Ultimate Dark Souls Lore

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foreign [Music] had fallen to the abyss its people mutated by its power artorius Mona Quinn's Knights were sent to stop the spread of this corruption when standing in the Royal Garden of ulusil the undead Bergen Parish cannot be seen it has yet to be built people would feel the seal shortly after these events and would seek a new life many still held faith and they worshiped Quinn and his children however one child the firstborn had done something terrible the God of War had insulted the royal family his actions had led him to be stripped from the annals his statues destroyed his name purposely forgotten this resulted in a change of Faith the followers of the God of War were branded as Heretics those who were loyal and devoted followers of the firstborn saw this removal as a great insult the people of the Berg took up arms they rallied together a war had started a war on faith the Lower Undead Berg is a place for thieves and miscreants here men cover their faces to hide their identity and muffled their voice the only thing in common for this community was the lack of trust on any normal day the tensions were high on the day of change this tension finally snapped people quickly turn on one another those who support the removal of the firstborn and those who opposed it neighbor versus neighbor family versus friend people began marching the street torches in hand they killed any who opposed or any unfortunate soul who was caught in their blood crazed Rampage even pregnant women weren't safe from this madness the church was quick to respond her Soldier was tasked with the duty of locking down the lower on deadburg they ran through the streets locking off all entries and exits sprinting back through the parish they were unfortunately struck by the Heretics Gravely wounded they died on the steps of their Church [Music] [Music] soldiers flooded the Berg killing any who fought for the firstborn they took strategic points ensuring no one could pass through the Berg with ease they built Vantage points they built barricades they destroyed staircases hoisted up ladders destroyed walkways and then began blocking and boarding up entrances the people of the Berg were ill-equipped to take on the soldiers so were pushed into hiding they knew they could not stand a chance without the element of surprise they blocked walkways and points of access with barrels and boxes the merchant even managed to trap a soldier behind a bookcase how one would navigate the Berg which changed forever however some Heretics did manage to make it up into the parish storming the bridge they overcame the soldiers pushing their way into the garden the statue of their lord had already been destroyed this site had only made The Thirst of blood even stronger foreign filled with rage they headed to the church there they faced a great number of soldiers and with them an armored boar this creature staring them down with its devil red eyes was not made in a time of Peace it seems the church and the gods that remained knew this change of Faith would start a war so they had these creatures made a whole King massive Fury with tusks designed to shred those who found themselves in close proximity the Heretics fought the soldiers and killed any priest they could find the battle did not last long and not in their favor the group was split the remaining survivors given two choices Retreat or find Refuge below her group were forced into the guard's Barracks heavily outnumbered they could only hope to lore soldiers in single file here they would attack from all angles giving them the advantage [Music] the others taught to retreat with the Hope seemingly lost all they could do is lower the gates and hope the boar did not come knocking [Music] soon after a drake moved in the church suffered heavy losses and what remained were already spread throughout the Bergen Parish waiting for another attack only the soldiers that remained in the parish could have a chance of taking on the Drake but with the Heretics in the area they chose not to advance only to hold their position any soldiers that came up from the burg met a fiery end the war had reached a stalemate the soldiers and the people slowly went Hollow the prophecy of the chosen Undead had caused many adventurers to come in hopes of ringing the bell however many years had passed since the war on faith but the damage and fortifications remained now they serve as an obstacle for any who attempt to reach the parish with the added threat of demons the bird became a place that was to be avoided stuck in time soldiers and the Heretics hold their positions the curse has taken them all [Music] crown of the Dark Sun gwyndolin protected of The Forsaken city of Anor Londo this crown of the Gods demands Faith immeasurable of its wearer but it is imbued with dark moon power that enhances or magic the image of the sun manifests gwendolin's deep Adoration of the Sun Rover the darks on Gwendolyn protective of The Forsaken city of Anor Londo the power of the moon was strong in gwyndolin and thus he was raised as a daughter his magic Garb is silk thin and hardly provides any physical defense his magic Garb was silk thin now emphasis on Magic where could this Magic Guard be made now it's not of the city of the Gods those miracles could it be of Dukes quite possibly could Seath have created it possibly but due to the color and the traces of gold and the overall style I believe it was made in hula seal because if we take a look at dusk's set it has some resemblance the delicate silks the delicate fabric I believe it was made in all the seal in ulacio there are statues which look very familiar to the set of gwyndolin now these statues have had their head removed now this was pointed out to me by the red scholar I will include their Channel if you wish to check it out they have yet to upload any lore content they are working on it they are very active in the Dark Souls of law community so anything they put to please read because they do have very interesting findings and they do great work so Bravo so thank you again for your findings and it's given me some ammunition for this video anyway these statues decapitated gwendolyn's set is very very similar to what we see on these statues his Garb is almost identical he holds a Ivory Catalyst that is a symbol and the Birch is a symbol of ulacio white is a color of hula seal also gold is very much a symbol of ulisil if we look at their sorceries they are of light they are of Golden Light they are an approximation as said by dusk so the the dealing in time and sorceries and Oola seals sorceries that of time could actually be how gwyndolin created the illusion over Ann Orlando how he was able to have an illusion of the sun completely blanket over the city it could have just been an illusion involving time it could have been a snapshot of a time of Ages past when the sun was in the sky now that is something to think about if you have any other theories of time spaced sorceries and connection with the other seal connections with gwyndolin should I say let me know because it seems he was taught and raised for the most part in ulacile not at the Duke's archives now that's not to say he wasn't a creation of the Duke's archives mainly Seath the common theory fan theory is that Seath is the daddy of gwyndolin but I don't think that is strictly true Gwyn was around when gwyndolin was born and raised to a certain point Gwyn did love his son he was involved with his son's some extent yes he dressed his son in a dress but that was because he was a child of the Moon his powers were drawn from the Moonlight and Moonlight is seen as feminine now that decision by Gwyn you could say is a bit wrong but hey ho it's one of those things royal family royal bloodlines and stuff they're always nuts um they're not normal are they anyway how I know that Gwyn was around at the time of gwyndolin for a for a certain amount of time that is at least is if you take a look at the Miracles on the back page of them on the actual text there is a picture and on that picture there is Gwynn and Gwendolyn very clearly now this picture is rather interesting because it depicts Gwyn holding a flame or part of his soul let's say and in front of a row of silver Knights I believe this to be some sort of ceremony where Gwyn passed his power his responsibilities his keeping of Anor Londo and his keep to gwyndling because he was going to leave to link the flame he was going to extend the age of fire this was his goodbye this was the ceremony to remember that hence why it's depicted on the back of pages that people learn the words of the gods they learn Miracles because this event as you can imagine would be quite the tale to tell them would be remembered Forever This is gwyn's sacrifice this is what he's done to extend the age of fire but it seems everyone knew the royal family because the firstborn was around until his father left because he leaves well and after his father left because he leaves the Sunlight Blade Miracle near his tomb and Guinevere I do believe again was around for this time his children gwyn's children were still in his keep and had not yet left or been exiled in the case of the firstborn so this ceremony took place in the day the sky is blue the sun is out and you can see Duke's archives there in the corner and I think that's very important from software put that there for a reason because to do a link in with the two people Gwen and gwyndolin anyhow the sun being out is quite important because the Twilight of Anor Londo had not yet occurred the sun was still in the sky the age of fire to an extent was still happening yes it was fading and that's why Quinn was going to leave if this if you believe this to be the ceremony before he left he was going to leave to link the flame and the fire fading is something that is brought up in the DLC mainly the dialogue from go he gives us a glimpse into what people know of the fire fading that it may be common knowledge not just of the Gods it's not a secret of the Gods and not just of their Knights but it may actually be on the tongues of commoners how long has go been in that Tower what is his perception of current events and time is his opinions outdated does he know the full truth because depending on what you believe and how long he's been on that Tower could affect the theory and his dialogue of the Flames will fade and only dark will remain I mean he's very true on that but he could be reflecting on the events of hula seal and not necessarily his knowledge on the actual fact that the flame is fading ferocious dragon emptied even mighty analonda's dad not provoke desire [Music] I see little good coming from this but thy intent is to persevere to the better end [Music] [Music] foreign Mighty anolando dared not provoke his Ayah now this dialogue has led many people to believe that Gwyn had already left at this point and to be honest it was mine too for a long time but now thinking about it with the connections of the image behind the Miracles it seems Gwen was around potentially during the DLC and maybe even after the DLC so is he questioning gwyn's power is that what he's doing or is he just questioning the power of Anor Londo at God's already started to leave at this point in time or is he just comparing the fact that the fight is fading and because of that Anor londo's power is fading I'm not too sure let me know what you think [Music] the great black dragon Academy [Music] but when's blessing upon me I see that there is this one Legend among you humans [Music] Lord Quinn's blessing he speaks as if Lord Gwyn is still alive and his blessing is still to be give as if his Blessing still contains power do you know what I mean he's not really talking about gwinners if he's deceased as if he's gone if he's no longer around Lord Quinn's blessing makes me think Gwyn is still about at least To Go's opinion because as we said he's been in this tower for a long time so he's his perception on events and perception on time is not to be entirely trusted because this well this giant has been in solitude for quite a while okay so returning on the gwendolin point as this is a video about gwyndolin a video made by Cress now he's an OG content created made many videos in the past dissecting the game and revealing some truths about level design and indeed character design he did a video where he basically undressed gwyndolin um to put it politely and he took off his headpiece now gwyndolin has no eyes there is no eyes on that character model so I think gwyndolin was born with these defects with this disfigured form of snakes and serpents how he was conceived how he was contrived that is to be debated however I think he was born with these snakes this pale skin and indeed no eyes so I think the snakes see for him I think they are his eyes which is very quite interesting and you might think well why does the statues why does the pitch bar and the Miracles not show Gwendolyn with snake legs well that's probably rather simple to be depicted with snake legs well that's not really an image of the royal family you want to be sending which is one of the reasons why he sinks so well he seeks Solitude below the keeping anolando but I think there's other reasons for that that is his decision and not necessarily the order of his father as the prophecy of the chosen Undead you are chaperoned in to obviously ring the bells concrete sends and then you go and defeat honesty in the smoke after doing so you're greeted with a brilliant view of Guinevere the queen of sunlight as she announces herself however we know that all not all is true and things are an illusion in Anor Londo Guinevere being one of them so I think gwyndolin's presence in anolando is on purpose that being he's underneath the keep because he is the man pulling the strings his presence and him being seen isn't important in the prophecy that is not important in the job that has to be done because if you think about it or at least think about in some way why Guinevere is the one shown to The Chosen Undead while the undead prophecy is spread throughout the globe many people from many countries have heard of the prophecy and come to lordran to fulfill the prophecy their Kingdom has fallen due to the undead curse they are familiar with the royal family and may they may not be familiar with gwyndolin but they certainly are familiar with his older sister Guinevere the goddess of fertility it seems she is the most celebrated child of Gwyn so it would make sense that she is the one who was seen by The Chosen Undead and then the Lord vessel is bequeathed from her to the chosen Undead obviously the chosen Undead would then buy into what is being told to them by Guinevere the goals of fertility this very beautiful sight beautiful woman you know the music laying the sun shining over her it's a very very it's almost like a dream isn't it and then off you go to slay the old gods and rekindle the flame so I believe that's why Guinevere is used and not gwyndolin mainly because as I said gwyndling probably isn't widely known to the outside world also due to his hideous form and also because his sister well she does will her image of her does a much better job of selling the prophecy one last point about his role within analondo and the prophecy before we move on now there are statues in the ons boss room now one has removed the other two are of Gwyn and Guinevere the one removed if shot at with arrows you can or throwing knives whatever projectiles that will stick there is actually still a statue there is just invisible now as we said gwyndolin is a Master of Illusions so I believe gwyndolin is responsible for this statue being invisible and the point I'm gonna make I raised in my law through definitely definitely check that out if you're very passionate about souls I talk Non-Stop up every episode every episode is dedicated to a certain area of souls it's all broken down so say this episode will be the catacombs this episode will be filing you get the drift I talk about everything that's contained within that area from what we're experiencing that episode from what we have experienced without spoiling too much of the game until that point so if you're a new player and you somehow stumble across this video definitely definitely go and watch that please I put a lot of effort into that and I think you will enjoy it if you like ENB style old G content anyway the point I'm going to make the lack of a better word platform that the invisible statue stands atop of is actually two platforms one's larger and then a smaller one on top of that and then the statue stands upon that well it would if it wasn't invisible however I do think that the firstborn used to stand there that was his where his statue was before he was removed and stripped from the annals I think gwyndolin's image did take his place that's why we find a smaller platform on top of the larger platform to accommodate for gwyndolin the smaller and youngest child now Gwendolyn removing his statue and making himself invisible links into what we've just discussed within within his role of the prophecy and what he deems his role as the master of strings he is the Puppeteer so return to the bathroom where we fight gwyndolin and before that you hold a seance now you need to find the Dark Moon Seance ring which is discovered on a corpse that is buried beneath the statue of the woman who holds the baby who that child is isn't really important for this video but the DLC took place 300 years ago the parishes built after those 300 years and then we can find a statue holding that baby found in the parish and Chapel it seems that statue and baby is worshiped it seems as if that child is new for that Chapel to be built and that for statue to be so important if you catch my meaning so how old and how new this statue is in the catacombs is to be debated who is it is it of the firstborn the second born Guinevere or of gwyndolin obviously with the Dartmouth Seance ring you kind of think well it would be gwyndolin but as I said with the chapel and Parish being fairly new in the timeline of lordran I don't see why that would be worshiped um for that long of amount of time if you get what I'm saying doesn't matter anyway Seance Seance means a meeting at which people attempt to make contact with the dead especially through the agency of a medium so who is dead I mean Gwyn is dead I mean technically isn't but technically he is his children would have accepted that he was never returning from this Venture and to be cast as dead would be correct however when you before you enter the bathroom you know there's a rook and it has the picture of gwynland's crown more in a full form that is a golden sun and there are candles four candles around on this Rook so it seems it is very much a place of seance for seances to be conducted now the only person you contact and speak with is gwyndolin but he isn't dead so this is on the only thing I'm quite uncertain of when it's on about Dark Moon Seance is doesn't mean in a literal sense or does it just mean to commune with gwyndolin because I said he's not dead he is in a place of the Dead in the Tomb um but he's not dead himself I'm just rambling now but you kind of get what I'm getting at if you decide to face Gwendolyn and commit the ultimate sin and challenge the gods um and become a heretic in gwyndolin's words you notice a music plays the bathroom music is that of the Moonlight Butterfly and what I mean like butterflies where they are creations of Sith so this is the sea connection that a lot of people use when talking about Gwendolyn and seeth as I said I do think Seth had some involvement with the gwyndolin I don't think it involved his training and Magic as we've made the ulyssel argument but at least his birth and his whole existence because you've got to think about it is Gwendolyn a natural-born baby or is he a test tube baby in a sense is he an experiment of Sith if the baby if the woman holding the child is of gwyndolin then that would make sense because then you would think yes there was a mother grilling does have a mother I've read many theories about who gwynland's mother could be is it somehow brazila is it velker on the belka point that was a great theory on Reddit welcome gwyndolin the prophecy and sin an exploration of deep law in Dark Souls this is absolutely excellent I've referenced this a few times in my law through series the connection between Gwendolyn velker and the Dartmouth Covenant and very much that the Covenant of the Dark Moon has been usurped and repurposed and Gwendolyn is now in charge it was a covenant of velker but however velker came to be either she died she was kicked out she definitely left the city of the Gods either forcefully or by her own choice um anyway it doesn't matter gwyndolin took over that Covenant and twisted it to suit the royal family and to punish the Sinners who went against the royal family and sinned against said royal family not just sin overall and in general um the items that Oswald of Kareem can sell you and you can purchase from him and definitely go into this kind of contradicting lore on the Dark Moon Covenant it seems valky did have control of it and then now she doesn't and that's when we we come across it we can sort of dwindling and that's it no mention of velka and her version of sin although she is the goddess of sin so quite interesting that again went on a bit of a rant last point before we wrap this up forgive me if I already mentioned this in the video however you know what I'm like if you're familiar with me I go on tangents I've had to record this a few times now so please forgive me my brain is going to fall out of my head anyway speaking about heads and things falling out and off that decapitate statues why is their head decapitated now we know gwyndolin he is blind that is disfigured but he has the head piece his legs are the one that's visibly disfigured but again we've talked about why his feet won't be drawn in such a way however the head being removed I believe is because the crown that he wears is a symbol of Gwyn the age of fire and Anor Londo to read description mentioned at the beginning of the video the image of the sudden manifest dwindle is deep Adoration of the Sun so the image of the sun is why people lashed out of the statues and remove their head not necessarily attacking gwyndolin but just attacking what that Crown represents it represents the things that the people of the Abyss oppose now that they've been affected by Manus and his Abyss at least that's my theory of why they're decapitated well the statues are decapitated so that about wraps it up guys I've recorded this many times now I apologize if the traffic you've heard in the background I've had to re-record it due to a few boy races and a Cherry Bomb mufflers coming across being very loud but I hope you enjoyed this kind of less rambly more structured lore video I will definitely be doing more on some subjects this format I was inspired by EMB because as you know I do include these videos of playlists do people have really uploaded his old content back from early 2012 and his law speculations anyway I've been watching them and I've kind of it's inspired me to talk about souls in a certain way and I just feel like this it suits me better because I can ramble and I can relax um but also I think it's nice to wind down is what my Channel's about my channel is like a Sunday night Channel where you can just put it on before you have a busy week of work and just really mellow out in the evening so hopefully that will serve some purpose to you so yeah let me know what you think let me know um my theories if I'm bang on the Mark if I'm completely off which I probably am um I always stress this but I don't think I know everything about this game I always get things wrong so yes just please enlighten me or more importantly should let me know I love some interaction with you guys so yeah thank you very much for watching if you've reached the end please drop a like and if you're new here you've reached the end please consider subscribing and checking out my other content I love if it goes into them and I shall see you in the next one [Music] [Music] Dark Souls 1 is now 10 years old it released on the 22nd of September 2011 in Japan with the North American release following on October 4th Australia on October 6th and Europe on October 7th the Dark Souls franchise as a whole has sold 25 million copies however Dark Souls 1 did not become popular overnight the marketing told you the consumer that this game was hard and that you had to prepare to die countless articles began to crop up on the Internet telling you how hard the game was how the graveyard was impossible how a boss called Ornstein as Smo was nigh impossible how this game beats you to a bloody pulp and showed you no mercy and they weren't lying this game was like something most had never played before it did not show you Mercy it would beat you to a bloody pulp and it would not give you a second chance but players found themselves back time and time again because the world of Dark Souls the world of Lords and was so enchanting there was something to it there was more than just a hard game there was Beauty beneath the brutality this brutality is what ultimately led me to drop the game in December 2011. the silver Knight arches in Anor Londo proved to be too much and I admitted my defeat and dropped the game about to never play it again I soon went back to Skyrim and enjoyed a simplistic Easy Life hacking and slashing away at Bandits and falama Christmas and New Year's passed and we were now in 2012. it was 11 o'clock at night school was the next day and I was browsing YouTube looking for something to watch something caught my eye on the home page it was dark souls I'd almost forgotten about the game however something led me to click on this video it was a 20 minute video talking about Lord Gwynn and his followers rally around the bonfire Yi weary travelers to Story Time with the pocket full of shields welcome to epics Dark Souls Lore Series today I'll be talking about Gwen's followers excluding his family because them kids that is a whole nother video [Music] um I'll present the facts and my speculation and I'll try to keep them clear and separate I'm sure I'll make a mistake or miss something big so I'm counting on you guys to help me out just like last time because this is just too much for one person to put together all on his own uh this is a huge video so you can use the links in the description or the annotations to jump around to whatever it is you're interested in and Skip all the boring bits it's my personal opinion if cnunners hadn't run around the Machinima office telling everyone to play Minecraft and then going and playing and uploading his own series himself it wouldn't be as popular similarly if yourscast hadn't uploaded their how to survive the first night of Minecraft it wouldn't be where it is today Marcus is to Dark Souls what seen Anna's and Yogscast were to Minecraft without this man this series wouldn't be as popular and wouldn't have captivated many people he laid the foundations for many law Scholars that are still making content today and he's the reason why I started my own YouTube channel because I fell in love with this content I was inspired by his content and this is my favorite game because of him if he hadn't made this video If hyanne discovered this video then I would have left Dark Souls I may have tried it again in a later installments But ultimately it wouldn't be a game that meant so much to me and I'm sure many of you can relate I'm making this video to celebrate Dark Souls but also to celebrate the law father that is Ian B this video will not be focusing on what Marcus decided to do with his content and ultimately channel so if anyone would like to bring any negativity then I asked you to leave as we are celebrating EMB and all that he did for the community we are not here to discuss his private life we are not here to discuss his decisions however some context is needed for the younger Hollows out there who may not be familiar with Marcus and his older work he did privatize a lot of his videos that is his decision and he had his own reasons for doing so that being said if you have heard of Epic name bro that is a high chance you've either watched or heard of his Dark Souls from the dark Series this series is the Pinnacle of a Dark Souls 1 playthrough in from the dark Marcus pours all of his knowledge from the mechanics to the law to interviews to the design Works to community findings past and present Marcus had what many didn't he lived and worked in Japan at the time so his understanding of Japanese was Far Beyond any he was breaking down descriptions from both the English and Japanese version and he was giving us context and perspective on things that other users could not do things that were not yet fully understood he gave you Insight which would be probably appreciated for many months and years to come but Marcus was a man of the community without his involvement and his interaction with the souls Community I wouldn't have discovered the other Souls creators out there at the time to name a few friends the German spy cuellac Vegeta and many more most of those names may not mean much to most but to those who were around back then I'm sure I've just unlocked some fond memories back in the day Marcus would offer a certain challenge to the community from DeMoss souls or Dark Souls usually some restrictions on a certain boss fight and the community would take part in this you can still find some videos from back in the day mainly from Franza German spy and Vegeta and others I do advise you search and try and find these because they are really entertaining this sense of community from Dark Souls back in the day again it is a time capsule not only for the game but also for the community because these people they had skills which I couldn't accomplish they were doing things which I didn't even know were possible and neither did Mark because it was a really creative way to test the game and see what could be done if you've watched from the dark then you may be familiar when EMB is talking about the Capra demon as he did a challenge for Capra as previously mentioned a user called Vegeta 311 took part in this Challenge and the way he approached that with the limits and restrictions set by EMB at the time just showed what was possible in this game called Dark Souls and what the community was possible and accomplishing it really made you feel a part of something and it was great to witness many things aren't as Secret in Dark Souls anymore but there was a time when the game was new things were tested and people were just fumbling through the game and these videos offer you a time capsule into that so as I said please go back and watch them because they are just a great piece of nostalgia now you are gonna have to take my word for this because as I mentioned a lot of the videos are privatized but I promise this is true due to Marcus living in Japan at the time and Japan only having the first initial release of Dark Souls that gave him a lot of time to play and make content for the game there are certain strategies within Dark Souls one that the community now takes for granted and that many new players carry out without even knowing who originally started them for those of you who have played Dark Souls 1 when I mentioned the name Taurus demon you'll Envision two things the arena and the ladder this ladder mixed with the gold Pine resin if you would acquired it at this point was the main way and most efficient way to take out the Taurus demon as I previously mentioned because Ian B was living in Japan and had his hands on the game before the rest of the world he was in fact the first person to put it on the internet on how to take out the Taurus demon using this method now I'm not stating he was the first one to do it in the game's history however he was the first to put it on YouTube and you've got to take my word for it I believe this may have been brought up in the comments on the from the dart series at the time people were questioning why Marcus didn't use the ladder Strat and telling him how to do it when it was in fact he was the master of the ladder Strat so that was quite amusing to view and I believe he talks about this in later episodes from the dark [Music] another strategy which is now taken for granted and commonly used is how you acquire the Drake Sword for those of you who don't know you can acquire the Drake Sword or flying Drake Sword as it was known back then by simply shooting the tail from beneath the bridge without actually having to face helca in all of his wrath again this strategy was uploaded by EMB and he was the first to publicize this the reason why I'm telling you this is because Marcus wasn't just known for his in-depth perspective on the law and story of dark souls he was also known for his strategies and his findings with weapons and the systems that were in place in Dark Souls this passionate research ultimately LED Ian B to actually work alongside from software on some of their future games to my knowledge he worked on the Dark Souls 2 guide he worked on the bloodborne old Hunter's guide and he worked on the Dark Souls 1 remastered guide this in-depth understanding and knowledge of the game is what made people respect Ian B and love his content so much however even before Ian B would work with from software he was getting things right he was calling out he had a perspective and understanding on the story that many people didn't believe or wouldn't want to believe mainly Dark Root Garden and Basin actually being the place where ulacio once stood the lore of these games are understandably something which many people are passionate about is something that I'm the most passionate about to talk with these games and because of this people get very defensive over what they think they know head Cannon and straight facts admittedly I remember there not being that large of a group of people who would go against and push back on Ian B's ideas and perspective it's still very entertaining to actually see how much epic neighbor got right how much Mark has predicted and how close he was to the truth his timeline video his evidence of this he was almost on The Mark with his predictions and understanding of the game a series of videos we will all be familiar with within the Dark Souls community and even outside of the souls Community is the infamous series from vatividia the preparator cry series the first one that was released was the legend of artorius the Abyss Walker this video was published on the 25th of September 2012 Marcus had been creating Dark Souls and Dark Souls Lore content since January 2012. his timeline video on the Dark Souls events released in July of 2012 so Marcus had been at this and in this game since the beginning of the year now I'm not saying that without no markers we wouldn't have had vati video but what I said at the beginning of this video was that he laid the foundations for many law Scholars and I believe vatavidia Dave control and many others this is the case because Marcus had an understanding he already had videos discussing these vast topics going into deep detail on things that we still discuss about today and again we owe this to Marcus without Marcus I personally believe that a lot of the souls content that we take for granted today to do the law well it wouldn't be around it wouldn't be as deep and as rich and wouldn't be as vast as what can be found today because Marcus has either directly influenced you or indirectly influenced you through the work of others I strongly believe that and a lot of you young Hollows out there may not believe me because there's no evidence to support this anymore anymore a lot of EMB videos as I said has been privatized unfortunately and a lot of the comments on is from the dark and series that still remain on the main Channel have been deactivated because of other problems within the souls community that Marcus was not pleased with and again we're not going to touch upon those subjects because that is Marcus's decision and that is not what this video is for however not all hope is lost there is still content out on YouTube and in those comments you can find and ReDiscover the passion and the influence that Marcus had on people and how much he meant to them what I'm referencing here is of course windmills now if you're not familiar with windmills they are a hip-hop alternative Duo based out of Los Santos I'm pretty sure they came from Mississippi and without Marcus and his videos I wouldn't I would have never discovered them and that is the same for many their two most famous tracks are get up and bring out the sun now as I mentioned in the comments you will just see how much influence markets had on the souls Community he gave people a new form of music to listen to he introduced people to windmills and without Marcus I would have never have heard of them and would have never checked them out and I listened to them to this day and I even include their tracks in my own law through series and on their pilgrimage which in itself is a throwback to Ian B's old style Souls content where say if he died or he didn't want to cut certain footage he would speed it up and include a track for windmills again this is how I was introduced to them and this is how many others were introduced to them via Marcus's videos and his inclusion of their songs Marcus himself is referenced multiple times in the windmills album Broken Record Marcus gave them exposure he gave them hope and the reference and they thank him in their songs also if you're familiar with Souls they are plays of souls they are passionate they love souls they include tracks and kicks and beats and also sounds from The Souls games in their music so again it's little Easter eggs to appreciate and even in their music they're creating now in their newer albums you'll still find in the comments that without ENB people wouldn't be introduced This brilliant music and I can stand and testify against that windmills is a type of music that is no longer can be found anywhere else they are Relic but they are doing something new and fresh and I love them for it so thank you Marcus for introducing me to this music I've been listening to them since 2014 since maybe even before that I'm not too short again I can't go back and watch the old videos unfortunately but however I just want to thank you and anyone who can relate to that anyone who should listen to windmills either because of Marcus or maybe you've discovered them by other means in the Dark Souls Community then you'll have Marcus to thank if you just check their comments you will see big names without a video iron pineapple and others such that names that we all know today in the souls Community but again Marcus all bought them there he introduced them to that music Marcus influence was like an umbrella I hope any of you watching this can relate to what I'm saying and what I've mentioned and if you want to leave a comment on how Mark has helped you through a tough time his content or any fond memories you have about Marcus and the community back in the day please let me know I would love to reminisce and read them because as I said a lot of this information isn't available to us anymore so I'm only remembering what I can remember so what I know and what you know are going to be two separate things so being really nice to talk about and ReDiscover some things that we as a whole as the OG community may have forgotten there are some things that are worth remembering and repeating for any of you new Hollows or maybe ogs which have forgotten due to time but if you remember Marcus was actually the first person ever in history for Dark Souls 2 to do a no death run he ended the last episode of that series by jumping off near the Obelisk into the sea he got the achievement you died and that was it that was the end of the series if you remember that again please let me know there are no there's no more evidence to support this but trust me it's true some of the things I remember and that can still be found are his website epic page bro now a lot of this stuff used to link with YouTube so it can no longer be accessed but there is still some information to other links external links which is it's like a time capsule in the souls community at the time with certain findings and research so again I will leave a link for those who want to check that out but most of the stuff can't be viewed there because it linked to YouTube and I said has now been privatized and has been for a while the last bit of useless ENB trivia that's worth mentioning for me at least is that you always knew it was an EMB playthrough because it began with him taking off his helmets and gauntlets just so he could fast roll that was a staple in emb's playthroughs and it would always begin that way because fast roll is the only way to roll the souls Community is no longer the same it is huge compared to what it used to be back in the day we as a community has come a long way we know what to expect from from software we know what to expect from a Souls game Elden ring isn't just big Dark Souls it is the evolution of Dark Souls it is the next step of Dark Souls it is the culmination of 10 years worth putting into one game is a new step in the road that is Souls that is from software so I cannot wait to tread down this path but it is to be said everyone you should cherish these moments I know we're all excited for Elden ring and we just want to get our hands on it but remember this point in the community remember the findings remember your first play do not rush through it cherish every single second of it because you will never forget it and I mean that I finally look back at my memories with Dark Souls 1 and discovering A and B and discovering the law and I wish I could go back and I try and recapture that magic and that feeling in my own channel so if you wish to check out my content then I'd love you to join and be a part of the group you can still find the one and only epic name bro on Twitch he streams constantly again he doesn't really stream that much Souls although he does occasionally but he streams games that he's passionate about he's always been passionate about other games even while making his Souls content back in the day so you will find him playing that definitely drop in give him a sub and say hello you can also find him on YouTube of course on his main Channel which he no longer uses he does have a second Channel epic name vods which he uploads his twitch videos onto there so if you're not a fan of the twitch format you can also watch the vods on that channel so that about does it guys I'm all out of Pringles I'm all out of coke Just One Last ENB reference before we finish off Marcus if there is a slim chance you watch this I want to say just thank you for what you've done for the community and thank you what you've done for me without you I wouldn't have found my favorite game in all of the world and history and I wouldn't be making this Channel and the content I make for Dark Souls now I've been kindly compared to Ian B in style and in in Vibe so I'm very very appreciative so again thank you for those who've made that comparisons and I'm glad I can offer you some comfort on the internet one final thank you to all that have tuned into tonight's episode of Legend FM there's only one way we can end this and I have to do the thing again and she'll see you in the next one but for now I'm Marcus also known as ENB and I will catch you guys on the next from the dark we definitely want to do that thing with lots of personality and no conversation and epic Gaming to inspire me to thinking I've hit the Home Run I'm just rounding all the bases I'm skydiving into your world designed the five flying up from the earth will not be defeated hell is for freezing scream till it's peaceful it's walking on beaches laughing how dark it can get in this place cause if you're eating the soul of a demon for strength that was made to be grateful tested in faith of how it can rain when they spit in your face being framework as pizza ice cream and cake so what's next on the menu I'm scraping the plate if it's talking to Jesus behind Heaven's Gate then I'm Not Gonna Leave Here Without saying thanks I'm rocking like Raider on the crossfader is lost to the scene was a major Heartbreaker oh the Giants enslaved since the very beginning at the mercy of their masters but Mercy was not something that was regularly given to them they are seen as brutish simple but Hawkeye girl and the giant blacksmith are a testament to those who perceive them as such they are capable of speech masses of their craft strong leaders Fierce Warriors and wise creatures they have been subjugated to a great many torments since they first emerged out of the dark they are a forgotten pillar that upholds Legends legends that came to be remembered for eons [Music] Helm before kygo one of gwyn's four Knights received as a decoration of nightly honor a Helm crafted especially for the honorable Hawk I go only the eye holes are packed in with tree resin by those who dismiss go as a brutish Giant armor Fork I go one of gwyn's four Knights armored on by ghost since the days of the Dragon Slayer The Medallion bequeathed by the Lord himself and the Dragon Boat pauldrons are symbols of the highest honors gauntlets of Hawkeye go received as the decoration of Honor crafted of a similar material to the corners worn by the silver Knights now unfortunately the silver Knights gauntlets don't describe what they're actually made of but I believe it to be marsite the shield of the giant Sentinel Reeds great shield made of bronze and marsite used by the giant centrals van Alondo marsite or white iron is effective against non-physical damage but as The Shield is designed for giant Sentinels its weight is immeasurable so marsai this white iron is ancient just like the brass made to make the giant Sentinel set the giant Sentinel set reads armored the giant Sentinels of Anor Londo made from ancient brass it also offers protection versus non-physical attacks but due to its giant size it is extremely heavy for humans and impedes stamina recovery now Metals definitely do represent the timeline of lordran or at least the timeline of Dark Souls and Dark Souls 1. that is a whole different kettle of fish and a different theory that I have going on to do with that subject however these ancient oars were used to make gwyn's army and they were used to reward go who fought against the dragons the dragon bone pauldrons are a symbol of the highest honor although they not only represent honor they represent the sacrifices that were made in defeating the dragons so the age of fire could flourish seems then with rewards such as these Guinness extremely thankful for go on the part that he played against the dragons it would appear then that Gwyn and go had a rather close relationship or just immense respect for each other this relationship then carried on through the age of fire and near towards its end but it wasn't just gwyn's praise that got him to where he was go was a renowned Bowman he was unmatched and the only person who ever came close to him was a human named Faris his hat reads broad brimmed hat favored by the Archer hero Faris Faris was an accomplished Archer and though he was human he ranked alongside Hawkeye go one of the Four Knights of Lord Quinn his hat is universally popular among children the Archer found in the forest of dark group is not Faris that Forest protected it's a female Pharisees described as a male there is a male corpse found in the Dark Root Basin but that is a different story for a different day [Music] returning to the go Point as mentioned earlier he was rewarded for his efforts however then rewards they did come at a very high price the dragons shall never be forgotten we Knights fought valiantly but for every one of them we lost three score of Adam acceleration Pride hatred rage a dragon's teeth that are dearest emotions I will understand one day I thought Twilight both thoughts return and Great Waves of nostalgia at thy Twilight old thoughts return in Great Waves of nostalgia now when he says that what is he on about is he reflecting on the state of the world or his current situation because the place we find him in is a tower and he didn't get here all on his own he's been imprisoned in this tower for a very long time so he could be coming to terms with his inevitable end and reflecting on the past all that he's done all that he's achieved and he's currently living in the Twilight between life and his uncertain death there's very little to be said or good as a dog that now has to hunt but I'm lucky to be alive I suppose lucky to be alive I suppose very interesting dialogue setback over there is he reflecting on himself or reflecting on his race Giants are referred to as slaves within the official guidebook and the design works so it would seem if giants resisted an enslavement then they may be killed or once they outlived their usefulness they are then killed like dogs they are then put down but as mentioned due to Go's relationship with Gwyn it seems the same couldn't be done to him so due to the fact that he couldn't be put down and killed because he had some kind of protection over him he was instead imprisoned foreign key reads the grooves of the crest are enchanted the door sealed with a powerful spell now I personally believe that go was imprisoned before the Primeval man was awakened that being Manus however he is aware of current events but the dark will Abyss threatens to divide our entire land of Lucille it seems that this dire fate is unavoidable but by a dark serpenter no the awoke that thing themselves and drove it mad once demise is always ones are making if I wish she is to succeed put outorius and challenge the spread of the dark and I must face manners oh [Music] I think someone or some people did visit him in his Solitude this point we'll touch upon later interesting that go refers to ulacile as our land even after he's been imprisoned and after all that he's been through he still counts himself with one of the people however they don't seem as such and personally I don't think they ever did go has been in the tower for some time due to the wood shavings that can be seen all around him and even on him but he's been providing him with this wood he cannot get him himself so as I mentioned before it seems someone has taken pity on him and is keeping him within the loop of current events of hula seal chop down trees in the piles of logs in the valley below I believe to be responsible of whoever is helping go they are helping him Stave the boredom while keeping his hobby of whitlink alive and well the most interesting and important question for me is why is no one protested his imprisonment why is he still within that Tower why has the tower been locked by with a key with a magic key and that key has ultimately been lost the I'm sorry carving head carved of arch trees by go in his imprisonment go in Parts an emotion to each and every completed carving which helps him Achieve Personal Enlightenment when a head is Disturbed it speaks reflecting the emotion conferred to it this head says I'm sorry have another look isn't that an expression of atonement the definition for atonement reads the action of making amends for a wrong or injury in religious context it means reparation or expiation for sin how fascinating what did go do to land himself in this confinement did he commit a sin did he injure someone that's to be debated although I don't really think it matters what he did as the persecution against Giants is as old as time whatever the case that being said who do we know who deals in sin who is a symbol of the Moon Gwendolyn his statues can be found in Euler seal although decapitated is this something of gwyndolin is doing as the I'm sorry carving if you look closely to me it appears to be a crescent moon with the rather sad face could he be apologizing to the moon the deity of the Moon the Dark Sun gwyndolin I believe this is possible as gwyndling does have a huge presence within ulacile if you believe the decapitated statues to be of him as we mentioned previously the crest keys imbued with some kind of magic that keeps the door locked I am unaware of any hula seal sorceries which could inflict the door and the key in this way but gwyndolin his robes are described as magic and the key has had some magic in it now that is a complete reach there with just the weird magic being involved but you know it could be it could be a stretch so I believe I think Gwendolyn had some influence over this key and locking away go that being said it seems a key is not needed to get necessarily in this Tower the tower could decline by the inhabitants of ulacile or perhaps they also have multiple Keys which let them in and out I think they approach go at night when he was asleep and then packed his helmet with resin to read the description of the helmet again only the eye holes were packed with tree resin by those who dismiss go as a brutish giant you'd imagine if he was awake for this he would remember this and would take off his helmet this is one of the biggest flaws people have with go but you've got to remember from software does create his characters sometimes with huge flaws and they very much play into these flaws so if you try and come at it with a logical head and try and think well why didn't they do this why didn't they do that you've got to remember they are floor characters so they would never think to do these things like go would never think to remove his helmet he does believe he's generally blind and as I said a giant of that size he must have been sleeping when they did this to him because he would remember it or he would like to think you'd remember it if he was awake for the event but a face and skilled Warrior such as go he does not need his sights he can rely on his other senses foreign [Music] [Music] foreign as seen he shoots calamit down with just his ears he is a master Bowman this Mastery of the bow LED Hawk I go to train the silver Knights and I believe it's this that is probably the reason that goes and gwyn's relationship was so strong because go trained his Knights and without this training I personally believe the war with the dragons would not have been worn go and his Great Dragon Slayers were vital in this war goes great bow reads great bow used by Hawkeye go of Lord gwyn's Four Knights for dragon slaying this bow is larger than even those used by the famed Dragon Slayers only their leader go had the strength to handle it dragon slayer arrows giant dragon slaying hunting arrows resemble iron Spears used by Hawkeye go and his Dragon Slayers they puncture human Flesh easily dragon slayer arrows can only be used with the dragon slay greatpo and vice versa on the topic of arrows goes hobby of whitlink actually pretty dates the age of fire and can even go as far back as the war with the dragons goes gray arrows read great Arrow used by Hawkeye go one of Lord gwyn's Four Knights for dragon slaying requires a great bow go personally crafted each Stone tip and wraps the shaft tightly with tree bark this proves that Giants are skilled and they are capable of being educated and are not in fact anywhere near brutish as they are perceived to be the giant blacksmith is in service to the gods since the blacksmith deity passed but he was not taken when the gods left anolando similar to how a dog is left when there's a house on fire or when a new home cannot accommodate them he was left behind and he was knowingly abandoned the giant blacksmith although he is a master of his craft he is still a slave his attire is the same as the Giants and sends the headpiece it's less of a helmet and is more a mark of a slave the bands go around the eyes and they seem to go around the mouth preventing them from having an identity the Giants do have a face but you wouldn't know they are not seen as equal tools the helmet for me it represents that now let's move on to the history of Giants and where they came from I believe that Giants were the first race to emerge out of the dark there are different races of giants those more human looking such as the gods and those such as go and his kin I believe going is kin were the first race to emerge from that dark and be attracted to the flame on the topic of the Gods the gods are a race of giants The Witch of izalith towers over her daughters even after she shared her power with them Gwyn Towers over his silver Knights and Nito I believe to be a giant before his death when the first flame appeared you can imagine battles were fought over this power when the first primeval Lord found their soul It Was a Race for power foreign as he arguably has the most powerful was it the witch of izalith it may have even been Nito but the fact is I do believe battles were fought over the flame a common misconception is that while the flame first appeared it was just straight into battle with the dragons well this is strictly true for silver Knights to be a thing for Gwyn to retain power for the witch of izloth to have daughters in a sense although I don't think they are directly her daughter's civilization must have flourished beneath the world beneath the arch trees that the dragons inhabited and then once civilization was a strong enough point they then went to war with the dragons as we know guinn has an uncle where you think that is his little uncle or just in a sense is his uncle is to be debated but I do think there was civilization lived on the ground for a long time and battles were fought over the first flame I don't think the souls were found right there and then as soon as it appeared there are different things that emerge from the dark the Tomb of the Giants evidence of this the dogs as we call them the skeletal beasts you can see they have bony fangs and there's very things in the Tomb of the Giants that almost look primordial they look as if they were creatures from the beginnings of the earth so many things came from the dark although they didn't survive into the modern age or the age of fire they still existed and Giants go in his kin are a result of that they are something that survived from since the very beginning of dark and because of this they haven't Advanced such as the other civilizations the other types of Giants and the humans that came along after them so they've been persecuted and they've been treated like second-class citizens staying on the point of battle but returning to Nito I believe that Nito died on a battlefield my reasons for this are his appearances are giant and on him seem to be lesser skeletons he didn't he didn't obtain this form Slowly by adding bodies to him much like godric in Elder ring seems to be doing no it seems to rise from the ground and with him became bodies of the Dead that may have died on top of him in battle A og Souls creator that I've referenced a few times in my law through series and on their pilgrimage and in the previous lore video about gwyndolin it's Cress now Crest also undressed shall we say Nito in his video and you can see Nieto is in fact a giant he has a giant skeletal structure and all these bits and Bobs of other skeletons while they're just for Cosmic well not Cosmetics but they are not necessarily part of him there is bigger bones beneath the bones of the Lesser skeletons if you catch my meaning anyway point B to all this is I believe Nito the giant was in war with the humans or lesser humanoids when we talk about humans pre-age of fire when the first flame appeared well depending on when the furtive pygmy was around and when he split his Dark Soul we don't want to get too confused because humanity and the Dark Souls Humanity I believe are two different things each human has Humanity within them yes but the Dark Soul who's named Humanity that is not necessarily Humanity so calling these smaller skeletons humans on Nito can and can't be correct it depends on your perception of things but just for simple sake and because I find it difficult to talk sometimes anyway I'm just going to refer them to humans if we talk about pre-age of fire when the first flame appeared and the smaller humanoids when compared to the Giants so just get that out there before we continue on the skeletal remains of giants can be faced through numerous parts of the game obviously in the Tomb of the Giants in the catacombs and in Firelink shrines graveyard these skeletons of Giants and humans have been resurrected due to the presence of necromancers and pinwheels involvement with the catacombs well that's a different story for a different day in the graveyard you can see that they're a huge Tombstone dedicated to giant Soul people of Giant stature these gravestones they are grand these people respected the Giants were respected because again I believe these to be the race of giants similar to the gods more human looking and not primitive looking like go in his kin they were respected they were laid to rest flowers were given on their graves and also they were Fierce Warriors because we see them wielding scimitars this is also another connection that I believe they are not the Giants like go and the slave Giants because they will scimitars their fighting style is different to that of the Giants we face in sends and if you even attack girl I don't know why you do that I've never attacked him because I love him too much but yeah go and it's Almighty elbow drop is something to be reckoned with however he doesn't will to symmetize my point those of you who are more Keena eyed than the rest may know that there are hidden quotation mark gravestones in violent graveyard for years I ran past these without knowing they were there for years I returned from the catacombs I entered the catacombs and just thought they were born nothing less nothing more but it turns out they are actually gravestones there are not very many of these gravestones and they face the edge of the cliff I do think the graveyard has given way at some point in time so there may have been more of them but we shall never know they appear to be extremely primitive and if you ever look at the names it seems they have actually been crossed out they've been etched out of the stone which is quite telling who would do this why would this be a thing why would someone go through the effort of removing the names of the Dead on the gravestones as mentioned before Giants are seen as brutish it seems they are treated as second-class Citizens and they are for the most part not remembered because they are slaves who remembers the slaves nobody so I believe this is what we might be seeing due to the Primitive style and overall look of these things and the fact there's not very many of them and that they're facing the cliff I think these may be of go in his kin the slave Giants and people have gone out their way and made effort to remove any name or any record of them which if you think about that is really quite upsetting but the more we talk about Giants and the more you understand that they are slaves it wasn't it wouldn't be a far-fetched to believe that yes people would do this to their gravestones if this is their gravestones again this is all my own personal Theory to make this this fit in with the video let me know what you think now when you think of slaves and you think of Lord and you think of early civilization and the grand scale of the place of Lords and whether it be the burger the parish or Anor Londo who do you think built these places I believe it to be the slave Giants this is going off just the size of the bricks the time in which these were constructed in and again we know that Giants are highly skilled with goes carvings of wood and the giant blacksmith's creations of Legendary Weapons I'd wagy it wouldn't be too far-fetched to imagine that the Giants did build the structures we see throughout lordran because point in case is the bricks you can see in Anor Londo they are absolutely huge and with the intricate carvings and the actual architecture of the place we know Giants they are good they are highly skilled with their hands so I think that could be an argument for or the fact that they built the seat of the Gods also with the land below to do with the Berg if you look at the Berg while the supporting pillars in Blighttown they are huge the stones are absolutely massive only Giants could really construct this and they believe that the time that it took to build this would have been far quicker than humans because the DLC took place 300 years ago and at the time the main game the parish and the Berg they're not new they've been around for a while so let's just say it took 100 years for the parish and Berg to be completed now who would have a better chance of doing that in that time well an army of Giants and their strength not an army of people because ulacio had just Fallen I believe the the Bergen Parish was inhabited by the people who fled ulacile also mixed with the people who came to lordran seeking a better life in the time of the undead curse because if we take a look at the undead Merchant one of his dialogues is how he used to get Stones thrown at him back home so he is a new inhabitant of Lord and I think is a mixture of people who fled ulacile and a mixture of people who came to Laura and to live in the land of souls anyway point being Giants 100 I believe built the places that we see just because the time it would have taken is not possible with human hands and human strength what I'm about to say is a theory of my own and if you don't agree with me or partially do agree with me just let me know what you think of this Theory anyway I would love to hear from you guys so in Anor Londo what do we find we find Sentinels again we talked about their armor ancient brass and what they're made of etc etc we've made the argument that maybe Giants did build an Orlando so adelondo has been around for a very very very long time well perhaps Giants were also in service of the Gods in Orlando carrying out the same duties as we find the giant Sentinels doing now perhaps the Giants were replaced by the giant Sentinels watch a certain technology was discovered core of an iron golem reads soul-serving as the core of the Iron Golem guardian of sense Fortress and Slayer of countless hair Heroes seeking Anor Londo originally a bone of an everlasting Dragon transmogrification I hope I've said that right if you're familiar with me you know I can't say words that's a big word so I struggled there anyway the definition for that word means to change an appearance or form so the gods figured out this new technology the change in Everlasting Dragon Bone and turned it into the Iron Golem Soul now why would they just use this technology just for the Iron Golem it seems if this new technology was discovered well then it would be used to its absolute maximum and I think the Sentinel as a result of that lesser Souls yes but they are just Souls which inhabit a body and can be controlled at the will of the gods they serve the gods no questions asked they will not Rebel they will not disobey they do a very good job of that and I think maybe in very early days of analondo they may have replaced the Giant's duties as the Giants may have been the original Protectors of Anor Londo possibly that's completely off my top of my head and that is my own little Theory there whatever the case may be about my little Theory the more important question is is where are all the Giants if I'm claiming that they did build an Orlando and the structures below anolando why are there so few of them to my knowledge there's three incense that can be found and there's obviously the giant blacksmith in anolando I think at some point in time the Giants may have tried to revolt against their masters and were killed for it those who didn't go against the gods stayed in the slavement and we find the rest of them still serving out in sense as we talked about Giants are already seen as second-class Citizens they are seen as brutish they are seen as lesser and of course treated as slaves so any excuse the rid of these so-called slave in a world where there's no more need for them we don't need them to build our cities we don't need to do anything we don't need to fight the dragons they have served their usefulness now let's put these dogs down I think that may link into what go says when he said he's lucky to be alive because potentially he may have played a part in his kin trying to break free of their masters he may have spoke up for their cause and may have spoke in proof of what they are doing and by doing doing this he went against the guards or more specifically gwyndolin depending on if you believe gwyndham was in control of the Dark Moon blades at this point anyway he sinned and he was punished for that and trapped within this Tower and because of his relationships with Gwyn he wasn't killed right there and then he was just confined to Solitude returning on the pointers why no one tried to free him or was attempted to free him well as we mentioned if this order to imprison him did come from a god mainly gwyndolin then to go against those orders to attempt to free him would also land you as a sinner and you'd either be imprisoned or killed I think go understands this and this is why he doesn't speak ill of his fellow Knights mainly Artorias when you slay him from the horrors of the abyss and by doing this you obviously save his Legend As We Know armor of the Dragon Slayer Ornstein who guards a cathedral in The Forsaken city of Anor Londo Ornstein is believed to be the captain of the Four Knights his Golden Lion Helm is imbued with the power of lightning and should provide good protection against it he is believed to be the captain of the Four Knights now this is a common theory and the common theory is that go was the captain of the Four Knights so depending on what you believe what led him into the tower whatever his actions were I think once he landed himself in the tower before the fall of ulacile a new captain of the knights were decided and this decision may have been by Gwyn or gwyndolin because it all depends when you believe Gwyn left to link the flame was it just before the DLC during the DLC or just after the DLC because wengo gives you Lord gwyn's blessing it makes you believe that Lord gwyn's blessing is still to be valued and it still contains power like Lord Gwyn is still around however goh's perspective is not to be trusted he's been in this tower for a long time he has been in solitude for a long time and if you believe he was put in this place before the events of the DLC then this may also line up with when you believe Gwyn left because if he did leave shortly before the events of the DLC then that makes sense because Quinn would have had to give him the order for our tours to go and check out and sort out the abyss that was going on down in ulacile and if he left shortly after that then obviously go wouldn't he wouldn't know this he would still think Gwyn is still around to give his Blessing and that his Blessing still has value and if Lord Gwyn was aware of ghost confinement either by his son the order of his son or maybe Quinn had some role in that unfortunately because of the actions of go he could not disagree he did sin against the God so he had to be punished but maybe Gwen had some involvement for him not to be killed and to be locked up instead again pure speculation but someone obviously decided that orange Dean is to take over and if Gwyn was still around just before the events of the DLC honestine's role is very important he's then going to look after the princess because Guinevere I believe was still around even after Gwen left she stayed for a while but then she did eventually leave with flame God flan so someone promoted Ornstein to captain of the Four Knights someone who understood the importance of ornstein's future role to be the protector of Anor Londo and protect his children his Guinevere his daughter I think would be Lord Gwyn so I think he made that decision to promote orenstein with the situation that was going on obviously our toys was busy dealing with ulacile unsure where Kieran was during this time of transition between power of Lord Gwyn to his son and the power of Anor Londo but we do find in their Artois is grave when we slay him in the DLC so she may have gone against orders and gone down to ulyssiel or she may have been ordered to go down to ulacia will never know that but go was confined and locked up for had been for some time Ornstein was the only one in the capital and also his orders may have been to look after Smo and keep him in check because win is the one who stops Moe from being knighted and joining the four nights because Quinn's four nights isn't a finite number anyone can be added to the ranks it could have been the five nights it could have been the six nights but only four were worthy enough to be cool all that so that's also a common misconception gwyn's Four Knights is not be all and end all one doesn't have to die to be replaced it can be any number at any time but it was only ever four it could have been five but I said smoke grounding up the bones of his victims and sprinkle onto his food that's what destroyed his chances of joining the knights so that about does it guys I'm all out of Pringles I'm all out of coke that's a reference to ENB again I always throw them in when I have the chance if you like this video please drop a like and if you're new here please consider subscribing it's massively appreciated also please check out my other content whether it's my law through or the lore video prior to this I also have another lore video which is a part of a series I'm doing the next episode will be out soonish that's going to be collab with the fellow law Enthusiast goes the French toast so look forward to that the next lore video won't strictly be on law but it'll be about someone who basically made me fall in love with the law and the game as a whole if you already watch me and you know who I always ramble about well I've made it pretty obvious so that's going to be about them in a positive light and it's really just a thank you to them so yeah um these lore videos they take a lot I've been editing this video for I'm not joking about 18 hours in total now because I could just make it a bunch of pictures with me talking in the background but I like to include examples as much as I can well as the community art so I put a lot of F into these so hopefully you guys can see that again I'm loving that I've got like a small community a sense of community now should I say I love communicating with you guys so thank you all for the support it's really really great and we finally got a small corner of the internet I suppose so yeah that's about it guys so thank you very much for watching as always and I shall see you in the next one but even so one day the Flames will fade [Music] can do nothing to stop that [Music] those banished from the Undead Burg eke out their existence in the depths a damp layer with no trace of sunlight nearly half of the depths from a perilous flooded Labyrinth the door to the depths is very unique and not one typically seen throughout the Berg thick reinforced wood with a small barred window allowed for communication between the inhabitants and the soldiers this communication was vital in relation to the events that had occurred down in this damn dungeon The Depths and the region above were built within the last 300 years when standing in the Royal Garden of all the sealed the undead Bergen Parish cannot be seen it has yet to be built it seems then that the depths did not function as just your ordinary sewer for long as the newly built Society flourished the bad apples needed to be discarded so the depths were chosen this flourishing Society however not only produced The Unwanted but attracted The Uninvited this bustling Society had led a creature from the very beginnings of the world up into the Modern Age its hunger drove it mad never being able to associate this craving it crawled its way up through the valley later known as Blighttown the network of Chambers had become its hunting grounds it stalked the area feasting or whatever could be found or captured people corpses rats all aided in the growth of this creature the never-ending hunger caused this monster to push further Into the Depths bending back the iron bars until it found its layer the people of the depths knew of this apex predator but kept well away from the sounds that came from the dark however at some point in time new guests arrived these guests were many crazed by The Thirst for a clean life breaking through one of the large sewer tunnels they clung to the walls with their wooden walkways wood questionable mortar cord and what seemed to be spider silk had enabled them to reach the tunnel at the far end of the chamber chaos quickly erupted these desperate people fought with such ferocity it became too much to handle the people of the depths called for the Soldier's Aid a unit of soldiers were quickly dispatched to fight off these polluted Invaders soldiers entered the depths they had to be cautious the people banished here were not to be trusted they were murderous man eaters and Mad Men the thick heavy air was pungent with the smell of something awful it seems the banished had decided on a location for human waste right beneath the living quarters reaching the chamber the soldiers fought the desperate Invaders the battle was quickly over as the Weaponry of the polluted people were extremely primitive and in terrible condition with the new arrivals pushed back measures to ensure this did not happen again had to be implemented supplies were given to the banished wooden crates containing large sheets of iron nails and hammers were all transported by makeshift carts a great iron door was constructed where it then remained closed sealing the desperate people in the valley below life in the depths continued every so often a new Resident would be added it seems there were no shortages of Mad Men in lordran the banish shared no belongings there was little between the men and women the only thing of value was the gigantic knives these knives belong to the cooks of the depths nicknamed The Butchers they carved away at any meat they could find there was little in the way of food the strongest preyed on the weak when an individual was sick or close to death they would become the next supper this diet of human meat had gone on since the depths first became a prison the long exposure to the rotting meats and Grammy conditions had taken its toll the cooks were the first to change their skin began to Blacken they increased in size and their features were forever warped into something hideous unable to accept their transformation they placed sacks upon their heads their identity and indeed sex then became a mystery to all the food was handed out on plates and bowls anyways from the butcher's preparation was thrown into a hole this hole LED down below into the upper section of a sewer chamber over the many years this formed a huge pile of rotting human remains a rat had discovered this Source when feasting on the remains it had also eaten the small surprise of humanity that all humans carry within them this exposure to an ever-ending supply of the Dark Soul had caused this rat to increase in size it become so large it could no longer leave the chamber now trapped it became an obstacle for any unfortunate soul that may have Disturbed its feast the rat however is not the only thing to be affected by the Dark Soul that many disposed bodies that had been left to rot had been turned into something horrific rotting body tissue with fading Souls curled the walls in search for life it Formed bloody clumps that would eventually become a hostile entity if these rotten cocoons were left untouched a thick translucent slime would form this horror driven by The Souls of the dead and the Dark Souls that They Carried hung from the ceilings ready to Ambush its prey [Music] many things have become a quick meal for the monster that crawled from the bowels of the earth it was left undisturbed for many years the banished being too afraid to venture deep within the sewers called a game for the Soldier's Aid however their cries for help fell on death ears the soldiers believed this to be a trick so would ignore any who would come to the bar door however this monster had grown so large the very walls of the depths could no longer contain it huge holes could be seen from the exterior of the Overflow chamber eventually the soldiers were ordered to investigate and repair these damages a large unit was dispatched and they slowly descended into the rotting hell unfortunately the hatred of these soldiers had reached its limit no Aid was ever given to improve these banished in their lives their cause for help were constantly ignored Revenge was in the air thick and heavy like the stench that riddled this place the banished attacks the soldiers although well-armed were overrun frenzied with revenge and hunger the banish managed to kill one soldier later hiding his courts behind boxes is in case any more soldiers came to investigate the missing unit the unit was pushed further Into the Depths their Panic grew resulting in some fleeing these were later be caught by the monstrosities that called this damp Place their home the remaining soldiers had only one option keep moving until they reached their objective they slowly turned the corner and the huge chamber revealed itself golden traces of light trickled down the mossy bricks hitting the floor as they got closer they realized that all was not as it seemed the supporting pillars had been reduced to Rubble Atop The Floor sat this thick pungent substance its stench was like no other their eyes began to Dart around the room they quickly realized that they had walked right into the home of some humongous being soldiers were desperately ordered to take possessions some had come acquit with heavy crossbows it seemed then that the horrific stories from the banish had not been entirely ignored preparations had been taken but it wasn't enough it was a Slaughter the fight finished before it truly begun the screams of the soldiers echoed to the many tunnels the key to Blighttown was forever lost swallowed whole like the unfortunate soul that carried it countless years past the undead curse caused many kingdoms to fall and the events of the depths to be forgotten the depths remain closed the world above so they began to match its insanity [Music] [Music] who is our store to understand the Earl we must first understand his title and Earl is a nobleman ranking above a Viscount and below a marquis a marquis is a nobleman ranking above an Earl and below a Duke a Duke is a male title either of a monarch ruling over a duchy or of a member of royalty or nobility as rulers Dukes are ranked below Emperors Kings Grand princes Grand dukes and Sovereign princes now that we understand his title and rank we can start to form an idea of the type of power and influence that this man had his name can be seen in various descriptions throughout Dark Souls 1. these items being the purging Stone the shotel the curse bite Ring The bloodbite Ring and the poison bite ring when we take a look at the bite Rings we can see that the description states that they were commissioned by Sir arstor of Kareem sir is used as a title before the full name of the Knight or baronet a knight is a man who served his Sovereign O Lord as a mounted soldier in armor or is a man awarded a non-hereditary title by The Sovereign in recognition of Merit or service and entitled to use the honorific Sur in front of his name if we take a look at our store spear found in Dark Souls 3 the description reads as follows one of the curses that festered within the belly of the great wood and a terrible weapon favored by Earl R store the Impaler the spear is in wreath in rotten and heavily poisonous meat defeating foes restores HP the title of Impaler speaks to how barbaric are still on the battlefield was to read the description again the spear isn't reefed in rotten and heavily poisonous meat and I believe that this meat is actually the intestines from one of Arsenal's victims that he faced on one such Battlefield the Knights of Kareem are well known for their unusual fighting style if we take a look at the paring dagger the description reads this dagger is useful after parrying and is normally equipped in a left hand a favorite of the Knights of a Kareem who are famous for fighting without a shield Kareem is a land that does not shy away from conflict this conflict would have led our store into many different environments and I believe that this knowledge and experience of what one must face when serving their country is the reason that our store commissioned the bite rings to Aid his fellow knights in their Conquest now that we have a better understanding of who our store actually is we can start to speculate on how we may have used or abused his power the descriptions of the bite Rings read despite the Dreadful rumors surrounding his creation this ring is an unmistakable asset in its ability to prevent poison bleeding and curses the mention of dreadful rumors certainly does raise an eyebrow as we've already established our store was not a friendly man and one can only begin to imagine how these Rings were created were perhaps the lives of the lower class citizens sacrificed in the many trials that went into creating these Rings were beg snapped from the street or perhaps guilty prisoners taken from cells never to see the end of their sentence one can only begin to speculate these Dreadful rumors and questionable practices can perhaps explain how the most secretive creation of our store actually came to be the purging Stone reads Ash colored Stone encasing a skull secret treasure of our store the Earl of Kareem reduces curse buildup and breaks curse humans are helpless against curses and can only redirect their influence the purging Stone does not dispel curses but receives them as a surrogate the stone itself was once a person or some other being Kareem was a nation that took what it wanted very little ever stood in this way his soldiers did not rely on defense only offense the country's wealth was attributed to the many victories it had achieved a large amount of this wealth was then poured back into the Art of War the sniper crossbow reads large crossbow with long distance used by Kareem snipers often used with sniper bolts but while crossbows are normally easy to use the sniper crossbow requires dexterity the sniper crossbow features a scope no other crossbow shares this trait it also requires the user to be highly skilled in dexterity which is also required if one is to use the shotel the shotel reads curved sword with sharply curved blade created by our store Earl of Kareem requires Great skill to wield but evade Shield defense to sneak in damage this description gives us an idea of how highly trained the knights and soldiers of Kareem were with the added lethalative Advanced Weaponry it was a country you would not want to get on the wrong side of but the country's talent in war could not defeat the ultimate foe this was something that could not be crushed with Advanced weaponry and military tactics it was a silent ever creeping killer that stole the minds of men the undead curse caused many kingdoms to fall many proud nations were left to ruin and their people scatters I believe the undead curse is what led our store to create the purging Stones The Curse became an obsession for the world this Obsession was born of fear he spent all his time and resources trying to overcome it but he was only ever able to transfer lesser curses onto the encased remains of others but there was a land that existed far to the North its people were cursed but the civilization thrived this of course was the fame laudan where life first began within this ancient land was a city this city was known as New Londo home to the undead the city had long since been flooded by the time the Earl sent his men within New Londo can be found corpses carrying items affiliated with Kareem the paring dagger and the cursed by ringa all above sea level he ensured that they came prepared for the horrors that they may face these Horrors were born of rumors after the fall of New Londo crestfallen's dialogue gives us an idea of the possible rumors surrounding the long-lost city oh hey hold on don't tell me have you been cursed oh woe is the undead who's cast on top of it all Harsh Times Harsh Times indeed no no I'm sorry here let me share a nice tip long ago I was told of a remedition who resides in New Londo does he really exist well go and find out for yourself but don't blame me if he's just an apparition it's very possible then that the events of New Londo are known to The Wider world after all we find cracked red eye orbs in petrus's stash a man who hails from tholand I believe that it wasn't just the ruins of New Londo that Leo was interested in it was more likely that he was interested in the person that watched over them that being a very particular sealer the Crimson robe reads robe of the sorcerers who flooded New Londo to seal away the dark wraiths and the Four Kings who descended into dark the sealers were once known as healers and the bright crimson was a symbol of that New Londo sorceries are unique and are not found elsewhere in the world they deal in reducing and or eliminating various deadly afflictions remedy reads sorcery of the red robed ulva one of the sealers of New Londo reduced bleeding and poison buildup and undo various poisonous effects one of new londo's unique healing sorceries perhaps she abandoned her sealer duty to take her Healing Arts back to Blighttown resist curse reads sorcery of the Red Road remedition ingwood guardian of the seal in ulondo sacrifice Humanity to undo curse abhorrent curses eat away at the core of one's very existence and cleansing oneself of curses is no easy task indeed reading these descriptions the red rope sealers and erlastor have much in common and share the same interests we can only speculate how the Earl came to know of New Londo and its unique healing sorceries but the more important question is how we intended to acquire them we've established that the Earl was a man of conflict he is a reflection of his nation and its values lotreck is remarkably similar he takes what he wants when he wants with no care for others the Trek does have other motives but his selfishness may also speak to how the Knights of Korean conduct themselves this trait of selfishness can also be found in another character who resides in the past marvelous Chester can be encountered in ulacile his choice of weapon is the sniper hospital as previously mentioned this crossbow is only used by Kareem snipers he is an expert in combat with both the crossbow and his unique sweep kick both being things that require one to have great dexterity which is a trait that is needed to wield the weapons of Kareem on a side note if we look at Medieval history Knights were seen as selfish prone to violence and something to be feared it is said that chivalry was introduced to keep the knights in check returning to ingwood do we then really believe that our store sent his men to retrieve these sorceries without the need of violence I think not if we take a closer look at Ingrid and his tin banished Catalyst we can see red stains could this be blood if so whose could this be of the Knights of New Londo who fell and became the dark wraith could it be hostile citizens who attempted to reach the roof in a frenzy during the flood or could it be the blood of Kareem Knights whosoever it is it does not matter their attempt on Ingrid's life failed he still carries out his duty Watching Over The Ruins and remains of his beloved countrymen we can only then begin to speculate about the fate of her last or his attempts to cure the undead curse failed his Knights never returned with what he believed was the remedy to cure his fear this man was defeated by a foe that had no Nation its people were found all over the world and their army only ever grew they did not need Advanced Weaponry or military tactics just a body and soul thank you guys for watching I hope you did enjoy that please consider dropping a like if you enjoyed and subscribing if you're new it's very much appreciated for those of you that are new to the channel I only view Dark Souls 1's law from its perspective as it was made as a complete game that being said Kareem is expanded upon in Dark Souls 3 also from Dark Souls 1 there's plenty of the connection to be made to our store curses New Londo and of course velker however if I fell down that rabbit hole I wouldn't be able to get out and this video would be hours long and I'm going to save those subjects for another day it's also worth a mention that many people believe Chester to be the Earl of Kareem this is due to his personality his weapons and his attire I personally don't subscribe to that theory it certainly could be possible and it's definitely fun to think about and that's about it guys I just want to say thank you for watching you can tell I'm a bit tired this one took longer to record and edit than expected because it seems I have a severe case of lip smacking this recording also was I live near a busy road many many cars passed and many boy races so I had to do it multiple times and honestly I'm at the end of my wit and it just needs to get done so thank you for your patience if you've picked up on that I do apologize if something else worked edit out in the future the lip smacking problem gets on my nerves so it probably gets on other people's nerves I know I have tried to remove it anyway all that being said what time is it it's quarter to eleven I'm gonna go to bed thank you guys and I shall see you in the next one [Music] who is the night King Randall his name can be found in the following items the boulder Helm armor gauntlets leggings Shield side sword and ring of Steel protection the boulder armor reads armor worn by the Knights of the ancient Kingdom of Boulder it is made from thick iron plates Boulder was the homeland of the night King Rendell but it came to Rubin after a great many Undead was spawned we can only begin to speculate the exact time that the kingdom of Boulder fell however we can get an idea of when its Knights arrived in lordran when standing in the Royal Garden of ulacile the unneedbergen parish cannot be seen it has yet to be built the events of the DLC took place 300 years before the happenings of the main game so within the last 300 years the kingdom of Boulder collapsed and its Knights set out for lordran to fulfill the prophecy when attacked you'll notice that the Knights of Boulder use an Estus flask to heal the Estus flask reads the undead treasure these dull green flasks filled with Estes at bonfire Phil's HP the Estus flasks are linked to the fire Keepers an emerald flask from the Keeper's Soul she lives to protect the flame and dies to protect it further by this description and witnessing the use of the Estus flask we can see that the kingdom of Boulder did initially survive for some time when the undead curse first appeared to read the boulder armor again armor worn by the Knights of the ancient Kingdom of Boulder it is made from thick iron plates Boulder was the homeland of the night King rendel but it came to ruin after a great many Undead were spawned in the beginning intro of Dark Souls we see a strange ritual taking place in filing graveyard the woman conducting this ritual is Anastasia a fire keeper she can be seen carefully cupping an ember and placing it onto a corpse of a deceased Warrior we then see a black hole ringed with fire on the skin of the corpse what we are witnessing is the creation of an undead I believe that the kingdom of Boulder came to ruin because of this same practice that was being carried out by its fire Keepers if we take a look at the fire Keeper's Soul it looks remarkably similar to the growth that can be found on the chest of every single Undead to quote the Esther's description again she lived to protect the flame and dies to protect it further the kingdom of Boulder was destroyed by the very keepers of the fire that they so desperately worshiped the definition of kingdom reads a country state or territory ruled by a king or queen or the spiritual Reign or authority of God this worship and belief in the fire is what led them to lordran the many Knights may have wished to become the chosen Undead or to Simply defeat the curse and return their Kingdom back to its former glory when on the bridge leading into the parish we can see charred corpses some being Bolder Knights this meaning that helkite had already made his home before their arrival when we move into the parish we see clear signs of battle Hollow soldiers of lordran hold their positions impaled and burning corpses can be seen of priests this observation ties in within my law video the war on faith for more on this subject I ask you to please go watch it a corpse holding an item can be seen above one of the burning priests this corpse is a boulder night the item he holds is the alluring skull the alluring skull reads a skull with meekly lingering Souls throw to shatter and spread souls to attract certain types of enemies souls are a concentration of life and the lifestyle of Hollows are lured by its power this description gives us a suggestion that perhaps the soldiers of lordran hollowed long before the arrival of the boulder Knights the signs of hostility and opposition are obvious if we just look and observe the very positions of the soldiers within the parish we find a soldier of Lord and cowering with a shield raised and is back against the wall he stares down the long walkway at his enemy a boulder night we also find a corpse of a boulder night placed atop a wooden beam and not far from there is a rather saddening sight a night of Boulder can be seen looking over the burnt corpse of his brother in arms now hollowed the memories of himself and his friend are lost in the far reaches of his broken mind in the chapel is where the nicer Boulder took up strategic positions if the entrance of the chapel is approached then the Knight charges to meet you whilst his compatriot stays behind however there is another a boulder night is also hiding in the far left corner out of sight he covers the door but he's also watching the flank of his fellow Knights if someone was approach from behind as we know the chapel can also be entered on the far right there we will find soldiers of lordran waiting anxious to enter if we enter the chapel via this route we will quickly face the wrath of an armored giant this hulking heavily armored Warrior is known as a knight of baronique the steel set reads armor set of the Knights of baronique known for their heavy armaments and armor countless Knights of berenic once extolled as the mightiest of Mighty became Undead and venture to lordran but their Journey was for naught as they went Hollow and became a threat to all the Knights of baronique do not in fact hail from a nation named berenic the tower Shield reads metal great Shield used by the night baronique known for his heavy armor this plate of iron is heavily defensive but Ultra heavy throughout the game we can find the Knights of Boulder and baronique in close proximity we find them in the chapel Sun's Fortress and even Anor Londo perhaps they traveled to lordran together perhaps the Knights of baronique called Boulder their home the fighting style of the boulder Knights displays great dexterity quick movements paired with sharp blades make them a formidable foe however their defense is sacrificed to allow for this light-footed combat this is where the Knights of Bernice come into play if the kingdom of Boulder face War the heavily armored Knights of baronique were the first to face opposition a tactic that we know was used throughout medieval warfare the silver coin reads coin made of silver with the portrait of the legendary Night King Rendell on its face if we take a closer look at this image we can see that Rendell is wearing the boulder Helm and armor the Knights of Boulder take after their King Rendell it is my belief then that this baronique may have been a man of royalty I believe him to be the brother of night King Rendell [Music] Ring Of Steel protection reads this ring belonged to the night King Rendell it grants its wear a protection by boosting defense against physical attacks The Ring Of Steel protection not only is this ring made by the same material that forms the steel armor donned by the Knights of baronique but it also boosts defense against physical attacks the defense being something that the Knights of Boulder lack however this ring also tells of a legend a legend involving a drake of the many Legends surrounding the night King Rendell one of the more well-known speaks of his standing down a giant Drake and slashing it to pieces slashing it to Pieces the only weapon that is capable of a slashing motion is the boulder side sword this is wielded by the Knights of Boulder and comes paired with the boulder Shield the boulder Shield reads Shield of the Knights of the ancient Kingdom of Boulder tweaked for improved stability Boulder was the home of the night King Rendell but the kingdom was reduced to ruins after a widespread outbreak of Undead if we take a look at the image on the shield we can see that it is in fact mirrored the common theory is that the depicted image is of a tree I am undecided on this but I do believe it to represent the family crest of night King Rendell returning to the more well-known Legend of King Rendell the Drake may speak to how a certain armor and shield were created black iron armor Reeds armor of black Iron tarkus a knight known for his great strength built of a special black Iron and providing strong defense notably against fire but was so terribly heavy to be unwieldy to all but targets himself I believe that this black Iron is a product of Drake's and their fiery breath if iron is Scorch or melted by a drake then black Iron is what remains as mentioned the black Iron has a notably strong defense against fire-based attacks perhaps these encounters with Drake's explains why the legendary Warrior black Iron tarkas can easily handle any opposition the black Iron great Shield reads great Shield of the mighty knight tarkas built of special black Iron and even heavier than Knight berenix Tower Shield especially resistant to fire attacks and effective for shield bashing from this description we can determine that tarkus is a Warrior from Boulder with the connections made earlier to who baronique is I believe tarkus was one of his Warriors berenic and his Knights are the very image of strength and raw power I believe tarkus proved himself Above the Rest and due to his many victories he eventually was gifted this special black Iron faith and the belief held it in Boulder and her people was the subject touched upon earlier perhaps the legend of the night King Randall not only speaks of his own power and fearlessness but also of his country's Devotion to the age of fire Drakes are a descendant of the ancient dragons beings that were made extinct so that life could flourish in the light other than the undead Chapel since Fortress is the only location in the game where we find a large concentration of Boulder and bearing ignites the nights we encounter have long gone Hollow having fallen victim to send in her traps they became an additional obstacle to those who wish to fulfill the prophecy all except one the crestfaller merchant can be found in an isolated Tower in Sen's Fortress and it appears that he has been here for quite some time it is my belief that this man attempted sends not to fulfill the prophecy but to become a silver Knight rusted silver Knight armor can be found all throughout the Fortress indicating that it was built for a different purpose repurposing is a theme that can be found all throughout Dark Souls and this house of a thousand traps is no different I then don't believe that this man is a night of berenic it's much rather that he scavenged the armor from an unfortunate soul who died within this red bricked Fortress if attacked the crestfallen Merchant does not use Estes indicating that he is not an undead and that he is not a knight of baronique returning to his dialogue The Mention Of A Century they have tried and failed AIDS us in our understanding of the timeline within the last hundred years the night King Rendell arrived within lordran and attempted to fulfill the prophecy unlike other NPCs found throughout Dark Souls I do trust the crestfallen Merchant and his perception of time foreign [Music] [Music] five five six seven [Music] why can't you foreign from this cut dialogue we can see that he is desperately trying to retain his sanity when one is trapped and isolated what else would be left other than to count the days that go by understanding time in its passing helps one feel grounded and can slow The Descent into madness madness is a topic commonly associated with the undead curse with the loss of one's own mind they become alien to themselves and the people around them tell me honestly you think I've gone to the other side don't you that have cracked my head and gone oh no you do don't you I can see it in your eyes you trust a batch of more so for me as previously mentioned the undead Berg parish and sends were built within the last 300 years none can be seen from the Royal Garden of hula seal the coliseum in ulacil was once The Proving Grounds for the then would be silver Knights the purple coward's Crystal Reeds victory in the battle once led to ancient Anor Londo but even in the absence of its overseer capitulation is a disgrace In The Name Of A Warrior's honor do not quickly resort to the use of this Crystal the absent overseer I believe to have been Gwen he left anolando shortly before the chosen Undead arrives in the past this topic I expand upon in both my lore videos gwyndolin a child of ulacile and Giants slaves of lordran with ulysio Fallen to the abyss the Coliseum was abandoned later becoming swallowed into the many chasms that the viscous black matter seeped from since Fortress was built in instead to be the training grounds for the future silver Knights but who was its overseer a painting can be found in one of the many bedrooms within Anor Londo this room belongs to the firstborn the mentioned painting is none other than sense Fortress a statue can be found in a garden located in the parish however it is destroyed indicating that it once stood fully formed this tells us that the firstborn was not yet exiled at the time of the parish's construction and that he was still worshiped by its people now that we have an understanding of the past and present purpose of sins it leaves only one question where is the night King Rendell many of his Knights can be found but there is no clear sign of royalty the only free Royal Within These Walls is Prince Ricard but that is a different story for a different day The Swinging axes and walls or balls to be precise is not the only obstacle one must overcome when venturing through sins the man serpents serve a purpose that is not revealed to the player until much later they serve a master and their Master requires specimens if one is unlucky enough to be captured and not killed they are taken never to be seen again the cage key reads key to the hanging cage in Sen's Fortress if a hapless Adventure becomes fatigued during an imprudent attempt to overcome the Fortress the serpent men will not kill them but lock them up in a lonely cage eventually unless they have forgotten they drag the victim off to who knows where Master Logan has been captured and left confined to his metal cage for some time however our focus is not this age wizard it is in fact the poor deceased Soul found at the very end of the row an undead corpse can be found curled up and on this corpse is a hero of soul I believe that this was the fate of the fame night King Rendell having been deemed as a worthy subject by the man serpents he was then taken away and made prisoner but there is still hope for Boulder and her people the former Knight of baronik still lives his black iron armor and heavy Weaponry proved to be too much for sending her traps when summoned tarkas can single-handedly defeat the Iron Golem as I argued previously I believe his encounters with Drake's means that he fears no foe his experience ensures his victory tarkus proved worthy he was then lifted to Heights that only gods have ever reached here he was granted a most wondrous sight the end was near or so he thought the only access to gwyn's keep was hoisted up another way had to be found many people believe that tarkus is responsible for the broken window but the undead corpse found on the chandelier may suggest otherwise on the very distant floor another corpse can be found this is where tarkus met his unfortunate end a man who failed the mighty fell victim to a fall himself tarkas may be gone but there are others that survived and found audience with Gods a night of berenique can be found inside the painting of arayamus how he found his way into the painting is something we can only speculate but what we do know is that his Allegiance is now with Priscilla the crossbreed perhaps hopelessness overcame him with the loss of his King the presumed death of the fame night King Rendell meant that it was truly the end of Boulder the loneliness that he felt then guided him to the painting where he found a new cause however he wasn't the only knight from Boulder to find a new master if the thinly lit veil of Anor londo's illusion is torn down then one will face certain enemies in the moonlit Halls of gwyn's keep 2 Dark Moon soldiers shall appear sent by gwyndolin to punish the heretic a boulder and berenic night stand in the Great Hall having faced the many Trials of lordran they now proudly serve a God who they believe will save them from the ever-growing dark the two Warriors shine both making up for what the other lacks a perfect Synergy between strength and dexterity although opposites they mirror each other creating one whole [Music] oh the story of the kingdom of Boulder is a tragic but all too common tale a great many nations fell to the curse he took their people not by force but with a gentle and guided hand Blinded By Faith they never suspected that the very flame they worshiped only ever saw them as fuel for the fire [Music] thank you very much for watching guys a few more points before we leave the flame stone plate ring I do believe to be of rendell's it's found in a chest protected by a boulder night so the fact that that rings in his possession could also speak to my theory that Boulder has a quite a bit of a drake problem also their red capes could speak to their belief in the age of fire or again could tie them with the Drakes also maybe there's some themes to be shared with the Drake blood knights from Dark Souls 2 but I'll just leave that on the table for you so again thank you very much for watching guys please remember to drop a like and if you're new please consider subscribing and there's plenty more to come and yeah I wish you all the best and I shall see you in the next one welcome fellow chosen Undead before we start if you are passionate about the law in these games then please consider checking out my Channel please remember to like and if you are new subscribe with all that out the way let us begin the types of Titanite that can be found within Legend are as follows Titanite Shard green titanite shard large titanite Titanite chunk red chunk blue chunk white chunk titanite slab red slab blue slab white slab twinkling ties tonight and Demon Titanite the Titanite chunk reads Titanite chunk for weapon reinforcement not found outside of lordran with the discovery of chunks in lordran the race to locate the legendary slabs has begun but could they be mere myth [Music] the first question to answer is what exactly is Titanite in the time before fire known as the age of ancients the world was unformed and shrouded by fog all that existed were gray Crags arched trees and everlasting dragons with the emergence of fire life began and parallels were spawned heat and cold life and death and of course light and dark [Music] to quote the Titanite chunk again not found outside of lordran this is because what we later become lordran was where life first emerged from the dark they came and found the souls of Lords within the flame The Witch of izalith Nito Gwyn and the traitor known as Seath all contributed to the defeat of the ancient dragons foreign [Music] these beings made from mineral were sentient but not what you would call living Gwyn and his Knights peeled back their scales with lightning light being time something that had never previously existed before the emergence of fire fire sorceries were used by the witch and her daughters to destroy the very trees that the ancient dragons nested in Nito the first the dead swarmed the dragons with his miasma of death and seek the scaless Betrayed his own driven by jealousy for the very thing he could never possess the war with the dragons was not over as soon as the fire emerged for example the training and recruitment of knights and the smithing of their weaponry and Armor All take time for fire sorceries to be understood and then taught also takes time Seath is also evidence that some time passed before the war ended the emergence of Life corrupted the ancient dragons causing their offsprings to be warped and transformed into a new being Everlasting dragons and their descendants were hunted although changed the enemy remained the same in the eyes of the new Lords on the subject of change Sith and his imperfections is a topic I'm eager to discuss but that is a different story for a different day there are three ways to use runes the first two major uses of runes offer writing however they're approach differs drastically runes are intended to work much like an alphabet this alphabet is solely based on phonetics this means that compared to English runes act more like units of sound than letters the second major use for runes is to represent Concepts ideas or objects this meaning that they are a complete thought the third is for divination and fortune telling similar in use to tarot cards one or more runes are randomly selected to produce an answer to a question predict the future or to provide General Guidance the fragments of runes seen etched onto the small and large shards cannot easily be deciphered both could be sections of many different runes however the room that I believe them to be fragments of is found on the Titanite chunk this Rune although not exact appears to be known as servillo meaning Sun this Rune can also be found elsewhere more on that later similar to the small and large shards of the regular Titanite the green titanite shard is a fragment of a much larger Rune however this fragment could only Ever represent one thing and that is the Rune known as Algiers this Rune is most commonly associated with ecosil jigosil also known as the Tree of Life the room depicted on the white Titanite chunk is called anzus this means god and as a close association with divinity as we know the white Titanite chunk can be used to upgrade weapons of either the occult or Divine there are many connections to the occult when discussing Titanite however I wish to save that story for a separate video the room depicted on the red Titanite chunk is called Conan this meaning torch rather fitting don't you think the Rune depicted on the blue Titanite chunk is called lagus this means water however it can also be associated with mind and the subconscious excluding the unique sorceries from the Lost land of other seal the color of sorceries is most commonly blue someone once asked what do you think it feels like to be damaged by sorcery my answer was the one that no one else provided to me the sensation would be similar to the pain and shock that can be felt when jumping in to icy waters the sudden chill snatches your breath away and you feel as if your very soul is being sucked from within you [Music] the room depicted on the Twinkling Titanite is called laodice this Rune means hardship or need the meaning of this Rune and how this Titanite came to be is a subject that I will continue when discussing Seether scales in a future video and last but not least are the Titanite slabs each slab is different yet their runes remain the same these slabs contain three lines of runes line one reads as follows the meek sought God in the trees Yeager silt the Tree of Life bestowed Gifts of Plenty joy and health line two reads as follows they remained and hardships set in they found a spark which turned into a sun driving away the cold terrible trouble came the sun ended this conflict line three reads as follows this age continued and began an era of wealth and plenty man will Ascend cold will return [Music] the slabs tell the story of the past present and future it is a celebration but also a warning this message must remain never to be forgotten and because of this I believe that the Titanite is the Flesh of the ancient dragons the story of creation was etched into the remains of the conquered rulers of the old world but who was the person responsible for creating these stone tablets titanite slab reads titanite slab for weapon reinforcement legendary slabs with the domain of the Gods legendary slabs are the heirlooms of a nameless blacksmith deity who forged the weapons of other gods weapons forged with this slab became rare legendary weapons The Mention Of The Blacksmith deity being nameless is curious you would think that a being responsible for creating these stone tablets would be named and celebrated these Runes of meaning and power etched onto the Flesh of the Ancients were then used in creating weapons for Gods however as we know gods are capable of losing their name the Ring of the sun's firstborn reads ring of the sun's firstborn who inherited the light of Gwyn the first Lord greatly boost Miracles the son's firstborn was once a God of War until he was stripped of his stature as punishment for his foolishness no wonder his very name has slipped from the annals of History what did the blacksmith deity do to become nameless was it their own foolishness or is it simply due to the passing of time and the fall of the age of fire many gods left anolando with the decline of the age of fire however some remained the gods that remained can either be found in Shadows or as simply Shadows of the former selves what then became the blacksmith deity Demon Titanite reads special Titanite stolen from a faceless Stone Beast known as a titanite demon when the nameless blacksmith deity passed from several slabs did beasts arose the power of Titanite remains within them and they still roam lordran today the mention of the passing of the Blasphemous deity is something that we will continue with later but for now let us focus on the demons themselves her feastus is the Greek God of blacksmithing metalworking Carpenters Craftsmen Artisans sculptures Metallurgy and fire he's also thought to be a son of Zeus and that he was born lame or was made lame after he was expelled from Olympus the definition of lame reads unable to walk without difficulty as the result of an injury or illness affecting the leg or foot the Titanite demons also do not possess ahead could this detail relate to the death of the blacksmith deity the missing head the server izalith and much more are all topics relating to the plot against the gods as I've previously mentioned this plot and the Occult I wish to save for a separate video the demons use a weapon called a catch pole the Titanite demon catch pole reads weapon of the Titanite demon have faced the stone monster born from titanite slab one of the enchanted weapons perhaps from residual power of the titanite slab known for its leaping attack which comes smutting down on foes from above catch poles are typically used to safely detain animals from a distance however the catch pole that the demon uses does not create a full loop perhaps Instead This weapon is meant to represent the pair of blacksmith tongs catchpole was also a common surname given to tax collectors in medieval England could it be possible then that the demon represents a debt that was not paid a debt that resulted in death and triggered their existence the weapon is also used by the demons to conjure lightning Lightnings associated with the Lord of Light Gwyn the blacksmith deity forged weapons for the gods these weapons were used to fight the ancient dragons could a friendship with Gwyn have been formed due to the much needed help in the war with the dragons like what can be found when discussing Gwyn and Hawkeye go the firstborn inherited the light of Gwyn he was also known as the God of War on the two Wars that we know of have ever occurred the war with the dragons and the war with the demons Wars are of course fought with weapons could the firstborn also be connected to the blacksmith deity and somehow be involved with his death after all both deities are nameless [Music] the Titanite demons can be found in the following locations the Forgotten old church the catacombs sense Fortress and Orlando and the lost city of izalith first let's start with the Forgotten old church there is no way of telling of how long Andre has been set up inside of the Forgotten old church he sells and can use titanite meaning that he is aware of his existence and its power perhaps it was this that made him leave his homeland of astora from slabs we know the demons spawned if this slab had been in Andre's possession then you may expect him to mention the monster in the basement but he does not the demon could have made his way into the lower chamber by simply destroying the wall however I believe that this wasn't the case destroyed pillars can be seen throughout the room their destruction presumably brought about by the countless conflicts between the demon and other adventurers the removal of these pillars then caused the structure to collapse in certain areas located above the parishes bonfire is a room that's exit leads one straight to the new church inside of this room is an altar and above this altar is an Alcove this being a perfect place for what I believe was a titanite slab as I mentioned earlier these slabs tell a story a story certainly worth worshiping and what better place to find this item of worship than a church this observation and Theory also tie in with the location of a titanite demon found within Anor Londo there are many rooms that can be found within gwyn's keep however for this video we are only interested in one a small Chapel contains a titanite demon and that certainly raises suspicion inside of this room is an altar which I believe once held yet another worship titanite slab many dead are laid to rest inside of the Catacombs and clearly some were more important than others many highly decorated tombs are found spaciously placed within this former domain of the Lord of death here within this pitch black is yet another Titanite demon I believe that one of the tombs once contained a slab and that it was buried alongside an individual of significant importance after all this would not be the only grave that contains the corpse of someone with strong connections to the Gods if one gives stir to humanity to the fair lady a shortcut into isilith is revealed on this elevated route a powerful Titanite demon can be found this is the only one that respawns I believe its ability to respawn is a gameplay consideration but its presence within izalith is an especially important topic when discussing the blacksmith deity a topic I will continue in a separate video in my previous video discussing the night King Rendell the night baronique and the black Iron tarkus I covered the creation the use and the history of this house for a thousand traps for those who have not yet watched the mentioned video then I shall reiterate some points when standing in the Royal Garden of ulacile the undead Berg parish and sends Fortress cannot be seen they have yet to be built the DLC took place 300 years before the timeline of the main game so within the last 300 years since Fortress was created with its overseer being gwyn's firstborn it was originally built with the intent of training that then would be silver Knights this is why we find Titanite demons at the base of this Fortress with this Fortress being the location where training to become a legendary silver Knight took place armor and weaponry needed to be maintained it then makes sense for large quantities of this equipment to be located here and of course the materials needed to repair them returning to the Titanite chunk I had previously mentioned that the Rune etched onto its face can be seen elsewhere if you recall the meaning of this Rune was Sun the topic of giants I've also covered in a previous video called Giants slaves of lordran however I intensely left out some of my other observations when discussing their attire and roll within sends their helmets intentionally hide their identity while also marking them as a slave when they are killed the item that they drop is a Titanite chunk if we compare this Velo Rune to their helmets we see a striking resemblance as mentioned this Rune marks them as a slave whilst also representing the Sun the individual previously responsible in overseeing this Fortress was the firstborn who inherited the lights from his father if you recall her feistus was believed to be the son of Zeus both the Titanite demon and gwyn's appearance clearly being inspired by Hephaestus and his father Zeus could it then be that the relationship between these Greek gods is also factored into their design I believe these mention points all fit within the occult plot against the gods and as I've stated I intend to create a separate video covering that vast topic returning to the slave race of giants I'd like to suggest a theory could it be possible that these beings are made from stone or Titanite if we recall the ancient Dragons Were entities made completely from Stone later known as Titanite the story of creation was etched upon their flesh this flesh can also be used to create weapons of Legend Titanite demons spawned from these slabs with the passing of the blacksmith deity enemies known as Stone demons can also be found within the demon ruins and the City of lost isleth they are yet another example of life being breathed into stone only the blacksmith deity could possess the power and knowledge to create these mentioned beings with the defeat of the ancient dragons he not only took their flesh but also the knowledge of how Stone can be used as a vessel as we know Stones being vessels four souls is a topic that is continued in later installments of the Dark Souls franchise [Music] continuing with the topic of giants gods are a race of giants Nito has a giant skeletal structure beneath his lesser bones of the Dead The Witch of izalith towers over her daughters and Gwyn too Towers over his Knights I then believe that the Titanite demon is a visual representation of the appearance that the blacksmith deity once took with the missing head representing his execution if the Giants are indeed a creation of the blacksmith deity then the mark of the slave placed upon their heads could be a purposeful reminder of their Creator's mistakes as we've discussed the DLC took place 300 years before the timeline of the main game in his confinement Hawkeye go can be seen whittling wooden carvings in the same fashion as the blacksmith that resides in the city of the Gods [Music] I cherish my work wood carving is a newer start I would have much to talk about with that blacksmith in truth how is the old chap I wonder still hammering away I should hope this blacksmith is a giant and bears the mark of the slave however we cannot know for certain if the giant blacksmith possessed this Mark during the events of the DLC we also cannot be certain that he is the individual that goes referring to the giant blacksmith is capable of crafting Legendary Weapons legendary weapons were once the domain of the nameless blacksmith deity I then believe that the giant blacksmith was The Apprentice of the nameless blacksmith deity The Apprentice learned from his master not only acquiring his skill but also his technique the I'm sorry carving reads head carved of arch trees by go in his imprisonment go in Parts an emotion to each and every completed carving which helps him Achieve Personal Enlightenment when her head is Disturbed it speaks reflecting the emotion referred to it this head says I'm sorry have another look isn't that an expression of atonement head carved by arched trees the caduceus round Shield reads round wooden Shield crafted in lordran decorated by an ancient blue caduceus the giant trees in lordran are distant offsprings of the great Stone Arch trees this Shield inherits their properties and the wood greatly reduces magic damage as we've discussed Stone can be a vessel for Life the carvings that go creates are formed from arched trees ours trees are made of stone go gives his carvings life through emotion as I have previously mentioned the technique he uses is the exact same that can be seen when observing the slave giant blacksmith this can only mean that both were taught by the same master prior to the blacksmith deities passing the Titanite demons did not yet exist only upon his death did they spring from the slabs so the question remains when was his death and who may have been responsible as we've discussed the Titanite demons can be found in specific locations the undead Berg parish and sends Fortress did not yet exist at the time of the DLC gwyned the Lord of sunlight had left to link the flame before these events with his firstborn son inheriting his light and Kingdom the firstborn was worshiped his statue erected within the parish since Fortress was constructed with him as its overseer his sister Guinevere and younger brother gwyndolin remained in the capital returning to the Past statute of gwyndolin can be found within ulacile the image depicted upon the I'm sorry carving is a crescent moon the expression is said to be of atonement the definition of atonement reads the action of making amends for a wrong or injury or in religious context reparation or expiation for sin gwyndolin is the master of the blades of the Dark Moon Covenant a covenant that meets our punishment to those who have sinned Against The Gods I propose in my giant slaves of lordran video that gwyndolin is responsible for imprisoning go perhaps he too is responsible for warranting the death of the blacksmith deity could he be the reason that the Giants now bear the mark of the slave these Giants now serve the prophecy and Aid him in fighting a worthy vessel to fill with Souls souls to then be used to rekindle the first Flame the slabs foretold of man's Ascension and return of the cold dark faith in the flame brought about man's destruction the keepers of the fire Marked Man with undeath perhaps this decision angered the Blasphemous deity faked already etched in stone was now being Rewritten a plot was hatched but the plan failed and those who had sinned were punished for their involvement [Music] thank you for watching guys this video wouldn't have been possible without the brilliant research from effect your life Wiki user named scarecrow 13. please be sure to check out their findings in the links below as I've mentioned many times throughout this video the blacksmith deity is a being that has connections to many other stories found throughout Dark Souls I wish to do them Justice by dedicating those subjects to their separate videos if you made it this far please remember to like and if you're new subscribe so that about does it guys again I say thank you for watching and I shall see you in the next one foreign [Music] dead if you are passionate about the law within these games then please consider checking out my Channel please remember to like and if you are new subscribe with all that out of the way let us begin [Music] pyromancy is the art of invoking and manipulating fire but remember one thing always fear the flame lest you be devoured by it and lose yourself I would hate to see that happen again [Music] the city of isleth was not built it was carved from The Rock the structures took form the beings responsible for the city's construction were not demons but people on the many walls we can see these people our people before the demons her people before the chaos The Chosen Undead must bring two bells to fulfill the prophecy the second Bell is located within an area known as quailug's domain between the spiders on their eggs we see the ruins of a once important structure this structure I believed to have been a church so what was it that the people of isilith once worshiped the answer is flame and more precisely the first Flame however this belief did not last long and quickly began to change in izalith there is evidence of the city being incomplete as if interest took a turn onto something new many archways were carved will lead to the bare rock so what caused its people to shift Focus Catalyst of the witch of izloth of long ago when her daughters were still flown witches before they were engulfed by the chaos flame before the birth of pyromancy their ones were mediums for sorcery but knowledge of this blamed sorcery has long since vanished [Music] the isolith Catalyst represents a refined understanding of flame this whilst the first instrument that enabled one to cast flame sorceries during the war with the ancient dragons we see the flame witches conjure huge firestorms Burning Down The Stone Arch trees the instruments they use are isolithic catalysts and these same staffs can also be seen elsewhere in the bowels of the earth a ritual is taking place between her burnt Palms The Witch of iseluth holds a flame beside her are her two daughters with the large wooden staffs what we are witnessing is the attempt to duplicate the first flame and this attempt did not occur before the war with the dragons soul of the Bed of Chaos and the mother of all demons this Lord saw was found at the dawn of the age of fire The Witch of isleth attempted to duplicate the first flame from a soul but instead created a distorted being of chaos and fire its power formed a bed of Life which would become the source for all demons and is more than enough to satiate the Lord vessel upon the many pillars the ruler was carved Ruth symbolized the witch her transformation and the beginning of a new culture but what tempted the witch to duplicate that which gave her life she and her daughters have proven that they have a profound understanding of flame she learned to shape the Creator but what if she could become it art of the flame of chaos which engulfed The Witch of isleth and her daughters erect localized chaos fire pillars which changed strength depending on Humanity The Witch of isleth in an ambitious attempt to copy the first flame created instead the flame of chaos a twisted bed of life foreign the witch did not use her own soul just a soul to duplicate the flame if she were to create something new it would have to be pure and undeveloped so that she could nurture and manipulate shaping it into what she desires it is my belief that she was pregnant at the time of the ritual the flame she holds between her hands is that of her unborn child a child works much the same as a parasite it feeds the malays on the host for survival the dependency of her child meant that the newly created flame was also dependent of her the witch succeeded in creating life but at the cost of another an orange ring Enchanted by a witch reduces lava damage since his sores were inflamed by lava from birth his witch sisters gave him this special ring but fool that he is he readily drops it and from that spot a terrible centipede demon was born this ring once belonged to ceaseless the fact that this ring was made to be worn suggested he may have looked more human upon birth and that over time his condition worsened unable to control his sores they slowly transformed him into the being we know him as in the design Works interview Miyazaki had this to say on ceaseless discharge all demons are born from the fire of chaos but he was the first born so long ago when the fire wasn't yet stable he possesses it but he can't control it and it burns him constantly despite his size he's actually the youngest of isila's children he stands gazing up at the ruins where his sisters live the only source of comfort in his pitiful painful existence is the belief that they are watching over him after ceaseless demons continue to be born but not in the traditional sense the guardian Soul gives us a clear understanding of what makes a demon soul of the white wing lying Sanctuary watchkeeper who dreaded the spread of the Abyss the guardian Exempted traits of several animals other non-lions suggesting that it was no ordinary beast but closer to the beings known as demons in the beginning the witch was yet to master the art of Life the signs of imperfections are evident when taking a closer look at her demons the demon fire Sage the Asylum Demon and the stray demon all suffer from the same problem their wings are too small and they cannot maintain flight for more than a few seconds I believe that this is not their intended form this is not how their mother envisioned them that these demons are incomplete and imperfect [Music] further imperfections can also be seen when observing the backs of the Taurus demons a reminder of what could have been but never were eventually fully developed wings were achieved however we shall discuss the Batwing demons and their betrayal later foreign continuing the bounding demons are yet another example of trial and error their appearances of the decaying lower half of a dragon when attacked they retaliate although incomplete they are sentient when we think of a dragon we think of its ability to fly could this be the reason for their existence were they another stepping stone towards the perfect demon perfect creation even though these demons may have been imperfect they were still loved by their mother the culture they helped create was rich and rivaled those above old ring from an old witch engraved minutely with indecipherable script but seemingly useless not only does this ring display fine craftsmanship capable of the hands of demons but it also reveals that they possess their own spoken and written language when equipped the ring allows one to communicate with the fair lady a flaming wreath language can also be seen when you encounter her sister quailug her brother ceaseless and her two other sisters that remain by her mother's side [Music] demon fire stage displays order and religion flame sources were taught to the demons and their flame priest was the last master of these original fire Arts demon Catalyst formed from izalith molten rock can be used as a fire weapon the demon fire stage was the first demon and the last Master of the original fire Arts before the witch of izalith was engulfed by chaos creating pyromancy further signs of order and rank can be seen in the descriptions of the demon weapons and with rank comes discipline around the waist of the Kappa demons is a skirt this skirt is made of bark presumably peeled from the many roots that sprouted when the witch took a new form the demons not only have respect for themselves but also respect for others continuing with the Capri Demon's design Miyazaki had this to say on their appearance it can be difficult to achieve the right balance of symbolism in designs it's true that I dislike designs which are too obvious but there are times when I feel the design lacks a certain something at times like this I've been known to look through the reference materials pick out things I like and simply stick them on the cap redeemer's head is an example of this it gives a sense of ceremony and long-held tradition which in turn hints at a developed culture [Music] to further discuss evidence of a developed culture let's return to the demon weapons the Lesser Kappa demons use these great swords impaired the blade is cast iron and hooked the sword is imbued with no particular magic but for those who have the strength its great weight will smash foes mercilessly the mention of the weapons being comprised after traditional resources ties in with a large flame member and the chaos flow member the large flame member creates fire weapons and the chaos play member creates chaos weapons if you wish to fully upgrade a weapon that is infused with either fire or chaos you will need a red titanite slab the red titanite slab is located within a chest deep below isleth these slabs are heirlooms of the nameless blasphemy Daisy the red slab is evidence of his involvement with islath as their slab did not exist before the Embers creation so just How Deeply involved was the name this deity with the demons to answer that let's first discussed Titanite Titanite chunk for weapon reinforcement not found outside of lordran with the discovery of chunks in lordran the race to locate the legendary slabs has begun but could they be made a myth in a recent video titled Titanite is the story of creation I propose the idea that Titanite is the Flesh of the ancient dragons the reason as to why Titanite cannot be found outside of Logan is is where the war with the Ancients took place the nameless blacksmith deity not only acquired the knowledge on how the Flesh of the Ancients can forge legendary weapons but he also learned how Stone can become a vessel for life for more on this topic please watch the mentioned video returning to the demons we see evidence of stone being a part of their creation the stone demons can be encountered in both the demon ruins and lost eyesleth they take the appearance of a statue and in some places serve as one I know the demon posing as a would-be statue is the centipede demon only when nearing the entrance to isleth does it awaken the centipede demon is comprised out of both rockworms and abounding Demon as we discussed the appearance of the bounding demons is that of the decaying lower half of the Dragon Dragons Were Made of Stone that was later known as Titanite demons too Are Made of Stone the bounding Demon's existence cements the Blasphemous deities involvement with izalith and the creation of demons as I believe that the wings of demons to be a result of using the Flesh of the ancient dragons in their creation now that we've discussed culture and creation let us delve deeper into chaos it is my belief that the witch slowly lost control over the beings she had created At first she was able to maintain it but by learning more of its secrets she had to give something to get something and the something that was required was her soul the many roots around isleth represent this violent consumption chaos is not only devouring its creator but also their home if one wishes to obtain the witch's Soul they must first destroy her two daughters these daughters have stayed beside their mother since the ritual long ago through great efforts they helped subdue the chaotic entity and when killed the spell is broken and control is lost chaos breaks free of its bonds and the host becomes the puppet the transference of power is represented by the chaos book below as one can only obtain the Primeval Soul by killing this parasite on the topic of parasites there were yet another step towards progress and the evolution of demon culture the more powerful parasites were reserved for the daughters the fair lady and her sister quailug bonded with these creatures by choice the older sister however did not partake in this practice but this does not mean she shunned the gifts of Chaos art of the flame of chaos which engulfed The Witch of isleth and her daughters sweep foes with chaos fire whip which changes strength depending on Humanity the fire whip was wielded by the eldest daughter of Chaos the daughters of chaos we know of their mother but what of their father to answer that let's return to ceaseless as we discussed mizaki describes ceaseless to be the youngest of eyesless children he was born after the witch's transformation and her transformation ties in with the fate of the father inside of the painted world an audience with a king can be granted his name is Jeremiah and he is the xanthus king he holds a notched Whip and has chaos pyromancies at his disposal those being great chaos Fireball chaos storm and Chaos fire whip the same fire whip that is also wielded by the oldest daughter of Chaos we found the father but why then is he imprisoned within the painting I believe this to be a result of a pact a pact that was made to conclude a war and before we talk peace let's first discuss that war [Music] Shield of the Black Knights that wander lordran a flowing Canal is chiseled deeply into its face long ago the Black Knights faced the chaos demons and were charred black but their Shields became highly resistant to fire the creation of demons and their Advanced culture posed a threat to Gwyn and his kingdom by creating a new flame The Witch of isleth had broken free of the cycle that ensnared Gwyn the first flame had begun to fade and the demons were now beginning to rival the heavens during the intro we are introduced to the first flame in all its Wonder the size of the flame represents the power it holds however as events unfold the flame begins to change when we are introduced to the furtive pygmy the flame that is held between their hands is small and frail the first flame seen behind them has also decreased as the pygmy stands their Shadow Rises as the flame wanes Darkness grows the fire began to fade one thousand years ago one thousand years is also a common misconception when discussing the linking of the fire many believe this was when Gwyn departed to the Kiln however I believe this to be incorrect Lord Gwen set out for the Kiln before the events of the DLC and these events occurred 300 years before the timeline of the main game this convoluted understanding of time is spawned from a certain Serpent's dialogue heavens you have retrieved the Lord vessel after a thousand years [Music] is really you [Music] for a thousand years Francis waited for Lord Quinn to be succeeded by another The Fading of flame illuminated gwyn's weakness and since then the serpents of both light and dark have sought a new Lord The Fading of the flames and return of the cold dark was also prophesized by the blacksmith deity when the blacksmith deity passed from the slabs great beasts arose the Titanite demons represent the form that the nameless blacksmith once took his missing leg suggests his Origins Hephaestus is the Greek God of blacksmithing metalworking Carpenters Craftsmen Artisans sculptures Metallurgy and Fire he's also thought to be the son of Zeus and that he was either born lame or was made lame when he was expelled from Olympus the definition of lame reads unable to walk without difficulty as the result of an injury or illness affecting a leg or foot if the Blacksmith deity's design is inspired by Hephaestus could the relationship with his father also help us understand this nameless character to answer that let's turn our attention to another blacksmith in early concepts of the game Andre was a descendant of Lord Gwynn his appearance dialogue and lip movement are all Echoes of that once important role it is my opinion that a lot of the ideas that were intended for Andre found themselves being integrated into the design of the blacksmith deity if you believe this to be true then this may help further understand as to why Lord Quinn would go to war with isilith the blacksmith deity expelled from Olympus sought comfort in those that dwell within the Earth he used the Flesh of Titans to help create new life new life that would go on to flourish and rival his father's Kingdom returning to the timeline and mention of a thousand years we also hear this figure from one of the daughters of Chaos free mother I like the strength and The Bravery but you I realize what I am asking but please free their poor souls mother's Ambitions were misguided No Doubt surely a thousand years of atonement is enough quailana is not to be so easily trusted she tells half truths and manipulates the minds of men we will discuss her agenda later but for now let's define atonement the definition for atonement reads the action of making amends for a wrong or injury or in religious context reparation or expiation for sin the goddess of sin is velker her agents can be found within isleth but we cannot know when they met their demise as I believe velker had already been removed from anolando shortly before the war with the demons the individual now in charge of her former Covenant is gwyndolin how he came to be in possession of the Covenant is a story for another day but velker's removal from the heavens is made clear elsewhere the painted world was once so Sanctuary the relics of her church and teachings are found scattered within after her removal it was repurposed and it now serves as a prison for those who are deemed dangerous to the Gods and this is where we return to the xanthus king Jeremiah a mysterious item once worn by the xanthus king Jeremiah the legendary Exile no one knows where it came from the crown Bears high quality cloth which is quite soft to the touch but its bright yellow colors stings the eyes and it is clearly far too big this Crown hides a secret hidden beneath is a parasite the king too bonded with the gifts of chaos and practiced his powerful magic like his daughters he cherished flame but the flame he no longer held was that for his Queen his love for her had been extinguished as he found himself engulfed by another if the Santa's Crown is traded with snugly the crow the item given in return is the ring of favor and protection a ring symbolizing the favor and protection of the Goddess Fina known in Legend to possess fateful Beauty could The Witch's transformation into the Bed of Chaos have caused a king to find beauty elsewhere could this Forbidden Love go on to produce forbidden fruit this ring is granted to those who enter a covenant with Guinevere daughter of Lord Quinn and the princess of sunlight this slightly worn ring boosts the Synergy of Miracles the princess of sunlight left anolando along with many of the deities and later became wife to Flame God flan I believe that this flame God flan was the child of both Fina and King Jeremiah and that Fina left with her son when Guinevere Departed on the topic of guineverse leaving perhaps there is more to her abandonment than just the fading of the flame perhaps she needed to leave so that she could marry the one she loves that her love for a god whose Family Once went to war with her father may have been considered a sin [Music] go back forbidden these parts the realm of the creatures of chaos they accept their banished fate go back lest the Flames devour all and the children of chaos feed upon your charred ashes those who defy The Pact those who trespass quailarg's domain may you feel the depth of our Wrath as I mentioned earlier a pact concluded the war anolando was the Victor but victory was not solely won due to the might of Gwyn in his Knights the Batwing demons turned against their kin the blood upon their hands symbolized this betrayal this imagery is also used in the beginning intro seith betrayed his kind so that he could obtain that which he never possessed is this then true for the Batwing demons is their betrayal spawned from a want of a thing they never had their Weaponry describes them as lesser demons perhaps Gwyn offered them more power and rank that chaos had never allowed them to have further signs of demons worshiping the heavens is the sunlight maggots and the item that they can drop a loathsome parasite that inhibits lost izalith it is completely immobile yet still lives when worn on the head it emanates blinding light which is why it is known as a sunlight maggot when worn this parasite resembles the crown of the Dark Sun and possibly the warrior of sunlight emblem if killed the item they drop also strengthens the bond between chaos and Light this fatally warm medal engraved with the symbol of the sun is the ultimate honor awarded to those who summon the warrior of sunlight and complete a goal the symbol represents Lord gwyn's firstborn who lost his deity status and was expunged from the annals but the old God of War still watches closely over his Warriors similar to the Batwing demons did Quinn's firstborn also promise strength and power to those who called isolith home are these medals a reward for their cooperation during the war we do not know how long the War lasted but eventually our line was drawn and demands were made the xanthus king Jeremiah I believe to be a victim of this peace as I do not think he was captured but that he was instead surrendered further sides of isilith surrendering its citizens can be found within the northern Undead Asylum in the time of the chosen Undead those branded with the curse are corralled and sent North here they are locked away to await the end of the world that is until and named this night throws down a corpse a corpse which holds a key but freedom is not so easily earned there is another door that needs opening and it is guarded by a demon this demon patrols the roof and is responsible for fatally injuring the man who liberated you from your cell when opening the double doors you are met with an entrance that would weaken the knees of the bravest of men here you now stand face to face with the Asylum Demon this demon is not a prisoner his coat is turned and he enjoys his duty he ensures that no one escapes he is committed to his role he is committed to the asylum however the same cannot be said for the thing that lurks below the many hallways home and howl with the soaring high wind atop this mountain but there is yet another sound that can be heard rattling the walls of this mad house that sound is the sharp snapping of Bones under a heavy foot the reason for this many bones is because of the cruelty that is capable at the hands of men before they join the ranks of the undead the guards passed a Time by throwing defenseless prisoners in with this Beast prisoners that when killed would soon return beside a bonfire ready to do it all again The Name Of This ferocious beast is the stray demon the definition of stray reads not in the right place separated from the group or Target he is far from home and unlike his kin above he's not enjoying his circumstance if the Asylum Demon is able to enter the Stray Demon's Arena they quickly become enemies is this a design oversight or a hint at the Rivalry between these two demons the weapon wielded by the Asylum Demon may give us an answer demon weapon built from the Stone ice trees used by lesser demons at Northern Undead Asylum this Hammer is imbued with no special power but will merely be foes to a pulp providing you up the strength to wield it this weapon was not carved from the bones of fellow demons this weapon was purposely built it is a reward granted to those for their service being yet another example of lesser demons finding comfort in the Sun and turning their back on chaos [Music] the Asylum predates the undead curse the graves outside indicate its history and age it is my belief that it once held all manner of prisoners similar to how the painted world now serves as a storehouse for The Unwanted the Asylum held those who posed a threat to the Gods this Theory may help us understand as to why the Peculiar Doll can be found here as this was once the place where a young Priscilla was kept the Iron Ring 2 is a relic of a prisoner who predates this now Undead Asylum this ring was used to Shackle the guilty it is terribly rusted and faintly stained with blood those who find this strange ring to their liking will be pleased to find it easier to gain footing on poor ground such as swamps light town was yet to be blighted during the war with the demons so who was The Sinner and where did they hail from beneath izalith can be found poisonous to rain this bug is like rot beneath the floorboards and potentially it predates the city's Construction worn by the witch quailana of izalith mother of pyromancy and daughter of Chaos she wore this gold hem black cloak even before the age of fire and it offers strong resistance versus fire poison and other perils even before the age of fire the flame witches wore a tire that protected them against poison these girls grew up around hot lava flowing magma and poisonous Springs in uneven and unpredictable terrain such as this a good balance and stable feat would benefit those that called such a place home [Music] this set is acquired when taken from a corpse that is watched over by the youngest of izalith's children when taken he is enraged you have stolen from his beloved sister but this attire states that it belonged to quailana who is one of the Seven Daughters of chaos and she is not deceased one of the seven so let's account for the other six two daughters were engulfed along with their mother now protected by their older sister too binded with the gifts of chaos and the last cannot be found to figure out this missing person let's finally discuss quailana hmm I have a favor to ask my mother The Witch of izalith was one of the Primeval Lords her power came from the soul that she found near the first flame she focused this power to light a flame of her own but she failed to control it the flame of Chaos engulfed mother and my sisters and molded them into deformed creatures only I escaped but my mother and sisters have been in anguish since I beseech you free mother and my sisters from the flame of chaos I cannot do it myself I lack the strength and The Bravery but you I realize what I am asking but please free their poor souls mother's Ambitions were misguided No Doubt surely a thousand years of atonement is enough as I've stated This Witch tells half truths what even when incomplete they are Priceless It is believed by many that the witch of eisenth duplicated the flame to extend the age of Fire her soul was found near the flame and as it faded she would too this being enough reason as to why this master manipulator of fire would even think to attempt this but it was not desperation that led her it was ambition the definition of ambition reads her strong desire to do or achieve something desire not desperation her daughters are evidence of her fertility and her ability to create life she desired to play God by using the soul of her unborn child to manipulate this new flame a flame that would allow her to be the ultimate mother the ultimate Creator the ultimate God she flew too close to the Sun and grew wings of Anguish she capitalized on their suffering and was able to bear fruit her Roots dug deep and from her leaves New Life came to be but the foundation was unstable and the water poisoned during the beginning intro we see all Seven Daughters of chaos they accompany their mother in the war with the dragons and ritual I believe the smallest and therefore youngest to be quailana a young girl with little comprehension of the world simply following in the footsteps of her sisters and mother could not have predicted the outcome everything she knew was never to be the same her mother her sisters her people even her heart sadness turned to hate she began to despise what had been done and wished to see it put to an end I believe quailana played a part in the war with Anor Londo that she may have provided them with Vital Information on how to best approach her mother's creations and magics I also think her to be responsible for the fate of the missing daughter of Chaos that the robe she wears belongs to her sister and that she faked her own death to cover up her involvement with the war the missing sister was captured and sent to the Asylum the now rusted shackle being All That Remains of her sin the rest were banished a result of The Pact the city was lost it was to be left alone and never again found [Music] thank you for watching guys please remember to like and if you are new subscribe a special shout out to my patrons and YouTube members thank you for keeping the flame lit and my Estus flask filled if you two would like to support the Channel please see the pin comment I've attempted to bring A New Perspective to the law surrounding isleth and for that reason I have avoided some observations made by other Souls creators as I do not want to repeat what is already known if you haven't please watch hawkshaw's video on demons now culture you will thoroughly enjoy it the link will be in the description I've also had a bad throat over the last few days so my apologies for the groggy voice in places so I say again guys thank you for watching and I will see you in the next one foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: Eredin
Views: 1,090,567
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dark souls, dark souls lore, dark souls indepth, dark souls story, dark souls explained, fromsoftware, dark souls 2, dark souls 3, dark souls 2 lore, dark souls 3 lore, vaatividya, hawkshaw dark souls, dark souls 2 story, dark souls 3 story, age of fire, firstborn son, first flame, dark souls theory, age of ancients, anor londo, chosen undead, ringed city, dark souls story explained, dark souls 2022, dark souls 2023, fromsoftware narrative, fromsoftware storytelling, lore
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 174min 16sec (10456 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 01 2023
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