Making Putts Is Easy Once You Know This "Eye" Trick

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hi great to have you here today I'm going to go over a couple of secrets in the putting stroke that can really help you out especially with perception and your alignment now here I have a ball lined up that I'm going to be putting and I have a flat cup out here in the distance now I put an intermediate spot here where these are all lined up so basically if I took a laser line and shot it through the middle of this ball to the cup this ball would be right in the way now depending on how you're set up your eyes may not be able to tell a straight line if you can't see a straight line it's gonna be very difficult to put on the line you want to so if I set up over top of this golf ball I'll give you a personal example here that I've recently figured out a solution to when I look at this line when I look down and I trace a straight line from my ball to this ball it looks like that this ball is to the left of the hole meaning that my eyes are not seeing straight and if I keep doing this it's going to be tough to hit a straight putt or to make very many putts now as I pull my eyes inside so if I was to drop a golf ball or Dr or hang the club for my eyes this would be directly over the golf ball it looks to the left still as I go more and more inside it starts to look and will for most people like it gets more and more to the right now from here I'm way to the inside with my eye alignment and it looks like this golf ball and that golf ball on the hole are all in a straight line as they really are now unfortunately it's pretty difficult to put from back here not really going to work in a stance same thing with forwards and backwards if I'm putting this way let's say if I get my eyes in front of the golf ball then the alignment of this ball starts to look more to the right if I get my eyes behind the golf ball or more here where I'm looking down much more behind it this way this ball starts to look more to the left now again unfortunately I have to set up with my eyes way over here if I'm putting this ball way in front of it really not a very usable putting setup for that ball to look like it's in line so I realize it's out of line I realized some minor adjustments I can have and if you're just barely out of a line when you're doing this make those minor adjustments bring your eyes a little bit inside you'll find that most Pro players tend to have their eyes one to two inches inside the golf ball that they're putting meaning they're inside of it this way most Pro players tend to have their eyes slightly behind the golf ball when they're putting also that's completely fine if you're doing little small adjustments and it looks straight to you that's all you need to do and I'll get to a minute in a minute here I'll get to exactly what I would do to ingrain this once and for all now there's also tilt if my eyes are lined up this way so imagine I'm looking at the camera my eyes are level with the camera I could tilt my head this way I could tilt my head that way that can feel a little bit weird but as I tilt my head to the right or I tilt my head this way going here as I'm setting up that will change my perception of where this golf ball is too so if I tilt my head to the right it still looks to the left if I tilt my head to the left it looks in line but everything just seems really cockeyed like I can't see a straight line so I typically wouldn't tilt my head this way or that way too much do that sparingly but again if it helps you see the line it's all about being able to see the line and feeling comfortable over it so what I'm telling you is yes I can see the line when I'm in here not going to be comfortable not going to be able to hit a putt yes I can see the line when my eyes are way up here not comfortable yes I can see the line on my head's tilted way over here again not comfortable the last thing to check here is moving your chin back into your chest or a power like this so for me when I drop my chin down toward my chest it makes it much easier to see line this looks perfectly in line now this ball this ball in the cup are all perfectly in line and I can use a pretty standard setup here where I just tuck my chin in now it looks like it's very nicely lined up and I think that's a lot of times what you see players doing when you see a kind of a weird setup maybe like a Michelle Wii where she's way hunched over like this or maybe you see a Jack Nicholas where he's kind of way over he's getting his eyes to where they can see the line properly even if he doesn't realize that so what I want you to do is go through those tests a little inside a little outside forwards and back get to where it feels comfortable and the three balls look like they're in line once you find that I would use a very simple device like this to Mark what that setup is this is a little eye line mirror this is the small one the mini one that will go in your golf bag which I really like so I would take this I would line this up with my Target in the distance it also comes with a shoulder attachment I can put some links to this down below if you buy from those links I get a few bucks helps to support the channel keep me making some videos so I greatly appreciate that if you already have one of these no need to buy them any mirror will be fine but I'm going to go ahead and set up here and I say okay I'm going to put that golf ball out in the distance again I'm not going to take the time in this video to get it perfectly lined up let's imagine that's in a straight line I'll do a little quick view of it here it's probably going to need to be about like that to be in a straight line again I know it's not perfect but I'm not going to get a laser out and get it perfect here but when I get my head tilted down I can see where my eyes are in this mirror my left eye is almost on the golf ball just about an inch inside of it my chin is tilted down to where my nose is on this red line here and then as I'm looking at this golf ball I can see okay those all three look pretty well in alignment now yes I realize I'm a little more hunched over it may look a little bit awkward but if your eyes can't see it you're not going to be able to make the putt so I would get to where your eyes can see it now once I have these positions down and I say okay I like this setup this all looks really good I'm tracking it well I can take a sharpie and I can just mark on the mirror here's my left eye here's my right eye a DOT a DOT I can Mark here's my nose boom there's a DOT I can look at my shoulders on the shoulder plate here and see are my shoulders Square okay I see they are basically perfectly Square my forearms are square all that set up correctly and now I know I'm ready to roll some pretty straight putts when I get this set up now once I have that marked and I can see that straight line this takes just five minutes a day you don't really have to do anything crazy to get set up like that and ingrain it I like the this is why you're seeing basically almost all tour players put with one of these putting mirrors because you really need some kind of Baseline this is no different than taking an alignment stick on the driving range putting it down by your feet and hitting to a Target so that you can check your alignment doesn't mean that I'm changing my alignment every single day doesn't mean that I'm trying to get it perfectly lined up I'm not trying to match my alignment to this device I'm finding where I can see the perfect line and then I'm marketing it on this device so that I know I can see it day in and day out and then I just check it for five minutes and that's all you got to do now once you've checked this let me give you another great little tip on perfecting your putting stroke this is something that took a long time for me to find out I want to share it with you today we've all seen these putting arcs putting ramps these are very similar so an arc like this has a very gentle Arc to it kind of forwards them back that's the same as a putting ramp that's on a tilt like that so if you're on an angled ramp and you putt up the ramp then your putter is going to come a little to the inside so if you imagine let me grab I have a piece of plywood sitting here for a side project I was doing let me grab this you can imagine that if this is on a tilted Arc an angle like that matches basically where my putter is is my putter swings back it goes to the inside slightly because it's coming up the Tilt as my putter swings through it goes back to the inside this Arc is designed to match a normal putting stroke or a pretty typical putting stroke Arc that you'd see on tour I really like these devices I think that they're they're great to train your stroke and what most people do on these though is incorrect they'll grab a ball and I don't have this lined up correctly let's assume that I have this lined up to the hole in the distance here just to make this video a little bit better we'll grab the ball they'll put the heel of their putter against the arc here they'll pull against the arc a little bit and they'll keep the heel of the putter on it the entire time well I probably have it lined up wrong which is why it went a little bit to the right but anyways once I get that lined up where I want it to go then all I got to do is simply pull the hill of the putter against the arc and it's going to go essentially in the exact same spot every single time now here's the problem with that when this is resting against this Arc as soon as I take the ark away I'm putting different forces into I'm probably going to want to pull the putter back inside if this don't have this to guide me then I'm not going to make that same stroke now here's the cool thing though if you have two of these you can train essentially a perfectly uniform stroke so what I'm going to do is I'm going to go ahead and set these up to where now I pull a second one on the top of my club it's touching the Toma club right here so basically this would be touching it the whole way and all I'm going to do is give myself a little bit more space and just make these parallel with each other so now I have a little Gap here this one's pretty tight but I should be able to make this stroke with my putter between them so I have a little space you can hear them kind of clunking back and forth there I have some spaces I go back I have some spaces I go through I should be able to hit this putt now without touching these rails at all and that is really the tight angle I have it set up here but with a little practice you can get it to not touch either one of those if you're starting out and you're a beginner get this lined up first to make a putt get a little bit more space so that now I got probably three quarters of an inch make sure it's about uniform the whole way through and then from there I can just hit putts without touching either one of them as I get better tighten it up tighten it up tighten it up and sure enough you're going to have a pretty daggone uniform putting stroke one last thing get your eyes lined up on that shoulder make your shoulders Square make your forearms square one little thing here if your forearms aren't Square you may need to feel like you tucked this elbow in lots of times people's right forearm will get too high like this and all of a sudden I want to cut across it I want to tuck that arm under until my forearms are pretty square with this Arc and then from there I'm going to feel like my upper arms are pretty cinched into my sides of my pecs so I'm rotating my arms in and then from there I'm just going to rock my torso back and through and it'll match that Arc really well very little hand manipulation now if I'm doing a lot of wrists and hands I'm not going to be able to make this go between those Gates without hitting into them if my forearms are out of alignment it's going to be tough to get to go through this gate so get your shoulders your forearms lined up get to where you can see the line well and then from there cinch it in Rock the body back and forth and you're going to be able to keep this pretty straight now the last tip I'll give you absolutely Paramount here if you look at every single PGA Tour player you will not see hardly any body movement virtually none unless they're hitting like a 60 foot putt from the belt buckle down so I'm going to feel like the balance in my feet and my entire lower body is extremely stable and I'm just rocking back and forth and if you looked at my lower body here I'll turn this way there's almost no movement whatsoever so you're really not seeing my knees or my legs move at all that's critical if you're going to be so precise to where you're going to be able to put balls within a quarter inch half inch make lots of putts the lower body shouldn't be moving at all now if you really want to take this up to another notch the best thing to add to this is dialed in wedges and when you look at the pros whether 20 30 40 60 yards out they're able to hit those numbers on the dot and a lot of people like to use a clock system so stopping certain amounts back and through to be able to hit those numbers that's only half the battle there's actually something that you have to pair with that a trick with your timing that makes that work and I'm going to share that with you in a bonus video I'll play preview that here in a second all you need to do is click the card that pops up on your screen and you'll get instant access to that video I can't wait to share that with you it's going to go perfect with your putting if you knock those wedges stiff especially on shorter par fours maybe where you hit a great drive inside 100 yards in the green or if you're on those par fives hopefully you're on them in two and you can make a putt for for a birdie or an eagle or two pup birdie but if you're anywhere around the green 30 or 40 yards that's where you're going to make the birdies but we got to wedge it within 10 feet if we're going to make very many of them at all even if we're putting great most of our makes are going to be inside 10 feet feet so it really comes down to the wedges if you're going to make a lot of birdies I'm Gonna Play that video for you all you need to do is click the links down below the video or up on the card you'll get instant access let's go ahead and get started well I used to actually practice a lot in high school this is one of my favorite things to do I had a strip mode down the back of my yard where I took the lawnmower my parents probably hated this because I mowed it down to like half inch Turf in the back of the yard because we lived on the farm and I would set buckets or towels along this and I would try to set them at those distances that I knew and maybe I knew my my 56 degree went right at 65 yards I'd set a bucket 65 yards away and I would go ahead and do my nine o'clock swing and I would try to fly it right into the bucket and I'd be get to where I could I could tell for sure if I was going to be a couple yards short or a couple yards long just because it gets so ingrained when you get the Rhythm and the finish the same every time so we can use different length back swings to control the distance of our wedge shots so for example if we imagine that I'm a clock and six o'clock is directly down down my wedge will be at six o'clock or my my arms will be at six o'clock I can go back to a 7 30 swing and I can have the same finish and hit it a certain distance or I can go back to nine or ten thirty and swing through to the same distance and that's going to control or the same finish point and that's going to control the distance that my wedge shots are going to fly in the air and I've got to keep that Rhythm and that Tempo very very consistent if I vary my tempos I can hit all kinds of different distances so for example I could have a real quick tempo 730 swing and probably hit this 90 yards I could have a maybe not really that far probably 50 or 60 yards I could have a very smooth slow tempo 730 swing and hit half that distance so I've got to get my distance the same I've got to get my rhythm the same that's the real key to it and the second piece on there
Channel: Top Speed Golf - Clay Ballard
Views: 20,115
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: clay ballard, top speed golf, golf instruction, golf tips, golf training tips, Making Putts Is Easy Once You Know This Eye Trick, Making Putts Is Easy, know this eye trick to make more putts, align your putting sights, how to align your putts, putting alignment and stance, putting stance for straight putts, how to putt straight, putting eye alignment drills, putting alignment drills, trick to putting alignment, align your eyes when putting golf training, putting training
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 10sec (970 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 30 2023
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