Putting Mirror: Yes or No

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you know if you watch golf on television or you go to a professional or mini tour event you'll see a lot of the pros using one of these on the practice screen putting mirrors but i almost never see anybody out at the local golf course on the practice screen using a putting mirror this video is all about do you need a putting mirror what purpose do they accomplish how do you use one and really do you need one now some of you need a dressing mirror instead of a putting mirror by the way this is not a paid promotion for any type of a putting mirror or any other product but i did do the research and find some really high quality putting mirrors if you're interested in one i'll put the links in the video description and again not a paid promotion although if you end up buying one of these from one of those links i make 50 or 75 cents which is money to take camera people to lunch or buy better recording and audio and video [Music] equipment [Music] so the purpose of a putting mirror is to help with your setup and alignment key thing to putting is being consistently set up over the ball every time with your shoulder square to the line with your dominant eye whichever eye that is over or just inside the ball not outside the ball with your hands hanging squarely under your shoulder so that you're not out here or inside here but squarely under your shoulders so that you can make a nice smooth stroke all of those things are critical and to do that you've got to set up in the same way every time these putting mirrors help with that alignment you lay it out on the ground it's got a line pointed at the target pegs for your t's to hold it in place there's a line for shoulder alignment and you look down in the mirror and you can see if your shoulders are square on the target line you look down at the mirror and you can see if your putter face is square on the green and this one at least center line so that you're square to the line and you're starting the ball on the line that you want so i see a lot of people in a putting mirror will help with this they're lined up this is the target straight at the camera and their shoulders are pointed and their shoulders are pointed off the line and then they kind of feel that and they put the the putter face off the line this way and then they make a stroke that's somehow that's not helpful you can't be consistent and make good putts that way so using one of those mirrors helps you look are my shoulders square to the line is my putter face square to the line and am i starting the ball on the intended line critical all right so we have a putting mirror set up here and you notice it's got pegs on all the corners for holding it in place then it has several holes here you can put for pegs for your backstroke it's got these little individual marks for how far your backstroke and through stroke a lot of people don't use those don't matter slip around to the other side you notice it has a green line for straight up the line and i put just for fun a chalk line i did that because i see a lot of people line up one way and their putter faces another way and they're making an odd unusual stroke so it helps you see a start line this particular putting mirror has an arc on it for what they think is a perfect arc some people try to take it straight back and through others use a larger arc so that's up to you key thing is there's a green line here that they call shoulder alignment and the purpose is to get up over your putt obviously the camera is in the way and be aligned so that your putter face is square your dominant eye is directly over the ball mine pretty much is and your shoulders are square with that line you can see my shoulders are inside the line a little bit i'm too close to this putt and we'll do some other video with a couple of different golfers so that you get perspective so here you see this front shoulder is over the line and this back shoulder is a little bit off of it so i would need to move my shoulders to about there to be properly aligned all right let's try with one of my friends lining up on it and see if i can get all the right lines and angles notice his shoulders are square to that line hands directly under the shoulders and that's a good putt straight up the target line we've got the chalk line on the wrong thing so it won't go in the hole or the chalk lines at the wrong target but the purpose of this is simply to make sure that you are setting up in the same position every time because doing that make sure that you roll the ball that one went in i heard it which is a good idea see the putter face keep the ball hit the ball and hear it go in way better than seeing it going distance is 12 feet 12 and a half notice he took the putter head straight back straight through kept the face square shoulders are square to that line eyes over the ball it straight up the line i'm really self-conscious of this thing behind me if that if that thing behind you you know that peg for the backstroke if that bothers you or makes you self-conscious take it out i don't think the length of stroke is nearly as important as making certain that you keep the putter face square and that you do control your speeding distance somehow let's do one with this out because for me that peg back there on the backstroke makes me feel like even though i'm not makes me feel like i'm punching the ball rather than making what for me is a good smooth stroke but again that's a personal preference my only complaint with the putting mirror and could be a good thing or a bad thing but notice it's about between an eighth and a quarter of an inch thick the challenge with that is it lifts the face of your putter up and then when you're actually on the green you're that much lower and you don't hit the ball dead square so if you get used to using one of these it hits the top center of the ball gets the ball rolling sooner that's nice you're going to have to incorporate that into your stroke on the golf course or make some kind of a compensation for that so that you're always hitting the ball in the squeak sweet spot vertically up and down as well as horizontally on your putter face that's important to get the ball rolling true and hit squarely you don't have to worry if you're left-handed or right-handed all of the better putting mirrors come on both sides and i'm sorry about that big glare from the sun reflecting in the camera but this way if you were a right-hander and this way if you were a left-hander they're made and set up for that and if you like this video and reviews of products that help you make more putts then you should like subscribe comment and share and if you do here's a special treat just for you that's good pick it up okay
Channel: Mister One Putt
Views: 25,207
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Putting Mirror, Edge Putting Mirror, eyeline golf putting mirror, golf putting mirror, golf putting mirror aid, golf putting mirror drills, golf putting mirror reviews, rickie fowler putting mirror, putting, eyeline golf mirror, eyeline golf putting alignment mirror, eyeline mirror, golf putting alignment, golf putting alignment aids, golf putting alignment drills, golf putting alignment mirror, golf putting eye alignment, how to align golf ball putting, rickie fowler putting
Id: eIqO7fmprHc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 6sec (546 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 23 2021
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