Minecraft but we have CURSED Potions!

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in this chest are highly dangerous potions and they are not to be messed with okay cool just give me some hey don't take them all wait we're starting already so i heard this potions are very lethal everyone better step back from this shape it's going to get real crazy in here there's no okay sorry i'm sorry sheep you have to die oh okay still give mutton though yeah it still gives money in here behind you though so i want to try these potions they are all evil there's no good potions nope they just make the mobs into glorious creatures field of animals you should tell us on the cow let's see what it does to the cow uh is it a local lunar seem too excited too hello there oh friendly cow not anymore oh no no no no okay that's too violent ah okay can you fish be lisa come on oh wait you can't aim no fishes are fine they don't become either the water dilutes the effects that's true but we just wasted a bunch of potions on them yeah we did beehive are you sure you want to make that be uh lisa give me a potion all right here you go to be so cute though hello these are scary and stinging there's one everybody on that one oh the beast it's look at it it's nice [Laughter] oh no okay bees are the scariest one let's go to the water yeah bees are really eating squids no way there's noise squids no yeah it looks like underwater mobs are just chill um the bees are still hide just hide gold come on get down here oh my gosh b go away you're crazy babies can swim what they're not gonna chill okay ah how can a little pig be scary hello you are so cute don't do it i'm calling it porky gold that's so embarrassing you kind of deserve that is that a pistol yeah okay thank you i don't i don't like that i don't like the way i didn't i didn't like that one yeah that pig looks scary wait chicken oh chocolate chickens look leaf yes that's way too many chickens you know what we should group all the chickens up and then throw the potion on it all right chickens you want some seeds angry chickens we could get some seeds for you and we'll take a hole for them chicken chicken use the pit hello chicken my little chicken yes rainbow group them together are you ready chickens chickens chickens come here let's all put them in this hole here this is such a small idea that's smart funny that's genius a hole for the chickens get in the hall here some seeds for you two chickens with a splash oh my gosh those guns oh oh no no snipers aren't that strong they are whoa oh well all of us uh just died good job high five look at that field down there full of peaceful mobs no horses i'm gonna go tame them you're gonna tame it okay oh yeah go ahead and tame it draco yes i wanna see what a lethal horse looks like tame it first see your horse he betrays you so far out of all of these mobs the chicken has to be the scariest oh yeah deadly small chickens we're friends it's horrifying no no no no wait i don't want to respawn all these items no no please please i took the wait till you're done stop throwing the potion just run just run why would you do that get out of here chicken potions wait they're killing each other oh my gosh they're unalive each other run get out get the house coming the cow's coming right oh yo all right cow you can't go up the mountain right even though you're on two legs oh it's done for luna even though i shoot you with the lethal arrow wait oh i'm so bad nah nothing happens to you nothing happened it's nightfall it's when the mobs get scarier the scary mobs come out how scary can skeletons become lethal it already is oh well that was unsuspenseful you just wasted your potion dracco wow what a beautiful biome of flowers it's a garden no no no no no no not the chickens just leave leave okay the chickens are the scariest just leave the stuff we don't need the diamond sword we don't need it just leave them eat the potions zombie you're all ready no no no no no no no just run just run yeah he's gonna die i'm on creative now and i'm gonna see if the rest of you guys can survive a little small kitty look look oh of course we can yeah okay okay turn evil no way he holds him with his legs you're having lots of fun and all but here they have machine guns let's play a game guys just go hide wait can you hide in the house and survive from these lethal that's a good point i'm gonna hide in here stay in there everyone to the house if i can make it in time you guys pretty comfy in there yeah why we're safe in here we love pandas right i do i do like pandas and you love pandas eating bamboo right even cuter look at that [Music] the kitty's down there and all the kitties going together oh no it's just a baby villager it can't be dangerous right yeah stop saying that and then you guys always and then you guys okay we understand that the villagers are very violent but my but what about oh god no no oh the golem is always friendly never bad how about a donkey and a meal not scary not until now oh he's crying on us that's the most horrifying they're scary i heard the parrot can talk to you see rainbow's the parrot and they say what's up scary oh wait what is that oh that was cool it was a baby tnt again no again cool wait what if we do this okay wow gold you're so excited so excited ow rainbow you look like you're having fun over there no no no no no no so lethal parrots are very lethal that's all we need to know but our rabbit's lethal dracco cute little bunnies no oh wait they're not scary no no no no they're hitting you with carrots they're kung fu rabbits no they're slow they're slow they can't catch me they can't catch me you know i can't catch you draco ah oh my god turtles are peaceful and slow even if they're lethal they can't hurt us right that's true dracula just fight the ninja turtle why are you scared attack dragon the ninja turtle is not even scary smallest creature on land wait they don't fight wait oh wait they're peaceful guys pizza sir [Music] [Laughter] guys spawning mobs is fun and everything but we should kick it up a notch so okay one diamond one diamond one diamonds one diamond why are you giving me a diamond holding bets what's this for you're in the middle of the forest the last person to stay alive with the diamond against the lethal mob wins the diamond sound cool you mean win totally okay ready set run start moving no don't go over me bad wolf wait whoa rainbow meet a strider whoa oh no no rainbow oh my gosh jack was out please go oh no are you safe luna no no gotta run get her luna's actually running okay luna i am the tree walker what about bats what if you give her backs look it's a fox now it's ring i'm sorry okay that was rags i'm sorry lena you're the smartest golds we're sealing you up aye aye keep me safe in here can we have a window so we can see what's happening yeah we're gonna see if you can survive these lethal foxes of course i can oh they're going never mind i have to put them in a hole just give me a second please do not dig a hole under me lethal foxes they sound so cute whoa they're angry why aren't you all going the wrong way yeah i'm going to go creative i think they they really like you oops wrong i have meat for you whoa oh that was close that was close but i survived obsidian is the strongest how about wolves gold yeah totally yeah so it turns out that obsidian structure nothing can take gold down approve that i hear a lot yeah they're all over so they're trying to get in they really want to kill them who did that um whoa the last three lethal mobs we have not tried yet is the wandering trader oh that already looks scared rainbow this is you as a mob very tight people oh my friends they're not even hurting rainbow the true ruler not because i'm on creative or anything we created an arena and we're going to see whose mob will out yup out unlike the other mobs yeah yeah i choose villagers my villager will win you got this villager don't worry i got b go straighter i choose the most powerful are you afraid of it the chicken hurt each other right no hey that's two beats hey i the other one flew back in this is the most unsuspenseful arena i think one of us has to be honest okay someone has to get smacked by one you are lethal hurry really you my horse yeah bite each other oh already done the b is so unfair it's floating okay let's trigger them what boom okay thank you strider hi chilby draco can you tell your b to come down b and fight like a true mob bees um oh no bee's leaving he's out of here okay go live your freebie life he doesn't want to fight they're forfeiting all right get ready for the final battle between strider and chicken luna's gonna make strider explode chicken i bet one chick two do this three oh strider one oh no why leave a comment down below on what was your favorite lethal mob mine was chicken do you know what your prize is for winning lunar what go into this hole why are you thinking yes it's the winner's halloween come on go ahead let's go in on survival going all the way to the bottom on survival no you're just hurting them now oh wait they died
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 3,080,075
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: itsfunneh, funneh, funny moments, funny, krew, krew plays, gaming, games, minecraft, minecraft games, minecraft gameplay, minecraft series, minecraft episodes, minecraft krew, minecraft itsfunneh, minecraft funneh, minecraft funny moments, minecraft funny, minecraft funny games, no cursing, no swearing, minecraft potions, minecraft cursed mod, minecraft cursed, cursed minecraft, minecraft mobs, minecraft cursed mobs
Id: dGyXtMFUqdw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 54sec (954 seconds)
Published: Sun May 09 2021
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