Ep. #19 Aim Point And Apex On Breaking Putts

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(upbeat music) - Now, something else that we can probably do with the gates. And I know I've talked with Richard and grant about before is the AimPoint. And that's something that I find that a lot of people that have purchased the back to basics product, or things like that have questions about. And it's probably the one reason, significantly why we created the gates themselves. Can you just talk about AimPoint a little bit and maybe what you focus on with that? - Yeah, I always like to... When I'm reading a putt I always, I like to look to the apex of the most break and where it's gonna break from. - Yeah. - So, if you're gonna putt from this ball here. - Yeah. - If you have a good read of it, to me I think the break is probably around about here. That's the highest point of the breaking putt. - Yeah. - So if I'm reading a putt here, that's what I'm looking at. Looking at, all right, if I'm gonna hit this putt with good speed how much break is there? - Yeah. So knowing once we get to that point, that's where the break's really gonna start to come into play. Most importantly. - That's right. - And when you're focusing you're out on the course, those are the kind of points that you should be picking out before you're actually putting. - That's Right. - And maybe even bringing that back towards your ball and picking a spot, right? Probably somewhere in here or there that's gonna lead to that. - Yeah. Like when I putt I always like to look at a spot, maybe a foot or two in front of the ball and make sure I get my putter head lined up to that. - Yeah. Okay. - And then address it. - Okay. - Which is exactly what you're saying. That's the apex of the break, and that's where the ball needs to go through it. - Yeah. Now this is a pretty big putt here. We're looking probably a good, I don't know what, 15 feet? - Yeah. We're looking like 15 feet and probably a foot and a half of break. So it's certainly a putt where you need to get the correct line and the correct speed. - Yeah. Somewhere, maybe like right here? - Yeah, that looks great. (soft music) I think you gotta hit it... You gotta make sure you're just outside this mark here. - Okay. (soft music) So, were gonna get the eyes inside that ball. - Yeah, exactly- - I don't really see anything, but I just know from that feeling that we were working on before. - Great. (soft music) - Looks like you played a bit too much break and your speed was down just a fraction. - Yep. (soft music) Right about there? - That looks good. (soft music) There you go. (soft music) - Oh. - The ball's in the way. But that gives you that feedback of you've come from the mirror now. you know your putterhead square, you know your eyes are in a good position. You know your shoulders are good and then you just hit that nice putt. You got it all started online, went through the apex of the putt and it was nice speed. - Yeah, cool. (soft music) Oh. - Oh. Almost. I mean, it's certainly not easy. - No. - 15 feet and you're trying to hit the ball through there. There you go. (soft music) I think two from four is excellent. (soft music) So if I get this gate now, if you wanna try and hold this putt I think we gotta move it a couple of balls to the right. - Yep. (soft music) - You going through the same process? Make sure those shoulders are square, eyes feel like they're in a good position. - Yep. - Now you just focus on that start line and good speed. (soft music) Close. (soft music) - Oh. - You're thereabouts. - Yeah, man. (both laughing) (soft music) - There you go. Nice. - Look at that. (both laughing) That's a big putt. - That's a great putt. - Thanks, man. - As you can see, with you getting the ball started more online, you can play around with the gate bring it inside or move it outside just to get the the ball rolling in the hole. - Yeah. But we just know that a lot of that point, again, depending on pace, could end up a little more left or right because of how brakes work, but really getting it to that AimPoint is the essential part of making that. - Yeah, that right. I mean, if your speeds off then the ball's not gonna go through that gate all the time. So it shows you gotta hit a perfect, really a perfect putt. - Perfect. Michael, thank you so much. Really appreciate your time today. - All right, thanks, Nick. (air whooshing)
Channel: Back 2 Basics Golf
Views: 1,688
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Keywords: golf training aid, putting mirror, golf swing training aid, putting aid golf, putting training aid, golf putting, pro path putting mirror, golf putting training aids, putting aid mirror, golf putting mirror, mirror putting aid golf, putter mirror, putter alignment aids, putter training aid, putting alignment, putting trainer, putting alignment mirror, putting alignment tool, golf putting alignment mirror, putting grip
Id: p9Zb9U2Oh60
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 37sec (277 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 02 2022
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