Minecraft, But I Can Shapeshift

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all right why don't we get started today we're playing minecraft in survival mode and in case you haven't noticed i turned into a mushroom how did you do that great question i have the power to transform into different mobs i'm going to change into various mobs as we play in survival mode let's give it our best shot sounds good to me let's give it our best shot oh and another thing i gain special abilities for each mob i change into for example apparently this mushroom can throw boomerangs ouch oh careful mikey awesome don't get hit wait it attacks whoa what else can it do i think that's it hey since this is survival should we go look around for some food good idea great we can actually use this boomerang to collect food mushrooms are so impressive oh hang on mushrooms oh the boomerang didn't work the boomerang can cut grass but it can't harvest mushrooms oh i hear a sheep let's catch it can mushrooms catch sheep let's see i'm gonna try something out boomerang attack will that work ah my boomerang missed oops whoa sweet i caught it the mushroom wins i got some meat nice mushrooms are strong i wish i could transform what else will you become there are tons of things to change into mikey and plus they all have their very own special abilities i can't wait oh i see a village where over there huh see do you think they've ever seen a walking mushroom before well either way i bet they'd be pretty shocked let's go all right look there's a little campfire here how about we cook those lamb chops i just collected oh will it work you can cook meat here awesome we'll eat it when it's done there we go it's ready it cooked thanks jj i'm a meat-eating mushroom let's see what they have in the village hey i found a chest oh which house hang on my mushroom head is too big to fit through the door really i'll open the chest from here i found some wood and some sweet berries awesome wait a second mushrooms are so wide that it's hard to get around i didn't expect that i have to stay in the open other than boomerangs being a mushroom isn't that great check it out it's a farm look at all this food let's get it while we can nice okay let's see i can't fit through the door so i'm breaking it open this house is tricky to get inside oh well you got it thanks let's go there we go hey a chest whoa a pickaxe sweet here take it thanks i'll take the shovel oh a cow we need its meat huh oops i hit a villager huh yes wow you're strong let's see time to go let's stick around and bake these potatoes oh hang on check it out mikey i gained the power to transform into another mob hmm what should i transform into [Applause] oh i'm a bee that's cute fly awesome all bees can fly lucky whoa bees fit into small spaces that's convenient more convenient than the mushroom yep that's awesome way more convenient than being a mushroom now that we have some food mikey why don't we continue our adventure come on let's go as a bee i can scout the area from above wait up follow me sure it might be hard to keep up since i'm so fast oh well too fast mikey i think i see something this way what is it oh wait uh there's a spider after you save me [Music] thanks bees can attack from the air check it out do you see where i am mikey look over here this is it a pyramid oh wow hey watch this it can't even reach me while i'm attacking it nice nice yes time to explore the pyramid yeah welcome to the pyramid whoa there's a creeper in here that's dangerous be careful there's a ton of creepers down here whoa how they all get there i think i'm in trouble retreat that's way too many creepers to handle all at once be careful don't worry i ran away no this is bad the creepers are falling into the hole [Music] really oh no they stepped on the pressure plate at the bottom and activated a booby trap underground seriously creepers i think they destroyed the treasure too [Music] that was our treasure no fair let's see huh what looks like the treasure is all gone this is a tragedy the creepers blew it to smithereens let's get out of here okay time to go follow me there might be more treasure out there we just have to find it let's get it hey mikey i found something cool again come over here these are good at finding things from the air yep right here mikey what is it wait up see this hold on huh what's that a jungle temple oh cool it's easy to sneak in through the small openings as a bee huh lucky i have to go through the front door wait where are you mikey here use this oh thanks wow i bet there are goodies in here all right here we go [Music] let's see what's this that's weird hmm what's this what be careful that's a trap right there okay huh wait huh it didn't activate really i think it might be broken i can just fly over it nice why wasn't it working we're lucky oh well oh look out mikey there's another tripwire where is it oh i see yay if you step there arrows will shoot out uh-oh i've been hit okay let's break this trap there all clear thanks ready yeah i'm opening the chest gold ingots nice hey not too shabby good job there might be more chess i don't see anything let me take a look over here why don't we just randomly flip these switches until [Music] there awesome we found another chest awesome the switch is open to secret door i'm gonna bring this treasure up to you mikey oh more gold ingots not bad oh excellent yeah that should be enough treasure for now mikey we have tons of iron and gold oh thanks to you my transformation definitely helped and it looks like i can change into a new mob now watch this sure now i'll turn into tada why am i shivering all of a sudden i'm a snow golem check it out now i have the ability to throw snowballs i'm cold snowballs don't do any damage mikey that's right whoa look at that but wait i can do more than just throw snowballs wanna see the other snow golem powers like what follow me i can't wait but i'm still super chilly okay let's head over to the water sure look whoa what i froze the water huh that's awesome see snow golems can change water into ice wow this is so much fun that way we can practically walk on water that's incredible whoa this rock you're going so fast jj i have an idea mikey let's take a little trip i want to cross the ocean with my ice sounds like fun yeah let's go uh-oh zombies i think i can defeat them with my snowballs are they taking damage sorry mikey my max health is low so you'll have to finish them off for me one punch should do it leave it to me i can handle it take that zombies i don't think the snowballs did anything like that you got it mikey yes good work okay let's head to the ocean let's do it woohoo whoa this is really relaxing you're right hang on a sec what is something wrong do you see that glowing thing deep underwater is that what i think it is what is it supposed to be i think talk to me if i'm right yeah i knew it we found an ocean monument wow no way are ocean monuments easy to find nope let's clear it out sounds good but mikey snow golems take damage if they touch the water watch no wait [Applause] well since i can't go in the water and i can't breathe underwater and my health is low i should probably think about transforming into something else see a dolphin in minecraft dolphins can breathe underwater but they can't breathe in the air whoa hang on hey wait up i need to retreat one sec i can put on my turtle helmet good idea do you have any doors yep and the potion of water ocean of water breathing what are we waiting for let's do this thing oh wait mikey there are enemies run away run away i'll follow you good idea mikey okay then let's bust our way inside be careful of enemies right swim away let's stick together mikey yeah i'm lonely back off hurry up dolphins are tough hang on [Music] yes i did it nice job i'm coming to you mikey wait there's something i have to do first i found the elder guardian should i take it down go for it all right yeah take that wham okay we've got you now i'll help sweet i'm gonna take you down hooray we won dolphins are strong victory i have dolphin power good job oh so that's how you're breathing mikey yep well then mikey should we keep going i think there's treasure somewhere else inside this ocean monument let's go i hope it's really good i'm looking now where will we find the treasure oh is this it it must be check it out i see something look at these massive gold blocks yes it's a gold rush wow a gold rush great these gold blocks are extremely valuable whoa that's why they're hidden that makes sense [Music] watch if we break them down into gold ingots then we'll have a grand total of 87 ingots did we clear the ocean monument yep we sure did yay let's head back to the surface sounds good mikey what's that looks like a battle tower i heard that battle towers have incredible treasure hidden at the top let's clear it out oh and by the way i'm a spider which way is the entrance hang on let's be careful we could use the entrance or i could use my spider skills to scale the wall that's cheating you can just use all the blocks you're carrying sure i'll use up my sand let's climb the walls together which one of us can climb faster let's see you're pretty fast but watch this mikey watch what i can climb faster i don't believe it the race is on mikey i'm not gonna lose you'll see come on yeah let's go i can do this i'm so close i should probably mention there's a super strong golem at the top so we'll need to be careful up there is there treasure yep i love treasure i know but we need to be extra careful around such a powerful boss right hey we made it i'm almost there oh wait a second mikey i probably shouldn't fight as a spider i'm gonna hide a spider's no good but an iron golem might work after me jj i'll just eat this golden apple first now i can defeat the tower guardian go whoa my hands are shaking i think they're glitching oh well take that i fell off uh-oh try to climb back up mikey this is tough good luck this is hard even for an iron golem what a useful mob i need another golden apple i think i can do this whoa one more hit [Music] yes it's down for some reason my hands are still glitching that's funny yes i won i'm still at the bottom i can't get up get down here what about the treasure oh that's right hurry up mikey [Music] hey can i open it yeah sweet this is the reward for the battle tower i bet it's full of goodies three two one open whoa this is really something just look at all that treasure 64 diamonds and 64 eyes of ender this is awesome obsidian two wow 16 enchanted golden apples best treasure ever take half mikey i'm so happy right now yeah this is amazing we're all done here do you want to head to the nether now let's do it what are we waiting for i wonder if an iron golem can jump from here i'm gonna try it i don't think i'll take any fall damage three two one go wow it worked should i jump [Applause] [Music] that's not a great idea it's fine you sure don't worry see oh smart okay nice let's go all right look mikey oh sweet we found some ruins that's cool i wonder if we can restore all these ruins and rebuild the nether portal whoa check it out there's a pickaxe with efficiency five on it i can't believe it awesome if we're headed to the nether then now would be a good time to equip our golden armor oh yeah put yours on too mikey i'll equip the golden leggings okay thanks let's get started it's time to build the nether portal we're half done already there we go this is looking pretty good it's huge we don't have anything to light it with but i have a plan well what is it did you forget i can transform into any mob oh right three two one [Music] i turned into a blaze so now i have the power to shoot flames ready fire wow wow it's lit this is great no use waiting around let's go to the nether i wonder what kind of enemies we'll find in there let's find out here goes nothing hang on mikey i think i can finally transform into a new mob which one will you be watch three two one poof another mushroom can you see the differences mikey this time i'm bigger and browner you do look bigger this one also has different abilities see cool huh what is it whoa sweet a yo-yo that's right whoa don't get too close mikey careful this yo-yo is an excellent weapon it looks like it brown mushrooms are really tough with their yo-yos seems fun let's take a stroll through the nether let's go i wonder what we'll find what's that hoglands huh yo-yo time yo-yo [Music] yeah that was awesome nice this thing's powerful yeah let's see what else is down there oh come on mikey okay look over there mikey do you see that huh what is that that yeah that's the super dangerous piglen chief get him can you reach that far my yo-yo is not long enough it's climbing up it's in range now it's working do you think i can finish him like this let's see he's really tough yeah but the mushroom is tougher see what did it drop huh i defeated the boss with a yo-yo you're one impressive mushroom good job wow this is awesome no matter how weak it looks hang on i think i'm ready to change into a new type of mob again three two one [Music] huh look what the it's the piglen chief awesome wow wait whoa i fell off no hang in there mikey i'm coming back oh mikey didn't make it very far mikey take a look at this guy's key feature he can use the ultimate battle axe but this is no ordinary axe it has 15 attack damage huh it's strong this is its special attack smash sorry pal no worry this guy can barely control his own strength no matter who he's up against wow sweet that's amazing one other thing oh hold on what's over there it's some kind of weird enemy oh you can't have it wandering around let's get him you got this smash nice ouch good luck this guy's going down take that uh-oh he's tough yeah finally we took care of him great job that was excellent i didn't expect the fight to be so difficult i'm used to quicker battles me too oh well wait what's that i gained another transformation i'm gonna try it out [Music] check it out what's that the thing we beat wow that's cool interesting i feel so much smaller you look cool [Music] it looks like this guy's special ability is a really strong bow and arrow watch oh cool those hoglands whoa the arrows are glowing wow no way this is a super powerful weapon whoa this must be another right bow that's powerful yeah here's the thing mikey huh the nether is full of powerful enemies but the blackstone golem is the strongest one of all should we go look for it all right great we're on our way [Music] oh hang on a second this is it what's this supposed to be right here this is where the blackstone golem is see this item we just have to put one in each of the four slots and then look something's happening whoa run away maybe we should take a step back wow oh there it is the blackstone golem this thing is enormous eat an enchanted golden apple can you even beat it let's see yikes it's already fighting back are you okay jj yep this transformation has the ultimate bow yeah my bow's crazy i know go it's almost down go go go take that it's half health careful sorry oh it sent me flying look out i think we can win yeah so close hang in there tj yes we beat it hold up i guess we're not finished yet once he beat it a smaller version spawns i see let's finish it off ouch okay careful help me yes we beat it mikey nice that was close i can't believe we beat a blackstone golem so easily i know oh on that note mikey i finally gained another transformation why don't we try it out ready well it's a bit big oh take a look mikey they throw rocks sorry don't hit me i'll lean for this piglet uh oh i hit it now it's angry it doesn't stand a chance against me sweet whoa check it out i think this is called the blackstone launcher don't fall off the edge hey mikey now that we have all these eyes of ender do you want to go slay the ender dragon with me as a blackstone golem it doesn't stand a chance let's go yes we're close almost there the ender dragon won't know what hit him almost done wait i'm too tall i can't reach the slots mikey oh help me sure ready yeah okay here we go huh what i can't fit i'll throw an ender pearl three two one go hang on i'm gonna fall off be careful this might be a problem glad i brought a few ender pearls i fell i'll keep going sorry mikey you bumped me come back i just need to try and hit the ender dragon with one of these charged shots let's do this thing will it work even if i only hit it once hang on a second i had a strong punch too that's the full power of a blackstone golem those endermen don't stand a chance are you back mikey no blackstone golems are strong but slow check it out the ender dragon's poison doesn't work on me wow it's coming down now's my time to fight it just one punch yes you did it all it took was one punch i didn't even get to use a charge shot on it nice job wrap things up today i transformed my way through survival mode wasn't this blackstone golem tough if you enjoyed this video make sure to like and subscribe bye if you enjoyed today's adventure make sure to like and subscribe plus you can check us out on twitter instagram and tick tock whenever you want with the links in the corner thanks for watching see you next time
Channel: Maizen
Views: 23,433,648
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Maizen
Id: iE7ksEYYL70
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 47sec (1487 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 09 2022
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