The Story of Minecraft's first WITCH..

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i always felt like i didn't know what i wanted to be my mom was a librarian and my father was a farmer but i never really liked those jobs i always felt like i was destined to be something great like an astronaut or something so i set out on a journey and explored villages all over the world but everyone was just doing the same boring jobs and all the jobs that i did try i was terrible at all right show me what you've done i feel like i screwed it up let me see here uh what how did you get bane of arthropods on a pickaxe why would anyone want this i'm so sorry it's fine it's not that bad it was pretty bad i had finally accepted my fate and became a farmer but life had different plans for me when i woke up i was completely different all of a sudden i knew how to make these magic potions they could make people run faster or make them stronger they could even give people the ability to regenerate i knew right then and there that i needed to use these powers to help as many people as i could so i opened up my own hospital but that's when the raids began the pillagers were destroying any villages that stood in their way i could barely keep up with the amount of injured people just rest for a few days and then you'll be fine ma'am we have another refugee in room two i'm coming oh my god what happened to this one another attack from a raid the whole village was burned to the ground he was the only survivor that's horrible he clearly needs this regeneration potion but it's our last one i'll have to make more tonight ma'am you haven't slept for two days you need to rest i have a responsibility and i promised myself that i'll help as many people as i can the witch's ability to create these magical potions garnered the attention of the generals of both armies sir we've learned the location of the witch as you requested should we send a team to capture her she'd be an incredibly valuable asset don't bother the witch is going to choose to come to us of her own free will very soon i have it under control understood excuse me ma'am oh my god the generals of the player villager alliance to what i owe the honor the honor is all ours ma'am you've healed a countless number of our soldiers we will never be able to pay back that debt oh please i did what anyone would have done you've already done so much for us but we have one more favor to ask what is it well those potions of healing you make we want something more deadly i don't really understand what you mean we want you to make us potions we can use as weapons against the pillagers we think it would really help turn the tides into war i'm sorry i can't do that i only use these powers to heal people i don't want to hurt anyone ah we understand how you feel we would never force you to do it against your own will think our offer over and if you change your mind you know where to find us let's go the witch felt the conversation went well but as she found out later that night it did not oh general steve i didn't hear you come back what the heck where am i i am not as soft as that blacksmith this is a war if you ever want to be released from here you will make those potions we requested as the days went on the situation looked more and more helpless for the witch how are you feeling today i'm starving you guys haven't been giving me any food well i can provide the best food our men can offer that is if you give me the potions i want i already told you i only use my potions for healing hmm very well i'll check with you tomorrow everyone cracks eventually wow quite impressive most people don't make it to a week let me know have you had a change of heart yet i told you already it's not happening oh it will if you have any plans to leave here alive let's go and on day 10 the witch cracked or at least that's what she wanted them to believe i'll make the potions you want if you promise to release me of course i'm a man of my word okay but i'm gonna need a few things anything i need glass bottles golden carrots and fermented spider eyes you hurt her go get those things little did they know these weren't the ingredients for a potion of harming they were actually the ingredients for a potion of invisibility so i drank my invisibility potion and waited for them to open the cell for me what where is she you starts to sell she must have dug out somewhere after they opened the cell escaping was easy but i didn't run away i waited in the general's office invisible for my chance to take revenge it's getting late soldier head home to your family yes sir [Music] surprised to see me oh did you reconcile the offer is that some kind of sick joke after he locked me up and tortured me i am here to kill you and i brought those potions you wanted me to make so badly what is she talking about steve i did what had to be done we're at war too many lives are on the line and she has a duty to her people oh my god i'll see to it that he's properly punished for this on behalf of the entire army i'm so sorry maybe you aren't all bad or there's just another lie either way i am leaving if you try to contact me again i will kill you and so the blacksmith had steve arrested for his crimes you haven't been acting like yourself recently steve if we go around kidnapping people we're just as bad as those pillagers i think some time in here will do some good and the witch secluded herself to the swamp where she would never be bothered again or so she thought who's there i heard you show yourself listen i just want to talk i'm sure you've heard a lot about me but it's nice to finally meet you i'm sure they've tried to convince you i'm some sort of monster but that couldn't be further from the truth i'm someone like you someone the players have hurt you've seen what their greed can lead to i have exactly so you should join me and i don't want you to fight i want you to go back to doing what you do best healing people but i want you to heal my soldiers and help us free this world from the players so what do you say will you help us i'll join you perfect there's also one more project i want your help with we captured these iron golems during a raid on a village we've been trying to use their souls to finish a project we're working on but we're missing something but we feel with our technology and your magic will finally be able to create the totem's mount dying sir all the soldiers have been given a totem of undying and are awaiting your orders perfect let the men know we're going to be marching right into the player's headquarters what are you sure i know the witch trained some of our soldiers in magic and we have the totems but don't you think that's a little risky it is but they have a valuable asset we need to reacquire i don't understand follow me oh my god is that general steve it is i captured him at the start of the war he's been here for quite some time now if he's been with us this whole time and who's been with them a valuable asset [Music] sir the pillagers they're here what do you mean they're here we don't know they just showed up and started attacking the town this deep into our territory they're crazy go prep the iron golems yes sir even for them this is crazy they must be up to something oh my god what are you doing you must have a death wish i do have a death wish i wish for the death of every player that's ever captured a villager and used us as property we should end this violence we can work together to create a world where villagers and players can exist peacefully everywhere a world like that could never exist because the player's greed knows no limits if we follow them it'll lead to the destruction of our people i had a chance to kill you before i let you get away it won't happen again i think you'll find you're gonna have a very hard time killing any of my men today it's finally over it's amazing what you can make with the help of a witch oh no all men retreat the pillagers gained control of the town but more importantly they regained access to a great ally sir everything played out exactly how you said it would the witch joined our side perfect
Channel: SeaWattgaming
Views: 6,055,265
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Seawatt, Seawattgaming, Seawatgaming, Seawatt gaming, Seawatttgaming, Seawattt, Seawat, The story of Minecraft's first Raid part 2, the story of minecraft's first witch
Id: EIb5gJqGNy8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 20sec (500 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 08 2021
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