Enshrouded - Retrieving The Buried Sword Hailscourge (Episode 24)

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hello and welcome back to another episode of Enchanted so in this episode uh we have actually retrieved our body and yeah the that we had last episode so yeah we got one Shield level 1 from one biotic monsters from there is it best than I guess it is car 110 Max don't think we in a cave somewhere this okay let's here there some oh yeah it's just that mushroom that we have been collecting so long nothing not there I saw some twinkling up here we did manage to kill two BS here there there's another one there as you can see there are just BS around here and a lot of them I guess this one is stuck this Chee we take good amount of damage from the bond well yeah we going to need these mushrooms I don't know when doesn't look like immediately it's just that okay all right is that deadly sh there if that is I don't want to go anywhere near it no there's no Del sh all right so we got the cave passage now just don't fall in the lava let's try to climb okay see they don't want to um make you guys miss this if in case you you are oh see that's a jump scare great and if the pig does damage it does hit us it does a lot of damage at now I mean in this shot it did but usually it does do it does damage a lot we need more water we need more stamina uh seven let's collect these uh mushrooms so that's a lot of copper as you can see there I'm just waiting to level up so that I can put one more skill point in uh you know getting more resources when mining that is something we got another or we got the ore not the logs I mean uh sorry logs not the Ingot oh yeah those are deers there I mean you can kill them I killed one off camera I'm going to kill you guys it does run away you know or at least tries to yeah level up baby level 13 leveling up is you know a big feeling in the but oh this there was a back stab attack I can do a backstab attack oh see see they do I don't know how they manage to do that through the shield oh my gosh oh my gosh no no no no no no no no six no six two are dead a lot of these why am I these FS uh for the meat the me gives three Constitution see U yeah I'm not so right that's the Constitution I'm pretty pretty much sure about it okay so we have the B here and yeah hope there are no B there are no B here so this is the right way to go to no sorry so this is the weapon once we come here this this is the OS just right yeah that's where we supposed to be that's we were that's where we were supposed to be since a long long long time enemies around died wind okay I'm going to Chee this one yeah if you want to um pleas try to clear clear this no way all right five no actually six see I don't think we're going to need that metal strap right still just see getting stu okay got a chest here yeah we completed the quest POS Le I mean I seriously thought is going to be somewhere else for that thank you so much for let oh no no no no no I didn't see you stop sneaking you want to do that let's do that nothing so that's doesn't oh backpack full so okay now we not going to use this for sure uh what do we have one piece of salt I don't need it one piece of Le one piece of resin is okay for me I with it this oh no ST fiber that's what I was want I don't need B and come on just restent space right but we need a lot of this we are going to need a lot of drop some scrab drop some copper now please at least now you can the map as well no this is not going to be that's I'm not going to this is I don't want the need this use item we're going to go back please there has to be something here oh anything use more of this now I feel that you know I should throw that one piece off and even this this we have a lot of we going to for Longbow what do we have here nothing good and nothing interesting we have here just wood logs see p of present or water thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you so much for the work we still not able to you know CFT ourselves the build ourselves the well trust me when I say that we need it we going to need a lot of it this it so that is one Quest that we have oh oops where did you come from not not what I need that it's just going to drop me oh is this no no will this drop SP not that we desperate but okay uh why did we come here for that c yeah I guess we do okay so that's that and we have one more thing up here there was that loing stone six get rid of you that I that's that what that oh we got a bigger health potion so there one thing that we need to do right now okay get rid of this and let's this and get rid of use this and get rid of this one in you take the potion okay I what the I what the hell are they all doing that yeah Sub sub what what now we can do more of this the bar definitely go through that and that's the campfire yep sh bat me as and guys I think because I didn't see it earlier but I think I feel that you know there's something here yes see I told you right a great maze level 13 weapon wonderful so we not going to use this right it takes to and we're not going to use this as well but that is what you know we going to use this for so anything else left to do here I really don't think so uh this is the car camp this is the died wind uh we to come here time for har the buried curse this is what we going to do now where is it it's a lone thisy right let's head back home here let's drop show you stuff first oh I actually had to know put down an alter there and I did a big time boo boo because there's no alter up there and there's no way that I can fast travel so that was one major reason that I have to put down the the flame water but that's okay now that you not do anything about it what only thing that we can do is try to get back up there yeah seriously that's the only one thing that can do right now at least that I can see think of um do we want to craft another sure let's CFT another not here not here let's gra yeah uh another off the Storage we need one small chest let's go off this because um this will be only for the Harvest so the special items that the pick up here yeah Indigo whatever that is and the mushrooms as well great the mushroom is f okay go there I'm quickly going to drop you here let us let us set Cent and let's see right back all right so we right here on the map uh the lone P because I know that there is a hidden treasure right here let's quickly jump down let's open this see as you can see um so okay no no that's not how you do just me once again okay the chest here that's what we got there is something else up here it's not up here there was a golden chest here the last time that I came was some kind of chest yeah there's a chest right there I guess yeah there's a chest here we can do this as well anything else up here that that's how you open okay uh we got the torch we didn't need the torch okay there's a chest here meow something that it said so let's jump down how we go down oh there's something on top here as well nothing here nothing just here there just small little chest here not it before okay we going to walk down so stand up again seven see that's where we get the Mott we got two pieces of Mott now are we going to need it I don't think so but no harming keeping one one extra on us you know so as you can see a m perect so this is something that you know we're not supposed to get so let's use this item okay and I'm not going to use this Wes more weapon 11 26 damage 26 damage yes this okay um yeah this is what we need to do here did I lose my sh points okay see that is what he going to do attack thank you very much oh there's another chest here oh wonderful rtic um wand I know where this thing is yeah just keep on standing there and get thank you very much okay so that you can attack it's a good thing to see you know thank you very much that's that's just up attack thinking yeah oh there's one more way okay need to take care of the sh as well there's one more here and this is that big ax oh he does take magic damage wonderful oh my God that was not good you cannot stand any chance buddy uh there there a tree right here there's a big tree somewhere and of corpses okay where exactly is this thing right and I'm serious where exactly is this thing must in the Shroud looks like it is it outside is it here no it is definitely not there yes it is um where exactly okay Mo mon the chest got some stuff here I me seriously man where the hell did it go um there supposed to be Graves out here two graves that's where we need to dig a weird kind of tree here where is a weird tree is it here Yep this is where it is I receiv a health potion see yep we did it we managed to do that where so oh um yeah let oh did that happen Okay let's take that uh okay yeah mut is back up so we we are done with this Quest this is 11:26 this is 1126 a bronze score but I guess this has more things to do damage okay we not going to need this uh definitely not going to need that we can place that as well so yeah um any more quests here if if there are no more quests here guys I don't think that you know we need this uh alter here uh or shall we keep it no let's keep that alter let's not fidget with Al let's head back home and that's that guys I mean seriously I did not upgrade my wand ever so now this is a level 16 wand it's a frozen core wand 34 damage to Mana region 11% overcharge 0.6 attack speed and this is a durability gives plus 18 in I damage ice magic protection and plus 9 Fire magic protection also gives you Mana reach wonderful and the H SKT it's a bang on you know upgrade with the current that have and we so stupid you know we did not ever upgrade other things so let's put it back here uh let's put this back here that those and let's put this back up here and this no I mean no this is not here this is here y let's eat this and let's eat good okay it's night time so we need back in the morning all right so it's morning and uh we did craft ourselves the copper ax because of the copper bars that we have and this is what I actually want to spe to not this thing not this thing but this mind resources you have 10% chance to get one lrow but we need four for this so shall we spec into something else now or do we want to just know uh what this Spirit attribute or do we want to just do a little bit more into uh majer things why is it Out Of Reach or maximum dealth with range weapons is 10% and the shter is something that will go for 15% range enemies and this 20% so yeah we need four more points there we'll do this threee and we already done the double jump we will do the Survivor part as well in case you know um yeah in case we we do so this gives you one additional food slot that is that is something that you know definitely uh look forward to but yeah I uh let's call uh this one here and you know if you enjoy watching the video please do smash that like button I hope that you know not till today but I hope case you know you love my content I have earned your subscription if you're not subscribed please please you know uh subscribe to my channel it really means a lot to Myst for you it really means a lot to me and we will be back in the next one until then I'll see you
Channel: Prizmy
Views: 498
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: enshrouded, survival, rpg, crafting, voxel, Prizmy, Indiangamer, earlyaccess, openworld, steam
Id: 5O2M3ZwM1QE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 1sec (1741 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 23 2024
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