Enneagram: Levels Of Health for Type 5

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hey what's up guys thank you for joining me today my name is dr tom lehu and uh today we're going to be talking about levels of health for type 5. and before we get started i just want to draw your attention to the description below there's a link to my website tomlehue.com i do offer coaching appointments uh they're booked up uh for a couple of weeks but i'd love to talk to you if you want to talk about uh more about your type or trying to figure out what your type is or how to get along with the uh the awesome people in your life and uh you know and getting along with their type whatever i can do to help i'd love i'd love for you to reach out to me the description below you can find a link to the website um also thank you to my patrons i really appreciate your continued support for this channel i am feeling a little self-conscious today because i've got a tooth out this getting fixed um and uh so if uh i look a little funny today well it's probably all in my head at least you know as a seven i don't mind i you know i actually told people i said uh you know i got a tooth out and they said i kind of fit your personality i'm not sure what to take from that but anyway all right well that's in my head so let's get started today we're going to talk about type 5. and i've been studying type five all week and uh i'm looking at a book by uh let's see her name is ginger lapid bogda on uh bringing out the best in everyone you coach and it's a really good book um and on chapter on the type fives you know i've been looking at the levels of health that she suggests and uh thinking about it and of course you know i just been doing kind of an overview of what type fives are uh fives uh are uh people that can somewhat be isolated and can compartmentalize things in their minds they they can tend to isolate things in their minds you know people at work don't mix with people at church and people at church and work don't mix with people in my family and and so fives tend to like compartmentalize their lives and compartmentalize their feelings at times um they might think their feelings rather than really integrate into their feelings i know i don't fully understand that i know fives can be difficult for me to get my mind around i really felt like oh yeah i understand fives it makes a lot of sense but i think the longer i'm in this endogram thing and the more i study um the more i realize how much i don't know and so if i if i say that fives don't feel their feelings i don't mean to sound like fives don't feel their feelings i think fives absolutely do feel their feelings i think i just think that fives tend to compartmentalize and isolate things in their lives into like file folders there we go think of it like file folders um and so i think sometimes their feelings might get put into a feelings folder and so they want to be very objective and they will approach things very clear-minded and objectively and maybe not allow their feelings at times to dictate their their thinking now that can make them very good in a crisis it can make them good in in conflict to be able to analyze the data and not get overwhelmed in all of the emotional stuff but you know look look at that integrated and isolated integr what is the opposite of integrated disintegrated disintegrated into you know different categories and not necessarily integrating um with themselves and their own feelings and their own sense of who they are and integrating with others sometimes fives can sort of come across isolated away from others as if you know maybe their sin is avarice and greed and they might be a little stingy with with their interactions with people with their words with people and with their giving of their time with people okay so let's get into this let's look at the lowest level of health um according to uh dr bogda let's look at the lowest level of health she says the lowest level of health for a five is called the fearful strategist the fearful strategist it's helpful to remember that fives are in the fear um group with sixes and sevens sevens are afraid they're gonna miss out they're afraid that they're gonna be stuck they're afraid of not being satisfied sixes their sin really is fear so they tend to look and struggle with or orient against or toward fear worry anxiety and fives i think it's like a fear of being inept being helpless being inadequate being intruded on a fear that other people are going to overtake you and monopolize your energy and your time um but at the very lowest level a fearful strategist the idea is like sometimes you know in their mind a five might think other people are against me or other people are not for me again this is the lowest level right other people are against me other people mean to do me harm other people intend on overtaking me or intruding on my time and so they go into the strategic thinking of what do i have to do to combat that what do i have to do to not let that happen or to not let these people in invade my space or take advantage of me in some way so she says the core fear at this level is of being helpless incapable depleted and overtaken i just think sit and think about that for a second uh nobody wants to be helpless i mean that's an awful feeling um feeling like you're helpless i mean fives integrate to eight right when they're healthy um and eights will not ever do well thinking of themselves as being helpless um i just think that's interesting eights do not ever wanna see themselves as being helpless um and fives integrate to eight and in other words i think fives could kind of say you know eight get out of my way i actually have the information i should be the one taking action when they're doing well but when they're not doing well when a five is not doing well there's that fear of being helpless of the fear of being incapable and or i would say inept not able to meet the challenge you've done all this research you've got all this information and fives their orientation is toward information often toward information towards space and boundaries and keeping boundaries with people toward mastering information and so when you master a a bulk of information usually that's for a purpose right so that you're able to then meet the challenge that is required that that information could could benefit you if you if you're mastering information it must be because you intend on accomplishing something with that information and the feeling that you're incapable might drive you to pursue more information but sometimes you can get lost in all that information sometimes you can get overwhelmed in all the information and never really feel like maybe you have it mastered enough like there's always one more book out there remember seven goes to five in health i know you know as a seven i'm always interested in what i don't have and more information and getting that last book or that next book and mastering that so i do have a line to five um that i think i i moved to pretty well um but i think i'm much more okay with maybe not feeling like i master it i feel like i can get out there on the stage and i can share what i know obviously i don't know everything i think that's a little bit harder for a five like to get out on the stage to get out on the stage get out on the presentation floor get out on the podium and share what you know uh for a seven i think we just take for granted that we're not gonna know everything um and that's okay we wanna be practical we wanna be helpful we want to inspire people and i think of five you know really wants to be more capable like the focus of the attention is on i really want to master this information and be more capable with it and be seen as somebody who is more capable with it that could keep the five stuck from ever really presenting a five could get stuck not presenting what they know and then that would look like greed wouldn't it like hoarding what they know remember there are fear types so that fear of if i present this what if i'm wrong about something what if i'm graded and i don't get the passing grade or what if people point out my inconsistencies or what if my thinking or my reasoning or my information is flawed in some way and that could keep you from getting out there and expressing the information or expressing what you know um and keep a five from ever integrating to eight uh where they take their information and they challenge people with it feeling of being depleted i think we all know what it feels like to be depleted i don't fear it though i certainly don't fear like oh people are going to tax my energy and i'm going to have to get away and withdraw i do when when i am depleted i do get away and withdraw you know i'll turn the tv on and i'll watch documentaries or i'll watch youtube channels like this you know with information and i'll just kind of veg out and zone out in a couple hours i feel better again um you know or go for a walk or do yard work or something but i don't i don't worry about people infringing on my space i don't i i'm not consumed with thinking about and i don't know maybe you fives aren't either maybe maybe you're not consumed with it maybe you don't think about it but i mean she lists it as a core fear at that lowest level is i'm going to be depleted by interactions with people i'm going to be overtaken by interactions with people i'm going to be intruded on and overtaken again i know i i don't really have that fear uh even though i'm a fear type i don't really have that fear um when when it does happen when i feel like i'm being overtaken or depleted or you know overwhelmed i'll realize it and i'll want to withdraw from it just like a five would but i wouldn't say that i anyway fear you know those things interesting stuff at the lowest level of self-mastery fives become frightened withdrawn isolated hostile and haunted i think i think isolated is a good word for fives fives can end up very isolated you know they kind of have this sort of like look at life through the peephole you know look at life through the window look at life from behind the glass you know and and that that is a self-protection i mean all of these personality types are self-protective um you should maybe i need to do a video on that sometime but all these personality types all nine of them are self-protective they they are designed for broken people to make it in a broken world and the five's orientation or their stance is to isolate away at times often times away from people and away from things that they would feel like might be intrusive upon them remember the paradox every type has a paradox the paradox of the five is you say you want to fully experience life you say that you want to fully relate to other people yet your stance is one that isolates you away from experiencing the fullness of your emotions and experiencing you know the fullness of relationships with people um so every type has that kind of what they say or what they intend versus what they actually do and so fives have kind of taken that stance of sort of observing life away from life itself like through a microscope or through a telescope and often you find a five at the other end of a microscope or at the other end of a telescope observing studying and i think it's like feeling like i can relate to it if i can keep a distance between me and those forces that would seek to intrude on me and and i can relate to it if i can understand it uh then i don't need to be afraid of it i don't need to i don't need to feel like i'm going to get lost in it or get overwhelmed in it so at the lowest level they can become frightened withdrawn and isolated withdrawn and isolated so notice if you're a five notice your tendency at times would other people say that you withdraw and isolate yourself you may not realize it yourself you may not realize that you kind of come home from work and then sort of smile and wave and nod at people in your home and then sort of end up at your desk or end up in your room or end up in your favorite chair over in the corner detached away from the group but would other people say that you tend to withdraw and isolate yourself it's not it's not a bad thing to do that um it's just balance right it's not a bad thing to do that it's not a bad thing to be withdrawn and isolated um it's just there are times when maybe it's not the best thing for you to do and knowing the difference is really what it's all about knowing that okay it's fine for me right now there's no there's no needs or no demands i can take some time and just go off and sort of re-energize it's when you do that at the expense of maybe other people or other people you care about you know when you really need to be when you really need to be investing your time in them or in some tasks that needs to be done um and you're isolating them withdrawing at an unhealthy level i think that's and we all want balance in our life right okay it would probably be helpful for some sevens to practice withdrawing to practice isolating a little bit you know and get some time to themselves it'd probably be good for threes you know to do that as well so it's not a bad thing to withdraw and isolate it's just be careful of the expense on other people and on the rest of life that you want to integrate with there's a lot of life that you you want to integrate into and if you're always withdrawn always in the basement you know always in your lair uh separated away from the rest of life you know that's not that you can't really call that a balanced life which is i think the goal if you're watching this video the goal is you you want to be a balanced person you want to have you know your your life going in a direction that is in your best interest and in the best interest of the people that you love and obviously you know you may not see this so well because if you're a five but if you're always sort of in your cave there are people in your life maybe that or there could be let's put it that way there could be maybe maybe there's not people in your life that that need and want you your involvement but perhaps there could be and maybe there should be if if you could get out of that cave a little bit more uh in a more natural way okay all right um so they can believe that people are planning on doing them harm and as a consequence they may plot and scheme to harm others as a way of circumventing what they imagine will be done to them it kind of sounds like you pick up a little bit of the anxiety of the six um and the isolation of the four like well what do you know that six can be very suspicious when you when you get a six and a four you get the fear of a six mixed with the i'm not i'm not being understood or treated right of the four you get this you get this five energy um and in this unhealthy way it's almost like you've picked up she sounds like she's saying you almost pick up the anxiety of the six like they're out to get me and and and sort of that withdrawn posture of the four and and that the you know there's combined it says they can become secretive and implosive and they remove themselves from interactions with others and have extremely limited access to their own feelings okay that's not a pretty picture i mean that's pretty rough um it'd be interesting if any of you guys have have um experienced those times or maybe you're experiencing that time right now in your life where you can be quite suspicious of people and then even begin to like plot and scheme to circumvent what you think they might be what they might do to you and become very secretive and remote as you remove yourself away um interesting interesting for the fearful strategist that's the lowest level the the mid-level or the moderate level she calls the remote expert the remote expert i like that remote separate from not engaged disengaged over on the sidelines not not a part of the group again there's the kind of that four energy not a part of the group remote set apart set aside don't want to be intruded on don't want to be disturbed uh want to see an experience from that safe distance their fear type right so remote expert i i need you to know that i'm an expert i mean this is the mid-level right this isn't the highest level but this is the mid-level i need to be an expert i need to be around the experts and i need to be seen as an expert well you know it's very hard it takes a lot of time to become an expert in anything so this is a a monumental task you know if you just want to become an expert in in buttons you know buttons that go on shirts i mean how many thousands hundreds of thousands or whatever of buttons are there out there in the world and you're going to become an expert in it anything that you would decide to become an expert in is going to be a life's work you know it's going to be a life's work a life's journey and are you ever really going to feel like you have made it to the end of that mountain of knowledge you know with ones right you have to tell ones at times know when good enough is good enough because ones can can constantly beat themselves up because they don't feel like things are perfect enough or that their behavior is perfect enough or that things are clean enough and put away enough and that idea that sometimes good enough is good enough that's very painful for a one i think it could be painful for a five like know when you need to turn your paper in you know you know enough it's good enough you could obviously take it back and revise it again but eventually it has to be taken out and presented eventually it has to be shown to the world and i can imagine if i had a fear that i need to be an expert i need to understand this and i need to be adequate and adept in all this that there could be times when it just stalls me from ever getting out and presenting i always say that fives have to be willing to risk going to seven looking like a fool in order to get to eight challenging people with their ideas and their thoughts you have to be willing to risk that that balance of i can't be so afraid of of seven things of getting a pie in the face or being humiliated you know sevens are okay with a lot of that stuff they don't mind raising the energy at the expense of their own dignity at times um and i think fives you know take take life a lot more seriously and don't want to be thought of as somebody who you know doesn't really know or or is kind of flying by the seat of their pants and i think as a five you got to be willing to risk because what good is it if you understand all this or know how things work or understand how things work and then don't share that at the right time don't speak up at the right time don't involve yourself in the crisis in order to be a part of resolving that crisis if you're so avoidant of the crisis and of the interactions with people that you isolate away then what good is it to have all this information but it's sitting on the library shelf and is not actually open and engaged in in the moment okay so let's see the remote expert okay and again that idea of remote has the idea of compartmentalized right and that's the way i think fives tend to like file folder everything compartmentalized apart from um wants to feel competent conserving their inner resources and their energy their their focus is on conserving their inner resources and energy on maintaining their privacy on accumulating knowledge in order to feel competent so the focus of the attention of the mid-level five of the moderate level health five is on conserving their inner resources compartmentalizing away everything including themselves maintaining their privacy and on competency on being competency i'm being competency being competent or being perceived of as competent being competent in their field competent in their information competent their knowledge and certainly being perceived of as being competent which is funny because sometimes fives will throw out a lot of this information and you've probably done this if you're a five you've probably done this you've realized that maybe people don't care about all you know and so as a young five you probably over share over share over share and then people just kind of tune you out eyes glaze over or maybe they even yell at you to stop oh my goodness will you stop talking about you know whatever the topic is you're like consumed on this topic of batting averages you know of baseball players or our car engines or you know whatever the topic is and and you think you're helping people by sharing all this information and that they will think well of you because of what you know and and you look around and you just realize people are frustrated with you or irritated with you or they've tuned you out i can imagine that could be a very discouraging feeling you know for somebody whose focus of their attention is on mastering information and then they share the information and people tell them to shut it i can imagine that would be very frustrating uh okay at mid-level of self-mastery fives appear remote and private remote and private uh they appear remote and private again you may not see that in yourself you may think oh my goodness i can't get away from people i wish i could get more space between me and them but to others observing you they may feel like you're already removed and isolated away like you're present but you're not really engaged and you may not see that in yourself as well as other people see it they guard their time their energy and their autonomy and they dislike surprises um i know sixes can dislike surprises as well they want to be clued in with all the facts and all the information they don't want something to snap out and get them you know at the last minute that's interesting i didn't know that about fives that they might dislike surprises as well so guarding their time guarding their energy again they've got that defensive stance you know of i'm going to withdraw and isolate and move away from those people that would seek to overtake and involve me um and uh enter intrude in my space they avoid situations in which they are likely to be the center of attention okay um [Music] interesting so withdrawn type on the sidelines could look like a nine i think a lot of fives look like nines and nines look like fives and i think the the kind of the the rule of thumb is if you're a a man or a male and you could be a five or you could be a nine chances are you're a nine if you're a female and you could be a two or you could be a nine chances are you're a nine twos and fives tend to know they're twos and fives nines tend to see themselves in multiple different ways because they they have that superpower of seeing other people's perspective fives see their own perspective they see their own perspective and they may they may be oblivious to other people's perspective um fives are not known to you know to really respect social norms um fives may not give a lot of attention to the the the little pleasantries of life you know again i would say that fives might walk in past you know a greeter at a door and not think that they should say hello to that person i don't and then the thinking might be like well i don't have a relationship with that person i'm not seeking to have a relationship with that person i don't want to intrude on their space again we all project our personalities out onto others so if you're a five you tend to think other people think like you think like fives think and they wouldn't want me to intrude on their space so i'm not going to be intrusive on their space i'm going to respect that boundary and respect their space by not intruding on them and then it's a very helpful thing when you realize that other people don't have your personality and there are plenty of people and plenty of types out there that want you to speak to them they want you to say hello to them they'll feel bad if you walk past them and don't say hello to them like maybe they don't have any worth and value if you don't acknowledge them so fives you know might miss uh some of those social cues and again compartmentalizing right compartmentalizing so it might be difficult for a five to integrate all of those social norms and those social cues for each individual setting they tend to think i'm at work so i'm in my work zone i'm at family i'm in my family zone i'm a church i'm in my church zone and never the two cross and when you compartmentalize your thinking like that you might miss some of the you know the the wheels that you need to grease in relationships the pleasantries the small talk fives might miss the small talk what's the point of it you know what's the what's the goal of the small talk it doesn't seem to be accomplishing and i don't want a deeper relation if you're isolated away you may not want a deeper relationship with people so what's the point of of all this small talk okay um let's see what else guarding their time energy and autonomy and disliking surprises they avoid situations that where they're likely to be the center of attention and again there's that isolating away from people not wanting to be the center of attention certainly not wanting to be made fun of and certainly not wanting to be humiliated in any way so they may choose to not reveal personal information they can become detached from their feelings hungering for a knowledge about anything that interests them fives keep their needs to a minimum um this is why i think it's good for sevens to integrate two of five because sevens you know think they need everything i need what i don't have oh i need this and i need to buy that i need this then my collection will be complete fives have that orientation toward i don't want to need stuff i want to not have needs i have my laptop and i have my my chair and i have my dog and that's all i need and i think sevens could learn a lot from limiting their needs and needing less i think when a five disintegrates further into seven is when the five starts jumping at things like oh i need this course and then if i get that course then i need this i need this book and i need this i need this and then and then once i learn all this information you know then i could take the next step but maybe i don't have enough information yet so maybe i need to also order this course and go through this certification and get this training and get this and then and then i'll be prepared and then and it's like okay at what point do you know enough that you can move to eight and and actually you know take a real step progress a real progress step forward and sort of put it out there on the line okay so guarded they want to keep their needs to a minimum and they tend to be very guarded and controlled um okay so the mid-level anything else i want to say about that private remote expert so the lowest level is the fearful strategist the mid-level is the remote expert what's the highest level well the highest level is the integrated wizard the integrated wizard i mean you can't help but think about dumbledore right i mean that's where my mind goes the integrated wizard so the compartmentalization look at that compartmentalized disintegrated moves toward integrated uh moves toward uh from isil isolation to integration um let's see what she says the core understanding of this highest level is that true wisdom involves an integration of thoughts feelings and action and comes from direct experience so integration of your thoughts your feelings and action that's profound it really is um you know i think fives you have two wings on purpose the wings that you have a four and a six are there on purpose when you think about fives isolated compartmentalized away what are they compartmentalized away from look at the four wing from knowing yourself from knowing how you feel about things a five may not really take their own feelings into consideration they may look at that as well that's those are my feelings that's not what i base my decision on that's not what i want to base my my direction and life on on my feelings but you know feelings are true information um true to you they may not be objectively true but they're subjectively true and it's important to know how you feel about things it's important to look inward and not just look at the facts not just look at the objective information but to look at the your inner truth you might say or your inner compass and to know how you feel about things and again that can be cut off from you a little bit as a five you might not see the importance of that you might think well you know the best decision is this because that's objectively clear but is that really the best decision that you want to live with is that what you really like is that what you really want and you might have a hard time integrating those inner subjective truths and integrating them with your objective truth and then i think so i think the four wing is all about knowing yourself and integrating with yourself and the six wing is all about integrating toward others integrating toward your team integrating toward the family and the people that that you interact with sixes want to be safe and they want to have network of people around them to keep them safe sixes don't know what they think they want to know what you think what do you think what do you think okay i got all the expert advice i've got i've got i've got people around me that know that have experience i have that common sense and experience around me so now i feel safe enough to make a decision fives you value objective facts you value the objective truth the research the data but you know there's a lot of wisdom and kind of finding out what other people think that aren't necessarily experts but have experience and integrating toward those people integrating toward that community wisdom or that common wisdom or that you know that that people's experience you say well experience that's not the same thing as information it's not it's not the same thing as information but it is something that you might want to integrate into your information so that your information is not just raw data and facts you've integrated with yourself you know what your subjective truth is and you're integrating with others and you know what the the uh the common experience or common sense experience of others is now um integrating with your objective truth so you're not leaving out sort of like those other two uh ways of knowing things what do i feel about this and you know what what what do people around me say what do people around me think about this and those may not seem like you know big priorities in the mind of a five but but i think those wings are there for for for a reason okay when fives have done the personal work of learning to fully experience their feelings in the moment in the moment and to completely engage in life you know fives might be disengaged like a nine they might be withdrawn and disengaged engage in life rather than observing it rather than observing it nines also tend to be like observers of life you know life is happening to them and fives i think can can take that observational stance in life detached away from life itself and they would say well no why is it wrong to just observe why isn't that engaging i'm engaging from an observational view um okay well that's a good question i've been asked that question before and i i i guess the first thing i think of is you know i have five children and now a grandson and i know that my kids need me to do more than to observe the family they need me to interact they need me to be available to them they need to be allowed to intrude in my space that's what relationships are relationships are messy relationships are like spaghetti you know i think a five wants it to be like a waffle you know every little part is separated and divided but real relationships are sticky they're uh they're messy they they they people uh have emergencies that are not convenient at my time when i want them to call on me is when they call on me and and being connected to people means that you are are willing and able to allow them to intrude sixes get this right six is get this this is your sixth wing okay that um when when a six realizes that somebody in their family is having a crisis the six throws everything down i'll be there for you i will rush to your side there's an emergency right right right the lights go off and i will rush to your side and i will be there for you and i will support you and it doesn't matter what this cost me i am loyal right sixes are the loyal skeptic and so they're loyal to rush in and be there at a moment's notice and help you build your barn so that when my barn is that's the back side of that six right is that when i have an emergency i need to know that you're going to be there for me so fives you know they they want everything the lines to be a lot clearer and everybody to be more compartmentalized and relationships to work more in those blocky square ways but relationships don't really work in those blocky square ways often they can get messy sticky gooey and that's the nature of relationships okay so completely engage in life rather than observing it from afar and so i again i don't think it's bad to have an observational stance i just think it may not be in your best interest to have an op to retain an observational stance when it's necessary for you to engage same thing's true for nines to engage in life when you when you might feel inclined to rather just pull back and observe there are times when you've got to engage you can you it's fine to have a bat cave right but even batman comes out at night and engages you know with the city and he usually gets beat up a little bit okay and exhausted but then he goes back to his bat cave i think batman is actually a six but i don't really i don't really thought about it but he's probably a six probably a counter phobic six he's afraid of bats right so he he puts on the uniform of what he fears as a way of coping with it but i think as a five you kind of get stuck in your bat cave and observe it all on your monitors but you know you got to go out and engage and you're it's going to feel like you might get feel like you're getting beat up and exhausted by by engaging like that they become lively spontaneous joyful and imaginative that's great that's great that's that's what i hope my hope for you may you be lively spontaneous engaged joyful imaginative um you know and i think some of the great minds of of epic movies you know i think of as as fives like tim burton um what's an anthony hopkins what they say george lucas is a five i mean tolkien i think is a five c s lewis i mean um so you know these these epic imaginative um stories um i think alfred hitchcock you know i think of agatha christie i mean these are fives right uh michael crichton um i think um you know okay imaginative their wisdom comes from full integration of head heart and body head heart and body um and keep in mind you know um as a five you tend to be in that thinking group but you have a wing that over over in that heart group that four as a seven i don't even have that you know i have no connection to the heart at all in terms of the enneagram um but integrating head heart and body remember at the lower level disintegrated at the higher level integrated not just compartmentalized but integrating the fives have moved beyond a primarily cerebral way of existing in other words just existing in your head into a state of contagious zest for ideas feelings and experiences a contagious zest for feelings ideas and experiences so moving into life um awesome stuff well i hope that this has been helpful for you i've enjoyed going back and looking at the five again and looking at it in terms of these levels of health the integrated wizard the fearful strategists in the middle level of the remote expert and i hope as i continue to coach um fives or people that live with fives to help bring greater awareness uh to um to how to move toward health and again i think the first thing i would say to most of us is being balanced between your wings you'll have a dominant wing and a less dominant wing you you might want to look at that less dominant wing and and that often is what will balance you or help you move toward being balanced you know if you're a five wing four what does it mean to to lean more on that six and to allow more six energy into my my thinking and my in my way of interacting with people if i'm a five wing six you know the problem solver um what does it mean to get more in touch with who i am and my goals and my my feelings my intuition and move more toward that four space i might i might be blind to my own uh subjective knowledge and subjective ways of knowing things so that's a good place to start if you're just starting in this journey finding yourself on the enneagram map and what do i do to to move toward a healthier place in life i think when you're balanced between your wings you will you will look like the number that you move to in health you will look more like an eight you will look more like you're ready to take action you're ready to stand up to the plate you know and and and put yourself out there um so i hope it's been helpful to you and of course you know always in these videos by saying be present to life and i think you know for a five that means you got to come out of the shadows you got to come out of uh i mean c.s lewis said it right we tend to live in the shadow lands and we got to come out of the shadows life doesn't happen in the shadows it happens out you know out on the field and so let's get out on the field um know when we know enough uh know when we know enough that we can step out and take action um and integrate to that that place of action integrated with our feelings integrating our heart our head together and integrating toward action all right guys thank you and be present to life i'll see you next time
Channel: Dr. Tom LaHue
Views: 6,434
Rating: 4.8995814 out of 5
Keywords: enneagram, enneagram type 5, type five, personalities, family, relationships, love, marriage, parenting
Id: FdtL6LuHfNQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 52sec (2632 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 20 2020
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