Making A Nearly ONE POUND Sterling Silver Maggie Simpson! I Get Burned! TWICE!

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] welcome back to a all new episode of grime spines today we are gonna continue in our trying to become a silversmith y'all saw the last two videos they were uh horrible [Music] over the last year we have done three videos now for the first attempt we got nowhere like nothing got melted except like my skin and my face and my [Music] beard my second silver video ever i made this beautiful little one and a half ounce nugget [Music] the third attempt was this guy right here guys we created a two pound solid what do we call it a silver round scrap brown power isn't that what we called it yeah sounds good i don't know go back and watch those videos but hey guys check this out we made a two pound almost 800 silver round i've always had this dream of making sterling silver action figures my goal is to send cast all of these figures into solid silver say practice makes perfect well obviously it's taking me a year to get this far so i figure we might want to practice before we just go knee deep in this sucker today what we're gonna be doing is we're gonna make a sand cast using this sand and all these tools here y'all look i got my mixing thing so i can stop melting down our spatulas step one is we are gonna actually make the sand cast of maggie simpson and then what we're gonna do is we're gonna take this outside we're gonna warm this sucker up about probably 30 minutes before we're done with the mold so by the end of this video let me know right now in the comments do you think that we can successfully make a cast and then make a solid 925 sterling silver maggie simpson [Music] alright guys before we get started let me tell you about a special deal guys with my friends from olight guys they have like this cool little deal going off you can get up to 40 off these are basically this is the warrior mini limited edition guys hey don't sleep on this this is a flash sale this only lasts like 24 hours or something crazy i personally use these i have these all over my house i've given them to friends as gifts family members these are legitimate flashlights what i like about these is is they have a magnetic flag or magnetic charger that you can plug into any usb your car your computer your phone whatever this has got to be one of the most durable reliable convenient flashlights that i've ever had and that's why we here at grime spines love the whole light and we swear by them so hey guys check out down in the comments all the special information is there again go right now and don't forget if you don't use the coupon code grimes fines all one word no space grind spines i just spit so hardcore grind spines with no space guys use that put type that into the little coupon and you're gonna get uh all the percentages off i can't remember what all they were they were ridiculous but they're down in the comments so hey check out my friends at oh light first step let's get right to it gina rana got me some baby powder this was part of my problem why i made a solid brick because once we get done with this layer we need to put a nice little uh dose of powder on this to keep the two layers from sticking together so i watch this old dude like he's got like 1.8 subscribers or like 1800 subscribers but it was like the best most simple video and so i watched about six of his videos this morning and got all the tricks and the tools that i think i need this y'all i put this down um on here this like cutting board it's brand new i found it in storage unit so i put this down this red stain or this red sand that they that i ordered online it does stain so just to let you know so this guy had a uh um a paint brush that he was using to put the powder on and so dear actually i think i might have you take the uh off the is it in there pretty good can you see what i'm doing pretty well okay all right guys so what we're gonna do is i'm just gonna go in and i'm gonna coat this this this prevents it from sticking uh i don't think this is gonna stick to this thing actually i know it's not gonna stick there but so he says this powder is gonna burn a little bit right so if you have big old chunks in there it's gonna kind of like make those divots and stuff into your silver uh y'all i'm not trying to sound like i'm an expert i'm just repeating what i've learned so i'm i'm a novice but this is something that i think we're gonna do on the channel um you know probably quite often because it's something i like and guess what if you don't like it don't watch those videos i'm cool with it i don't need to hear about it either all right guys so what i'm doing here is i'm going to fill up the very bottom of this we only want our figure uh to stick halfway out so this the figure needs to be halfway point right here up and then the top this part that we sandwich on top will be the other half uh so this is um i picked this one because it's got a flat surface and i'm hoping to actually use this i think they call this the flange um but i'm gonna so basically i want to put this here and then i'm gonna take something similar to this and stick it up to here um or we can cut it out after but i can stick this into here um to where we'll actually pour the silver and i put the points down because i'm hoping that gravity once the silver is poured that it the gravity will kind of get it down in all these spikes and then we do have to put a couple vent holes for gas that gets trapped in there so my only concern this is my very first time uh doing sand casting and all these little detailed points i'm hoping that that they get feel filled so anyway all right guys let's get started uh filling this up until basically about how the pacifier is up to there so we're going to pack a nice solid layer down here first i wish i would have uh had it sifter that's what i'm missing i have this sifter but it doesn't work that well uh because we need to get this fine and the reason that i think i've learned that is because like you don't want all these i'm gonna have to take this down i was trying to tilt this for you guys uh but it ain't it's not gonna happen so let me i'm gonna pound this in here and why you want that guys is because uh you don't want like you just want a solid brick um and you don't want like air holes uh box holes you don't want any kind of holes up in your sand you know what i mean nobody wants holes in their sand uh so hey guys let me get this done i'm gonna fill this up to about three quarters of the way up and i'm gonna make it i'm just gonna pound the crap out of this and then we're gonna go ahead and we'll we'll set maggie in there and then we'll take a hammer and we're gonna tap her in and then we're gonna take this off with some baby powder it's gonna be great y'all so stay tuned all right guys what i'm using i'm using this because it's cut and i'm going in here so i used this four pound sledge hammer uh and i i feel like this is solid but i can't get into these grooves so i'm really going in here and kind of using this look how much that's indenting so i'm just going to go around the edges and i'm really really i've i'm going to do a really good thorough job of this and look at that i want all that sand pushed down okay and i can tell when i start getting over here it's like a lot solider so look i'm going to go around this whole edge and get all of this put down and i'm doing a little bit at a time because i learned like you don't want to just take big clumps because you're going to get those air holes so i'm really going to look try to do a really thorough job of getting in here packing this in tight making it nice and neat um and because i really want this to come out successful all right guys so i finished packing this in here y'all i'm like really like i can tell this is to be like my old man hobby because i'm already like man i really care like so i've pounded this in here so now what i want to do uh i'm going to use the bottom part up because again this is a bigger pouring area and i think once i have to clip it i think that'll be the easiest place to hide it right that way you know because you got to clip it somewhere so instead of up here on a point and i'm just i'm worried about it you know the gravity and then i don't know so anyway so we're going to try to keep this straight okay we're gonna go this way down [Music] uh i really i'm just trying to center it but i don't want to go too i think i want to keep it equal all the way around just because of the walls right wouldn't you didn't that make sense makes sense yeah you just you don't want to put you want equal amount of pressure i might have to put her at a little bit y'all this might be way too big for this some of you are like you're an idiot man that ain't freaking right i'll be like well [ __ ] shoot man i just said i was a novice dang all right we're gonna give her a little tat tap tap a brew what movie is that tabaru yeah it is was it the voice that gave it away yes so what i'm trying to do yo it's like look you can tell i i packed that sucker solid didn't i you did because look like i mean it is difficult to even nail that in but what i'm trying to do is get it to the to the midpoint uh i might have packed it too good you know what i mean yeah so all right guys let me work on this just a little bit and see if i can get maggie down we'll see there's i just i'm gonna have to pack all this dirt you know in here i want to make sure all the little detail oh you know what i forgot you need to put the cake no no not yet so once we get this leveled here and we get this all packed in how we want on her halfway uh oh but i forgot one thing so he you do this a few times so we're gonna end up doing this a few times okay but i am gonna go ahead and put some baby powder on her okay and i think i'm gonna go ahead and put that like put her back in her hole i think i was supposed to do that if not hey guys go ahead and tell me how i'm stupid y'all want to seem to do that all the time joking but this for real it's grilled all right let's see if we could beat old maggie's head down in the sand i hope i'm not just like giving her like a little cocka oh no that's about right look that's right ain't it look yeah [Music] yeah boy that's halfway down ain't it that's halfway i'm so proud of myself for getting halfway y'all look at that look i'm trying to be a professional look i am you are y'all i want to make this good so so far so good i don't know why i'm brushing this i'm about to pack dirt in it all right so i'm going to pack some more dirt oh the only thing i'm worried about yeah i'll pack dirt around here because it's got to be level with this and then what we're going to do is just come back in here um and i'll use my little tools to get in there and make sure it's all nice and tight and then we will come right back got a lot of it packed in there pretty well so now i'm going to go in here and kind of clean up um and then i'm going to take the end of this tool right here this brush and i'm going to go in here i just want to get all that out of there see like all these crevices and stuff i want to go ahead and get all that out here because i just want to go i want to make sure this is like perfectly like level like straight across so i'm going to take this little tool and i'm going to go in here like close to you know her face get see i love this little tool because look how you can get in these little crevices you know what i mean like you can really make this pretty accurate if you were to take your time um so i'm going to melt this down or melt this down i'm going to keep go working around maggie right here around her her little uh thing the only worried thing i'm worried about is it collapsing right here uh oh i guess well no i guess it's not because the freaking thing's still gonna be around it so i don't know it might work all right but see how clean that's getting you know what i mean like i want to go around like i have 80d all like i want to go around this thing and i just want to make sure she's nice and clean and then we'll come back in here and start trying to tap her and get her out then we'll reform it maybe have to pack a little bit more dirt in there but we'll just keep messing with it so let me get this all cleaned up guys and we'll be right back check it out i've got her pretty pretty clean so i've been using this thing right here is amazing look i've been getting in here and all the little cracks trying to be careful but i've really packed this down around i am so scared to even try to lift this up y'all so what we're gonna do here in a minute uh i'm gonna i'm still trying to level this out so i asked gina to get me a butter knife uh i really kind of want to try to just take anything that's not i actually need yeah so see i can take some of this off but see i feel like i'm a little low right here but look how nice and pretty that is y'all this is so good for people with like ocd like i'm for real like this this brings me like great great satisfaction it does look at that look like you just want to make the line straight so and i might even push down a little bit just to make sure look at that made a nice little flat line so i feel like i'm halfway up i actually left this up just a little bit because it's so thin i was i think i want it to be more packed in on one side but i don't know we'll see so all right so look all around it i feel like i've gotten pretty good to where when i pull it out like that when it comes straight up we shouldn't have a lot of stuff we have to redo this back area was a concern for me where'd my hammer go oh so i'm gonna take this she's gonna get a little [Music] yo i'm getting so like like i'm like taking this so serious aren't i you are i just been here like quiet as all day freaking uh hadn't i yeah it's been a very mellow day it has been look look at that oh look at that how satisfying that is not here she loves that yeah look at that how nice and neat so what i'm gonna do is guys i'm gonna go around and shave this down one more time and then because that's pretty straight there you're not gonna get it bend in that so i guess i could go around and make sure that this is flat you know like this probably just give it a little tap tap a tap of rub but you want to make sure that you don't go too too down too much because then you have a little slope on your thing but y'all look at that that's nice and packed feels like pretty tight yeah um so anyway look i just really do y'all get you one of these it has an angle on it i got that tip from that old man if i can find his channel i know i subscribe to him i'll share it he'll probably be excited y'all he'll be like dang man where'd all these views come from man he might actually sound like that sometimes y'all this is so fun this is so like this is really good for my stress for real [Music] look at that y'all just oh isn't that that's excellent look at that y'all i think i'm doing all right you know i'm not afraid maybe i didn't put enough baby powder or something but look at this okay so i want to get all up in these little crevices look at that just making it all nice and flat trying to hold her pacifier still i picked this figure one because i felt like it would stand up the straightest but it looked like it was gonna be the easiest so i guess you know the more detail you get in like something like this you know or even i mean that's the bar he wasn't even gonna fit in there so i'm gonna get a bigger mold for him okay so what do we think you think we should give it a shot yeah thank you i mean that's up to you what do you think i mean that looks pretty good guys what do y'all think so there's our final i guess first half so now i guess what i'm supposed to do i'm making sure i keep sand off of this one just because i'm ocd and it's kind of fun it really is uh but what i'm gonna do then is i'm gonna take her i'm gonna so let's just do it now okay so i know you're just you know the guy just kind of he'd give a little tap [Music] you know you can kind of tap it a little bit each direction you know but i'm gonna i want to kind of make sure i really do a good tap job on this sucker because uh i don't want to just yank it out of there and at least big clumps and stuff so i'm just going to be real gentle and i mean that's what that old guy says he says like hey you just got to be patient with this and so that's what i'm trying to do believe it or not these are all one takers um i don't know if she's gonna come out okay so she's still pretty okay so look i'm gonna do this a little wiggle see how she's moving a little bit all right i'm just gonna give her a little wiggle uh it's her head because look at all these spikes you know the spikes are in there tight [Music] try i'm being careful not to whack the sand and make a big chunk out of it because i did man i've worked a lot on this uh all right so it looks like she might be wanting to come out oh she's wanting to come out a little bit but see i like i just i'm gonna take my time you know i'm not gonna go a little bit that way that way a little diagonal now just trying to get enough space in that sand it's going to be your head oh you see that how it's kind of loosening up a little at a time and then what i'm going to do guys i'm going to go back it will show you in a minute don't tell us about it just do it all right guys oh i kind of want to pick up her eyeball might come out it's okay his did this too it's okay i'm not too worried okay see that was her spike right there all right guys so what i'm gonna do is try to put this back in its natural uh little that's actually not too bad for my first try this guy he said he did a pawn a pawn figure so oh well i was gonna try to push this straight down oh so he did an action figure too he did uh he did a a uh a a pawn piece a pawn off a chess piece i'm sorry oh okay i was thinking upon the action for you okay so look i mean look we had a little little slippage right there but look for the oh you know what i don't think i put enough baby powder yeah that's what i was saying so look i'm gonna go ahead and see these clumps i'm gonna i'm not gonna i don't know exactly how they're molded i'm gonna do my best job because i think what i'm gonna do i'm just gonna keep trying to get this done uh any spots that i feel like are loose i'm gonna put her back in there actually i'm gonna put some baby powder in there see the brush kinda don't wanna mess with it too much but a little bunch of clumpy chunky and this will help it not stick as much last time obviously i don't think i put enough in oh well i don't think i'll put it yeah i don't think you put it in there uh but now i kind of know where it's gonna be [Music] um baby powder smells like baby well i'm trying to get these to see look at these big deep hits [Music] yeah from her hair so just trying to get those out all right guys so what i think i'm gonna do is i'm gonna try to place her back in here i'm gonna work this area a little bit tighter this area looks really good right uh her ear even showed up in there so i'm gonna work around this area in this area just her back part of her hair some more and i think we'll be good i think what i'm gonna no i'm not gonna put any dirt in there all right so let's see if we can get her back in the way she goes this is gonna be so hard with their hair you know it see if we can put this in there and we'll go this way okay that should be good [Music] all right guys so we have her back in that's pretty good so i'm gonna give her a little tap taparoo just to get those little head pieces in there a little bit tighter you know what i mean and then i'm gonna take this guy right here and i'm gonna go around here [Music] yeah yeah see how much it's sinking shouldn't be sinking that much i didn't have enough sand around there i was getting lazy i guess so all right guys let me fill in this spot i'm gonna keep dumping sand in here uh compressing it down but that's pretty good it looks like we only had two spots uh that really needed some work so uh let me finish this up we'll be right back all right guys i'm just finishing up some little touches i told you and i need a new kit so i know there's kits out there with like hooks and all kinds of different stuff so look here goes here's my second uh kind of a way around i took this butter knife and i really kind of used my thumb in the leverage of right here and i just went around here and i i mean i just really gave it a good push down um i don't know that hair i knew the hair was going to be a challenge but look so there there it is so let me see if i can knock it let's see if we can knock her loose again is so nerve-wracking you do all that work and you're like damn i'm just about to destroy it so i'm gonna take my time guys let me tap tap on her a little bit so you don't have to watch this again we'll get her out we'll see how our mold looks all right guys this is frustrating he said it might take six seven times i mean that i guess that held a little bit better than last time it's her hair y'all i'm not quitting on this though so i'm about to put her back in here i'm gonna put some more baby powder in here uh i don't know if i'm not putting enough baby powder or something so i'm gonna give it a good dose uh we're gonna get her back actually i don't want that much in there all right guys yo this is getting really tough so look i'm gonna put some more baby powder i'm about to do the dust the whole top i'm gonna put it in there i mean it got better this time so i'm gonna go ahead and put her back in here see what he said no big no big balls so look i'm gonna look she's starting to fit in there better you know it's just the the hair the hair is a problem the hair is definitely a problem okay so let's get her back in where she goes oh yeah all right so look here's what i'm about to do i'm about to sprinkle her down down y'all look all right so i feel like i'm gonna mess this up you know what i mean and this is your first one do you know what's probably gonna happen it's probably not gonna turn out it's not gonna be the way you thought it was gonna be but i want it to be oh i know you do i'm working so hard on this y'all gotta make it even you know even steven and i gotta put some more powder on it all right guys let me clean this up a little bit more make this straight uh and then i'm gonna put the top half on some of you are like god man this is freaking hurting me to watch moon well you know what i'll let me watch you pick out storage units [Music] hey guys we're back i'm gonna put a little bit more powder on her i just cut it all down to make sure it was even because i know that's important so just trying to get a little get a little dusty dust on her oh sorry maggie you know good little done yeah look at that dusty dusty all right so we're gonna keep her pretty dusty no big things this is not going to be the prettiest sterling silver maggie you've ever seen so all right y'all look we're going to put the top on bow yeah okay [Music] there it is all right let's make sure just one more time she's got a nice little coating i'm gonna coat the walls yeah boy okay get her nice and coated all right guys so here it is i'm to go ahead and i'm going to put this on top something a lot right now like mine isn't even going to work well it might not okay um all right here we go so i normally i think i would sift the dirt it's real important that the dirt doesn't have holes around her but i don't have a sifter so i'm just going to pound the crap out of it so i'll try to sprinkle it up and break it up as much as possible like the guy did uh [Music] okay so i'm just going to get a nice little layer on top guys and then what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna start uh i'm gonna use my hammer and i'm just gonna start going to town on this sucker okay and y'all give me just a little bit and i'll be right back all right guys so look i've got this full i went like a layer i pounded it down with this hammer i like this little four pound hammer because look you kind of turn it sideways it gets in there pretty well uh so anyway i'm gonna pound the crap out of this for probably another 10 minutes let me get this super solid um what i'm doing is i'm doing this and i'm going around the edges with this little knife the butter knife and just making sure i get like right up around the edges to make a solid brick and then i'm going in and kind of pick oh i don't want to get baby powder on the sand i think that might be affecting it so look i'm gonna go ahead and get this more tightly packed in here um and then we'll try to split it open and see if we can get her out and then we'll try to pour it she may be mangled but we're pouring silver today so it kind of came apart so i've been kind of reforming it just by hand and getting a lot of the loose pieces out [Music] so basically what i have to do is i'm going to clean i think that's about as clean as i'm gonna get her without probably wrecking it so i just don't know what that if that was hair or what so i've taken this little thing see here's her eyeball eyeball yeah so look all right so i did my best to try to go in here and straighten a lot of these lines out um i don't know what it's going to turn out like guys look her ears still got a little uh oh man i'm just so scared why am i you're never gonna know if you don't i know so all right so i just turned the stove on outside uh that looks all right for my first time wouldn't y'all say that one looks really good that looks alright i guess for my first try just man all right so i'm gonna make sure i've got all this dusted out because i don't want any of these little specks in there [Music] uh [Music] all right so what do y'all think good all right guys so there's uh i guess i can kind of see how the hair went right there i need to pack that one in trying to make a triangle you see right there pack that down all right yo i'm not gonna mess with it too much i would if i had more time for this video and i didn't tell y'all we're going to pour today i would go in here and i'd probably try to perfect that and i think i can i mean my first time so anyway there's that and then what we'll do here in a minute is i'm going to take this knife actually let's just go ahead and finish this side okay so the silver's gonna pour in here so i'm gonna cut gently hopefully hopefully gently i'm gonna kind of go at an angle okay then we'll go try to go straight in like this ah yes okay you getting all that i'm getting it all right i'm gonna try to flatten this out and repack this see her little bottom came loose right there all right so okay that's good so that reformed that flat and then i'm just going to come in here and try to carve a little bit of this [Music] this out and i don't know how big this is supposed to be for the first or to pour this in i know i got to make vent holes i'm probably only going to do one because my vent hole is probably going to destroy something all right so that's kind of cool huh all right so we gotta get let me get in here and get this oh man i left something in there just trying to get something out all right guys i'm trying to make sure i don't leave any loose dirt i'm trying to re anything i mess up to the best of my ability i'm trying to get back in there with something and like re-strengthen it or like not try to take out all the detail i think that should be good what do you think looks good to me y'all y'all stop making fun of me i hear some of y'all fools all right so look i'm gonna dust this back with powder just a little bit i know i don't need to dust it with powder because we're about to pour silver in it so gina's got the silver ready that we're going to use oh man see it took that line out i don't like that i'm trying to put that back because that's going to be the detail on the outside you know what i mean [Music] i do all right guys so look there's that one [Music] i'm not gonna say in the chitchat jc already caught me doing that he sure did all right guys so that's as good as i'm gonna do that one right there because i'm afraid if i do anything more so basically what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna do this side now right here which is almost done uh this is gonna be so ugly and then i'm gonna sit this is supposed to be even and it's all i hope that the my worry is at the sand the silver is going to leak out yeah all right guys so i'm going to dust this one with powder look you can kind of see the detail in there can you in the face okay so i know this isn't gonna come out perfect but i'm still gonna go ahead and cast this for you guys just because i said i would um normally i think i like i just said i think i probably just said that i would probably spend you could say no i would say yeah i could man this is very therapeutic i'll tell you that if you need something to do this therapeutic like i could just sit here and mess with the sand and try to get it even all day but i don't like this side came out a little bit better i figured out what it was i just was not i took the the thing outside and i started pounding this table was giving it you know there it needed a solid ground under it so all right so i'm gonna try to put this back together y'all and i'm gonna leave this alone until we're ready to pour uh in just a second we're gonna go out there yo we just made our first mold it's not the best mold but it's a mold but it's a mold okay so here's what we got to do i need to go find something also to clamp this together um or we can put two bricks behind it you know those bricks we brought home yeah or did we throw those away um all right hey i tell you what i need you to go find me two bricks okay and we're gonna just push them up against this uh so it stays together really tight see look this is gonna be wild but look y'all can see down in there but if i keep messing with this her face is gonna freaking fall off all right guys so check it out so we're outside got this set up being safe and now you are going to be like alright you should be doing it under calories you should put the movement out in the pool uh so look yo it's at 9 40. i set it a little bit higher this time i think this one only goes to 1100 or 1200 i can't remember so i went to 1050 so we have some silver ring backs here we're going to go ahead and start feeding those in here let that melt down we got our bricks we're going to bring the mold out here and we're going to set it up and as soon as that puffs thing we're going to pour it we're going to cool it and we're going to see what we got all right guys let's open this up yeah that's red hot already okay so i'm gonna use a little spoon action this time oh yeah hey we're learning yo that was already melting because it almost like tried to stick to the spoon oh really yeah okay so we're being a little smarter we're getting smarter this time huh all right so these are probably oh look there's a chain silver chain dang it does try to melt so i might have to order another one's crucibles i don't know how long these last i saw this yellow stuff building up in there you see that i don't know if this is from heat or what yeah there's all kinds of scrap in here you can see look there's gold plated too it's going to have a little bit of gold cons a little bit of gold yeah i thought i saw one that looked gold in there yeah it was gold-plated okay and then we're gonna go get our stirring stick guys i did order a regular stirring stick now that's made out of the same material as the crucible so we can poke those down because i guarantee some that's already melted down all right guys so let us get the stern stick poke that down barrel back let's open this up yeah i can tell look so we're gonna go ahead and knock these down oh maybe go ahead and melted it oh no that's pretty solid okay so they haven't started melting yeah but it said 45 minutes last time we heated it up with that in there remember yeah so it's gonna take about 45 minutes once it's all the way yeah so but these are pretty thin so i'm gonna go ahead and top this off y'all uh and then we're gonna go inside so we get away from these fumes and we'll let this melt down guys for about we'll come check on in about 10 minutes all right guys how you check it out y'all look it dropped like over half and that was it's been about five minutes so i'm gonna keep dropping this the reason some of these are black guys some of these are the ones i've already tried to melt down we have a lot more of those things yeah we have a ton of them so we have so much more left guys um i just don't know how much it's gonna take to fill her up so oh you know what i'm gonna do i'm gonna get that cast iron pan ready just in case do you know what you should do huh you should get the uh oh those little little coins and yeah the molds yeah those little molds all right guys so check that out let's get the stick i think i should do you think i should put more uh you know what i'm like you i don't know how much it's going to take yeah i think we're going to get more all right guys so let's go let's get some more let's here uh we run inside and get some more oh look at all that all right so this is the stuff we tried to do with the blow torch that we made the nugget with look at that okay so i'm gonna fill this up one more time guys we'll give it about five minutes i bet it'll collapse again and we'll come back and see how it is i got mass beard you know this is the thing she was telling me about our orders so i've got a little ounce coin and little bar half ounce so uh with whatever we have left over if we do we'll pour these hey guys we're back y'all hey y'all look guns yeah that has nothing to do with i just want to show you well y'all check it out i almost did like uh i told my kids that i wanted a million view video this year and did it i wanted to break a world record y'all i think i almost made the first like silver plated foot for real show my foot it turned out that showing my feet i used to charge i used to be a foot model i can't show you my bare feet but y'all for real i put some flux in it and it went right on my foot coated it in silver now it's silver plated check it out it's 420 [Music] i'm joking hey guys look i'm preheating my pan because here's what we're gonna do we're gonna fill up maggie and then a skillet round that's what it was called so whatever doesn't go on maggie i'm gonna have the skillet preheated skillet ready and we're gonna try to make a skillet round but y'all it's way better than the last time some of y'all were like hey mary that's probably steel cause those things weren't melted or it's because i like added those in there like 10 minutes before i like poured it that doesn't work so hey guys that stuff's been in there for what what do you think good 45 almost 45 minutes i would say since i've y'all i put almost that whole pan of silver in there i filled it up and i think that's a three pounder so we might be pulling pouring close to three pounds of silver so that'd be awesome all right guys look it's almost up to temperature because see look it's starting to boil you see that so watch that focus on your focus yeah you see that it looks like the terminator dude look hold on look you see that silver yep oh y'all look at that okay oh yeah so that doesn't feel as chunky as last time let's get all that off of there okay uh so we're gonna let that cook a little bit more um but y'all check it out so it looks like we're gonna do it right this time i'm hoping that we have zero chunks in our skillet round ah why did you do that i totally forgot that wasn't this you need to do this all right y'all did you saw it did you see that smoke that was my skin not bad okay guys i'm gonna try this again with this hand oh that hurt i thought that's what you were gonna do in the first place no i i totally forgot that was in the oven that hurt i can't wait to go back and watch that all right guys i think we're ready to pour so here's the deal i'm gonna try to pour into here first and then i'm gonna pour whatever's left over if anything's left over into the skillet round so here we go guys uh dear why don't you step over there okay careful are you all ready here let's show them first and then you'll back up very slowly all right guys so here we are so i got all the stuff off the top so far i'm gonna have to do this quickly so get ready go ahead and get the focus in on that though just tell me when you're focused okay [Music] all right ready ready um all right let's try this guys holy crap y'all holy cow okay okay oh oh look there's a lot that didn't melt there is a lot that didn't melt yeah okay so i knew i pulled it out too quick oh my gosh oh look at that huh it didn't even work no how do you think that happened i don't know that sucks oh this big old chunk of silver man we just ruined a brick too is that hollow sure is [Music] yo but that was not how that was supposed to go oh maggie i'm sorry maggie oh look it's kind of worked yeah mangled mangled maggie mangled maggie yo it's queepling i had no idea that kweeples was gonna be a part of silversmithing did you i did not hello bling's here i'll get some cold water skillet round sucked because it had all the stuff that i put in last probably yeah i guess it sank okay it collapsed you did you know what i was supposed to do what i knew it i was supposed to put clamps on that i should have put c-clamps on it i thought about that well you know how my holes were this how it wasn't level yeah there was no this i knew it was going to come out like that yeah look at this silver though oh my gosh hey y'all want some silver yeah i ain't touching that damn that's upsetting i just spent like a whole day of my life you did oh that's kind of cool kind of cool let me let me focus in we almost did it y'all look at that i'm a little bit proud of that let's go put her under the sink okay bit proud of this a little bit i'm gonna read y'all i told gina i'm saying that tonight i'm addicted look at that baby it almost came out a little bit look at that yep all right guys let me clean her up a little bit and let's see uh what we got all right y'all so i'm just kind of cleaning her up this is all burnt sand uh yo look i told gina look that side collapsed but if i if i chiseled that down or whatever and just did it like some kind of half piece or something and maybe did it onto like a a piece of wood or something and put simpsons or something i think i can do something with this well you're something with this so i'm gonna get all this cleaned up and then i'm gonna polish her and i'm gonna clip all the surrounding parts and what we might do is like just a little side figurine maggie wouldn't that be cool that would be cool but we gotta wait y'all gotta know what she weighs but like i said i'm gonna clip her down and i really think i'm gonna be able to make something pretty cool out of this uh so let's see what it weighs now before we clip it so we got 11.3 ounces that's pretty cool right there got how many ounces in a pound 16. 16. so that's almost a pound y'all that's almost a maggie pound y'all cause silver's so soft all right y'all check it out so look at that what do y'all think i cleaned her up a little bit all right so look i'm gonna take uh snips and i'm gonna go around here look i'm gonna clean all that out okay and then i'm gonna cut her off right there and then i'm gonna go ahead and polish her guys i am gonna paint her because i think from a profile standpoint on some kind of yeah i think it's gonna look cool so hey this was my first try but hey let me clean this thing up let me see what it turns into i may auction it off guys and here's what i guarantee you i am definitely gonna do another one we'll do something different this time and i think i'm gonna do something with less detail and let's go for a little bit more perfection this time with something simpler so hey guys hope you enjoyed this video this was super fun let me know in the comments what do you think this was my very first time sandcasting here's the question do you think it's salvageable if you think it's salvageable to turn it into something pretty cool i mean it's still a silver maggie that's pretty cool in itself so let me know your thoughts down in the comments other than that guys we will see you tomorrow night 7 p.m central love you guys see you and we'll see you at the next unit [Music] you
Channel: Grimes Finds
Views: 11,063
Rating: 4.9061189 out of 5
Keywords: Grimes Finds, Storage Wars, Reseller Channel, how to make money, Extreme Unboxing, unboxing, what's in the box, how to resell, Storage Wars episodes, lunkers tv, Googan squad, Googan baits, YouTube auction, auctions, abandoned storage units, I bought an abandoned storage unit, estate sales, garage sales, funny videos, duck dynasty, family videos, melting silver, silver melting, how to melt silver, how to melt, melting old, how to melt gold, smelting, american pickers
Id: MeK3lnN2F5w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 30sec (2790 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 22 2020
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