9 Reasons People Become Fluent English Speakers Fast (and others don't)

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why do some people become fluent english speakers while others struggle with english speaking for years and years and maybe their whole lives well today i'm going to share why in the next 10 minutes i'm going to share 9 reasons why some english learners become fluent in english speaking quickly successfully confidently and other people really struggle with the challenge of speaking english fluently i'll tell you right now what it's not it's not because some people are smarter some people are not as smart it's not that it's actually because of the method the mindset and understanding how to learn a new language so i am thrilled to share these nine points with you because they're going to change the way that you learn english for the rest of your life and feel free to share this with your friends who are learning english because it could save them years and lots of struggle i'm gabby the founder of gonaturalenglish.com and i have been teaching english for over 17 years now oh my goodness in universities around the world companies around the world two learners from all different countries and i am the creator of the go natural english complete english course which i'll tell you about more at the end of this lesson if you're interested in learning more with me one thing that causes a lot of frustration and not much success is actually following your textbook let me explain because this might seem like a surprise to some people some people really follow the textbook page by page and they think that once you finish your textbook you are fluent in english but that is so far from the truth it couldn't be further from the truth just because you read all the pages in your textbook does not mean that you can speak english in the real world when i was teaching english in a traditional classroom i felt this it was so frustrating that i really had to stick to the textbook and worksheets and teach to tests see my students could get good grades in class but then when it was time to go out into the real world they really struggled because they lacked that real world conversational english speaking knowledge so while an english textbook can be helpful i have to share these nine points with you that can help you become fluent outside of your textbook so if you have a textbook that you're following you can throw it away now or you can use it as i don't know something to put your coffee cup on so that it doesn't stain your table but you really don't need an english textbook anymore to become fluent in english let me explain exactly how the biggest reason why so many people struggle with english fluency and take a long time to learn and have an unintelligible accent is because they are imposing or using the blueprints or the rules from their native language when they learn english you have to understand that learning english is not always building or adding to what you already know it's not building on your native language it's not adding to your native language yes as adults learning english you have some advantages you know what grammar is you know what it means to communicate with other people effectively however learning english is not about using the same grammar rules from your native language learning english is not about using the same pronunciation rules one huge mistake in learning english learning english speaking and pronunciation is thinking in your native language when you are reading or when you are speaking english that's why a lot of english learners who have completed their textbooks still cannot be understood by native english speakers and cannot understand native english speakers because for example you are thinking that okay if you're brazilian for example shout out to brazil uh maybe you have trouble with the r in the beginning of words because in english it's always going to sound like but in portuguese it might sound like ha like an h in english and this is just a basic example but when you read words in english are you thinking the ha sound or are you thinking the r sound because the way that you think when you read is the way that you're going to pronounce the word so in other words you don't want to think for example what's a word that starts with r how about rose the flower a rose you don't want to think hose you want to think rose we have to think with the english pronunciation rule so it's really important to understand how letters sound and not just think oh this letter sounds like ha in my language no we have to understand the sounds of english and that's a very basic example because it's just one letter one sound but what about combinations of letters like t-i-o-n that sounds like shun that might be different from your native language there are a ton of other examples and i don't have time to make this a whole pronunciation lesson but basically i want you to think that when you learn english you have to start fresh like a child learning new pronunciation rules understanding the sounds of english and not just reading the letters or the words in english as you would in your native language does that make sense i hope so if it doesn't ask me in the comments to explain a little better in the next video now on the same point grammar you cannot put english in the same format or structure as your native language sometimes it might be the same but unfortunately usually it's not okay well most languages have a subject a verb an object but even the order that we put these in can change for example in spanish if i'm describing someone i have to think would i translate a large person and a great person the same so a large person would be una persona grande a great person would be una grande persona right so in english i would not say great or large as grande it's not going to translate as like the same word so we have to understand not only that cognates are different but that the order of words can be different from your native language to english so again grammatical structures can be different and we have to learn the rules of english but let me tell you something it's not about just memorizing rules or memorizing formulas or structures in english it's about listening to a lot of english understanding the grammar as you hear it that is the best way to learn let's move on to the next reason why some people learn english faster than others your overall motivation is so important why are you learning english is it a reason that comes from inside your deepest desires and dreams intrinsic motivation is what we call it in language learning theory or is it an external reason like your family wants you to learn english or you think you should because you feel pressure from your boss or someone outside of you that is extrinsic or external outside motivation guess which one is more effective if you said intrinsic motivation that comes from inside your deepest dreams and desires for your life you are correct and that's why it's important to find an intrinsic motivation for learning english because that will help you to continue your motivation when english learning becomes a challenge now on that point the third point for how to become a faster better more successful english speaker is that you need to have ways to continue your motivation on an ongoing daily basis this means that when you do something well when you understand native speakers when you speak so that others can understand you you need to celebrate this is a really great point i think because we forget to celebrate we always think about the bad things the mistakes how we need to work harder and and and put more effort and how we're not doing a good job no now is the time to celebrate when you have a successful conversation in english celebrate do a little dance sing a little song give yourself a treat maybe you can do something that you enjoy and think about how awesome your english is becoming this my friends will help you to stay motivated and continue learning and speaking english people who don't understand their own motivation either the reason why they're learning english and or their ongoing motivation on a daily basis those are the people that really struggle to learn english quickly so you have to understand yourself and your own motivations in order to kind of trick yourself into learning it sounds funny but it works you know i recently rescued a dog and i've been training him and i realized that when i train him i have to reward him as soon as he does something good so if i say sit and he sits he gets a cookie if i say come and he comes he gets a cookie so this is what we have to do with ourselves i know it sounds crazy obviously we are not animals we are humans but our motivation is similar so if you do something good in english reward yourself let's talk about the people who say i don't have time to learn english this is a huge excuse this is why you're not fluent in english speaking because it's not about not having enough time it's about not making english learning a priority if it is your goal and your priority to learn english if you know that english speaking will improve your life will improve your career then it should be a priority so if it is a priority you are going to do it you need to figure out how to make english speaking a priority in your life and you will make time for priorities anything that's not a priority naturally doesn't get done doesn't get worked on doesn't get improved so think to yourself is it really something you want if it is make it a priority because if speaking english is not really something you want maybe you want something else more it's not going to happen that's just the facts another reason why some people struggle learning english is that they are just learning some parts of english usually reading and writing and not practicing speaking and listening this happens all too often in the english classroom in a traditional classroom where usually you know you're asked to read the textbook write some worksheets or some essays i mean do some worksheets not like create your own worksheets anyway i mean write essays complete worksheets this is not really going to get you fluent in english speaking it might help but it's just one step you want to learn all the skills and especially focus on the skills that you want to do really well like listening and speaking so don't just focus on one small area or skill in english you really need to focus on listening and speaking reading and writing can help you of course but don't stop there and on that note you need to know what it is you want to learn in english not just why you're learning english but why you're learning english leads into what you want to learn in english so why do you want to learn english tell me seriously write it in the comments let's say you want to learn english because you love to travel me too i can't wait to start traveling again but to travel we want to speak english with other fluent english speakers we want to ask about directions recommendations how much things cost things like that so now you can make a list of the things you want to be able to do in english notice i didn't say name all the zoo animals in english this if you can believe it or not was the first thing i had to do in my spanish class when i was learning spanish in a university the first thing i had to do was learn words like hippopotamus is that right giraffe wow it's been like 15 or so years since i took my first spanish class and we learned all those things but i was appalled i was so upset because i was like this is not why i'm learning spanish to name all of the animals in the zoo i'm learning spanish so i can enjoy travel enjoy speaking with people in spanish okay anyway you have to know why you're learning spanish sorry why you're learning english maybe you're learning spanish too i don't know why you're learning english and what you want to be able to do with english and make a list i highly recommend make a list of the things you want to be able to do like the examples i told you you know talk to strangers get directions get recommendations ask about the cost of things or how to do the things you want to be able to do when you're traveling okay a huge mistake is relegating or keeping english only in the classroom a lot of english learners have english class maybe one hour a week and that is the only time that they're speaking english listening to english in an english environment that is not enough to learn english has to become a daily habit and part of your life part of your life style listen to music in english read the news in english watch netflix in english think in english journal in english make friends and talk to them in english make it part of your lifestyle now if you want to get more tips on how to do this i've made a few videos about this both about how to think in english and how to make english part of your lifestyle i will link to those in the description so make sure that you click on the arrow to open the description and you'll see the links to go to those english speaking lessons next as i kind of mentioned before some people only learn english from textbooks this is not enough to get you to english speaking fluency so make sure that you close your textbook yes you know use it for i don't know a booster chair for your kid or something it doesn't have to be thrown away we can recycle and reuse but make sure that you're learning english from real life conversation and that's actually what i do in the complete go natural english course is i show you natural unscripted english conversations and i break them down so that you understand all the vocabulary phrases phrasal verbs and the meaning behind all the conversations is there for you to understand and to dissect and really comprehend native english speakers and practice your english speaking so you can sound more fluent in your speaking skills yourself so make sure that you're not only using a textbook that you're also learning from real world conversation and confidence let me tell you this might sound like kind of a fluffy point of why some people become fluent in english faster than others but it's not if you do not believe in yourself or your ability to become fluent in english you will not become fluent if you're constantly thinking negative thoughts like i will never be fluent my english is so bad let me tell you that is what you'll get we need to envision you speaking english fluently now i want you every day to take a minute yeah just one minute is all you need to really think of yourself as a fluent english speaker maybe it's not 100 true yet maybe you still make mistakes that's okay that's normal that's part of the learning process but you need to see yourself as a fluent english speaker if you do this your confidence will improve and you will really improve your english speaking skills just by believing in yourself and having that confidence other english speakers are more likely to want to speak with you too because you're going to be smiling and you're going to feel good when you speak english do these nine things and i promise you english speaking will come to you much faster much more naturally and you're going to enjoy the process even more if you want to learn more with me at go natural english with our complete course or other resources be sure to visit gonaturalenglish.com email and you can join my email group for serious english learners interested in a premium learning experience where everything is organized for you and you get everything you need for fluency and speaking practice i can tell you even more about it and what we're doing inside the course when you join the email group at gonaturalenglish.com email we have expert native english teachers that help teach the course we have recorded lessons based on native speaker conversations that are broken down for you we have students from over 134 countries so you can practice your english with people from around the world it is an amazing and effective program that has helped thousands of english learners become fluent in their english speaking and confident and happy when they speak english so it doesn't have to be a struggle for you any more it doesn't have to be boring it doesn't have to be a negative experience we can have fun together improving your english speaking skills now i have an idea if you want to see what i was saying about how some people are able to become fluent quickly in english and so can you i'm gonna link to a live stream video that i did on this topic about four years ago and we can see what we talked about what questions of yours i answered in that video now if you have more questions about this topic let me know in the comments thank you so much for watching i'm so glad that you're here just by watching this you're becoming more and more fluent in your english and confidence will be yours in no time if you do these nine points thank you again i hope you have an amazing day full of english and i'll see you at gonaturalenglish.com soon thanks so much bye for now
Channel: Go Natural English
Views: 218,985
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: American Accent Training, American Accent, Go Natural English, Gabby Wallace
Id: sTIpDm1tBe4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 0sec (1260 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 26 2021
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