Which one is FAKE? Cops vs. Prisoners!

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come on let's go hey poof do we escape yeah welcome to the city okay so we have to disguise to make sure no one catches us I'm driving all right all right I don't see that oh I mean I'm not all right I'm gonna kill every Drago now are you sure you want to do that Shh don't be suspicious when you never follow me oh okay I see many Gold's running weirdly lalala are you insinuating I run weird yeah that's offensive that is so rude sometimes you just have to be chill you should go to the donut store lunar sometimes you just gotta look right in front of you you know no please the mystery boy rainbows running around with her skin by the way lunar rainbows literally running around with her skin she's in front why are you guys snitching on each other because we're prisoners prisoners exposes.themselve itself the Popo we got no Lowe's yeah dragon is fishy Luna is a crazy I'm not no I'm not oh yeah kill too many you kills way too many innocents lunar yeah lunar you're bad call views are yeah I don't want us back take the cup gold you better run how long do we got a minute a minute gold run run track oh just has to kill a few more in a sense and he's also dead Jaakko goals in the store I'm behind you that's me I tried see and that's my droplet yes he's just to fish what's right how much life some could say she's behind you no stop just I'm not hot no dude I'm not trolling you she's behind you right now hey that she's the same as you she's shouldn't kill her Wow this wall is pretty Drock out you keep passing your Sally Lou you keep passing her all right behind you you're chilling the wrong people I told you that's what happens when we die first we're about to resin errs goals you think you have a change goal you know why lunar promised me a chocolate fire no I didn't oh I'm kidding I'm just a trader he just yeah if you're a trader now I will snitch on you guys what how do you MVP whatever I'm gonna warm up I got dance gold and I are cops now and we gotta find those threes by the way use your head if you camouflage as me you will die hands up the Pope post coming yep mm-hmm if they were smart they would not be around us you should dance if you like doughnuts could hit you gotta hide your knife Ross they'll know where you are you gotta hide it so you're one of hey why is this one freaking out so much hey hey you why are you freaking out so much yeah that was beautiful gold it's a movement watch whoever walks unnatural since they Rai they should always stand still once in a while those two are fake right there I like the real one he's a cop the real ones would be freaking out oh it's one hey lunar how's your day lunar go these wrong with this one this one's freaking out you were innocent you're a bad cop hello can we get a hint I don't think so smoke bomb over here there's a smoke bomb I don't know which one it is dude nice breeze you're under arrest for tricking you you're under arrest too easy for sure no you should activate your power it stuns them oh yeah just in case you're in danger you know you gotta help out a fellow this is too easy high-five you're like the best ever like because we are the best cops easy you're double agent double agents are everywhere find out who the double agent is except for yourself okay you gotta kill each other that's essentially it oh hi yeah let's kill each other welcome to the library a place where young Brad books you read them or you can smack them on each other's heads this was fake I see you jackal I saw that night come back here rainbow why would you be yourself so smart 180 times in life you gotta put on a mask because oh oh no no is it funny where's she why are you giggling oh wait I thought I was stuffing something Wow oops I was seven so for real rainbow since there's like 40 seconds left let's make a truce okay head oh I guess we're the same [Laughter] yeah meet on top of the stairs ramble do not see her I know that's you oh I was being dumb I thought that was I Wow rainbow I guess you're a good double agent after all you won't be good after I buy chest why would you know you gotta buy powers yeah powers I don't need powers I'm a cool knife let's buy one chest before it starts Oh a blue chest come on skip I need to pay robux to skip yeah that's ridiculous a coal blade that way I am a cop once again oh my gosh me too Oh Gold you know what this means best cops get your butts out if you're in once again guys we're gonna have to be smarter than the cops this time okay prisoners you know you should just give up just go give up these are the best cops in town alrighty Gold we got a couple of Ding Dongs on our hands and we're very good at being cops I'm gonna stab you ha ha I heard that rainbow likes cake so she's probably in the cake section hey get out of my face you in here mmm are we suspicious we got you're trying to kill me she was in the cakes that cool and collective rainbow yeah stick yo they have tacos on a stick here what a great place to thank my favorite food lunatic don't flinch I'll stab you don't flinch it's definitely not her because she's not making a noise don't flinch I'm gonna stab you capisce why are you giggling oh nothing just if you're Simon Says stop but your name's not Simon so no one has to listen to you Simon Says go I'm trying to pay attention to a bunch of people but it's weird because that bunny has been standing in a spot for the past hey what's wrong with you you broken computer hey what's up are you drunk Oh chuckle honey you know I'm laughing Drago was literally walking right beside me when you said those gold bookshelf jealous see he hit the bat he's gonna struggle right here oh so stressed out you guys so crazy look at you you look are you laughing at us Gold stop laughing at us no hmm a lot of waiters got away with it you with your power Adi he's using his that's where you beat us [Laughter] [Applause] [Laughter] we're gold gold she's young we'll dracco does unfair old that's a good description Lord earth ah yes no wait there's only eight seconds left everyone folio clothes in order to get a powerup we got a role for one mind give us something good confused let's go confusion is good what's this one global teleport that's actually very good well you are a legendary why yeah probably because I spent like roebucks or the chest I didn't spend it for nothing let's go guess who's a cop again Gold you have been demoted go hide Drago is my partner in crime now Drago you be good cop I'll be bad no you'll be bad cop I'll be good all right are you bad but really show you bad cop eventually they run out of stuff and they have to pick up coins so if you see any coins disappear please don't pick up coins oh I just saw something happened over there in the left corner NPCs don't like coins what wait wait oh no not this one I was another one this one you are you fake no what no one tell them anything [Music] [Laughter] the last one is gold and if I was gold I would hide as gold gold don't freak out a gold light and rock oh that's a lazy suspicious spot funny what this dragons in a real word spot huh what's wrong fight Drago but sometimes NPCs be like that so is it you think you can out beat a cop who thinks like a cop oh oh you're right she's an axe cop she knows I think you know the ways I know what you're looking for well I know what what Gold's one problem is she likes mine do she's one of these bunnies oh this is so easy I ain't easy you got it I was close I don't know how this is possible but I'm a cop again did you might know I did it I didn't like hop chat we need justice for the prisoners guys oh hello gold why wouldn't you why are you standing right here rainbow let's get her and I'm the partner in crime rainbow since you have very cute ears I will let you be good cop oh yeah you be bad cop all right bad cop good cop where what color is the room you guys sorry there's way too many I don't like that I'm like how that looks this is weird I don't like how it looks either I think no I think it's this one I think oh no ouch hey wait Vicki now fake funny don't freak out did it work do you think it worked yeah I don't think it worked because you're dead you know I thought you wouldn't kill you're so you know you know it's funny so good at that you kidding me I was broken I don't think you guys could be prisoners and funny's a cloud there's two funnies hey funny stop is funny stop dude this is easy for face is not fanfare by late night yes everyone keeps saying that I'm too good so now we're in double agent and you could figure out who I am if you and I anything funny is knowing then kill funny if you think someone is annoying kill Drago someone died by lunar I hate you by lunar because someone else is being lunar if I can't win I'll just arrive I'm scared you come in with their wheat Wow Nick up when their vici it's smart guys this was a very intense game of roblox incognito if you did enjoy it and would love to see more make sure to smash that like button right now don't forget to subscribe if you are new we are crew and we will see you all in the next one bye bye I [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 12,681,088
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: itsfunneh, funneh, funny moments, funny, krew, krew plays, gaming, games, roblox funny, roblox funny moments, roblox itsfunneh, roblox krew, roblox incognito, roblox murder mystery, roblox cops vs robbers, roblox cops vs criminals, roblox funny gaming, roblox gaming, cops vs prisoners, cops vs prisoners roblox
Id: 6zC81TIIs6E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 38sec (1058 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 18 2020
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