I Tried to Survive Nightmare Island - LifeDrain Minecraft Survival Ep. 1

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how long can I survive in this nightmare of a mod pack that I created I took my nightmare Island mod pack and tossed some more horror-like mods into it now I didn't test it so many of the things I come across are going to be completely new to me and considering how difficult and chaotic some of these mobs are I included a mod that takes away one of my hearts permanently when I die making it progressively harder the more times I perish and when I lose my last heart it's all over so yeah this series is gonna get interesting gotta get that wood oh my gosh why did I make six crafting tables because so I can go like this gosh what do I do this why do I do this take this I know I'm not using an ax but I'm not making a wooden ax okay all right we'll just we'll just stop that argument here wasting time making an ax all right Stone that's not Stone that's gravel I knew that oh it's getting some B getting spooky okay get a furnace get uh an ax get a sword and uh this should be good yeah I think nice to get some coal but I don't I'm gonna get that oh come on let me out oh my gosh what am I doing I've got time to horse around oh my gosh why is there Soul Sand is this what I gotta deal with oh my gosh Shadow what are you doing what are you what are you doing see you later yeah I'll just leave that table because I mean I don't necessarily need it so I don't need to take it I gotta be careful because things can still spawn during the day I think I don't like this place already want some building blocks you know okay so I'm looking for a village possibly if we have Villages I'm pretty sure I do gosh it's so spooky why why you gotta be like that oh my gosh the Soul Sand is gonna get old really quick like super quick oh are those guys invisible uh okay they are where are they coming from oh what's this what is that well um I'm not going that way no thank you I gotta find shelter man I'm running out of food got no armor I got invisible archers I guess really surrounding oh my gosh the sun's going down and I have nothing I have not a thing oh yeah by the way did I tell you I can't sleep it's not allowed yeah so that's gonna be fun look at that who's Moss and dude hiding a tree I might actually to hide in the tree yeah I'm actually in trouble actually you know what I'm gonna dig in here let's make a little cave um I need a door give me a door could use some um Some Coal though that would be good give me just one please why doesn't need to make those sounds why not necessary not scaring me there's got to be coal around here somewhere that making this place too big I'll have something spawning in here with me we don't want that ah [Applause] what was that oh my heart gosh I need coal oh that's dirt am I really not gonna find coal this is not good I don't want this so big actually you know what here here here we'll do this um or we won't we won't we won't do that we won't wait hold on yes we will oh come on all right let's give my heart a chance to calm down I would greatly appreciate it if you took the time to subscribe if you want to keep up with other videos or anything else also hit that Bell because I'm not gonna lie we do some uh pretty cool things here now where did we leave off oh yeah right here oh my gosh what is that that's one of those grave guys he can actually summon like Undead mobs in here which is not good but I'm actually more worried about whatever's screaming above me gave me a heart attack twice already ah that scared me go away no I'm running out of food too why am I not finding coal this is insane okay diorite whatever that stuff is called I am going to starve to death oh my gosh I don't I don't know what to do I don't know what to do just just wait it out I guess I can't no stay back we'll summon the undead in here or they'll probably break down my door too either one whichever comes first like am I am I really in a hole right now on the very first night digging for coal am I really having that much of a problem it's ridiculous this is ridiculous thank you now I hope I didn't I was gonna say if I burnt if I burnt all my wood I would not be happy because I know I know okay listen I know I can get charcoal I just wasn't thinking okay just didn't think it happens all right all right this is my last pickaxe they're above me 100 above me I'll take the stone why not still night time the grave guy nope nope nope nope ah oh my gosh what is going on is that a creeper what is what going on right now are they fighting each other no no no I'm gonna hide in the corner just like this gonna stay right here not moving till the sun comes up I'm gonna starve can I eat moss I don't think you need Moss oh place it down though you guys thought I was really trying to eat moss you're so silly okay just uh chilling in a hole waiting for the sun to come up hearing explosions and creepy growls you know a normal Saturday night like if there's something above me I'm not gonna be able to run the sun's coming up I'm excited not really because that means I have to leave and there's something above me I hear Do you hear it it's right there all right um gonna make a break for it I think I'm running I'm running I'm running I'm gonna try to run you're good you're good I need food and I need food bad there is no passive mobs in here what is going on with this now what is this take the gold can I take the gold no I need iron I don't have iron I need I need food I need food um is there any red mushrooms oh my gosh look at that no careful [Music] you want to fall why am I playing this why am I doing this to myself I can't stop looking around what am I hearing red mushroom I don't think I can just eat brown mushrooms by themselves what about this blue one [Music] ah I'd even go for some rotten flesh is there any fish in here hello veggies there's a fish [Music] it's a swamp well there's a house right there it's a witch's Hut ow I don't got the health to be doing that I mean I don't got the food hello oh there's a witch right there um nope I come in peace I come in peace please how do I get in here yeah oh he's not he's not looking at me no stand there gosh why why is so hard to kill [Music] oh my gosh do you seriously have nothing in here did I pick up anything a scroll of swamp wishes describing a few simple rights okay well what is it what is it it doesn't it doesn't it doesn't say anything what am I doing Okay so um I killed witch there's nothing in this Hut because I don't think there is what am I gonna eat okay I'm gonna try to eat one of these yeah I can't can I eat one of these can't eat one of those either [Music] um let's make a bowl and let's just see let's let's just see foreign [Music] okay um this is not good does this go right up oh oh oh oh oh please please [Music] oh I got beetroot soup I can do that I can eat that I'll take that thank you very much torch back wow good thing I kind of looked up because I was like you know what that looks like it can go up a little more I bet you there's a hidden compartment up there I was right yeah I'm not getting food over there that's for sure where's the sun okay so we're about halfway through the day I still don't got food and I'm still running for some reason [Music] we're all the fish oh is that a piranha can I get food off this guy come here hey you come here [Music] why why why what was that oh you stand I don't understand okay piranhas listen where'd you go I don't want to be in here with them hello come here you're supposed to be wanting to eat me right come on [Music] what are you guys doing I I'm messing around with piranhas here are they piranhas are they just a dumb fish okay just a dumb fish I guess they give me oh no it was a piranha can I can I cook it why are they not trying to eat me isn't that what piranhas do okay where'd the other one go now can't see oh right here oh there's a couple there's a couple well you are the most non-threatening piranhas I have ever seen wow okay um I'm gonna stay at the witch's Hut tonight I'm not going out I'm gonna see if I can cook these things so if I can that would be good how do I get them out can we not do that how do I get them out I don't want them to burn oh okay so they just they just come out oh it's actually not bad it's not they're actually not bad food actually decent okay those fish one more piranha and now I can just chill I feel like actually you know what that's probably a bad idea let's not block the only way I have out but you know what we can do because I know this hurts plant this bugger right here so anyone tries to get in that flower will hurt them so wither Rose or whatever it's called wither flower okay so I got a weird scroll don't know what it's for don't really care well what are you sir don't look that scary [Music] is that what is that [Music] it's long and lanky [Music] oh my gosh it killed something I can't tell what that is the Vine's in the way are you friendly can't tell what it is oh I know those guys oh not those guys again they give you the blindness [Music] oh zombie could have used you the other night oh no no no no oh wait is that what is that thing go away you're not wanted here no seriously what is that thing [Music] a normal spider what is that thing going behind Okay okay okay I'm uh doing great doing great I don't know what I think come on over guys come on you'll be all right we'll get stuck out no no you how are you hitting me [Music] oh no oh my gosh you hit me you hit me through the wall what am I doing that leaks things right at the door I'm surrounded all right daytime you can uh come come around anytime now that would be great ow come here I take that well still still night time eh that is slime oh my gosh we're only halfway through the night seriously what is that thing where'd You Go zombie you go inside no okay uh nope stay there you little troll come on then Oh no you're coming now ah okay it's fine it's fine it's fine I don't got the Wither rose right there anymore so they can get me no problem I see you be hissing at me all right ow [Music] he hit me through the wall I don't think he can get in here Kenny no no thank you what are you are you gonna help me excuse me sir excuse me sir can you help me please huh nope nope yes take him out please oh is he actually fighting them oh dude get him get them come on use your stick oh my gosh really okay okay before I run out here I want to make sure I don't set off every single mob that's around here foreign hello slime what's up oh sorry oh look at you oh oh wait where did he go where'd he go oh he's right there nice nice how do you like that [Music] I see you but I'm not fighting you I don't got time okay I gotta find a place back into the creepy Forest I have to remember that things can still spawn sis what is that oh oh is it a house it's got a gate I like that it's got a wall what is this I can find a way in what in the world oh oh this is a graveyard okay yeah I'll take I'll take that it's not that bad take this oh my gosh there's wither skulls why is there wither skulls really cobwebs ceramics Soul torch I don't eat any of that it's gonna leave that right where it is [Music] a little Vantage Point old sword I don't know why I got excited about that but anyway [Music] fell from my own trap well not really my own trap I just set a flower up so the mobs have run into it but anyway what's going on in here I'm hearing bones rattling I don't like it those scale that's a wither skeleton yeah you are not welcome here can't even get out the door oh wait oh just slowly coming down okay how many are in there oh I can get through but he can't oh wait you can't get through the door no no no no no no no yeah there's a spawner somewhere okay there is a spotter somewhere so I'm going to go up see if I can find it all right where's the spawner that is spawner no that's a boss phase where's your spawner dude let me know foreign don't want to tell me gosh you're annoying not going down I don't know where it's at where is it oh there's a lot of stuff in these any other stuff in that out of here boots oh Shield anything else in here that I want Wither Skull that might come in handy maybe there wasn't a spawner okay whatever oh wow okay I got like barely any of my sword left but I do have iron I just don't have any treat or wood there I'll take this wood there iron sword perfect okay so since night time it's pretty much on its way let's uh light this place up just a little bit oh wait these things have stuff in it oh that was a lot of stuff oh cool right on oh my gosh look at that what in the world I will take all of this gosh this is crazy I just gotta hurry up it's turning night time stuff in the graves oh there is okay this isn't as good are there chests and all though there is okay that's cool I can get down with that I really should be going in I want to check these real quick or go anywhere chanting book blast protection corrosive never heard of it oh nice that's good you know what this isn't that bad I mean sharpness five wow okay I'm gonna oh my gosh it's like really dark out I need I need a door preferably let's do that you know what cook up the gold and you know what I'm actually going to use this clock I think it I think it will be good I think wait are they back there's got to be a spawner let me see here where what is that creepers just creeping around look at them look at them look at them just just creeping around kind of dreading whenever the Banshee start coming back I haven't seen one yet thankfully I'm gonna go out and be brave I'm gonna try to be brave actually I wanna loot the rest of the graves hey man high five oh whoops my bad pumpkin seeds and I'd rather have melons if there's melons who's there I heard you growling there's a lot of you in here now come on yeah okay where is the spawner at it's gonna drive me nuts oh well look at that sneaky is there any more is that it might be one on this side Maybe doesn't look like there's any pillars oh another chest not bad oh emeralds which is good if I find a village but I don't know if there is any villages hey you oh no oh no no no yes I think it was actually gonna come after me no thank you I see you why do you sound really close where are ya sounded like he was in here oh wait wait wait wait wait there's more Graves over here okay no I meant to do that oh you scared me oh okay that didn't take much all right is there any more just one okay I think that's it ow where'd you come from Direction was I going anyway this way I think oh look growled at me where are you come on out actually don't don't come out I don't want to fight you what is with all the Redstone or the uh red torches what is this whatever it is I'll take the gold I don't mind doing that actually you know what I feel like I should have let that on fire but I don't I don't have a flint and steel anyway so I guess I'm not I gotta get high I mean I gotta get up high uh I can't see anything down here and oh Soul Sand again right okay all right go around it I feel like I've been running for miles oh those are mushrooms okay piranhas they didn't they didn't go after me last time you guys aren't scary at all look just like that I don't know my piranhas must be broken I couldn't tell you is it just a mushroom place this is like a statue or something point of Interest [Music] nothing maybe hold on hold on oh I knew it I knew it oh punch too wow that's good take that okay night time's coming and I got no place to go um what is that what is that [Music] what get in somewhere go in here get a hide there look at me I'm not scared not one bit I like to know why those trees have no tops ah look at that look at that Sunrise I mean the sunset this is why I wanted to come in this hole so I could enjoy this in peace not because I'm scared no way do I have any wood wait what did I did I not notice that oh I came in from over here so I didn't even I didn't even notice that that was there okay well I'm going over I don't see why not oh okay all right okay okay okay get off my back oh no what is this that's a spider no no oh my gosh oh my gosh gosh oh get out of here bird [Music] good thing these piranhas don't bite me Josh that thing was freaky get out of here ah okay well it's a good thing I had my uh totem okay why am I going back out foreign [Music] oh my gosh I get it I get it nope oh my gosh he's gonna kill me they're all around me what is that I'm gonna I'm gonna release in the uh Wither on you oh oh oh okay you come after me now [Music] come here I'll Chomp you like on me come on oh hey slime what's up actually don't mind seeing you I went over there I went over there I don't care I can do it just go and swim piranhas were really bugging me before I don't even worry about it just find the entrance no there's that spider thing again nope get away what is that thing what is that thing [Music] that's a dog oh God I feel bad that's not a spider thing yeah get him get him oh oh my gosh that's weird no he can climb no stay down foreign [Music] why is everything climbing oh it's one of those things okay I think I'm clear let's go let's go let's go oh my gosh okay oh that scared me I thought this thing was uh [Music] I thought that was a mob hello hello gotta light this place up how long this thing's creepy I mean this might be a pretty good spot to stay actually you know what I'm offloading these books here oh because if I do die um at least I'll have it I gotta find a bed maybe there's a bed around here somewhere and then I can I can uh make my spawn point oh is that okay I thought that was active I'm so freaked out [Music] where are these pillagers at okay good good I got a spawn point nice experience out there but I don't want to go for it [Music] what what is that [Music] what is that who oh my gosh there's four of them up here excuse me guys um just uh just wondering if uh we can be friends or maybe not ah you guys are stuck can't you can't get me you can't get me wait why is there why is there more gosh I don't like the sound of any of this guys some kind of a I don't know a group a boy band oh thanks ow why am I why am I hurt oh I'm bleeding okay whoa gotta be a spawner up here there's a spawner in here where is it oh no no well okay at least I was um oh at least I was here that sucks I'm gonna get my stuff back [Music] thing I don't want got my helmet back I guess go oh this is not good I gotta get this back I died right at the back here there's a hole in the other other side I got Shadow don't even don't even worry about it just get out not worth it did I lose anything where are my boots I think I lost my boots oh man well down two hearts that's that's that's awesome um perfect why why is this what is this thing why is this here thunderstorm of course it's a thunderstorm okay do I got enough light in here though like seriously what is going on here is that what that was a secret compartment it was too okay what's in it oh okay the other right are ancient debris okay I'll take that right on I don't know if there's a spawner or what like I can't anyway as I was saying I don't know if there's a spawner or what up there I can't seem to find one but then again I haven't had much time to do so you buggers they hit hard too you Howard you're gonna you're gonna stay right there and um you're gonna scare anybody that tries to come in okay there not impressed shouldn't have went up there twice I was being an idiot now I got eight hearts and I can't get them back there's no way to get Hearts back that's it once it's done silver okay I want to venture downstairs might be something interesting in there I don't like that I don't like that one bit oh Howard you scared me buddy looks like it's working I I wasn't I wasn't really scared of just I'm just trying to make him feel better you know okay uh you know what you know what Howard I'm gonna actually give you a friend here there oh you don't have any shoes on here you go buddy put some pants on I mean I'm not against having a little mob firm okay I might be able to get behind this the only thing is the upstairs addict is open to the outside and they're falling down somewhere so I gotta block it up and I think it's right here yep do it I knew it good thing you guys don't know how to open doors at least I don't think you know how to open doors here give me my wood oh no no no no no no no no no no no don't go out there not out there okay I'm Legit scared guys I don't know what to do okay there's something around here every time I go on the staircase it's there so you look at them they're all over the place I gotta find something down here is there anything creepy in here I shouldn't be down here I I tell you I really should not be down here doing it there's more of you down here okay well I'm not opening that door that's what you think I will do this though look at them all why is there so many of you there's spawner down here it'd be kind of nice to get rid of you guys I don't like it in here although I mean they're good for experience I guess but then I would have to listen to you all the time oh it kind of looks like a cool room though but I'm not going in there no way [Music] there's something over there but I'm too scared to go in okay I'm Gonna Leave I don't know what I wanted to do okay I'm Gonna Leave This here okay dudes where is that monster at oh hello what's that patient number two oh well hello here let me get rid of this monster for you patient number two don't run away okay all right don't run away you can get out but don't run away go pick up a job if you can I'll get rid of this monster what are you doing you're free get out of here you crazy bugger try to take care of this fella yeah anytime thank you it's good okay patient number I'm assuming one this is going in numerical order I'm out there sir you're free don't worry about those guys they're they're not very nice okay there there you go guys oh how do you get out why [Music] I don't like that sound do not like that sound what is going on what is that sound so confused I don't want to go out [Music] whoa are you that sound oh my gosh you sound angry I still gotta fix that window I'm gonna do this quick okay so there's the window [Music] so that means nobody no more should come down please anyway hello [Music] foreign okay so they're mostly down there oh well if you can climb I'm not taking the chance no way I don't like you guys so many of these it's all right come on come and get your free hits I can't believe you guys took two of my hearts two of my hearts are you stuck come on up come on up oh you probably can't because the trap door there you come up now okay stay on there then whatever okay so it's night time this is great this is awesome I'm probably in the worst house I can probably be in this is great this is awesome I don't know where to go are they still falling out to close that off oh scared me do that don't feel comfortable with any of this okay we're going down we don't like that hello Mr monster dude come here come here oh they're like really weak though gosh I don't know can they get up there you're kind of ugly not gonna lie but you're you're weak and I like that who hit me oh right there [Music] oh my gosh fine I won't go that way easy as that I will not go that way I'll go this way I'm digging for diamonds [Music] what was that I don't even know if I'm gonna like going down into a cave ooh iron your water should be getting close oh there's a water coming from here that would be the place I'm gonna regret this I'm gonna so regret this okay that's not bad is that something that's something I don't know what it is though I can't tell oh no it's just water oh hey gosh silly me foreign [Music] goes right up [Music] there come get me now come here guys I'll fight just I want to get that water that's why come here [Music] come on it's all right [Music] what is going on white foreign you guys were one hit like two minutes ago I don't understand no no no okay before it was like one hit for those guys what's going on I don't think my sword was enchanted is it because of this guy are you like the ringleader you get the morale up come on okay there see now they're one hit oh it's definitely him then okay that's a really good mechanic to know so there's light up there not going up there just yet okay oh no no he can go through one by one no blow your smoke on me all right it's not bad pretty good pretty good safe safe and take this wood just in case I need it for sticks I have a feeling I'm going to my gosh this girl's so far so freaked out let's block this for now I will venture and look around it's not right yet no no no no no no no no no no no I gotta steal your clothes there buddy so annoying okay I gotta get back quickly oh you scare me every time I gotta get down buddy out of my way please get out of my way sorry this has to happen I gotta get my stuff back come on I'm sorry I am sorry patient one I don't got time to mess around you you scared me this mod pack it's got me freaked out okay I gotta be more careful than that come on can't believe that can't believe that I ducked a gravel of all things where was it where was it wait where was it right here I can't believe that I can't believe that it's embarrassing all right and that's the end of the episode guys so if you made it this far please share like And subscribe because it really helps me out and with that shadow Mech
Channel: ShadowMech
Views: 1,239,890
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 100 Days, 100 Days in Minecraft, 100 days, 100 days hardcore, 100 days in minecraft, 100 days in minecraft zombie apocalypse forge labs, 100 hours, 100 palyers, 100 players simulate, Forge Labs, ForgeLabs, RLCraft Forge Labs, ShadowMech, battle royal, battle royale, hardcore minecraft survival, hardcore mode minecraft, i survied hardcore minecraft for 100 days and this is what happened, lifesteal, minecraft 100 days, minecraft hardcore, nightmare island, simulate, the purge
Id: 1qgJUh4dOQc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 2sec (2942 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 09 2022
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