Most Powerful Builds in Hogwarts Legacy

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today I'm going to be bringing you some of my favorite builds in Hogwarts Legacy and some of the most powerful builds I have managed to come across so far I'm going to include what spells I'm using like the core spells for that build the traits that you want the talents that will help with that build and also what the build looks like at maximum level with potions so you can decide if this is something you want to invest in now it is worth noting that with these builds to make them full capacity you do want the tier 3 traits which will mean that you require yourself to get legendary gear as you can see on the screen right now all of the gear I am currently wearing is legendary and I have upgraded it so that it gives me additional offense as well so that's if you upgrade your face wear your headwear and your outfit those will all give you a fence the cloak and rub the neck wear and the handwear will all give you defense so if you are low on upgrade materials right now you've not been on top of your vivarium then you are would recommend doing your face where your headwear and your outfit first as those three are going to give you some additional offense as you can see 36 on each of those which gives you 108 bonus total of course in the top right you can see the total stats there so 400 defense and basically 400 offense as well as well as the 3.4k health so the first and probably my favorite build in Hogwarts Legacy that I want to show you today is the defender build so this one is where you apply laceration 3 to every piece of gear so obviously that's significantly increases the damage with Defender so this one will specifically of course be going towards that spell you can see that I have it on every single piece and of course each piece is legendary so this is the level three the highest version you can get with of course the three upgraded pieces as well that give you the offense boost and what we're going to go ahead and do here is jump into the game we're gonna fight a troll we're gonna go ahead and drop ourselves a Maxima person as well which increases the drinkers spell damage for a limited amount of time so I'll show you the true power of this spell if we go ahead and bring up Defender we can go ahead drink this and yeah you can see that it does 8 000 damage in one hit which is really really nice so if we go ahead and combo this with the Frozen one you can see that's 10K damage so that was a two shot kill which is pretty nice and sometimes you can get even more damage on some of the regular mobs it's going to do a lot more damage as well so this is a really nice setup if we head down the cliff here and attack these mongrels you'll be able to see even without a Maxima potion you can one shot them and I do have the talent which I'm going to cover in a moment that makes Defender hit multiple enemies which again further improves this spell as you'll be able to see if we line a few of them up here we'll be able to get a few kills in one very easily just like so which makes this spell very very nice so in terms of the build the core spell for this one is of course Defender you can feel free to pair this with whatever else you like to run personally I really like pairing it with glaciers if you do freeze an enemy first with glaciers and then hit them with Defender it does increase the damage as it often shatters them which is really really cool I also like to run a confringo and then Akia or the pulser so you can either draw them in or push them all away and then hopefully group up some enemies to hit multiple at once with this Defender cast talents wise over on the spell tree we are of course going to want this one down here which is Defender Mastery which is where it allows the cast to slice through multiple and additional Targets this is really important so that you can get those multiple kills of the regular enemies when using this ability as of course that does improve the build overall and greatly improves your damage potential now this isn't strictly related to the spell itself but basic cast Mastery will of course reduce the cooldown of all spells when you basic attack so I would recommend running this one also and if you do want to take this a step further and really increase your damage when using potions the Maxima potion potency on the room of requirements tree is also really good as this allows Maxima potions to have increased additional damage and they also will break any enemy Shields now of course to apply traits to the Gear we head over to our loom in the room of requirements and we can head on to any piece of gear and press your respective keybind to open up the menu ideally you would want laceration 3 in order for this build to be optimal but if you only have access to two or one and you are interested in increasing the damage of your Defender you can of course put those respective levels on the gear as well but if we scroll down it is here each piece it will cost you one nasal fur so you will need to have needles in your vivarium you will need to pet them and you will need to feed them and then they will give you three each time that you're able to collect from them so having multiple is of course optimal for this as they're every level 3 trait will require nasal fur as well so the more that you get the better if you go for a level two version of this you will of course need duracool feathers again having multiple of these will be useful and if you are very early game I would recommend leveling up a little first because these traits don't impact too much on the early game it's more late game type thing but if you are wanting to just boost the damage that slight bit then level 1 laceration will cost you a puff skin fur as well which you should have some of these as they are in the quest line to open up your vivarium with Deke so the next build that I'm going to be showing you guys here is the all spell increase damage of course with the concentration three trait this one's significantly increases the damage of all damage spells so it's not specific to one spell like the defender build is but it instead is going to increase all of the damage of all of your spells now obviously this will be to a slightly less degree we'll see Defender do slightly less damage than we did before but what this is going to do is allow us to do damage with all spells and use multiple Spells at once now this one is either second or my first favorite build in Hogwarts Legacy and I'm going to show you guys now just why that is so if we hop into the game we're again going to use up a Maxima potion here and we're fighting in theory so we're just going to use the Spells the fire ones that we need to and you can see 5K damage on confringa and 2K was enough to kill the additional in theory with just the bolt that flies away from it if I can show you some combat here if we use Defender we can see even without a Maxima this is one-shotting regular enemies and this is with the concentration build of course so that not only increases Defender but every other spells damage as well so we can see that all of these spells are going to do a lot of damage and get rid of this guy's shield and one tap there so you can see that all of these different spells that I am using are gonna do a lot of damage to the enemies and you can pretty much one shot all of the regular enemies with the upgraded armor of course having those offense upgrades as well makes it so that all of your damage is increased plus increasing all of his spell damage with concentration is a really really nice combo but it's going I help you to take out most enemies in the game very very easily and again if we go over to the troll layer if I drink a Maxima potion here you'll be able to see we can easily kill these trolls in just a couple of spells which is very very nice as it does make these fights a lot easier now if we go over and fight this troll this time without a maximum potion if we freeze him first and then Defender and then confringer you can see the damage is very very high and it's going to allow you to take out targets pretty quickly which is going to save you a lot of time and also be very helpful in some of these particularly hard fights or against some of the enemies that are usually pretty tanky now in terms of talents with this build it's entirely up to you which spells you would like to use as of course concentration does buff the damage of all of the Spells as you can see it isn't quite as much as the individual spells get buffed if you use the level 3 trait for that specific skill but it does mean that you can use a wide variety of spells whether it be 4 8 12 or even 16 different Slots of spells in different combinations you can use them all because they're all going to be buffed by this so I would recommend going into the Spells Tab and picking up whichever spells you're going to use the upgraded versions of them whether it's Defender whether it's bombardo whether it's glaciers whichever one you want to do bear in mind that this increases the damage of damage spells you can have quite a variety going on there again with the core stuff I would recommend the basic cast Mastery for the reduced cooldown as well as this is really really helpful and of course back on the Persians tab in the room of requirement if you want to get the most out of your Maxima potions do drop yourself a Maxima potion potency Point here as this will help you to increase the damage that you do now the next build that I'm going to show you guys here the third and final one for this video is going to be the unforgivable three trait which is gonna significantly increase the damage dealt to Cursed Targets this one again is of course on all three pieces and as a reminder we do have the offense upgrade the three pieces of legendary gear fully upgraded to give us the additional offense so you can see where we are at in terms of the damage so if we head over to this troll here of course it is damage against cursed targets so all we would need to do is simply apply a curse and as you can see the damage there is very high even with just the basic cap now of course we can apply a curse such as crucial and then we could go ahead and use some different spells and you'll see again these do massively increase damage because this target is cursed now of course you can use the unforgivable curse to insta kill but this is going to help you to attack additional targets while you are building up to get Avada cadaver back if it is on that cooldown or if you're just wanting to really boost your damage additionally to Avada cadaver whilst you're waiting to chain up your curses on as many targets at once to get that chain killed with it now as you can see when you do curse at Target even these good bugs which are ridiculously tanky uh they you do do a lot of damage towards them once they are cursed so this is going to be a really really fun and effective build to use for taking out pretty much any enemy in the game whether it be trolls Doug bugs or any of the others and of course if you do upgrade this with some of the talents that I'm going to show you in a moment you can really make this build something special now with the talents for this build I would specifically look into the dark Arch tree now one of the first things you're going to want to do from this tree is again the ability to have a fourth cursing ability of course you have crucia Imperia and Avada cadaver but you can make something like Expelliarmus here have the curse effect on enemies or flipender or arrestor momentum as well so whichever one of these spells you use the most or you find the most effective I would recommend upgrading for me that was of course Expelliarmus and it says their cursed enemies take increased damage so that is exactly what we want now the other thing that you can get which really helps with this build is blood curse this is where dealing damage to a cursed Target inflicts damage to all curse targets you're going to be dealing more damage to that individual Target but with this Talent active you're also going to be dealing a largely increased damage to all curse targets which is very very effective at taking out large groups whether it be an encampment or even a battle arena you can then of course upgrade any of the other dark arts talents as you see fit personally I found crucia Mastery particularly useful as when you do hit that Target when you apply crucial to them it releases a red projectile to nearby enemies and also applies them with a curse so that means not only will they be taking damage but it does mean once you've killed the current Target you're attacking they're also going to be susceptible to larger amounts of single Target damage when you switch to attacking them with either your regular attacks or another spell whilst they are cursed so this is of course very useful and to kind of top off the build to make this as super super overpowered as you can getting Avada Canaveral Mastery here which will mean that you can kill all cursed enemies when you cast it on any cursed enemy so essentially you want to cast a curses on as many enemies as you possibly can you're going to be doing increased damage to them Avada Canaveral when you can to kill all of those cursed enemies and maybe you don't get every enemy in the area or maybe it's the next wave of the battle arena having the unforgivable three on the armor is going to mean that he can then cast something like Expelliarmus or crucial or imperio have that Target be cursed and be able to do a lot of high single Target damage even without Avada cadaverous so this is going to be really really good it also works really well for those players that don't necessarily want to learn the unforgivable curses but like I said if you go ahead and grab maybe Expelliarmus arrester momentum and flipendo as curse effects you could use this build pretty effectively with those to increase your single Target damage and damage to that Target with other spells as well without the strictly speaking unforgivable curses ever being used so there's a couple of ways you can get around this and if you're someone that doesn't want to use the dark arts it is still an option for this build which is really really cool so that is going to be it for today's video hopefully I have shown you here some interesting builds that either you want to try out for yourself or it's giving you some inspiration to make up some of your own similar builds do let me know Down Below in the comments which is your favorite build that you've tried so far in the game other than that make sure you drop me a like in today's video if you have found it useful and drop a subscribe down to the channel both of those things really helped me out so I would really appreciate it other than that I will catch you guys again very very shortly on a brand new video so take care and peace [Music]
Channel: Invin
Views: 14,258
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Invin, Most Powerful Builds in Hogwarts Legacy, hogwarts legacy, hogwarts, hogwarts legacy guide, hogwarts legacy builds, hogwarts legacy best build, hogwarts legacy best builds, hogwarts legacy best damage build, hogwarts legacy best end game build, hogwarts legacy best dark arts build, best build in hogwarts legacy, hogwarts legacy build tips, hogwarts legacy best traits, hogwarts legacy best trait, hogwarts legacy best trait build, hogwarts legacy tips
Id: khus5nqHWcg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 29sec (809 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 23 2023
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