Rainbow Diamond Rain vs Security House in Minecraft

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this is an emergency alert a rainbow diamond rainstorm will be sweeping through the region overnight huh a rainbow diamond rainstorm uh-huh there might as well be money falling from the sky this is amazing amazing more like dangerous diamonds are extremely hard remember getting hit by a volley of falling diamonds would hurt a lot huh that's true not only that but look at our house it's made out of wood it can't withstand this storm the diamonds are gonna shoot straight through it and turn it into a pile of sticks this is a big problem you're right JJ so what are we gonna do we don't have much of a choice we have to build a shelter that can handle a diamond rainstorm great idea let's do it we don't have much time the shelter has to be ready before the diamond storm arrives tonight foreign things first we're going to set up our shelter underground so start digging let's make a staircase we'll go down one block at a time [Music] ritual stairs great these stone brick stairs should make a nice staircase [Music] looking good foreign off to the side here this is where we'll set up our space so Mikey these diamonds are going to rain down from the sky right right then we'll need a super strong roof that can take a beating I say we make it out of iron sounds good in fact we should make the whole shelter out of iron just to be safe great idea now we'll put this here and connect it out there [Music] perfect time to hook it up I'll quickly cover it back up how's this whoa awesome yeah that'll do the trick now the entrance is protected by sturdy blocks of iron looks solid I bet it can withstand a downpour of diamonds for sure but the entrance isn't enough we have to reinforce the whole ceiling hmm that makes sense keep it up [Music] [Applause] oh wait I know a faster way to build this shelter what is it I'll use a command to create a big room made of iron hello better make it huge actually there how's that this is nice just gonna check upstairs I love it now we need to install a door one that matches the rest of the shelter this thick looking one should do but let's nudge it over a bit there even withstand the rain of diamonds yeah it's perfect get in here we have to finish up quick right so so far we have a super strong reinforced iron shelter underneath our brittlewood house at the problem is what what it's empty we gotta fill it up with everything we'll need starting with some beds do you want yours to be to the left of mine or to the right hmm I pick right great choice right it is thanks now that's settled I'll Place some bedside tables and some reading lamps there bedroom check looks cozy anyways moving on to the bathroom let's install a toilet and shower the diamond storm cloud could last all night which means we could be stuck in here a while so uh we're gonna need a toilet let's plop it down in the corner actually there's better we'll put the bathtub here and the shower next to it water test it works and it all looks great one last tweak there is it done we just need a sink so we can wash our hands oh right okay it's all starting to come together what's next how about the kitchen without one of those we can't eat true we'll set it up here tons of counter space a fridge a microwave then uh an oven of course lovely not too shabby huh that should do it it's perfect now for the dining area thoughts on the table sturdy I love it great yeah cheers can't have a table without him good point so with everything we've set up we can definitely get through the night but we're missing something it's actually something that's extremely important to us I'll start building it against this wall actually this one left or right Mikey I'll go right it's your thing great choice thanks that's your computer on the right oh that looks good add some chairs and ta-da wow we have a gaming Corner we can play here later if we have time fantastic can't forget to put some food in the kitchen I'll fill the fridge with a ton of apples just in case we get hungry okay that should do it whoa that's a lot of apples I think that's everything we need we've got four walls and a ceiling made of iron we've got a kitchen beds games even a bathroom what do you think Mikey we need anything maybe some of these hmm what's that yeah that'll work it's assplant of course great idea Mikey I'm gonna add another one go for it this place was missing a little something a splash of green and somehow this feels like a whole new Cozier space there all done in that case our shelter is complete now we can safely live our lives without worrying about getting whacked by a rainbow diamond I'm glad we're safe but still I wish we could get our hands on some of those rainbow diamonds it's such a shame if we could collect a bunch of them we'd be Filthy Rich oh well hmm you make an interesting point Mikey yeah too bad I've got an idea let's make a diamond catcher in our shelter of course why not where should we build it let's see how about we set it up over here we're gonna dig up this way we'll open this up great okay so now we're gonna want to make this space wider yeah that's it that's far enough we're on the right track we'll reinforce the ceiling with iron just like the rest of the shelter oh open this back up just like that [Music] [Music] now we're getting somewhere we'll reinforce the top of the wall too part at least moving on to the next step I'm going to need some iron bars I'll place them here well what are they for [Music] hmm [Music] maybe like this [Music] what is it actually let's leave this section open okay there that seems about right now you're probably wondering how we're gonna use this to collect rainbow diamonds well I'm gonna set up a collection mechanism up here [Music] that's good we'll definitely want to use iron here anything else would just be dangerous reinforce this side then [Music] hmm yeah that'll work I'm gonna place a lever on this wall right here we'll add some of these hmm there now to hook up the Redstone circuit to the sticky pistons like so yes it's working now to connect the other side [Music] thank you almost there Bingo whoa all done how does it work I'll show you but first i'm just gonna cover this up oh nice that blends right here hmm I'm almost finished great [Music] okay all set Mikey why don't you go down to our shelter enter the space we just set up and pull that lever sure tell me when you're ready I'm ready then go for it you got it it works you pull the lever and the ceiling opens right up so here's what we're gonna do as soon as the rainbow diamonds start raining down we'll flip the switch which as you just saw creates a hole in our shelter notice how we can see the sky well the diamonds will fall through here and collect inside this cage pretty snazzy huh super snazzy we get to be safe in our shelter and collect all the rainbow diamonds we need to become gazillionaires I can't wait for this storm me neither Mikey let's reinforce this section real quick great idea iron is a lot sturdier than Stone foreign we just need to do the section that'll get hit directly by the falling rainbow diamonds good enough the only thing left to do is wait sounds good I'll close this there we're all set [Music] hear that it sounds like rain Nemo Diamond storm is here well let's check it check it out you mean go outside but it's dangerous on the other hand it would be really cool to see I know what we'll do here come on put it on it's a helmet oh good thinking thanks I try I feel invincible and all thanks to this handy helmet hang on buddy we should still try to be careful don't worry we're gonna be fine thanks to these helmets okay here we go let's take a peek at this storm I wonder what it looks like me too wow it's beautiful whoa lightning thunder and look an endless stream of rainbow diamonds let's grab some here we go [Applause] ouch you're right uh quick Retreat get back in the house hurry at least I managed to get some diamonds we need to take shelter come on down the stairs ouch oh it still hurts now I'm shutting the door that was beautiful but painful yeah we took a lot of damage imagine if we weren't wearing helmets I guess diamonds really are as hard as people say they are look on the bright side we managed to pick some up they're so pretty I wonder how much we would get for these if we sold them I guess it was worth it this rock shelters super safe JJ yeah I wanna go test out our Diamond collector sure we're gonna need to open up the ceiling over here the only thing you have to do to activate the mechanism is pull the lever after you well go for it three two one open sesame whoa awesome to think of something this valuable down from the sky I know and look how many rainbow diamonds we've collected already it's wild we've got stacks on stacks on stacks of them that's incredible hey JJ yeah it's getting late let's call it a night when we wake up tomorrow morning we'll have more rainbow diamonds than we can even imagine we're just one sleep away from being the richest people in the entire world you're right we should get some shut eye tomorrow's gonna be an exciting day I can't wait till morning what to do with all that money biomass maybe oh I don't like the sound of that hmm what's a little lightning gonna do to us let's just hit the hay okay good night good night all right it's a brand new day and it sounds like the diamond rain has stopped which means we won't be needing our helmets anymore true I'll take mine off too now what are we waiting for let's go check out the diamond collector I've got to see how many rainbow diamonds we've got piled up I just got to come on you don't need to tell me twice I'm really curious to find out too [Music] there isn't a single one left oh Mikey our stash of diamonds must have been struck by lightning really is that what happened oh let's go upstairs buddy okay time to check out the damage huh what's the hold up JJ the lever isn't working oh well I'll just break through with a pickaxe what's going on good question what is it what happened oh whoa whoa this is all that's left our house got house got us to pieces it's okay imagine if we hadn't built a shelter we would have been in really big trouble no kidding besides we still have the rainbow diamonds we collected by hand last night it's not as much as we were hoping for but who cares what matters is we survived the storm you're right if you enjoyed today's adventure make sure to like And subscribe plus you can check us out on Twitter Instagram and Tick Tock whenever you want with the links in the corner thanks for watching see you next time
Channel: Maizen
Views: 7,424,989
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Maizen
Id: 5TKT8mdlObk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 21sec (1041 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 14 2022
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