Entire Fourth Year of the Clone Wars | Star Wars Lore

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[Music] hello there friends welcome back to another episode of generation tech my name is alan the beginning of the bad badge signals the end of an era for the clone wars tv show today we'll be taking a look at the entire fourth year of the clone wars [Music] when talking about the clone wars the romantic image we think of is the brave jedi general charging into the fray with lightsaber raised followed by legions of loyal and fearless clones this was the reality on many battlefields but the war wasn't just grand campaigns and large planetary invasions no there were regular everyday men and women fighting in planetary defense forces defending their homes and livelihoods mercenary captains balancing fortune and death and smugglers of every kind trying to make a profit somewhere in between the battle lines but there are also lesser known individuals unsung heroes who at first glance might not seem like war hero material but that might be exactly why they're so well suited for a certain type of mission meet colonel mieber gascon he was a military strategist serving with the republic strategic command he had helped plan the grand army of the republic's invasion route during the first battle of geonosis by collecting intel on the terrain so that clone units could know what they were facing they're mostly facing flat terrain with zero coverage and they also had very inexperienced jedi generals it was a terrible situation from the very beginning anyway colonel gascon is a male zikan he's too small to even develop a napoleon complex he's barely a foot tall his personality however makes up for some of that height he's quite a bombastic individual he took his job extremely seriously and he always held his own accomplishments and abilities in high regard despite astani's size he also didn't take ruff from anyone he demanded all of the honor and privilege his title afforded him the jedi higher council had a very special mission that was perfect for someone like colonel gascon the jedi were routinely intercepting high-level communications between general grievous and the separatist command but the cis had encrypted all of these messages and so far republican intelligence was having a very difficult time cracking them the jedi realized the only way they could crack this code was by getting their hands on a decoding module this is sort of like the ignition machine which was deployed by the german military during world war ii it was an extremely high priority for allied powers to decrypt german codes one of poland's early contributions to the war was actually developing methods to crack this code and then creating a replica enigma machine and bringing them to allied forces before germany and russia simultaneously invaded their country the jedi council had figured out that one of these decoding modules were being held on a separatist providence class dreadnought in a high security vault any overt attempt to capture this ship would result in the separatist alliance blowing up that ship which would prevent the republic from grabbing that decoding module so what they really needed was a special infiltration team the jedi would assemble a team of five droids r2d2 qtkt u9c4 m5bzn and whack 47. all of these droids would be specially modified for this extremely dangerous mission behind enemy lines n5b7r4 series astromech had its memory core completely removed from its head compartment this was to make room for colonel gascone the only republic officer small enough to fit inside of a droid's head he would lead this unit designated d-squad using a stolen separatist transport d-squad would infiltrate the separatist fleet wac47 took the initiative to set their ship on a collision course with a bridge of the target dreadnought this immediately causes tension between colonel gascarone and wac-47 but before they could settle their dispute the separatists grabbed a hold of their ship with a tractor beam and pulled them into the hangar all five droids are seized by separatist battle droids and brought away for interrogation r2d2 who sort of is the wily veteran of the team takes the initiative and disables one of these b1 battle droids with his arc welder while whack 47 distracts the other battle droid which is also quickly taken out the squad is now alone and unescorted inside the dreadnought they make their way towards the vault which is located on c deck using the astromech special skills they manage to break through the security and enter the vault unfortunately along the way m5b7 is knocked out by a power surge but before the squad can get their hands on the decoding module they're interrupted by this ship's command droid and the squad of security droids and melee breaks out as r2d2 disables the gravity on the ship sending everyone floating off the ground the republic droids managed to make quick work out of the separatist droids using their new upgrades even colonel gascigon gets into the action with the module in their hand d-squad quickly evacuates to their shuttle they even managed to retrieve m5bz along with them while celebrating their mission success and newfound respect for one another the squad runs into some more trouble when their ship flies into a large cloud of comets in hyperspace their maxillope shuttle takes multiple hits and the power is disabled r2d2 and the astromechs have to go outside the ship to repair the damage luckily r2d2 is a master at these type of extra vehicular missions and the repairs manage to restore some of the power so they don't get destroyed by a massive comet the shuttle manages to limp its way towards the nearby wasteland planet of afar it crash lands onto the surface with their shuttle now out of commission they must find their way to civilization on foot somehow but without any stars or sun to aid them in navigation they must just wander in a straight line through the desert fighting off madness thirst hunger and low power d squad eventually stumbles upon their salvation a small town known as ponzora the hope is that they might be able to somehow find a way to get off planet and get back to republic space with that data encoder but without any credits to their name none of the locals are willing to help colonel gascon when they enter one of the local eateries they find that like many establishments in the galaxy droids are unwelcome but so are diners without any money so instead d squad must scrounge for food in the trash cans in the back of the restaurant luckily one of the workers is kind enough to come out and offer gas cones some food the worker's name is gregor and despite all of his hair and a thick beard and mustache colonel gascon immediately recognizes gregor for what he is one of the million clones who served the grand army of the republic gregor seems to be confused by this revelation it seems like he has suffered some kind of injury that has also given him amnesia gregor doesn't remember much about how he ends up on ponzorus and so he confronts the diner owner who's unwilling to give him much details we find out eventually that gregor is not only just a clone trooper he's actually an extremely elite republic clone commando these were especially augmented clones who were designed to fight in small squads behind enemy lines they were even tougher than the elite arc troopers like captain rex r2d2 scans gregor's wrist and finds his identification number he was a captain in the clan commando regiment and was labeled missing in action during the battle of sarish this was one of the earlier battles in the andarim siege and one of the most devastating losses the grand army the republicans suffered during the war gregor's squad foxtrot group was completely wiped out during the battle as commander of the unit and soul survivor gregor attempted to escape off the planet but then would crash land on panzora and suffer amnesia from the crash once gregor retains his memory though he and d-squad confronts the diner's owner and recovers all of his armor and equipment clan commander armor is amongst the most durable pieces of kit given to republic soldiers it can take multiple blasts around while protecting the wearer the dc-17m interchangeable weapon system is a modular weapon with multiple configurations it can be useful for long-range encounters and even has an anti-armor mode gregor will need all of his equipment if d-squad is to be successful in their mission it turns out the separatists have an operation on panzora they're mining the planet's rhidonium a very volatile substance that can easily be weaponized the separatists plan on using that riodonium to blow up a jedi cruiser up in orbit these squads only weigh off the planet gregor gives the squad cover as they attempt to find a ride off the planet despite the heavy incoming fire the clone commander is able to take out multiple separatist patrols allowing d squad to make it to a shuttle and escape gregor is left behind and surrounded by enemy droid forces he manages to set off several rhidonium canisters which destroys the entire compound whether he survives or not well you'll have to find out by watching the rebels star wars series the squad attempts to contact the republic cruiser before boarding it but they can't seem to connect to anyone when they enter the ship they find it completely empty the bridge however is occupied by a crew who turn out to be holographs seems like the separatists weren't just going to blow up this jedi cruiser they had captured this cruiser and now filled it up with rhidonium explosives they were going to use the jedi cruiser to infiltrate republic space and then blow up the republic strategy conference being held in the charitas system this meeting would be attended by the jedi council and several high-ranking republic officers these squad find that the ship is also occupied by separatist droids they must avoid their patrols and at the same time disable the bomb before it wipes out everyone on coretta space station they find several other surviving republic droids in the shuttle bay and with their help they managed to figure out a plan but before they can escape they're swarmed by a huge pack of buzz droids r2d2 manages to create a perimeter around the republic droids with a ring of oil and fire but d squad is in danger of getting overrun m5bz realizes that there isn't any time left and runs for the airlock and opens the shuttle bay doors which sucks out all of the buzz droids but unfortunately takes m5bz out as well this heroic action buys d-squad enough time to alter the bomb trigger so that the ship detonates prematurely saving everyone in the conference colonel gascon and the droids managed to make it off the ship on a shuttle unfortunately r2d2 is left behind near the bomb trigger but as usual the lucky droid does manage to survive and a salvage team finds him floating in space for his role in the mission colonel gascon gets exactly what he wants a promotion to brigadier general [Music] there was so much hope in mandalore for the first time in their long troubled history the mandalorians were able to suppress the violent and warlike tendencies of their culture and focus more on economic and social development at the forefront of this evolution in mandalorian culture was duchess cettine cries and her new mandalorian party they had just emerged out of the chaos of civil war a few decades ago they were fighting against the more traditionalist death watch faction these death watch warriors held on to an ancient code and way of life a way of life that defined the mandalorian people and helped them survive countless tragedies and cataclysmic events that were often caused by their warlike nature simply but the mandalorians were tough as nails but they were so focused on being tough that they failed to develop other parts of their society other than their military prowess ultimately the mandalorians picked fights that they ultimately had no hope winning and the latest and greatest blow had come from none other than jedi order and the republic who launched a devastating pre-emptive attack on mandalore rendering the surface desolate and uninhabitable while this behavior might seem uncharacteristic coming from the quote good guys of the galaxy fear of mandalore's power was great extreme events lead to extreme reactions of course post-world war one the western european powers were so adamant about avoiding another global conflict that they let that mad fuhrer and his mustache march across the sudanese plunging the world into the very conflict they wanted to avoid duchess santine koriz was a well-intentioned leader but constant warfare had scarred her view of the world and so she would adopt an extreme stance of pacifism which on paper might seem more harmless than its antithesis but is actually equally as irrational dr sateen would try her best to keep mandler out of the war she would even lead the council of neutral systems a coalition of like-minded but unfortunately powerless planets but ultimately her pursuit of peace at all costs would be her downfall many worlds would suffer due to the clone wars mandalore was amongst them but mandalore's suffering didn't come initially from blasters or proton torpedoes the war had yet to reach the planet instead it was economic hardship mandalore depended heavily on the import of food and other organic supplies as we mentioned before mandalore's surface was completely destroyed and the citizens of the planet had to live in sealed domes to prevent all that toxic waste from getting into their living areas mandalore would not receive aid from either the republic or the separatists because of their neutral stance and it would weaken the planet significantly and test the people's loyalty the visas are quite a famous clan in mandalorian circles a lot of their fame and influence comes from one of their ancestors tarvisla he was a mandalore or the leader of all mandalorians but at the same time a former jedi knight an extremely rare occurrence underneath his leadership the mandalorian people were united and prosperous by the time of 19by his descendant priebus was leading what was left of the death watch faction in 21 bby previzul had launched a failed campaign to overthrow the new mandalorians by using terrorist attacks to destabilize duchess sateen's rule previously had previously aligned himself with count dooku together they had hoped to trigger a republic military intervention on mandalore which would allow deathwatch to swoop in and defeat the invaders and claim the throne the strategy fell apart and so did the alliance between death watch and dooku and now death watch was sort of wandering around the galaxy wondering what to do next under routine patrol a death watch unit picks up an escape pod and find two zabrak brothers inside former sith lord maul and his brother savage press the two brothers had narrowly escaped a skirmish against obi-wan kenobi and hondo anaka and they had to use an escape pod in order to survive when their ship crashed fizzle a second bo katan advises him to kill the brothers she sees their lightsabers and senses that they're far too dangerous to deal with but prie vizla sees potentially a very powerful ally in the zabruks better yet vizsla and maul share a very common enemy obi-wan kenobi obi-wan kenobi had sliced maul in half more than a decade ago during the naboo blockade and obi-wan kenobi also happened to be a close friend of duchess 17 cries and had interfered with the death watch coup this hate unites these two groups in a very unholy alliance now the death watch has access to essentially two hero units equipped with insane force powers all they really need is an army to help them obtain their goal as we mentioned before death watch wanted a republic military intervention to justify their own invasion and takeover of mandalore i mean even previsual realized that he couldn't just attack the new mandalorians without any cause because the people would probably rebel against him death watch is still greatly outnumbered by the new mandalorians as well and so vizzle and mall come up with an alternative idea they would create a massive army of underworld criminals and have them flood mandalore and create chaos at which point death watch will kind of swoop in on their jet packs and save the day and kick the new mandalorians out of office for incompetence and so with the zombie brothers in tow previzla heads to the black suns first one of the largest criminal organizations in the galaxy their proposal for an alliance with the black sun leaders is met with scorn initially but savage press manages to relieve them all of their heads leading to a quick appointment of a new leader who is more than eager to join the death watch's cause news of the swift fall of the black suns reaches the ears of the pike syndicate they're another criminal organization notorious for their drug smuggling operations they fly to the death watches camp and pledge loyalty in order to avoid bloodshed next up is the hutt collective rulers of a massive empire bordering the outer rim the huts as usual have not only managed to stay out of the war they're actually profiting from both sides the council employ a team of bounty hunters to protect themselves but not even the mighty jabba is able to defeat maul and sabajo press within a relatively short time death watch has created an invasion army of thugs and criminals they call themselves the shadow collective [Music] the shadow collectives sneak right past mandalore's meager defenses in cargo ships and the mandalorian guard who are essentially a police force were quickly overwhelmed and overrun the criminal syndicate quickly captures important infrastructure and begins looting and pillaging the capital city of sandari duchess satyan cries attempts to calm down her people in a public appearance but is confronted by pre-visual who swoops in just as planned with his death watch and save the day sething crisis is removed by vizsla and imprisoned bogotan informs the mandalorian people that the duchess and her government has fled in their moments of need it's at this point pre-business true colors are shown he breaks his alliance with maul and savage and has him arrested and thrown into prison something that sabanzo press predicted that death watch would do the only problem is that mandalorian prisoners are not designed to hold force users and maul and survives break out shortly after and confront pre-bisla in the throne room you see maul understood the mandalorian ways and their respect of power and might overall else the death watch believed in the ancient right to combat challenge to determine the ruler of mandalore and so maul challenges previsual to a duel something that he cannot deny and so wielding the famous darksaber vizsla who is a mere mortal without force powers attempts to duel one of the most talented sith assassins alive the result is not surprising and previzul's rule comes to an end shortly after it begins bogatan and her night owl subfaction are the only ones who don't bend knee to the new mandalore and for the first time in mandalore's history the planet is ruled by an outsider former prime minister alamack is reinstated as a puppet by the brothers and darkness falls on mandalore obi-wan kenobi might seem like one of the most rural abiding jedi in the entire order but the reality is we only think that because he is the master of one of the most rebellious jedi anakin skywalker long ago when obi-wan kenobi was still at padawan and his master acquire gun gin was alive the two were deployed for a year to mandalore in order to protect duchess teen cries from insurgents during that civil war we were mentioning before it was during this time that obi-wan kenobi fell in love with sateen and had she asked him to stay with her he would have left the jedi order and never looked back the jedi kind of had this no attachment and no love policy but dr sateen didn't ask everyone to commit to her and the two went their separate ways the two would remain friends of course and their love would never actually die but both individuals were dedicated to the causes they had devoted their lives to duchess team manages to escape from captivity she's helped by her nephew corki and her sister bo katan but shortly after she's captured again but before mall super commandos can grab her she manages to send obi-wan kenobi a very leia like message asking for help obi-wan kenobi receives the message along with grand master yoda and kia mundi the potato and avocado jedi both agree that they must wait for senate approval before moving against maul and his coup over on kenobi in a rare moment of defiance refuses to wait and quickly heads to mandalore using anakin's old civilian freighter the twilight obi-wan arrives and manages to knock out a super commando and disguises himself in that armor he manages to find his way into sateen's cell and they embrace for a brief moment before they attempt to break out fortunately the two never make it back to the twilight and are once again captured you see maul had foreseen obi-wan's brash rescue attempt he'd been waiting for this moment ever since obi-wan kenobi sent him flying down that reactor shaft over naboo maul doesn't want to simply kill obi-wan kenobi instead he wants obi-wan kenobi to feel and share in his pain and so he got satan cries right in front of him and she dies in his arms along with a life they could have shared together darth maul orders everyone to be locked up so that he can just wallow in his misery luckily for him bo katan and the night owls have been watching him from afar this entire time and they managed to intercept his guards and release him for one reason or another maul's execution assets and cries creates a disturbance in the force which is felt by his former master darth sidious the dark lord arrives in his sith form and finds maul sitting on a throne maul quickly kneels in terror and tries to hide the fact that he has taken on another apprentice his brother darth sidious is impressed that the zabrak has survived his injuries but now he sees him and his brother as a threat and quickly the three engage in lightsaber combat savager press never really stood a chance he's completely outclassed and he's quickly killed by darth sidious maul doesn't stand much of a chance either the sheer power of darth sidious force abilities pins him to the ground ending maul's very short reign of mandalore as well [Music] so the outer rim siege is in full swing anakin skywalker and his padawan associate lead a republican invasion on catonymodia a trade federation stronghold on the way to the planet's surface anakin's eta act this class light interceptor suffers catastrophic damage from a swarm of buzz droids which knocks the jedi knight out sokateno goes above and beyond the call of duty to save her master showing that she's both skillful and very loyal the bond between this master and padawan are as strong as any their narrow escape from death is interrupted by horrible news someone has targeted the jedi temple with a bomb and a number of people were killed in the explosion yoda wants the two to come back to course on an aiden investigation since they were both off world during the attack and therefore not suspects this just goes to show that they really don't know who is responsible even jedi could be suspects here general ponchrell's betrayal and jedi master dooku's defection to the sith have shaken the order's trust in their own members after the two jedi spent some time at the crime scene in the jedi temple hangar circa despite being legally still a child is put in charge of interviewing some of the survivors of the attack one of the maintenance crew workers believes he saw a munitions expert and foreman jakar bomani at the source of the explosion making him the primary suspect anakin heads out in front of the temple where a group of protesters mainly family members of the victims of the blast have gathered upon seeing anakin holding a hologram of jakar bomani his wife leda tormund steps out and confronts the jedi about what has happened to her husband anakin brings her in for questioning and she defends her husband's innocence jakar bomani was loyal to the jedi plus the screening process for working at the jedi temple was extremely thorough meanwhile asakutano is going through a 3d blast analysis of the attack they find that large chunks of the debris in the area are covered in highly volatile nano droids these seem to be the source of the explosion jacar bomani happened to be an expert specifically with nano droid tech and weapons so he becomes clearly the main suspect here but the trail goes cold after they find the foreman or at least what's left of him it seems like the explosion came directly from his body sargon anakin journeys to the bomani's apartment to look for more clues they find traces of the nanodirect inside one of the garbage cans and come to the conclusion that bomani most likely consumed them somehow lena tormund arrives into the apartment as well and the jedi try to bring her in for questioning she pretends to cooperate but runs away when the opportunity arises she's quickly caught however and amidst defeating her husband the nanobots but her reasons for doing this is unclear at a ceremony for the victims of the jedi attack ahsoka tano and fellow padawan bears off you reminisce over some of the jedi who died in the attack as their bodies are getting turned into protein pace for future consumption admiral wilhof tarkin of the republic navy comes to inform the jedi that led a tourman has been moved into military custody because clones were killed in the attack making this an attack against the military this is also a part of palpatine's gradual plan to take more powers away from the jedi order and keep them in check now while in military custody lenotorman refuses to talk to anyone and request that ahsoka tano see her and so ahsoka arrives at the military prison by the way notice all of the red clone troopers here these aren't your ordinary rank and file clones these were clone shock troopers they were secretly bred apart from the other clones and trained specifically to keep the peace on coruscant to protect the capital and central government they're almost like the chancellor's own elite police force coruscant was rapidly changing into a more authoritarian police state and the jedi were too busy to even notice a serger finds letta in her cell much more cooperative this time around she reveals that the idea behind the bombing was not hers but a jedi's letta had been an activist herself and she believed that the jedi had become corrupt and were acting like soldiers instead of peacekeepers a view that this mysterious jedi had shared with her before asking her to carry out this attack let it was extremely afraid of this mysterious jedi and she wanted to guarantee from mizokatano that she would protect her but before letta can tell us okatana who that mysterious jedi was someone begins choking her through the force it's very likely whoever is doing this is doing it via one of the security cameras in the cell something we see vader do to admiral ozil after his failure during the battle of hoth from an optics point of view this looks extremely bad for sukkatana who is immediately arrested anakin attempts to visit her padawan he knows she's completely innocent but has refused access meanwhile ahsoka wakes up in her cell notices a key card outside she believes it's the work of her master and she exits the cell as she exits she also finds several knocked out shock troopers along with her lightsaber and comlink lying on the ground commander fox walks in on her and immediately hits the panic button sertano has no choice but to try to escape she's pursued outside the military prison to one of the major access points to the underground by this point anakin skywalker has joined the pursuit as well and he tries to convince her to come back with them to the jedi temple but ahsoka realizes she's been framed and must somehow try to clear her own name and so she jumps into the undercity this scene by the way is almost a recreation of that famous scene in the fugitive where harrison ford must make a similar leap in order to escape [Music] i'm a huge fan of the coruscant underworld it's probably one of my favorite settings in star wars so this part of the arc is amongst my favorite in the entire clone wars now circuit dino must find a way to blend in and escape the various patrols that are after not only are shock troopers looking for her now so are the coruscant underworld police along with former sith assassin and currently bounty hunter asajj ventress asokotano is caught by surprise by assad's adventures and quickly taken down but ahsoka manages to cut a deal with asajj if ventress helps her clear her name then ahsoka will get her a pardon from her friends within the galactic senate i'm not really sure she actually has leverage to do this i mean ahsoka tano does have relations with padme amidala but i'm pretty sure pardoning is more of an executive branch kind of thing ventress however is desperate so she agrees kind of half-heartedly to a circus plan to make matters even more complicated anakin arrives on the scene with some clone troopers and he sees his padawan working alongside assad's ventress anakin has his own troubled history with the assassin so will his belief that his padawan is innocent now be shaken serkitano attempts to call one of the few jedi she still trusts barris hofi barris tells ahsoka that she's found a new lead in the case an abandoned warehouse from which the munitions and attack were most likely made assad escorts ahsoka to the warehouse and then they part ways but while heading home assad just jumped by a mysterious figure who knocks her out and steals her lightsaber and helmet that same is serious figure then attacks the socatano while she's inspecting the factory sega believes she's fighting asajj and she chases her to the upper floors of the factory the mysterious figure knocks okitano off of the platform right into a room full of nano droids at the same time commander wolfe appears and stuns her immediately and takes her back into custody [Music] the case against asaku tano is pretty solid i mean almost too solid i would say the jedi in this case still have jurisdiction over serkitano as long as she's a member of the order so admiral tarkin in the galactic senate wish for the jedi order to expel ahsoka tano out of the order so that she can face trial at a military tribunal circa might be a jedi padawan but she's also technically a commander within the grand army of the republic the jedi decided to put asukitano on trial although obi-wan kenobi and anakin skywalker both support osaka town how the rest of the jedi masters feel like the evidence against ahsoka is far too strong any attempt by the jedi to protect the socatano might be seen as unfair to the senate or the civilian populace and the jedi right now cannot afford to have a pr disaster on their hands and so ahsoka tano stands in front of the jedi council and they vote to kick her out it's not even a real trial there are no witnesses no lawyers no cross-examination it's more of a kangaroo court this really bothers anakin skywalker and it just gives him another reason to dislike and mistrust the jedi order while ahsoka tenno is being prepped for a military tribunal by her lawyer padme amidala anakin skywalker sets off looking for ventress he believes she's somehow responsible for all this but when anakin finally finds the former sith assassin he realizes that she no longer has her lightsabers notice the force choke by the way he's slowly losing control of his grip on his emotions war can be stressful assad tells anakin the story about how she got jumped by a mysterious figure she then recalls that the only person who knew where she and ahsoka were was bear zofi who ahsoka tano had called before the trial for a sokutano is not going well chancellor palpatine for some reason is the judge for this trial and we'll have tarkin the prosecutors attempting to convict ahsoka tano for treason a crime that carries with it the punishment of death the circumstantial evidence against the sertano is extremely strong and mohawk tarkin has a pretty easy time laying it all out padme has basically no defense other than the fact that the evidence is too obvious and seems like a setup anakin enters barris sofie's accommodations and questions the jedi padawan about what she knows he then finds assaj ventress's lightsabers inside of her room revealing that it was baris offi who had been behind the temple bombing this entire time the two duel it out but the jedi knight proves to be too powerful for bears to overcome she's captured and brought to a circuitranos trial just in time to exonerate her barris gives a passionate speech denouncing the jedi order for being responsible for all of the violence and chaos of the clone wars her actions were a protest against the jedi who she claims have lost their way although her words are painful there is some truth behind them the jedi council attempt to appease ahsoka tano and invite her back into the order they apologize profusely to her mace windu even tries to pass off this entire trial as her own test of knighthood but the damage is done asakutano can no longer stay the jedi are not who she once believed they were and their loss of faith in her has caused her to lose faith in them and in herself as well clown trooper top ct 5385 was on the fast track for success within the grand army of the republic some might say he was even arc trooper material we first see him serve the 501st under the command of captain rex during the disastrous battle of umbara tupp not only survived the hard conditions of this campaign he also played a very positive role in helping his unit survive during that battle clone trooper top would grow close to arc trooper fives who served as sort of a mentor for this younger rookie you can recognize tuft by the little teardrop tattoo on his eye and the corresponding one that's on his helmet which i'm pretty sure stands for love and peace but things would go downhill for tub during the battle of ringo vinda ringo vinda was an important industrial production center in the mid rim the planet itself was encircled by a massive space station that served as an export and import hub for the planet and entire region the battle of ringo vinda would take place on this station the republic forces were led by jedi general anakin skywalker and twin jedi generals tiplar in tiply defending the station was the terrifying admiral trench the harch commander who specializes in defensive tactics and has survived several near-death experiences at the hands of the jedi and republic forces and has the cybernetic prosthetics to show for it now ringo vinda would be a tough fight for the clones the republic wanted to avoid damage to any crucial infrastructure on the space station so most of the fighting was done at close quarters and with small arms casualties would be high and progress would be slow admiral trench was an expert at utilizing bottlenecks to extract casualties from enemy forces clone trooper tupp was accompanying general tiplar and general to police prong of the attack their goal was to take out admiral trench's command center and end the fighting tub had been experiencing headaches and other neurological discomfort for most of the day right when his squad is about to breach admiral trench's command center tub completely goes haywire and ends up marching right up to jedi commander tiplar and sends a blaster around right into the side of her noggin he didn't even give her a heads up he didn't even allow her to face her own death no cheek was given and no words reached her ear because he shot her in the ear the death of general tiplar immediately stalls the republic offensive and sends a shock through the ranks fives tackles tup and restrains them and the entire unit retreats to figure out what exactly has happened admiral trench caught all of this drama in a holographic recording and immediately sends it to count dooku who then quickly sends this information to his own master darth sidious the sith knew exactly what had happened in this situation when they were creating the grand army of the republic secretly behind the jedi's back the kaminoans were instructed to place inhibitor chips into the brains of all of the clone troopers these ships were modified to basically control a clone's behavior and it made sure that they would follow through with all of the contingency orders for the grand army of the republic these were 150 different orders that dealt with emergency situations where the military had to get involved in order to stabilize the situation now in order to cover their own backs in case these chips were ever found these orders included removing the chancellor of the republic from power if he was deemed unstable or unable to continue carrying out his term but the most important of those orders was of course hidden in order 66 which targeted the jedi order for treason now darth sidious was sure that tufts random attack was somehow related to the chip malfunctioning and now they need to do as much damage control as possible to not raise any further suspicion about that chip top will be placed on a medical transport and sent back to camino for more tests along the way droid gunships ambush the republic convoy and manages to capture tough on behalf of darth sidious and count dooku's orders anakin skywalker rex and five decide that they're going to mount a rescue mission to recover tupp they track him using his comb and find him inside a shuttle which is preparing to leave for separate space they recapture tub and once again place him on a medical frigate for camino fives notes that something serious is wrong with tufts and that his vital signs seem to be slowly declining he's in grave danger so at this point it's very clear that both sides really want access to the top and whatever malfunction caused them to shoot a jedi this is clearly a very important event in the war back on camino clone trooper tubs and fives are immediately quarantined the belief is that tub has been infected with some kind of pathogen or virus that has caused them to go insane meanwhile the campaniles begin to run a series of extremely intrusive tests on top we have to remember that the camenones are an extremely ruthless aquatic species they had experienced massive climate change which essentially flooded their entire world in order to survive these harsh circumstances the gamma noins basically had a coal a large percentage of their population the ones who were allowed to survive supposedly had superior genetics it's because of this tragic backstory that the kaminoans started getting interested in the field of cloning eugenics and genetic alterations the camerons saw the clones they made as a product first and foremost and not as living beings their entire species had an empathy problem after the test results return for tupp no virus is detected causing even more confusion now let's say the kamino and doctor assigned to tapas secretly in league with darth tyranus and trying to keep the inhibitor chip a secret from the clones and the jedi luckily shakti the jedi commander in charge of camino's defense and future clone production is also on the scene the jedi master wonders if this incident was caused by separatist brainwashing she also suggests that they do an atomic brain scan on tufts brain to look for any irregularities meanwhile knowledge say of course wants to kill top and perform an autopsy kaminoans are the worst fives who's kind of watching this all happen in the next room over is desperate to help so he enlists the help of a droid named azi3 to kind of help him figure out what exactly is happening fives believes that the dolphin like kamen owens are going to do something extremely terrible to tup if he doesn't find some way to intervene and so he sneaks into tough's room and has a zi3 an atomic level brain scan they quickly find what looks like a brain tumor inside of his head and extracts it this is the biochip or inhibitor chip we've been talking about nalsey and shakti walk in on their makeshift surgery right as tup regains consciousness it tells fives that the nightmares are finally over and that his mission is also finally over he then passes away in peace shakti is alarmed by the presence of this artificial tumor implanted in tufts head and wants to send it back to the jade temple for examination but chancellor palpatine suggests that it should instead be sent to the grand republic medical facility they have state of the art lab equipment there and apparently a really good burn victim unit now say of course backs that decision and together they overrule shakti at this point fives is in a lot of trouble they place him under arrest and they take away azi3 for some reprogramming and memory wipes shakti analysis confront the clone trooper and let them know that tufts tumor will be taken back to coruscant for inspection nala say actually blames tufts death on fives and even claims that his rash actions with removing the tumor have destroyed potential information that they could have used to get to the bottom of this mystery shakti luckily has fives back and tells and i'll say that she has no proof of this at all better yet she wants the chip to return to the jedi temple first and not to chancellor palpatine despite now let's say's protest the jedi still outranks her authority now fives is taken away for a physical if he passes he'll return to the 5-0 first but on his way to that physically bumps into azi3 who innocently reveals that the kaminoans aren't going to let him return to active duty they're instead going to erase his memory and turn him into a janitor fives might be unarmed and surrounded by clone guards but he's an arc trooper and they're extremely difficult to stop if they put their minds to something in this case fives wants to escape and so he brings azi3 along with him and they're going to get to the bottom of this conspiracy one way or another fives finds out that nala say has switched a tumor that was destined to go to the jedi temple he's now confirmed that the kaminoans are clearly trying to hide something fives decides to create a diversion away from the cloning facility so that he can sneak right back in and investigate what exactly happened to tuck while accessing the archives in the cloning center it's revealed that every clone trooper is given one of these chips at an extremely early stage of their development fives decides to remove his own chip next with the help of aci 3. they confirm that he does indeed have a similar tumor-like device in his brain but unlike tupps it wasn't degraded now fives runs into nala say and demands an explanation for why all these chips are implanted into the clone troopers heads she lies and says that they are designed to inhibit the more violent tendencies of django fetch genetics such alterations were actually done to make the clones a little more loyal and better at following instructions but this was done at the genetic level and it wasn't done through some kind of tumor implant now let's say further tries to convince fives that master cyprodius was the one responsible for these chips shakti and a group of clone troopers burst in on their conversation in demand that fives put down his blaster five's attempts to explain what he has just discovered about these inhibitor chips and suggests that all of these chips need to be removed or else more clones will suffer incidents like tups now let's say on the other hand tries to convince shakti to kill fives after he reveals that he's removed his chip the kaminoan claims that now that he's done this he's a danger to everyone around him now shakti tries to de-escalate the situation and decides to bring fives and his tumor directly to coruscant to meet chancellor palpatine [Music] unfortunately for fives that treacherous dolphin kin comes along for the journey to corsand as well and while fives is strapped down to a gurney now let's say injects him when some kind of mind-altering drug which makes them all confused and erratic and so fives is not exactly in the right state of mind when he arrives to chancellor palpatine's office five tries to explain to the chancellor that he believes that these chips are not designed to inhibit violence but make clone troopers more aggressive he believes that the separatists might be behind this plot palpatine asks for a moment alone with vibes and has jedi master shakti and nala say vacate the room the chancellor then reveals the truth that he is the one behind the chips and goads fives into attacking him shakti intervenes just in time to stop fives from killing palpatine she then tries to chase him down but the clone is long gone and disappears into the underworld of coruscant the one advantage of being a clone trooper is that you look like every other clone trooper that happens to be on shore leaf fives heads to a popular bar called 79s which is frequented by other clone troopers and he runs into one of his old buddies from the 501st in the bathroom he asked that kicks set up a meeting between him and anakin skywalker and captain rex he must warn them about what he's found about the inhibitor chips and order 66. anakin and rex who are already tasked with hunting down fives agrees to meet him in a sketchy abandoned area of the undercity when they arrive fives traps them in a ray shield and forces them to listen to him fives tries to explain the plot against the jedi but he's exhibiting very strong side effects from the drug that nala say injected him with earlier during the ride to coruscant before he's able to convince anakin and rex a shock trooper patrol interrupts them and guns fives down fives would die in rex's arm and it's a really powerful moment that would one day save captain rex from making a terrible mistake later on palpatine meets with the jedi council and tells them that a parasite native to ringo vinda was indeed responsible for the malfunctioning of fives and tupps inhibitor chips palpatine further assures the jedi that they have developed an inoculation for all the clone troopers putting a convenient end to the matter [Music] a civil war is a complicated affair and let's be honest the clone wars should have been labeled as a civil war the actual galactic civil war was much less of a civil war and more like a revolution against an oppressive authoritarian state when a civil war occurs it usually involves the separation of a nation or in this case the galactic republic the separation for the most part is drawn on geographic and ideological lines most of the separatist alliance territories are located in the outer rim while the core centers stay loyal to the central government the problem with this kind of war is that there are countless organizations factions corporations that serve entities that belong on both sides of this war and as the fighting began to grow in intensity and size it became harder and harder for these third-party organizations to stay neutral this included the intergalactic banking clan which was a massive conglomeration of banks that more or less controlled the entire galaxy's monetary system you see the galactic republic maintained a relatively loose control over the galaxy while the galactic senate was a bureaucratic mess and massive the actual federal government was quite hands off and delegated a lot of the responsibilities we commonly associate with the federal government to private organizations and planetary level governments this is why the galactic republic actually had no equivalent to a federal reserve or some kind of centrally controlled banking system this means when a financial crisis occurs where the government needs to borrow resources they are more or less dependent on the third party intergalactic banking clans and while other medicaid conglomerates like the trade federation or techno unions control the entire industries like shipping and manufacturing the interglacial banking clan had their hands in almost every industry every planetary government every local business and even infrastructure program basically anyone who needed to borrow capital ultimately ended up having their loans held in one way or another by this extremely powerful organization and its many subsidiaries this is why darth plagueis the architect of chancellor palpatine's rise to power in the destruction of the republic ultimately allied his own financial group damask holdings with the intergalactic banking clan if he needed to remove a political opponent or increase pressure on some entities he would just use the igbc's massive amount of power to find financial ways to pressure individuals into doing what he wanted the intergalactic banking clan's massive wealth was also what guaranteed the galactic currency not the galactic republic and its own economic system chancellor palpatine's whose ultimate goal was to create an autocratic regime realized that he needed control of the intergalactic banking clans in order to really take control of the galaxy because money rules everything also neglect the republic was in massive debt the kamino and clone troopers were prohibitively expensive to create it took nine years of continuous nurture and training to get them ready for combat even compared to like a regular civilian soldier the clone trooper already costs maybe 10 times as much and that's not even comparing it to the separatist droids which could be created in like 10 minutes in a massive factory for extremely low costs now despite the fact that the igbc and damask holdings are heavily involved in the creation of the separatist alliance the public front of the organization needed to stay neutral in order to avoid scrutiny from the republic and also to ensure its clients that it was a stable organization that could be trusted and while the igbc publicly still funded separate's worlds and interests had the republic found out that the igbc was showing extreme favoritism towards the separatist alliance behind the scenes the republic most likely would have taken action in one way or another either by trying to take control or sanctioning the banks and so on the world of scipio which was one of the most important bases for the igbc a neutral zone was established to accommodate representatives from both sides of the war this was like the switzerland of the galaxy and clients on both sides of the conflict were expected to be on their best behavior and drop any disputes they had when they entered this neutral space senator padme amidala arrives on scipio in order to request a loan for refugees who are escaping the horrors of the clone wars so he's granted a meeting with a core five this is essentially the ruling body of this corporate state they control the bank along with the worlds within the igbc the leader of the core five clued the lesser appoints a special representative to her case baron rush clovis pamela amidala has quite the history with russ clovis they had served in the senate together a few years back and let's be honest there was definitely some kind of romantic vibe between these two and they would make a much less weirder couple than the whole annie and padme situation but earlier in the war rush clovis had shown that he was in the pockets of the separatist alliance and branded a traitor to the republic and lost his seat in the senate and padme of course is all about the republic so she doesn't really trust him but later that night clovis visits padme via the balcony in her apartment he's clearly in some kind of trouble you see he's uncovered a secret the intergalactic banking clans are actually running out of money and on the verge of collapse which makes sense because the intergalactic banking clan was essentially funding both sides of this terrible and fake war and it was taking the majority of the risks and as entire worlds and economies were destroyed it continuously lost its investments it's surprising that only clovis seems to have figured this out it should have been common sense that almost every financial journalist in the galaxy and they should have been writing all sorts of articles about what the hell was happening with the igbc and why someone needed to investigate this organization what clovis wants from padme is help in gaining access to the central vaults where the core five keep their banking records clovis believes he's in danger and shortly after embo a bounty hunter you might recognize from earlier episodes attempts to take a shot at him proving to padme that he is indeed in danger geyser said no for future reference ambo rarely ever misses his shots senator amidala goes to chancellor palpatine with the information she's found and the chancellor suggests that she follows through and helps clovis palpatine has an ulterior motive here to seize the banks but does he actually want the galaxy to believe that the igbc has run out of money this could lead to very dire economic consequences for the entire system the next morning the core5 reluctantly admit padme amidala and close into their main vault to directly oversee the transaction of the relief funds this was highly unusual as outsiders were usually not given access to this area of the bank but padme argued that she had the authority of chancellor palpatine backing her and more importantly she had almost been assassinated the night before and she wanted some more transparency about what was happening in this organization while inspecting the vault padme's handmaid and destroys the power generator to the building which allows padme to slip away inside the vault and access the moon's records the bounty hunter embo kills padme's handmaiden leaving her dead right next to the generator in plain sight for immune authorities to find which means later that night while checking the files with clovis knicks card senator of the igbc has padme arrested for espionage anakin skywalker is sent to negotiate the release of padme amidala padme brings anakin up to speed about what's going on and tells them that they need to go to rush clovis and retrieve the data about the igbc and bring it to chancellor palpatine anakin is clearly very jealous of rush clovis and he's aware of clovis's former relationship with padme so he's clearly not happy to find out that he's involved in this mess but when they arrive to clovis's residence they find it ransacked luckily they find clovis alive and still in possession of the chip the bounty hunter ambo arrives on scene and attempts to once again kill them quote unquote but anakin padme and rush managed to escape off the planets with that data we later find out as they leave that darth sidious is the one who has contracted embo and he clearly doesn't want the bounty hunter to actually kill clovis when rush gloves returns to coruscant he's met with suspicion by almost everyone he encounters his previous ties to the separatist alliance and the funneling of funds to a trade federation droid foundry has made it incredibly unpopular but the revelation that not only is the igbc out of funds but the core five has been diverting money to hundreds of private individual accounts is extremely scandalous and cannot be ignored furthermore darth sidious enlists count dooku to once again connect with rush clovis the separatist alliance are actually a part of this igbc scandal because the separatist lines has not been forced to pay back any interest on their loans this shows direct favoritism from the igbc towards the cyprus alliance now count duke tells clovis that he doesn't want to see the banking system fail because the separatists also rely on loans from them dooku offers many things to clovis in exchange for that stability for one the separatists will begin paying interest on their loan and i'll even back clovis's appointment to be the new head of the banks finally dooku is willing to give clovis access to all of those secret accounts where the money is being diverted and essentially stolen armed with all of this information clovis presents this case the chancellor palpatine and the mun government now the immune government is unaware of the igbc's scandalous behavior and they have their own reasons why they would want a stable banking system after all this is their main source of revenue and having corruption of this level is extremely bad for the planet and their people clovis discovery of the discrepancies in the igbc records is enough for the immune government to arrest the heads of the banking clan for corruption at this point a new leader for the banking system needs to be appointed the immune government not only wants to appoint someone that they trust but they also want someone that their two largest clients the republic and separatist alliance to trust as well because of his former ties to the separatist rush clovis is immediately accepted by the separatist alliance as a suitable replacement the mune people are also very grateful for rush clovis's investigation and equally as important rush clovis was actually raised by immune family after his own family was killed so he understands their culture and they in turn trust him the republic senate however still saw rush clovis as a trader but more rational senators saw russ as an honest individual who truly believed in the banking system chancellor palpatine was willing to give his support to him as well and so russ clovis wins the nomination and is declared the new leader of the igbc clovis and padme arrive on scipio escorted by republic gunships to begin the transition of leadership leader of the cyber senate senator beck longwise is also there to oversee clovis become leader of the banks while in his office rush clovis takes his first call which is from count dooku who immediately attempts to blackmail him by revealing that it was he who gave clovis the information about those secret accounts count dooku also refuses to pay interest on separate loans as he promised to do and requests that the igbc instead raise interest rates for the republic at this point clovis is faced with a very terrible situation if the separatists don't pay interest the banking system will completely fail now the igbc has its own military force and security forces but much of it is secretly aligned with the separatist alliance and more importantly it's not powerful enough to actually strong arm the separatist alliance into repaying that debt and so rush clovis's only move at this point is to increase the interest rates on republic loans which immediately causes an uproar in the republic senate immediately after the sempress alliance launches an invasion fleet to attack scipio a detachment of clones underneath the command of commander thorne are cut off from cover and violently fight to the death let's observe a moment of silence for these very brave clones commander thorn does manage to contact padme amidala who in turn warns the republic of this separatist invasion the republican immediately vote for a counter-invasion and the blame is put on rush clovis and a secret collusion with the separatist alliance anakin skywalker and the 501st arrive on scipio shortly after with an armada and a massive battle ensues in orbit between the two fleets as the 5.0 first gets transferred to the surface and gunships escorted by squadrons of z-95 headhunters eventually republic forces win the day an order is restored on scipio shortly after the mune government dissolves the banking clans and cedes control of their banking system to the office of the chancellor of the galactic republic although it is long overdue a federal banking system is finally created to ensure that this kind of instability never happens again chancellor palpatine with great humility accepts this responsibility and promises to return the banks to private control after the clone wars ends [Music] a distress signal is received by the jedi order it originates from the moon of bobadia obadia is a planet that lies at the beginning of the famous castle run and is a stronghold of the pike syndicate and their spice operations the moon itself was a terrible place it was completely barren and while the surface looked like it was constantly being scoured by a blizzard what we're actually seeing here is a sandstorm jedi master plug because anakin didn't want to come along with the 104th battalion aka wolf pack are sent to the moon to look for the source of the signal notice the special desert armor the 104 is using gotta love the special armor designs for this unit it said that the wolf pack is dave filoni's favorite clone unit and this is why he's constantly redesigning their armor to look really awesome this man apparently loved wolves and once even considered becoming a professional wolf tracker this is probably why dave filoni's character in the mandalorian is also called trapper wolf anyway after fighting through this horrific storm i really feel bad for the guys on foot by the way the 104th finally find the source of the distress signal it's the wreckage of a t6 jedi shuttle inside of the ship plug finds a lightsaber on the floor surprisingly it's still functional master has the 104 pack up the entire ship and all of the evidence surrounding the crash first shipment to coruscant now later on the jedi confirmed that this crash indeed was sifo diaz's ship so who is this saifo diaz and why is he so important well remember when obi-wan kenobi first stumbled upon camino and the clone trooper project there while the cameron owens who had started the clone trooper production almost more than a decade earlier have been contracted to do this by jedi master seifer diaz now cypherdeos is a pretty interesting individual within the jedi order from a very young age he had this kind of uh issue with seeing forced visions of tragedies when he was just a padawan sophie diaz envisioned an entire world engulfed in flames now most jedi including the members of the high council viewed these kind of visions and prophecies as quite dangerous especially visions that involved death and terror because oftentimes these visions were unclear and could lead the person who had it to fear the future which of course can lead to the dark side luckily sipho diaz had a relatively curious and open-minded and unorthodox master in master castana and so she actually encouraged seifo diaz to look further into these abilities eventually the jedi figured out that the terrifying vision cyphodius had of a world burning was actually located on the agricultural world the proto branch which was hit by a massive solar flare this would go on to disable many of the city's gigantic floating cities and all these cities would unfortunately go crashing to the surface of the planet the jedi would arrive a little bit too late but they did manage to save a few these innocent civilians by creating a massive jedi force bubble to keep the explosion and fire and heat from consuming everyone on the surface i highly recommend that you guys listen to dooku jedi lost the audiobook if you want to learn more about safer diaz and his close friends and confident dooku it was actually recently adopted into the curriculum for derek zoolander's center for kids who can't read good and want to learn how to do other stuff good too asifo dias got older his visions also became darker and eventually he would have this one large vision of the entire galaxy plunging into darkness chaos and conflict prior to the invasion in abu sabha diaz was a jedi master and a leading member of the high council he pushed for the creation of a military force that could defend the galactic republic from external threats most members of the council believe his idea was too extreme and they eventually pushed him out of the high council sifo diaz was not deterred though he would ultimately find his way to camino and contract the creation of the clone army he would actually perish shortly after the jedi council want to find out more information surrounding the death of this jedi master and head librarian joe casanoo puts together a very neat hollow point project explaining that cipher ideas had met his end on felucia during a diplomatic mission to settle a dispute amongst jungle solutions the original record of what happened however was classified and sealed by the supreme chancellor's office during phineas valorem's reign which is why anakin and obi-wan kenobi were sent to flusha to try and contact the locals there they find out that saifu diaz was actually with another jedi former chancellor france valorum was a friend and supporter of the jedi order and so when yoda travels to see him he quickly reveals that cyphodias have been sent to the pike syndicate homeworld of obadiah to deal with the drug cartel's growing power which was starting to cause violence to break out in the undercity of coruscant the mission was kept secret because information about the republic sending a negotiator to sit down with the pike syndicate could potentially legitimize this criminal organization and proved to be damaging for verlam's political image cypher diaz was chosen to lead this mission because basically he was like the quinlan boss of his era aka the jedi who is most comfortable with dealing with the criminal underworld now according to vlorum the meeting with the pikes had been delayed after fighting erupted on felucia and the jedi request cyphodius investigate there vlorum however doesn't know about the second jedi that supposedly accompanies psychothesis although he did recall sending his own personal age selman with them who also perished during that mission so now we have two conflicting accounts finis valorum has clearly stated that it was only sephordius and his age selman where as obi-wan kenobi and anakin skywalker went to felucia and there they stated that it was two jedi who appeared meanwhile darth sidious contacts count dooku asking him why the jedi are now asking questions about saifu diaz you see dooku and safaris have been in the same class of younglings together and they grew up in the order together as well safe ideas had always trusted count duke and then two had a very close relationship in the superior legends version of this story actually saifo diaz and dooku in 52 bby would encounter an individual named higo damask magistar of the massive damask holdings fund damask was really darth plagueis the master of darth sidious it was during this first interaction that higo damascus would mark sifo diaz as a potential pawn in his game to destroy the jedi and then 20 years later sifo diaz would encounter damascus again and saifo diaz would basically tell him about his visions of the future and how he foresaw this great conflict and war at this point hirodamas mentioned the kamino and cloners and their ability to create an army out of thin air he even offered to provide funds at least for the initial payment of such an army and this is basically how cyprus gets the idea of creating the clone army and how he's able to afford it now in the canon version it's a little more simplified sifo diaz basically goes there and pretends that he's acting on behalf of the galactic senate we don't even know if he has any money with him to actually you know make that first down payment for the clones or maybe the caminos are just like okay we trust you guys we're just going to make this order without taking any deposit at all which seems very unlikely now count dooku eventually finds out about the secret army that cypher diaz is creating from darth sidious and he ends up paying the pike syndicate to destroy psycho dias is shut all so that he can take over the contract as the point man now this is basically count dooku's little project and darth sidious is a little pissed off that the jedi are now asking about cepha diaz because he's worried that somehow they'll trace sifo sifo-dyas back to dooku obi-wan and anakin at this point have exhausted all leads on felucia and so the genetic council decided to send the two to obadia to confront the pike syndicate after all the shuttle of sifo-dyas was found on the nearby moon it's very possible that sifo-dyas never made it to felucia in the first place despite the locals saying that he had been there upon arrival the jedi were greeted warmly by the pikes who revealed that when cyphodia's ship crashed they were actually able to extract the survivor turns out to be selem the aid of the former chancellor valorum you see the pikes were very cautious in calculating species they took on that contract to shoot down the jedi shuttle because they really needed some money to expand their operation at the same time they believe that any individual who wanted to kill the jedi was incredibly dangerous and so they needed insurance policy just in case this is where selman comes into play unfortunately for the jedi solomon had lost his mind after being imprisoned for so many years and before he can explain what happened to him in psycho dias he's strangled by a forced choke it's at this point that it's revealed that count dooku aka darth tyranus was the one behind this plot he's arrived on obadiah to close off any loose ends anakin and obi-wan try to apprehend the seth lord but he's too quick and ends up escaping you see count dooku actually retrieved sifo diaz's body from the wreck and then took him all the way to felucia and then convinced the locals that somehow cypherdius was alive so that the jedi would never find the wreckage of the shuttle on that obedient moon now back at the jedi temple anakin and obi-wan discussed with the jedi council what they found via holovid this new information reveals that count dooku was actually responsible somewhat for the creation of the clone army there are many unknown factors here though was count dooku a sith at the time already had sifo diaz fall into the dark side either way as we've mentioned in previous videos the jedi are stuck in a pretty tricky situation they now know that the sith potentially created the clone army but there is a war going on against the separatists and if they abandon their duty on the front lines well it'll probably hurt their public image which let's be honest was already on a downward trajectory especially after the bombing of the jedi temple hangar anakin skywalker had also witnessed five spouting out that conspiracy theory about inhibitor chips being used to kill the jedi and the rest of the jedi order all knew about the investigation of top and how he killed jedi general tiplar so all they really have to do at this point is to connect the dots and i guess the only thing that they don't know is that palpatine is the one behind all of it but by this point any move against palpatine or the republic could have easily been labeled as treason [Music] now the story arc we're going to be covering today was one of the last ones in the sixth and final season of the clone wars back in 2014 when the clone wars was uh cancelled so it's a pretty special episode for me at least and i think it was a pretty strange episode like the vibe is very different from the rest of the series it's a little more cerebral maybe it's something more akin to what george lucas had in mind for the new sequel trilogies it talks a lot about like these deeper elements about the force and how it interacts with all the living beings in the galaxy it's very interesting now we begin with jedi master yoda quietly meditating in a room he's thinking about the creation of the clone army and the new revelation that master psycho diaz was murdered by count dooku who then took over the cloning program all of the signs seem to point towards the fact that the clone army is somehow compromised and a danger to the jedi and hundreds of jedi are now deployed all across the galaxy on the front lines with these clones all on yoda's orders so this is probably weighing on him very heavily now suddenly yoda hears the voice of qui-gon jin who's actually voiced by liam neeson in this series yoda is startled by this and even more confused when kwai gunjin starts lifting things in the room around him the voice of quirk on jin states that he has become a part of the living force and has somehow maintained his consciousness even after death now the jedi order around this time period had become increasingly close-minded the ancient jedi had uncovered many secrets of the force some of these abilities and knowledge were perhaps more dangerous than others and after repeated breakouts of dark side contagion affecting the jedi and turning individuals into the sith the order kind of became more careful on what kind of information they allowed their members to get access to jedi prophecies for instance weren't banned but generally the jedi council didn't like their members indulging too much into them knowing the future can lead to fear and darkness sith holocrons and sith teachings were more or less completely banned some jedi masters argued that if the jedi didn't know anything about the sith and how could they prepare themselves when they actually encountered the dark side this school of thought argued that the jedi should be exposed to the sith teachings of course under the supervision of an older jedi master who knows what they are doing and thou lead to better results in young jedi resisting the dark side a lot of knowledge was also lost in the repeated conflicts between the jedi and the sith and this included the secret of immortality which most likely would have been deemed too powerful and dangerous for the average jedi to understand or learn about anyway master yoda immediately believes that the voice of qui-gon jin is some kind of dark side manifestation or some kind of trick being played on him by the sith yoda grows increasingly detached from his regular duties and the other members of the order begin to notice at one point yoda even questions anakin skywalker about his experience on mortise with the so-called force gods both anakin and obi-wan kenobi had seen qui-gon jinn while on this mysterious planet they both believe that the force had created an illusion of their former mentor from their own memories but anakin does state that he's uncertain about the jedi teachings regarding individuals being unable to retain their identity after death a bit of foreshadowing for what's to come perhaps now at this point yoda realizes he needs to let the rest of the jedi council know about the voices he's hearing in his head mundy using his starchy knowledge of the force suggests that the sith are somehow manipulating him the jedi decide that the problem is grave enough that all of the members spend an entire day meditating with yoda trying to figure out what exactly is going on with him they unfortunately uncover nothing and end up putting master yoda under medical observation at the temple hospital master yoda is then placed in an isolation tank this allows him to have ultimate concentration so that he can once again try to connect with that voice of qui-gon jinn while in the tank yoda's vital signs come dangerously close to flatlining but he's able to hear qui-gon jin once again the voice tells him to journey to dagobah yoda arrives on the swamp planet that we first saw in episode 5 the empire strikes back dagobah is quite a special place and is extremely powerful in the force it's here that qui-gon jin spirit has enough power to begin communicating with yoda once again [Music] he begins to explain to yodo what has happened to him you see the force is a confusing concept the living force is the energy that creates all life in the galaxy this is the energy that the jedi use to interact with the world around them using their powers the living force feeds into the cosmic force which sort of binds the entire galaxy together it's sort of this gigantic energy field that is also somehow sentient the cosmic force transcends the neural boundaries of space and time and it's through this cosmic force that midichlorians are able to communicate the will of the cosmic force to force users some people believe that the cosmic force is almost this higher power kind of entity that guides individuals towards their own destiny meaning that every action that happens in the galaxy has some purpose and most likely the cosmic force is behind it that is of course just one set of beliefs not everyone believes this now before qui-gon jinn died he was offered a seat on the high judi council at the time he had many contentious debates and arguments with the other jedi masters on how the jedi temple should be viewing the force qui-gon jinn believed that the jedi temple's teachings had become too conservative and restrictive and while you know yoda and the other jedi masters disagreed with them they saw some benefit in bringing someone like qui-gon jin into the fold so that you know he can give them a different perspective on how to go about the day-to-day operations of running the jedi order but when they offered him the sequai gun jin refused he had already begun pursuing knowledge about how to become immortal his training unfortunately was cut short when he died which is why qui-gon jinn has problems appearing physically unlike the other jedi ghosts yoda begins asking qui-gon jinn all sorts of questions like who is the sith lord that is attacking the jedi and the republic but qui-gon jinn can only tell yoda where he can find answers and leads him to the same force cave that yoda would lead young luke skywalker to many years later yoda is visited by terrible visions of the jedi being destroyed by the sith he sees his friends get killed by sidious mace windu electrocuted by sith lightning and shaakti getting stabbed while meditating this is actually referring to a deleted scene from revenge of the sith where anna can basically kill shakti during operation nightfall qui-gon jin tells yoda that with each day the clone wars passes the galaxy becomes darker but there is hope although there are many future potential paths that take the cosmic force has chosen yoda to become one with the force so that he can evade death [Music] qui-gon jinn then guides yoda to another planet which lies inside of a golden nebula this apparently is where all life is created and where the midichlorians are made there's a massive amount of energy emanating from the surface of this planet and as yoda attempts to land his ship it malfunctions and the force literally guides him to the ground there he meets one of the five force priestesses serenity the forced priestesses are sort of these guardians who live on this planet known as the wellspring of life these beings are shape-shifters and incredibly powerful in the force they might already be one with the living force just like qui-gon jinnis each five of these force priestesses represent an emotion along with serenity there is joy anger confusion and sadness they want to give yoda a series of tests to see if he's indeed ready to join the cosmic force yoda is skeptical of course he's a wise individual and one of the most powerful jedi masters in all of the land what can he learn from these potentially evil shape-shifting priestesses now the first trial that yoda must face is abandoning his fear yoda remarks that he has a long vanquish this fear but soon we find out that yoda's not entirely honest with himself he does have one fear and his greatest fear is the dark shadow within himself yoda mele rejects shadow yoda as not a part of him but the more he fights the darkness inside of him the harder it fights him back it's only when yoda realizes that he must accept the darkness as a part of him that he passes this trial and lets go of that fear in my opinion this further goes to support this idea that the ancient jedi were right these were force users who basically practiced both the dark side and light side of the force within themselves and kind of found balance whenever they were tugged one way or another they basically try to offset it they were forced moderates let's call them the jedi and the sith became increasingly dogmatic and resistant against the other side of the force which only created more conflict and suffering for the entire galaxy this ultimately is why the jedi order needed to be destroyed alongside the sith yoda at this point is finally ready to kind of get rid of the more rigid interpretation of the force that his version of the jedi temple has created he's ready to move on to the next step and perhaps leave the jedi temple behind next yoda must face the valley of extinction yoda is shown two visions of the future the first one brings him to the jedi temple where he finds the dead bodies of his jedi friends you know finds ahsokitano barely hanging on to life this reflects yoda's guilt for abandoning the padawan when she was framed for the temple bombing the second vision brings yoda to one of the courtyards in the giant temple he witnesses a different version of the future without war and conflict we see several jedi conversing with one another including count dooku yoda is stunned at first to see his former apprentice but then he realizes that this version of dooku has not gone to the dark side there's a kindness and warmth in his eyes this is really a beautiful scene and it's very heartwarming to see yoda amongst his friends in his advanced age but he quickly realizes that the vision he's seeing is a lie because qui-gon jin adigalia and tiplar are all present and they have long passed away the second test essentially shows us that yoda is willing to embrace the truth no matter how painful or difficult it can be he is an individual with a supreme amount of discipline and control of his emotions and attachments to others at this point the forced priestess removed their masks revealing that their bodies are missing these individuals have indeed become one with a force just like qui-gon jinn and yoda is finally ready for his final test [Music] [Applause] before that final test yoda must travel to the ancient sith world of moriban that's corbon for all of you old school star wars fans the world of warbond is the void of life the sith were wiped out from this planet many millennia ago by a jedi republic led genocide yoda must fight his way past ancient sith spirits and eventually reaches the tomb of darth bane he is the individual who started the rule of two sith lineage but bane is also just an illusion the spirits cannot hurt him at this point count dooku through his connection to his old master feels that yoda is on the verge of discovering something important and notifies darth sidious they decide to use dooku's connection to yoda to mess with him during his final trial meanwhile yoda enters a chamber in which the sith used to sacrifice the jedi in it's here that he must face his last trial he's once again confronted by an old friend this time it's jedi master psycho dias who looks like he's been trapped here this entire time by the sith yoda asks i've reduced who the sith lord is and instead sephardius demands that yoda freed him but yoda believes that cyphodius is another temptation created by the sith at which point cypher diaz turns into darth sidious and transports yoda to another vision the jedi master awakens on a gunship over coruscant he's with anakin and several members of the 501st legion they've just received word on the location of the sith lord working with count dooku and are on the way to apprehend him when they arrive several clones are disabled by force lightning from the sith anakin engages dooku in a duel and successfully wounds him and then beheads him in a very familiar way yoda and anakin eventually try to take down darth sidious together anakin is taken out by force lightning and yoda must fight to keep anakin from falling to his death while defending himself from darth sidious cities suggest that yoda let anakin drop so that he can face him and defeat the sith once and for all yoda decides instead to save anakin sacrificing his own life to bring darth sidious down unfortunately as yoda and dark cities fall to the ground yoda is unable to reveal who the dark lord is yoda has passed his final test he returns to coruscant and essentially now waits until the war is over so that he can continue his training towards the end of the clone wars the outer rim sieges had successfully pushed the separatist lines military back onto the defensive which is why it was a huge surprise when separatist forces under the command of admiral trench launched a full-scale attack on the core world of an axis a short jump from coruscant on axis was situated in the high traffic parliament trade route and hosted a massive republican naval facility in shipyards that protected the entire core region the invasion of an axis shattered the illusion that the separatist threat was under control and that the clone wars would come to a swift conclusion to make matters worse admiral trence's forces have captured the inaxis shipyards and were steamrolling through republic forces with surprising ease captain rex and commander cody have a theory on why republic forces are failing to stop the separatist advances the separatists use analytics from the battlefield to predict clone trooper movements every time a new strategy is used by the republic the separatist tactical droids upload that information into their algorithm and alter their own tactics and adjust to the clones cody and rex believe that the cyprus alliance have created an extremely advanced algorithm which can predict every move that they're making which of course is a huge problem and needs to be fixed right away the clones suggest that they lead a mission behind enemy lines to the cyber center where they can figure out where this algorithm is coming from but in order to get there the clones will need to enlist the help of one of the most unorthodox special forces units in the gar clone force 99 otherwise known as the bad batch these guns were all given unique and desirable mutations at a very young age the team leader sergeant hunter had excellent sensory abilities and could even sense electromagnetic signals in the world around him he's also a bring a knife to a blaster fight kind of guy then there's wrecker who was larger than your average clone and far stronger his only weakness is gravity and fear of heights then there's crosshair who has exceptional eyesight and was a terrific marksman he's brilliant at no scoping finally there's tech who is extremely intelligent and has a highly analytical mind and mastery of technology we do a full breakdown of clone force 99 if you guys want more details about them anyway clone force 99 is highly irregular in how they carry out their operations and at first they seem to have problems blending in with the more straightforward standard clone troopers but on their way to the target the assault forces laat gunship is shot down in clone force 99 quickly springs into action and engages a large force of droids all by themselves clone force 99's ability and combat skills win over the respect of the other clones their strategies and tactics are extremely unorthodox as well which make it much harder for the set destroyed army to counter and predict their moves and they're able to successfully destroy the separatist forces during the crash clone commander cody is badly injured which means captain rex has to take command of the mission some more attention arises as the two groups argue who should be in charge but ultimately sergeant hunter seeds command to captain rex and they continue the mixed forcer clones quickly arrive at the cyber center and they dispatch the separatist garrison that are guarding it notice by the way that clone force 99 essentially has the same weapons and gear that the clone commandos use this includes modified versions of the trusty commando guitar and armor which can take multiple direct shots some versions even have built-in deflector shields anyway tech manages to find the signal with the separatist battle algorithm in the cyber center but the strange thing is the signal is not coming from a computer but instead it's being broadcasted from another planet known as scocco miner rex has text send a message to the source of the broadcast and they ask the individual on the other side of the line who they are and the response they get is ct 1409 ct 1409 is the call sign of an arc trooper nicknamed ekko who had fought closely alongside captain rex in the 501st during an extremely dangerous rescue mission to the citadel a jedi prison controlled by the severus alliance ekko was declared m.i.a when a shuttle he was defending was destroyed everyone including captain rex assumed that echo had perished in the explosion but now there's hope that this r trooper is still alive back at fort enacts as the clones await permission to launch a rescue mission for echo but before they can go anakin has rex watch his back as he enters an empty room in which he contacts padme amidala through the hollow nets which gives us some insight on how anakin kept in touch with padme while he was away fighting in the war it also suggests that some of anakin's friends actually knew about his relationship with the senator including his closest pal obi-wan kenobi anyway anakin complains that rex is being driven by his personal feelings and padme quickly grounds him by asking anakin where he thinks the clone captain learned that from this is enough for anakin to reflect a little bit about himself and realize what's important in life and so he green lights the rescue mission scocco minor was a world located deep in techno union space the techno union was technically neutral in this war but we all saw cybernetic gumby look-alike what time board signed the gene ocean accords i mean most corporate entities that were clearly on the separatist alliance side still kept the neutral front in public space so that they can service both sides of the war with their goods and services clone force 99 opts to take their personal shuttle to havoc marauder to the planet because it attracts far less attention than a republic gunship but soon after arriving they encounter the locals a savage race of people known as the poltex they ride massive wing reptiles known as the kyradak and they use these reptiles to quickly force the shuttle down when the republic forces leave their ship anakin skywalker is quickly captured by one of the kyra deck crosstail moves quickly and attaches a grappling hook to his sniper rifle using wind and distance readouts from tech crosshair manages to latch on to the karadak carrying anakin and hunter quickly clamps on to that grappling hook and follows the kidnapped jedi to a poltec village a small skirmish ensues in the clones quickly disarmed the local tribesmen luckily without hurting anyone tech manages to translate the village chief's guttural speech the poltac don't want any trouble from the republic they just want the war and conflict to leave their planet don't know why they thought kidnapping anakin was a good idea but they did it anyway the clowns let the villagers know that their intention is not to start a war in their village but to just retrieve their friends from separatist control the poltech chief agrees to give the clones a few scouts who can lead them to their destination watanborg city percol meanwhile minister tambor is warned by admiral trench that the colombian is on the way to find the source of the separatist battle algorithm tech traces the signal to what tower in the city of purkle the clones work their way through the building and even though anakin tells them to go silent clone force 99 immediately loses their cool and they go in hot and loud and take out a group of d-wing air support droids i mean i like clone force 99 but sometimes they're a bit out of control and they're a little bit too flashy for my taste now the d-wings were a variant of the b-series droids used by the separatist alliance and manufactured by the techno union they had very similar programming to the b1s and so they're kind of useless while the rest of the clones and i can hold off an army of d-wing droids captain rex and tech find echo the arc trooper is connected to some gigantic machine and his body is covered in cybernetic attachments clearly he's lost some limbs in that explosion all those years back at first echo seems confused he's reliving the events of the citadel on the last mission he was on before he was captured but then echo realizes he's looking at captain rex's old friend and he comes back to reality unfortunately sepi reinforcements continues to arrive and clone force 99 has to fall back from their previous position they're running out of time and options and watanborg comes along to witness the destruction of the clones even brings along a special weapon he's created for the occasion known as the decimator which is designed to seek out and destroy organic material which is smart because he also built droids this is called building a product line with a very harmonious ecosystem back to the action luckily echo knows a way out and the republic assault team escapes through a shaft in the roof but soon the d-wings also find them outside and the clones are forced to fight while standing in a very awkward and exposed position tech who has a habit of recording random audio noises has recorded the screams of the local kyradex he's able to replicate some of their calls which allows them to attract some of these flying lizards and use them as mounts to get away it's at this point we find out the d-wings are also capable of flight which explains their strange design the d-wings chased the republic back to the pole tank village which really pisses off the locals i mean now the separatist alliance were on their way to attack the villagers who clearly don't want anything to do with this war when more separatist wings arrive in the village they find it empty the clones and the pultec await in the hills surrounding the village and ambush the droids they take pretty heavy casualties in the initial assault but then clone force 99 kind of waltzes into the destruction and push the droids back it's at this point that separatist armor arrives in the form of akputara magnatrideroids these prove to be a lot more difficult to bring down luckily anakin skywalker is quite familiar with taking out these type of droids and quickly mounts one and takes it down wrecker then just picks up captain rex against as well and throws them into the air on top of the second magnet try droid shortly after both of the octopara are taken down and the remaining separatist forces are wiped out i mean sure the villagers lost like half of their adult population fighting a war that they really didn't want to be involved in and had it not been for anakin in the clones they would have never been involved in in the first place but they still seem pretty happy about the situation so cool meanwhile back on an axis things are not going well for the republican mace windu is getting salty and impatient echo quickly volunteers for an auditious plan he suggests that they infiltrate admiral trench's flagship and feed the separatist battle system the wrong strategies which will allow republic forces to quickly regain the advantage in battle watson board has failed to disclose to the separa's high command that ekko has escaped so admiral trench actually has no idea that the algorithm is no longer working once again clone force 99 tags along and they take their shuttle up to trench's dreadnought echo and tech managed to disguise their ship as a separatist shuttle and they're given the all clear to enter the hangar bay republic forces at the same time launch a major attack against the separatist assembly plants with a gigantic task force arc 170s give cover to y wings as they make bombing runs which open up a path for la 18's the land a jedi assault force led by obi-wan kenobi and mace windu the jedi and clones engage in close quarter combat inside of a massive hangar they're in danger of being overrun meanwhile echo manages to log into the separatist battle system with text help they manage to issue a pulse that takes out all of the separatist battle droids in the assembly plant which saves mace windu obi-wan kenobi and what few clones he has left under his command because four years into the war these jedi have still not learned how to properly use cover meanwhile the clones find a massive fusion bomb in the assembly plant it's large enough to crack the entire planets and they must find a way to disarm it before trench sets it off the loss of anaxis its factories and shipyards would be a huge blow to the republic and also to mace windu's face because he's now standing in front of the bomb and trying to disarm it unfortunately the bomb is race shielded and so echo uses his connection to the separatist servers to find a code to deactivate the bomb and starts giving instruction to mace windu who uses the force to begin inserting inputs into the bomb unfortunately admiral trent sends a shock through the system which takes out ekko before he can give mace win to the last digit of the code anakin takes matter into his own hands and confronts admiral trench on the bridge of the ship anakin doesn't have time to play games and immediately cuts off several of trench's cybernetic limbs skywalker is growing closer to the dark side and domestic abuse every day but the strategy works and animal trench gives anakin the last digit which he gives the mace windu who then disarms the bomb trench tries to take one last stab at anakin skywalker and shocks him with a staff and receives a lightsaber right through his spider heart i know admiral trench has survived a lot of hairy situations up until this point but i'm pretty sure this time he's dead the assault team extract themselves safely off the ship and anakin even has a nice surprise for wrecker who loves blowing stuff up it's a detonator for trench's dreadnought when the clones and american return back to ford and axis clone force 99 parts ways metal ceremonies really aren't their thing echo decides to join them as well because after his ordeal he's not exactly a normal rank-and-file clone anymore the bright side of his dark and twisted journey is the fact that he's getting some special skills that can be more useful on a team like clone force 99 the last time we were here on mandalore duchess sateen had been deposed and locked up the criminal lord maul had taken over deathwatch and control over the planet but shortly after he himself was deposed by his former master darth sidious with maul gone prime minister al-maka's puppet prime minister remains in control of the planet for the future amanda laura stolek dark and grim only bogotan leader of the mandalorian resistance and night owls still fights against this false regime with the entire galaxy in flames and the adorama seas reaching its climax the republic hardly had the resources or political will to intervene on the planet after all mandalore is a neutral planet so getting republic support for an invasion is unlikely until a series of events happen that make it very much a possibility first bogota managed to link up with former jedi padawan circa tano they have a common enemy in maul more importantly a secretary also has ties to the jedi order she had been wrongfully kicked out of the jedi order for crimes she did not commit when her name was cleared she was given an opportunity to be reinstated but ahsoka tano decided to leave many jedi including the high council and her own master anakin skywalker deeply regretted the events that occurred and wished for her to come back then he had the rescue of maul by prime minister almac and his death watch troopers maul had finally returned to mandalore to take control of the planet sergeitano contacts anakin skywalker and obi-wan kenobi and briefs them about the situation the jedi agree that the former sith lord is still a great threat and needs to be captured although they know maul is no longer a true sith lord and has been discarded by his own previous master palpatine after repeated failed attempts to kill his former master maul is now defeated and in fear for his life he is a shadow of what he once was and now he awaits for darth cities to carry out his grand plan anakin skywalker and the 501st are extremely excited to welcome the circutano back rex has all the men paint ahsoka's face on their helmet to demonstrate their loyalty to their former commander and most likely their disproval of the jedi's actions against ahsoka anakin even has a circuit in those old lightsabers prepared for her the invasion of mandalore is ready to go but the briefing is then abruptly interrupted by a message coruscant is under attack by general grievous in a huge separatist fleet there are even rumors that the supreme chancellor has been kidnapped obi-wan kenobi and anakin skywalker are immediately called back to the corps secretary now feels betrayed once again mandalore is left behind for more important republic worlds and so anakin splits up the 501st and gives the sergatano command of the 332nd company of the 501st for the invasion of mandalore but since ahsoka taino is no longer a jedi commander he has to promote captain rex to the role of clone commander azerko will serve as his advisor the republic arrive over mandalore with three venator class star destroyers and an entire invasion fleet they face a limited resistance in space and begin launching assault gunships in preparation for the ground assault maul's death watch are outnumbered continuous fighting during the clone wars has thinned out the rinks but still they carry out a daring jetpack counter-offensive as the republican forces arrive in atmosphere the night owls and the 332nd are also equipped with jet packs making this a very vertical battle the majority of republic forces make it safely to the ground and the fighting immediately floods into the city of cindari gar saxon is placed in charge of the death watch defense and is quickly giving up ground to the more numerous attackers prime minister almac calls for a general retreat to the under city underground in the sewer systems the death watch will have less of a disadvantage because of their numbers also maul has concocted a plan he knew that the republic would eventually try to attack mandalore he had no illusion that he could win this battle he instead hoped to lure obi-wan kenobi his nemesis and his apprentice anakin skywalker to the planet so that he could kill them maul of course wanted revenge for kenobi for cutting him in half all those years ago and killing anakin with the privacy former master sidious of a new apprentice maul not only knew bassidius's grand plan but he also knew that he was secretly grooming anakin to join his ranks while the remaining death watch forces withdraw underground republic gunships began brutally targeting training fields full of mandalorian recruits this event would become known as the knights of a thousand tears later described by moff gideon of the empire what's interesting is the fact that bo katang was partially responsible for the horrendous massacre of her own people but at the time she and her night owls are quite busy they rushed the sundari throne room and take out the prime minister and his guards meanwhile serkitano leads a platoon of clones into the sewers and they are immediately ambushed by death watch every clone is taken out and only asuka town has left to face maul alone but before they can begin their duel captain rex shows up with reinforcements which causes maul and his death watch to pull back [Music] asakudana returns to the palace and together with bokutown and captain rex they brief obi-wan kenobi of their current progress the fighting in the city was dying down and most of death watch had been defeated or captured obi-wan kenobi lets ahsoka know that count dooku has been killed by anakin skywalker along with any hope to interrogate him and figure out who this mysterious darth sidious was the jedi suspect that darth sidious is behind the clone wars and exposing him is a top priority now obi-wan suggests that they tried to capture maul and try to see if he knows anything about this hidden dark lord it's at this point that asaka is interrupted maul has appeared once again from underground and ambushed another petrola clones he also takes a hostage arc trooper jesse and begins to use the force to figure out what ahsoka tenno is up to at the same time maul sends gar saxon to assassinate prime minister almac who is now in republic custody maul wants to cut off any loose ends meanwhile on the surface the clone troopers are starting to evacuate civilians from damaged parts of the city the mandalorian people in bogota are not happy with the presence of so many clones on their planet ahsoka promises to bogatan that the republic forces will leave once maul is captured to their surprise they find maul waiting for them in the throne room with jessie in tow maul has orchestrated a massive counter-attack with this deathwatch warriors he essentially goaded them into dying a glorious warrior's death and they were now serving as a very loud distraction this is also that he and osaka tunnel can have a quiet conversation basically tenno wants maul to help the jedi uncover who sidious is and stop him but maul is already way beyond all of this he rightfully believes that the republic and the jedi have lost their way both of these organizations are political monsters and they no longer seem to care about what's right or wrong maul offers tano a partnership as well so that they can both survive the chaos he knows is about to come and eventually they can defeat sidious together ahsoka considers the offer but asked maul what he wants with skywalker maul reveals to circa that anakin skywalker has been grown by drought cities for years now and will be his new apprentice maul admits that he orchestrated this entire siege of mandalore conflict in order to draw anakin skywalker to him this revelation angers the serkitano she does not believe that skywalker will turn against the jedi and she draws her lightsaber and ends the conversation the two duel in the throne room and are evenly matched their duel then spills out to the battle outside in sundari city where death watch's counter invasion is beginning to stall maul escapes to the catwalks above the city he has abandoned his men and now is looking for a way off the planet circutano engages with him and manages to disarm and capture him with the help of a few clones with maula captured ahsoka tenno must now return to coruscant with their prisoner on the vendor class stardust for a tribunal while on route order 66 is triggered luckily for ahsoka tunnel captain rex is the closest clone to her and he manages to resist shooting her for long enough so that she can figure out what was going on captain rex tells us sertano to fund the files for an arc trooper they both once knew fives fives had uncovered the inhibitor chip plot that darth sidious orchestrated to ensure order 66 would be carried out without any issues from the clones meanwhile maul who was trapped inside of a prison is about to get order 66. even though he's technically not a jedi secretary manages to save him in the nick of time she wants to use him as a distraction to help her escape from the ship circuit now uncovers the information about fives and the inhibitor chip her next move is to isolate captain rex and remove his control chip she successfully manages to remove this chip and together they try to escape the destroyer meanwhile maul is creating havoc and has destroyed the ship's reactor causing it to leap out of hyperspace and begin its descent into the gravity well of a nearby planet maul escapes in a shuttle and wrecks and ahsoka tino also make it off in a y-wing unfortunately the majority of the clones on board don't make it out alive as the venator goes crashing into the planet's surface ahsoka tano and captain rex spend the last moments of the clone wars bearing the fallen well guys thanks for sticking out this long i hope you guys enjoyed this video don't forget to subscribe and hit that notification button down below so you 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Keywords: generation tech, star wars
Id: --ZXuR8XiQw
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Length: 103min 12sec (6192 seconds)
Published: Sun May 23 2021
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