explanation of what that is how it works and how to take advantage of it you know this is going to be a great resource for you to open up and use anytime you run into something you don't fully understand in Elder Scrolls online and thank you so so much for watching and listening I hope that you found this thing enjoyable and at least informative and like I said if you're still here to live through all this I hope you leave a comment let me know what you thought and if you enjoyed it if you ever want to hang out with someone else that loves MMOs be sure to swing by my twitch stream over at lucky ghost where you'll find me playing ESO and other MMOs if you ever have questions about ESO you can always ask me there whether or not I'm playing the game be sure to use my site I put a lot of work into it and I've had a lot of great people help me build a great source for all ESO players veterans and new players alike if you're looking for guides to help you get better if you're looking for build guides whatever it is take advantage of that resource you won't regret it and of course don't forget to like And subscribe to the channel if you found this video enjoyable or helpful I put out tons of eso and MMO content like this and a massive massive shout out to my YouTube members who support the channel in a big way if you want to support the channel be sure to click the join button down below where you'll not only help me out but you also get behind the scenes footage my thoughts on the future of the channel and exclusive access to a members only Discord Channel where you'll always have my year thanks for watching and if you're not sure what to do next be sure to check out one of the videos popping up on screen right now
Channel: Lucky Ghost
Views: 406,715
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eso beginner guide 2023, eso tips and tricks, eso tutorial, elder scrolls online beginner guide 2023
Id: MTyB10578t8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 193min 43sec (11623 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 31 2022
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