Episode 88 - Short Kings Anthem

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what's up guys this is actually last week's episode if you want today's episode um in these beautiful clothes then head on over to patreon calm slash tiny meet gang and those are ad-free head freeze well he had free baby ed free we had free babies it's a new swag mm-hmm all right see there bye oh yeah okay well we did it we finally moved we finally move over the new studio studio it's looking good yeah yeah I love the good vibe it's weird that you designed it exactly the same as your apartment your battle station I know it's in your apartment yeah it's weird and so I know it's just it just speaks to my um desire to be to never change you know I want to Remember Who I am okay it's because you want to feel at home we're at the office yes and I understand that yeah you know you know if I could listen if I could go to an office that was reminiscent of a fishing boat I'd be there because what is you know as the old saying goes bad days fishing is better than a good day in the office I've never heard that in my entire life no you [ __ ] me no I've never heard that I mean I didn't get it you know that's not exactly what the saying is but that's an old saying you didn't know heard that no you're not bad enough I'm really not I'm really not you're embracing it I'm just turning us I really am dude I really am yeah yeah you're starting to starting to get there yeah I posted a vlog today from Costa Rica and the whole thing is just so so goddamn dad yeah whatever yeah well I mean we got so much goddamn [ __ ] heaven in the last I don't wait can I just tell you a funny comment I got from it yeah I don't even know if it's funny probably like I screenshot it I don't really know why but the comment on one of the comments that I got on my vlog it just said I feel like Cody used to be happier and then a sad face damn slick I was like oh that's funny and I screenshot it and I was like is it true is it is it true you started to question your own yeah I think it's just getting older what did you become less happy yeah in a way yeah or is that like super morbid no broham and that's just that's just someone over analyzing the way you I don't know dog you're telling you're depressed tell them the bleak truth about being old it's that really gets depressed well I mean like well I think what it is is and we don't you know this is getting a little bit serious I don't get serious but it's just you know as you get older the things you want to do start to start to creep in you know what I mean when you're like 20 here like I'll get married one day I'm a yeah start a family one day and all that stuff and yeah you know oh yeah no that's not that doesn't make me less happy at all it just it just growing up like it's real it gets [ __ ] real oh yeah you start getting all the responsibilities and the pressure and [ __ ] and people start telling you stuff I got a wonderful call from my mom the other day she called me up and she was I was taking a nap I think I told you this but she was just like yo um just real quick times ticking so if either me or your dad go just don't want you to be sad okay we're getting to that point I'm like cool yeah that's and then then she just goes and you know you don't want that to happen before you and Alena you know tie the knot or have a kid per se so you know maybe you want to get on that and I was just like dude I was taking a nap she goes okay I'll let you nap talk to you later hangs like I'm not sleeping now yeah yeah yeah so I'm like yeah and I feel you it's definitely but we're not that old like we're all but we're not that old you know I know I know we're not I know where I know we're not we're not I know we're not that old but it's like you know even when I was 26 vlogging when I first started vlogging oh sure six whatever there's still that you can [ __ ] around cuz you got time yeah songs you're working yeah and working on something yeah you can [ __ ] around you got time yeah there's time yeah now I feel you now it's like I'm slipping oh yeah I mean that's just how I've lived my life since like seven is what I've just have to put tons of pressure on myself to be like I gotta be I gotta achieve certain things because time runs out mm-hmm so whatever oh yeah we don't mommy's got a dull braces yeah you yeah yeah yeah I got a dull braces homie I got Invisalign yo sell braces whatever dawg I got to go for it I hate how my profile looks on I turn to the side my teeth look all bad mm-hmm I'm saying I'll get the profile like loofah yeah at least you have a chin from the side yeah a little bit a little bit and this gamer chair is like dangerous I see why people just stream for 25 hours that [ __ ] I gotta be honest I didn't I wasn't really expecting much and then when I sat in this thing it formed to my body I told you whole thing is some sort of AI memory the race card and it locked me in it's a race car bed yeah and then the patented dump hole aim into your anus [ __ ] extractor have beautifully molded into your anus goes up in your ass and then and then just opens like this slowly opens the hole okay black mirror season six we got to call it now see ya black season six whatever would you know whichever one of you [ __ ] rights for black me here yeah [ __ ] we need a royalty check it roll tease check we someone found an exact clip of us joking about that like the exist I mean it was you it was it wasn't me I was just calling yeah and you called it exactly oh yeah I met I mean it's not such a super revolutionary idea like it's not that unique to come out but I said that [ __ ] point to guys playing for tonight in VR and the home he buys the girl skin and you like damn let me hit it was basically the same [ __ ] but black mirror season six is gonna be a dystopian race car chair for streaming and husband gets it for birthday and it's like oh cool and then the dump hole and then the auto-feeding like soda and five guys machine that's like rigged in the back that goes his throat and then what ends up happening is he just moulds into the chair and it becomes a he becomes a chairperson and that's it and he just like is like alive but in the video game but his body is being kept on life support by his [ __ ] gamer chair his secret labs racecar chair okay yeah and then the dystopian future is a bunch of twitch streamers in a [ __ ] hospital room in their gamer chairs being kept alive via machines they're all just owning in fortnight the end yeah I mean at least start getting those dubs though yeah yeah okay sure yeah yeah dubs for sure yeah that would have made me sad if they were taking l's but at least if they're getting the dubs then ya know what the [ __ ] why even be in real life exactly think about a dog why do you even be in real life if if I could just wake up and my life was like a reset and I lived in the Battle Royale like lore my whole existence was just being a banana to like kill other people with sniper rifles and stuff that'd be sick yeah that would be sick and one day good what didn't even get old no ever no wake up you'd never get less happy in that way yeah I would I would say I'm happier now now you trying are you trying to convince yourself no I would say I am NOT I definitely think I'm happier now I think actually like responsibilities and all that [ __ ] brings happiness in a way yeah cuz like you feel like I agree in that like I think liking accomplishment sort of like gives you that feeling like oh yeah okay I'm on top of my [ __ ] yeah oh that's a good feeling I mean when when I am you get this what do you get okay if I go into a grocery store I instantly get depressed and then if Sunday's depress the [ __ ] out of me Sunday's you still get that yeah really so weird me ever since that we stopped working 9:00 to 5:00 mmm Sunday's you're awesome yeah they're great I don't get the Sunday blues [ __ ] anymore and also if I go to Trader Joe's I'm happy as [ __ ] it's free samples are you kidding me I go right to the sample table and that makes me so happy you really are a dead man you you if you if free samples don't make you happy yeah you're a bad person I think I'm a bad person then you're a bad person I mean I don't even I just go in a grocery store and it just like I don't know what it is dude I just wanted like end it if I go into a hardware store then yeah really yeah yeah that's where I'm not dad okay okay Home Depot is the most depressing place in the world for me really yeah for some reason mine Home Depot man like going in there look at all the gizmos and gadgets and widgets it doesn't matter have some nuts and do it up I don't know in whatever look who gives a [ __ ] about all that we got a new song out mm-hmm it's called the shore kings anthem holy [ __ ] but just the whole arc of the whole thing yeah yeah I guess we can talk about it now right yeah yeah we don't talk about it yeah that was a that was crazy yeah really was that how that whole thing came to get me we only made that song like a month ago not even barely was it was it barely like three weeks was it barely yeah it's barely three four weeks so we made it so how it started was Black Bear reached out to Corbin mm-hmm and so kindly said invited he will first invited us or he said he sent us some some the anonymous sweater that I was wearing yeah yeah yeah couple episodes ago he sent us at chance the merch that was really dope and then he hit us up and he was like hey look we should we shouldn't he said we should make it I mean I've been a fan of black bear ever since dirty laundry came out which was I don't know if that was just like first big single yeah way before first got doremi and [ __ ] like that yeah exactly yeah no I mean I I I've been listening to him for a long time so he hit me up and I was like then this is [ __ ] sick like I'm a big fan yeah he was like we should make a song and I was like no I was like yes obviously but like I know this is like a joke like yeah he will say that [ __ ] all the time dude let's link let's work let's build whatever and it's just like it's not even I don't know how much yeah reeled that [ __ ] is we do that too right I mean I do let's definitely do something and you're just like there's time and it's not even that it's ordination it's not that it's like so people say that it's not always distant it's not disingenuous it's just like you don't know if it's like yeah like you said like coordinate to make it happen but more than that it's like you know he's got more moving pieces to what he does like he's way more like accomplished than we are yeah so it's like it's not like us where we're like let's [ __ ] build fam we can do that like you just put our [ __ ] on Spotify and cool yeah he's like he's way further along than us especially with music so I think what when he said because he said he was like oh let me get on there like a TMZ hook or something yeah it was like we would love that but is like is that gonna work for you and what you're doing kind of thing and and it was his idea he said let's do a song called Shore Kings anthem yeah and we're and so we're we go in the studio and we go okay let's let let's at least like let's let's try and follow up on this like to the best of our ability let's try to make this happen so like we let's record something and get it down mmm pick a super-fun vibey beat do something and then basically send him just like you know I'm almost finished version and be like hey like the hook is open yo and and so we did we recorded something with his idea and sent it to him and we just kind of like sand the Dropbox link and we're like all right let's see if he responds couple weeks maybe yeah that's something happens I'm just thinking a few weeks and yeah just to even for him to like get time to like listen to it yeah exactly I mean he's on tour like sure he doesn't have a lot of time to go to I mean we we wanted to it was hard for us to [ __ ] record our podcast on tour let alone go to the studio and be reiative and yeah and yeah work work yeah actual work well I think this is actual work but well whatever you get we get it yeah exactly and he gets me back like right away like it like two minutes and was like yeah yeah love it I'm gonna I'm hitting I have an off day tomorrow I'm gonna go cut it yeah we're like why yeah what and then within like a week we had the stems like everything we're like holy [ __ ] can't believe it's real and then what was amazing is like and we can't say thank you enough shut up TJ Sam or the whole bear team bro they just they were like yo this is fire and we're gonna do everything we can to make this happen and then they were like let's do a music video we'll hit up our people and and we'll figure out how to get it done and and they were just they were all about it and it was it was super dope not only to like work with him but to like be embraced by them and it's like oh [ __ ] like yeah they didn't like treat us like I got just some [ __ ] it's just some dudes with a podcast like the [ __ ] ain't for real yeah and and so we flew out they invited us to perform the song for the music video we're like [ __ ] yeah so we met over them in Pittsburgh shout out NEMA and Kevin they last-minute we're like yeah let's go and we [ __ ] we we we brought us straight up a mini and re mini out we had like you know camera yeah and we had a dope-ass setup shout out Nick in Pittsburgh he came through he's a gaffer came through with the lights and we got some shots with black bear in a hotel suite that part was was so sus dude what just like grabbing those shots in there I mean there's a bit people do that [ __ ] although they do theirs in theory there's nothing illegal about it but what sketched me out was like we didn't just go in there with like a [ __ ] DSLR you know what I'm saying like we had like a good amount of pelicans but it's one like they when they started puking the gaffer stuff I'm like oh boy they're gonna say something like what the heart yeah just that we had like like two hotel dollies full of like just [ __ ] like the sky panel the [ __ ] flags c-stands combo stands like everything sandbags and you know we moved a good amount of [ __ ] in there and I was for sure thinking they're gonna be like yo what the [ __ ] going on and then we set it up and I don't even know if I just had like snitch on us like this or it's fine but um that that the room service dude yeah so you order some room service as a prop and no one like I didn't think to tell anyone like yo if this dude comes in just don't let him through the door but because we also we also moved all the furniture yeah yeah yeah we unplugged the TV we moved everything it was basically a you walk in it's a set it's very clearly like a giant set yeah which hotel probably has some sort of policy where if you want to shoot you got to get some license and pay them some money yeah just get a hotel room and shoot in there for free yeah you definitely need a permit um so you know whatever I mean did we even shoot it in that hotel they don't know yeah it could be a hotel proving any blue chair so um anyway so we bring we bring all the [ __ ] in there and we got this combo in the corner of the room which is like a massive like you can think about it like a big-ass tripod and we got a Scott like a light hanging off of it pretty nice light and it is it's weighted with sand and [ __ ] and and it's like right below the ceiling I'm like so paranoid he's gonna take a chip out of the ceiling and we got the whole thing set up and this dude comes in with the room service and he goes oh man what y'all got going on in here I just hear him say that like out of like your shot and I turn on my oh no how did he get in here so I just walk out so my OS uh bro like I'm about to sign for the [ __ ] he's like y'all shooting a music video and I was like oh nah man he's doing some camera tests this we're shooting a concert tomorrow so you know we got to make sure that some of this shit's working I was like I was like what such an absurd lie but also like the only thing you could have said in that situation yeah what else yeah what are gonna do like it very clearly we're shooting something yeah and so for you just be like it where's testing [ __ ] out yeah okay a little bit of that that's sort of believable yeah and then I was just like you know some of this stuff is local so you know we just don't know if it works the guy's like oh yeah if it shows so tomorrow is the real thing I'm like there's just we just knocking out but he was also just straight-up interested in what we were shooting yeah no no he wanted to know if there was rappers in there or yeah he was definitely more interested in that yeah and and but I think just plain I was like I it was hilarious cuz as I'm saying that NEMA has the re hanging off of like an easy rig which is just like a backpack with a string because it's like dangling in front of it and he's just like looking over at me like oh [ __ ] is he gonna say anything it was funny too because the AC wasn't working we had the AC like the I don't know whatever their technician is the AC guy come through he comes in there and we still had like the combo and all that stuff set out it might dumbass I'm like well let's just hide the camera so they don't suspect anything it's like no the cameras I could give away anything what about that giant ass looking why would you say hanging in the middle of the room brother you guys shoot something here like no where's the camera where's the camera to find the camera for shooting something in here no I just I just wanted to light up the place a little more little dreary in here NEMA cuz I would this book because I'm ready to go what are you doing are you doing it comes out wearing the easy rig yeah well that what's that for it's a it's my homies very fashion-forward he likes to hang it's a it's a it's a weight-loss thing he ain't here's a Twinkie from that and he just runs after the runs after called no we just get mad offended yep don't he got in a horrible accident that's to fix his back you [ __ ] dick what's wrong with you you just point people on wheelchairs to you [ __ ] [ __ ] Jesus which was that guy's moving chair what's your problem bro get the [ __ ] out of here who's your boss we're gonna complain anyway so that's cool yeah then then we next day we go to the show and that was that was crazy we had nerves like I mean you talk a little bit we were I mean I don't how you felt but I was kind of like we were like okay yeah I mean I I I wasn't that I was pretty [ __ ] nervous yeah wait wait just look at this dude everything going on yeah now anyway continue go ahead um I was nervous weirdly because it's like I feel like we've done comedy now 404 for 1,500 people yeah and I feel like that should have been a little bit more nerve-wracking than this but I was like I mean as a first like music performance I was [ __ ] shaking in my boots oh yeah and I was like am I gonna remember the lyrics am I gonna am I gonna be able to hear my voice I didn't know what it would sound like nothing I was like I don't know how to get how to hype people up cuz it's like kind of hard to have energy up there when you're clearly nervous and all this [ __ ] yeah all these like thoughts start piling up on top of each other in my head and then the biggest my biggest concern was my his verse is not auto-tune mine is his because I kind of his main kind of half sing it sort of yeah and yeah he's being the world and the only auto-tune mic they had was for black bear obviously so mine didn't have auto-tune on and they're like I can be a problem and I was like now for if we're just wrapping over the one that has the vocals in it and they're not gonna be able to hear my voice he's mine I can kind of tell you know more like lip-sync it and then we go onstage and no balls versus first and he starts going in and all I can hear is his voice that's it I can't even hear the [ __ ] song all I can hear is his voice he sounds great but I'm like oh god damn and I feel so bad for this audience right now they have to witness what's about to happen Cody also came out there like it was a goddamn Oracle sales conference he came out I was like yo his hat was out of his burrow Cody goes out he's like yo what the [ __ ] no that was that was dope yeah I mean what just coming out of windows head ya know but it was just hilarious like the change in energy you were just like just blow out everybody's speakers and then black bear goes he sounds [ __ ] amazing and then my first starts I start go I sounded like [ __ ] dude I couldn't tell they're looking [ __ ] I couldn't tell all I could hear is my stupid voice and it's just like just so monotone like over this part that's supposed to be like singing and sound cool what if everybody just collectively dropped their hands know that live band saved us oh yeah they put way less emphasis on what we were doing yeah full live drums yeah this blind sick shout clue I think the drummer mm-hmm who killed it so anyways we did that we filmed it and then we came home the next day and shot the rest of the video on Monday yeah but just want to say huge shout out to black bear oh yeah everything so accommodating and for [ __ ] making this a slapper it's an absolute slapper Rooney yeah yeah I mean yeah it's a dinger bear to you guys am Sam and diamond thistles yeah shout out Christian shout out [ __ ] Alamo Records for helping us push it out too yeah yeah they were fully on board the whole idea was the 21st of June is the longest day of the year which is coincidentally coincident well it's actually I don't know if it is I think he just might have just made that up too but it makes sense I mean it's like a funny yeah contradiction so it's like short king appreciation days of the longest day of the year 21st of June yeah and so no no I searched that [ __ ] and it's real yes it came back okay hold on let me type it in let me let me Jamie this [ __ ] right here Jamie can we get a vacuum in here short kings Appreciation Day hold on the craziest also one of the craziest things is that he he didn't even know we made music or anything and he had seen over he's seen our YouTube videos right yeah I think TJ showed him and then they were just listening to to someone on Spotify like another like meme rapper yeah we just Auto played next and he was like wait these guys do music - that's so wild yeah that's crazy that's insane alright um yeah yeah yeah declared June 21st short king Appreciation Day oh it is in the Toronto Star okay yeah [ __ ] yeah so this Friday short king Appreciation Day show your lives anthem is coming out yeah well it'll be out there tonight tonight yeah whatever it's out [ __ ] whatever time you listen to it it's out yeah go go go go [ __ ] a short King on Friday yeah go [ __ ] a short King challenge I'm saying whatever you are just [ __ ] short King yeah Monday shoot was was cool I edited for 12 hours dude 12 hours yeah I got a bit 8 all night I got to be 8 and then I started like transcoding footage and yeah I think I got really cracking around like 11 but I was definitely like 11 to 11 that's like combing it going after it you know took a few breaks here and there to eat but I was mainly just on the gas but was also like working on something else we got coming out which we shoot tomorrow night alright well by the time you're hearing this and the song drops Cody and I are shooting a third music video yeah my fourth of this week your fourth of this week crazy dude bro producer [ __ ] is like I won't [ __ ] bore everybody with the details but [ __ ] hell dude like I haven't been able to even think about YouTube or anything yeah I mean I haven't streamed like I'm just like I just had to backburner everything and it's like it's just I guess I say this cuz I know we got people out listen to us I'm like they're like in film school and some people are curious about like film schooling like whatever the [ __ ] if you're worried about making it in the film industry you can start by being a producer cuz or a production assistant or something cuz there is always so much [ __ ] to do it's crazy like all the [ __ ] my new show and just just there's no point where you're like alright yeah I could chill now somebody's got a question bust something and like now like I understand I think about like Game of Thrones and should that has to have like twenty to forty producers at least like just to make all that [ __ ] happen yeah it's a sanam that's whatever yeah I mean it seems like it's [ __ ] crazy I was told I was digging through like Cole Bennett music videos and and the one he did with yg that she'd had five producers on it really yeah like four to five and like I looked at their instagrams and like they're not like assistant producers they're all like competent producers like they've all worked on big [ __ ] like they're all just tasked with like making something happen which is wild it's crazy yeah so it's pretty cool job though oh it's doe make your you're the reason why this is yeah their life yeah you're the one that organizes all the moving pieces yeah sucks when you're on set though and like like we'll be in the middle of a day because almost texting me being like where do I put the food oh my god [ __ ] it's not good to do it all like you step down but yeah yeah just put a something yeah yeah just whatever wherever the [ __ ] shout out I mean everybody who came out on Monday that we had a we had a pretty dope crew shout about James James is our boy if you're wanting that's our boy okay you're wondering who that is in the music video tomorrow that was our gaffer at the end and yeah laying on the couch itself so cool man yeah he just busted up and I was just like can I speed it cuz you know normally there's like a thing about like um a crew being in like talent as well like technically you're not supposed to do both on like Union sets okay like you're not allowed yeah and and ours is all Union so no it's not you don't have to oh oh yeah that's all you tell Union yeah that's all Union yeah you know the Union is watching yeah that was completely yeah local 42069 yes exactly yeah na means and so if I can yeah just like can I speed he goes yeah go for it and I just like start pushing camera on him and he's just like totally and I wish we recorded what he said did you hear him no pretend to do like a hotline it was it yeah dude I was like god damn it was so funny did that's great yeah that's a everyone everyone yeah that to everyone who made the last two weeks possible yeah been crazy two weeks um just from Walkman to this yep yeah yeah tomorrow tonight tomorrow's videos gonna be insane yeah that's gonna be crazy mm-hmm can't wait to like put that out and like talk about that and all that we're um anyway so yeah that that's what the [ __ ] we've been working on for the past four weeks is just making these music videos happen and running around and now next week tour again for a little bit yeah going on tour for a few days those shows are now sold out had a few lingering tickets and they all just like disappeared which is yeah which is crazy actually yeah we um we got got some new [ __ ] Oh Metta rama festival we're playing yeah invited in Las Vegas I'll just announced today it's a gaming and music festival you know I don't know which one of those we're gonna be doing I think neither the game and they're gonna be doing comedy we're definitely gonna game on look at a game but probably not on state no we're in the game in our rooms yeah we're gonna we're gonna tell some jokes yes it will be there performing that's October 19th and 20th yeah in Las Vegas Nevada so we will be we gonna be there we're gonna be there we're gonna be [ __ ] [ __ ] ninjas gonna be there ninja Wow bro what if he just walks out to us he goes hey man I've heard every single joke every single one it's like and I love the dump yeah yeah yeah yeah hold up we gotta take a break real quick right back me right back boys and girls guys we want to thank hinge for sponsoring this episode of the podcast hinge is a dating app that I used to be on before I met Kelsey and now that I've met her I'm in a very happy relationship and that's the thing about hinge though it's it's the dating app that's designed to be deleted that's right it's for people who want to get off dating apps because after all isn't at the point on hinge you show off your personality with icebreaker prompts and see who likes you so you can easily start a conversation you have to wait for the matches you can see who likes you first and you know start a start up a nice banter you'll meet people you're most comfortable compatible with thanks to hinges award-winning algorithm and once you go on a date you can let hinge know how well it went this helps hands learn to learn your type and make better recommendations in the future so you'll never 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enter the promo code tiny meet to get 15% off your entire order exceptionally crafted fairly priced get a winter ventrell watch at Ventrilo watches calm / tiny meet + promo code tiny meet don't even go there oh don't don't even go there I'm not into Tommy no more are starting to tank I'm getting really horny in here it's the tea instead of the th yeah that's so crucial oh so crucial in it and always the [ __ ] yeah thanks thanks thanks oh don't even go there no more I can't believe it she's the only one more overtime I'm Maura yeah on Peter Gilroy Tyler yeah long hair yeah yeah they got the same facial features she's the only one to me that is actually entertaining because she's like kind of annoying but like says what she feels and she's got why isn't everyone like this I think they definitely dialed back some of the personalities yeah they're like too nice and reserved well instead of 12 Maura's it's like they can only have a couple yeah I think they were getting a lot of flack dude because of all like the recent contestants yeah like you know hidden hidden loads and I get it from a TV standpoint they're like all right [ __ ] that's not really our goal we're gonna like destroy people's for him sanity's are you caught up I am almost there okay I'm on 12 out of 13 okay yeah I'm there you know who you don't know who goes home now not yet no don't don't spoil it I won't spoil it I won't spoil I saw today an ad one on the [ __ ] boardwalk for CBS bought like you know the candy shop the big pink candy shop on the boardwalk in Venice no this is a big-ass pink candy shop anyways they like they must have like licensed the front of it she this is love Island July 9th the CBS Wow Wow that's just now when we watched two seasons of love island design variously that's great we got to figure out what we're gonna do with the love island game yeah cuz season two now I was on the game I know it's just like gotta see what's up dude we'll figure something out yeah yeah could you picture a Scotsman's accent coming from this face you nailed it man you got it down my expedience here I'm like I'm learning I'm trying to learn all the different it is what it is yeah it is what it is what you being [ __ ] the 50 writer what you know yeah I cut on that there's like no instead of like zero to 100 they keep saying factor something oh yeah yeah beat B factor 5 factor 20 you [ __ ] the 50 right now it's like that's them like trying to tell you do like to tone it down oh wow yeah I've never heard that in my life dude it's all through the season well now now all [ __ ] hear it every single episode yeah sure one of the one they say they say obviously way too much you know essentially obviously obviously I'm not gonna step on your toes obviously I'm not gonna hate on Tommy if you're obviously it's like it's not that obvious no just go and do it anyway yeah I don't like the whole like Drake approach they got to the whole thing hey listen man you know it's just you know it's just love you know it's love but I'm a [ __ ] your girl now yeah this you yeah oh yeah yeah obviously I'm not trying to step on your toes here no it said so I'm gonna I'm gonna stomp on him I was thinking I got a nail like the Scottish one or accent or something I got to mimic one of them real well so when we go back to do love island game now we got the full breadth of different voices okay who should I nail who should I nail who should I nail next Curtis I'm gonna nail him nail Curtis yeah yeah he is man I could see how you um he comes across a little sweet yeah yeah well I think I think he's just like a super nice dude uh-huh he's just like ultra nice guy yeah and I love how honest he is with his girl Anna what's her name baby Amy yeah I love how honest he is about her when she starts like going off and say some [ __ ] just it just nip it in the butt right there you just you just your bidness you like it like what do you tell her recently like she started going on about like Lucy and the other foolin and he was just like stop it it's not your business I was like damn damn dude this type of honesty that keep gets you married bro this type of desam partner ass [ __ ] right there yeah you know like when partner with people talk about like and he just you know he's always honest with me and tells me one it being too much it's like he's such a great husband it's like that's that [ __ ] right there like Darrell from the office remember that scene which one when Kelly it's like I don't know what the [ __ ] kind of game is this he just says what's on his vine what something exactly what's on his mind at all times and he's like completely honest I don't know what the [ __ ] kind of game is playing with me that's like I won't stand for it i butchered that yo I got in trouble for [ __ ] up ol Luke P callin P so yeah Luke it's Luke P Luke like you're [ __ ] matters yeah you have the same thing yeah Luke P he he'd man that [ __ ] trips me out cuz he's just straight-up like he's got like personality disorder just like live on television really like like clear is [ __ ] yeah why man why does love island get so much heat for the the mental toll it takes on its [ __ ] when they putting people like that on the show cuz the bachelor because the Bachelorette is about like kissing love island now is - yeah Oh buddy has yet has done anything you know nobody bangs anymore yeah yeah it's so you're saying the first season it was like way more sexual dude that John and Hannah there was just like the the like power couple like from the first dude they would bang with people in the room it's like only a few weeks in they start [ __ ] and like while everyone's sleeping a few weeks in yeah okay well this is not a few days yeah yeah yeah like it's like five six days and they're like [ __ ] like what's up with [ __ ] Tommy being so nervous to kiss why they just all getting drunk and make it out already I know I just I just love how they brought in this boxer yeah and he's like didn't like the most like softest dude ever this fool is a straight killer in the ring when it like comes to go it comes to girls I'm not gonna lie Johnny I'm not gonna like beat around the bush and all doubt like I'm gonna turn to straight up straight up yes straight off guy keep saying I'll straight up yeah when I just think it's if if they were all like not being filmed it would be so different it would yeah it all just get [ __ ] up the first night and [ __ ] each other right like at a in a villa in Majorca or whatever yeah yeah a bunch of hot singles and I like how it wouldn't play out sorry go I know it's fine like I everyone is so nice that it makes Maura seem like she's crazy with that that was everyone on the previous season yeah like she was you know that's what I'm saying that's why I kind of like Maura yeah just like and she's kind of like now she's like damn I I should part stop talking about sex like that's weirdly nobody like receives her oh I can't even do her [ __ ] cuz I guess the boys don't like that boys the boys don't like that don't even go there I'm not into Tommy no more [ __ ] yo this full on The Bachelorette this [ __ ] this show just confirms that church girls love dudes who punch holes in their wall this [ __ ] church girl yeah okay and this fool is like he can't he doesn't have his own thoughts he just like says what he thinks she want to hear and like he has like this twenty thousand yard stare in his eyes so she'll be like Luke I just don't know like if you feel the way I feel then he'll look back at her and say I think it's really messed up what's going on today and I don't like that you don't know what to feel that's it and he just waits and she'll say something and then he just like regurgitate it back to her and then she like snaps like in this most reason she's like you just say what I say you just say what you think I want to hear and I don't know if those are your real thoughts and then he like yeah you don't want to know my real dude that's exactly what I'm thinking I'm like hey don't go there don't go there lady just let him is it's six different people which sauce do you want do you want Jarrod's thoughts do you want its thoughts they're all up there he just like tweaks his head a little bit and he's just like well David's getting tired of the whole scenario David doesn't like to lose so whatever bro so she like snaps on him and he doesn't get a rose he starts walking away and he does the most like that means he's off the show no he just didn't get a rose from the one-on-one gotcha gotcha okay then he does the most like uh I think it's supposed to mean you're off the show but but he does this [ __ ] where he just abruptly stops he turns around he says I'm not gonna lose and I could see she's the girl I want to marry and he just walks right back into the house and he like pulls her aside and he has like this weird like Epiphany he delivers it perfectly on my holy [ __ ] this guy seems like he has a semblance of like thought any and he's like I hate it I I hate that I feel this way and I can't open up and this and that and debtor that uh and then she like believes him and he goes right back into it like he's just like a [ __ ] like a drone it's crazy and I died out of everything I don't want to clownin too bad because he just seems off and I'm like this will should not be on this Luke P Luke P bruh I gotta see how this how this guy look just look at his [ __ ] face he is like yeah I mean the this is funny the headline is how the bachelorettes Luke P became the seasons frontrunner and villain damn yeah but yeah that stare is like he's staring right through me should be wearing a cape an opera you don't even smile like that like all the shots they have of him he's like he's just and and then when he does smile it's it's real wry and kind of I just can't describe it dude and I don't know if they're just picking shots to make him look like an [ __ ] I mean that could be it - whoa someone got a no flex tattoo hell yeah dude that's crazy out damn Jenna shut it - Laura calots and antibiotics no flex tattooed on her that's crazy yeah maybe it's cuz her bicep is so big like she don't she don't want to flex you might rip right out and that's probably what it is yeah yeah damn that's crazy shout-out to you now someone's got to get a walk man just us on a treadmill tattooed on them on your left ass cheek walk man now in that wood has been five days since we left since we recorded the last episode now it's at 1.8 million streams on Spotify what yeah hit like almost two and a man we're gonna talk about these numbers to be like I'll look at the numbers week billion bro it's just it's just so much bigger than anything we put out last so it's cool to see that I don't know and and and music is something that is just so much fun you know and we have zero I have all the expectation that people here and go this [ __ ] sucks yeah it's cool that we have fun making it we have fun shooting this [ __ ] and then when people listen to it they have fun yeah yeah enjoy is actually like kind of fulfilling yeah the fact that like we it's all kind of you know it's everyone's having a good time 100% and it's funny that someone hit trending a bunch of dudes reacted to it and like there's a lot of dudes that don't realize that we're not joking yeah they say some dudes was like watch then they go yo like one guy he watched he's like like he goes my first like ad-lib cutaway to me like roll on my eyes live he's like yo what's up with that face [Music] he's like I don't know if I would've did that it's [ __ ] weird how comedy confuses people yeah we make some like it [ __ ] it bucks with them it's like it's like I don't know it's it's it's uh I agree as a human it's like hard you you want to categorize things it's natural you want to put things in buckets we've talked about this before yeah but it's like something can be two things at once people just don't understand that yeah [ __ ] some open if it's like it's like it's it's not straight up comedy and like it's like we need to we need to like put a label on these guys okay the meme rappers oh yeah hey now I can [ __ ] relax no I can like I can like digest what what's happening yeah you know it's like no but think it's like someone someone in the young gravy did it ma and someone was like would you categorize yourself as a meme rapper and he was like men I think I just I just make music like if I if I go in the booth and I say some funny [ __ ] then it's funny it's just funny like I just like I have it on my mind and I want to say this funny stuff laya it's like if you could still like bounce to it and enjoy it like yeah what does it matter I'm guess I'm a meme rapper then sure yeah yeah I mean I would like I'm not saying weird weird mean rappers or whatever I'm just like it's funny how comedy it's just like it people are like what what is this am I supposed to take it seriously am I not I think it's music isn't it I think now more than ever like your sirness like see a little bit more acceptance of like comedy in Raths mmm I think rap you know hip-hop general has always been like it and as it should be like sort of serious and like come from like a point of like penmanship kind of thing but I like that's why I like Shaun price so much as like as as tough as he was as a person and like it like all the [ __ ] he went through he like in the middle of his verses would have just funny ass bars and like some of them were hard some of them were just straight-up funny but like that was the first time I like I felt like he's a artist in my mind that I feel like was both like he embraced being both like he's like yeah I'm from Brownsville and I sold drugs and about it and I've lived that life but that doesn't mean I can't be a clown like he had he would film tons of sketches like you it was like the first rapper I feel like really trying to do that like and duck down like the label like really like backed him on that there's this whole bit where he like he he takes over duck down and like he just took a day till I shoot a whole bit like kind of off his style where he's like going around the office I'm like [ __ ] with the ANR's and the creative people and like like I don't know I think that was all his idea they did some other [ __ ] where he like went to play tennis and like how he's talking about like oh this is like white people [ __ ] and like it's just really funny but he was willing to like put himself out of his element like be goofy and yeah you know I feel like most like rappers and stuff they they you know it's not to say he's the first person to do that but I think more often than that rappers and just artists in general are not willing to joke about themselves like they think I kind of think they like put themselves is like okay I'm a rapper I got to be that if I'm a singer I got to be that I mean - but whose certain degree like it helps the it helps it does help context helps like create a certain mood yeah right if you're listening to a song that's supposed to be like dramatic and supposed to make you sad and feel you like the weekend like you couldn't listen to his first mixtape hit funny [ __ ] there you'd be 100% you better okay this one's gonna ruins it all right but like it's funny that you see more and more of a blend nowadays yeah like where like Oliver tree perfect example yeah like I are you supposed to take its hearsay are you not like news music is just good yeah but people get so [ __ ] confused like yeah where where it's like I don't understand the meme and whatever yeah he just wants to be funny all the time yeah yeah but he's still he still makes great music right right and that's I think that's definitely like the coolest part of I don't know the internet or whatever like ever like we can enjoy like making this [ __ ] and if people are like yo this is this is like corny it's like that's fine like it's it can't like what if it's supposed to be kind of thing yeah like it's okay if it's corny yeah yeah yeah I don't know I'm just trying to say like I think now more than ever you see a lot of artists like trying to ride a line or like they they blend basically what you're saying like they don't [ __ ] can be two at once I'm basically just reiterating your point but yeah no I agree people definitely you saw that like with all the reaction videos like what we were doing like you can see people I really struggle like like we're really trying to figure it out yeah I mean which I think can be like a bad thing but I think I think it could also be a good thing I don't know cuz I think branding and I think context is important I'm not saying that yeah like I've always said that it's really important and like you have to nail a mood and whatever but I think like this is a new one I think this weird middle area where is it's I'm not saying weird like creating any [ __ ] like new genres or whatever but I'm saying like people like young gravy and stuff I get to me or like riding the line so well that it's creating this whole like yeah or like like sub-genre of like comedy music that's not comedy it's just it's just light and funny I think like so I'm gonna get heat for that to know I'm just out to these guys desk racist yeah yeah them too yeah yeah yeah yeah they like they what I love about them bro is their music to me is so like reminiscent of like when me and my friends like just freestyle in the car we [ __ ] around yeah and like just say funny [ __ ] like their music you know I don't know what their process is but there's something like real genuine about that and like I can just I can dis I can just forget about like whether or not they're trying to be rappers like it this is maybe this is some [ __ ] like pretentious ass art [ __ ] but I just think that that's cool like it they kind of break a barrier for me where I'm consuming music a little bit differently cuz like you know I always I always think of music like that alright if I'm feeling this I'm a listen to this if I'm feeling that I'm gonna listen to that yeah it's kind of dope to like listen to something where it's not so much about like setting a mood and like I don't know maybe makes me nostalgic of like Who I am I guess or like experiences I've had in my life and it's it's not even really about the music it's just like it's something different does that make sense yeah I've [ __ ] bullshitting now it does totally I don't know well yeah like I mean yeah I'm obviously I'm not the most educated person though genres of music and everything like that I just think no the middle it's funny how much comedy now is is being yeah integrated in in things yeah and how people aren't taking them itselves as seriously mmm-hmm yeah now it now it's about like an artist being themself versus being built up to be somebody kind of thing there's so much of artists now like when they when they get interview by NAR doir and and when they go on interviews about this and that and even GQ like that you said video they did with Denzel curry I didn't watch it now but like you saw that things you can't live with that and like he was just talking about like super like normal [ __ ] I chuckle cuz he like I guess he's like a huge you know fan and he kind of like goes on a rant he's like yo you should be last AK plus twos and uno bro cuz then he starts like talking about it I just know why I felt compelled to tweet at him like he played on the computers like that a bunch of people were like what the [ __ ] are you talking about you like liked it so I'm like that's cool maybe now he'll like go play you know and like he'll be curious about it if you like oh [ __ ] like you know whatever so well then so let's collab family that's all trying to say TMZ featuring Denzel curry yeah right dawg never yeah I don't know we're just [ __ ] around who does we first try to have fun makes no sense people want to have I don't know I always say this [ __ ] like I always like want to talk about this [ __ ] but then we start talking about I'm like I I don't know about it what are we doing no I feel you well we're not like I think that's also weird for us to like cuz we're not we don't wake up in the morning we're not like [ __ ] we yeah the tiny meat gang it's not like that it's like we just wake up and we're like you know oh this would be a cool idea for a song oh this would be cool for a video it's like I think we'd come at it from a place of like alright what's gonna make people laugh I think that's where it gets weird mm-hmm cuz I give we I think like with Walkman we made that and even Shore Kings anthem we made that and I was like holy [ __ ] like granted a lot of it is just Christian making us sound good right cuz if we made that [ __ ] ourselves it sound like trash like Christian and Spock are the ones that make us sound half decent so I think that's where it's weird cuz we I feel like we hear that [ __ ] back and I made you tell me if you feel this way but I feel like things that really uh you know I mean it's better than what I expect that we can make I think that's the weirdest part about it mm-hmm people like friends this [ __ ] will ask me about like what's it like oh it's crazy you'd making those crazy music and stuff like I don't know how to talk about it cuz I'm like uh I don't really like view it that way you know what I'm saying yeah just get the dopest producer on earth you know that have them hit you up yeah or some reason yeah have them have faith in you exactly I'm a loser who's crazy faith in you for no reason and then find like another homie who also makes music and he's got crazy faith in you guys for no reason at all and then they the two of them produce for you and then make make songs for you and that's how you get there bruh no I mean this I don't know it's weird this whole what we've stumbled on and maybe it's weird because in the last two weeks it's just been really focused we make a song or we make like we made locals-only that would still just like us [ __ ] around yet this felt like like a clear step yeah we're like oh [ __ ] we're working like with like some real ass people like people who do this for real yeah I think that part [ __ ] me up too yeah I felt crazy pressure yeah I know it was pretty crazy so whatever man is crazy that's crazy sorry sorry we went on the [ __ ] tooth that's basically just two dumb guys being like yo musics like crazy now it's crazy the music can be like funny and music invented music it's crazy how like we're like helping people invent me is it nah ain't that at all bro um shout out to young gravy though actually cuz yeah yeah he's a good dude yeah we've been Huey [ __ ] he'd same thing with him actually he was like oh damn I didn't realize he'd a me was like I didn't realize you guys you guys do the music thing I just like happened to pom like oh one of your music videos or some [ __ ] and he forwarded me the picture of him in DC next to like he's heat like we both signed a brick yeah it veni was that though the nose in the DMV war yeah things of the film or the film or and yeah whatever so we signed a brick and then he signed one right beside and he took a picture and I like comment on his Instagram like with the eyeballs emojis or whatever and he's sporting me that pictures like I just realized you guys were the brick next to me yeah J Aidid put it put a little snap in there and we were in there yeah crazy suicide boys are on that wall it's crazy man I don't know I think we've ruined it such a cool I know now don't worry right there's a not anyone else hey it ain't gonna say I was leave it alone I'm not gonna say what's on the other wall do you remember what's on the other wall yeah okay yeah there's a sensor for you guys it was a fun sensor for you guys anyways me I know like I know we this is all like a dumb tirade rant but I hope I hope you guys are laughing at this I don't know only [ __ ] we've been thinking about for the past weeks but yeah my brain is fried yeah fried yeah I noticed the podcast is better when we don't see each other a lot during the week yeah because we have less funny things shared because we just don't talk as much and then we [ __ ] work go through months like this we're just together every single day doing this [ __ ] we talk about everything there is to talk about yes and then we go to these weird tirades where it's like why are we doing it on the podcast like yeah can comedy be a I don't know what should we make no it's just weirdly introspective just look back do once every like two months there's an episode like this yeah yeah hundred percent it just I think like I don't know I think it's also that we've just been doing a lot of [ __ ] we've been doing a lot of paperwork emails this person it's like the the I don't know it's crazy how many layers got involved real fast and also shout to someone that said I was I feel my boob a lot or something I have a lot of like nervous twitches that I'm a better that get really bad when I'm stressed well we could talk about my let's talk about good but anyways that's why I grabbed my tit a lot and that's why I do stupid [ __ ] with my nose and stuff like that because I've you do the city that makes me feel less like anxious for some reason yeah I feel like comforting I feel that yeah yeah i milked myself a little bit just a little a little bit mm-hmm and then I feel better little Cody milk a little teat milk yeah just straight from the utter yeah [ __ ] got herniated discs son I don't know so you're out that surgery no I'm gonna go to physical therapy first you'll [ __ ] dad they got bro is this us to have you no fool is he gay to have a herniated disc I was like technically you let another man go inside your neck that's that's gay fool that's Lud like that's fine do you see that tweeters do the Texans friend oh yeah cuz you know cuz I'm [ __ ] gay you gettin getting my [ __ ] neck okay I'll give you that goose neck so that we the screen cameras do Texans homies like watch this you like Tex Lake hashtag pride hashtag like gay hashtag bisexual and it's like they're all like rainbow-colored he's like see okay now watch this and he put hashtag kissing the home his goodnight and it's just black he's like not gay fool see see so let's do this you know what I hate to make steamy tweets for I got a I'm pumped I'm pumped to do that that's my favorite series to film I've gotta be honest backlog of [ __ ] mm-hmm like Nancy might have to do that ASAP yeah this [ __ ] announcement next week oh yeah I have [ __ ] for can I read the can I read this tweet you can you can read whatever to you want man interviewer you have a three year gap on your resume that on your resume that just says vengeance me nothing interview or nothing me you don't remember me do you oh my god oh I'm sorry this is our cruising reason like tweets no I mean I just I [ __ ] I haven't had any like funny thoughts lately this video of low pump just crying on a story damn it's like dude just don't go to eleven every single day yeah that strip club he's there every day till like 6:00 a.m. oh like three nights off you might feel bad bra how do we miss this [ __ ] little Zayn gonna get in the [ __ ] assault charge yeah did you see that video what a [ __ ] dummy right now man what a dummy doesn't he live like San Diego I don't know does he I thought those where he's from okay pulling a gun and like [ __ ] does a ghost like I don't know don't bro so stupid man I mean like I'm not saying all of San Diego's safe because it definitely some like some areas they get busy but she's gonna pull it out on the gas station in the g-wagon with a camera in your face oh man [ __ ] are you doing oh no someone was like you know you a [ __ ] when someone when you pull out a gun and someone keeps making fun of you I'm like yeah I guess so he got he got charged assault with a deadly weapon nah I think someone's like or like intent these dudes like pressing charges on him I don't know the details of it but yeah little [ __ ] he just keeps lit now yeah yeah sleep pull out a gun just what about for God because of some stupid thing they said about Tupac yeah as like do was climb on him for what he said about - alright alright okay so we just went on that whole 15 minute thing about how hardest don't take themselves seriously and then go right into little Zambian like what the [ __ ] you say fool plan out a gun main I got a big man in Invisalign is it some [ __ ] that I didn't realize is gonna be this much work so it's like straight up like braces like they're little like yeah that's what I wanted to say so they got these things as they put on your teeth are called attachments right and it's basically like the little brace the little brace nub a little a bracket for the train track but it's like clear and you don't really see it right and when I was like setting up the whole thing they're like yeah you're gonna have a few I'm like copy this is dope I come in there today and I see like a 3d model of my teeth and I see attachments all over that [ __ ] I'm like oh they said a few son this is just straight up all over my [ __ ] face races yeah and there they were like cuz we have to move on like you saying my teeth or [ __ ] though I should just got braces I should I just got full a little pump I just just had it now I got what looks like [ __ ] just food remains on my teeth there's gonna get dirtier and dirtier who's gonna look at me in meetings like all your teeth yeah what did you eat for lunch did you eat bone for lunch how did you how did you perfectly place it in the centre of your teeth every time not it they told me that they like I'm sure this is a lie but they were like oh now if it's if it's good if things are on track and we rid of them you know you don't have to keep them on all the way I'm like don't lie to me sir these are gonna be over five years tell me what's up oh my god lastic no I have to do that when I sleep really got to the rubber band OHS why cuz your drop you want to remove your jaw yeah they were like you're gonna chip your tooth man you grind your teeth hella bad and like he just keeps [ __ ] the way it is but they were they were grinding my teeth it was funny because I was sitting there like well if I like I could just give up on this [ __ ] you know if it were schemes to work like you know it really came down to it was real bad and then she's like alright so we're just kind of like grind up your teeth a little bit just to create some room like nope this is forever I got it now its final now I got to stick with it yeah so now I'm just a little pumped oh that's sick man you got a rocket yeah ever just start getting like in October get the Halloween colors on there oh yeah the whole nine yeah the whole nine I'm gonna get it I'm gonna use this as an excuse to get a grill for our next music video actually yea goldzilla yeah I'm saying yeah I don't want to I want to show up on camera can I get gold hey shut up shut our eyes box in Atlanta the a.m. to me it's like the store where all the rapper's go to get their jewelry yeah and they DM me for some reason was a Haiti of a jeweler oh my god I've never bought a piece of jewelry so no don't no jeweler and they're like alright cool well like we're both something you make it to Atlanta a lot or whatever I just didn't have the heart to tell them I can't yeah for a single thing in their stores I can follow them and I like looking at their story all the time because it comes up and it's just like the craziest watch is no get a toe ring kindda toe ring actually yeah that would be good okay iced out toe ring there's like two diamonds in it hella small yeah just give me a cool toe ring do you do back dimple piercings yeah ice those out yeah what else could you get this like tiny besides a nose ring I style you see that you see Drake Drake has that [ __ ] in his tooth where it looks like that no it's a diamond oh yeah you got like a diamond like embedded in his tooth and it just looks like food I didn't know that yeah it's crazy it's like I think it's a pink diamond that fool is so rich that he'd just be eating diamonds hmm yeah he's he's way past you she regular food he [ __ ] flew his jet around the the Toronto parade the Raptors prey well 70 grand just to fuel that thing for that long I don't even know he had a jet he bought a [ __ ] like 747 it's huge what yeah dude air Drake it's called so clueless I am it's crazy I don't know he had a plane yeah like a big-ass jet like a commercial jet that's [ __ ] up yeah I don't know I also don't know if it was a 747 or ever is huge yeah and it's like that's something it's something like tax thing or word or something like that I don't know yeah well there's gonna like charter obviously other I don't know that's how [ __ ] Richie is that or that's how like many shows I guess he will be doing in the future is that like that is makes economic sense paying seventy thousand dollars per flight crazy nuts 747 to yourself bro yeah what's after that it's like president [ __ ] yeah what's after that does the spaceship yeah you [ __ ] tweet at you on your own Hyperloop yeah yo sighvat Hyperloop I need my own Hyperloop just for me mm-hmm aye sir Lube how about that oh yeah you know would that be Ilana I heard you're down in earnings we got the [ __ ] plan for you my guy you got to just get in the sex doll [ __ ] mm-hmm I was talking my dad about VR and he was just kind of like gelling with me he's like man like what could be the practical use of VR bro and I was like yeah that's it that you know don't like dude it's really only sex [ __ ] right now the hardware sucks it's really only section yeah it's that and then VR chat I just people being strange yeah I got my dad the oculus the new one birthday what does homie say about it I said I got you this because have you seen striking buddy he's like oh that's great my my best friend from high school just emailed me the other day all right I'm gonna end the episode now so I didn't say he was you know I don't want to think about that does he love it it hasn't arrived yet oh it's like a two-week shipping thing on Amazon but I'm pumped I'm going home in like three weeks or something Doug I want to get a couple days I'm gonna use it yeah for sure yeah you got one too yeah yeah yeah man what the [ __ ] was I saying on said the other day I was like oh yeah we're just doing the perfect phone call bit yeah bro you want to strike Vipers with me call 1-800 strike Viper pound 69 and you can connect with me Karl we strike Vipers on Niomi what's up bro my name is Karl but in striking Vipers my name is you you and I'm gonna suck your dick I'm gonna suck the [ __ ] out of your dick son all right guys Tanya meat or calm get tickets for Amanda's still some tickets available and get get the if you're in Vegas met Arama aiming a music festival at a rama buy tickets to that come see us there I'll be there telling jokes [Music] Tim G pod calm if you want to get merch listen to our new song and as always keep dreaming keep striking and vie for as homie I also keep striking by person 2100 and strike my Viper now you could [ __ ] me Carl in a street with my tiny ass [ __ ] piece
Channel: TMG Studios
Views: 329,970
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Fl7DovBKegw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 1sec (4381 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 29 2019
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