ENGLISH Phrasal Verbs: Learn The Complete List - #18 | LIVE English Lesson

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hello everyone welcome to another lesson with me and English here English like a native it's Monday it's four o'clock and that means we are doing some more phrasal verbs so I have five new phrasal verbs to share with you today and at the end of this lesson I'm going to join you in a little quiz to test you on your knowledge now hopefully we will get through this pretty quickly it should be around a half an hour session if you are here don't forget to say hello do feel free to write your comments down below and feel free to have a chat amongst your monk you're amongst goodness me I put my teeth back in amongst yourselves in the comments down below I will try and respond to some comments although I cannot respond to all comments because there's just too much going on that I have to run here in the live stream if you are new here and you are really keen to learn English then make sure you press the subscribe button and the Bell notification button so you don't miss any future lessons and if you do find this helpful and you enjoy learning with me live then be sure to give this video a thumb up alright so as always I've made some notes and the very first phrasal verb we're going to look at today is the phrasal verb bowl over now bowl over can have two meanings it can have a metaphorical meaning and a very physical meaning but what does it mean well let's have a look right now shall we so two bowl over firstly it could mean a surprise if you surprised someone greatly so you give them a big surprise then perhaps they feel bowled over so you could say I bowled them over with something surprising and the second example way in which you could use Bowl over is to knock someone over physically so if someone knocks you to the ground then they may have bowled you over very similar to a bowling ball knocking over bowling pins so the first example I've written this sentence my friends were bowled over by the news of my sudden departure so I'm suddenly leaving and my friends are so surprised that I've used the phrase they were bowled over okay and in the physical sense to the physically knock someone's down I've said that day it was blowing a gale to blow a gale it means very windy it was very very windy that day it was blowing a gale in fact when I first stepped out of my front door the wind completely bowled me over you would use this in exactly the same way as you would use knock me over it knocked me over okay so there you go to Bowl over now like with every other version of these phrasal verbs lessons what I want you to do is to try and write a sentence involving the phrasal verb that we've just covered because even if I don't get a chance to look at it I will look at a few but even if I don't get a chance to look at it practice and regular use of new information is going to help it to stay in your long-term memory so do try now to write a sentence and if I get chance I will have a quick look and let you know so I can see now jingo has said I was bowled over with Ana's beauty oh that's very sweet and yes that's a correct use of bowled over you were shocked you were surprised wow I was bowled over with Ana's beauty you could say bowled over by bowled over with I I don't have a problem with that I think with works fine as well but more more typically we would use by bowled over by Sidra says yesterday she bowled me over with her good score in annual exams very good all I would say Sidra is to use an article in the annual exams otherwise very good all right so I don't want to labor for too long on any one particular phrase a verb so let's move on to the next one and the net one on the list is to box in now box in can again be used physically or it could be used metaphorically but the overall meaning is to prevent someone from doing what they want and I've written here physically or metaphorically so if I box you in with my car then it means you can't move your car out because I've parked my car in front of it or I've put something in in your way so you can't move the car physically perhaps also I could box you in with rules and regulations or just restrictions in general if I give you no choice then you may feel boxed in means you can't move you can't do anything and the example sentence I've given here is again thinking about my car I've put by mid-morning my car was boxed in and I had no choice but to stay put for the rest of the day now you may not have seen this actually before to stay put to stay put just means to stay in that same place to stay put stay in that place and mid-morning I'm sure you can guess if you've not seen this before means in the middle of the morning it's an average and approximate time around the middle of the morning which is I would imagine around 10:00 10:30 it's not early and it's not late it's mid-morning ok so like with the previous phrasal verb please try now to put this into a sentence so that you remember the phrasal verb to box in have you recently been boxed in it can be very frustrating can't it when someone boxes you in ok so the next phrasal verb on the list also uses the word box and it is to box up to box up now this is very easy to remember if you box something up you put things in boxes so to box something up is to put it in a box if you're moving house then you'll be boxing up all of your belongings so that you can move it to the new house and unpack at the other end I'll be moving house in a few months and at which point I will be boxing up all my belongings I'll be boxing up the office and I'll take it to my new house and unpack everything so let's have a quick look at it written in the notes and with my example so to box up is to pack things in boxes if you don't come over to collect your stuff by the end of the week then I will box it all up and drop it off at the local charity shop to drop something off is to leave something somewhere so I'm saying if you don't come and get your things then I'll be I will be boxing it all up I'll put it in boxes and I will take it and leave it at a local charity shop for someone else to have okay so that's a threat isn't it I'm giving someone an ultimatum if you don't do this then this is the consequence I'll box all your things up okay so let's have a quick look at some examples patrons and we'll remind you that the patron Skype room is open a couple of you have said hello but no one yet has unwritten any example sentences so do feel free patrons to write your examples in here so that I definitely see them otherwise if you're not a patron then do just write your example sentences in the comments so let's see if I can see some now David hello David you said I have boxed up all my books perfect David if you just put a full-stop at the end of that sentence that would be an immaculate sentence absolutely perfect I've also got I'll box up my cat and throw through the window I hope not mad guy then you'll get a phone call from the RSPCA and you'll get into a lot of trouble then I have I have to box up my things before moving us before moving to the US you're going somewhere you need prep moving to the US okay let me see if I can find any for boxed-in because I didn't cover that one with any remote and examples so here we go omits hello amich you said I boxed in my nephew from eating too much chocolate hmm I boxed in my nephew from eating too much chocolate that doesn't quite feel right you could change it around and say my nephew was not allowed to eat too much chocolate it made him feel boxed in that would feel more natural but to boxing my nephew or you could say you could physically box him in so you could prevent him from leaving his room so physically box him in I boxed in I box my nephew into his room so he couldn't eat too much chocolate from the kitchen that would work as well all right so hello mihail nice of you to join us as well lots of yous coming in and saying hello lovely for you all to be here and if you are here you've only just joined then do remember before you leave to give this video a thumb up and to leave a little comment in the comments box below obviously if these videos continue to be popular then I know that it's what you want and I will continue to make more so by leaving a comment liking and even sharing these videos it really helps this channel to grow and it helps me to know what you like and what you don't like so if you can do that for me that would be fantastic okay so the very next one on the list we're going through this very quickly is the phrasal verb to branch out so if you branch out it means that you do something that's related to what you've done in the past but it takes you on a new direction so you do something new but it is related to what you've already done before so you branch out you you try something a little different let me show you the example sentence that I've given it might help to make it more obvious so is thinking about branching out into teaching sign language Anna is thinking about branching out into teaching sign language so I already do teaching that's what I do with my time I teach I educate but I teach very specific things I teach singing and I teach English so if I was going to teach sign language that would be something slightly different so I would use the phrasal verb branching out and I was thinking about branching out into teaching sign language or I could say I'm thinking of branching out into teaching sign language so I'd like you'd have a go at using the phrasal verb branch out have you branched out recently has the company you worked for the company work for now has it ever branched out into a new line of products or a new type of service for example just thinking off the top of my head which means it's improvised I haven't thought about it before HMV which is a big store here in the UK it's a big chain of shops HMV used to sell DVDs and CDs but obviously then the digital age came in and CDs and DVDs on that popular anymore so HMV have to think about how they could branch out into offering music and film in a different way I'm not sure if they successfully branched out or not they are still going so they're obviously doing something right okay so Mustapha hello you said I'm thinking about branching out into learning a new language perfect well done narahari not narahari said I branched out in sales strategy and achieved 100% target okay that's not perfect so initially I went of--can about yourself I is always with a capital letter I so I branched out in two so rather than in we need in and two into sales strategy and I achieved I want a there again please and I achieved 100% I receive I achieved 100 cent target the word target doesn't work there either and I reached my goal I wheat oh I don't know what you would do there I brought it out into sales strategy and oh if anyone else can help me with this sentence any other natives that I know watch then please do write it in the comments box now so I know what you're trying to say I just can't think off the top of my head what you would put so if anyone else watching knows exactly how to word this then please do help me out on this one all right let me see what else is coming through India has branched out new strategy into branched out into in this case I would say using a new strategy India has branched out into using a new strategy it's a school I boxed and played football so you've used boxed here meaning the sport at school I boxed and played football haha that's totally correct oh you're responding someone else okay I'll keep quiet right let's move on to the very last phrasal verb on the list today and it's very easy it is break away to break away means to leave or to escape from someone or something that's holding you it might be holding you physically or it might be holding you through a feeling of duty a connection a commitment that you've made to someone or to something perhaps a person you're in a relationship with a job that you've committed to a group that you've committed to and then did you decide you're going to leave that means you you break away you escape you get away okay so let's have a look at the examples that I've given for break away so his partner is hugely controlling I just hope that he can find the strength to break away from her soon so I'm talking about a man in a relationship with a controlling woman and I obviously don't agree with it and I say I hope that he can escape I hope that he can get away from that commitment very soon okay so I hope that's very clear you can break away from a job sometimes we even use break away just to mean escaping our reality so for example we often use it if we are going for a quick trip away so I work very hard I find that I get very tired and I like to take trips away it might be a long weekend like I just went to Wales for a long weekend so you could say I had a break away in Wales so we do use it also to mean like a short vacation to escape the reality to the wrist escape the commitments of your life you have a breakaway okay so John Lennon broke away from the Beatles says David very good well done and yes he did she a 1d says the killer broke away from the jail hmm in that case we would use a different phrase of Oh which is break out the killer broke out of jail okay you could say he was being chased by the officers but he broke away from them he was being chased by the officers but he broke away from them so he managed to get away he managed to escape them but when we're talking about jail or a prison of some sort we would say break out and that's the common phrasal verb used okay so here we go let me have a look at my patrons now because I think we have an answer to that previous tricky sentence which was which I was unable to correct a Justin as offered I reached my target of 100% yes that would work thank you for helping me with that one that's what I love about this community everyone is so willing to help everybody else I branched out into sales strategy and reached my target of 100% yes works okay fantastic so the next thing to happen is the very exciting quiz which was a feature that I introduced last week you all seem to like it therefore I have decided to do it again and what will be happening in the future over the next few days you will see that I'll be releasing the quiz independently so you'll see a small video coming up which is a quiz which acts as a revision for the previous lesson so in a few days maybe even tomorrow we'll see you will see the quiz from last week's lesson appear if you watched last week then refreshing your memory with the quiz is exactly the point there very short videos you do the quiz refresh your memory and this will help with that long term on onboarding of vocabulary yeah all right so let me have a look oh thank you so much to hummock Tomic bless you've just dropped another super chat you're always so generous I can't thank you enough Thank You Tomic and you've said a small thank you that's very very sweet of you okay so are you ready for this quiz and we're definitely going to do all of this within the time today so that's fantastic right here we go I'm gonna talk you through day's lesson what does the phrasal verb box up mean does it mean to hold someone back count count all your boxes wrap in many layers or putting things in boxes and the answer is to box up means can you remember to put things in boxes of course now a bowl over this phrasal verb means to knock someone to the ground is that true or is that false to knock someone to the ground is that bowl over I Bowl you over yes it is true I hope you got that one right that was quite a simple one but it also means you can greatly surprised someone remember that we could not use the phrase over break away when ending an unhealthy relationship a good friendship a meeting abruptly or the day so when can't you use the phrase of a break away that's right you can't use it when ending the day is this statement correct I hope to branch out into teaching another language soon is that correct or not I hope to branch up into teaching other language no it's not branch up remember the phrasal verb is to branch out we branch out to do something new which phrasal verb is missing we are something with all these rules and regulations we are boxed in we are boxed up we are branched out or we are breakaway which is the correct phrasal verb which one is missing that's right we are boxed in with all these rules and regulations and writing my school meaning your school in the comments below we'll make Anna English smile like this yes it will that is correct and if you can share this with your friends to find out what school they got that would be excellent and look if you share your score below I was smiling like this I hope you found that alright let me know if you found it a little too fast it's hard to know what kind of gap to leave I do it at a pace that I feel is good for me plus an extra few seconds but let me know if you felt it was a little slow or a little fast and I'll try and bear that in mind in the future I'm going to have a quick look at one patrons are saying here I have hello all this while I was boxing up my clothes my car was boxed in the cart the parking lot fantastic well done hi Leila how are you probably actually want to say yes yeah I would with the parking lot the one boxed in in the car in parking lot it always feels weird when you using two prepositions together but I do agree with you although I think if you're just casually speaking I think either way would be accepted I was boxed in the parking lot I was boxed in in the parking lot mmm yeah no I agree with you I agree with that one okay all right guys let me see what you guys are saying in the in the chat room okay is kind of challenging but it's okay says Mustafa about the quiz the timing was right said Augusto the pace of teaching seems fine says knurl I hope I'm pronouncing that correctly fantastic okay so guys thank you so much for joining me today I have kept him well within the time we are 22 minutes nearly 23 minutes which is a record I hope that this suits everyone I know some of you say it's too long some say mmm I would like longer but I'm trying to please as many of you as I can don't forget I will reveal reveal release last week's quiz again tomorrow I think I added another question I may have added another question for you so there'll be another question in there that you didn't see last week if you can share this with your friends that would be greatly appreciated don't forget to subscribe and press that Bell notification off to subscribe and if you are missing me in the meantime because I don't think you don't have anything else from me until next lesson which is Friday at 12 o'clock when I'm live with hot-off-the-press some more advanced English if you're missing me in the mean time then I do have some other channels those channels will be linked in the description box below but I have my adventure channel which keeps you up to date with what I'm doing in my life and the adventures that I'm taking I have my children's channel which is aimed at children but I've recently released some story time videos which I've added Michael's to purposefully so that you guys can get some listening practice and I also have a singing channel which may not be to everyone's tastes but if you enjoy singing and you want to improve your singing voice then there's lots of exercises and hints and tips on that channel too so all these channels are linked in the description box what they're up there in the description box below so do take some time to check them out I'm gonna put my teeth back in now guys thank you so much for joining me it's been an absolute pleasure thank you so much to my patrons thank you also to Tomic who's always dropping super chat donations it's very very sweet of you and really appreciate it and thank you if you have joined me today and supported this lesson in any way alright guys take care have a wonderful week and I'll speak to you very soon lots of love from London you
Channel: English Like A Native
Views: 12,857
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Learn English, English like a native, Anna English, english lesson, Live english lesson, english vocabulary, learn english, english, british, english accent, british accent, listening, english listening, english vocabulary live, vocabulary, learn english vocabulary, Phrasal verbs, verbs, english phrasal verbs, learn phrasal verbs, common phrasal verbs, verbs list, phrasal verb list, complete phrasal verbs list, list of phrasal verbs, writing english
Id: QPXvwzoBLWk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 24sec (1524 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 04 2018
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