Escape Granny House in Minecraft

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okay let's get started today we're at grandma's house paying her a visit that's right her place is huge i love the atmosphere in here i can't get enough of it it's so nice i have an idea let's go exploring this place is huge after all yeah let's do it what's over here hmm why don't we start by checking out this room on the left okay let's see what's behind these doors it's the bathroom is that a toilet yeah an absolutely massive one not that there's anything wrong with that it's ginormous how extravagant what's this a lever i wonder what it's for should i pull it no mikey don't do that i'm not sure why it's here but look at the sign that symbol means we aren't allowed to pull the lever oh but i want to know come on jj just one quick little pull no absolutely not mikey if grandma found out she would totally yell at us i don't want to get yelled at then leave it alone let's check out another room okay follow me [Music] was grandma watching us huh it's a good thing we didn't touch the lever we would have gotten yelled at for sure yeah good thing indeed um shelly let's keep exploring but super quick do you think grandma could have been spying on us or am i overreacting no way she'd never do that yeah you're right anyway look over here it's the living room huge huh uh-huh even the tv's gigantic i love this place [Music] well you need a big tv when you've got a big couch what's that some kind of off-limits area it's got iron bars and everything there's a staircase and is that a ventilation shaft hmm does all this seem strange to you uh not really most houses have vents this is just a big fancy one for a big fancy house hmm that's true okay wanna check out the bedroom yeah this way i'm pretty sure this is it [Music] talk about jumbo size this bed is huge i love grandma's house every room is awesome yeah i guess so but mikey don't you think it's weird that there are so many restricted areas that's off limits and this door is surrounded by do not enter signs [Music] not to mention it's locked too maybe she's just guarding her treasure most people want to protect their valuables right i guess that's possible but why does it feel like she's hiding something grandma oh hi hmm uh-huh oh sure hey jj yeah grandma says she needs help baking some cakes let's give her a hand sure [Music] grandma says she really needs to go to the bathroom oh of course go ahead grandma alrighty then i guess it's up to us now think we can bake all these cakes on our own yeah we can handle this let's see is this where the ingredients are whoa we've got more than enough to work with wow we could feed an army with all this no kidding let's make a whole bunch then okay if i remember the recipe correctly it looks something like this add some of that there that's the first cake down i made one too awesome i'm up to two oh good job you too buddy well let's keep making more i love grandma's house i wish i could live here it is a pretty cool place hmm [Music] hold up mikey stop stop what you're doing what's wrong look in here hmm what's that it's a lever mikey a top secret lever what's it doing there that is an excellent question since grandma's not watching us i'm gonna flip it right she's in the bathroom or is she yeah she's gone i can't stand not knowing what it does pull it all right three two one uh did it do anything oh hey mikey look what there's a hidden chest let's take a peek inside then i bet it's chock full of treasure hmm only one way to find out open sesame oh gross it's filled to the brim with rotten flesh and what are those skulls that's so creepy what's with this chest yeah what's all this about why is that stuff in there i don't know mikey but something strange is definitely a foot we should check up on grandma she's been in the bathroom for a really long time come on let's go good idea uh is everything okay in there grandma hello knock knock why isn't she saying anything maybe she's feeling really sick let's go check in on her okay we're coming in where'd she go she's not in here no check this out mikey someone pulled the lever and now there's a secret passage this lever must be the switch that reveals it oh i've got a bad feeling i'm not so sure we should go down there no we have to i'm worried about grandma and just plain curious okay we can check it out but proceed with caution what's this great question no it's grandma [Music] what she's in some kind of prison cell and she's not alone what's she doing uh i'm not sure maybe they're having a chat she just [Music] no no no no no what this can't be happening i can't believe it it's worse than i ever could have imagined mikey yeah what our grandma is a werewolf and she just ate a villager why this can't be real this isn't a dream is it or some kind of illusion [Applause] [Music] yeah mikey she spotted us run run let's get out of here come on to the front door what is it oh no oh it's blocked off ah click this way dj follow me who'd have guessed that grandma was a werewolf i know hang on there's a chest up there let's go yeah parkour oh a lever it must be a key let's make a run for the restricted area okay yeah run go mikey the door's open i'm going hurry jj get in all right i'm in she's coming don't look back just keep running she stopped following us i guess she can't climb up here let's take a breather then oh there she is i need to refuel i still can't believe it me neither to think that grandma is a werewolf i knew something was off but this oh hey mikey look up there huh it's a chest wanna open it yeah okay oh it's another lever hmm let's see what's at the other end of this vent great idea ah there's some slime let's hop to the top of this bookcase come on mikey now we'll put this lever here and see what it does [Music] huh oh grandma's right below us let's hope this lever opens up this door and leads us somewhere safe yeah come on let's hurry ugh we're underground again grandma's not following us is she i don't think so hopefully this secret passage is our ticket out of here let's find out hmm this is going well yeah mikey grandma caught up to us for real yeah but the good news is there's a chest over there maybe it has something useful inside fingers crossed let's go yeah grandma's chasing after us she's moving at werewolf speed it's like she doesn't even recognize us i'm just gonna open it hurry oh it's a key now run for it mikey she's coming guess what buddy it's the master key it should unlock any door in the house where to next then uh oh i know let's try getting into that restricted area over there come on oh no grandma's back hurry hurry get in here i'm trying but she's walking away that was a close one yeah but you made it and that's all that matters now let's take a look-see oh more skulls what is this place i'm not sure but at least we're safe for now hopefully anyway i can't believe grandma is a werewolf although looking back it was pretty clear that something was up i know it's shocking but chin up mikey we're gonna get through this let's find out what's in this creepy chest [Music] whoa it's full of skulls but there's also this notebook maybe we should read it do it all right it says humans are delicious it's it's in grandma's handwriting so it's true no no no do you think if she catches us she'll eat us she'd probably toss our skulls on this pile oh i don't want to find out me neither what's that what it looks like the body of a villager and that must be a zombie villager right next to it oh look mikey a chest think there's something useful in there i wonder grandma's right outside this door waiting for us to come out so i say we get in that cell okay but how do we get in there maybe some cake will help me brainstorm mikey that's it the cakes huh we'll use them as a stepladder let's try it now take a slice off that second one mikey oh the one on top you mean yeah this just might work try climbing up now perfect ow just needs one more step adding another cake all right let's take care of this zombie really quick ouch [Music] finally the zombie's down now up we go i'm in good thing we baked all those cakes earlier if only he'd done the same thing all right let's find out what's in this chest hmm interesting this must have been the villagers diary what does it say it's over for me if only i had the item hidden in the giant toilet then i could make my escape oh the giant toilet the one in the bathroom you mean it must be think it's a weapon whatever it is he gave his life to hide it in the toilet so let's find it but how are we supposed to get to it grandma's blocking off the only door out of this room it's true she's just waiting for us to make a run for it but that's not a problem cause i have an idea we're heading to the toilet right well there's one right here but this isn't the right one though so dive on in what into the toilet yeah we'll travel through the sewer system to reach the giant one gross but i guess we have no choice are you sure they're connected pretty sure but i guess we'll just have to find out you see anything oh looks like a dead end wait where does this go careful you don't know what's up there yes we made it to the giant toilet now that item is supposed to be inside somewhere but where i didn't see anything me neither hold on a second there's a hopper down here it must be inside well open it already you got it mikey whoa yes we hit the jackpot it's a real life rocket launcher check it out cool but how is that gonna help us escape are you serious mikey we can use it to blow a hole through the front door of course great idea let's go tell me if you see grandma anywhere it's all clear for now don't let her spot you got it ready yes then here we go to the entrance yeah grandma get away all right stand back mikey hurry three two one fire in the hole yes let's get away as fast as we can yeah keep going keep going we're gonna make it if you enjoyed today's adventure make sure to like and subscribe plus you can check us out on twitter instagram and tick tock whenever you want with the links in the corner thanks for watching see you next time
Channel: Maizen
Views: 14,744,377
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Maizen
Id: 6Rk60x9ht0g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 8sec (908 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 10 2022
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