THE TOUR READ GOLF APP // The App Mac's Been Using to Improve His Putting

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okay guys welcome back to the channel so a little different look today i'm gonna be hosting on my own we brought my good friend ralph bauer uh head teaching professional at hamilton golf country club yes sam awesome so we're here today to talk about a new app that you've developed within the last year called tour read app this is a putting app that's kind of designed to help all levels of golfers i know you're a pga tour coach so you're obviously out on two are using this so kind of walk us through what we're gonna be going over today with this app yeah thanks so uh you know we designed it for everybody but i coached on the pg tour 15 years so they're all my friends i thought hey you know what let's get those guys using it first and uh you know i went to the first playoff event last year where we started it we had tremendous success right off the hop uh you know one of our poster child's tom hoagy uh downloaded it that day uh you know he's gone on to win about 5 million bucks since then i've had some crazy good success uh jj spawn the week before he won he downloaded it i saw him you know the next day at the masters uh he had to wait in line his caddy gave me a big hug then he gave me a big hug you know literally every week i look at the leaderboard and we got you know four or five guys you know in the top ten who are you know getting better at reading greens you know and mac i know you've been using for it for a bit yeah and uh you know it's one of those things we can always get a little bit better at if we're trying to lower our scores literally green reading's the easiest way to do it yeah you know so uh basically what happened is i gave a golf lesson to an engineer you know i coached for 15 years out there and i always kept my little secrets to myself and then i kind of took some time off from coaching out there and i thought you know what i might as well kind of tell everybody what i'd come up with so what we've developed is like you know the iphone's got an internal clinometer which is which is like a level only a 360 level right right so what we do we did all the physics behind it so we set the the uh phone down on the ground you know so if we go if we got a six footer here we'll set the phone down on the ground i'll just run through this one here real quick we'll set the phone down on the ground it'll give us the slope of the ground so this is on a 1.7 left to righter and 1.7 up hill so at six feet it's going to tell us exactly where to aim it right completely takes the guesswork out of you know reading greens uh how to and it's a way to practice our green reading so greenery is super important up till now we didn't have a really effective way of practicing or green reading and i think for most people that's very beneficial it doesn't matter how good your stroke is how picturesque it is if you're not hitting your lines and actually starting the ball in the right line yeah it really doesn't matter so i think that's really beneficial to have something that can help us with green reading itself because you can take care of a lot of things but if you're not actually reading the green properly you're not going to make putts so it's definitely something that's probably the most important in terms of getting the ball yeah you know and and it's funny like the studies i've done well over ninety percent of time they can start the ball within one degree of their intended start line so if you're one degree off a ten footer is still going to go in the hole right however the make percentage on the pga tour is only 42 percent right so there's a you know there's a there's a thing there that's that's helping or stopping people from making more putts and it and it's the green rate it's a green reading and if you think about it so pga tour players from 10 feet are getting less than 50 of their green reeds done properly so the guys i've been using with on tour have gotten you know much better like last summer uh mac youth before we released it we had a few guys who were who are yeah who are beta testing it for us uh matt hughes kevin chapel nick taylor uh you know and that was nice them to do that for us but it helped them make some more putts too right right so yeah i would have like like i wasn't there uh xander's coach told me the first day he had it he used it for uh four and a half hours right you know just dialing in is left to right you know everybody's gonna struggle with with one read or another and it's just kind of helping them and i think the big thing is it gives you that um kind of uh affirmative that you are hitting the right spot yeah it's i think trains your eye obviously it's a good yeah you know a lot of guys using aimpoint and stuff so yeah it's a cool way that can kind of train your eye to read the greens properly so when you're out on the golf course you have a process that you can stick with and hit your lines yeah 100 and you know it's i can't tell you how many people would under read a putt miss it hit a good putt they missed it you know and then they're blaming their stroke they're second guessing their stroke their second guessing their putter you know their second guess in their marriage you know they've got all kinds of stuff going on their head and the reality is they they under read their pot yeah exactly i think it's so important to actually have a good line yeah so why don't you hit this one here yeah right so uh and then we'll kind of run through a few of the ways that we can kind of use the app to kind of you know like i said to get better where generally would the where you see guys using this would you see it in practice rounds kind of pre-tournament on the putting green just getting a feel for green reading itself that's kind of the benefit of it right yeah for sure here's what i like about it everything is a little differently okay you know uh bryson's team tested it this week they loved it they've got different ways you know how they want to implement it which is great bryson as you know is pretty technical right and then you know i was working with andrew putnam who's that total field player kind of like he's in your mold right absolutely and he's just telling me what he likes to use it with right right i've got other guys kevin chapel he's like hey i just like to use it because it's helping me set up my drills for sure you know i'm just gonna have to monkey around getting all my uh you know alignment stuff stuff set up yeah it takes a long time not used to right so i'm gonna put the phone down yep so i'm gonna put the phone down perpendicular from the from the ball to the hole okay you know if i put it on an angle it would think the holes down here and the ball is up there got it so we're gonna set down so that's really important obviously yeah pretty square like that pretty square i mean setting something up square is pretty easy so we're just gonna set that up you know i'm gonna give it a little tap here it's uh how far along does it get you said yeah that's a good question so that one there i did like two-thirds okay but if we do if we do like if we're going to take two reeds which is going to give us a little bit better read yeah right we're going to do like 60 and 80 percent okay and then i just hit this average button so i had the last one down uh well i i think it was like 2.9 or something like that or three point i forgot it was and then i just read it again and it gives the read of 3.2 cool so just with two data points and you know i get a lot of questions with double breakers and actually choppy when he was uh beta testing for his last summer he texted me he's like hey what about dell breakers like hey did you try the average feature and then like 10 minutes later it's like ralph is brilliant okay again i've been using it as a method for me to learn how to read greens a little better so yeah i've been using it on the golf course which i know isn't a lot on the pga tour but for me i love being able to go out there and when i'm out doing a practice round or just a fun round of golf just to see if what i'm seeing is actually what's happening so it's super easy to set up you you toss it down there hit the button and you're you're off to the places so obviously speed is going to make a difference so green's varying speed which is going to change break so um what's kind of your calculation percentage for for that that's a great question yeah we got some little math done on that yeah but if if you're just you know an average golfer going out you know two three times a week we kind of if you kind of think about it like uh you know us open's going to be 12. yeah you know regular pga tour events going to be 10 and a half and a half yeah you know club championships probably gonna be 10 average days would be nine right if it's super rainy and greens are slow it's gonna be like an eight right right if however because the app is so accurate if you hit uh we typically you'll hit like a big breaking putt yeah and if it breaks more than you think you just toggle the green speed until you find out how much it broke okay and that's just a super simple way to do it so you can literally do it with one putt i did uh one one putt at the players championship this year and i had some players say what's the green speed it's like it's 10.1 right and then the superintendent came by i don't know why they're testing me but they were like hey what's what are the green speeds today 10.1 is pretty slow for the players you know uh and he's this what is it he said it's just a fraction over 10. so you know yeah so this is uh you know it's telling us it's 3.2 the cool thing about it is it takes into account the up and down hill right right so there's no other system in the world that's doing that or it's going to give you give us an accurate uh measurement now one of the cool things too on this this is a six footer it'll tell us on here what it's actually playing right so you know in the old days we would be playing with a beginner or you know especially beginner and it's uphill and we'd say oh hit it a little harder well what does that mean yeah right now we can say exactly how much more like for an uphiller how much more it's playing and for downhill or how you know how how much less yeah yeah right so that's the kind of cool way doing it so let's aim this one you know 3.2 inches outside left edge here okay you know kind of pretty normal pace for uh to hit it 12 inches past the hole and we're going to go ahead and hit that you know and it's dead center yeah um i will say i had a bunch of tour players who who would do the exact same thing they would read it they'd put the app down they'd say oh the app's wrong they'd hit it where the app says it goes right in the center right so they do that after about five or six times then they quickly realized hey you know what it's actually me that was dry and that's what i love about it is for me it takes away the guesswork um i love i'm a spot putter so for me if i can pick something three and a half inches out either a little blade of grass or something that's what i'm visualizing at and i think i can relate to a lot of people and that is picking something to aim at is important so by giving me that exact kind of three and a half inches outside the left then i can give myself that little blade of grass and really go at it yeah and then kind of a cool thing to do is just to step back and say like hey would i have read that was that how it actually and that's where i've been using it i've been really using it as beneficial it's very beneficial for me to confirm what i'm reading so not only will i use it after i putt so i'll hit a putt if i miss and i'll see where did i have that why did i miss that yeah and if i had a good breed then chances are i hit a bad putt so it kind of it takes away the guesswork which is i think extremely important on putting i hate people using excuses it was a terrible pot terrible stroke terrible roll you don't know that it could have just been a bad line and you just thought you had a good putt who knows it's almost always a bad read yeah like if tour players are less than 50 from 10 feet with all their preparation which is a daunting amount of preparation to go through right and you know think about getting better i always look at the analogy like you know if you want to get a little better you know if you're a little stronger that's going to help okay now you got to wake up earlier you got to go to the gym stay there longer you got to you know that means you got to go to bed earlier yeah you got to do all those things i mean literally or you can get an app and get better reading greens and your handicaps gonna go way down like you said i think it is idiot proof in the sense that it uh i'm a very field-based person that's not into numbers normally but for me i use it in the most simple kind of way possible and it's really helped me just confirm things just frees me up and lets me hit a spot okay so i've got this little coaching thing i want to do here with you yeah so i've got a six footer on this side i'm gonna go into our settings i'm gonna and i'm gonna hit hide tour read okay okay so now i'm gonna pop this down i don't normally do the average function on a short putt like this right you know the average feature is is more when you're trying to dial in a 15-footer okay so i'm just gonna set this down tap it and then what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna you can take a look at this so it's two point six in uh percent from right to left point five downhill okay right and it doesn't tell us where to aim it so now you have to guess i can put you on the spot here sure so you're gonna guess and then we'll tap this and they'll give us the answer cool yeah let's do it so why don't i hit it first i'm gonna see if i miss so and then i'm gonna tell you what my read was okay fair enough i've got my number in my head right now based on what i think yeah so what was your number so i played that three and a half inches out because we came from that side okay three and a half inches outside right okay so the actual number was six inches super common thing for people to do as a lefty on a right to left pot left so you know using an example is for people to under read okay for you a right to lefter and then pull it pull it right and then in that scenario you over pulled it yeah i felt like right yeah so um i always look at like like do we want to misread it and mishit it and help those even out no no it's probably like you know if you had a match next day at the club that'd be i'd have a tough time going to sleep at night if that's your plan right so instead of that you know what we're going to do is we're going to try to read it properly yep you know and then not pull it so if you show me a person that's got a good stroke on a left right or right to left here i'll show you something that's got a uh who's a good green reader okay and if you show me a good green reader then we're not gonna like if you know if if we do set this up properly hit it you know we don't have to um you know we don't have to manipulate it right which is you know uh just not gonna work and i think i'm i'm very guilty of a right to laughter being a lefty that i i like to pull it onto my line instead of yeah so and you know if you don't mind i'll hit this yeah so if i set this up for six inches obviously it works for righties or lefties right and i feel like i'm going to put a good stroke on hit my putt you know it's going to go in did you see how that went in kind of like the left center yeah i feel like i didn't have enough pace on that i did definitely not have enough pace on that that was more of an eight inch yeah yeah great or eight inch past you know i feel like 12 inches that's right in the middle however i do get to write down a birdie or par on my on my work exactly you know so that that high toured function now so that's kind of a way for us to wean us off the off the app yeah nice yeah you know um there is a kind of another cool little feature on here we can talk about uh i'm just going to go into training mode which is fun and it just gives us random reads uh i have fun with this on my ig account because you know tour players are literally no better at answering this question yeah yeah than than you know anybody else so it just kind of gives us random random lengths random reads and it's kind of a fun way of you know practicing our greenery i do have a lot of caddies who let's say they're going to augusta you know before augusted they were they were setting the the green speed to like 13 and a half yeah and they were playing this game like on the plane there right i'll set 13 half and it'll give us some kind of random reads there's a seven footer you know 3.1 left to right 1.2 down and you have to guess how many yeah you have to guess that's cool and then uh you know they're on tap on it and 15 inches almost everybody is gonna get that one at like seven right like it's crazy it's not like they're gonna guess like 14 be off by an inch like tour players are off on that by at like a half you say would you say from your experience to guys over read or underread putt on average would you say it's a does it matter kind of depend on the the break of the pot or did you see a tendency there yeah 100 like and i think like i i feel most righties are pretty decent at right to lefters okay you know left to right is not good at all right right so so most most uh actually i'll give you a tour the tour data most tour players are gonna under read a left to rider okay you know by about 45 percent so that's tour players so that's tour play imagine what the uh the everyday even 15 handicap that's a club player yeah if they're missing it that they're probably even worse yeah you know it's it's it's such an easy way to get better at golf that makes sense right and then you know if if you're into strokes gain data i'm a numbers guy but if you're into strokes gaining data if you make a six footer or an eight footer how do you feel walking the next tee like how do you eat your drive in the next hole it's all confidence it's all confidence right and you know making putts i mean you hit a great drive which is great don't get me wrong but that doesn't you know you have to hit a great t or approach shot right sure yeah whereas you make a good pot you can write your score down and you're off to the next tee and you feel better about yourself so it's you know let me see again real quick about how this came up right so i had this whole system that i only kept for my guys yeah i mean and and the guys i worked with on tour averaged a .6 a day improvement in their putting using my systems right so you know it's pretty astonishing at that level pre-astonishing that level and uh you know i was lucky i got to work with you know if if a player had a bad week and tried to fire me you know i'd i'd somebody would hear about it and i'd have a new client you know in the afternoon so you know it was a great i had a great run on two or 15 years i'm kind of slowing back now i'm just doing like once you know once a month but uh you know so i kept my little secrets to myself uh i gave a golf lesson to an engineer and he's like bro just turn this into a into a uh uh into an app and i was like you know it take a lot of work we need a software engineer yeah yeah i need another physics nerd and he's like yeah i'm a physics nerd i'm a software you know let's do it right so it's a lot of fun putting it together and uh you know it was actually right here so we got together got it on my phone i had my perfect roller perfect putter uh brought it out you know tested it i hit 25 putts 20 or you know i rolled 25 putts 24 of them went in i was like looking around to see if like eureka i was being punked or something or what was going on and then uh the the disappointing part we had to wait like three four months to get all our patents done after that yeah right now i felt like i could not sleep and i was so excited to get this out there it makes sense it's been fun i'd say it's uh it's something that every single golfer out there doesn't matter what your skill level can really benefit from um just tell me quickly how we go about getting it so it's a subscription base obviously you download the app um subscription based um monthly yeah it's got a two-week free trial okay right we're super confident people are going to like it yep so it's got a two-week free trial it's in the app store uh apple products only right now sure we're working on android but you know yeah uh it's it's uh taking time and uh it's ten dollars us a month cool or hundred dollars a year tour it up perfect so if you guys want to check that out i would highly suggest it i know it's helps me a ton i'm not much of like a into gimmicks and stuff i'm again i'm such a field player so it's something that i think can benefit every skill level kind of a player um thanks again for having us out here today it's been a blast hope to see you guys next time you
Channel: Club Champion
Views: 39,897
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: golf, equipment, clubfitting
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 13sec (1153 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 22 2022
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