Why did Admiral Wulff Yularen Betray the Jedi?

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our friends welcome back to another episode of generation tech my name is Alan today we're gonna be taking a break from our Clone Wars history series this is something that we'll be doing periodically just so we can talk in depth about certain issues or characters or topics that we find really interesting in the Clone Wars period today I want to look at one of the few non Jedi and non clones that serve in the Galactic Republic military admiral wolf yularen we first encountered the wolf in Episode four a new hope or just Star Wars as it was once known a long long time ago wolf was just one of the few background officers in the famous scene where ma Tarkin announces the dissolution of the Galactic Senate wolf doesn't speak and he's pretty much emotionless throughout the whole scene but he is wearing a very sharp white uniform which makes him stand out and because Star Wars is one of the largest franchise who have ever existed even the most minor characters eventually will have a fleshed-out backstory which is why I love Star Wars I mean I'm the guy who gets pissed off when the zombie apocalypse movie doesn't explain just exactly how the zombie plague started I need to know I need tons and tons of details unnecessary details for most people anyway in today's episode will not only be doing a full profile of wolfs career we'll also answer one of the biggest questions I have about his character why did the man swear allegiance to the Empire instead of the Jedi during order 66 afterall this guy fought alongside with many Jedi during the Clone Wars to understand a man's motives and actions we must understand what their upbringing was like and what their life experience is like well if yo Lorraine was originally from an affluent core Asante family his father Thole was a well known evil instructor with a passion for military tradition and training wolf children adopted this passion for military service and after graduating from the Naval Academy on prefs belt you'll learn had a choice to make for his future employment at the time the Republic had been demilitarized for almost a millennia so wolf could either join the Republic judicial 's which were more like a federal police force rather than a military force Orakei joined one of many planetary defense forces which were more structured like a traditional military force wolfy learned designs on the ladder and joins the climb our sector fleet it's important to note that heat makes this choice a life as a judicial is probably more appealing to the average person it's a job that promises adventure and travel across the entire Republic at the end of a good career and the judicial you have many options you could open your own private practice maybe become a prosecutor even run for office the planetary defense forces on the other hand was kind of a dead end there was no demand for high-ranking military officers when there's no federal military in the first place one could potentially start a private security force or maybe even run for local office but the experience and the connections you make will all be regionally based and therefore limited but wolf chooses the planetary defenses because he loved military tradition and military wife he loved it so much that he was willing to forego a very promising life especially for someone with his background and family connections you see wolf was willing to give up his own selfish desires to make sure that the machine worked he was a good soldier and he believed in a cause he was the kind of guy who wanted to be a part of something bigger than himself and as we'll see is generally good intentioned throughout his entire career no matter which side of the war he's on and well if you're Lauren was a talented young officer he was definitely good at what he did and he quickly rose up through the ranks and found himself in charge of an entire Republic task force ten years before the Clone Wars even starts his mission is to go to mal Starr and fight the corporate sector who have blockaded the planet it was here he would first encounter that a harsh Admiral trench as wolf's children continued rising in the ranks he became aware that the enemy was always ahead of him someone within the Republican most liked in the judicial was leaking information to criminals this is where yo learns second passion and life begins to emerge you see wolfberry early on realized that military discipline and tradition couldn't win battle alone a soldier needed as many advantages as possible and for wolf the best advantage was knowing everything you could about your enemy before the battle even started wolf believed in the importance of intelligence gathering and analysis it was a tangible thing that officers of all skill levels could use to improve their odds for success and after seeing all the leaks and corruption within the Republic's judicial forces Wulfgar lauren wanted to change things this is where we begin seeing the man's ideology begin to develop as well Wolf's experience in the planetary defense force has made him a poor corruption he saw corruption as one of the biggest dangers for the Republic his obsession with intelligence and family connections allowed him to eventually land a position as a special agent for the Senate Bureau of security which is kind of a cross between the FBI and the Secret Service's but instead of just focusing on the president they focus on the Senate while there he was a cliche young officer trying to shake up the establishment and change how the system works has naturally made him a lot of enemies but also caught the eye of Chancellor Palpatine who reassigns him into his own anti-corruption unit Yolen becomes a believer in the Chancellor's grand plan InDesign which at the time was all about accountability making government more efficient by weeding out corruption and special interests these were very bipartisan issues and that's what Palpatine was all about he was a populist he was a centrist and he never really let anyone know what his positions actually were on issues and the issues that he did stand for we're usually universally loved but Palpatine still had enemies in the Senate and they saw a special anti-corruption task force as a threat to them an abuse of the executive branch's power and the political games that follow led to Palpatine's anti-corruption forced to become defunded which forced wolf urine into early retirement [Music] and as the Clone Wars started heating up Al Bateen remembered how dedicated incompetent yularen was and he asked them to come out of retirement and serve in the newly created Clone Army which was severely lacking professional non clone officers at the time now this is kind of the story that we all know from the Clone Wars cartoons and this is what we're gonna be covering a lot in death in our Clone Wars history series so we're gonna kind of just rush through some of the basic points of his career in the Republic well furling spends a lot of time working specifically with Anakin Skywalker obi-wan Kenobi and ahsoka on a variety of different missions during the entire Clone Wars series now if we only judge him by his actions during the Clone Wars what do we see well a very experienced in rational Admiral who develops a good working relationship with the Jedi and a mutual respect this is why it's very confusing to see Wulfgar Lauren just joined the Empire after basically Emperor Palpatine murders all of the Jedi in order 66 Sharan Admiral yularen have some feelings or emotional ties with the Jedi he had worked with I mean how could he later on join the Empire does that make him a cruel or evil individual well taking into account what we know about his past we now understand that you Lauren believed in Palpatine's vision of the Republic and he actually deeply trusted the man his own experiences in the planetary defense force and in the anti-corruption task force went on to show him just how corrupt and broken the republic government system was after all he just lost two jobs directly due to corruption Wolfe Yulin being the consummate professional never really complained in public or expressed this point of view on the Republic when he was serving in the ger we never really saw this during the Clone Wars cartoon series so as a fan of the show we never really got to see the side of him and although he seems to get along with the Jedi he works with it's not due to personal preference or even some kind of friendship Wolfie Lauren is a professional soldier and he understands that if the chain of command and structure of the military's question then the whole operation falls apart he's a selfless individual who is ready to put his personal feelings aside and he's also quite a careful individual at this point in his life an individual who is now beginning to understand that being an admiral involves just as much politics as it does military skill but what is his personal opinion on the Jedi does he hate them or does he love them I'm sure Admiral Wolfie Lauren disapproved of the Jedi allowing the circuit to now a preteen to lead several squadrons of Starfire during the Battle of Ryloth it doesn't take a genius to understand why children don't belong on the battlefield and ahsoka ends up disobeying Anakin's order which leaves Joe Laurence Bennet or class star to shower unprotected and vulnerable to an attack that almost kills him Gil Arne again is a professional he rarely gets emotional but I'm a hundred percent sure this near-death experience we're probably going to shape his views about the Jedi and their reckless behavior this is further reinforced by the fact that he ends up being a part of the prosecution team that tries ahsoka tano for treason against the Republic for the bombing of the Jedi Temple but that doesn't mean that yoloing hated the Jedi again he was a professional individual who tried to remove personal feelings and emotions away from any decision he was all about facts and rationale Jedi Knights log on I can probably impress them with their devotion to the Republic in combat abilities yularen of course thought Anakin was a bit reckless but one can't argue with the results he usually got on the battlefields so when order 66 occurs I can only assume that Wolfe your ins opinion of the Jedi wasn't completely black-and-whites he judge people as individuals and not by their allegiance or a birthright for a rational individual like your Lauren it might have been confusing why religious organization once a Jedi was so heavily involved in the military in the first place and as a military man he broadly understood the Chancellor's obsession with killing the Jedi after they attempted to assassinate him of course you Lauren doesn't know the real story about order 66 but he also has a personal preference and bias for Palpatine I mean this guy was not only his mentor but also his savior he really respected the man you see people who say that you alarmed betrayed the Jedi failed to really understand what was going on at the time most people in the galaxy thought the Jedi had betrayed the Republican Chancellor the idea that the Jedi were completely benevolent and good is something that is perpetrated by George Lucas in his films Lucas was a well known Jedi sympathizer someone who could hardly be called objective the rest of the galaxy was actually pretty mixed about their view of the Jedi some saw them as a bunch of foolish religious extremists the forest was not a wildly accepted phenomenon and most people had never seen a Jedi in action they're basically a myth others so the Jedi as a rich and secretive organization that way too much power and control over the Republic you Laurent's own views in the Jedi were shaped through his service alongside them during the Clone Wars and we mentioned this a lot on our channel the Jedi were just terrible generals most of the time they do a good job so while the wolf personally might have issues with order 66 he didn't allow these feelings to distract them from his end goal which is creating stability in the galaxy and eliminating corruption in the Senate after the Clone Wars ended wolf Garen stepped down from the military and joined the Imperial Security Bureau and served alongside brilliant Imperials like Grand Admiral Thrawn he would eventually lose his life during the destruction of the first Death Star Wolf valoran is what I consider a good Imperial this is one of my favorite types of stars characters because good Imperials show us that the Empire wasn't completely evil I mean it wasn't just this black and white situation where the rebels were completely good in the Empire was completely bad it more accurately reflects the real world and I think that's important justly nowadays you know we have a lot of polarizing figures in our world and it's very easy to just look at an individual and say oh they're a part of that group or they're part of that group and they're complete [ __ ] but no that's not how it works in real life there are plenty of wolf girl runs who are just there because of their own convictions and values does it make them evil anyway guys I hope you enjoyed today's episode our don't forget to subscribe down below so you don't miss out on the rest of our Clone Wars history series we will be continuing that again in our next episode as usual thanks for joining us today if you're watching this you are generation tech
Channel: Generation Tech
Views: 1,765,963
Rating: 4.9146099 out of 5
Keywords: generation tech, star wars, Clone Wars, The Clone Wars, Wulff Yularen, Admiral Wulff Yularen, A new Hope, Battle of christophsis, Clone wars history, Galactic Republic, Galactic empire, Anakin skywalker, Obi wan kenobi, Ryloth, Ashoka tano, Admiral Trench, Emperor Palpatine, Chancellor palpatine, Imperial Security Bureau, ISB, Star wars lore, Star wars history, Yoda, Jedi Order, Battle ryloth
Id: qmdmhVrLfLo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 19sec (679 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 27 2019
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