Entire Second Year of the Clone Wars | Star Wars Lore

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hi friends welcome back to another episode of generation tech my name is Alan today we're proud to present to you guys the second year of the Clone Wars in college will order we're gonna be talking about all the major battles all the political intrigue and hopefully that will prepare us somewhat for the seventh season of the Clone Wars enjoy chapter one the blue shadow virus when your entire military is made up of droids and machines and your enemy's military is completely made up of organic beings the use of biological and chemical weapons will most likely come up in the weekly military planning session especially when you're facing a clone army that has literally no genetic diversity later on in the war the separatist alliance would actually develop a special virus that targeted only the Fett DNA and would leave humans and other sentient beings relatively unharmed it's a small price to pay to end war or so a bad scientist would say the idea of scientists and especially doctors creating viruses and diseases to kill people is especially troubling for us here on earth because doctors around the world usually swear to one version or another of the Hippocratic oath which basically states that they will do no harm this is why we have issues with doctors performing euthanasia on patients or administrating lethal injections in an execution trial in Star Wars similar oaths have been sworn by doctors depending on which era interestingly enough during the Old Republic doctors would venture out to the battlefield without any weapons and only focus on healing people it was how a friend upon by both sides of any battle to kill these individuals but Star Wars has always had its fair share of mad scientists and very sketchy doctors like pick face over here he was a cosmetic surgeon as you can tell got too creative and then lost his license there's also another doctor named at Nuvo Vindi a for scientists employed by the Confederacy of Independent Systems the fact that dr. Vindi is an alien should tell us already not to trust him but believe it or not at one point in time you is a relatively normal doctor who held the title of senior medic on the world of Adana somewhere around 31 BBY he disappeared from the face of the galaxy and then suddenly reappeared in 21 BBY when Republic's under padme amidala stumbled on his secret lab on Naboo see dr. Vindi had created a secret underground testing facility on the planet where he was attempting to revive a very terrifying disease known as the blue shadow virus in its natural form the blue shadow virus was a waterborne illness and in ancient times it spread across the galaxy killing millions of people the virus was relatively quick back within 48 hours of contact the virus could kill a host and also had a ridiculously high mortality rate of 96% when it encountered carbon-based life forms that's even higher than extremely deadly diseases like Ebola here on earth a cure was eventually found for the black shadow virus but we're going to talk about that later now because of the virus's waterborne nature who was eventually quarantined and killed off and at least until 21 BBY the blue shadow virus was basically extinct existing only in medical records and perhaps one or two labs that were highly guarded much like how the smallpox virus is kind of extinct here on earth it was a disease that killed an estimated 300 million people in the 20th century alone roughly three times the number of people killed in all wars combined during that same time but dr. Vindi was a crazy bastard and saw the beauty in such a complicated and deadly virus and not only sought to reanimate the virus he also made it airborne making it ten times deadlier and harder to contain although why he made the virus visible and a blue gaseous form is also kind of odd perhaps that was his way to warn people that a deadly virus is coming probably not anyway padme amidala and Sith Lord Jar Jar Binks are on their homeworld investigating sightings of a separatist droid scouting party the war had yet to reach the peaceful planet with the events of the Naboo invasion only a decade ago made the planet security forces extra vigilant about another droid attack a tactical droid had been captured by the Naboo security forces which led Padme & Jar Jar to investigate a part of the eastern swamps of Naboo Padme contacts her boo and his master obi-wan Kenobi for backup in case things get a bit difficult while searching the Republic Team encounters a group of dead shocks domesticated herding animals they had been drinking water from a nearby river which lent Padme to conclude that the water was tainted this was a part of dr. Nuvo Vindi first trial run of the virus in its natural waterborne form eventually Padme and gentler come across the secret entrance for dr. Vindi slab and are immediately surrounded by droids and captured Padme learns about the good doctor's plan to create an airborne version of the blue shadow virus he's also made them into gas bombs which would be deployed to populated Republic systems across the galaxy all the Sun the stakes just got higher and obi-wan Kenobi arrived to the planet with a squad of republic troopers including a bomb squad they breached the separatist lab in attempt to neutralize the separatist forces within the compound and are able to capture dr. Nuvo Vindi before he can escape or release the virus but as obi-wan and Anakin prepare to take the separatist doctor to bamboo Republic forces find that one of the blue shadow virus bombs are missing one of Bendis droids had stolen it and sets it off in the underground bunker with several clone troopers Padme Jar Jar and ahsoka still inside the Bank matters worse there are still droids inside the bunker who are attempting to break out the Republic forces trapped inside violently tried to stop the droids and are successful but most of them become infected by the blue shadow virus in the process meanwhile obi-wan Kenobi Anakin and dr. Vindi returned to feed where they meet captain typo luckily he's found a cure for the blue shadow virus a plant known as the reek so roots but it was an incredibly rare plant and could only be found deep in center space on the planet of ego with most fatalities happening only 48 hours after the exposure to the blue shadow virus Anakin and obi-wan have no choice but to rush to ego and find the roots ego is a temperate and tropical world on the outer edge of the outer rim add many moons which is why it was also called the world of a thousand moons also orbiting the planet was a massive graveyard of ships upon landing on the planet Anakin and obi-wan kenobe are able to quickly find the roots but when they tried to leave they find out from the inhabitants of the planet that leaving was a lot tougher than landing on the planets most of the locals have been trapped on ego for many months they explain to the two Jedi that after the separatists left the planets a phantom in the sky named drol had destroyed anyone attempting to leave more than 50 pilots had attempted to leave and they all had perished but after scouting the debris field above the planet oh we want the horizons that the separatists have deployed a defense grid above the planet which stops anything from leaving let's you are desperate to get off the planet as the Republic task force trapped in dr. Bernie's lab are running out of time while meeting with the inhabitants of ego and discussing their next course of action an angel approaches the Jetta remember in episode 1 when Anakin as Padme if she's an angel well that's what he meant angels were an alien species that have been living on one of you goes moons before the separatists arrived and kicked them off the planets the Jedi come to a conclusion that the fence grid is most likely being controlled from that moon and they're correct the Jedi managed to destroy the defense system allowing them to leave the planets and freeing all the people trapped there as well Anakin and obi-wan kenobe reach Naboo just in time to save the Republic task force who had violently stayed behind to prevent the virus from spreading doctor bindis virus is destroyed and he's taken back to course on where he'll spend the rest of the war and most likely where he'll be repeated by the Empire's weapon research program after the rise of the new order chapter 2 the battle of right life in many ways Ryloth was like the Poland of the Stars galaxy full of good hard-working people but constantly being exploited and turned into a battlefield by it's much more powerful neighbors of Ryloth have suffered due to their lack of resources in industries on their world this was due to the general roughness of their planet Ryloth was covered in diverse biomes ranging from jungles deserts giant valleys nestled in between active volcanoes at its equator a massive forest circumvented the planets and was full of some of the largest and nasties predators you could imagine many of them roaming around in giant packs and swarms combine that with deadly storms and terrifying winds it's not surprising that most we licks lived underground in caves despite joining the Republic as early as ten thousand years before the Battle of Yavin Rai lost close proximity to Hut space and far distance from the core Republic worlds meant that it was constantly being exploited by the Hutt criminal cartels the sweet licks were oftentimes kidnapped and forced into slavery either as sex workers or spice miners in the first year of the Clone Wars in 22 BBY Ryloth and nearby systems like Geonosis christophe's bata y and Rodya were targets for the Confederacy of Independent Systems rapid territorial expansion Ryloth was one of the first plants occupied during the war and we talked in depth about it in our first year of the Clone Wars history series but let's do a quick recap of what happened because of Ryloth extreme location at the very end of the game or run trade routes the majority of Republican a/v resources were directed to worlds that were closer to the core of the galaxy Ryloth only in a small attachment of clones along with the Jedi general Emma Gundy the Republic forces there were allied with cham syndulla and his tweet like resistance and they were under seized by a large separatist droid army under the command of techno Union Emir wat Tambor the separatists had blockaded the planet and were slowly starving the local populace you see Ryloth had very limited agricultural production and it imported most of its food medicine and other basic goods it's only exports were real spice and slaves ultimately the Republic garrison was overrun and Jedi general EMA Gandhi and all of his forces were slaughtered but their sacrifice was not in vain as their last and allowed the Twi'lek resistance to evacuate the area along with a considerable amount of Twi'leks civilians Republic blockade runners also had managed to bring emergency supplies that we Lex allowing them to survive a bit longer with the last popular Republic forces destroyed cheverus forces occupied the planets and maintained a blockade over Ryloth wat Sambora a member of the separatist High Council oversaw the occupation from the capital city of leh su cham syndulla as resistance fighters had melted into the wilderness and were still carrying out asymmetrical attacks against separate positions but they had very little effect on the overall occupation the entire planet is now under separatist control recent separatist defeats at the Battle of Ottawa and the destruction of the separatist dreadnought malevolence has given Republic forces some breathing room which meant that they could finally focus some resources on retaking Ryland but first they have to get past a separate blockade commanded by the talented Neimoidia and Captain Mark took Captain marsuit was a student in military history and an admirer of general Anakin Skywalker having studied the Jedi general carefully he had devised the cunning strategy to oppose the coming invasion the Republic forces approached the system with three veterinary clients Star Destroyers have defended the Redeemer and the Resolute's emerald wolf Yola ring commands the ships while Anakin Skywalker leads the overall operation it's imperative that the Republic forces break through the blockade obi-wan Kenobi and mace windu are waiting in hyperspace for an opening to launch their ground forces despite this being a very high-risk operation and it can decides the places Padawan learner in charge of blue squadron circuit ah no has proved herself as a combatant and pilot but she has very little experience in command this will be a big test for her upon approaching the system the Republic fleet finds the separatist blockade waiting for them above the planets captain mark tooks command ship is the lucra Hulk battleship and he's flanked by two missin star frigates the lucra Hulk battleship was quite a formidable ship at 3,000 meters in diameter is 3 times the size of a Venator class and bristling with weapons emplacements and also served as a troop and star fighter carrier but it should be noted that the lucra hulk was originally designed as a cargo ship and not for military use the minute Vicent class star frigates despite being close in size to the benatar class star destroyer had far less armor and weapons on board so both sides were actually pretty evenly matched Anakin sends ahsoka tano x' blue squadron made up of a dozen or so v 19 torn star fighters to probe the separate formation for any weaknesses the veteran or class star destroyers while weakly aren't had a massive amount of star fighters inside of them which they usually use the screen attacked and defend their forces a smart banner captain always engaged an enemy force from afar keeping their star fighters in between them and their enemy blue squadron quickly cuts through a formation of vulture droids and is about to pull within weapons range of the enemy command ship this is when Captain Mark Springs his trap and calls in reinforcements from hyperspace for additional munificent class frigates appear on the flanks of the separate formation and begin their own offensive against the Republic fleet Wolf's roll around and Anakin quickly called blue squadron back but ahsoka being the inexperienced commander that she is has tunnel vision in his only focus on engaging the enemy command ship she doesn't notice that the majority of her squadron has been destroyed and the enemy forces are closing in on her and when she finally turns back her attack it's already too late without blue squadron protecting the manager star destroyers the Republic ships defenses and shields are quickly overwhelmed the Redeemer is far too damaged to move and a wing of vulture droids launch a kamikaze attack against resolute destroying its bridge and almost killing animal wolf : the Republic forces are forced to retreat it's a devastating defeat but the Republic forces aren't completely done yet a Circa is reprimanded by Anakin for disobeying orders but he also recognizes that a part of a rebellious spirit mostly came from his own teachings instead of removing her from command though Anakin gives ahsoka full command of the next invasion which is really the last thing you would expect but commander tano comes up with a brilliant if not unethical plan she evacuates the heavily damaged defender of all personnel and has Anakin Skywalker piloted all by himself and surrender to the scepters blockade in exchange for a surrender and the separatists would allow food and medical supply convoys to reach the surface of the planet captain Turk perhaps momentarily blinded by success agrees to the terms but he's horrified to find that the Republicans using the white flag of truce in order to get the damage defend her close enough to his command ship to ram it which is exactly what happens this is completely immoral and against most rules of engagement for almost any culture here on earth the white flag is a sacred symbol and the use of this sacred symbol to attack an enemy will jeopardize all future Republic forces who actually do want to surrender as a matter of fact obi-wan Kenobi pulls off the same move during the Balam post office it clearly shows us that the Jedi have no clue on how to conduct themselves in a battle anyway the defender slams into the separatist command ship destroying its meanwhile commander tano brings the resolute within firing range she adjust the ship so that the bottom of the destroyers facing the remaining separatist fleet and launches all of our own fighters from the shielded side of her ship outside the view of the remaining separatist ships the y-wings are able to outflank the blockade and make quick work of the remaining munificent class star frigates paving the way for everyone kenobi and Mace Windu's ground troops to start a ground invasion because Ryloth is sparsely populated most of the separatist forces are concentrated in around population centers the Republic's main goal is to prevent civilian casualties and seize wat Tambor and the capital of les suit the Republic forces choose to concentrate the majority of forces on the city of nabob first 'no bot was chosen as the landing point because they had large fields large enough for the acclimate or class assault ships it was also within reasonable distance of the capitalist su and it was also rumored that the twi'lek resistance forces were in the area the separatist forces on the ground had several batteries of proton cannons which were able to heavily damaged one of the act Mira classist all ships when they were approaching the surface this forces the Republic to withdraw their landing ships instead they send a small unit of clone troopers on gunships at the ground led by obi-wan Kenobi their main mission is to take out the severest aaaa guns and clear a path for the invasion force the Clone Army was under strict guidelines to not use explosives to limit civilian casualties and damage to the Twi'leks cities after encountering heavy defense on the outskirts of the city Kenobi and Commander Cody managed to breach the severest defences and enter the city which is completely abandoned everyone can now be sent a small squad of clones to scout ahead and sure enough they find all the civilians inside the city being held hostage by the droid commander 2x20 after studying republic tactics the droid commander realizes that the Republic will not attack his position as long as innocent civilians are nearby so he uses the local Twi'leks as human shields I mean Twi'lek shields the Cyprus commanders also sent a group of local monsters known as gut carves which managed to take out several clones ultimately the clones carry out a frontal assault on the separates position at the center of the town and take out the a a gun positions and save most of the hostages this finally opens up the landing fields around the city and mace windu and the rest of the Republic invasion force arrives as well using the but as a staging ground commander pounds and mace windu lead an armored column towards lassoo along the way the Republic are forced to enter a narrow canyon where they are ambushed by snipers hover tanks but using 80 Artie's meets Windu leads lightning squad a small recon unit on an epic charge against the Droid forces and manages to take them out before the Republic tank column is destroyed the Republic forces continue to push on until they finally meet up with Twi'lek resistance fighter cham syndulla although the Jedi in Republic forces had formally sacrificed their lives to help his movement survive Sindelar was still suspicious of the Republic's motives after all they had left them under separatist control for almost a year but when syndulla finds out that the separatists had begun fire bombing twi'lek villages in retaliation for the republic invasion syndulla finally agrees to march on the rock capital of leh soon with Republic forces watts on board sensing things were near the end for his occupation begins scrambling across the planet and seizing treasures and good he had taken from the Twi'leks their mace windu and Cinderella's army finally emerges on the outskirts of leh su and managed to charge over the energy bridge and make it into the city watson bore has stayed far too long trying to gather riches and was captured and unconditionally surrenders to the Republic Chapter three battle of pollution the bell of Ryloth ended in the defeat of want Tambor and all the separatist forces on the planet it shows us that despite the fact the separate us outnumbered the clone troopers across the galaxy whenever a republic army was led by a well-trained group of Jedi Knights things would usually go in their favor and the Republic had far more Jedi generals than the separatists had good commanders sure he had standouts like Admiral trench but most separate flights and armies were led by commander droids who were very predictable shortly after the Battle of Ryloth ended the Battle of a pore erupted in the Naboo system a Scott Cohen named Colt Eska had started stirring up some trouble on the planets he was formerly a well respected scientist working for the techno Union but a freak accident occurred while he was running his pressure suit which almost killed him and left his body disfigured in order to function and move around Colt Eska built himself a cybernetic suit the scientists enjoyed the power his new suit gave him and he began bolting all sorts of attachments and weapons to his body and would eventually become a mercenary cult sk then invented a gravity polarization beam this was a super weapon which could rip things apart at the atomic level Colt Cesco wanted to use this weapon to destroy Naboo Sun in order to impress Count Dooku Padme Amidala who was recently in Naboo investigating the blue shadow virus journeys the bay port to investigate what the hell's going on and is captured once again upon finding out about Tesco's plan the Republic is forced to launch an assault on his facility Anakin Skywalker and ahsoka tano end up engaging Colt Eska in battle while Padme sabotages the super weapon and causes it to destroy itself once again disaster is averted in the Naboo system elsewhere the Battle of atropine was finally winding down the planet African was an extremely rich source of do Julian was a heavy-metal used first ship construction separatist forces had taken control over the mining operation there and had fortified their positions when the GA are arrived they'll dislodged them the two sides were quickly weighed down into a stalemate the separatist forces on the planet resorted to using biochemical weapon while the junior was prepared to encounter such weapons the civilian populace was not after a year of fighting the Republic finally managed to dislodge the separatist forces on the planets but the victory came at a great cost 90% of the civilian populace had been either killed or displaced battles like this one began really shaking the morale of the Republic's civilian populace and it started making a lot of people wonder whether the Clone Wars was actually worth it shortly after these two battles the Republic began planning an invasion of the planet Felucia like Ryloth Felucia it was another world located in the adarand territory just a jump or so away from Yavin like most worlds in this part of the galaxy at a pretty sparse population of only around 8.5 million settlers most of these colonists had settled on the planet looking to take advantage of the worlds of many rich resources well mate Volusia unique was that it was covered in giant mushroom forests the world was incredibly hot and humid and bathed and ultraviolet light from its nearby star and the plants fungal life-forms and creatures all had a deeply symbiotic relationship creating a perfectly balanced ecosystem many of the plants and fungi on the world were only unique to Felucia and they also had very complex chemical and bio structures which made them very useful as drugs and medicine one of the more popular herbs that could be domesticated and farmed on the planet was known as nice 'ln nice land had very good healing qualities and was widely sought after throughout the entire galaxy other than back to very few drugs or chemicals had the same effect and as noise limit while these kind of healing herbs were less important for a droid army like the one the separatist army sent at the battle denying such a world of the Republic was of great strategic benefit for the Confederacy of Independent Systems earlier in the war the severs had destroyed a republic medical facility orbiting Felucia had been made to take advantage of the bountiful resources on the planet all of it was harvested by small communities and impendent farmers it was a part of the CIS his original attempt to take control of the a Durham away from the Republic it wasn't until now that the GR had resources to retake the planet Felucia wasn't interesting if not difficult world to wage bamboo on the gigantic mushroom forests definitely served as a unique battlefield to fight in Republic College had a really difficult time taming the world and very little of the planet was actually developed thanks to the sheer tenacity of the local flora and fauna even making the smallest clearing the mushroom forest was a pretty difficult thing to do if the gigantic mushrooms and carnivorous bacteria didn't get to you the accolades definitely will there for most battles between the Republican separatists were fought at close ranges in heavily forested areas the Republic invasion forces found movement pretty difficult and even with obi-wan Kenobi Anakin Skywalker and ahsoka tano leading them they soon became surrounded by the separatists whose numbers were much higher than the Republic first anticipated on top of that a separatist fleet of several munificent star frigates along with a recce sent light destroyer had blockaded the planet preventing any reinforcements from coming and preventing Republic forces from leaving the planets the rikuson class light destroyer was an interesting ship not as commonly seen as the munificent improvidence class warships of the CIS Navy also known as the Commerce guild destroyer this ship was anywhere from 1.2 kilometres to 2.5 kilometres long like most separatist ships the wreck ascent was heavily automated and only required a tiny crew of 300 in comparison the Republic venator class Star Destroyer which was around the same size had a crew of over 7,000 clones the wrecker sense basic systems were operated by a droid brain the low number of crew also meant that the ship was relatively skeletal in nature requiring very few areas with life support or oxygen its cargo space was mainly full with fuel cells weapon systems and over 40,000 battle droids although more formidable than a munificent class star frigate the wreckage and classified destroyer was still considerably weaker than abenader class Star Destroyer meanwhile back on the surface the Republic's recent string of victories had made their forces a bit overconfident and the Republic forces under the command Anakin and obi-wan finally run out of places to go and are forced to circle the wagons and fortify their position while the all-terrain tactical enforcers and turbo tanks served as great weapons platforms and even forward operating bases they weren't as effective in the close range mushroom jungle fighting on Felucia their large size also meant that the clones were forced this day and more clear areas with less coverage the separatists meanwhile weren't able to send waves and waves of super balanced roids and dwarf droids that pinned them down separatists tanks were also slowly closing in on their position behind the separatist droids and they're about to be overrun we're I in charge of this Republic task force I would probably abandon the vehicles and then just fade into the forest but the Republic had another plan they called in reinforcements or more accurately a rescue party to take them away from the planets so they'll need to stay near a clearing so that the gunships can come and pick them up in orbit Jedi Master platoon arrives with 3-burner to class star destroyers along with his hundred and 4th battalion cloak Lyn was probably one of the best pilots in the Jedi Order easily as good as Anakin Skywalker and perhaps a little better while his capital ships engaged the separates blockade he personally led a star fighter escort and a group of gunships past the separatist blockade down to the surface while under heavy fire from separatist vulture droids the gunships land in the clearing aside the surrounded Republic forces Anakin and obi-wan kenobe called for a fighting retreat towards the gunships but once again ahsoka tano fails to listen to the order and stubbornly remains fighting while standing on top of a giant turbo tank once again she has to tunnel visioned just like during the bow Ryloth and she doesn't see the larger picture of the battlefield around her she's completely unware that the droids retreating in front of her were a part of a feint designed to lead her forces into a trap separatist droids were now closing in on their position from all directions everyone Kenobi finally talked some sense into the Padawan and they managed to extract her before it's too late once again ahsoka tano has taken after her master perhaps a little bit too much Anakin was famous for disobeying orders during battles perhaps finally seeing his own behavior and his Padawan will force him to grow up a bit back at the temple the Jedi Council reprimand the young padawan just a few weeks before ahsoka had done the same during the Battle of Ryloth after she led her squadron of starfighters into a trap leaving a republic cruiser defenseless emerald Wulfgar lauren had been severely hurt by the attack anakin steps up as a master should and takes responsibility first Padawans actions after all he is the one training her in many ways ahsoka Anakin were a perfect match for each other they had similar character flaws which they saw in each other which helped grow their own self-awareness about those flaws Felucia would remain a contestant planet for the rest of the war and in 19 BBY the 182nd legion would be sent to retake the world but soon after i've lost contact with republic central command the 501st will be sent the month later and they found out that the entire hundred 82nd had been wiped outs the conditions on the planet were terrible along with fighting the separatists the clones suffered heavy casualties from attrition and disease it was only because of the leadership of Jedi general ILS Sakura that the 501st would survive their mission to the planets but ultimately the clones would go on to turn against their general during order 66 chapter for stealing Jedi babies after disobeying orders for the second time in a month ahsoka tano is taken off the frontlines by the Jedi Council probably a wise decision ahsoka has already almost killed herself several times along with several other clones and at least one Admiral she means well but she's clearly way too young for the battlefield masters this incident is my responsibility because of a sokka's advanced abilities I forgot how young she is I gave her more freedom than I should have if a girl as young as a circuit and I was fighting here on earth it would definitely be a violation of the Geneva Convention the Jedi would be prosecuted for war crimes but what do we know we're primitive people right anyway mace Windu and Yoda decide to temper the Padawan by assigning her guard duty in the Jedi archives and yes that's even more boring than it sounds because no one attacks a library inside of a Jedi Temple still it's a good opportunity for a circuit to have some mentorship under someone besides Anakin the Jedi Knight means well but he and ahsoka suffer from the same problems they're both too skilled and then come way too easy to them that makes them impulsive and impatient master jocose Inoue the head librarian is basically the opposite of that the Jedi archives are not only a library but sort of a giant state for all the treasures trinkets and artifacts the Jedi Order has collected over the years and this rendition of the Jedi Temple has stood untouched since it was sacked by the Sith Empire almost 4,000 years ago the archives are full of millions of documents hollow vids and holocrons which contain tons of information some event forbidden and others widely taught to the Jedi Order the head of security for the archives was tasked with keeping these documents safe most of the time this just meant preventing over curious padawan from accessing darkside manuscripts and journals but then again not even the master librarian knew where everything was if you're getting a Harry Potter vibe right now so am i but fortune would have it that on this particular day when the Jedi Council decide to assign a very talented Padawan to guard the archives a very talented thief and bounty hunter by the name of CAD Bane was also interested in robbing the archives the duros had been hired by none other than darth sidious to break into the archives to steal a particular holocron holocrons were these crystalline items that the jedi and sith used to record knowledge and lessons on some holocrons especially sift ones could even trap the essence or soul of the writer within it this is why I said holocrons were considered pretty dangerous especially for an untrained young padawan the holocrons were relatively secure data storage devices it usually required force powers that access the information inside sometimes you would also need a Kyber crystal key to open it after you actually open it with the force CAD Bane was after a very very special holocron you see the Jedi Order and Canon kept information of all potential force users in the galaxy on one holocron they did this by using federal medical records usually there were blood tests done that could show what a person's mental Corian levels were if they had levels that were high enough they would be flagged also sometimes Jedi Council would come together and collectively meditate and try to find force users across the galaxy a la professor Eck's holocrons was sort of a rolodex of sales leads but instead of making sales Jedi see girls would use these leads to steal I mean recruit force-sensitive babies to their cause darth sidious AKA chancellor palpatine ends the elected leader of the republic had a responsibility to recollect these force-sensitive babies and then surgically alter them and turn them into darkside assassins so it was out of the frying pan onto the lava planet for these babies but CAD Bane wasn't stupid he didn't immediately take this job because he knew it was almost impossible to break into what you're a temple being a security guard for the Jedi archives is boring because only a complete fool would ever think of breaching the temple first we have to get past the local course on police guarding the outside of the temple during more tense period even clone troopers might be deployed outside the temple for extra security inside the temple where the Jedi Temple guards these were honestly selected Jedi Knights who devoted their lives to defending the order they definitely could go toe-to-toe with a Sith Lord so facing a bounty hunter even when it's killed this campaign probably wouldn't be a huge problem for them along with that there were tons of special locks and security devices within the temple that could only be triggered by the force so it comes to no surprise that CAD Bane had a long list of demands for Darth Sidious including asking for a triple to pay along with a very special and expensive rogue class Starfighter manufactured by back toy to armor workshop these were the preferred star crafts of the magnet guard droids cabins version of the ship was supposed to be specially equipped with a cloaking device and special weapons package very people ever demanded anything from Darth Sidious and survive let alone got what they actually wanted campaign happened to be one of those people he was skilled enough at his job to not die Palpatine also had an entire blueprint and map of the building along with a security chip that could hack into the Jedi Temple security system the bounty hunters team consisted of his helper droid Toto 360 who he cooked with a bomb and another bouncing on her Kaito para CD who was a shape-shifting Claude ight Bane had been tipped off by Palpatine battle old Jedi Master who had been fighting in the a terrain named Master innocence Bane had murdered the scrolling Jedi and now Kaito could take his form and voice by touching his corpse and could walk right through the temples front door as agenda Master Terra 36 it would help Bane infiltrate the Jedi temples ventilation system but they still needed someone inside the temple and to help them out everything goes smoothly for the claw tied until she enters the archives where she encounters an overly bored Padawan looking desperately for something to do like a lot of people on their first day of work ahsoka tano was just trying to be as helpful as possible which really annoys master innocence and makes him snap at her which is actually a very underrated ooh on that ahsoka can't sense that innocence was actually Kaito perhaps the shapeshifter also could mask themselves in the force which definitely makes her shape-shifting power a lot more intense than just the Polyjuice potion meanwhile Yoda senses a disturbance in the force intruders are trying to break into the temple this was just another layer of security that we haven't mentioned yet Anakin an obi-wan Kenobi think that the intruders were after the communication codes in the Jedi communication tower with these codes the separatists would be able to predict all of the Republic's movements meanwhile innocence has reached the archive computers helps toto and Bane Mapletree at the temple through the ventilation ship and helps them navigate a series of obstacles but then Head Librarian Jocasta knew interrupts the shapeshifter questioning why he was working when the temple was in high alert the klondike quickly reacts and knocks out Jo costs the new taking perform Anakin and obi-wan have now entered the ventilation and we're on Bane's tail they momentarily go the wrong way thinking the intruders are still after the communications center Yoda senses are powerful and he's able to sense that the intruders are disguised as the head librarian and warns ahsoka so it is possible maybe for a powerful Jedi to see right through a claw Deitz disguise ahsoka engaged Jocasta in a duel and the bounty hunter is surprisingly good with weapon and holds her own for a while but she's ultimately captured by the Padawan Cato confesses about what she was up to a circle warns obi-wan Kenobi and Anakin that Bane is after the holocrons but Bane has set up a series of explosions including one and destroyed which will serve as a great distraction and leads the Jedi to the communication center Bane is able to break into the holocron vault and makes it out of the Jedi Temple with a list of Jedi babies which was a really bad thing for the Jedi babies like small dogs are very easy to steal and then hide because they are small and weak Cato proves to be the most mercenary bounty hunter ever and quickly alerts the Jedi to Bane's next plans he's gonna meet a Jedi named liverpol the name quickly draws the attention from mace windu woollahra pol is the keeper of the Kyber crystal which unlocks the holocron full of jedi babies just to clarify the babies are not physically inside the holocron it's not like a pokeball it just has a list of where they might be bullet ropa is the keeper of the Kyber crystal which unlocks the holocron full of jedi babies CAD Bane tracks down below ropa to devaron and has managed to capture the Jedi Master and now is holding him hostage but without a Jedi's force powers the holocron still can't be open and unlocked with the Kyber crystal rope all valent Lee refuses to open the holocron and ultimately is killed by Bane but that was okay because CAD Bane had another plan Anakin and his Padawan ahsoka tano we're about to reach his new base they knew that Anakin ahsoka were not like the average Jedi they had a very close connection Jonah is far too noble to save themselves in order to open up a holocron but they might have problems with sacrificing someone else's life for the holocron knowing this Bane cuts Anakin off from ahsoka and manages to stun the Padawan with some stun clubs had ended up his sleeves using ahsoka as leverage CAD Bane forces Anakin to open up the holocron this is clearly one of Anakin's biggest weaknesses and ohonta more and more as he grows older and develops more connections and emotional bonds with different people Anakin is never willing to give up those who he loves and in my opinion that makes him more of a man and a better person in the most Jedi but it's clearly against the orders ideology cabane is able to escape again this time disguised as a Clone Trooper wearing full armor with a list of featured Jedi babies in his possession Lord Sidious tasks CAD Bane to hunt down the babies and take them back to a secret base on Mustafar the Jedi Council once again used their immense power and the force to look for disturbances and managed to isolate three Jedi babies they think the Bounty Hunter will target Bane had already managed to tank a Rodian baby from Khorasan but the Jedi managed to reach a Gungan baby on Naboo before that bounty hunter can get there when Bane finally arrives instead of seeing a baby he comes face-to-face with a various circuit owner who manages to capture him this time around Bane is unwilling to tell the Jedi where he's taken the other babies so obi-wan and Anakin use a very unethical technique and basically force the information out of him it's similar to what kylo Ren does the Poe Dameron in the force awakens but I guess is not evil when the good guys do it right using Bane as a guide the Jedi rushed them Musa farm unfortunately Skywalker reports the Palpatine about the kidnapping plot obi-wan Kenobi had fought against revealing this information to the Chancellor he considered this an internal Jedi issue but ultimately mace windu overruled him and said he was probably a good idea to let the Chancellor know that Sohn was stealing babies in his classic Republic this of course alerts Palpatine who was in the process of conducting surgery on the Jedi babies and hurrying them into Sith assassins the Jedi managed to save the babies before they are melted by lava but they are unable to uncover who was behind this messed up plot chapter 5 the bowel of malice star mal SAR was home to a species known as the Doug you might remember that charming pod racer from Phantom Menace Sebulba he's a pretty good representation of the species they have long snouts walked on their arms and used their legs as hands which meant that they ate with their feet which actually doesn't really make sense if you look at how their limbs are proportioned I mean something really really messed up happened in the revolution probably the dogs like most of the sketchy-looking known humans in the galaxy were generally not to be trusted they were usually hyper aggressive and pissed off this was due to the fact that their culture had at one point in time been subjugated by the advanced grand race combine that with an average height of only one meter and you had an entire species with a Napoleon complex the dogs were relatively xenophobic and rarely ever left their homeworld the ones that did usually ended up being criminals malice stars location in the galaxy was pretty important it was situated in the mid rim on the hiding way an important trade artery connecting the outer rim to the core worlds several victories earlier in the war on planets like Ryloth Naboo Geonosis and also christophe's happened in this sector of space and now the Republic looking for a supply and resource Depot that they could supply their newly gained territory from furthermore the add are in the hub world of Iran home of the Tarkin family was just one hyperspace jump away from malice star a Radu was connected to both the Heidi in way and Rima trade route along with important industrial plants like solace the share lane of hyperspace lanes converging on Iran who made it a key strategic points for both the Republic and the separatists and further Republic mal star was their gateway to that system and not only did mal star have us strategically buy the location it also had a large reserve a fuel ready for export as a matter of fact the native dugs had DeForest that giant sections of the world in order to pump out Mao's star and fuel and it made up a majority of their economic production so it comes to no surprise that both the Republic and separatist forces sent massive armies that conquered the planets this theater of the war was important enough to warrant the presence of not only mace windu but also anakin skywalker like mentos and coke this was a very deadly pairing even the Supreme Chancellor was somewhat involved in this battle he was in the middle of signing a treaty with the dugs to get access to their massive fuel reserves the dugs were of course hesitant to sign any treaty with the Republic as things were looking grim on the battlefield they weren't really sure which side was gonna win just yet although officially the Republic were fighting to defend the world the malleus star if this ever destroyed army 1 then the dog would probably thank the separatists for liberating their planet from the Republic never trots an alien who shakes her hand with her feet that's just not right and as of now the separatists were definitely on their way to winning the battle the terrain I'm a star was mostly flat allowing for massive deployments of troops in essentially parade formation the severest roids were of lower quality but much quicker and faster to manufacture and they were able to use their numbers of antigen on malice star the Republic own troopers had superior troopers but they really weren't able to use this ring to their advantage like they did on other worlds but the junior had one ace up their sleeve Republic scientists cyan't proton bomb this is essentially a huge in Heatblast but without a nuclear explosion technically speaking the weapons shouldn't have any long-term negative effects on organic beans but it would do a ton of damage to any machine or droids within its blast radius although there were some small concerns from the dug and mace windu that this gigantic bomb might have some unseen consequences on the environment time is running out and the separatists were making a final push against the Republic forces on the planet Southern public's sent a wing of Y bombers escorted by arc one seventies and v19 torn star fighters to fly directly to the center of the cyprus formation and unleash the weapon nanp manifests itself over the center of the droid army and spread out disabling every joy to machine within miles of the blast dr. Bulls weapon was hugely successful and now has given the Republic a huge advantage over the Sechrist roit army although it does seem kind of odd that the separate said put limited e/m shielding on their droids something will have to significantly change for future battles anyway the victory is won or at least that's what everyone thinks you see the Republic just happened to have detonated the EMP over very unstable ground and suddenly a gigantic sinkhole appears beneath the battlefield swallowing up deactivated droids along with a good portion of the Republic forces which should have been a bloodless victory for their clone army all the sudden turned into a bloodbath in an effort to find survivors mace windu and several swans that clones venture into the sinkhole the ground is still unstable and it's possible that the ground might collapse even more the make matters worse everything within the sinkhole is obscured by a thick fog suddenly a gigantic beast emerges from the fog and attacks the rescue team it's a monstrous thing part dragon part Queen from alien it's the Zillo beast a creature that would feel at home in a Godzilla film just - the God the Republic forces naturally start freaking out this gigantic 100 meter long 60,000 metric killing machine was completely impervious to all conventional weapons the dug however immediately realized what the hell this thing is long ago before the dugs had become an advanced society the Zillo beast ruled the planet and roamed freely across its surface - burying entire cities the dug finally collected all the resources and technology and fought a devastating war against Zillah beasts which drove them to extinction worse yet the dog had a prop see that one day one Zilla bees would come back and destroy their entire civilization so naturally the Dougs were all freaking out about this situation as a matter of fact the doug council threatens to withdraw themselves from the republic fuel treaty if the jr. doesn't immediately killed the giant monster but the jedi argue that it would be very wrong to kill an innocent creature a creatures home you have just disturbed classic Jedi nonsense they won't be saying the same thing of the Zillo beast burst into the Jedi Temple and just start eating younglings but then dr. Sian verb old points out that the monsters impervious armor could prove to be very beneficial for the Republic war machine if they could somehow replicate or create a synthetic form of this armor for their own soldiers they could save a lot of lives so the jay-ar attempts to use the RX 200,000 class assault tank to bring down the Zillo beasts like the self-propelled heavy artillery turbo laser the arch 300 utilized a giant ion beam that typically would be used on a capital ship these artillery platforms were designed to pierce deflector shields and could easily bring down something as large as a Star Destroyer they were also pretty good at disabling the engines of any kind of mechanized machine the Republic would use multiple Sun tanks to knock out the Zillah bees the stupid dog would think that the Zillo beast was dead they would sign the treaty and then the gr would be able to bring the syllabus back home to study but it didn't work out that way you see even the stun tanks aren't really enough to completely take out the giant reptile luckily the Doug did find out in one of the ancient manuscripts that the Zillo beast had one weakness malloced our fuel which they began immediately flooding into the sinkhole this combined of the stun takes finally puts the Zillo beast out the Republic wins the day and when the fuel contract and win a giant monster Palpatine is super happy the Zilla bees for some reason is brought back to Korra Suns most likely Palpatine and his scientists have never seen King Kong or Godzilla clearly it would have been a better idea to place the Zillo beast on a less populated planet which wasn't completely covered in a giant city full of trillions of people mace windu expresses his concerns once again but Palpatine is adamant that they figure out what makes the beast armor so strong dr. Boll immediately begins working on the beasts and debris Palpatine in order to advance with their analysis they would need to the monsters scale off its body this would be an incredibly painful process Palpatine being the humane person that he was suggests is killing the Zillo beast like most Matt signed his bull fence beauty in this horrendous creature in theorizes that it might be even sentence and because it's the last of its kind killing it would be immoral but in reality what is immoral is letting that gigantic monster rampage through Korra sites which is exactly what happens after bull attempts to kill the Zillo beast with some malice story and fuel the creature escapes from its restraints and starts smashing everything as it works its way across course hunt but instead of just Amos Lee wandering around and killing things Zilla beast is heading directly towards the Senate District it remembers Palpatine and wants to kill him luckily this area is also near the Jedi Temple and Yoda leads a team of Jedi to try to attempt to neutralize the Beast or stall long enough to let the military arrive the junior r was refitting some of their gunships with malice Eren and fuelled weapons mozilla-based manages to take out a transport evacuating Chancellor Palpatine and just as the Beast is about to close in for the final blow several Republic gunships arrive and bomb the monster web monster and fuel the poisonous gas floods the area and slowly the Zillo beast succumbs the gas also almost kills Palpatine luckily several Jedi are there with them and they create a force bubble that prevents the gas from overwhelming so I guess this episode was about being careful and not using super weapons when you can avoid it even with weapons like the EMP which is supposed to be harmless you can see there's a lot of terrible side effects [Music] the development of the electro proton bombs should have changed everything for the Republic it was an extremely powerful area effect weapon that could take out droids believe organic life-forms relatively unharmed for some reason we don't really see it being used ever again sure it created a sinkhole and a giant beast emerge from the ground but that was a freak accident perhaps the electro proton bomb was too expensive to manufacture who knows anyway after the Republic victory on Geonosis a small garrison of clones was all the jay-ar could afford to leave on the planet because this Epirus droid army was quickly spreading across the outer rim attacking many different Republic worlds the Geonosians had simply gone underground into their hives and just a few months after the battle they emerged and retook the planet after the Battle of Malastare the Jedi began suspecting that banking clan senator rush Clovis was secretly working with the Confederacy of Independent Systems Padme Amidala used to be close to Clovis back when she first joined the Senate so the Jedi Council decides to send Padme to go spy on her former colleague who also happens to have a big crush on her while undercover on Cato Neimoidia she witnessed a secret meeting between senator Lott Dodd Archduke poggle the lesser and Clovis they were discussing the financing of a new troit Factory on Geonosis for the separatist alliance this was a clear violation of republic sanctions against the separatist alliance let's be honest everyone in the galaxy knew that the Trade Federation intergalactic banking clans along with several of the other corporate licenses were playing both sides of the war there was a lot of money involved so no-one really wanted to call them out about it but the creation of this new droid factory warranted a republic invasion although it's kind of strange that the Republican invade when their garrison just suddenly disappeared the Republic invasion fleet they sent is one of the biggest assembled so far during the war it's made up of six Venator class star destroyers and ten acclimate or class assault ships and close to 200,000 clone troopers the separatists led by Danish and Archduke poggle the lessers holed up in his new factory which is shielded he lacks a defensive fleet of his own and his air cover is limited to just Jean Ocean star fighters the Republic could have probably waited in orbit and just bombarded the separatists base but that probably would have taken too long in the separates would have been able to call in reinforcements so the republic carry on an assault which consisted of three main forces led by ki-adi-mundi obi-wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker their goal would be to reach a staging area in front of the shield and attempt to breach it they needed to take pongal alive and the gene oceans from rising up again the problem with the republic plan is they grossly underestimate the gene oceans defenses the original plan was to fly directly to the staging area unbeknownst to them for kilometers around the factory the Geonosians had erected robust anti-air emplacements to make up for their lack of air supports obi-wan Kenobi's task force was the first to launch they encountered heavy fire and Kenobi's dropship was shot down relatively close to the landing zone Anakin's task force launched second and they fly straight into a wallet and the flak and fighters Anakin's gunship is also shot down and he also loses the majority of his walkers things are starting to look pretty grim ki-adi-mundi x' task force is behind Anakin's and upon seeing how heavy the air defenses are decide to land far away from the objective in order to save their own armor from getting destroyed although before they do that Kea Mundy's gunship is also shot down so the Republic forces have suffered heavy losses before they even get close to their landing zone all three Jedi generals have been shot down and their forces are now spread thin Kenobi forces are closest to the landing zone and they quickly are surrounded by separatist forces they must hold on until the other two task force link-up with them for those of you who know World War 2 history the second bound Geonosis makes operation Market Garden seem like a cakewalk Anakin's forces are also pinned down by enemy fire and with the loss of their armor they must fight on foot but a giant fortress separates them from their destination luckily Anakin is probably one of the most skilled combatants in the Republic and an expert at vertical assaults and easily takes out the Droid garrison key Mundy's task force still has armor but a large bridge separates them from the rest of the Republic Force Monday's walkers which are full of wounded try to find their way around the ridge and will rendezvous with them later at the landing points Kimani leads the rest of his inventory through a casus and that hopefully leads them to the landing points luckily Mundy's brought flamethrowers as well because he's walked right into the entrance of aegean ocean hide and yes Jan oceans pop and crackle when you set them on fire back at the landing point Kenobi's forces continue holding life separate as attacks most of their armor is knocked out almost everyone is wounded or dead but somehow they still are holding on Annika dinky Mundy's forces have managed to break through and are close to linking up but before they get there a squadron of y-wings come in danger close and managed to stop the latest separates attack from overwhelming their position but the Republic forces don't have any time to rest just yet with the three task force finally gathered together everyone kind of it makes a quick plan for attack and it can lead to small squad and as usual suicidal frontal assault through the factory shield and knocks out the enemy anti-tank guns this allows the remaining Republic armors have marched through the shield and take out the generator which then allows Katie Mundy to land with the rest of the infantry in gunships the Republic forces are successful in taking out the shield and now prepare to make the final push towards the Jean Ocean Factory Kenobi and Mundi are evacuated for medical treatment Anakin and ahsoka tano are joined by Master Luminara and her Padawan Barriss offee to reach the factory the Republic forces must cross over a thin bridge a bottleneck that the Jean oceans will defend to the last man bug man bug wanting to avoid the direct frontal assault Master Luminara proposes sending the Padawan into the underground gene ocean hive tunnels where they can access the factory from below and plow it up with explosives Luminara and Barriss offee are quite different from Anakin and ahsoka they like doing things by the book and following the rules of the order without any deviation they're also against improvisation and usually had a pretty good and solid plan for any mission or battle Vera Sophie had memorized the entire Jean Ocean hide tunnel system well apparent ones make their way underground the Masters launch a diversion attack over the narrow factory bridge they want to draw the attentions of the defenders but they also don't want to take too many casualties plan works in the separatist droids send a huge army to confront the clones but the Republic forces are in for a nasty surprise the separatists have developed a super tank this was a massive vehicle with heavy armor and ray shield technology it proved to be too tough for even the Republic's heavy artillery in force the clone forces the retreat the Jedi then draw the super tanks onto the bridge and blow it up sending the vehicles falling into the canyon meanwhile inside the back room before the Padawan can set off their explosive they're attacked by the gene oceans who steal their ordinance with no other options left the soca embarrassed society use a super tanks main gun to destroy the central reactor instead sacrificing themselves and setting the entire Factory crashing down on them Master Luminara being the perfect Jedi is ready to sacrifice or Padawan and assumes that they have died Master Skywalker being a flawed human being will do anything to save his Padawan and begin searching through the wreckage luckily the suburbs have built a hell of a tank and the clones managed to uncover the Padawan super tank before their oxygen runs out but the battle is still not over the hive tunnels that the Padawan have gone in were just a small part of a massive network that covered most of the planets she noses was a terrible place to live on the surface was complete Wray and dead and irradiated so most of the gene oceans actually lived underneath the surface with his forces defeated poggle the lesser escapes into these tunnels and is followed by Master Luminara and as usual she's quite useless and gets captured forcing obi-wan Kenobi and Anakin to send out a rescue team into the creepy tunnels which is where they encountered Gog and Zombies for the first time unbeknownst to the Republic Pongo the lesser is not the true ruler of the Jun oceans he's just a puppet the true ruler of the planet is Queen Karina the great a massive Queen bug someone calling the Terran Federation the White Queen Karina controls our hive is by using brain worms which turns sentient beings into mindless zombie slaves look I get that the Republic and the Jedi are supposed to be humane but whenever you encounter a hive mind a lean species whether it's deserved arachnids the form X or the Borg extermination is the only way but word this is why the Death Star is needed that or they can just put some thrusters on the planet and pilot the planet slowly into its nearby star but no instead the gyri force their way into the gene ocean layer fighting hundreds of zombies on their way they realize that the zombies do have a weakness and it's light they managed to rescue Luminara arrest poggle and also at the same time send the queen's lair crashing down on earth hopefully killing her but unfortunately one of the worms managed to escape and has infected one of the clone troopers who takes the warm off planet on a clone medical frigate luckily ahsoka tano and bears off ER on that frigate as well and prevent the worm from taking complete control over the ship ending the gene ocean threat the Geonosians are more or less spent at this point with their queen dead and with poggle the lesser arrested they don't really do much for the rest of the war and then when the Imperial era comes around they end up building the deaf star until the empire decides to kill all of them chapter 7 Battle of Celica mine the Republic's destruction of the separatist war factories on Geonosis was a big blow to the separatist alliance but it still wasn't enough to stop their advance in the anteroom the separatist droid army still greatly outnumbered the Clone Army and the elusive general and grievous personally was responsible for causing a bunch of chaos and hunting down Jedi his latest and most ambitious plan was to capture someone on the Jedi Council Master eeth Koth eeth Koth was a Sabra jedaiah who hailed from the slums of Nar Shaddaa deep in Hutt territory he was boss of the Jedi Temple at a slightly older age and quickly excelled at being a Jetta using command of the venator class Star Destroyer steadfast when Grievous boards him with his own wreck using class warship clone captain Locke and his troopers attempt to hold off the droids for as long as possible but within the thin short corridors of a ship the super battle droids and commando droids proved to be too heavily armed to be stopped II thought had realized immediately that they were outnumbered a Severus warship the size of a wreck using class could hold up to 30,000 war droids a Varner class Star Destroyer can only hold maybe one or two thousand clone troopers so he orders the clones under his command to fall back to the sky pots held up in the bridge cough is determined to face down General Grievous himself without risking too many clone lives Grievous breaches and lunches commando droids take out caught small attachment of clones which they do pretty easily they even managed the wound caught and the arm in the process with a blaster bolt but caught manages that destroy all the commando droids but his last clone goes down as well electrocuted in the back by newly arrived Magna guard droids train parsley bun Grievous in the first form of lightsaber combat these droids were specialized in fighting enemies with lightsabers they are quite formidable caught favoring his uninjured arm does his best against Grievous in his guards but ultimately is beaten down by a cheap blood in the back when his lightsaber is unlocked with Grievous's gravis think contacts Jedi Order and a very Isis like ransom video and mocks the High Council over his recent victory but upon reviewing the transmission Commander Cody realizes that master Koth was using hand signals to communicate that he was in the celica my system there's really no reason for Grievous to do this unless maybe he was setting a trap for the Republic which he wasn't so most likely he didn't this just the gloats in suit but the kaliesha he had some major beef with the Republic after all but this was a big slip up for Grievous and this is all the Jedi Council needed to track him down which they've been trying to do for quite some time they sent a fleet led by obi-wan Kenobi Anakin Skywalker and Adi Galia obi-wan plans on using himself as bait to lure Grievous onto his ship the two have a history together and the cyborg is very interested in killing the Jedi as everyone jumps into the salic of my system Anakin and II would sneak on Grievous's ship and rescued master Koth when obi-wan arrives into the system the separatist fleet engages and the cyborg rushes headfirst into his trap Grievous really wants that defeat obi-wan Kenobi in hand in combat such is the Kulish way with the Battle of Celica mine in full swing Anakin idea board a small transport make a super risky hyperspace jump to right alongside group as a ship they board groups of ship and make their way to the detention cell with a small squad of clones led by Captain Rex meanwhile obi-wan Kenobi and its clones engaged general Grievous's commando droids and magnet guards everyone's clones suffer a similar fate as eeth Koth during the initial assaults but obi-wan Kenobi is a master of form 3 and very capable at defending himself all he needs to do is buy enough time for Anakin to retrieve caught but they've run into their own problems as master Koth was much more heavily guarded than they initially realized but there's a reason why Anakin is the chosen one and he easily fights off the troit ambush and rescues caught meanwhile obi-wan has defeated all of Grievous droids forcing the general to retreat the cyborg orders his droids to open fire on the republic ship which is still attached to his ship destroying it he then commands the rest of his droids once there Landers and head for the surface of my Celica my was located in the outer rim of the galaxy Celica mind meant oasis in pan horn while the planet itself was not all that special just a mix of deserts swamps and forests it was the only habitable planet in the entire system and one that was sparsely populated as a matter of fact it was a very popular place for people who wanted to escape the war to go originally Greivis had planned on taking the planets without the ger even noticing something that were totally happened during the opening years of the war in the anteroom this is the problem with having to defend millions of systems at the same time against a numerically superior vote but the Republic's massive fleet was sent to do one thing and that was to take Grievous outs while Grievous was occupied with the Jedi Admiral wolf yo Lauren had taken apart the smaller separatist fleet and although several ships had escaped the separatist fleet for the surface of Celica mine they did so without cover and many of the landing ships including Grievous's was damaged the landers would have to scatter on their way down to the planet to avoid being shot down kenobi and his clones attempt to track down grievances position and land soon after in an a climatic last assault ship they move in force to the last known position of Grievous's escape pod and they would use that area as an epicentre for a wider search pattern Grievous is desperate to get off the planet and his troops are running dangerously low on supplies including power cells they acquired some of the local animals and use them as mounts in order to save energy Grievous still has a few commando droids left and he deploys him on the flanks of his formation and uses them to screen his movements the droids were relatively cheap and only Grievous's life actually mattered the crash had knocked out their communications and there was only one escape pod nearby that they could reach on foot they have to try their best to make it there and see if the communicator in that escape pod is still working meanwhile captain Rex had taken a group of clones on a search pattern towards the wetlands using speeders the speeders were very fast but completely unarmored and unfortunately for Rex they run into a separatist sniper squad who had set up an ambush the commando droids were machine so in hitting a moving target even as fast as the speeder was no problem and Captain Rex takes a blasts around straight to the chest it's hard enough to knock him off the bike which alone should have killed them it's now he survives but his chest armor is breached the type of sniper rifle that the commando droids are using is incredibly powerful even at long range but luckily Rex was a captain and had armored pauldrons which provided an additional layer blaster protection over his chest the concussion of the blasts was tremendous and knocked him out and the round also pierce his chest but he was still alive after taking out the BX commando droids the clones check on Rex luckily clone medic jesse is there and he manages to stabilize Rex back at grievances pond Commander Cody had managed to extract some info from one of the separatist droids and found out about another escape pod in the region obi-wan Kenobi connects the dots and they quickly head in that direction hopefully they can cut Grievous off Jesse realizes that Captain Rex is far too weak to travel one especially on the back of a stretcher tied to a speeder bike they must find temporary shelter for Rex and then come back later with some actual transportation they see grazing animals near them hinting that a farm or ranch is probably nearby and they go off looking for it perhaps the locals will be friendly enough to shelter Rex think out the repent we lick armed with some kind of slug thrower and although she is suspicious she lets them eventually bring the captain into the barn ward Jesse puts aback the pad on Rex's wound the bolt had missed this heart by two inches and he also had some nerve damage in his arm but other than that he'd be fine he just needed to stay behind doctor's orders jesse and the other clones would continue their search and call for help later that night Rex is shocked to find the husband of the Twi'lek farmer was a clone you see earlier in the war a republic operation came to sound kamae and a republic gunship was shot down by separatist gunship the sole survivor of that incident was a trooper called Kotlik wayne after this traumatic experience cut reevaluated his life and realized he no longer won enough fight for the ger he was one of the rare clones that deserted from the Clone Army and given the circumstances he had a pretty good opportunity to get away and get away clean he settled down with a twi'lek whose name was Sue and Sue also had two children who cut adopted although Rex F versus angry about him deserting could eventually explains his rationale the clones had never been given a choice on whether they wanted to fight or they were basically born for the job instead of serving the Republic cut wanted now to serve his family something he chose to do it's quite remarkable he made this choice even with all the alterations to his DNA that the Kaminoans tried to engineer into him I guess those fish heads weren't always hyping up their cloning abilities Rex avoids pressing the issue of cuts desertion when his family arrives Rex is after all a good man and there's no reason to make our father look bad in front of his children this is one of the more introspective scenes in the Clone Wars it's one of the few times we see Disney Canon actually talk about this very controversial subject of having an entire army of slaves although Rex and cut ultimately disagree they can respect each other and the paths in life they have each chosen which is a good thing because another separatist escape hunt was just outside of cuts land and that night the two clones had to combine forces and fight off a squad of commando droids who decided to go and investigate the house Grievous and his squad had reached the other escape pod that the communicator was working and the rescue team was on its way but most of greece's squad had run out of battery and had deactivated oh he wants tank column are close behind them and soon they run into the Droid Forces a skirmish ensues but unfortunately Grievous manages to escape once again to live and fight another day the next day Captain Rex rejoins the Republic forces and casually forgets the report cuts location to the Republic the two have created a friendship forged by mutual understanding and combat which is exactly how I met British Ben an American band well guys there you have it that is episode 7 of our Clone Wars history series as you can see this video especially the episode that talks about desertion really goes in depth about what it means to be a clone and how a lot of clones had different reactions to basically being slaves chapter 8 course on black market weapons trade the war wasn't only being fought in the Outer Rim and on the front lines Darth Plagueis and dark Sidious had started their entire plan to take over the galaxy with the underworld and their connections to various gangs and crime syndicates that ran rampant across the galaxy the good thing about criminals is when you work with them they rarely will ask you for credentials and rather they give you a receipt which means a less of a paper trail and to worry about so sift Lord could stay hidden which was a very important part of Palpatine's plan with the start of the Clone Wars came an increase in instability and unrest across the galaxy while the Grand Army of the Republic rushed from planet to planet to put out the various brush fire started by the separatist forces in the outer rim the judicial tried to keep peace on the homefront the war was causing plenty of problems in the core region and as well refugees were flooding in from the outer rim and in the second year of the war at least anti-war protests became more prevalent meanwhile all sorts of criminals opportunists and bounty hunters were taking advantage of the instability and making their money in the margins oftentimes exploiting the weak and desperate one particularly problematic industry that exploded thanks of the war was the black market arms trade the Khorasan underworld had become increasingly bold thanks to the large amount of Sepphoris money flooding the streets while the separatist alliance had plenty of raw resources and industrial meit's republic weapons and technology was still in I demand AI Ken and his Padawan ahsoka tano take a break from the frontlines and venture into the deaths of the planets in pursuit of a potential arms dealer who was acquiring merchandise for the separatists while arresting the criminal ahsoka has her lightsaber snatched away from her the young padawan is afraid to tell her master what had happened and instead tries to figure out a way to get her lights of her back herself she goes to her other mentor in the Jedi Order someone she had recently been tasked with helping Jocasta knew the Head Librarian master knew might not have been the most powerful Jedi in the order but because of her position she almost knew everyone in the order and using that knowledge the librarian takes ahsoka to see master terrace and noob a shinobi was an expert on criminal organizations operating out of the course hunt underworld upon hearing ahsoka tano story he identifies that the Padawan had been ripped off by a petroleum in a quarter gallon species that was quite rare searching through the criminal database the master was able to pull up a photo of the pickpocket for ahsoka to identify his name was Bannen mu and before ahsoka can protests anybody volunteers to go with her to the underworld to find the thief I think it's amazing that Masterson ube was able to figure out who the thief was based on some very basic physical description from a circuit I know course art was a massive worldwide city and had a population of well over a trillion sentient beings the Khorasan security force was in charge of policing the world Annelise on the surface in upper levels they maintained a strong presence interestingly enough on the richer and higher levels the course on police were mostly made up of droids the officers were usually human or at least humanoid but for the most part the droids took care of most of the policing needed everything from providing security for officials to giving parking tickets these droids were incorruptible and objective enforcers of the law and when a case was questionable they also served as a perfect witness for a crime in those more complex cases Organic investigators would be deployed and go over the case but strangely enough in the lower levels of the planet policing was mainly done by the infamous core sont underworld police completely comprised of organic beings perhaps in an advanced society like whoreson the idea of organic beings police and other organic beings as seen as backwards and a primitive way of doing things although it's probably very likely that these droids were not as flexible or creative enough to deal with the various threats and officer would deal with in the course on underworld compared to the clean and bright blue CSF droids the underworld police looked almost like shock troopers heavily armored and wearing metal helmets and mechanized goggles the underworld police looked as dystopian as their surroundings did and despite their best efforts the underworld the Khorasan could hardly be called a stable or even safe place to travel one as a matter of fact it was well known that certain levels in the course on underworld were completely under the control of crime syndicates and no-go areas even for the police the lowest levels of course hunt were full of even more terrifying and violent things which basically made those areas uninhabitable so while things might feel hopeless a Jedi like Harrison ube had been studying the criminal underworld his entire life and he's able to point out a few markets where this thief's most likely would try to sell us Oguz lightsaber the we head for district g17 one of the many thousands of slums located in the course on underworld they approach a dingy looking food stand staffed by a sketchy looking corn never trust those squidy bastards they're always up to no good cerca asked the Corin if he has any lightsabers to sell in my opinion ahsoka is clearly acting like a narc right now but luckily she is a teenager and she's being accompanied by an old man so they don't really seem like police officers and the corn must be desperate to move the Jedi lightsaber it clearly will attract a lot of unwanted trouble and no one fears the Jedi more than criminal scum but the corns opening price for the lightsaber is quite steep 20 thousand credits that's enough to buy an entire land speeder but of course ahsoka as usual doesn't have much tact and immediately reveals she's a Jedi luckily that's enough to scare the corn into revealing the location of the thief the two Jedi have tracked the thief to a nearby hostel notice all of the artificial light in the lower levels of Khorasan it's not just there for night time it's there for all the time it's even rumored that in the deeper and more primitive parts of Coruscant the inhabitants consider the Sun and daylight emit anything lower than the first few dozen layers of the Undercity didn't have a day and night cycle anyway the two Jedi are able to use the Force inside the hostel to find the room or there--they fost thing but unfortunately they find that the lightsaber has already exchanged hands to an individual known as nack movers a feared trend ocean assassin usually illegal weapons especially larger shipments would eventually go through an organization known as the black Suns the black sun's like most of the criminal organizations in the galaxy like to dabble and everything from spice this slave trafficking but they mainly specialized in two things providing muscle and weapons smuggling the two businesses kind of go hand in hand given the specialized nature of the lightsaber hammer and makes sense that an assassin would get its hands on it this was a special item and most likely nack movers was willing to pay much more than let's say a black son's arms merchant ahsoka and Magister Nueve continued their search for the lightsaber and traveled to the upper side of Happyland one of the many districts in course on having her lightsaber fall into the hands of Sasson or murderer is a very troubling thought for a souca especially a body start turning up with catalyzed wounds but when they arrive the trend ocean is found dead in his apartment a terellian Jango jumper and her partner in crime now had possession of a lightsaber and the chase continues terellian Jango jungars were just one of many interesting species on coursesites these blue humanoids and extremely powerful muscles and bone structure which allowed them to run at superhuman speeds and jump extremely long distances they could easily rival a talented Jedi's own force abilities Happyland was still technically a part of the underworld but it had a large skyscrapers most of which reached the surface of the planet there were huge gaps in between the buildings here which made it a perfect place for a Jango jumper to evade less gifted pursuers at this point the courts and security forces are called in as backup they have access to an assortment of vehicles which allow them to move quickly around the underworld this included the Panther Police Interceptor these were kind of similar to flying cop cars from Blade Runner they're small enough to filter through buildings and had a top speed of around 220 miles per hour the underworld police also use speeder bikes like the bark speeder the police use these vehicles to patrol the incredibly confusing traffic lanes of Khorasan although all speeders can fly using anti-graft technology and they couldn't just fly anywhere they wanted to that would make the roads incredibly chaotic people would die all the time so instead there's a very complex 3d road grid that runs at different levels and vectors all of this was further controlled by the Traffic Division of the Khorasan security force fortunately the two criminals managed to get away from the complicated grid of roads in the Undercity but just momentarily because Master Dube had managed to place a tracker on one of them and they followed the criminals to her original train station maglevs that ran on repulsors crisscross the planet and it was one of the quickest ways and cheapest ways to disappear onto the other side of the planet after one final chase the thieves are caught and ahsoka manages to get our lightsaber back and we finish our little tour of one of the most fascinating cities in Star Wars like I've always said I wish Star Wars 1313 was never cancelled and I really do hope that the future fallen Jedi videogame or even the Mandalorian TV show will have us visit course and once again never has there been a background as rich and ripe for discovery so there you have guys as you know I always love it when any Star Wars property goes into Khorasan in the Undercity this was a quick glimpse at what the underworld was like and how the local security forces work in this episode we'll be looking at the world of Mandalore in the complicated battle for the future and soul of the Mandalorian people we're relatively different from the legendary Mandalorians older fans are used to the Mandalorians of old were a great tribe of space warriors whose culture revolved around honor and combat thousands of years of constant warfare naturally took a toll on the Mandalorians and on their world during the Clone Wars period duchess satine kryze sits on the throne just decades earlier Satine crysis faction called the new Mandalore ins had fought a devastating civil war against a faction of old-school man learns who wanted to continue on the warrior traditions of their people ultimately sat teens faction one having studied her peoples past she believed that pacifism was the only way her people could survive with the start of the Clone Wars the Mandalorians took a stance of neutrality refusing to enter either side of the war their actions inspired many other planets and together these worlds formed the Council of neutral systems with duchess satine and their leader for the most part the Mandalorians had kept the violence of the Clone Wars away from their planet but the Republic Senate was wary that the Mandalorians were going to use their influence over the Council of neutral systems to break off from the Republic as the scepters had done before and so the Jedi Order at the behest of the Senate sends obi-wan Kenobi to Mandalore to find out exactly what is going on obi-wan Kenobi had originally visited Mandalore with qui-gon jinn in a mission to keep satine kryze safe during the civil war when most people didn't know was that obi-wan and Satine and grown quite close during that mission qui-gon jinn wasn't exactly the most Orthodox Jedi Master and probably looked the other way as their young romance began to bud upon meeting the prime minister in Duchess they both parrot the same words Mandalore is loyal and things are going great on their world the mental errands are a peaceful kind of people in all the big bad warriors their culture was known for had been sent to the moon where they had died off of course obi-wan Kenobi has had his own experience with man Lorentz and it's quite skeptical and he turns out to be right while touring the city together in private Satine away from her advisers admits that the renegade Mandalorians obi-wan had encountered her most likely the Death Watch a group of super violent but also arguably a lot cooler Mandalorians that live by the old ways most Mandalorians had assumed that after the civil war they had just disappeared while Satine is trying to shore obi-wan Kenobi that there are only a small nuisance an explosion interrupts them one of the latest attempts by the Death Watch to destabilize the Duchess's rule after surviving an attack Satine and obi-wan ventured to Mandalore's Moon Concordia in order to look for signs of Death Watch the two are greeted upon landing by Governor pre visla while Satine is entertained by the governor obi-wan goes on a fact-finding mission to check out one of the nearby mining facilities the Mandalorian commandos had encountered before were all wearing the legendary buscar' armor something that could only be created here on Mandalore or on its Moon Concordia the mines and factories were supposed to be closed but the one obi-wan entered seems to be functional and is producing my own lawyer and armor and before he can report his findings he's ambushed and knocked out luckily he still has his comlink on and he contacts Satine for help once he wakes up again and she arrives just in time to save him from being smelted but now the jig is up the Death Watch is alerted to their presence and Satine you know v1 finally come face to face with their leader governor previz 'la you see the governor was from a famous clan a clan that still followed the old ways Vizsla had been contacted by Count Dooku who had promised the support a Death Watch takeover of the planet physical toe-to-toe with obi-wan Kenobi using the legendary dark saber a lightsaber that once belonged to a Mandalorian Jedi and now was a sign of man Laurin leadership everyone survives the encounter and manages to escape with the Duchess but now things grow more complicated previz law and his Death Watch managed to escape before the authorities arrive and there's a strong indication that the separatists were backing pre bizzle which means the Republic might now have to get involved in the affairs of neutral Mandalore Duchess Satine must venture back to Coruscant to plead their case in front of the Republic sentence obi-wan Kenobi Anakin Skywalker along when the attachment of clones will provide security along the way they know that most likely someone else will make an attempt on the Duchess and we're on high alert well doctor Satine has her little sleepover party with other world leaders who also want to remain neutral terrifying killer droids activating the hold of her chip and start killing everyone technically called probe killers these spider-like droids were especially programmed for assassination missions southing guards pursuit of pacifism was definitely admirable and perhaps if she were just a mere activist and not the ruler of Mandalore her views would be harmless but clearly pacifism doesn't really work all that well when your enemies are trying to kill you and once again it's up to the Jedi and clones to keep those I'm willing to fight themselves safe and I can and the clones try their best to keep the spider droids below deck but one manages to make it up to the dining room or Satine is although obi-wan Kenobi is able to quickly dispatch the large gorge when he didn't realized was that these probe killers were actually carriers for hundreds of smaller killer droids it's basically everyone's greatest fear when it comes to killing spiders you don't want to kill a pregnant spider because it might just release hundreds of little tiny spider eggs luckily satine kryze is carrying a deactivator especially made ion weapon that takes out droids fairly easily with the threat defeated the Jedi must now find who smuggled these killer assassin droids on board most likely there are more Mandalorians who are loyal to Death Watch everyone suspects it's one of the senators on board the box containing the assassin droids head official Republic stamps on them obi-wan comes up with a quick plan they've recovered one live mini assassin droid and one hold it next to each of the Senators on board the mini droids are programmed to kill everyone besides the individual who smuggled it on board in the first place that's how they find out that the traitor is none other senator tal Merrik of Kavala a planet in the Mandalorian system in the scuffle that breaks out Marik manages to take Satine as hostage and heads to the bridge where he murders the entire crew and calls for reinforcements while Anakin and the clones fight off the separatist borders obi-wan Kenobi confronts the traitor and in a moment of complete honesty and vulnerability obi-wan amidst the sets in Christ his love for her had she asked he would have left the Jedi to be by her side but then Anakin comes at a knower and Polk senator Marik with his lightsaber Fasig Anakin the Duchess makes it all the way to Coruscant but her troubles are only just beginning the Death Watch continues to grow in size but they're not large enough yet to take over the planet especially if they have to do it by force instead they have to win the hearts and minds of the people something that would be relatively easy to do with the Republic invaded and they oppose them and that's exactly what Chancellor Palpatine wants to do the Death Watch was clearly a threat most likely just a pawn in his own sift games but for now they were an ally of the separatists and a threat to the Republic so I think Rhys realizes she must keep the clone troopers away from man Laura in order to stop any further escalation in the conflict there but then Palpatine hits hard with the message from her own deputy minister who states a civil war has already started and that sets in crisis trying to hide that from the rest of the galaxy the minister had been a close friend and his acquisitions became a shock to Satine and to make matters worse the Deputy Minister was no longer available for explaining what he had accused setting cries for because he had recently died in a bombing on Kalevala during the break in the Senate session before the Republic votes on sending force to Mandalore the Duchess's speeder is sabotage her loyal bodyguards and drivers sacrifice themselves and bring her to safety before the speeder smashes into the side of a building this was the work of another Death Watch assassin but unfortunately there is no sign of foul play and Chancellor Palpatine himself rules out any criminal activity to make matters worse while meeting with Palpatine about the accident the Senate had pushed forward the vote and had voted in favor of intervention on Mandalore clone troopers would leave for Mandalore the next morning Satine desperate to find out what had happened goes into the Undercity buyer self to talk to Amanda Lauren contact she has in the ministry of intelligence the Mandalorian have gotten his hands on the original holo from Deputy Minister and it looks like diversion Palpatine had played for the Senate had been altered shortly after exchanging the disk the intelligence agent is killed by a Death Watch sniper a nearby police probe register Satine as the killer she asked perp that she needs to turn over the Republic but she's now a wanted criminal oh and that Death Watch assassin is also after her as well Satine can only turn to one man someone who will never betray her her boo Obi boo Kenobi says he handles everyone this for safekeeping but before they split up the assassin tries to kill Satine with the grenade very subtle and practical in a crowded city unfortunately for the assassin he didn't account on a Jedi being present and barely manages to escape Satine eventually turns herself in at the Senate complex allowing obi-wan to freely enter without notice so that he can get the data discs to senator Padme Amidala who shows the real message from the Deputy Minister Oracle Avella and it's quite different not only did is that be a minister show faith in the Duchess's ability to steer the manner and clear of a civil war he directly warns against the Republic intervention with this new development the Senate once again cast its vote against the invasion crisis is once again averted Death Watch does not have enough resources to hold Mandalore without support of its people so there you have you guys as you can see men learning politics and history is a relatively confusing one this is a story arc that we will probably return to once again later on in the war chapter 10 faites revenge Jango Fett was one of the most feared bounty hunters in the galaxy legends say that during the Battle of Gallatin Fett killed multiple Jedi with his bare hands he's also said that Count Dooku had been the leader of the Jedi forces at the battle and had been so impressed with the bounty hunter that he selected him for the template for the Clone Army vet was an ordinary human being but he was extremely skilled and talented when it came to combat while the average Jedi is more talented than the average human Jango existed in that small area where the most skilled humans sir the more average Jedi mace windu ever was not only above average for Jedi he was probably one of the most talented swordsmen in the entire Jedi Order and therefore the galaxy Jango never really had a chance against him and being the terrible father who was Jango bought his son / clone Boba Fett to the execution / battle and the boy was there to witness his progenitors beheading and because boba is offence he's not gonna just let that go he's determined to get his revenge from me Windu I know it's a pretty ungentle thing to do but mace Windu probably should have murdered the little bastard when he had a chance you see boba had the perfect cover he looked like every Clone Trooper in the Clone Army while every young cadet at least he used his appearance to infiltrate the Venator Star Destroyer endurance as a part of the clone youth Brigade Jedi generals Anakin Skywalker and Mace Windu were on their way to rendezvous with the endurance for a bit of R&R boba fits right in with the rest of the young cadets but he definitely seems a bit more talented and independent in legends we know that the less altered clones retained more of that skill and aggressiveness in battle boba is a completely unaltered version of Jango whereas all the clone cadets are bred to be more obedient and also potentially suffer from some degradation when it comes to motor skills and ability once the Jedi generals arrived on board they brief the young cadets allowing boba to make visual confirmation that mace Windu is in fact on board boba manages the slip away and booby-trapped the jedi masters room with a classic laser trip wire bomb fortunately for mace Windu he's called off for a meeting at the last second before he enters his room and avoids getting his legs blown off but a clone trooper who was sent in his place isn't as lucky the entire ship goes on alert as a result of the explosion but one must act quickly it's only a matter of time before they pick a route that he doesn't belong on that [ __ ] running out of options boba contacts the bounty hunter he's working with Aurra sing for advice sing tells boba to blow the reactor and take out the entire ship but was hesitant at first about this idea he doesn't want to harm the clones on board just mace windu after Jango had lost his head the clones were basically the closest thing he had to a family but Singh pressures boba into destroying the entire ship and so he heads to the reactor where he stuns a guard with a blaster then shoots the reactor control panels which quickly destabilizes the engines the Jedi arm was sucked out into vacuum in the ensuing explosion but managed to make it off the ship and star fighters meanwhile bobo rejoins the other cadets and leaves the ship on one of the scape huts but before that escape pod can rendezvous with the other pods boba sabotages his vessel allowing slave 1 piloted by or a singh to pick him up he still has a mission to finish meanwhile the Jedi and clones search for survivors in the crash site Admiral Kilian and the command crew have managed to land endurance on the nearby planets of Bancorp mostly intact once inside the crash site they find a dead clone trooper who seems to have been killed after the crash the joy surmising must be the assassins who have come aboard the ship to verify that mace windu was in fact dead the jedi decide to split up and head to the bridge while the droids search the rest of the ship for survivors the gorge sparkly realized they weren't alone the planet was infested with terrifying gundarks powerful six blend monsters while Mace Windu's droid is ripped apart r2d2 manages that escape somehow intact meanwhile on the bridge that zooms jedi spot Jango Fett's helmet lying in the wreckage an obvious trap but the Jedi trigger it anyway so much for their force powers being able to receive threats Skywalker and Windu managed to survive the explosion thanks to the older Jedi's quick thinking but now they're both trapped beneath the wreckage meanwhile boba and his team of bounty hunters watched the explosion from afar they had reached the bridge before the Jedi and taken the surviving crew along with Admiral Kilian hostage these Republic hostages would fetch a good bounty would Count Dooku and would also serve as bait to draw the Jedi in so while boss watches over the clones the rest of the bounty hunters head towards the crash site to get the jedis bodies r2d2 wherever manages the reach his master first but he's unable to remove the debris from on top of him and instead heads back to the star fighters that call for help but before he's able to get off planet the bounty hunters arrive and chase him enslave one they think one of the Jedi is trying to escape and then soon dogfight r2d2 manages to escape but the fighters communication array is damaged forcing r2d2 to enter hyperspace and travel all the way to Coruscant to warn the temple about what was happening ahsoka and plug : immediately leave Coruscant and rescued the stranded Jedi just in time but Mace Windu's ordeal is not over yet the bounty hunter still have Republic hostages which they can use as leverage their leader are saying is a ruthless killer and willing to go to extreme lengths to get what she wants boba who is still kind of just an innocent kid finds the whole situation distasteful the bantha under send a transmission and demand that mace windu come face them or else they'll execute all of their hostages the show they're serious they shoot commander ponds in the head boba is unable to shoot him but or are steps in and does it anyway Commander ponds had been a veteran of Geonosis and serve alongside mace Windu since the beginning of the war now when doing Skywalker are still recovering they're far too injured to go pursue sing so plug clone and ahsoka tano take over the investigation instead they travel to the course on underworld in order to find out more information about the whereabouts of or asain they wander into a cantina and overhear that the bounty hunters had headed to form the pirate Hondo naka had built a base on the small planets or I had hoped that Hondo would help them out unfortunately the pirate refuses to do so but does allow are to stay at his cantina cloak Luna and ahsoka tano shortly arrive on the planet and a man that aura Singh released the hostages or is ready however and has the hostages removed from the location if the Jedi try anything funny boss will execute them remotely the baths the owners are dismayed to find that bloke luna and ahsoka had been sent to recover the hostages instead of mace windu however aura and boba continued on with the plan but the some around the jedi are prepared ahsoka comes out of nowhere and disables or sings comm disconnecting her from boss and holds her lightsaber at Aras throat boba meanwhile has a blaster pointed at bloke loon but the boy is no killer and the standoff ends in a chaotic scramble or are saying managed to escape but boba fett is not so lucky and is captured by platoon instead of going back to rescue him or just runs away betraying boba I know they're big blow to the young boy first he sees his father get beheaded and now the closest thing he has to a mentor runs away and betrays him boba now alone and angry refuses to tell the Jedi where the Republic hostages are being kept but Hondo ironically convinces but what to tell the Jedi claiming it was the honorable thing to do something his father Jango would have done in many ways this entire story arc has been more about what are a singh wanted rather than what boba fett wanted whereas Jango was a talented bounty hunter and a feared warrior arsing was just a murdering psychopath boba naturally didn't really approve of her methods and so ultimately boba does what his father would have done and tells plug kun where the hostages are meanwhile are saying has escaped the pirate compound on a speeder bike and is being closely followed by a circuit I know blow Koon contacts ahsoka and tells her that the Bounty Hunter is trying our best to lead her away from the hostages and gives a souca their real coordinates ahsoka arrives just in time to save the Republic hostages and manages the capture bosque as well or a singer running shortly after and escapes in the slave one but her victory is short-lived ahsoka has managed to damage one of the stabilizers on the ship sending it spiraling out of control the Jedi bring boba back to Coruscant where the boy finally gets to confront nice Windu face-to-face although boba apologizes for destroying the banner class Star Destroyer and getting a lot of clones killed he doesn't apologize for trying to kill Windu after all the Jedi had killed his father not really sure what mace Windu was thinking at this time but it's most likely something along the lines of next time I kill a crazy bounty hunter I'm gonna make sure I take out his family as well which is a lesson we could all learn from I'm just joking murder is terrible and none of you should go out there and commit murder because it's a bad thing to do chapter 11 mandalorian economic crisis in this episode we must once again return to the Mandalore system where the neutral world is dangerously floating in the turbulent sea that is the Clone Wars two episodes ago we looked at the ongoing power struggle between Satine crisis new Mandalorians and previous Death Watch for now Satine has managed to hold off an attempt by the Death Watch to take over the government along with a republic plan to intervene in the war which would have ended Mandalore's neutrality but now an economic crisis threatens to do what the Death Watch and the Republic cannot do because of ongoing skirmishes and battles in nearby systems Mandalore space located on the edge of the Outer Rim finds itself isolated from major trade routes Mandalore has been ravaged over the centuries by constant warfare and pollution and was incapable of sustaining life without imports from other systems the only shipments making it through the war zones now were coming from smugglers who are not only charging exorbitant and predatory prices the quality of the supplies a lot of them meant for consumption was also suspect satine kryze once again approaches allies in the Republic's Senate for help a stable trade route needs to be opened and maintained and Mandalore needs the Republic Navy to do it senator Padme Amidala arrives as the Republic's envoy and is pleasantly surprised by the planet's welcome many of the citizens of their capital city Sundari have lined the streets in order to welcome her to the planets partly out of respect and probably also in a desperation at the same time Mugen smugglers arrive in the cargo docks of sand re well you should never judge a human by their appearance we are all complicated individuals with unique Souls aliens however should always be judged by their appearance and the Mougins clearly look like scumbags they actually held from a mid rim world which was allied with the Commerce guild and separate Alliance they've been contacted by Mandalorian officials the smuggle basic supplies to the planets this current shipment mainly consisted of tea powder the Mougins who as we have established before should never be trusted kind of look similar to the pike syndicate so it's fitting that they were adding a chemical known as slobbin to the teeth slobbin is a diluting agent which is non-toxic but if too much is ingested it can cause severe illnesses and even death find diluting the teas however the Mougins can double their profits the incident strangely enough echoes similar scandals here on earth like when chinese dairy companies added a type of plastic filler to baby formula and powdered milk to pad their own profits killing several babies and hospitalizing tens of thousands more meanwhile back at the palace padme's appearance does little to solve the back-and-forth fighting amongst the Mandalorian ruling council it's difficult for them to accept the situation they were now in the black market is their only source for supplies and much of the Mandalorians anger is directed at the republic who through their war and corruption are to blame for the current crisis the next day Satine takes pan maid to a newly opened hospital to give her more of a view of her new Mandalore but their inspection is quickly interrupted when several children turned up sick in the hospital they've been poisoned by some unknown chemical the children are all from the same school so something from their cafeteria is the main culprit for the poisoning while Prime Minister all my points at death launch as the culprits Satine our does not believe it is them it's not in their mo to attack children amidst all of the uncertainty and political infighting Satine finally has something she can focus all of her attention to she along with Padme and the Royal Guard seek to find out who exactly is responsible for the poisoning her investigation leads them to the school where the sick children came from the medical team from the hospital has already inspected the food the children were consuming and have found nothing off but a third party vendor also supplied the school with bottled tea drinks and now the medical team was in the process of checking them out this of course is the same tea that the Mougins were smuggling in with the diluting agent when Satine questions the superintendent about where the tea's coming from he attempts to escape but is captured he confesses he's taken bribes and kickbacks for allowing the tainted tea into the school system an importer name's Siddiq from the shipping company was the one who had contacted the superintendent Sadiq lead Satine and her investigation to the Mugen smugglers who were arriving with another shipment later that night Satine Padme and the royal guards going to investigate what is happening and see corrupt customs official take a bribe from the mugen's at nights the next day Satine grows the captain in the police and ask how it's possible for something like this to happen the captain denies any wrongdoing is happening under his watch but does agree to go to the docks with the Duchess to find out exactly what is happening there when they arrived they strangely find one warehouse being guarded by corrupt unmarked Mandalorian police who the captain abruptly knocks out he's a no-nonsense kind of guy when they enter the warehouse they find the Mougins preparing their next toxic tea mixture and quickly both sides drop what they're doing and engage in a firefight Padme gets a few kills and they arrest the conspirators Satine tells the captain to burn down the warehouse along with all the evidence inside it for some reason and what's even more strange is that police seems to be carrying flamethrowers and their squad cars not really sure why the police would need such weapons but hey they're Mandalorians right back to why Satine burns all the evidence I doubt that she's a part of this scheme but maybe she doesn't trust anyone in her government or her police to handle all of this contraband maybe she just wants to destroy it so no one else can get their hands on it before Padme leaves though Satine requests that the jedi send an undercover jedi to infiltrate the Mandalorian academy and trying to figure out where only corruption is coming from the devil responds by sending Anakin Skywalker along with a circuit to know Anakin needs to go back to the fronts but ahsoka will join the Mandalorian Academy and help instruct the next generation of mandoline cadets and how to deal with corruption and corrupt officials because of the recent problems Master everyone Kenobi had caused on planets no offworlders were allowed to carry weapons on Mandalore any more this meant a Jedi like a circuit must give up her lightsaber ahsoka immediately starts teaching at the academy she instructs the young Mandalore and how important it is for society to keep its own politicians in check and if necessary report them and remove them from positions of power Sega is basically creating revolutionaries probably not the best thing to teach young kids later that night the kids at the academy are forced to endure another food shortage during their study session they begin connecting the dots there are plenty of ships coming in to ports but somehow there was still a food shortage something didn't add up the circus loccent had inspired the young cadets through their own investigation and so they head down to the warehouse to see if there actually was a food shortage the young Mandalorians are quite resourceful and are able to hack through some heavily guarded government doors inside they find more than enough food to feed the entire planet they also witness a meeting between unmarked Mandalorian officers and some sketchy looking individuals including a few gödel the kids use a hologram to record the meeting but one of them accidentally drops a laptop exposing their position and forcing them to escape one of the cadets luckily is the nephew of satine kryze and they bring our evidence to her the next morning Satine is strangely elusive and warns the cadets to be careful and stay in a trouble so instead the cadets approach the prime minister for help the Prime Minister tells the cadets that bringing the holo cam recordings along with all the cadets who had witnessed the meeting to him luckily for the cadets they also let their instructor ahsoka tano know about this secret meeting because it turns out to be a trap instead of finding the Prime Minister waiting there for them the cadets find themselves trapped by this same unmarked policeman they'd seen the night before but before they can arrest the kids a circuit comes out of nowhere and knocks out the corrupt police officers a circuit takes a look at the hollow recording and analyzes one of the masked figures it's none other than the prime minister he's a traitor who's been holding all the supplies back in increasing food prices the cadets and ahsoka rushed the settings residence and only find her dead guards there someone has taken the Duchess ahsoka decides the best course of action is to confront the Prime Minister and pretend to be on his side she brings the young cadets as a false peace offering and tells the Prime Minister that she suspects they are behind a conspiracy to bring him down the Prime Minister has the kid arrested and locked away and let's ahsoka know that Duchess Satine is also under arrest Sokka thinks he's tricked the Prime Minister and heads to Satine cell in order to free her unfortunately she's fallen into a trap the Prime Minister's men are trained against Jedi Mind Tricks and we're just playing along with her to see what our true intentions were Sokka is stunned and arrested and the cadets are brought out of their cells as leverage the Prime Minister now needs a signature from sensing currents for a confession of treason but before that can happen a scuffle occurs as ahsoka breaks free and along with the cadets that are able to overpower the prime minister and his guards the crisis is averted in satine kryze once again regains control the planets the Prime Minister is arrested this is the second time in just a few weeks that Mandalore has almost fallen into chaos this time from the Duchess's own prime minister there's something clearly wrong with this planet and it's clearly assigned upset teens inability to rule I'm not really sure Republic intervention at this point in time is a bad idea it might be exactly what the planet needs at this point so there you have it guys Mandalore is again pulled back from the brink of collapse and chaos Satine crisises pacifist government clearly is not strong enough to face external and internal threats chapter 12 battle of camina camina represents more than just a strategic target for the separatists it's also the homeworld of every Clone Trooper in the Grand Army of the Republic while in legends in the latter years of the war the Republic builds alternative cloning facilities on other planets in Canon there was only ever one location where the cloning took place and that was on Kamino I always found this kind of strange and strategic liability first if you're engaged in a galaxy won't war why only have one cloning facility with a growing and training time of almost a decade it will take more than one planet to produce enough clone troopers for the entire GA are in legends Pompton actually experimented with the spartan cloning facilities surely overtimes went crazy and started shooting friendlies and we're far less capable than the Kaminoan clones but they only took one year to grow and as good and stable as a cam and own clone was it would be pretty hard for one of them they killed nine or ten smart eye clones then there's the strategic liability of having only one place that supplies your entire army with troops therefore it comes to no surprise that the separatists are constantly trying to find a way to take out Kamino in the first year of the war General Grievous attempted to take out Rishi moon listening-posts which guards one of the only approaches to the Kaminoan facility luckily a group of rookie clone troopers from Domino squad along with Captain Rex and Commander Cody were able to blow up the outpost and warn Kamino of the incoming invasion Grievous his fleet was intercepted and forced to turn back now in general the average separatist ship of the line is a lot less powerful than the average Republic ship of the line which would be the Venator class star destroyer verenor class with its huge compliment to start biters could usually hold its own against multiple munificent class star frigates despite being almost the same size this design choice reflects the Jay arts decision to use highly trained clones instead of cheap battle droids deployed by the separatist this meant the separatists were all about misdirection and overwhelming the enemy with excessive numbers this is also why the separatists oftentimes trying to attack more places than the Republic could defend the problem with Kamino was that a republic fleet was permanently assigned to the planet and therefore a separatist fleet large enough to take Kamino out would be relatively hard to hide from Republic Scouts so we'll have to come up with a more creative solution general Skywalker and Kenobi along the 500 first intercepted a transmission from General Grievous two sons Ventress Kamino is their next target and this will be a very personal battle for the GA are the Jedi generals decide to reinforce Kamino and also warn general Shakti that an invasion is coming Asajj and grievous are both assigned on the mission to attack me no Grievous commands the bulk of the forces but Asajj has her own secret mission obtain a sample of the Fett DNA for separatist scientists now the two separatist leaders are loyal to the cause and Dooku but they're pretty wary of each other and competitive as well while Grievous arrives above Kamino at the front of a large separatist fleet Assange already has inserted onto the planet aboard a trident class at Quantico salt vehicle Kenobi and Skywalker arrive on board and acclimate her clients assault ship with the 500 first and reinforce the ground troops on típica city hopefully the blockade in orbit will hold and the fighting will never reach the ground the cloning Center isn't the most durable place and any battle that happens on it could cause irreversible damage to the cloning process with their troops delivered Anakin joins the massive Kamino defense fleet made up of a dozen venator class Star Destroyers Severus arrived with their own fleet of 11 minutes in class star frigates 3 reckoning class destroyers and grey versus Providence class Dredd not an impressive fleet but probably not enough to break the Republic blockade which also is reinforced by ground-based star fighters before the separatist fleet can get close enough to the republic fleet to exchange broadside attacks the republic Starfighter command launches its own strafing attacks on the separatist fleet led by Anakin in a Delta 7 ether sprite interceptor a sortie of y-wings arc when 70s and b19s make quick work of the separatist forces and quickly debris from the separatist ships begin raining down onto the planets upon closer inspection the debris seems to be separating from the ship by a controlled explosion boa says that the separatists had purposely designed this debris to fall off their ships the Jedi commanders also known as that Grievous is sacrificing this frigates almost on purpose something isn't right as a republic Navy begins finishing off the Cyprus fleet in orbit general Kenobi decides that inspected the berry' that has been falling into caminos oceans while underwater he spots several aqua droids assembling the debris into assault ships this was the separate plan all along they knew they couldn't challenge the Republic blockade in space but if they're able to launch our ground evasion then they can reach the cloning facilities and even the smallest battle in the vicinity of those cloning facilities will cause a lot of death and destruction cleaning a lot of wasted time because again these clones take 9 to 10 years to fully mature the last thing the JRR wanted was any fighting on their fragile cloning platforms Kenobi manages to escape just in time to see the first training assault ships leap out of the water and latch onto típica city and begin drilling through its roof the breaching ability of these ships is what really makes them dangerous then especially terrifying in space where breaching means exposure to vacuum in the case of typical city these training class assault ships allow the separatist droids to avoid prebuilt defenses and create their own entry points the clone troopers inside the buildings just have to wait and try their best the guess where the droids will come from soon droids begin swarming into buildings from all directions making a deadly crossfire for the defenders Sully the clone troopers begin falling back it should also be noted that the Aqua droids were far better combatants than the standard b1 battle droids as the battle continues the breed begins falling within the cloning center wiping out entire generations of clone fetuses both General Grievous and Asajj Ventress arrive with their assault forces and begin pushing against the last pockets of clone defenders things Canela grim one bright spot in the Clone Defense is clone trooper fives and echoed veterans of the Rishi moon battle they were assigned to create a sniper position overlooking one of the main bridges connecting tipica city although they were under heavy fire they somehow managed to hold their own although the clone defense was quickly failing all across the city the separatist droids still didn't have enough droids to take over the entire city and most of their assault leaders were concentrated on one area near the main DNA chamber general Kenobi correctly guesses that's what the suburbs are after and sends Anakin to go and defend the DNA chamber this is where Anakin finds asajj ventress breaking into the vault Ventress was well versed in form to Mikasa a Dueling form taught to her by Dooku the count had used that successfully against Anakin during the bow on Geonosis but Asajj isn't quite at Dooku's level and Anakin has improved much since he lost his arm against Dooku and quickly a sighs finds herself on defensive trying to escape with the Fett DNA meanwhile General Grievous faces off with obi-wan Kenobi the cyborgs multiple limbs and lightsabers give him the upper hand initially against Kenobi but the Jedi's force powers proved to be too much from and as we all know the reason grievous has survived so many battles is because he always knows when to run away nearby a group of clones link up with a group of clone cadets the Cerberus droids have made it all the way into the barracks and they have nowhere to run now they raid a nearby armory and put together a quick defense in one of the cadets sleeping areas while the older clone troopers hold position on the ground level the clone cadets are waiting to ambush the droids from above in the sleeping pods it's an exposed position but ultimately a good as the joints are easily destroyed in the crossfire between the two groups of clones meanwhile outside típica City the clone advance is gradually starting to slow down Republic anti-tank teams with rocket launchers begin taking down the Trident closest salt ships reinforcements from other parts of the city arrive and begin pushing the droids back Asajj has managed to escape out of the DNA chamber before she can make a clean escape she loses the Fett DNA and is cornered by a group of clones and general Skywalker but before Anakin can execute her Grievous comes out of nowhere and scoops her up the battle is over and the Republic is once again victorious the Sepphoris failed to get the Fett DNA and the damage to the cloning facilities is minimal echoes and fives proved themselves in combat and are promoted by Captain Rex and become art troopers the separatists took a big gamble during this battle they had a very concentrated assault which was pretty creative in their defense and it almost did succeed but unfortunately when the clones are fighting with home-field advantage especially on their home planet it's very hard to defeat them as witness with the clone cadets fives echoes and Captain Rex chapter 13 blockade of Pantera Pantera is home to the pan torrents on a scale of throwing to the blue savages from Avatar they lie somewhere in between mainly due to the fact that the creator George Lucas himself plays up and Turin in Episode three located in the Outer Rim territories Pantera was a moon orbiting the larger frigate plan of orto Plutonia Ventura was loyal to the Republic but that didn't stop the separatist a year before from creating a small outpost on orto Plutonia previously thought to be completely uninhabited a race of abominable snowmen known as the tall's actually had been living on the planet for many generations a three-way conflict had erupted between the Panther installs and the separatists luckily Republic mediators and clone troopers ultimately stepped in and helped re-establish peace on the planet a part of the new agreement would be that the tall's would now serve as Guardians 4:02 Bluto Nia and keep watch for any future scheppers outposts it's a setback for the Confederacy of Independent Systems and they must find another way to gain control over the system so your leader account do Guu tries to coerce the pan turns into joining the server's alliance by using economic power if you look at the physical location of pantora it literally is on the edge of the galaxy at the end of a pretty sparsely used hyperspace Lane the plant really didn't have any strategic purpose and prior to the Clone Wars it was more or less forgotten by the Republic and the core worlds small outer rim worlds like pants are heavily dependent on regional trade and commerce guilds like the Trade Federation for everything from transportation basic food supplies raw materials and even defense from piracy the nrm was turned into a special economic zone by the Republican norm to entice organizations like the Trade Federation to invest money to build infrastructure there in return they didn't have to pay any taxes while doing business in this part of the galaxy which prior to this was pretty much empty one of the underlying causes of the Clone Wars was the Republic's decision to rein in control of the area from the Trade Federation who argued that the Republic had no presence there and really didn't do much to support these Outer Rim worlds in the first place but now with the war in full swing every colony or planet that is threatened by the separatists must be countered by the Republic and that's because if more member states begin to realize that the Republic is incapable of protecting them then a domino effect will happen where more and more states will leave the Republic the Trade Federation was technically aligned with the Republic but it was obviously playing both sides of the war and on behalf of Count Dooku who decides to the blockade pantora over dubious claims that it had excessive amounts of debt unrest begins to grow on Pantera as basic supplies begin running out and of course Count Dooku appears with the promise of aid and breaking the blockade in exchange for a pen tour leaving the Republic and joining the separatists things do not look great now during the Ordo Plutonia crisis with the tall's a year earlier the former chairman was a bit of a madman and was skewered by a spear his replacement was none other than Baron Noth Lewis key papanoida a playwright famous for his galactic epics and yes this is the character in the live-action version that was played by George Lucas Baron Pat Bonita sends a senator Rio chuchi to the Republic to ask for aid and force the Trade Federation to stop its blockade you have probably noticed by now this is basically the same tactic the trade federation used a decade ago over Naboo senator chuchi accuses senator Dodd of the Trade Federation of being aligned with the separatists which believe it or not is still up for debate in the Senate Dodd fires back with the good old commerce tree of 1647 which states that the Trade Federation is neutral during galactic conflicts unless otherwise stated this way they can only sell to both sides of a war and profit profit profit after the session in Senate senator Padme Amidala I purchase senator chuchi and promises to support the panther own people and urges her not to fall for the separatist trap Batman who had experienced the similar situation during the crisis of Naboo is an expert with dealing with the Trade Federation though senator chuchi claims that the pen torrents would never betray the Republic things are beginning to look dire on pantora as more and more locals begin rallying against the government and demanding that they join the separatists in order to observe the Senate's decision baron papanoida has also arrived on Khorasan along with the sun ion and his daughter che amon away and chi equate who of course are modeled after Lucas's actual children probably should have left them at home because Count Dooku is also very desperate to have the pan horns join the severs alliance he's desperate enough to try to kidnap the Barons daughters it seems like the Republic Senate will rule in favor of the pan horns so now he needs an extra bargaining chip when she and Jay enter their Khorasan apartment they find the lights turned off cheese captured immediately by kidnappers and she puts up a bit more her fights and manages to strike one of the intruders with a small statue before she is stunned makes sense because che is modeled off of Amanda Lucas who actually used to fight professionally in the MMA Padme Amidala finds out the next day about the kidnapping she was worried something like this what happened she also happened to be with Anakin Skywalker and ahsoka tano when she finds out and asked the Jedi to help the Baron find out who the kidnappers were the local police are pretty terrible at their jobs but Anakin reminds the senator that the Jedi can't really be involved this is more in the local police's jurisdiction but I guess going to Tatooine and slaughtering an entire village of Tusken Raiders is completely within the Jedi's jurisdiction too right luckily Anakin Skywalker is willing to bend some rules and senses Padawan k'tano to go ate senator chuchi the two also happen to be pretty good friends the two decide to head back to Pantera a circuit suspects that the sisters are being held on the blockade about the planets meanwhile the Baron and ion go back to the apartment and search for clues the local police who again more terrible miss an obvious clue the statue that che had used the Bosch one and the intruders over the head with the Baron finds some green blood on the bottom of it quickly scans it with this data pad and finds out that it belongs to a Rodian and not just any rhodium but the one who shots second the information says that Greedo is based on Tatooine which is where the Baron and I own quickly head meanwhile on board a Trade Federation ship a part of the blockade over pantora senator chuchi and ahsoka who is disguised as a servant are greeted by a Trade Federation administrator choo choo dangles the possibility of pantora joining the Zephyrs alliance and suggests that negotiations over terms begin this gives them the perfect cover to stay aboard and sneak around and figure out what the hell is going on later that night they sneak into the administrator's office and overhear him speaking with the captain about the current situation the cabinet objects to the kidnapping of the Barons daughter especially the part where she's being held on his ship now all true she needs to do is find out where she is the two head towards the detention area on the ship unaware that the administrator is watching them luckily Sokka is there with her lightsaber and when she finds chase he easily dispatches the guards on the way out to the detention area ahsoka runs into another squad of super battle droids led by the administrator and takes him out as well before she can turn her blade on the administrator though the ship captain arrives with his own guards the captain claims to know nothing of the kidnapping creating a relatively awkward situation senator chuchi quickly takes advantage of the situation and offers to forget about the whole kidnapping as long as he withdraws the blockade the captain of the Trade Federation ship who never really agreed to the kidnapping withdraws his forces from Orbitz meanwhile back on course on senator lot Dada announces to the Senate that he is this made to find a separatist infiltrator had orchestrated a kidnapping of the Jedi and Senators who cheat it's a strong attempt to distance to the Trade Federation from nute Gunray and his pro-separatist faction but ultimately a Laos Trade Federation to deal with basically whoever they it also keeps pant or free for net meanwhile baron papanoida and ion have arrived on Tatooine and go directly to Jabba's palace and request the services of Greedo this should immediately raise red flags Guido is a terrible bounty hunter and criminal anyone stuck with hiring him is probably very desperate one of gritos girls let's greet ou know about the pan horns looking for him griddle correctly guesses that the Baron is here about the kidnapping it moves quickly to silence him Greedo and his thugs surprised the Baron and ion take them captive but Papineau eda is not just the playwright he's also a badass and quickly turns the tables on Guido and pulls a knife on him and brings him in front of Java for an audience the Baron appeals to the Java who also is a father the pan turn doesn't want any trouble he just wants his daughter and then he'll go home so Java makes Guido show the Baron where exactly he's hidden his daughter the brodien takes them to a sketchy bar in moss eisely full of armed thugs luckily the pan turns are all pretty capable fighters and they manage to overwhelm the thugs iron gets a few kills in but again it's the Baron who goes ham on the thugs and whips out two blasters and goes John wit mode mission complete and the pan torrents are free once again and the sisters are back home as you can see the separatists have many different ways to influence colonies and worlds and they're really not above doing things like kidnapping or blackmailing other factions it's pretty rough out there especially on the outer edge of the Outer Rim chapter 14 Hut prison break 21 BBY is almost over and the Senate's military Budget Committee is about to meet once again war hawks in the senate are pushing for increased military spending and increasing the size of the GA are the separatist push in the outer rim was now barely being contained by the Grand Army of the Republic and they were still greatly outnumbered by the separatist droid army however with the Republic teetering on the edge of bankruptcy and disruption to many domestic programs some senators like Padme Amidala are wary of increasing spending and increasing the size of the Clone Army the ruinin senator on holds the sighting vote in the military oversight Budget Committee and Patton throwing the party with the intention of trying to persuade on did support her faction unfortunately the Ronin species were kind of a pain in the ass they were incredibly picky about even the smallest details and any deviation from what they expected could be perceived as a huge insult look I understand when you're in a very diverse community you have to alter your own cultural expectations so you can meet other people kind of halfway here on earth it's relatively easy to do because after all world the same race the human race and there's really no excuse to not be accepting of one another but aliens like the ruin are extremely annoying to deal with and their cultural norms are so different from ours I don't think it's really necessary for humans to have to put up with their nonsense I should kind of just suck it up anyway Padme doesn't really have that choice she needs everything to be perfect at the upcoming party or on night not agreed to support her Padme is really stressed out about this whole arrangement because well party planning is a horrible task that I won't wish on the worst of my enemies the banquet will be happening later that evening it seems like a garnish for the centrepiece dessert item a joking fruit cake is missing this apparently is senator onyx favorite dish so c-3po and r2d2 venture out into the city to grab the missing ingredient fresh Geoghan fruits but apparently these two droids are basically incapable of such a complicated task the droids ventures in the market get ripped off by fruit vendor who overcharges them instead of costing one credit per fruit the vendor charges them eight credits on their way back a droid approaches r2d2 and c3po you might recognize them as Toyota 360 CAD being destroyed that blew itself up inside the Jedi Temple apparently he was rebuilt anyway Toto suggests r2d2 and c3po that they need some maintenance son and perhaps a soak in an oil that will do the trick after all these droids are more combat in action than your average droids the offer is too enticing for r2d2 and he immediately goes for bath while c-3po is yelling at r2d2 to come back a convertible speeder comes out of nowhere and grabs the protocol droid and flies him straight to CAD Bane you see the devious duros bounty hunter is at it again this time he's been hired by Jabba the Hutt the crime lord one two steel floor plans for the Senate building something that could be found in a protocol droid that belongs to Republic senators so while r2d2 was getting buffed and massaged in oil down c-3po is getting tasered restrained and hooked up to a diagnostic machine that extracts the info that CAD Bane needs from him I don't know why they constantly are shocking him you think they could just hook them up to a USB cord unfortunately for CAD Bane c-3po does not have anything useful in his memory banks but c-3po does mention that r2d2 is the one with the blueprints for the Senate building so the band the owners go back and grab r2d2 instead the little astromech is a lot harder to grab but they eventually do capture him so Bane can finally extract the blueprints once Bane gets the blueprints he merely sends them off the job of the Hutts meanwhile he memory wipes the droids and returns them back to the market no one is the wiser about the abduction and the droids bring back the jogan fruit just in time for senator on to sample the desserts meanwhile on Tatooine Jabba pays Bane for the job and Amelia offers him another job you see the reason why he needs the blueprints for the Senate building is that he needs to release a Hutt name0 from republic prison he has some very dangerous information on the Hutt Council that the Hutt's don't want falling into the hands of the Republic or any of their enemies the plan that CAD Bane hatches is a daring one he's not going to directly attack the prison because that would be a suicide mission instead he heads towards the Senate building with the plans he had taken from r2d2 there he would take several senators as hostage and use them as a bargaining chip to free Ziro the Hutt his team of bounty hunters approaches the landing zone outside the Senate building and they make quick work of Senate commandos guarding the platform a key to Bane's plan is our a Singh who has set up a site for position across the street the Senate commandos are supposed to be selected from the most elite Senate guard but so far they aren't all that impressive just a year ago captain Argus of the Senate commandos betrayed the Republic for a large sum of money in return for freeing nute Gunray who at the time was on his way to court sign for trial the Senate commandos guarding the Senate's were no different and quickly overwhelmed the Senate buildings should have been our hard target prepared to withstand a crazy battle after all in the galaxy was at war still probably sure to let their clones take lead in planning secure for the building cat had also bought along with into separates commando droids and he hasn't put on Senate commando armor to maintain their cover on the landing dock while the rest of his squad heads into the building meanwhile in the upper floors of the building Patton a he's putting in some last-minute work on our build for the military Oversight Committee while Anakin is trying to convince her to take a break and go on vacation with him to prove just how much he loves her and it can gives Padme his lightsaber his most important tool but before he can grab it back from her senator Organa enters and asks for Padma to join him in the lobby to discuss the enhanced privacy bill well this happens cabane casually walks into the Senate building those a detonator into a guards barracks and disables the security system after they are finished neutralizing the Senate building's defenses the Bounty Hunter's joined the senator in Lobby and kidnap them the show how serious Bane is about the whole ordeal he shoots a grand senator in the back when he arrogantly tries to walk away stupid grin just because you're one of the oldest species in the galaxy doesn't mean you're better than everyone else Bane contacts Palpatine and lets him know he's taken over the East Wing of the Senate building and gives the Republicans terms he wants zero the hunt or else he'll continue killing even more senators Bane then shuts down the power to the entire building putting it on lockdown he also shuts down all the comms and doors everything seems to be going according to plan well except for the fact that Anakin Skywalker is still trapped in the building he doesn't have a lightsaber but he still has the force and for now he must read down the intruders in any way possible Anakin's first goal is to somehow turn the power back on and contact the outside world for reinforcements but before he can do that he gets shocked and knocked out meanwhile babble teen agrees the Bane's demand and his processing zeros released from prison Bane secures the Hutt and engages a laser great tripwire system attached to explosives around the Senators and escapes from the Senate building cloture is finally arrived to secure the Senate they're already too late and needlessly smashed through the window of Palpatine's office be assured the Chancellor will probably reassign some of them to Felucia or some other high casualty rate fronts this is a very embarrassing incident for the Republic they need to retrieve zero to discourage future criminals from doing something similar the Jedi Council assigned obi-wan Kenobi and Jedi Master Quinlan vos of the mission vas is an interesting choice he doesn't have extensive knowledge and experience with the galaxy's criminal underworld but he's also a pretty disobedience and free-thinking Jedi basically is the opposite of obi-wan Kenobi not the best pairing the two Jedi had to know how to question the hunt Council on the whereabouts of zero the hut it's pretty obvious that they were the ones behind the audacious plan but the Republic must be careful not to hurt relations between the Hutt's and the Republic in the first year of the war the Republic went through great lengths to secure the right to use Hutt space for transferring military supplies and troops its position in the anteroom made them strategically very important for the entire war fortunately boss has an interesting power known as psychrometric s-- this allows for seizures that touch certain items and sense individuals who have touched or used them before losing a cup in the room boss senses that zero had drunk out of it just before they arrived unbeknownst to the Hunts who were indeed holding on to the criminal zero had just run off with the singer sized snoodles after sensing that his life was in danger you see all that information zero had access to about the Han Council was actually hidden in a diary a diary that would be released the public if anything happened to him this information was stored in a location that only zero knew and 0 and snoodles had run off to hide in the swamps of zeros mother mama the Hutt who provided the two with a starship so that he could run off to Teth where he had stored the diary when the Hutt's find out about zeros disappearance they send for CAD Bane the Bounty Hunter once again to fetch him back and both the bounty hunter and Jedi managed to follow zeros trail to Teth zero had hidden the diary in his father's grave but as he retrieves it science noodles were trays him and shoots him for the information when the jedi arrive they come face-to-face with CAD Bane and the Bounty Hunter barely is able to get away in the end it's noodles who returns the holo-diary to her true master Jabba the Hutt and so ends the story of zero dot so as you guys can see in the second year of the Clone Wars the Republic is better able to counteract all of the separatist alliance offenses in the outer rym as the Clone Army and the Grand Army of the Republic grows larger so does Palpatine's influence and power in the government and this is all a part of his plan to use the Sepphoris alliance crisis as a way to grab more executive power so that he could eventually turn the republic into an empire at the same time the Jedi are becoming spread thinner and thinner across the outer rim which of course makes them easy to pick off once order 66 is launched Palpatine as usual is in complete control anyway guys something to subscribe and hit that notification button so you don't miss out on our other coverage and our coverage of the seventh season of the Clone Wars as usual thanks for joining us today if you're watching this you are generation tech
Channel: Generation Tech
Views: 2,889,383
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: generation tech, star wars, clone wars, the clone wars, clone wars history, anakin skywalker, ashoka tano, Republic vs Confederacy of independent systems, Obi Wan Kenobi, Clone Army Vs Droids, Separatist Droid Armies, Second Year, 21 bby, Grand army of the republbic, Republic Fleet, Separatist Alliance Fleet, venator class star destroyer, General Grievous, Count Dooku, Darth Sidious, palpatine
Id: lQT9CELJgcs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 134min 31sec (8071 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 13 2019
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