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hi guys joe lovery here from blowpar and this is a question i get asked often when i have people that come for putting lessons and they say to me joe i've seen these things called passing mirrors what do you think should i get one and if i get one how do i use it well this is gonna be a really easy step-by-step tutorial on how to use the thing when you get it and some cool drills that you can look at so let's get in today's video let's get going [Music] so all the putting training aids or most of the putting trains i have certainly mirrors are all vizio by phil kenyon so for those who don't know phil kenyon's a tour putting coach probably one of the best in the world huge respect for the guy he's done an amazing job with so many tour players and i used to be a bit of a putting coach when i was back in gloucester and actually just a real admirer of his work really really simple coaching but so effective and you could pick his brains for hours about putting so in his range he's got a few different mirrors and he's got the mirror that i'm going to use in today's video which also has the option to start putting in gates so we'll chat a little bit about that but yeah if you want to check it out vizio by phil kenyon go and check it out he's got a website and it's all the shops stuff is on there so this is my putting mirror here so what you have is this center line you've got the circle you've got a little holder for the ball and you've got some fixing points then for tees and you've got some magnets for the actual uh sort of metal poles you can put on for some gates later on you'll see the back side of the mirror just a nice sort of black surface and then you've got this at the top it's a reflective surface so that you can see where your eyes are we'll also then look back on the mirror itself so so the first job is to find a part of the green that's relatively flat and a sensible distance so something like this around about seven eight feet and a nice flat part of the green we'll take it so what i'm going to do now is just pop a tee in where i've just hit that putt from and in a minute i'll set up my mirror lining up i think that might have even tried to break slightly left so i'm going to aim it just on the right center so the key thing then with the putting mirror is just making sure you've got it set up straight so do take your time on this step and feel free to have a few putts before you fix it into the floor to make sure it's straight so i'm just going to hit one more now just to double check so i'm going to set myself up again again being very careful now not to hit the mirror cool so i'm happy with that so what i'm gonna do now very very carefully not to move the mirror is i'm gonna use these fixing points i'm gonna use the ones at the front i'm going to gently insert these tees and then i'm just going to double check it before hitting some putts so now that i've double checked that straight i'm happy i don't need to do any more from down the line now we start to now get into what can we use the mirror for so we can use for the eye position we can test starting line we can check ball position we can use it to check if your face is square there's so many different things we can check so one of the things i'm working on in my putting and for those of you that have seen my lab putter review that's gone up last week you'll know that i'm working on ball position so what i'm going to do is run a stick down in line with the ball at 90 degrees to the mirror and now i'm going to put another stick across to draw 90 degrees my feet as well and that's going to run parallel then with the mirror now what i'm going to be working to say is the ball positioning my stance making sure my eyes don't move from half an inch inside the ball that's where i put best from but also making sure my putter doesn't move out of position so let's give that a go see if i can hold it first time on camera so i'm going to take my time with the setup i'm gonna try and get that stick in the middle of the stance or just for the middle so putters in the middle there eyes are just inside i can see them just inside the ball cool now what i can do now is i can let's say spend five minutes or so checking that going over that doing that drill then i might have a putt from three feet without the mirror try and reinforce it five minutes and then back to the mirror again and do that drill let's go into a bit of a starting line drill so this is always a fun one in these little side pockets there come two little magnetic sticks bits of metal so i'm just going to put them on the easiest setting at the moment just being careful again not to move the mirror now what they're going to do is you can see that they allow a ball just about to fit through i'm now going to try and roll some parts through there towards the hole and see if i can get it in without hitting these sticks now a bit of advice to do this properly try not to focus on the sticks try and focus on the hole in the putt let this tell you whether you managed to or not now from here they look incredibly tight that first one there the feedback immediately is i hit that right hand one so i need to feel i'm starting the ball a little bit more on that line come on there we go so i might be able to do this let's say five minutes or so just testing that starting line getting used to starting the ball online getting it through those sort of metal poles or t's there we go starting to get the hang of it so my last bit of advice then before i wrap up today's video when you're using a putting mirror try and go to a distance where you're sort of still using or being able to analyze your stroke rather than the greens so what i mean by that if your greens are putting green isn't very good go nice and close to the hole i've hit putts with this floor from two and a half feet when the greens weren't in good condition allow yourself to get some feedback from the mirror rather than just going the greens aren't very good and i'm trying to hit parts from 25 feet so potting mirror then if you're somebody that struggles greatly with their putting on a day-to-day basis finds that they're inconsistent don't really practice your putting very often don't know how to highly recommend getting a putting lesson and then investing in one of these mirrors honestly the difference it makes when you just get your eyes back in the position they need to be or being able to work on start line you'll get some confidence immediately i'm feeling suddenly more confident just from that a couple of minutes alone filming this i've just got my eyes feeling a little bit more sat back again helps me to see straight through towards the part helps me feel that lines aiming at the target and then actually seeing the ball roll between those sticks that for me is awesome you know i'm starting the ball online i feel comfortable and suddenly then i'm holding a few putts towards the end you can see how quickly one putt that hit the right stick suddenly then i'm in there and i fix it straight away so certainly worth investing in all the top pros have one so why not get one yourself they're not very expensive and they're worth the investment guys thank you for watching today's video i hope you enjoyed today's content i look forward to seeing you very soon
Channel: Joe Lovery Golf
Views: 17,725
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: golf putting, putting mirror, putting training aids, putting technique, putting lesson, professional putting, mirror, Visio putting
Id: oH3wzyszZDY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 55sec (415 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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