Day 5 of the English Fluency Challenge Fluency | Go Natural English

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hello hello hello how are you welcome to day five of our English fluency challenge here at go natural English I am your English teacher Gabby and I'm so excited to be here with you my heart is full seeing all the wonderful comments and English learners like you who have participated in our challenge over the last four days and today is day five our fifth and final day today we're talking about English fluency so I'm going to share some tips some phrases with you that you can use immediately to improve your English fluency for free 100% for free I'm also going to invite you to take the next step in your English fluency by joining my live English lesson program that is a paid program it's a six week long program called the rapid English method so you can learn more about that at go natural English calm / REM program the link is in the description so our first day we talked about pronunciation our second day phrasal verbs third day grammar fourth day conversation fifth days today fluency hello everyone I'm so happy to see you Camilo Winn so nice to see you hello hello hello I'm thrilled that you're here with us live so tell me where you are from I see Winn is from Vietnam I would love to see where you're all from so tell me where you're watching from your end from India and I have to see you and along from the Philippines wonderful Ricardo from Brazil okay let's get right into our lesson I'm sure you're all excited to improve your English fluency if you are ready to become fluent in English then comments all in the comments are you ready to get fluent yes then let's go so practice they say that practice makes perfect for anything you're learning for English or for learning any skill right a sports a hobby a class even your job there's a saying that goes practice makes perfect but I disagree because I don't think that our goal is to be perfect in English I think our goal is to be fluent there's a difference between being perfect and fluent being perfect means you never make mistakes you're 100% perfect you never ever hesitate or use the wrong word or you never say the wrong grammar structure that's perfection but in order to be fluent we have to make mistakes and be influenced to me means that you can express yourself with confidence and sometimes we make mistakes even fluent English speakers make mistakes and that's okay as long as we correct them each time and we don't continue to make the same mistake over and over right it's important to correct our mistakes of course yes so I say practice doesn't make perfect it makes confidence practice makes confidence and fluency thank you for your comments you are right elyda thank you so much so I want to help you practice that's why we're doing this five-day English fluency challenge because it's so important to make English practice a part of your daily life even 15 minutes or more can help you to develop your your fluency and your confidence okay so in order to improve your fluency I don't want you to get frustrated trying to practice everything in English we need to practice the most important points in English and the most important points in English are the ones that will help you to communicate with confidence to have conversations to speak with native speakers to express yourself exactly what you want to say without being misunderstood without having misunderstandings without feeling frustrated or confused or embarrassed so in order to do that I want you to use the go natural English method which I've been explaining to you over the last few days some of the things that I've told you are to immerse yourself in English to copy what you hear other people saying in real life in the same situations that you'll have in your future conversations to prepare your conversations in advance you can actually imagine the conversations that you are going to have or that you want to have you can guess what's happening in a conversation through the context you're smart you can probably figure out what's happening in a lot of different situations most importantly I want you to focus on the most important and practical points for your English learning that's why I'm here to guide you that's why you have go natural English to help you to see and to understand what are the most important points in English learning so English learning is not something that happens in only five days I wish that I could tell you that in our five days together that you can become fluent but English fluency takes hard work and it takes time but you can achieve fluency much faster if you learn in this proven and practical way so instead of focusing on memorizing all the grammar or memorizing all the vocabulary that ever we had that we have in English I want you to focus on the most important point and that's what I teach at go natural English I know for fluency one thing that we struggle with is hesitation whenever I ask you what is your biggest challenge in English a lot of English learners like you tell me hesitation when I try to speak English I just stop have you ever felt like this you can comment yes if you've ever felt like when you want to say something in English it's like well we have a of a phrase the cat's got your tongue which means your your you want to say something but you can't the cat got your tongue yes zakariya thank you for commenting absolutely we've all felt like this in languages that we're trying to learn so in English for you since you're learning English so in spite of hesitating I'm going to teach you a few phrases right now that you can use to speak immediately so you can use these phrases to buy time while you're thinking and you can use these phrases to enter in a conversation so you don't lose the chance to speak have you ever wanted to say something in a conversation but someone else jumps in who's a little faster than you and you lose your chance oh I don't like that feeling at all so these are phrases that you can use to have the chance to speak to have more time to think of what you're going to say and to enter in the conversations that you're taking part in so first of all you can use a attention-getting noise like hmm how easy is that you can repeat after me hmm this is a way to enter a conversation you can use another sound we often use um um you can repeat after me all how easy is this these are not even words it's just sounds that we use to enter a conversation you can build on this hmm let me think if you are responding to someone in a conversation you can say hmm let me think so if you're contributing your idea to a conversation or if someone asks you a question you can jump in and say please let me think go ahead and say this out loud right now no let me think very good if you are answering a question or you're giving your opinion you can also say um it's hard to say but and you can say your idea it's hard to say or it's difficult to say you're buying yourself time when you say this phrase and you're entering the conversation okay if someone says their opinion and you want to jump in the conversation after you could say hmm I think hmm I think or mmm that's a good point hmm or um that's a good point or someone asks you a question and you don't know how to answer it has this ever happened to you or someone asks you a question that's really difficult like tell me about yourself oh my gosh this is a difficult question to answer so you might say hmm that's a good question so you're actually starting to answer the question with these words but you're still thinking of your answer that's why I love using these phrases to give yourself more time to sink and to enter the conversation without losing your chance so try repeating after me hmm that's a good question excellent thank you for your comments - you guys are so sweet Musa thank you for your nice comments I appreciate you and that everyone is watching right now we've had over a thousand participants in the English fluency challenge and I'm so happy to see you guys here today okay Oh Elena I'm glad this is super useful so let me just review these phrases once more with you we have sounds like hmm and um and phrases like let me think or I think or hmm it's hard to say but I think so we can build these phrases on top of each other if someone asks you a question you can say that's a great question really a wonderful question what a fantastic question okay maybe that's a bit much but you get the idea you can you can use these phrases to buy yourself time if you really really really do not know what to say you can say that's a great question let me think about it and you can stop there you can add your answer you can stop there the person will understand that you don't know what to say and it's better than saying nothing right that's a good question let me think about it this is especially useful if you are negotiating with people if you have a business or you're doing business maybe you don't want to answer right away maybe you want time to think about a price or an offer you can use these phrases mmm that's a good question let me think about it or just let me think about your offer very good okay thank you for your comment and your questions here these are great so I want to tell you about some of those students who some of the English learners who I have been working with over the last few weeks in the previous rapid English method program there was a woman named tae-young from South Korea and she moved to the United States and with her family with her husband and her son her two sons were in school and she really wanted to improve her fluency to be able to be part of her new community in the United States to talk to her songs teachers to talk to her neighbors to make friends with other parents now how many of you are living in the United States is anyone living in the United States you can I don't know why I'm raising my hand I can't see if you raise your hand but you can type yes in the comments so we work together to build her confidence and to be able to talk with her community small talk is very important for making friends and a lot of English learners avoid small talks because we think because it's called small talk it's not really important but I can tell you small pot in conversation is super important so we worked a lot on that together and she she actually left a comment on the rapid English method page let me show you doo doo doo doo doo oh yeah she said I can flip the screen here sorry I want to show you I'll try to flip the screen so she said thank you so much for teaching me in providing the rapid English method pour the rapid English method course really helped me improve my English all the materials of the program teachers and colleagues were awesome I really enjoyed the course studying and talking with friends so I am really proud of her and I'm very happy that she could improve her English in the rapid English method program I also remember working with a wonderful businessman named Diallo from Mali a country in Africa and he wanted to improve his English fluency so that he didn't have to depend translators if you've ever listened to a translation and you know it's not accurate how frustrating is that or if you're waiting to get the information and you're falling behind everyone else because it's slow the translation can be holding you back so my student Diallo was such a motivated learner he improved his fluency very quickly and he has a very strong skill set in English now and he doesn't have to use translators or depend on interpreters anymore from French his native language to English he also left a nice video for for it well you guys can see it for me but it's also for everyone to see let me show you this is on the rapid English method program Diallo is over here on the left and you can watch a video that he made and see how much he's improved one thing he said was I would like to thank all my teachers on my international classmates and I strongly recommend you to get in on this coming rapid English method to try to improve and better your English so I thought that was really sweet I always love when my English learners leave a video like that and finally I remember I remember all my students but another one that I wanted to tell you about was Fabien from Argentina he was part of the first rapid English method program a few months ago starting in January and he loves to travel he was working in real estate in business for a long time and now he's retired but he loves to travel to the United States with his wife and they love to go see Broadway plays and I just love that now he can enjoy that using English so much more so I want to tell you today about the next step if you want to join my loud online English lesson program the but English method you can learn to see if it's a good fit for you I would highly suggest that you go to go natural English comm slash REM program the link is in the description it works because we focus on what you need for real English fluency just like our five day challenge we focus on the points that you need to talk to people in real life actually can I show you inside the course it's a paid course but I'm going to show you inside for free right now it's if you want to see inside type yes and I'll show you inside what it looks like for paying members kind of a sneak preview here so let me yes okay thank you for your answer let me show you here on my computer oh look at that lady that's me firstly you will see when you join the program inside the rapid English method home you can see there's an introduction and then just like the English fluency challenge instead of one day though we spend a week on each point so pronunciation let's just look at the pronunciation will go inside if my computer will work there we go and we focus on the most difficult sounds in English the vowels the double consonant sounds if you've ever had trouble with the pH sounds or the R sound or all these vowels these are things that you learn inside the rapid English method program that's just one one week of lessons there of course it's a lot of lessons for one week so you get lifetime access to these lessons this is what they look like you can keep them forever let me there we go what did i do I think I just downloaded my lesson oh hang on I want to show you what it looks like there we go so you have a video lesson I won't play the whole thing I just wanted to show you what it looks like so you can watch the pronunciation lesson and then you have some suggested action items to practice okay let's go back to the home page I wanted to show you the other parts of the course so pronunciation just like we did on day 1 of the English fluency challenge then phrasal verb grammar but it's not boring I promise it's just the grammar you really need for better conversations and then we go into conversation and then our final week together we talk about culture and we review everything we've learned so you never feel like we're going too fast or like you didn't get something we really want you to feel confident and to get a lot of practice so the rapid English method program is not only video lessons you also get live online small group lessons to practice and to build your confidence to really know if you're saying everything correctly if people can understand you if you can really have conversations in real life this is your chance to train so thank you South Korea it looks good yes it is awesome I'm super proud of this program if you want to learn more about it you can go to slash REM program now this is very very important today Monday April 17th is the last day to join so I need you to decide today within the next 10 hours 10 or 12 11 hours at this point by tonight right so by midnight Eastern Standard Time that is ten and a half hours if you're watching this live if you're not watching this live you have even less time but I need you to decide today if you want to join it is a paid course you can find out about the different ways to join there is a payment plan where you can pay week by week or you can get the best price by paying in full for the whole program the 6-week program upfront and this is the last day to join for the six-week program and I don't know if we're offering this program again and if we do offer I don't know when we're offering it again so I highly encourage you to take a look and if you've been thinking about improving your English fluency if this is something you're serious about if you are ready to become fluent to raise your English by a whole level in six weeks then I want you to go to slash REM program and see if this is right for you you get to work with an expert English teacher who will guide you and help you fix your mistakes and help you to advance your vocabulary and your fluency and become super confident to be able to talk with everyone you want to talk with in English so whether you are like tae-yong if you're a mother who wants to talk with her children's teachers in English or make friends with community or if you are a business person like Diallo or if you're like Fabien and you want to travel then this program can help you as long as you want to be able to speak English fluently this is an awesome program and I'm super proud of it so I hope you'll take a look it would mean a lot to me and I hope to see you guys consider it hope to see you inside the rapid English method program it's also something that you know I'm always updating new programs I'm always adding to them because I get great suggestions from my English learners like you like hey you know we should practice more conversation so I added more conversation videos or hey let's practice more about small talk so we do more of that it's very customized to you and your needs that's what I love about it and that's what's awesome about go natural English because it's small enough that we do what works for you and not just like some textbook that everyone has to use so I want to invite you guys to join the rapid English method program that is the next step that I suggest you take for your fluency if you've signed up for the challenge the five day challenge back to our five day challenge I'm going to send out a special bonus to you for free so make sure that you have signed up even though today is the last day you can still get the special bonus I'd go natural English comm flash challenge and remember you have just a few hours to decide about the rapid English method program if you want to take the next step and to learn more together with our go natural English program so if you have any questions let me know but we have also on the go natural English comm / REM program page we have a frequently asked questions section at the end so for example the deadline when is the deadline the deadline to join is April 17th that's today you guys at 11:59 p.m. New York time Thank You Musa for your comment you're so nice when does this program begin and end the program begins tomorrow so we are jumping right into the program it starts at 12:00 noon Eastern Standard Time which is the same time that we've been doing the challenge so this time of the day is when we have the group lessons the small group lesson maximum of four people to get lots of attention if you miss a lesson do you get a refund well no if you miss a lesson you can always come to the next one and you can always make up your studies on your own time can I pay with PayPal yes you can pay with PayPal you can pay with a credit card a debit cards all of those methods work Ricardo's asking where are you from Gaby I'm from the United States when will the next rabbit English method program be I'm not sure you guys the only thing I know for sure is that we're starting a new six-week program tomorrow after that I don't know if and when we're offering another one so if you're thinking about joining do it now what level is this for the program is best for intermediate to advanced level English learners if you can understand me now you'll do great in the program your level is good enough what age is this for this program is best for adult English learners can I try for free and then decide if I want to continue no we don't offer trial programs but if you are unsatisfied with the program for some reason if it's not helping you you can request a refund within 30 days of your purchase I know how often this program is you can see from the other English learners on the rapid English method program page that it's worked for them and I know it will work for you too we have a lot of diverse learners from different countries with different goals and if it works for them it can help you too with your English goals are there video lessons in this program yes you will have full immediate access to the fluent communication video lesson materials plus new video lessons specifically for the rapid English method program where are the group lessons the group lessons are online if you sign up and you are paying participant you get a link to join it's very easy how much do group lessons cost the rapid English method program includes group lessons and video lesson materials as a package you get everything you need to advance your English a whole level in six weeks so the price for full access is just 14950 per week or if you pay in full for the six weeks you can get one week for free where our one-to-one lesson well you can upgrade to one-to-one lessons those are an upgrade but it's an option if you want just one to one practice and how long do you have access to the video lessons you can keep them for ever for your entire life you can start the program now and you can keep the materials to practice at anytime Douglas the group lesson is the same level yes people in your group lesson are your same level we don't mix beginners into our intermediate and advanced group so anyone who is in this program is already at the intermediate to advanced level we have people who have been part of the program from all over the world and that's one of the students favorite parts of this program is that you can make new friends and connections with people from all over the world from Europe from Africa from Asia people who are from other countries living in the United States from South America from all over the Middle East we've had students from all different regions in this program and they are really amazing people I'm so happy that the rabbot English method program has been such a diverse program and a fun way to connect with people from all over the world and yes definitely Rashaad these lessons help your English vocabulary we spend a lot of time working our new vocabulary including phrasal verbs as vocabulary and phrases that you're using conversation so not just lists of vocabulary words we don't do that we practice what you need to know for real conversations so yes Elena it is a super cool program and I am very proud of it and I think that it's the best way for you to improve your English quickly especially because it's all online so you don't have to waste time commuting to a school or getting stuck in traffic being afraid that you're going to be late for class you don't have to worry about any of those things and you can always email us with questions or ask questions in your group class so I highly recommend that you check this out one last time I'm going to tell you the website is slash REM program so I hope you'll join but you have to decide today so if you do decide today I'll be talking with you soon so thank you so much I hope that we see you inside the program and I will be talking to you soon all right have an often list of your day I hope that you use these English fluency tips that we practice together today and for the last four days that we've been practicing together thank you so much for your comments taqueria Atlanta Douglas you guys have been really great with your comments and many many others I would love to say hello to everyone if I would take a really long time so I'm just going to say thank you so much love you guys I love your motivation and I hope to see you inside the rapid English method program again you can read all about it and see if it's right for you to join today I go natural English calm / REM program the link is in the description so you guys bye for now guys
Channel: Go Natural English
Views: 46,107
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: English Listening, English Speaking, American English, Study English, Learn English, Learn American English, Learn American English Online, English Conversation, Learn English Online, Spoken English, Learn English Grammar, Free English Lessons, Go Natural English, English Speaking Course, How to speak English fluently
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 4sec (1924 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 17 2017
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