Escape From The Dream & Nightmare World - Minecraft

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whoa huh huh what hang on i just woke up from a nightmare wait where am i strange how did we get here i think maybe we work here this is where we work yeah we were napping in the middle of the work day i had the weirdest nightmare really i did too oh well i guess we're wide awake now that guy said we can go home let's leave i don't feel so good sounds good let's take the elevator okay time to go home yep time to go home the janitor's cleaning up thank you janitor don't work too hard hold on huh do we even know our home address or how we're supposed to get there i've never been to this world this guy's trying to help us he told me that it's the big house at the end of the road apparently it's made out of oak i guess that's where we live i wonder what it's like let's go we should go look for it all right this way mikey huh he said the house at the end of the road but which road is it it's dark out hurry these houses are all pretty big wait is it that one mikey what do you think it must be it's made of oak let's go this is it what's it like yes let's call it a night i'll turn the lights on we're home um this is nice okay time for bed i bet the bedrooms are on the second floor what a nice house a paper fell what is it huh what's this oh a shower oh great lights on i'll shower before bed go for it check it out a nice shower this house is great yeah you're right that's a toilet let's go to bed mikey okay i'm so tired i can't keep my eyes open well good night sweet dreams you too what's going on i think we're we must be in another dream we're on some sort of ship come with me mikey i'm going to the deck it sounds like something's going on up there what this way what's going on hurry yikes we're under attack really so those are pirates no way the captain he saved us that's a pirate ship are they the enemy oh no they're shooting at us get to safety firing human cannonballs at us i think it's time to take out our swords good idea they're tough get over me well yes stop it hey yes we did it we took him out now then oh let's load up the cannons with cannonballs there we go hit the pirate ship take this pirates take them down i will let's send them to the decks wow awesome whoa it didn't do that much is it a happy ending for us not quite wait what whoa what did they shoot at us a squig it's attacking us oh mikey's down don't worry i'm back what's going on uh-oh i can't see run we need to wake up take it out then okay i got this leave it to me nice nice this is one tough squid i know oh it's down i did it i think that squid was the pirate captain now what that's not good it looks like the enemy's cannons are loaded and ready to fire you're kidding really whoa i'm hit huh hang on i think our ship is going down mikey wait seriously quick we have to wake up come on jj we're sinking that's not good unless maybe this is how we wake up from our weird dream yeah great [Music] another dream apparently this is the laboratory for this dr graham guy let's see i think he's trying to figure out how to make pigs fly he says the baby pig's name is gizmo gizmo that's cute dr graham says this machine can shrink a person down to go inside his patients organs and extract different objects yeah his patient ate a sponge instead of cheese that's rough that's why we're going inside we'll shrink down go inside grab the sponge and get out come on let's help them out what was that i think it's ready see you later gizmo time for us to shrink down whoa we're shrinking mikey whoa huh did we really just shrink down into a village or stomach this is pretty disgusting is this stomach acid oh it is get somewhere dry before we melt how does it fall off you what do we do now dr graham says he's gonna give some medicine to open a hole in the villagers intestines how come are we supposed to go through the hole what's going on oh look that's the medicine the villager just drank huh what exactly does it do hmm whoa it's draining really cool no kidding what a weird dream very weird what oh there's a hole here is it supposed to be there maybe that's the path we take to get to the intestines we better get down there as soon as we can to look around for the sponge that the villager ate let's go ouch we're in the intestines hurry i don't see a sponge anywhere look around the walls are getting tighter let's get that sponge then get out of here this place is kind of gross yeah yuck where is it i see it no kidding a sponge a sponge huh it's wedged in pretty tight come on mikey we're almost out of time what we're going to return to our normal sizes soon there's no time to waste uh oh let's clear it and go we need to escape as soon as possible i really want to wake up from this weird nightmare before it gets any weirder me too i want to wake up yes yes yes done yep now let's go okay this way huh uh hold on mikey don't go there wait it's the exit whoa trust me mikey wrong way what just happened i think that means we have to leave from the top end not the bottom oh i see let's go oh we're free and ender pearl i guess we use this try it hmm we're back oh what are we in the stomach again yeah it looks like it [Music] hold on what was that noise he's taking more medicine what now seriously oh here it comes what's it gonna do this time maybe it'll wake us up now that we helped this is a better ending than the last dream we're shaking what's all that about the entire stomach is rumbling for some reason we're floating to the top i think this is supposed to launch us out from the villager's mouth nice we should be at the mouth soon right hey i see the teeth and there's the lab yay we're free yeah oh huh huh we're out amazing we did it great hmm hey mikey gizmo's missing wait what's happening to us i'm not sure we're probably waking up hurry we did pretty good [Music] what what's this a dream i mean the tunnel i'm not sure where we are i think we're supposed to go right sure i have a bad feeling that we'll run into trouble if we go left okay huh i want to get out of here i'm ready to wake up oh is this the way out i think it's an air duct someone's supposed to remove the cover for us but i'm not sure who it is [Music] oh we're in ouch huh what kind of dream is this i think we're in a museum really wait a minute mikey i think we're robbing the place for real i think so some mysterious person sent us on this mission wow they're saying we need to find a stick with a star on the end maybe then we can wake up yeah let's find this stick where should we look first what's in here nothing not here are these chickens something's not right what's this supposed to be space no stick yet look at this big open space wow there's so much treasure whoa is it one of these things those are weapons wow cool oh an emerald treasure this is it there's the star yeah there's glass smash it there it's open the person is telling me to be careful with the stick because it's an antique got it whoa next yeah we're supposed to put it in the center well we did it nice huh what now is that it something is supposed to happen but what hold on will it wake us up huh what the the light is moving toward the star maybe we'll wake up from this crazy dream i sure hope so huh well huh are we waking up what's that i don't know whoa whoa it's a portal amazing it looks like it leads somewhere strange this has to be the thing that wakes us up right a gateway out of our nightmares let's give it a shot go hmm that's weird we're definitely still stuck inside a dream this place is scary so many guardians i think that elder guardian is trying to talk to us wait mikey that stick with the star on the end belonged to him he's furious can we give it back this is bad we're sorry we were just following orders all we wanted to do was to wake up whoa look out the fish are flying really uh-oh what's happening they're merging seriously how's that possible huh what whoa they fused the guardians merged with the elder guardian what now hang on a second this is bad we gotta stop it he's really angry sorry hey i got one nice shot get him he says there's no way to escape one more down nice what do we do if we can't escape i think we have to beat it huh did we take it down hang on are we gonna wake up no is that it oh gizmo oh the elder guardian huh is that gizmo but i thought gizmo was a pig he came to save us thank you he turned into a unicorn gizmo is our new best friend thanks gizmo now then oh the portal we need to hurry out of here before the elder guardian wakes up it's time for us to wake up from this dream [Music] huh cool we're finally awake hmm we made it back home right wait i don't think this is our house this isn't where we fell asleep last night you're right oh man so we're still trapped this is another dream what's that weird i know what's he saying oh hang on what's this a bunch of sponges appeared when i stepped on the water no way wow come on let's see where this goes sure i bet it leads to something yeah let's go wait oh what's that it fell from the sky strange super strange let's keep moving all right hey there's a cow charging at us what that was odd yeah i'd say this is our weirdest dream yet it's like an amusement park it's more interesting than scary it's kind of fun see that something popped up yeah let's keep moving mikey this dream is awesome i wouldn't mind staying in here for a while oh it's shot at us gizmo really what was that he's gone is something wrong with him maybe what's up here who knows whoa yikes is that a giant zombie looks like it careful how do we get out whoa look at all those cute sheep oh sheep they're being attacked by wolves i hope they're okay i wonder what's at the end of the river me too i hope it's a way out of these dreams i think it's a dead end it's telling us to go back maybe we should head back then i guess so so that's how it ended i thought we'd find a way to wake up huh that was weird what's going on is everything we just saw happening in reverse huh oh check it out the big zombie is hiding what's next [Applause] [Music] oh gizmo gizmo yeah what's going on his time going backward or something no way this thing again i'm confused what's gonna happen to us when we reach the start will things be normal i hope so it's the cow again whoa but this time it was a mooshroom instead of a regular cow you're right huh what was all that about we're almost back you mean at the starting house was that there before uh i'm not sure case what's it supposed to be hey are we waking up wait what we're still not awake where are we uh i don't know this is bizarre i think we're locked up for real there are iron bars here is that a visitor's desk hmm weird i think they're visiting is this a prison [Music] hang on what they're the prisoners we're the guards oh are you serious yeah we're guards let's see the prisoners it's our job all good yep they're all here hey this one's empty really he's gone how uh what oh no way whoa the bed flew at me there was a tunnel under here the prisoner made a break for it that's not good we have to find him right come on sure this way we have to capture him wait a second mikey why these lead to other beds it's worse than we thought he wasn't the only prisoner who escaped find them all this is terrible i bet we're gonna get yelled at for this this is where they got out here what something's happening [Music] what we need to get these prisoners back down follow my lead maybe we'll wake up after this maybe if we stop all these prisoners from escaping jail we'll be able to escape from our dream that's gotta be it time to wake up is it finally over hm why'd we come back no wait it's the same are we stuck in a loop this is horrible maybe something is different i sure hope so let's see huh shoot that guy was here last time so far it's all the same are we trapped in some sort of time loop no way huh let's keep going jj it's different never mind it's all the same we're still in the dream if we're trapped in an endless loop we might never be able to wake up oh looks like the prisoner's gone again whoa huh what where are we now what is going on what's the dream now huh that's not good what tornado tornado oh no we can't stay here right so let's try to find a shelter mikey we're going to a shelter this way oh i don't like this dream what a twister run is that barn gonna be okay i'm scared this must be our house get in is our shelter underground which way i can't find it i can't either keep looking where is it not here what do we do check outside okay oh mikey it's outside don't leave me behind i'm scared there's a button i'm pushing the button before the tornado catches us whoa amazing it's a secret passage yeah hurry come on we made it phew that's a relief the tornado can't get to us here wait hold on a second i have some bad news mikey i left my phone back at the barn i have to go get it no jg i really need that phone it's dangerous out there be careful i feel like the tornado is pulling me in hurry and grab your phone i think i can make it oh i didn't make it wow i'm flying huh are we standing on a cloud we're so high whoa check out our jumps mikey no way i lost mikey hey that's pretty cool since we have massive jumps we can hop from cloud to cloud whoa where do we go from here this dream is really mysterious it's weird oh i reached the last cloud and gizmo here really no gizmo come back what happened i don't know he just vanished i'm not sure why but i hope we wake up yeah what's this hang on this might be the legendary creeper temple let's investigate sure hey look huh we're trapped uh-oh the path is blocked i'd really like to wake up now don't worry about it mikey according to the old legend yeah there are three keys hidden around the temple we need to collect them all and bring them to the ancient tomb let's go find them oh hang on mikey i found one nice job it was just sitting there two left i found one where here oh that's the second one only one more to go up here wow you're climbing the wall hey i found it sweet that was easy now then is this the tomb i'll toss the keys in one two three whoa why is all that light shooting out hmm will it wake us up i hope that would be great whoa that was a massive explosion it didn't end the dream are we supposed to go down there probably let's go i wonder we made it ouch what's this it looks like some sort of maze let's go let's try random turns to start with i don't want to get lost in here okay hold on i found something look oh no kidding it's a lever let's flip it what happened i don't know oh well let's keep looking around for now sounds good is there anything down here no what one sec whoa look the exit we found it now we can wake up from these dreams [Music] what's that he says his name is the creeper king wow a charge you might want to take a step back good point the stuff he's saying is kind of creeping me out he wants us to answer his riddle in order to get out of here alive i just want to wake up left is die right is live then die huh so either way we die no fair i guess we should pick liv then die good choice that was the right answer now he wants us to do some math equation but how come the numbers keep changing i don't know huh what does that mean hey is it time to wake up yeah this is a really long dream oh are we back i don't think so this looks like the end ah we didn't fall asleep here we were in that oak house remember i thought we were finally back i wonder why we're at the end there's no ender dragon it's so peaceful [Music] oh there it is the ender dragon it says that no one has ever set foot here and survived oh no what's happening the ender dragon nightmare is bizarre off what is it why is the ender dragon glowing hang on whoa gizmo that's not gizmo it's zombie gizmo real gizmo's gone no way hold on mikey he must have turned into a bad guy when the cloud took a hold of him really oh gizmo what now he's a good guy who turned evil we have to take him down okay attack him maybe we'll wake up after whoa what why does this keep happening when can we wake up what's that is that sand huh no way he's spawning blazes oh get him all right yes yes i got the blaze now for gizmo my vet will wake up when this is an over creeper is following me it's following you come save me got it thanks almost i wanna wake up yes yeah good let's finish him off whoa finally we won for real this time yay there's another enemy here are you okay how many things do we have to defeat there just let us go already seriously this could be bad is that the last of gizmo did we beat him is it over will we wake up please huh huh i guess not gizmo's back but he's a skeleton no no no no that's not fair let's do this he's super tough and there's no health bar so we have no idea how long it'll take oh man hey we did it nice we won i feel kind of bad for gizmo if only that cloud hadn't turned an evil time to wake up oh this time it's for real a portal just opened i think we'll wake up from the dream if we go through here was gizmo behind all of this from the start we defeated him so now we can leave let's go yes whoa is this the part where we wake up of course it must be yes well are we awake huh if you enjoyed today's adventure make sure to like and subscribe plus you can check us out on twitter instagram and tick tock whenever you want with the links in the corner thanks for watching see you next time
Channel: Maizen
Views: 17,749,605
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Maizen
Id: ia2LGPaxTHU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 29sec (1589 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 18 2022
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