Every Room I Escape Minecraft Gets More Realistic

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this is a minecraft escape room with the lowest level of realism i can't even see through the water and my crosshair is literally a square but for every room i escape minecraft will keep getting more realistic until my pc explodes the first room was savannah themed i was able to find these buttons so i pressed all of them and one of them made a ding noise and dropped down water on the outside so i went up the water and found a very detailed chest with a square inside of it the square was actually another right hose so i used it to start hoeing the edge blocks to hopefully reveal something behind them i eventually found out one of the blocks was connected to some redstone and it put a block of sand inside of my inventory the sand could only be placed on sandstone though which was kind of a problem after a couple minutes i ended up finding the sandstone hidden under the opaque water pool and that unlocked the entrance to the next room now the graphics were looking a little better i was in the nether and i could see the exit on an island across the lava so i parked up the trees and searched the top of them but found nothing i noticed i could cross these vines to the glowstone though and now i was able to reach an island the island had a barrel with a saddle in it so i took that and went back down i then parkoured again and i checked the other glowstone but all i found was a button that did nothing i spent the next five minutes searching for anything else in the room and i found nothing so i just kept trying to jump across the lava without dying and eventually it worked in room 3 i was now able to see myself when i looked down it was a snow biome with a cabin and i instantly noticed some barrels so i searched them and found a raw pork chop and a piece of charcoal i found another pork chop in a hidden barrel and then i entered the house in the house there's even more empty barrels and there is also a smoker so i decided to cook the pork cooking the pork gave me a stone shovel and i climbed onto the roof of the house only to find another piece of charcoal from the top of the house i was able to see another chest though so i parked over to the chest and found a lever inside of it now that i had checked everything i started digging the snow with the shovel because that seemed logical in one corner i found a hidden room that had another lever inside of it and in another corner i found another hidden room that required me to use the lever to enter it when i entered the room there's another door and i was able to use my other lever to go to the next room in room 4 the shaders had gotten better but this was still nothing compared to what was to come i also forgot to enable the texture pack so pretend it's like this i was in a jungle with a huge temple in the middle and i needed to make a sacrifice i found these blocks which were making weird sounds when i stood on them and i climbed up the temple in the middle only to find a chest that was empty i climbed on top of the trees and i found a sunflower in the leaves but i was unable to break it i went up higher and i found a chest with one gold ingot in it and that was it next i climbed up this hill and i found a hidden chest in the corner with a lead inside of it so i put the lead on this cow and nothing happened but then i took the cow over to the blocks that were making sounds and i stood on the other one and it made a noise i went towards where i heard the noise and i found a chest with another gold ingot in it i decided to check out what this villager was trading next and i found a trade for a stone hoe that required a lead so i traded for the stone hoe and saw that it could be used to break a sunflower which i needed for the other trade option so i went back to the top of the tree and broke the sunflower i brought the sunflower back and now i had a melon which could be placed on top of the coarse dirt i found coarse dirt beside another melon so i placed the melon down and heard another noise i went towards the noise and a chest had appeared in this cave which had another golden gate at this point there was nothing left to do so i put my gold in the chest at the top assuming it was where i should put my sacrifice when i put my gold in the chest things started happening and i made it to the next room in room 5 things were starting to get realistic my fps was dropping rapidly and i still had more rooms to complete so i needed to hurry up because my pc was getting ready for takeoff i was in a mine and i don't know why but i took this person's head i also found an iron pickaxe which could only break iron ore so i started mining i found a room beyond the iron with a person named flumu or something i don't know so i took their head too i kept mining iron and i found flimus and there was a lever hidden in the lava behind flemish which could only be placed on mossy stone bricks so i looked around for mossy stone bricks and i found an iron door which i was able to open i found paul and paul was trading three iron for a stone button the problem was i had raw iron because i played the map on the wrong version so don't tell anyone what happened but now i have a button there was also a book on a lectern and it had a bunch of words in it i could only place the button on chiseled stone bricks which were right in front of me but i didn't realize it so i looked around for almost 5 minutes when my iq was draining and there was clearly a reason for that eventually i went back to the room and found out these were chiseled stone bricks so i magically got more buttons and each time i pressed a button the color of the block changed in front of it when you actually read the book it tells you that you need to enter a color combination the only place i had seen colors was the armor of the people around the mine so i tried putting their colors in alphabetical order but it didn't work i actually just had them in the wrong order though so i tried again and it opened the entrance to room 6. room 6 had a lot nicer shaders but my fps was dropping even faster i was in a room from one of those rich mansions that are always haunted i found a flower then i found a secret room behind a trapdoor and in the room there was an emerald on the table and nothing else i could take i also stole the armor off of these armor stands and checked every barrel and trap door until i found a diamond it was looking like my new goal was to rob this mansion rather than escape it but then i realized someone was home and they looked very scary it turns out they wanted to trade these items for the exact set of armor that i had but i was still missing two of the items though so i only did the first two trades there was a book telling me larry gave the key to barry and this was barry so now i knew i didn't get scammed i went back out to the main room and found the sunflower right where i started and now i only needed an iron nugget i ended up finding a room behind this large wall of paintings and inside of it was the nugget so i took the nugget back to barry and got the last piece of armor i tried putting on the armor but it did nothing but then i remembered where i got it from and it made sense so i placed the armor on the armor stands and i heard a noise but the door was still closed i ran around for anything else and i found a secret room behind the paintings but it was useless so i ran around some more and i found a hidden room in the most obvious place it could have been in this room there were four swords on the wall and i instantly knew i had to rotate them in a certain way to open the door i remembered seeing a sword like this in the first hidden room so i left the room and i ended up finding the diamond sword instead which was pointing at the top left so i rotated the diamond sword and i ran back to the trap door hidden room and found the gold sword pointing at the bottom left now i just needed to find one more sword because i could just guess the last one so i went back to the useless room beyond the painting and it was still useless i ended up finding the last sword in the first open room and it was pointing towards the middle right so i guess the last sword and i heard a noise telling me the door was open so i went through the door and the gold block was here to teleport me to the next room room 7 had new shaders and they came with really annoying motion blur i also had a very realistic shadow i found a chest with a wooden shovel that could break red sand so i started digging after breaking almost every block of red sand i found a chest containing a cactus the cactus could only be placed on top of a cactus so i found a cactus i could place it on and it created a staircase when i got to the top of the staircase it let me jump to a tree and the tree had a chest with cocoa beans in it that could only be placed on jungle logs so i found the one spot on this tree it would let me place them and a ding went off and i was given a turtle egg i didn't notice i was given a turtle egg though so i spent five minutes being stupid before i noticed the egg and saw i could only place it on sandstone so i spent five more minutes searching every sand block because of the realistic textures but then i found out it was the block that already had the turtle eggs on it placing the turtle i gave me sugar cane which i placed on the only sugar cane without string on top of it to open the entrance to the final room room 8 looked like some sort of back rooms maze so i put on the final level of realism but unfortunate things happened i wasn't giving up though so i started my game up with more memory allocated and after another crash i got it to work but i wasn't able to last more than 30 seconds without crashing so enjoy this accurate representation of the last level [Music]
Channel: Eider
Views: 1,506,995
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: -hD4-QfGN-k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 36sec (456 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 13 2022
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