Werewolf's Birth to Death in Minecraft

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let's get started today i woke up with a big surprise i'm a baby werewolf i guess that makes me a puppy either way i'm too weak to break blocks see i'm such a small slow weak little baby i can barely crawl that's not good i just realized something what is it tell me my hunger bar i feel like i'm about to starve baby werewolves need to eat often to stay strong leave it to me puppy i'll gather food for you you can always rely on all my feet oh thanks werewolves are carnivores so right you want meat meat is perfect for a baby werewolf one second hurry i'm starting to get weak with hunger oh thanks here ah thanks mikey you saved me you're still a baby oh my poor baby i'll protect you thanks wolves eat sheep right yep perfect i'm gonna take care of you it's ready yes leave it thank you mikey i really appreciate you feeding me and everything but for some reason i'm still super hungry i need more you're so cute you have to take care of me until i grow up mikey okay i can't survive on my own yet don't worry about it i'm here for you great i know you'll feed me whenever i get hungry so there's nothing i really need right now you're the best mikey i'm here for you since you're always there for me hey mikey huh look i just had a growth spurt i'm a teen werewolf i'm not a baby anymore you look strong hello i'm so hungry i'm practically starving werewolves digest quickly so we need to eat a lot of meat i'll feed you more meat you can always count on me not thank you mikey leave it all to me well you took care of me as a baby monkey i honestly can't begin to thank you enough it's fine i'm here for as long as you need now that i've matured a little bit take a look at how fast i can run huh wait don't leave me behind i can jump high too and i have high attack power see one hit one hit whoa i can't believe how strong i am yeah me neither try not to get hit by any of my punches mikey i bet one hit could take you out i'll watch out oh by the way mikey i heard a rumor that there's a treasure hidden at the top of this mountain should we climb up and take a look of course let's climb up but it's such a steep drop-off we should try going around i think it could turn into quite the adventure hold on mikey wait a sec time out huh we don't need to go around we can climb the cliff just like rock climbing really that's impossible let's go around we're wasting time stop mikey just watch me i'll show you hmm if i do this i can pick you up and carry you huh carry me i just need to lift you up and bring you over here then i do this i can scale the mountain really fast like i'm rock climbing you're climbing yep awesome werewolf claws are sharp enough to easily climb steep cliffs you're kidding that's so useful almost there good job wow you already made it up we're at the top thanks yeah look a chest i'm only gonna take you this far mikey whoa thank you sweet yeah now then should we take a little look inside i'm opening it three two one open oh wow hey mikey let's split the loot treasure there are golden apples and diamonds terrific do you think it's okay if we take all this stuff this is great all right with my exceptional werewolf strength it should be pretty easy getting back down i jumped off are you okay perfect landing hang on don't leave me behind oh i think you should climb down the normal way mikey i don't think you'll survive falling that far you shouldn't even try i only did it because i'm a werewolf wait for me i'll be right down sure wait what what happened what am i dreaming or did you just get bigger did i let's see take a look what's going on i'm an adult now i turned into a fully grown werewolf does this mean you're even strong it sure does look i can change forms wow you're buff if i switch to wolf mode i can run even faster wait don't run away since i'm so much stronger now let me carry you around for a while mikey there i can raise you up then if i change forms we can run quickly together hang on a sec what's wrong over there i see a husk i want to know what happens if i take him out get him check out my werewolf power i can tackle my enemies let me fight hey check it out whoa you're carrying it now i can't believe you can do that right let's go look for something to do let's go wow i could get used to this it's so fun this is awesome oh look i found something fun mikey you did what is it look over there what there's a village we made it to a village that was so quick a village oh yeah this is great i know we found a village let's look around how about we stay here for the night mikey need a break yeah oh oh well sure i feel like i'm aging too quickly i mean i don't even know why i turned into a werewolf in the first place whatever let's take a break it's been a long day i wonder why that is you seem to be growing really fast right we need to figure out why i'm rapidly aging and why i turned into a werewolf we'll find the answers [Music] i was sleeping on the roof because i'm too big to fit through the door but then i woke up to a zombie attack i'll take care of this we're under attack i can't let innocent villagers be attacked by zombies i'll defeat you all come on jj leave it to my werewolf powers careful i've still got your back don't worry i'll take them all out seriously for sure i've got this are you that strong i can hardly do anything werewolves are stronger than humans and wolves combined just try not to get in the way of my attacks mikey you got it i'm pretty sure i could take you out with one punch really popped it back then yeah stay back backing off watch my tackle whoa amazing now pick them off jackal attack so strong yep i can even take down this big clump of zombies in a single hit nice work you're so powerful there sweet is that a villager oh a zombie huh got him see any more zombies they're all gone that was it yep oh one more where why this house where are you help me i'm over by the well oh i see it now there there that's the last one right thanks looks like that's a wrap yes we defeated them all so cool with my adult werewolf powers i personally saved the entire village huh one more one got it nice you took care of the final zombie mikey thank you it sure feels good to protect other people huh yeah it does all right time to crawl back onto the roof to sleep seriously i'm way too big to fit through that door poor jj good night mikey i'm sleeping up here good night you got smaller hmm listen here young mikey it looks like i woke up this morning as some kind of old man werewolf oh no i guess i must have shrunk down yeah but what's even worse is how slow i am oh my poor back it hurts really i think my running and jumping days are over i'm so hungry i can't eat meat or anything cooked anymore so you can have this here i have a stack of bread i can give you bread is too dry for my throat what i need apples only apples yummy you can have mine oh thanks mikey take these thanks well at least i can fill my belly with apples oh right mikey now that i've aged and shrunk down i can finally yeah i can fit through doors and go inside again so now that's right now that i can go inside i really want to check out this big house don't strain yourself take your time here we go thanks mikey let's leave the door open huh now what who's that someone's here oh well let's keep going what will we find up here hm oh wow very interesting yeah what's all this stuff on display for here oh what's up here let's see ah i don't think i can climb it go take a look i'll climb up maybe there's treasure what do you see huh whoa well this might be a problem jj [Applause] what hang on one sec hmm there i get it mikey are you are you building me stairs because i can't climb ladders yep you guessed right i can finally make it upstairs now then there's something up here that you really need to see what's that noise hmm what's this look at it hmm whoa that's a werewolf is it huh no way could it be mikey do you think it's possible that what when i was sleeping maybe i was bitten by a werewolf and that's why i woke up as a puppy maybe huh wow but there's one other thing at the rate i've been aging i might not have much time left it's all too fast oh no we should start investigating this house if we look hard enough maybe we can find a clue for how to cure me there could be a cure if i become human again will i age normally too hmm there's nothing here i can't find any clues what now hmm wait huh mikey take a look huh what's that i think these might be coordinates oh maybe there's a cure at these locations oh you might be right we should go check them out why don't we take a closer look 2 000 by negative 10 000 i don't think i'll be able to walk that far this might be the end of the road for poor jj seriously yeah i may have to give up now i'll try to rest and enjoy my final hours here come enjoy them with me no way i'm gonna find a way to save you 20 000 by negative ten thousand that's too far for me to walk oh huh come here i found something what come outside what did you find right here look at this whoa what is it i found a car you can ride in it a golf cart yeah wow what a lifesaver well if you insist i'll ride in the golf cart with you i'll get you to where you need to be whoa this is amazing now i can sit back and ride to our goal thank you so much mikey you saved me leave it to me this might be my last big adventure true i'll just relax for a bit while you drive us to our destination unfortunately this golf cart is kind of slow don't give up tj i'm gonna get you there right leave it to me thanks mikey mikey yes jj i think we're almost there we're getting close that's it that must be it it must be we're here i'm taking you right to the door ah thank you the closer the better i'm so tired i can barely walk well we made it to the location of the coordinates only to find a massive tower amazing what is all this why is it so tall i have no doubt in my mind that the cure is waiting for us at the top you're right it's gotta be up there let's go listen mikey i need to find that cure then let's go i don't want to get any older okay let's head in three two one oh whoa [Music] we're under attack they tried to hit me what enemies leave them to me wait i can still fight wow look at you go i didn't know you had that in you you remind me of myself when i was younger thank you you're my rock mikey look there's a chest let's open it three two one open oh whoa no way these must be some type of gun the perfect weapon for the elderly i don't need strength to use this i guess we should climb up now although yeah i just hate stairs they really wear me out go slow yeah also go to head take your time i'll wait take it easy okay my back hurts ouch ow those must be zombie villagers looks like a bunch of them got locked up really but how are we supposed to cross over like this oh i see can you make it wow that was amazing mikey but my back hurts too much for me to try something like that are you okay i have a golden apple oh good idea okay let's see time to eat but is the golden apple enough yep i'm fine i'm just oh no get my tea seriously i'll be back in a sec i'm here oh hey mikey my back is hurting so i'm gonna take this way i should have gone that way too a quick eat your golden apple oh not again i did it again hurry up i'll be right there okay okay i'll take the alternate route this time nice there you go that's how it's done things might get rough if you open that door so let's not do that i think these zombie villagers are supposed to stay where they are let's climb up this ladder we're climbing hold on mikey i should have noticed this sooner but if that's the roof up there will i actually be able to climb a ladder all the way to the top i don't think we have another choice it's so hard is the only way uh it's okay if you want to rest here i'll do it myself okay i'll never make it up that ladder i got this i'm counting on you mikey if you make it to the roof bring me the cure i will thank you what wait mikey hang on a second what's wrong i'm really high up see you are i think i found a secret elevator inside the wall really i could have used that i'm almost to the top in that case i'll race you there with my elevator there that'll open the doors now i'll head inside let's see the top button must be for the top floor i'll have to wait for a bit for the elevator to reach the top how high are you now mikey i should let you know i'm almost at the top already you should have come with me instead oh i'm here the door's opening hey what hit me my team i'm almost there wait did you beat me to the top okay i made it come here why what's wrong there's something blocking my way what whoa what is that i don't know stop it it's an enemy right oh it's a super giant old man werewolf really hey mikey this must be the thing that experimented on me i won't let you get away with this take that it's probably what turned me into this grandpa werewolf whoa that was close take that let's beat it [Music] nice we beat it phew we did it very nice it's all thanks to these weapons now let's see what the final boss was protecting here we go three two one open oh sweet there are potions in here one of these has to be the cure mikey i know it it's gonna turn me back from a grandpa werewolf into my regular self three two one whoa i feel dizzy oh look see you're cured i feel amazing i'm back to my old self instead of a werewolf awesome my weird rapid aging seems to be cured too time for a golden apple i was so worried about you what a relief i'm me again and look at this mikey there were elytra in the treasure chest let's climb the ladder now that a me again i can climb ladders no matter how high that's so great we're so high made it wow we're on the roof i've been cured and returned to normal and now we can soar through the air with our wings until we land let's go me too whoa let's glide all the way to the village mikey let's go i'm so glad we cured my rapid aging and werewolf transformation 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Channel: Maizen
Views: 12,665,849
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Maizen
Id: w_7HhNHB8yk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 3sec (1143 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 12 2022
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