English Fluency Challenge Day 3

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Hello hello hello hello and Welcome to our English fluency Challenge Day 3 I am so excited to see you here. I'm your english teacher gabi here at go natural English naturals you are Naturals at learning the English language when you learn together with me here at go natural English we're going to practice together today repeating and Responding actually responding to my questions You're going to practice your english fluency, and I'm going to give you some feedback to help you improve So I'm really excited to have you here [thank] you so much for joining the challenge now if you are new to the challenge if Today is your [first] day with go natural English Lessons then please take a few seconds to sign up for this [challenge] it's totally free, but when you sign up you get special bonuses by email you can sign up at Go natural English comm Slash Challenge the link is in the description so make sure you sign up for your special bonus, and it's also a really good [idea] to subscribe to go natural English right here on YouTube if you like these live YouTube English tip lessons, then don't miss them get a notification when We go live you can do that by subscribing. It's easy Just look for this button on the go natural English channel and click on it to subscribe it just takes a couple of seconds So I am super [excited] to get [started] with you today With our [3rd] day of the English fluency challenge. This is a really special event. [I] don't do this every day Oops, I don't do this every [day]. This is a special event for this week only Now I may do it sometime in the future again because it's so popular and I know you guys love it And I enjoy it too, but I don't know when I'm going to do it again so I want you to make sure to subscribe to go natural English here on YouTube and join this challenge because if you join this challenge then I can tell you about the next one so make sure that you signed up at go natural English comm slash challenge and Subscribe here on YouTube to get notifications Awesome. I'm so happy to see you all here. So let's get started. Are you ready to improve your fluency? Okay, then. Let's go hello Hello How's it going? How's it going? How is it going? How's it going? How's? Everything how is everything how's everything? Very good. So how would you respond? How's it going? groovy good um great Wonderful, how you doing? I'm awesome. [fine] great Wonderful, I'm good. How about you okay? Great? How [about] how would you respond to how's everything? Everything is great. Everything is good good grades Okay, wonderful. Yeah, so a good short positive answer super super great wonderful I can't complain very nice So I'm doing fine, but this morning was a little bit difficult it was a little bit difficult because as you know I have a new dog and Well this morning he ate My tupperware [he] thought it was a chew toy. So look at my tupperware And look at what scrappy did to my tupperware? I'm not very happy about this, so I need to get some new tupperware because scrappy ate mine But that's [okay]. We can still have a better rest of the day We can have a great day even though scrappy ate my tupperware. It's okay. So how was your morning? I yeah, I know very funny right he thought you was really funny, but dogs don't know dogs Don't know that this is not a toy [this] is what I used to store food in but I put his water in it uh and he thought [that] it looked really delicious and fun to chew apart, so - [offense] but moving on We're gonna have a great lesson today. We're gonna have a great rest of the day right, so Let me ask you some questions. I've been asking you questions from a recent video tip lesson that I uploaded called five ways to continue an English conversation Now these are really advanced really great questions for you to use in any conversational situation Now you can watch that video the quick tip lesson that I recorded and uploaded about a week ago to learn all five questions now in our live YouTube Lesson here, we're going to talk about some of the questions not all of them today, but some of them and possible answers Awesome, so I asked you. How's it going? How's everything [I]? Asked you some different questions in the last few days now Today, I want to ask you now [that] we're getting to know each other a little bit. I want to ask you What are you? most excited about what are you most excited about What are you? most excited about What are you most excited about? Okay, and how [would] you respond to this? What are you most excited about? What are you most excited about these days? What are you most excited about these days okay? I'm excited [about] joining the class. I'm excited about the English language Okay, I'm excited for Becoming fluent in English I'm excited about becoming fluent in English I'm excited about this summer, okay? I'm excited to ride a horse Hector interesting answer also very unique um I'm excited about Training my dog so that he doesn't eat my tupperware. [I'm] also excited to see you here [oh] someone's excited about Ramadan. Yes, that's happening right now [yay], I'm excited about learning swimming Excellence. [I'm] most excited about your class. Thank you. Oh, I'm excited for my next Parachuting that's awesome. That sounds really exciting um What else are we excited about lips? Practice responding in the comments, and I can read some of your answers and you can practice your pronunciation By repeating out loud. Oh, I got my sign a little wet [hopefully] dries [off] Okay So I'm excited when I travel I'm excited to learn English. I'm excited about running a Marathon I'm excited about dancing Excellence. I'm really excited about watching this class on Line, so try to repeat Right after you hear my answer. I'm reading your answers, but I'm helping you with your pronunciation. [I'm] Excited about watching your video. I'm excited about getting a seven in on the oh I'm excited about my law papers, okay? I'm Excited to improve my English good answer Very good answers. I'm excited about playing basketball I'm excited about studying English. [I'm] excited about getting married all Congratulations Davi I'm excited - oh it's going so fast. I can't read that fast uh Okay, I'm excited about my new project in the office Awesome. I'm excited about my exams good. I'm excited that you're [excited] about your exams. I'm excited about languages Good languages I'm excited about my vocation. [oh] that's an interesting vocabulary word. I'm excited about my vocation About my job about my work about my career. You could use any of those words career is perhaps a difficult word to pronounce again, it's that r sound [ha] we're All louise, I'm excited about my graduation well congratulations to you for graduating. That's wonderful Um I'm excited about learning and developing skills the in Sounds can be difficult let's practice that I'm excited about learning [king] you're gonna feel it kind of behind your nose because it's a nasal sound I'm excited about learning Languages very nice. Oh John. I'm excited about going on vacation Vacation very good, so I know the V sound can be challenging sometimes Vacation um yeah, you should repeat. I see a question if you should repeat. Yes, absolutely Repeat after me. I'm excited for drawing Wonderful, okay, you guys have some great answers so you I'm excited to be here with you now you might notice that depending on the structure. I use I change the form of the verb so I'm excited to become fluent in English I'm excited about Becoming fluent in English I'm excited to teach you English I'm excited about teaching English, so this is a small thing a lot of us can improve Excellence. Oh you guys have great answers I'm excited about spending time with my son this summer esmeralda. That sounds nice [okay], so don't forget the two or the about we can improve with those prepositions Mehmood I'm excited about getting a wall paper like you. Thank you. Yes. I really like my brick Backdrop it's not actually wall paper. It's a backdrop a Backdrop is like a curtain that [you] put behind you when you're doing photography or video Awesome, so let me ask you a new question we can practice another conversational question together And of course you can always ask your conversation partner. How about you? How about you? How about you? how about you What are you excited about so emphasis on you because you're asking your conversation partner You I want to know about you How about [you]? What are you excited about? Good so next question What do you need help with? What? do you need help with What do you need help with? What do you need help with? What do you need help with? So what do you need help with please tell me I? Need help with training my dog because scrappy is a little bit Confused he thinks that this is food is tupperware he tried to eat it. This is not food. He's confused [I] need help with my dog It takes time I know So that is a project that I'm working on is Training my dog he's so sweet He's in his Kennel right now his little doghouse because he's acting crazy today So he's not allowed to run around so I need help with my dog if any of you can help me train my dog Please let me know now. Let me help you with your answers. I need help with phrasal verbs with my pronunciation pronunciation [I] need help with my law papers Papers is a word we could practice together because the p sound is A different sound than the b sound and some English learners say [Beiber's], it's not Beiber's it's papers, so you can actually um you can you can push air out of your mouth when you Say the p sound and you can see a paper moving when you say it paper paper [whoo], and not when I say B-boy, babe or paper Party pup, you can see the paper moving so What else do you need help with? I really need to improve [my] English. Thank you Roberto for your answer [I] need help with my speaking skills, or I need help with speaking skills. I need help for my poor English That's why we're here and your english is not poor your english is improving You're learning a little bit every day um What else I need help with my [homework]? I need help with my pronunciation the th sound vowel [Masu] here Okay, so let's practice a word with the th sound. How about a lovely word? Thank you, so everybody you're going to stick out your tongue between your teeth like this and You're going to blow Air I? Know I look ridiculous. You look ridiculous, [too] This is what you have to do to improve your English pronunciation So stick your tongue out between your teeth and blow air do it one [more] time [very] [nice] now. Let's say the word. Thank Thank thank you. Thank you Thank you, not. Thank you not. Thank you not. Thank you, but Thank you. Oh my gosh. I think I spit Anyway, it's probably good that I'm online on YouTube and not face-to-face with you because I would have I Would have gotten you with my spit just now so I'm a little bit more calm a little bit more relaxed Thank you. That was good. Hey, let's get ridiculous together. Yes, Francisco. Thank you so much gracie Don't worry. Thank you. I appreciate that Good, okay so the questions we had today were What are you most excited about [I] love this question because it Allows your conversation partner to tell you really anything that they're interested in or whatever. They're working on or whatever They're passionate about so it's a great way to continue a conversation and What do you need help with so this is important for me to ask you obviously because I want to practice What you need help with so a lot of pronunciation? Listening speaking phrasal verbs [I] hear you, so it's good that we still have two more [days] [for] our English fluency challenge I'm really enjoying asking you questions and having you respond and practicing together Tell me are you enjoying this way of practicing together, please? Comments. Yes, if you are are you enjoying our way of practicing together? Thank you so much for your comments. [yes], wonderful speaking skills ah Phrasal verbs yes. Oh thank you for your answers. Yes, good. So you guys are doing a great job? Really great if you're speaking out. [loud] if you're responding to me. Thank you Thank you Thank you, okay. I'm really [emphasizing] that Thank you, obviously you don't need to do this every [time] but for training today. We're practicing really emphasize really stick your tongue out and really blow that air and say Thank you, everybody, please repeat it out loud Thank you. [oh] my gosh Thank you so much. This is so much fun. I love you guys Thank you for joining And again if you're finding this or the first time if you don't know about go natural English Welcome and please subscribe please be sure to subscribe on [YouTube] and Join the English fluency challenge at gonaturalenglish.com [we'll] be here tomorrow at the same time and Friday at the same time if you join at gonaturalenglish.com Slash challenge I can send you a bonus at the end of our Challenge week, so I'm having so much fun. [I] hope you guys are too. I'm going to say it more Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart. [I] love being here with you guys I have to run [I've] got to go I'll see you tomorrow. [have] an awesome day [bye] [for] now
Channel: Go Natural English
Views: 23,448
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: English Listening, English Speaking, American English, Study English, #hangoutsonair, Hangouts On Air, #hoa
Id: qOk7fMrktZk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 19sec (1219 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 14 2017
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