ESO Step by Step Leveling Guide - Level 1 to 300+ (Updated for 2022)

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hey guys it's lucky ghost here and today we're going to be going over something that has been long requested and often requested a step-by-step leveling guide for new players for veterans for anybody that's creating a new character and is wondering what order they should do things in and what things they need to make sure they don't forget what things you need to make sure you're doing between 1 and 10 between 10 and 45 between 45 and 50 and 50 and 160. if you do these things in the order that i mentioned all these various forms of progression are going to happen passively while you're playing the game because you took the time early on to pick them up that way when you need that type of currency whether it's transmutes or undaunted keys when you hit 160 you'll have them ready to go you'll be able to craft those amazing sets that are going to make your character really shine so let's get into it so let's start right at the beginning you've created your character and it's either going to drop you in the newest chapter that you own in my case i own blackwood so i'm dropped off here in blackwood however if you don't own blackwood or if you choose to go through the tutorial it's going to end up dumping you into a room full of portals at which point you'll be able to choose which zone you want to start in by clicking on the portal associated with that zone whether you want to go to somerset or morrowind or even western skyrim it's going to let you choose but i'm going to propose something even a little bit different still rather than going straight to one of these zones and doing that zone story let's do something else first actually a few something else's that are gonna be really beneficial to have unlocked but before i get into that let me just briefly touch on how zone stories work in elder scrolls online in elder scrolls online there's a main story quest and then on top of that there's a zone story quest for every single zone in the game each one of these zones that i'm hovering over has its own compartmentalized story associated with it you can go there at any time and run through the story and experience the lore associated with that zone and the order that you do them in isn't terribly important however there are some benefits to doing them in order or at least in the order that they were released because you do meet characters on the beginner islands that transition into some of the faction zones that will later even end up in some of the expansion dlc content and if you met them early on they're going to be more meaningful when you bump into them later you're going to have that relationship and you might even have some extra dialogue options these dialog options aren't going to result in better rewards or even loot that you wouldn't have otherwise got they're purely just different ways of handling the same conversation they might reminisce on your past experiences together or it might be a little easier to get them to trust you because you've done something together in a past zone now with what i'm about to tell you you can either do these zones out of order or in order that's completely independent of what i'm about to tell you and i'll give you a link to doing the zones in order it'll show you which zone you should start in and which zone you should go from there and from there and from there it's a nice little guide for those that are interested in soaking up the lore one zone at a time in the order that it was intended for this guide though we're gonna start even a step before that before you start questing and before you start doing zone stories let's back up one second alright so you've created your character you're dropped into the world you're gonna very quickly get three skill points you're gonna want to put one point in each skill line every class has three skill lines go ahead and put one point into the first skill of each line and then put those on your front bar which is going to be your only bar until you're level 15. later on you'll unlock a second bar we won't get into that much right now i'll put more in-depth links into building your character in the guide below that's a separate video from what we're talking about here the important thing to know is you want to leave at least one skill from each of these lines on your bar until that skill line reaches level 50. in other words until that skill line is maxed out these skill lines are only going to level if you have a skill on the bar from that line so siphoning will only level if i have one of these five skills on the bar it doesn't have to be the first skill if you unlock another skill later on that's more interesting to you you can take this one off and then you can put this one on instead it's no different but for now these are the only three we have unlocked so these are the three we're going to put on our bar we're also going to unlock a weapon skill line weapons will level up as long as you have them equipped while you're killing things you can open up your adventures box and you can grab the staff if you want to level up a mage or you can leave the two-hander equipped if you have that equipped i want this character to be a mag tune and i want to use magicka abilities so i want my staff out and i want to unlock that line in order to unlock the staff skill line i just need to kill something with my staff out as you can see i killed one thing with the two-hander so i unlocked the two-hander line but i want to be a mage on this character so i'm gonna go kill a wolf here real quick with the staff out [Music] there's two of them so we're gonna have to end both of them that's okay all right there we go we unlocked the staff we actually leveled up a couple of abilities as well now we have the staff here because we killed something with a staff equipped that's all you have to do to unlock a skill line whether it's armor if you want to unlock an armor skill line you have to wear three pieces of that weight of armor so if you want to wear medium on a stamina tune you got to wear three pieces of medium to unlock that line the more pieces you're wearing the faster that line will level same thing with the destruction staff or any weapon line the more of these abilities you have on your bar the faster this will level which means the faster you'll unlock the passives and the faster your character will start to get stronger however it's a balancing act right because you want to level up your class skill lines as well so you want to leave at least one ability from each of these lines on your bar so that all three of your class lines get to 50 so that you can tap into all of your class passives in all three lines elder scrolls online is a game where you are made stronger by the sheer number of passives that you're unlocking no one passive is going to turn you into a god but the sum of all of the passives ends up having quite a huge impact on your overall strength so you want to tap into as many as you can and get them on your character okay now that we've got our weapon and we've got our weapon equipped we've got a skill line unlocked we've got one ability from each of these bars on and the next thing i'm going to do is the less obvious thing okay this is what i would do that a version of me that hadn't played the game yet would have no idea i should start off by doing first thing i would do is head up here to the doom vault to pick up miri she's one of the companions in the game or i would go to deep scorn hollow to pick up bastion if you want a sassy dark elf to be your companion you're going to head up here to doomvault and if you want to do good imperial to be your companion you'll head down here to deep scorn you also have the option of picking up both by going to this one grabbing one and then going to this one and grabbing the other the order that you pick them up also isn't important you could grab either one in either order but the reason that you want to start off by doing this if you have blackwood is because your companion will be with you as you're leveling up they will level up and when you open a chest full of gear if you have your companion out alongside you your companion has a chance to get gear as well if your companion is not out if you don't have it unlocked your companion will not level and you will not get gear for your companion so if that's something you're interested in leveling up make sure to get it right from the get-go so that from the very beginning every chest and everything you kill is leveling and getting gear for your companion as well as yourself companions don't steal your xp they get their own xp in addition to yours so in no way do they hinder your progression they're purely beneficial okay and this is gonna be the first change from the original version of this guide and that is after you've got your blackwood companions then i would also pick up the high isle companions and here you will find ember at tor dryok that's this little castle right here and you'll find isabelle at castle never right here these are the two new companions that were added with high isle and feel free to skip the companions in blackwood if you want the best companion in the game in my opinion is amber she's just got the best personality she spends most of her time happy there's a lot less things you can do in the game on accident to make her upset she's okay with you stealing she's okay with you even killing some people as long as you don't get caught she's having a good time whereas with the other companions it's a lot harder to navigate the rapport system there's a lot more you can do to upset them and make them unhappy and lowering their rapport lowers your progression with them and it's just kind of a pain right so if you pulled the community by far the majority of players would say ember was their favorite and i am inclined to agree feel free to try all four out for yourself and make a decision for yourself okay now that we've got the companions from blackwood the very next thing i would do is get add-ons i'll link my add-ons video in the description below that's going to give you all the essential add-ons i would start with as well as at the end of video i explained how to install the program called minion that is going to be essential in managing those add-ons for you and here's why i would get the add-ons first thing not only do they provide a ton of quality of life upgrades and improve the ui some of these add-ons aren't just quality of life some of them objectively make the game better so i really encourage you to grab the add-ons sooner than later don't be afraid of add-ons because once you have minion installed it's really easy to install them all you do is search for the add-on you want like map pins and then click the install button right here boom your add-on is installed and once you get the associated lib files it'll be up and running i have a complete install guide i'll link that in the description below so that you don't have to go searching for it just know that grabbing your add-ons is one of the first things that you should do and i'll explain why real quick right now add-ons aren't required however they do add a lot of quality of life that if you value your time will be really important to you this map is littered with sky shards every three sky shards you collect is going to give you one skill point so you're gonna be running around questing and you will very frequently run right by skyshard and not know it missing the opportunity to collect it and then later on you're going to come back and look for them or you're going to look it up online probably on a website or you're finally going to cave and get the add-on so that you can find them if you have the add-on installed however while you're playing the game you'll notice oh look i'm literally standing on the sky shard now you spawn right here if you started in blackwood and there's no way you would have known that this skyshard was up here and you probably would have missed it and you would have been running around and you would have had to backtrack here you know waste a bunch of time coming back to the spot you've already been to grab the skyshard that was kind of just tucked right there there it is if we run up this hill we'll go grab it right and so this add-on is very handy it's going to let you know when you're near something important like that so you can pick it up while you're there as opposed to having to make another journey back to that location to grab it this is just one example of how incredibly useful add-ons can be the same is said for lore books which are essential for leveling up your mages guild line we can turn that on and anytime we're near a lore book which are even harder to notice we can pick them up otherwise you'll be running back spending a lot of time running over areas you've already been to to grab something that you already stood next to and just didn't see so if you're on pc definitely considering getting add-ons first thing okay before the next step let me take one second to tell you about the sponsor of today's video another amazing mmo guild wars 2. guild wars 2 is one of the highest rated mmos of all time and has just launched on steam for the first time their latest expansion end of dragons is out now with loads of new content don't worry you can play the core game for free which includes over 200 hours of gameplay jump in and create a character using their robust character creator and don't worry about feeling overwhelmed guild wars 2 has an incredibly welcoming community and a great new player guide to help get you started if you have any questions guild wars 2 is not a grindy mmo it's much more about the journey the story and the exploration and speaking of exploration just wait until you get on one of guild wars 2's amazing mounts i guarantee you've never ridden anything like them check out the link in the description to get an xb boost pack and a mini pet for your new guild wars 2 character thanks for listening let's get back to the video okay so now that you've got your companion of choice from blackwood the next thing i'm going to say to do is head to western skyrim so you're going to teleport to the solitude doc's way shrine right here it's the only one you're going to have unlocked right now so head over to the nearest way shrine after you grab your companion right click on the map to zoom out then click on western skyrim and click on the wayshrine over there now that you're in skyrim with your companion let's go ahead and run up into the town of solitude you're just gonna follow you're gonna spawn here you're gonna follow this path and run up into town all right once you get into the town of solitude go ahead and grab this way shrine on your way over here to the antiquarian circle this is what we came here for this is going to unlock the antiquities guild which is going to allow us to scry and excavate things such as treasure which we're going to be able to sell for a lot of gold or mythic items which we're going to be able to equip and make our character a lot stronger or even furniture for our house so we unlocked the waste shrine by walking close to it and then we run over here to the antiquarian guild which will be behind this door right here we look at the door it says antiquarian circle we come inside and this lady right here verita numita is going to give us the guild she's going to give you a little mini quest to do that basically it's just a tutorial on how to use this sucker right here the antiquarian's eye i have a guide on how to do scrying and excavating i'll link that in the description below as well in case you don't know how to do this but essentially once you pick it up and you talk to her again the skill line has now been unlocked she's gonna send you downstairs to go scry your very first antiquity this lady is gonna explain she needs your help you're going to open up your scribe menu by pressing j if you're on pc or clicking this little book right here if you're on console and we're going to do gabrielle's bottle of proving which is going to teach us how to scry and excavate i'll link the in-depth guide in the description below this is a very simplified version this is the tutorial they're going to get a lot harder than this but basically what you want to do is connect this one here that's touching this foci uh as they call it and you want to get from here to here by filling in these squares so you're just going to touch them fill it up boom scrying for guy we did it now if you successfully scry it it's going to reveal the location on your map see the blue circle there that means that we need to go here and excavate so that's just outside the door conveniently for this little tutorial we step outside now you're going to want to do something very important this is something that a lot of people forget to do they forget to slot the eye on their quick slot wheel so many people level this up without doing this and these this little treasure right here can be very difficult to find because sometimes this blue circle will be massive right it'll be huge and it'll be out here in the wilderness and you'll have to go there and look for this little pile hidden amongst the brush or next to a stream and here's a really easy way to do that open up your inventory go to your quick slot menu click on tools and the eye is there you're going to drag this onto your wheel now that that's there you can hold q down on pc or your potion button if you're on console and you can select this item with your mouse now that that's selected press the quick stop button which is q and it's going to point towards the treasure i used it right on top of it so it's basically pointing straight ahead if i would have used it over here it would have pointed at that right there now on this tiny little site this isn't this isn't needed or even useful but when you get to the massive sites out here this is going to be critical in doing these efficiently so don't overlook this very important step get this thing slotted on your quick slot wheel and then use it whenever you need to you can also put things on this wheel like food and potions which you absolutely should do now we're going to excavate it again the scrying and excavating guide is linked in the description below but basically what you want to do is use this tool here as your hot and cold sensor and use this tool here to uncover it so we're going to do this all right this says it's far away from this side and it's closer to this side which means it's probably like right here and there it is right because these are orange these are yellow so we knew going this direction we're getting closer if these would have been orange the bottom three the right two and the bottom one right here you would have known it was up here in the left right you kind of just used like the hot and cold right so if you go from here you're getting warmer and it's over here somewhere now we know where it's at we have four of these left so we can pinpoint the location a little more okay so we know it's like uh it's roughly a rectangle in this area right here more often than not it's going to be a rectangle of some sort either going left to right or top to bottom sometimes for higher level scribes it will go diagonally now we're going to use the brush you have this little brush right here uh you have a time duration up here which isn't actually linked to real time it's just that every time you take a turn with your brush it's gonna eat some of this time until it runs out and you failed the scribe we're just gonna go ahead and dig this is a very easy one because it's a tutorial and there it is we uncovered the antiquity easy right now there's bonus treasures hidden in this table somewhere the more dirt you uncover the more likely you are to discover the bonus treasures that sell for a little additional gold so start with the shallow areas and hope that you find the treasure again i have a written guide that goes into great detail and a video guide that are linked in the description below go refer to that for a much more throat guide um this one is going to be more topical just to kind of keep this going along so we can move on to the next topic but once you get into scrying and excavating check out those guides they're going to be essential for maximizing your gains on these systems all right we'll turn in the quests okay now we've got our companion from blackwood we've got scrying and excavating from the skyrim expansion the next one that i would consider getting is the sigit guilds for a couple of reasons one if you're a magikatun if you're going to be a mage it's got some really nice skills that are very powerful and very useful to have on magic tunes now if you're not a magic tune it's still useful to get at least level one of the sigit guild because that's going to unlock the psijic troves which are these loot bundles that you can only see if you have level one subject guild unlocked you will not be able to see these until you unlock it they're one of the most lucrative nodes in the game that you can open up to unlock the city guild what you're gonna do is zoom out on the map and we're going to look at somerset and we would click on the shimmering waitron and travel there once you land at the shimmering way shrine the quest basically presents itself to you this guy right here has the main story quest for somerset and in order to unlock the sigit guild you have to do the first quest for the main story quest until it takes you to the zone of artem so you'll just follow this quest until it eventually takes you to this zone here once here you'll go into this building you go down a portal and there will be an npc inside with a quest for you if you pick that up it will be the quest to unlock the sigic guild i will put a link in the description for the full step-by-step guide on how to unlock and level up the sigit killed for your convenience okay now you have your companion you have scrying and excavating you have the citric guilds i would also pick up the mages guild and the fighter skilled and the undaunted guilds so we're gonna teleport to a base game zone that everybody has access to and again if you don't have access to any of these zones or any of these items that i'm talking about that's okay none of these are required they're very useful to have if you do have access to them but if you don't have access to them it's not the end of the world if you don't have access to any of those chapters you will have access to this next step everybody can do this this is base game content now we're going to zoom out on the map and we're going to go to daggerfall wayshrine up here now once you land here if you haven't already talked to the hooded figure they will appear to you this person right here see how they're called the hooded figure if you interact with this person you're going to pick up the main story quests if we look right now at our journal it says talk to the hooded figure the main story quest this just popped up here so we'll talk to them it is worth doing the main story quest there's about 10 or 12 skill points that you'll get from the main story quest so it can be beneficial to do that all right so my character is a kishi so technically it's in the aldmeri dominion so i've come here to unlock the finders guild and the mages guild okay so we're going to head into the fighters guild and inside you'll be able to find your fighter skilled representative go ahead and talk to him he's going to tell you about the guild you can spam through it if you'd like or listen to the lore and at the end of it he's going to give you the fighter skilled skill line so now that you've gone to the mages guild grab that skeleton and come here to the fighters guild and grab that skilling you will have both the fighters guild and the mages guild unlocked if you're going to be doing a lot of questing definitely consider picking up intimidating presence and persuasive will these passives will allow you to unlock dialogue options that you wouldn't have otherwise had to get the npc to do whatever it is you're trying to get done if you don't have these unlocked you can still get to that same end but you're probably gonna have to do some kind of a little fetch quest for them or some menial tasks that they would like you to do in return for their information okay now all of the prep work is done we've got a companion make sure you summon your companion if it ever is unsummoned simply by going into your collections menu this button right here go to companions and then summon the companion that you would like to have out make sure they're out with you at all times remember they don't level up and they don't get gear unless you have them out while you're doing your adventuring so now you've got your companion out you've got your skill lines unlocked you've got antiquities unlocked so now when you find leads you'll be able to actually dig them out of the ground scrying and excavating are going to eat a ton of your skill points early on you're going to be very skillpoint starved feel free to run out and collect skyshards around the maps you can go to one map you can go to multiple maps exploring and grabbing sky shards every three of these skyshards that you grab is going to give you an additional skill point as well as doing the main story that you picked up that's going to give you 10 to 12 if you want to work your way through that but right now is the time at which you kind of get to choose the path that you take in this game what you want to focus on right you've unlocked your scrying and excavating you've got all your guilds so these can level up now when you find lore books this will level up whenever you destroy a dark anchor or kill daedra your fighters guild is going to passively level up when you get to the point where you're doing dungeons at level 10 we're going to end in that next um this is going to level up your undaunted guild so if you went into these straight away like i did you're only going to be level three or four and that's just experience that you got on your way to this point basically by unlocking new locations now you're free to do whatever you want you've got all the best skill lines and the companions unlocked from the newest chapters in the game and those are going to level with you as you level through the base game content or whichever chapter zone you want to go to if you want to go to skyrim you can now go to skyrim and you can pick up the zone story here simply to do the zone story in skyrim all you have to do is click on the zone of skyrim's map and then click open zone guide and then say start zone story and the map is going to zoom in and it's going to show you where you would go to pick up the zone story so you'd go back to the solitude doc's way shrine that we went to earlier and you'd pick up the quest from the guy right here it's on your map mark there so you can get that started and from here or whichever zone you decide to go to you'll follow that quest throughout the map you'll pick up side quests and do whatever you want to do whatever's fun to you honestly there is no right or wrong way to play this game you've got all of the essentials already we went and picked them up right off the bat so that you can't miss any of them so go forth and have fun okay now fast forward to level 10. you hit level 10 what should you do now the first thing you should do when you hit level 10 is queue up for a dungeon i'm gonna switch characters now to a character that has dungeon online all right now we're on my higher level character this is my main and we're well over level 10 right so we have access to the things that you would start doing at level 10. one of which would be to open up the group menu here by pressing p on your keyboard or navigate to it if you're on console and choose dungeon finder under this you'll see random normal dungeon here and it's going to tell you your reward premium undaunted exploration supplies this is going to give you things like transmute crystals those are essential for the progression of your account and for crafting gear and after this guide's over while you're playing through the game i highly suggest maybe listening to my complete beginner guide in the background maybe just listen to it while you're playing while you're going through the zones and questing or the dungeons and try to absorb all of the knowledge about all these other systems in the game passively perhaps so that you can better understand why we're doing things like these dailies to get both the experience and the transmute crystals you can do one daily dungeon every 20 hours this has a 20 hour cooldown so it basically works out to once a day same thing with the battlegrounds this is the pvp daily you can do this once a day it's going to give you the same amount of experience if you're 50 or above it's gonna give you a hundred thousand experience if you're below 50 it's going to scale backwards at level 15 above 100 000 less than 50 it's going to give you less than that but it's scaling with the amount of xp required to level so even though it's a smaller number you're still getting a ton of xp for your level you will still go from level 10 to level 13 in one dungeon right just one quick dungeon you're going to get a few levels because of this giant boost in xp very much worth doing your daily dungeon dungeons if we look at the dungeon list here so here are all the dungeons in the game that you can do on normal there's 32 or 34 dungeons in the game you can get one skill point from each dungeon so that's 34 skill points you can unlock by doing each dungeon one time there's a quest in every single one of these dungeons you can do the quest one time and when you turn in the quest at the end of the dungeon it gives you a skill point and another boost of xp so doing a dungeon for the first time is very productive for both your skill point gains but also your xp gains also dungeons are one of the best ways to just get tons and tons of gear rained down onto your account now the gear that you get as you're leveling up is all going to be hot garbage right it's low level nobody wants it i promise you there's very few exceptions to that there are a few pieces of valuable gear none of that is going to come from dungeons so any gear that you find in these dungeons you're going to do one of two things with it as you're leveling up you're either going to equip it if you don't have any gear in that slot already or you're going to take it to a bench a crafting bench and you're going to deconstruct it crafting benches exists all over the game you'll look for a symbol like this in one of the zones and it's going to say alchemy station blacksmithing station clothing station cooking fire enchanting table right you'll be able to go to those crafting stations the woodworking the blacksmithing and the clothing station and you'll be able to deconstruct the gear you get from the dungeons from the delves from the overland content that you do basically that is how you level up those benches you take the things that you find to those benches and you deconstruct it don't feel bad about deconstructing gear it's giving you materials that you're going to use to craft and upgrade good gear later on so these materials aren't for nothing you're gonna use these later and it's leveling up your crafting benches right so a lot of good comes from running these dungeons you're getting gear rained on you that you deconstruct that's gonna level up your crafting benches you're getting transmutes that you use to craft gear later in the reward cache for doing your daily you get tons of experience uh you become a better player because you learn how to play through dungeons and played through group content and you get the bonus xp for doing it once a day you can run as many dungeons as you want in a day but you only get the random normal bonus when you cue up for random normal the first time you do it that day it is useful to do specific dungeons just know that when you do a specific dungeon you won't get this xp boost so don't do a specific dungeon until you've done the daily random then you can queue up for a specific dungeon um maybe look for one that you've never done before so that you can get the skill point and the undaunted experience which brings us to the undaunted guild now that you're level 10 and you're entering dungeons you're going to begin earning achievements inside of those dungeons achievements and dungeons are how you level up the undaunted guild or at least it's part of how you level up the undaunted guild running through a dungeon completing the dungeon killing a certain number of mobs in that type of dungeon right there's all these little achievements and the undaunted guild will slowly but surely level each time you earn one of those achievements this is important because these undaunted passives are pretty much essential for every single build in this game so you want to level the undaunted guild you want to run these dungeons and you want to get those achievements one other very important thing happens at level 10 you unlock amounts now your character can zoom around on a mount well he's not going to be doing a lot of zooming just yet when you first get your mount he's very slow one of the things you need to do is go to the stable master if we hover over this icon here you see the little horse and it says stable master next to it or if you are in a different town and you look at the map in town let's look at for instance vivek you'll see a horse on the map and it's a stable master and you just go talk to the stable masters alright so let's go talk to them a stable master so you see what that looks like all right you talk to them open up the menu you've got three options you're always going to choose feed first this is very important there's only about two things you're gonna spend gold on as you level up this is one and i'll get into the other one next but when you're leveling up so this is another thing you can do once a day come here and you can upgrade your mount speed typically people will follow that up with carry capacity this is going to increase your inventory size and then finally they'll get stamina there's an argument to be made for getting stamina before carry capacity if you plan on spending all of your time in ceredel because this will make it harder to knock you off your mounts in that pvp zone but really all you need to know is at level 10 you unlock your mounts and all you have to do to get on it is press h if you're on pc i'm not sure what the mount button is on console and that'll pull your mount out and once you have a mouse equipped it should automatically equip if it doesn't for some reason you can go into your menu your collections menu and then click on your mounts and you will have the sorrel horse unlocked this is the first mount you get it's nice basic mount exactly kind of what you would expect to start with nothing flashy you know a standard horse and then down the road you can unlock or purchase much fancier ones if you're inclined to do so or not it's up to you the important thing is that you come here once a day and you upgrade that mount get the mount speed up so that it doesn't feel so slow every time you get on the mount the other thing you should spend gold on while you're leveling is upgrading your bags right now my character can hold 210 items at once 140 of that is from upgrading my bags you start out being able to hold 60 items what you're gonna realize fills up really fast when you're running dungeons when you're collecting things in the game you will fill up that 60 item bag really really fast so it's very important to upgrade those bags as soon as possible basically all your gold at the beginning is gonna go to upgrading your bags this is the most worthwhile thing that you will spend your gold on ever right so don't feel bad don't feel sad that oh man all my gold's going to my bags this is something you will use for the rest of your character's career it's not a waste of money you need to do it and you might as well do it right at the beginning so look for the pack merchant in the zone of your choice if you hover over these symbols in your zone you'll find one that says pack merchant in blackwood it's right here you can see there it says pack merchant yoxy tool so if you come over to him you'll be able to open up this menu and he'll say hey i need a couple thousand gold and i'll increase the size of your bag initially your bag will be able to hold 60 items once you upgrade it it'll be able to hold 10 more and you can upgrade it 10 slots at a time all the way until it can hold 140 slots so you can get up to 140 slots by upgrading your bag here at the pack merchant then you can add another 60 slots to that at the stable master by upgrading your mount and then there's 10 additional slots that you can purchase in the crown store by purchasing a specific type of pets if you're interested in doing that the pets are the bristleneck warbor and the mournhold packrat these will add five slots each to your entire account so every one of your characters will get an additional five slots of inventory for each one that you have this is by no means required or even necessary but if you've got the extra crowns lying around and your inventory space is already full these can be nice to have and remember there's a pack merchant in every major town just look for the symbol that has a pack merchant on it and go find him okay so those are the first two things you should do at level 10. now there's one more incredibly important thing to do at level 10 and that is go to ceredel now pv ears hear me out there's not going to be any pvp involved in this quest you're just going to go to ceredo and you're going to do the zone story it's a pve quest and we're only going to do the first phase of it that's going to get us to alliance level 3 so we'll have assault 3 which will unlock this passive right here continuous attack and if you're a stamina tune it's also going to unlock vigor at alliance level 1 which is essential for any stamina tune in this game this is the single best self-heal for stamina tunes presently in elder scrolls online you get that at assault level 1 and you get continuous attack at level three continuous attack adds a flat 30 increase to your move speed when you're on your mount when you put one skill point into it every single character in this game should have this passive that is a massive increase in your speed trust me the second you put the point in this passive and you get on your mount you'll be praising the heavens thanking the gods that you listen to lucky and winning got this one right away it's gonna make you move so much faster and get everything done so much faster in this game so to get there all you're gonna do is open up the alliance menu that's pressing l on the keyboard then you're going to look for any low pop campaign in cereal we don't want to go to one where there's a lock right if we can help it because that means you're gonna have to wait to get in there whereas if you pick one that's more or less empty right it's gonna put you in there right away so let's click on one and go in okay so now you've landed in your faction's zone the map of cereal is broken into three factions currently a d owns this entire map ironically a d is yellow i'll marry dominion dc is blue daggerfall covenant and then i am on the ep faction up here on this instance of cereal we own just about nothing which is okay that's not going to impact what we need to do here none of that is important because this quest that we need to do is the pve portion of this instance so what you'll do is you open up your map and then you'll click open zone guide and then you'll click start zone story when you do that it's going to show you where the zone story is that you pick up and there's going to be a couple of guys with zone story markers over their head here you want to do the zone story that asks you to do stuff within this zone it's going to ask you to teleport to the other starting base for your faction every faction has two starting bases that cannot be taken by the enemy this one here and this one here for ep if you're a d it's these bottom two and then if you're in dc it is these far to left that is why ad is taking pretty much everything except those right 80 could take this one and this one if they wanted to but they could never take these two back zones which is why no matter what's going on on the map we're not going to be affected by whatever ad is doing here or the other factions so you're going to pick the quest up then it's going to tell you go to the other one and then maybe it's going to tell you to go back to the one you started at and ultimately it's going to teach you how to use a ballista a catapult right go through that quest when it asks you if you want to skip your training say no make sure you do not choose go through the dialogue on the zone story very carefully if you spam you might skip through it and when you finish this quest you won't get all of the same amount of ap you'll only be level two in the alliance and instead of level three which means you won't unlock this passive right here you'll have to go do a battlegrounds or two to get the missing ap in order to get this passive which isn't the end of the world it's just an extra step that you didn't have to take so there you go you just come to the zone you open the zone guide you click start zone story and you follow it until you go do your catapult training and then turn in that quest at which point you will have alliance level three if you open up your skill point menu and you don't see anything under the alliance if assault and support aren't showing up make just click on any line any guild line and then boom this menu will expand right here and these will be added for some reason you have to do that i don't know why the first time you unlock a skill line you just have to click on any other skill line and then when you're in the menu and these will pop up or the skill line that you added will be added to the menu and it should be level three alternatively if all of this sounds way too complicated you could just simply queue for battlegrounds a few times if you don't mind doing a little pvp until you get alliance level three and that would also unlock these things for you okay so to recap level 10 we started doing our random daily dungeons we also started upgrading our mounts daily because we unlocked a mount at level 10. the amount is given to you as a level up reward so you will receive it when you hit level 10 it will just automatically appear in your character's collections we also came here to cereal to get our alliance level three so that we get the 30 increase move speed while we're on our mount right the quest takes maybe five minutes and perhaps maybe 10 minutes if you've never done it before right the first time you're kind of fumbling around looking for where you're supposed to go next one very important thing about doing quests in this game that is worth noting is if you're doing a quest if you click on the quest you're doing like for instance if i clicked on this quest in ribbon spire and i press m after you click on it open up your map from this screen right make sure your journal's open click on the quest you want to do then click map and the map will go directly to where that quest is located you can zoom out and you can see oh i need to go to rivenspire and then it's here in the south of rivenspire same thing in ceredo when you're doing this quest in ceredo click on the quest right and then click m it will show you in cereal where you need to go right whether it's up here or here or if it's in the same instance as you and it's probably gonna ask you to go to the shrine right and teleport to the other starting base just so you know how the teleportation system in cereal works it's basically a little tutorial on that uh the sum of it is you can teleport anywhere there's a green line connecting if the line is connected you can teleport to that place if there's no line connected to it you can't this is under attack so the line is gone even though we own it you can't teleport there the line is here we could tell apart here we could even teleport here and yellow we can see their line disconnected all the way around they can teleport all the way up here all the way over here all the way over here the line is not connected to this one for yellow so they wouldn't be able to teleport to this base likely because our team stole the resources around it and if all three resources are owned by an opposing team then you lose the ability to teleport to that keep even though you own the ones next to it okay but we won't go too deep into all of that here right now just know that uh if you press j and you click on the quest then you press m it's gonna show you where you need to go next very very handy requesting an elder scrolls online if not essential after you've done these things now you can continue doing all the dungeons if you want you can queue up for um any dungeon that you have unlocked you could do fungal grotto five times if you enjoy it or you could do spindle clutch and fungal grotto or you could go do banish sales and then as you level up you'll unlock more and more of these dungeons down here the dlc dungeons are going to start at black drag villa being the first dlc dungeon on the list and you'll notice that at this point the dungeons start going alphabetically these are the dlc dungeons these are the dungeons that have been added later in the game they are harder you can't do these until you get to level 45 on normal difficulty and in veteran you can't do them until you hit level 300 cp so you won't be able to do these until 45 these will unlock as you're approaching 45 and i highly encourage you to do every single one of them at least one time um running them is going to do things like fill out your collections and whenever you find gear in there it's going and then you deconstruct it it's going to be added to your collections menu right and anything in this menu you can craft later on so if that set ends up being a set you need because the build calls for it and you've already found that gear and deconstructed it well guess what now you could craft that gear right so dungeons are so important to run because so many of these sets so many of these monster helmets are going to become essential so many of these gear sets are going to be essential for making your character stronger you know the meta is going to constantly change and you never know which set zost is going to buff next and bring into relevance and you'll be really happy if you've already collected a bunch of that set and you can just go craft it at a crafting station on a whim for more information on how to use the transmute station to craft gear as i'm describing be sure to check out my complete beginner's guide and just click on the time stamp that says transmutation station again i'll have that complete beginner guide linked in the description below so you can listen to it after this if you want while you're playing the game just to kind of absorb some more of this more in-depth knowledge oh one other thing that's worth noting is that while you're here in ceredel there's going to be two zone quests that you could do right which is a little confusing because one of them when you press j and then you press m right it's actually going to take you to this zone here imperial city one of these zone quests is going to try to take you to imperial city you don't want to do that one you can go ahead and abandon that quest just right click on it and click abandon and that'll get rid of it for you if you happen to pick that one up that's a detour you don't need to take right now you can do that at some other time if you want but it's not going to be the most efficient way to get yourself up to level three in alliance and you'll be happy to know this is everything for level 10 through level 45. there's nothing new that you need to worry about adding into your routine um between 10 and 45 just make sure you do your random normal dungeons do your mount upgrades you're deconstructing gear to level up your benches you've got your abilities on your bar remember keep one of these abilities from each of these skill lines so that you're leveling all three of these up so that they all get to 50 and you get to take advantage of all the passives lying within and then when all three are 50 you can take those abilities off and only slot the abilities that your build is calling for make sure you're upgrading your bag anytime you have enough money to do so and then once you get to level 15 you're gonna unlock your back bar you can see here i can switch between my front bar and my back bar the important thing to know is that level 15 you will unlock that back bar which means in your inventory you'll need to put a weapon back there until you get an arena weapon you're gonna wear whatever set you're wearing on the front bar so if your front bar weapon is medusa your back bar weapon will be medusa as well if your front bar weapon is giuliano's your back bar weapon will be julianos and then when you get your mouse from staff or your mouse from bow or your brp daggers right um you'll put those back here later on but that's way down the road that's probably cp 160 plus before you need to worry about that and that's going to be everything that you need to worry about until level 45. at level 45 you need to make sure you have finished that undaunted quest you picked up at level 10. remember that quest it said go into spindle clutch or if you picked it up in a different zone it might have said go to fungal grotto or something else right you need to make sure you went and you did that quest and you turned it in because that's going to allow you to do pledges you're going to want to do pledges every day starting at level 45. in order to do pledges you will want to go to your faction zones that would be either stormhaven rotwood or deshaun it doesn't matter which one you go to this is not locked by your region anymore just make sure you go turn in the quest where you picked it up and then after that you can go and do your pledges at any of these places as an example i'll go pick them up right now so you know what that looks like i'm gonna board to stormhaven um which is a good time to explain how to get out of ceredo okay you cannot simply leave ceredel there's no easy way to get out of this place what you have to do is go to the shrine here all right not to be confused see there's this shrine here on the map this is not the same as the one here that you use there's two shrines in ceredel one is to leave ceredo that's this one that has your typical shrine symbol there's the one here that you use to teleport from one base to another okay so there's two types of shrines um make sure you come to the right one when it's time to leave this is the only way out of here so you're gonna click on it and then zoom out now you can see the entire world's map and you can pick where you want to go we want to go to stormhaven and we want to go to wayrest because this is the city the faction city that has ledges or at least it's one of the three you can go to way rest in stormhaven or mournhold in deshawn or you can go to eldon route in grotwood once you've finished the undaunted quests that we talked about earlier when you come to these people you'll be able to talk to them all and they'll have you talk to every one of these once and then eventually these blue arrows will be over their heads and you'll be able to pick up your pledges but we'll talk to all of them and we'll pick up pledges pledges are a lot of fun basically what they say to do is go to these places bungle grotto right is one moon hunter keep is another and celine's web is the last one for today pledges change every day and every player in the game has the same list of pledges every day so if you and your friend can pick these up on the same time you will get the same pledges and you can do them together if you don't do them today you can go do them tomorrow and turn them in but you might have different pledges than someone who picks them up tomorrow if you want to have the same pledges as someone who picks them up tomorrow just abandon them all just right click abandon and then pick them up again tomorrow and now you'll have the same pledges as the person you want to run pledges with but let's talk about why we're doing pledges there's two things there's two very important things that you get from doing pledges one is it's going to level up your undaunted guild every pledge that you do is going to give you 25 points when you turn it in towards leveling up your undaunted guild so this is a great way to expedite the leveling of the undaunted guild so grab a friend or you can just queue up for it randomly with uh a pug group by clicking on the dungeon you want to do fungal grotto was one of them one of my add-ons tells me what the dailies are so don't mind that ears won't have that unless you've picked up my add-ons and turned on that option so if you don't see this blue text and these check marks don't worry about that that's my add-ons right just know you look at your quest log fungal grotto so you'd come here you'd queue up for fungal grotto join the queue and when you complete it you'll be able to come back and turn in the quest to one of these npcs when you turn it in they're gonna give you some transmutes and some keys an undaunted key that's this currency right here undaunted keys i have 29 of them and these are very important because almost every build in the game is going to take advantage of monster sets right monster sets are two-piece sets that are insanely powerful um they're powerful for two reasons one they have some of the strongest one-piece bonuses in the game if we look at the monster set that i'm wearing right now i'm only wearing one piece of it the helmet it adds 771 crit chance that is a massive bonus to get for wearing of one piece of a set right if i wore both pieces i would gain minor berserk at all times increasing my damage done by five percent that's a nice two-piece bonus in certain types of content where your healer is not giving you that buff already essentially the thing to know about monster sets is the helmet drops in the dungeon that that monster resides in so slime craw is the name of the boss that this helmet is modeled after and so i would have to run way rest one on veteran to get this helmet to drop the final boss will drop the helmet regardless of which boss it's named after and it always drops anytime you run that dungeon on veteran the way you get the second piece which is always the shoulder piece right the second piece would be the shoulder so if i look here slime craw here's the second one right it's a shoulder piece i can put it here now i have the two beast bonus the way you get this is using your undaunted keys that we were just talking about okay from doing these pledges you get one undaunted key from doing a pledge on normal difficulty right but if you queue for that same pledge on veteran difficulty you activate the hard mode fight on the final boss you will now get two keys but don't worry about doing pledges on veteran until you're after 160 and you have your five piece sets on okay don't go into veteran until you're 160. it's a waste of your time probably won't even have five piece sets on unless someone crafted you some gear and even still without any champion points i mean there's just there's not really any reason to be here ahead of schedule uh the game will allow you to start queueing up for veteran content at 50 but trust me it's not worth it just wait until 160 and uh and you have your five piece set so you can gather your five piece sets in normal it's the exact same gear that drops in normal and veteran content there's no benefit to coming here you just have to come here once you want your monster helmet because it only drops in veteran okay so stick with normal until you're 160 and you have your five piece sets that you're wearing then start queuing up for veteran stuff try that out see how it feels so in summary at 45 you're gonna start doing your pledges and when you do a pledge on normal you get one key when you do it on veteran and you activate hard mode you'll get two keys if you do veteran and you don't activate hard mode you still get one key veteran dlc dungeons are incredibly difficult and they're gonna be nearly impossible for you when you're low level to do the hard mode version of it so don't be shy about doing perhaps maybe veteran fungal grotto and veteran celine's web right do these two on veteran and then do the dlc pledge on normal to get the one key here right so then you can get a total of five keys that day without beating your head against the wall trying to get that one extra key for the veteran dlc hard mode dungeon right these are pretty difficult so the first time you go in there don't be surprised if you find yourself dying a lot and perhaps not even able to get through the dungeon all right now you started doing that at 45 now you're level 50 and the champion points are introduced to the game the champion points start raining in on you right my character is cp level champion point level 1537 you can get up to a total of 3 600 champion points now i know that number sounds massive it is and it's gonna take a long time for the average person to get that many points i've been playing this game non-stop for over two years and i've only got 1500 granted they did just make it a lot easier the cap used to be 810 now it's 3 600 and so um when they changed that they also made it way easier to get champion points uh which is helping newer players catch up faster it's great for new players at this point the champion point menu is perhaps the most confusing part of this game for new players they open it up they look at all the notes and they read them and their eyes kind of glaze over like uh which one do i want do i want to increase my critical damage or do i want to increase my critical damage when i'm standing behind the enemy or do i want to do more damage with my dots right you can guess um you can come in here and you can guess randomly or you can follow one of my builds or one of anybody else's builds that tells you what order to put your champion points into which nodes so that you're not guessing so that you can confidently put these in here until later on when you understand them better and that's kind of what i recommend to do if you're a new player and these are stressing you out just open up one of my build guides even if you're not following the build uh the champion point spec should be more or less the same even if you're doing your own builds right the champion points that i tell you to put in um and the order that i tell you to put them in will be 99 accurate for your builds however if you want to go ahead and just guess and pick the notes that you think sound cool you know go for it and have fun uh just know that your character could end up considerably weaker if you're not choosing the right notes for your character i'll put a link to my builds in the description below again so that if you're looking for where to respect you can do that there and i go into much more detail about which notes to invest in and why in that guide okay so at level 50 we've got the champion points coming in and they come in fast that first random dungeon you do will give you easily 10 champion points all by itself right these first champion point levels go so fast you can get 50 in a day easy no problem uh when you first hit cp level so what should you be focusing on at this point well i would focus on getting to cp 160 because at 160 you've hit max gear level if i look at my gear you'll notice all of my gear is cp 160. even though i'm cp 1537 my gear is level 160. that is the highest level gear goes in this game and that is very unlikely to change unless zos completely reworks the gear system it has been 160 for a very long time and they're definitely never going to increase it the only thing they might do is change the way that this system works completely like a complete overhaul but for now 160 is the max so when you get to 160 it's time to start grabbing your gear or crafting it if you've already found it you know if you found it at like level 15 now you need to craft yourself a cp 160 version of that gear at the transmute station and get yourself five pieces of gear right you want to have at least two five piece sets on maybe a mythic item or a two-piece set instead and an arena weapon on the back bar this is a pretty typical setup right two five piece sets usually one five piece set is on the jewelry and the front bar another five piece set is on the body and then the head and the shoulder will be the monster set i'm only wearing a one piece monster set because i'm wearing a mythic item this is one of those items you can take out of the ground because of the antiquity system you picked up earlier and they are the most powerful one-piece items in the game but you can only wear one at a time and they're oftentimes very niche like this one that i'm wearing right now it's only effective if nothing is attacking me so i would never wear this while soloing but in a dungeon where my tank has control of the boss and all of the adds i can probably get away with wearing this for increased damage for my character and while you're working your way to 160 to get that gear you want to be leveling up your guilds all of the guilds you join the fighters guild if you're a stamina tune you should level this up the mages guild you should be leveling up if you're a magicka tune so that's collecting lore books you should be leveling up the undaunted guild by doing dungeons and pledges no matter what type of character you are right so level up these guilds you can hover over this bar up at the top and that tells you how to level the guild if you ever forget so make sure you're leveling your guilds make sure you're leveling your weapon line make sure you're leveling your class lines right this is what you're doing on your way to 160 so that when you hit 160 you can focus on your gear make sure you're grabbing tons of sky shards make sure you're grabbing lots of skill points in all the various ways you can grab skill points in the game and and if you've done that by the time you hit 160 and the second you get those five piece sets on your character is gonna be devastatingly strong right um it will be so much stronger and the five piece sets you put on will be so much more powerful if you have your passives unlock if you've grabbed your skill points on the way if you've leveled up these guilds on the way that's all really going to pay off and at 160 you're really going to start to become a force to be reckoned with so at 160 you get that gear and if you're interested in group content it really opens up for you now you can start queuing up four veteran dungeons and getting the veteran dungeon achievements you can start doing veteran pledges you can start doing all of the trials in the game aetherian archives hell raw citadel sanctum affidavit ma floor gosh halls of fabrication asylum sanctorum cloud rest sun spire kinds aegis and even the new one rockcrow there's tons of trials in this game they're all incredibly fun there's tons of gear in there and some of that gear is best in slot gear for a ton of different builds uh if you're following a build guide it's likely that at some point it's gonna ask you to go into one of these trials and collect some of that gear so consider jumping into these trials at cp 160 i will put a link in the description below on how to get into trials and when i have an entire youtube video dedicated to that topic alone once you get to cb 300 you will unlock the veteran dlc dungeons you can start queuing up for these in the dungeon finder now that your cb 300 and inside of these dungeons are some really fun things you've got skins and personalities you've got dyes there's tons of really awesome cosmetics tucked into these dungeons for getting various achievements such as simply clearing the dungeon on veteran will give you a skin sometimes or or getting the hard mode the no death and the speed run achievements will give you a personality or sometimes the skin right these are really fun and there's really awesome cosmetics in here i can't recommend it enough to start trying to get them once you hit cp300 and again i'll put the guides on how to get those skins and those personalities in the description below so that you know which ones are the easiest to get which ones are the hardest to get in i guarantee you there's some that you can get right now that you don't even need to be cp 300 yet you just have to teleport into a certain zone and you'll unlock a personality so i'll link that in the description below from 300 on the world is really your oyster you can start doing your veteran arenas your veteran dungeons your veteran trials really anything that you feel qualified to do and at this point the guides have to be a lot more specific and they have to be tailored to what you want to do but as far as the path to cp 300 goes these are more or less the items you absolutely don't want to miss and we've grabbed them in an order that allows them all to kind of passively level up you got your companion right away so it was leveling up it was getting gear and when you were doing mages guild quests or undaunted quests you were leveling up your companions mages guild or undaunted guild and when you're opening treasure chests you were getting gear for your companion right you picked up the mages guild you picked up the undaunted guild so when you're getting those achievements those were leveling up when you picked up those lore books those were leveling up those two are retroactive however so if you forgot to pick them up early and you pick them up later that experience will be retroactively applied as far as achievements and lore books go however i don't believe that's the case for pledges and any experience you would have got for those so don't forget to pick up the undaunted guild as for the fighters guild you need to make sure to pick that one up early because it that experience is not retroactively applied if you forgot to pick it up so pick it up right away from there you started your daily tasks like upgrading your mounts upgrading your bags doing your random daily dungeons and your random daily battlegrounds and eventually your daily pledges there's not that many things that you have to do and whatever you do in addition to those things each day is totally up to you there's no right or wrong way to play elder scrolls online i can't emphasize that enough the important thing is that you're doing the things that you find fun don't let anyone try to make this game so efficient for you that it takes all the fun out of the game at that point it's just a matter of time until you quit so make sure to do the stuff that's fun to you make sure to focus on the things that you enjoy most whether that's questing or whether it's dungeons or if it's pvp then get in there in pvp just understand that if you grab some of these things sooner than later they'll be able to level the entire time you're doing all the stuff that you find fun and that's all there is for this video guys i hope you found this video useful if you did please consider liking and subscribing so that you can get alerted to more of my eso content and if you ever want to hang out with someone else who loves eso swing by my stream over at lucky ghost i'll put links to that in the description below as well and finally i'd like to thank my youtube members for supporting the channel by becoming members to find out how to become a member of this channel and what the perks are click the join button below as always i hope you have a fantastic day night or evening wherever you might be and i hope to see you in the next video [Music] you
Channel: Lucky Ghost
Views: 302,888
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Id: ImnghKieqVM
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Length: 58min 47sec (3527 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 25 2022
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