Farmin' & Football with Josh Allen - LAF Ep. 1

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hey y'all I'm Pat and I'm Josh and you're watching like a farmer mine's closer we've got big names inspiring stories all celebrating the American Farmer if you've ever faced adversity and you like having food on the table you gotta be like a farmer hey y'all Pat with like a farmer welcome to episode one as you all know when we first started this there was two objectives I wanted celebrate the American Farmer and educate the American people one of the first phone calls I made was to my friend Mr Josh Allen who I have here today and as you all know them as the quarterback of the Buffalo Bills and y'all like watching him on Sunday and he's a pretty damn good player but what you might not know are some of the topics we're going to talk about today where he came from some of his life lessons from his success today and a lot more so stay tuned Josh thanks for coming on today man thank you for having me on this is uh this is exciting for me the last two days I've been in Buffalo New York and holy moly you talk about a community that is passionate hard-working grit they love their Buffalo Bills they love their chicken wings and boy do they love Josh Allen so just give me a rundown of like Buffalo to you yeah I mean it's it's home now like obviously I built a house here and I plan on being here for quite some time but you know I think you said one word and it was grit and I think Buffalo really embodies that that word you know every year doesn't matter how great or how bad this team was the previous year this year is our year and it's the same you know optimism that um they share and it's a community that loves football almost as much as I love football so to be able to be here and play for a franchise that's got so much history behind it and some of the players Hall of Fame players you talk about Jim Kelly Thurman Thomas Andre Reed Bruce and Steve Tasker should be in the Hall of Fame he's one of the greatest special team players of all time should be in Hall of Fame but you know when you throw that in there along with you know the the passion that this fan base has and uh the love that they share with our players and actually going out to eat dinner like uh it's it's crazy it's pandemonium and people just they love the bills here they love the Sabers um you know the bandits we got the bands Buffalo bands to pro lacrosse Yes actually playing pretty well right now and those games are so exciting so there you go it's a fun spot to be it's not the glitz and the glamor of an LA or Miami but um it's it's good people it's good food and that's uh those are two of my top top priorities this city loves Josh Allen I mean just to hit on the Patricia Allen Foundation right now I mean it seems like since day one this community has supported you it just kind of happened so um obviously my grandmother passed away right before we played the Seattle Seahawks and didn't tell anybody I just kind of went along my business and played in that game played really well we ended up winning the game and someone from Bill's Mafia found out and just kind of tweeted something I was like let's donate 17 to honor his grandmother and for for people to do that just not I mean I didn't ask anybody to do that I didn't want anybody to do that but for you know this community to try to turn something into a you know dark place for me and my family to to such a positive and now special place in my heart that is the Patricia Allen fund and to date that fund is now raised I think over three and a half four million dollars and they got a wing after my grandmother and and she's memorialized there forever and I'm forever indebted to this community and and the ocean children's hospital because of that reason so something now I look forward to each and every year finding new ways to raise money and give people different experiences and going like again I I love going to the hospital and just walking into a room it's it's sometimes it's really tough sometimes it's really difficult to see these kids that are so new in life and they're just having a bad hand dealt to them early on and you know just but as soon as you walk into the room it's like all that's gone you know they got the biggest smile on their face um yeah that Patricia Allen fund helps those families it helps those kids money for you know surgeries and travel food you name it so it's a it's a pretty special fun and it'll forever be in my heart shout out Bill's Mafia I mean you just holy moly like Bill's Mafia like tell me about I mean these people are jumping through tables they're showing up way too early probably on Sundays and maybe even Saturday night like number one I want to know where the table jumping even came from do you know I have no idea um for legal reasons I'm obligated to say I don't condone table just yeah you heard it those videos are special and there's there's been a lot of ones like you again you see them on Twitter and YouTube and there's some major fails where some people sometimes miss the table so again I don't condone that those Mafia um stay safe bills we need you in the stadium on Sundays but I will say as players we do see those videos yeah it's like holy cow like they they're they're crazy but it's such like this energy that you can feel it you know you walk into or you drive to the stadium and I mean it's bumper to bumper traffic you got people on the side walking barbecuing cornhole and it's 25 degrees outside yeah you know so like the fancy are unbelievable I I don't want to play for anybody else in my career and I want to make sure that I bring a Super Bowl to this fan base because they deserve they've been through a lot and uh boom you're getting me pumped up man it's you heard it here first it's bringing a championship to Buffalo it's my number one goal in life is to bring a Super Bowl here I've known you for a while now and I know one of your number one goals in life was also to be on the Madden cover so not too long ago it got announced that you were on the Madden cover I mean how does that feel yeah I mean uh crazy to sum it up in one word something as a kid again I I learned how to play football from Madden I learned all the rules Concepts and it really drove who I was like you know me and my brother we would as soon as we got out of the car we're racing to our room to see who gets the first controller because first controller who would win who would win there's me you know I would always I'd kick my brother's butt mad he'd always beat me up afterwards yes um we're saying were you faster I heard maybe you had a high school high school okay I was not that okay okay so my nickname was Tortuga which is a tortoise in Spanish okay um I've gotten faster since then at least I I think I have yeah maybe it's just you know worrying about the 300 guy 300 pound guys trying to tackle me from behind so I gotta outskirt them just a little bit but yeah the Madden cover it's a it's a dream come true I've seen the the photos and they're freaking they're awesome it's it's a small group of people that have been able to be on the cover so I I do take it um with a lot of Pride and it's something again as a kid I played this game and now I'm on that cover and you know the the game I always remember is mad no three it's it's uh it's Marshall Faulk for the St Louis Rams yep and I mean I play that every day and like I'll never forget that cover so like maybe I get to be that cover for some kids absolutely and that's the goal every goal has adversity you have to face prior to getting to that goal High School you're playing football you get out of high school and you have zero offers to go play college football correct correct and how does that feel like does it like okay I need to go work on the Family Farm I need to go do something else I need to go yeah anything a lot of emotion um more so like man I I know what I'm capable of why doesn't anybody else see that why is there not a coach that's one to come out here and say you know we want you to play for our team and I was like I took it as a kind of a slap in the face and I was like I'll I'll figure it out like I'm gonna figure it out and like my family was like I people tell me to walk on to Fresno State or I had a preferred walk-on I think at San Diego State I was like I don't I'm not gonna put my my family in a financial burden to to make let me go play football like I'll figure it out I'll go to Junior College yep what you did which I did and you really do okay Reedley Junior College which is uh about 35 40 minutes south of Fresno um and met some of the most amazing guys there I still keep in touch with a few of them the range of guys that are in junior college is just is such a wide margin um but I always knew like as long as I can get on the field and showcase my talent like talent's going to be found regardless of where you're at and I wouldn't say readily at the time was a very prominent junior college so not too many college Scouts coming in and throwing offers around and um didn't start for the first three or four games there either at the Junior at the junior college yeah so again I like after games like sitting there like talking to my parents like I just I don't understand like I'm working my tail off I'm yeah I'm doing everything right like yeah so it was uh some tough nights some some tough talks with myself and again I just had this self motivation and the self-belief in myself that I was gonna I'm still gonna figure it out you're gonna figure it out as soon as I got on the field too played really well um was expecting more offers to be honest I had had one from Eastern Michigan and one from Wyoming but Eastern Michigan pools Eastern Michigan pools because I didn't go visit them because I was trying to transfer out mid-year and there's this uh there was this where I don't know if it's the same room we the college rules are ridiculous now it's kind of crazy but there's this rule where you only had a two-week period where you can go in school visits and Wyoming was flying me out in Eastern Michigan was like well we need to fly you out we can't offer you if we don't fly you out it's like well I can't like I'm going to Wyoming already like they they've already set the flights like they're like well we're gonna have to pull your offer and I was like okay I guess Wyoming it is and you mentioned about college rules being ridiculous I mean think about it now yeah right I mean and that was unlimited like I feel like you can visit unlimited times yep I will go back to that story real quick because Eastern Michigan ended up beating me twice and breaking my collarbone the first time we played which they had my number they had my number um but that is what it is yeah so you go to Wyoming and you play for a year and now you're after your junior year one your first year at Wyoming you're projected to go what top five right well so I so first start in Wyoming was again against Eastern Michigan yep break my collarbone I'm out for the year so that next year is when I had my full first full year of starting um and then I woke up like January for I think it was literally New Year's and um grabbed the name of Matt Miller who did he was doing all these mock drafts had me going two or three overall and all of a sudden like my phone's blowing up agents are hitting me up like hey we need to set a meeting this and that and it happened like it was just a whirlwind and it's like don't know what to do like again coach bowl and and the offensive staff and Brett Brent vegan who's now the head coach at Montana State and we're like the only guys that believed in me and I was like I feel like I owe it to them um my last pass that year too against Boise State in the Poinsettia Bowl was an interception so I was like you can't it left a bad taste for it I can't just leave after throwing an interception and I actually went to dinner with my family and we toasted I was like I'm I'm declaring for the draft like I'm gonna do it and I got back to the house and I'm tossing and turning I didn't sleep maybe five minutes that night just sick to my stomach get out of bed in the morning and Coach Bowl calls me and I'm looking at my phone and I can't answer it I can't tell him yeah like I'm leaving so and why can't you though I mean is there a reason why I mean you seem to be so loyal to this coach like why is that yeah again it was the the Loyalty Factor was was one two of the taste of my mouth I've thrown the interception and and ending on a loss like I always want to leave a place better than when I when I got there right so him and his staff offering me and putting their trust and their faith in me and we had such a good year that year we went to the Mountain West championship game we ended up losing to San Diego State again went to the Poinsettia Bowl which is a pretty good bowl game lost that I was like I I just can't yeah can't go yet like there's still more to be done yeah um I've I learned a lot from going back that year and wasn't the the most perfect year by any means there were some ups and downs but I learned so much and again learned more about myself and uh still hit adversity I think adversity in football is it's inevitable and the more that you can experience early on in your career and there's some guys again that they go to these big prominent schools and they go out there and they they win all these games and throw these touchdowns and never get really punched in the mouth on the football field and when they get to the league it's like everybody's gonna get punched in the mouth yep and if you're not ready for it it can absolutely tear you down so um it was those experiences that I think again continued to help me and drive me and push me forward to the quarterback that I want to be adversity right I mean every a goal of yours was also play in the NFL adversity zero offers at a high school one after Junior College you wanted to make sure you were being loyal to your team at Wyoming so you stay and then boom now you're going into the draft talk about that draft night yeah um I get a we're you know sit in the Green Room not really sure what the draft order is going to be um Baker Mayfield wasn't there he was at home and Sam was sitting right next to Sam darnold I believe Josh Rosen was there Lamar was there as well and first you know you're on the clock 10 minutes the Cleveland Browns have 10 minutes and like we're sitting there like waiting for a phone call and no phone call comes and we're like the pick is in it's like oh it's got to be Baker Baker goes and then oh she second went saquon yep to the Giants third Sam gets the phone call to the Jets so I'm just like sitting here in a call after call after calm which are two New York teams right I mean Jets and Giants and it's like okay where am I gonna go I mean you're kind of now you're at the point like okay I gotta go somewhere right I mean my name's got to be called at some point yeah yeah and again it didn't have to wait super long um but then again the Buccaneers were on the clock Buffalo Bills trade up and I had a good talk with him that day so I was like I was pretty confident like if they traded up it was going to be me and I should get the call and uh didn't walk up get the hat from the CEO of New Era who's a a friend of mine I'm now a new era athlete too so Shout Out New Era Shout Out New Era put it on and walk across the stage and give Roger a big old hug and get to celebrate with some of the fans down there and as soon as like you get drafted it is a whirlwind like you get pulled up straight to Media row it is like 15 interviews in a row you got to do some stuff for Madden you got to do some stuff for Panini like it's non-stop it's like that you don't really get a chance to breathe and after about an hour and a half two hours I go I meet my family and my friends and everybody's sitting there waiting a little bar at a hotel and everybody's doing the bills chant you know it was really cool after that still like just having a good time I had obviously I'm really good buddies with Sam darnold and Kyle yeah Alan we're all together in Augusta that's right too long ago Carol Allen was there and uh we were all training together for the draft so we uh we went to one of our Suites I think it was my room and uh ordered 100 beers up to the to the room and we had friends in there and just drink beers all night and like just had a good time and it was like it was a really cool intimate setting yeah that we went around everybody we weren't around fans we ran out of bars like I didn't want that but it was just like it was a really cool feeling we just you know accomplished our dreams of getting drafted to need to fail and got to share that with a like a very select group of people that we felt helped us in this journey absolutely and it was it was a really really special moment and I'll never forget that you talk about family a lot fireball California what do you think built you to get to that point when it comes to Growing Up on a family farm you know myself as a sixth generation Citrus and cattle farmer out of Florida as well and I understand you know the hard lessons that I had to learn growing up on the farm to make me where I'm at today go into that a little bit Yeah I think there's obviously there's a lot of different parts and um the main thing again is the family like we didn't grow up in where we can just hop on our bikes and go to a buddy's house like me and my siblings like we had to figure out like how to have fun on the farm whether it was outside playing Wiffle ball or balloon fights or picnics with Mom or like you name it like my my mom was so involved with us as kids and my dad was obviously working quite a bit and um but even then he was the president of the swim team and the Cal Ripken baseball uh for our our hometown and drove us to practices and did everything in their powers what was he doing when he was driving you to practices because I heard there was maybe some he would sit there and he'd test interviews yeah he'd interview so Josh he threw the game-winning touchdown how do you feel I'm done who do you have to think I want to thank my family my old line and this and that so like he was prepping me he he knew what he was doing when he was Raising me as a kid he wanted me to play in the NFL almost as badly as I wanted to play in the NFL and there's like a I mean Joe shout out to Joel number one number one he can sing the national anthem yes he can no one before so if anybody needs a a singer for the national anthem please call Joel Allen but he's also got a mindful of just awesome quotes too yeah like which ones resonated bloomier planted is bigger planned um because again I in high school I had the chance to kind of maybe transfer to a different High School bigger School get some more eyes on me um decided not to I didn't I didn't want to do that but I wanted to be with my my family in Fireball my grandfather donated land for our high school and I felt like it was oh wow important for me to be there yep so that was and that was your grandpa was a farmer as well yeah what generation farmer are you four four and and the gym in at our high school is the AE Buzz Allen Jim so it's after my grandfather and and uh so it's it's it was a pretty special way that I got to grow up and again my brother's my best friend my dad's my my biggest role model my mom's my number one supporter and my two sisters are right behind her and it's it's really cool to have that support system and I know a lot of people don't have that um but again we we did everything together we we competed so much like it was so much competition in our household between my brother I kid you not we would run to get the first controller and if I didn't get there like we're fighting yeah someone like shirts are throwing hands yeah someone's gonna put their clothes on my brother was always stronger than me at as a young age I think I got him now but he's still here he's he's crazy freaky athlete to where he can like one leg squat touch his butt on the ground stand right back up he he's I thought I was the only one that knew how to do that he's a ridiculous athlete he really is he's he's impressive he's an impressive human being you grew up on a farm Josh and and so did I and and this is why we're starting like a farmer at the end of the day and like I mentioned earlier Josh was the first phone call that I made to say hey Josh we have got to number one celebrate the American Farmer celebrate the people that make our food make our clothes make our alcohol really make the world turn and we have to educate the American people when Josh was the first one to pick up the phone and you were like you're all in you're like Pat absolutely let's do this we started like a farmer which I love the hat that you have on right now and you were like I believe in this and I think that this can be a a movement a voice a platform whatever you want to call it to get one common thing that everybody can get in front of right I mean people argue about football teams and songs and are you driving a Ford or a Chevy but nobody can argue about where their food comes from and who the farmer is and you were like dude I'm all Inland tell me why the way I grew up where I'm from is so agriculture based obviously it's what my family does it's how my family's made a living for for quite some time there's been a lot of hardships throughout the throughout the years especially in California when you talk about the whole water situation absolutely this year thank God we've we've got quite a bit of water and it's been raining quite a bit and um there's a point my dad called me he's like Josh we're gonna need it to stop raining it's like you can't you can't Pray For Rain and then ask for it to stop you know so we'll take all the rain we can get but people people like eating people like clothes people like really everything that that that you can put on you or you know eat and drink and like it's I don't think people understand the magnitude of you know especially our area in California the the types of Commodities that we we produce and the amount of Commodities that we produce yeah and what is Allen Farms growing so we do cotton cantaloupe and wheat and now we're we're transitioning into pistachios yes which pistachios are great they are I'm all in on pistachios I love I love them they're nutritious I think it's kind of moving into that superfood uh kind of tear I think people are starting to realize that do you all have a name do you all have anything yet or is this all in the beginning it's it's kind of in the beginning uh Allen Family Farms is our operation name um we are planning to have when it's all said and done and again pistachios take quite some time to actually produce yep the actual pistachio so it takes about four and a half five years so every time you plant pistachios you're taking away that land for being used for cotton Kamp and wheat throughout the seasons so you got to be kind of smart and strategic my dad's been fantastic and he's been leaning on a few few different people that have been helping us out um so but end goal is about 1500 Acres of pistachios and we're still in the process because we have time of figuring out you know which which processor to go through you have like a name like what the brand is not yet it's it's in the works um you know as a family we're going to sit down and talk about that and see how we want to Brand it if we want to Brand it if we just want to you know sell it off to a big conglomerate guy uh or company and there's a few in our areas that just kind of do it all but I think it would be kind of cool to to have your own little brand of of something and of your family and be able to sell it here in in Buffalo and let Bill's Mafia enjoy pistachios here so it's uh it's all in the works it's all up in the air we've got we've got some time and I'm sure we'll figure that out pretty soon I think there's been so many families in our area that have relied heavily on Farming and there's been years where it's been good there's been years where it's been bad and you talk about the adversity piece and being able to see my dad handle those situations where there's no script for it there's no handbook for it you kind of figure it out as you go and it's kind of molded me into who I am like on the field like sometimes things break down and you got to figure it out right like there's no thinking involved you got to make a split second decision you got to go with your gut um and then sometimes you just gotta hope that it you know pans out for the best and what you just said is all I mean that's a daily conversation and mindset that goes through the American Farmer I've got to go with my gut I need to if something goes wrong I have to still figure out a way which holy moly equipment failure and you can't wait on that stuff either no no you can't just gotta find somebody to come and number one help you work on the farm oh and then by the way here comes a natural disaster to come to mess it all up so and it takes a team it takes a team it really does everybody's got to be on the same page and communication aspect of it [Music] um but the way that my dad has handled our farm it's it's been impressive to see and you know he's such a selfless guy he's my number one role model like I've learned everything all my movie quotes and life quotes about about that are from him what's your favorite uh movie that's that's a loaded question I'm a huge movie guy um so there's what are you you're more like like a rom-com I feel like you're wrong there's no straight chick flick yeah I'm an action thriller guy um but a comedy's huge on my list um I've been really into the guy Richie films lately okay the gentleman's great um I actually just watched snatch uh Man from Uncle I thought was hilarious operation Fortune just came out it was really good um I can go go on and on but I think like that the action thrillers up there the whole James Bond Series yeah 007 is high on my list [Music] um comedy wise Step Brothers are classic the interview this is the end semi like I can go basically the whole list whatever Will Ferrell's in yeah minus a couple ones that weren't super great yeah but I'd still watch them absolutely so it seems like you still relate to the farmer like I feel like you on a daily basis you understand where you came from and you respect where you came from like what's one or two things that you just keep on the back your mind from where you grew up and how you grew up to help you succeed today you know you just secured not just but you secured the bag a couple years ago congrats on that appreciation pound that thank you that's awesome um but like what are one or two things that like you learn that help you do that I'll tell you right now the stuff that I'm doing is hard but working out the keeping your body in shape the putting yourself through uh physical harm sometimes it's not it's not harder than moving irrigation pipe in 115 degrees bone is not so there you go right I keep that in the back of my mind like I I could be doing that right now you know and that's kind of what I did Growing Up and um was there's weed and cotton fields driving a disc You Name It We me and my brother were doing it and uh it could be it could be harder so that's why I keep that and my dad like growing up he was just like Idle Hands make for the devil's work he was he always he said that too Joel's quote so he said if you're not playing sports you're working on the farm so me and my brother we we played every sport known to man we did gymnastics karate basketball baseball football soccer yes I said gymnastics let's go back there hold on everyone gymnastics man what yeah yeah hit on that so me and my brother would go with my mom to gymnastics class for my sister and me and my brother were pretty rambunctious kids we fought a lot we were running up and down the walls so my mom was like if you guys are here with me you guys are on the mat with with the gymnastics and we went out there and I mean we're just got after it got after it doing back hand Springs and stuff and my sister's pissed off because she still couldn't do one she'd been doing one for her doing karate or gymnastics for a year and we go out there like our first two days and start doing flips and stuff like that and did you ever think like hey I'm gonna be a gymnast absolutely not no okay that was just a Burns of energy that's all it was so um karate you did all that stuff swimming which I think swimming one I think that should be a life skill that's a hundred legit life requirement for for kids growing up I still swim to this day like it is such a good workout shoulder then obviously no weight resistance but it's like your water resistance which is great for the for the body and I think it's such a great recovery tool that not many people utilize the way they should and um I love swimming I love that um growing up on the farm I always enjoyed talking about Farm stories when I know people grew up on a farm what are like one or two just great Farm Stores me and my brother and Marcus Espinoza one of my buddies we were weed and cotton fields and we were going line by line row by row and it was just taking forever so it's like all right guys we're just gonna spread it out and maybe keep up four or five rows in between us and my dad comes back and he's like we meet you guys are done like yeah he's like you missed so many weeds and we were just walking by like not seeing it you know just trying to cheat the system and that's another life that you can't you can't cheat it you know you gotta you gotta do your due diligence and take your time with it um but I mean during those days too it was picking up some dirt clouds and just tossing each other and hit each other in the back of the head can't beat it if you had to say one thing to the farming Community Rural America like what would you say to them I know it's it's kind of a thankless job I think being a farmer um sometimes you don't get the credit you deserve and the respect that you deserve and you throw on the whole you know we don't have to go down that road but there's a whole other piece to it too where it's just like man I'm just I'm just trying to support my family yeah grow this corn or cotton or wheat or whatever you're growing support my family and provide food and clothes to people and you just got to keep on trucking on and it's that's really all there is keep it going keep it going so we're talking about adversity and we're talking about the unknown I want to hit on something that happened last football season and I remember I was watching this football game and I saw your face and it was just like it was it looked empty and the reason why I want to hit on this because he just announced that he's coming back to play football and that's Demar and you talk about like hard work and adversity and like the unknown that might happen but if you really want something you're going to work your ass off to get back to where that is I mean how about that huh I mean that right there's yeah talk about one of the hardest days in in my life um seeing your brother that you have bled sweat and cried with and cried over you know that that night was something I'll never forget things that we saw the things that we heard as a team was um unprecedented like it really never happened before and for it to be such on such a grand scale Monday night or both teams coming in it's the most combined wins I think in Monday night history is the most combined touchdowns from the quarterbacks and Monday night like there were so many things you talk about the epic battle you and Joey B I mean it was yeah and like you talk about it being in such a prime Spotlight position everybody was watching yeah everybody's watching and it kind of stopped the world you know for for then I know everybody was just scrolling their Twitter feed like please give me an update I can't sleep without getting an update um and we were the same way but every day that we got back in the facility you know we kept getting better and better news which carried us and helped us out but really took an emotional toll on us yeah um throughout the season but then for him to the first thing he said was like oh I'm playing again like don't worry about me yeah boys get out there I'll I'll figure my piece out and I'll be out there with you all again so to to for him to get cleared and continue to keep working on on getting better and and making sure that his health was number one priority it's been special to see it's a special kid and for him now to have that he's got another purpose in life and it's really cool like that when you talk to him it's like all about giving back it's all about figuring out ways to help Youth Sports whether it's getting aeds in these complexes where these kids are playing whether it's CPR training and our training staff did such an amazing job that night and our doctors and now what was the guy's name that did the CPR Denny Denny Denny yeah shout out Denny's yeah shout out Corey for getting the helmet off like there were so many things that had to happen in a split second yeah and they they did it they saved his life and um he fought like the fighter he is and uh and we'll we'll see him back on the fields yeah with the bills that's awesome rapid question favorite uh music artist right now Zach Bryan Zach Brian yeah he's I like that he's just you sing I feel like you're a guy I don't have my dad's pipes I'll tell you that um Joel can sing the national anthem like no other car rides and shower I I'll belt it out but other than that I keep it to myself you're also I heard you like uh JBS I am a big beep fan what's your favorite song with them um confident confident oh that's a good song yeah that's a good one I like Justin as well I mean big Biebs I love him you've got the Florida boy had to come up here to Buffalo to get this interview done which I'm excited to be in the the great City of Buffalo and it's been fantastic keep me on a great day too the the weather is beautiful I I don't know if I can eat another Wing I've had hundreds of wings favorite Wing barbell Tavern barbell we went there today yep um mulberries has a great wing lenovo's got a good sauce you said Gabe's gate Gabriel's gate was pretty damn gay so good yeah I have yet to be there I haven't been to 911 Tavern I haven't been to Elmo's um but I've ever other than that I've pretty much had all the wings you can think of around this area and barbell is just by far I I grew up just loving buffalo wings too like yeah you know as a kid everywhere we went that buffalo wings I was ordering buffalo wings yeah you look like you could take some down I can take them down and I like this like the spicier the hotter the better for me I just when I'm sitting there I want to be sweating a little bit and I wouldn't be able to like dude so I uh I brought some wings over to you from barbell today and the guy came out and he's like hey man you uh you ordered hot wings and um we just want to make sure you're good with hot I'm like what are you talking about like I'm taking them to go anyways they're like well here you go try this hot sauce just to make sure you want them I tried that hot it is hot the hot is hot yeah they still have some other like they got extra hot and I think they got one that's called suicidal suicide yeah uh which we've gone there before and we've played uh suicidal roulette where One Wing is the suicidal sauce and everything else is hot yeah so one guy that's we're sitting down one guy picks up that Wing doesn't know and oh I love it it can destroy somebody so I took Mitch Morris my Center there I think his first week here during OTAs three years ago maybe four years ago now and he's not a spicy guy he tried it and he's like full on sweat like can't focus like standing up pacing yeah to this day he just he won't let me live it down like I can't believe you you try to do that to me and I was like it was just a regular hot like it wasn't that just a hot way like I'm sitting there eating them he tried it and I was like you didn't have to try it but it tore him apart yeah it was it was funny that's awesome so like what if something that uh people might not know about Josh Allen my biggest thing is like I'm I'm a freaking kid I love having fun whether it's on the football field at the house here wherever it is like I'm constantly making jokes and I can find light in any situation which I think is a blessing and a curse yep um but I mean I'm I just have fun which is I mean finding light in any situation I mean right there there's another trait that you learned from the family farm I mean it's like holy moly these guys when they're working it's like they can always find the light in that situation because they have to they have to number one there's so many things in farming that are outside of your control and the number one thing is weather like that is you can't control Mother Nature straight facts from Josh Allen I mean this dude gets it so you're consider yourself a farmer yeah absolutely yeah yeah I I totally would too that's awesome I think that's a it's part of my my story and again moving forward like it's going to continue to be a part of my story with me and my dad I'm half halfway in with my pops there which I'm super stoked about with the pistachios coming up um which that to me was one of the most satisfactory moments of my life to be able to do that with my dad and yeah my family and um and just to hit on that I mean you're just for everybody to know like Josh is a part of the family operation still like he's one of the owners like it's not like Josh just comes to the NFL plays football and he's like hey guys thanks for raising me it's like no I'm playing football but I'm also actively involved in the Family Farm operation I want to make that clear like Josh Allen yes you watch him I'm looking at y'all right now he's looking at me y'all watch him on Sundays in the fall but he's also a farmer and he's very vocal about that so I appreciate that of course and again I think you talk about educational like wanting to educate people on Farming and the process that farmers have to go through and the ups and downs and the diversity of that hits and it's it's no different than other jobs in life um and at the end of the day we're just trying to provide for our families too absolutely so that's if you didn't know Josh Allen now you do there's one thing that I found out about you what is that that I wanted to maybe bring up a little bit and I've brought a little something so I heard that you claim to be a uh a magician I don't claim to be magician I know three card tricks that are okay and I would like uh if you don't mind to to show a cartoon car trick with ag America cards thank you AG America presenting sponsor of like a farmer shout out to everybody at AG America all right do I can I move this yeah you can all right you sure yep all right I I don't know which one to show you I'll figure it out this is great Josh Allen the magician the other Joker where did you learn this room so when I broke my collarbone in college I just kind of sat there and learned to pickpocket people and do card tricks believe it or not so I walk around our locker room and I will grow up to people and walk away and like hey can you tell me the time and they look down and their watch is on my wrist no oh yeah are you kidding me dead serious I love it wow chair whatever this is all right I almost move move this top card here half of this deck here just a good good chunk of it right here yeah is that that good half a little more there we go uh yeah there we go there we go love that boom top card here top card here top card here half this deck here top card here top card here top card here okay all right now flip over the top four flip over the top just the top cards on each one on each one Josh Allen the magician there's no way these next these next two are not going to be Aces I know that you think so this dude really thinks he's a oh holy boom are you kidding me I I wish I was I wish I was wow good for you Josh holy moly how did you like where did you learn all this stuff just I can't I mean I can't tell you that's unbelievable good for you man that's that's a good trick that gets a lot of people that's awesome so that is one thing nobody knew I mean Josh Allen yes is a magician so there you have it there you have it Round of Applause love that so Josh one of the segments on the show is called the biggest gamble Farmers take a gamble every single day yep what do I need to plant when do I need to plant how much do I need how much do I need to plant on and on and on what's the biggest gamble you took in your life probably taking the offer from from Wyoming why do you say that one was the only offer I could have waited another year at Junior College yep um actually wami's not the most prominent division one school in the country yeah what did you real quick what did you do and why I mean like what was fun to do in Wyoming we played football and uh drank a lot of beer there you go of legal age yeah of course obviously um that's about it that's about it yeah what else do you need yeah football we did so we did hang out a lot as a team like we did Applebee's after nine half price apps all the time three minutes away from an Applebee's like it was literally right down the hill across the street from my apartment complex afternoon so we would and this was like OG fortnite right when it came out yeah we had a squad of guys that would play and as soon as nine o'clock hit it's like I always see at Applebee's in 15 to 20 guys at Applebee's hanging out I love that ordering wings and uh Crispy Chicken Wonton Tacos and the chicken quesadillas I can I can name it all you know I love Applebee's there you go so that's the big that makes sense I mean the biggest Gamble's going to Wyoming yeah I love that and congrats to you man you've been hell dude you were you were a farm kid that um took the spotlight and now you're one of the best quarterbacks in the National Football League and you know I was a farm kid and I'm trying to do what I'm doing and and we learn a lot of lessons on the farm and we take that into life to do whatever we need to do and um I appreciate you more than you could ever imagine and I wish you luck this season and I I know for a fact uh we're gonna we are gonna win a championship for the bills that's right and I say that because I'm gonna I'm gonna make a bet right here on the camera if if the Buffalo is this your biggest gamble no this is going to be my biggest gamble yeah if the Buffalo Bills win the Super Bowl this year next year this time we're going to do another uh episode and and I'm gonna have a Buffalo Bills tattoo yeah that's a bet all right I'll probably have one too then they not matching well we can match huh let's do what would you get if you had to get a Bill's tattoo I'd get well I'd get the probably Lombardi with with the Bill's logo inside of it damn it all right we're gonna do matching tattoos it doesn't have to be at the same spot but whatever you get how do match I'll do the tattoo all right perfect deal love it deal hey thanks for coming on man thank you can't wait to watch like a farmer podcast grow and uh have some I know there's some cool guests lined up and slotted for this too so that'll be it'll be fun to watch you're going all in on like a farmer we have a merch line that's right coming out and super pumped about that how do you feel about that I'm super pumped too it's like the first time I got to really have input on merchandise and shirts and hats and stuff like that so and it's it's really cool there you go yeah well I appreciate everybody tuning in and as always make sure you like follow subscribe go to our website do whatever you need to do to be attached with like a farmer [Music]
Channel: Like a Farmer Podcast
Views: 64,971
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Like A Farmer, AgAmerica, Celebrity Interviews, athlete interviews, buffalo bills, jumping through tables, rural podcast, farming, agriculture, Football, football interviews, madden, madden cover, grit, interviews, american farmers, american farmer, rural America.
Id: j07TQ-nDTBI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 55sec (2755 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 14 2023
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