Escaping from PRISON in Minecraft Death Run!

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cops versus robbers these criminals think they can steal from me please like and subscribe so we can get out of here hurry up let's go you think you can steal from me that's never gonna happen try and pass my traps and see what will happen she can't stop us we're gonna steal everything we're gonna take her for everything she has we're gonna take all her valuables and her coins down to the last penny even her food crumbs everyone follow me come on rainbow beat us to victory they don't call me rainbow the traps suck lunar they're just tiny ass oh rainbow's dodging pretty good not bad it's not bad thank you for the compliments lunar not go go go go guys oops ah no why would you hate me i'm sorry i thought it would make you jump whale look at rainbow shrimp grab all the gold you can put it in your pockets and let's just get out of here i think it's aren't you guys quite the daughter of death perhaps luna you're kind of bad no it's regular it's normal go ahead these are the best traps in the world you will not get away two of them are down rainbow what do we do um i think we gotta like do a distraction she put me on fire i paid billions billions of minecraft dollars for these tracks billions of minecraft dollars billions yes billions on billions on billions that's a lot like a waste of money lunar true that does sound like a waste of money luna i have a joke for you what you ready to hear it knock knock yeah who's there legend rainbow you missed uh rainbow stop parkour skill no no no no no what did you say nothing nothing ignore that hey luna knock knock my turn who's there and i said who's there rainbow my hearts are low don't tell luna just just keep tricking her how okay luna knock knock who's there uh police police who please get out of here and go somewhere else what do you mean she's gonna hit it you're putting me out i'm so bad good job good job rainbow are you failing that parkour i made it to the next round whoa go slow no no no no please i see the light i see them funny you must succeed no don't go slow again no what whoa you don't want a zombie ow yo that's so cheap rainbow i'm gonna die rainbow i'm gonna die i don't think you'll make it to the end we have to run we have to avenge draco and gold for losing yes we got this yeah good luck with that i'm still back here come on rainbow it's time this is parkour obviously it's parkour simple why would you even put no rainbow you know what's going to happen if you pass here look yeah oh that was really cool luna wow i can't believe it i'm out of here oh my gosh good distraction let's go oh that was so good we gotta we gotta go really fast yeah keep going keep going come on that's right run run run run nice try luna this is so easy ow i'm on fire yeah that's right just go up i'm trying you know parkour is my weakness just go just go team don't make me click the creeper button again rainbow come on um next time i'm gonna jump into the lava first oh no no don't do that you want one for the team there's no pressure rainbow you got this luna did you just hear that what when rainbow was going to throw the game is this where my partner died funny oh yeah yeah totally totally time for me to shine that's what you wish for [Music] my multi-billion dollar trillion gazillion traps were worth it in the end look it succeeded no one stole from me i am now hiring for a second security guard to protect my gazillion billion dollar traps base anyone up for hire hello i am one of the top robbery burglars part of the crew team over there i would like to apply for this you're hired do not tell them you traitor how could you i'm rich this time we'll succeed after this job we don't have to rob ever again we're going to live on diamond furniture we're going to have golden toilet paper an unlimited supply of dumplings unlimited look at them i'm already living that dream come join our side just give up already no i'll join we all join your side hey no rainbow uh-uh this is so easy there we go come on they're so bad what do you mean you're two you guys are not coordinated yeah don't go get ready careful careful lava lava all right trick them lava where i see no longer there oh they perez i think it's kind of going to be like dumber and dumber that's just so bad luna our timing we gotta wait we gotta wait because draco is holding the lucky diamond go you're right the lucky diamond come on bring it back and dive into that this lucky diamond oh that was so bad gold oh lunar it looks kind of like getting gold on your team was your demise she's sabotaging him i'm an intern rainbow i'm still learning don't go okay watch whoo come on lulu come on luke you can do this fine come on come on the next phase will be insufferable just you can do this again just go up the ladder this time someone needs to trick them fall the other two just like no funny hi funny ready yeah yep what you've got this trick in the book you won't get away with this we'll take all your money my favorite part come here draco good job gold that deserves a raise um excuse me why am i always the last one here is this like sometimes you're the pvp master now you're the parkour man i am the pvp master arnold that means you should join our side rainbow well she survived actually surviving by herself no i'm surprised it's because i'm good at parkour [Music] are you yep rainbow or rainbow we could be living our diamond dreams just join our side but i'm already here and i got to seek vengeance for funny and draft you can leave your partners behind clearly they're not made for your team look you're carrying everybody by yourself does your back hurt you sound like one of those evil villains trying to trick me into joining the dark side you'll never take me out alive your days are over are you sure about that no no no no no all right team huddle up we gotta have a plan we gotta make a rendezvous point and we're gonna kind of like split up so then they can't target us all at once i think that's how we're gonna split up this is a hallway yeah this is a hallway we can't really split but we we don't have to wait for each other we can just go just go okay go use them and we'll get up at the end don't go someone take the floor take the floor draco i'll always take the floor see look guys look they're running oh someone's getting running good job use confusion it's working go through good job juggle run it hey man we've all ready run come run funny you get passed this wall draco i said run one of them is stuck lunar i will watch the last one okay rainbow is distracting you go ahead gold while i take care of green balls jack will keep running don't let luna don't okay i gotta run i gotta run whoosh oh do you try catch me guys come on distracting them down the hallway that's i died too much times at this level i already know it through the back of my hands keep going don't stop come on i'm not stopping for you i'm not stopping for you sure nice try and you just blew yourself up what one two run whoosh easy little blew herself up again hurt yourself guys come on let's meet up cannot be hurt by my traps this is only you that can be hurt so far i'm doing pretty well not going to lose you handle this button i'll handle it i will handle it pretty funny three she's just watching i'm at a lava that's right get hit oh guys i'm at the chocolate another dash of arrows hurry no good job you need to wait here for rainbow rainbow there is a lava trap at the truck do not fall for it gold is camping this is the hardest part funny you leave your friend behind or do you go on mine draco is this some sort of clickbait um leaf right behind and get rich leave rainbow they said they will leave you behind to get no we didn't so no yeah yes you did see you later have fun [Music] wait a minute it's another way more dangerous um yeah i thought this was going to be the easy part but it turns out it's actually trickier okay go go go go just keep running just keep running dude run scary run don't wait for nobody go i don't want to be into it careful oh these next jumps don't look so nice no ha ha rainbow just jump high are you hurry hurry hurry is someone having trouble with my gajillion brazilian naturals oh i see i just gotta jump on that ledge yeah easy go ahead easy take a jump easy look at me keep saying that keep saying this no no no water zombies oh [Music] they're releasing zombies down here hi can you be nice to me you can always change your mind for diamonds funny i i would not like to mine for diamonds oh no no no no god please no i only have a couple hearts left my team is still behind there you just popping your hearts well these zombies are pretty hungry both of them are so evil take some slow-mo whoa happy so zoomed in no more slow mode i could jump up here still waiting on everyone oh a library so much money on this and she will not pass what is this guys i think i'm gonna ditch everyone to get the treasure at the end no you have to split it i can't split it why do i need to split it if i'm doing the parkour all by myself because we organized together criminal you're robbing from robbers well you can try catching up to me these two are following me oh no this is the last trap gold we can't let you go to the treasure lunar she's going to treasure i know she's going to treasure shiny let's go no i got it all the gold is mine i am now a bajillionaire hello you're probably wondering why i'm here wait wait wait do not kill me yet i will offer you all my diamonds all of it and all my gazillion billion dollar treasure yes yes in course of my life do not kill me and you can have it all she already has all your dying that's true i already went to the pirate ship and draco's also going there too i'm coming to take you revenge sweet sleep event use your bajillion dollars to spawn robots why is this you know what i don't think she could kill us we should just kill her that's a good point no no no don't do that it's two of us against one of yous buddy
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 4,243,602
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: itsfunneh, funneh, funny moments, funny, krew, krew plays, gaming, games, minecraft, minecraft games, minecraft gameplay, minecraft series, minecraft episodes, minecraft krew, minecraft itsfunneh, minecraft funneh, minecraft funny moments, minecraft funny, minecraft funny games, no cursing, no swearing, minecraft death run, minecraft parkour, minecraft deathrun, cops and robbers, minecraft cops and robbers, minecraft prisoners, minecraft prison
Id: Pq_vb87NLyo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 8sec (908 seconds)
Published: Wed May 26 2021
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