Learn English Idioms for Working Hard

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Have you been working hard on your  English lately? Well if you have I   have 20 incredibly hard-working idioms that  you can use to describe hard work. Let's go!   Hello everyone, Anna here from  englishlikeanative.com, the website with courses   for all levels of English, and a community to keep  you motivated and engaged. Now let's get to work. Back/nose to the grindstone To return to/start a hard tedious task.  Right, that’s my break over, I had  better get back to the grindstone. Be on a roll Experiencing a period of success or good luck.  We signed up two new clients last  week and 4 new clients this week,   with 3 more in the pipeline. We are on a roll. Be snowed under Be overwhelmed with   a very large quantity of work (or commitments). I’m so sorry I missed the teacher’s meeting today,   with the exams around the corner and several   members of staff self isolating I’m  completely snowed under at the moment. Bend over backwards  To work extra hard to help  someone or to make them happy.  I don’t understand why he continues to bend over  backwards for Julia, she doesn’t appreciate it. Blood, sweat, and tears If something needs blood, sweat, and tears then it   is hard thing to do and requires a lot of effort. We spent 15 years building this business,   it took blood, sweat and tears  to make it what it is today. Burning a candle at both ends To work too hard as well   as trying to do other things. My boss had a nervous breakdown last month,   it’s not surprising, he was burning the  candle at both ends for many months. Get cracking Get started on a project or task.  Right, do we all know what we are supposed  to be doing? Great, let’s get cracking. Give it 110%  Try really hard to achieve something. I know that you are all tired,   it’s really hot outside, and you would rather  be relaxing in the shade eating ice-cream but   today is a very important day for our school so  I want you to get out there and give it 110%. Go the extra mile To do more than what is expected   to make something happen, or help someone. We have decided to promote Nick. He went the   extra mile for us during the pandemic  and really showed us his commitment. Hang in there Don’t give up. Keep going through the hard times.  The next few months will be hard for all of  us, just hang in there, things will improve. Jump through hoops Go through an elaborate or   complicated procedure in  order to achieve an objective.  We are in the process of applying for a mortgage,  but we have to jump through so many hoops. Knuckle/buckle down To focus and work diligently on a task or problem  If you all knuckle down and do your revision  between now and the exams then you will pass   with flying colours.  
Make up for lost time To do something as much as possible because   you were not able to do it before. To catch up. I haven’t seen my family for over two years,   so we are going to go on holiday together,  we really need to make up for lost time. Move mountains Make   every possible effort, doing  the impossible if needed.  Trust me, I will move mountains to make sure  that you are satisfied with your new branding. No pain no gain  Suffering is necessary in  order to achieve something.  The athletes are complaining about having  to train on a Sunday, but no pain no gain. Pull one’s own weight To do your fair share   of work that a group of people is doing together. James, you have taken a lot of time off this month   and when you have been in you haven’t done very  much work. We are all working hard to reach our   deadline, so we need you to start pulling your  own weight otherwise we will have to let you go. Raise the bar  Raise the standards which need to be  met in order to qualify for something.  Apple have really raised the  bar with their latest iPhone. Stay ahead of the game To react quickly and gain/keep an advantage.  We are changing our marketing strategy,   advertising will now include TikTok.  We must stay ahead of the game. Stay the course To keep going strongly   to the end of a race or contest or task. We have been working with this client for   12 months on this project, we plan to  stay the course and get the job done. Take the bull by the horns  To deal decisively with a  difficult or dangerous situation.  I’ve asked him several times but he  ignores me. I must take the bull by the   horns and tell my landlord that I am moving  out unless he fixes the central heating. To take the bull by the horns. This means to  deal decisively with a difficult or dangerous   situation. I've asked him several times but  he just ignores me. I must take the bull by   the horns and just tell my landlord that I'm  moving out unless he fixes the central heating.  There you go 20 idioms for working  hard. Now if you are a hard worker   and you're motivated to improve  your English then why not join me   and other motivated students in the  ELAN (English Like A Native) community   on one of the ELAN courses. Head over to  Englishlikeanative.com to find out more!
Channel: English Like A Native
Views: 23,348
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Keywords: British English, English Lesson, Learn English, English Like a native, english idioms for working hard, idioms for working hard, english idioms, learn english idioms, idioms in british english, idioms in conversation, idioms in english, idioms in english with meanings, idioms in english with meanings and examples, business english vocabulary, learn english phrases, learn english phrases and idioms, learn english vocabulary, speak english, english vocabulary, british accent
Id: 1THvQYm_p7U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 58sec (418 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 13 2021
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