Useful Time Expressions to Help Improve Your Fluency

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hello hello hello how's it going I hope you guys are having an awesome day out there my name is Wes this is interactive English and we are always coming out with new and different lessons to help you guys practice and improve your English skills and today I have a very very cool lesson for you we're going to talk about something that is commonly used all the time every day so it's a really important lesson and that is time we're going to talk about time and telling time some of the the useful words and expressions that we use when we want to say what time it is and again this is very important because as I said we we used this every day we're constantly thinking about well what time it is everybody has a busy life so the this is very important stuff that we want to know and again if you're joining us please say what's up in the chat of Rosario Lou and Vivian hey how's it going Patricia glad that you guys can join us and even if you're watching this later just say let me know your name where are you from write it in the comments love hearing from you guys and glad to have you with us so today we're going to talk about telling time and some of the useful words and expressions that we can use when we want to say what time it is it's gonna start out it'll start out a little easier and this is this may be stuff you already know you're familiar with but then it's gonna get a little more difficult and especially once we get into some of the expressions that we use when telling time because you don't want to just say the same thing anybody you don't want to say the same thing anybody ask you hey what time is it you want to be able to give different responses because it just helps out with your overall fluency so the first thing that I wanted to show you guys and talk about today is the 12-hour clock and the reason I want to talk to you about this is because that's what we're going to use when I'm when I'm talking about saying time we're going to use a 12-hour clock and the reason that we're going to use a 12-hour clock is because well that's what most english-speaking countries use and if you are listening to music or watching TV or movies and listening to English more than likely you are gonna be you're gonna hear people talking using a 12-hour clock and so let's let's go back a little let's back it up give you a quick little history lesson so the 12-hour clock how did it come about and I'd be curious to know in the chat or in the comments what do you guys use do you use a 12-hour clock or do you use a 24-hour clock which one which one do you use what do people in your country use let me know let me know in the chat I'd be interested to hear from all of you so the day's originally long time ago the days were divided into two different cycles and that makes sense you had the daytime and then you had nighttime and the the time was tracked depending on the position of the Sun in the moon historically you had ancient Egypt you had the Romans you had the British Empire all used the 12-hour clock the 12-hour cycle and then when clocks came about many clocks as you can see my clock down there in the corner began using a 12-hour analog dial and when I say the dial it's just that picture down there and they would use Roman numerals the twelve Roman numerals to represent the time for the 12-hour clock so all of the words and expressions that we use today that I'm going to teach you about it refers to this 12-hour clock okay so very interesting all right Bradley I used 12-hour clock at my country Brazil they used the 24-hour clock okay Marco says 24 hours more comfortable yeah that's true it's very interesting Egypt's the 12-hour clock it's very interesting to see what everybody's doing as I've lived in different countries I've become a little more used to a 24-hour clock so both of them are very familiar but again with with english-speaking countries I don't know why everybody just uses the 12-hour clock Britain the United States Canada Australia so again for the for this lesson we're going to talk about and discuss things based on that 12-hour clock so let's start out with something simple and easy because we all we love simple and easy don't we and that is just saying you know the basic time how do you say the time so when you have your time kind of like we have this clock right there you're going to say the hours first you'll always say the hours it's and then the hours followed by the minutes okay you say the hours and then the minutes so in the shots in the comments I want you to write down and write out your answer what time is it right now using this method just the hours and the minutes all right what what time is it right now and see if you can spell see if you can spell the numbers instead of just writing the numbers cuz that's pretty easy okay what time is it right now let me know in the chat so let's look at this my nice beautiful digital clock right here and use that as an example so the hours that's on the tenth so it's 10 and then you say the minutes it's ten twenty nine okay it's ten twenty nine this is a very precise way of saying the time if you're you're telling somebody this if they asked what time it you if you use this way you're being very specific very precise you'd say uh it's 1029 now let's look at these other examples below and how we would say that so look at the first one for all right you see this one right here okay if I say what time it is if it's the top of the hour you would say the the number the hour and then o clock followed by oh clock what time is it it's 4 o clock it's 5 o clock it's 6 o clock so if it's the top of the hour remember you're going to use that o clock all right five o'clock six o'clock seven o'clock eight o'clock nine o'clock if the minutes are from one to nine okay you're going to say the hour all right look at that one that I have down there for you you're gonna say the hour seven and then zero you're going to say o again seven oh eight what time is it it's seven oh eight so if the numbers are 1 to 9 the minutes you're going to say o 701 702 703 I was recently teaching a student and just asking them what time it is I was more curious about the time difference because we were in two different locations and the student told me they said it's five five and I was thinking for a second wait a second I knew what he meant because I knew what time it was here and I knew he meant five oh five and then we had a nice little discussion about saying the time so again if that that's zero if the numbers 1 to 9 the minutes you're going to say 708 and I wrote that as an example kind of I'm putting it in quotes because it's it's like you're saying the time speaking and I I do want us to speak today okay I want you to speak we're gonna make this a little a little bit of a speaking lesson later on once we do the practice and then the last example down there what time is it the hours and the minutes it's 11 12 all right what time it is it it's 11 12 the one thing I want you to know with if you're saying time like this okay we say this with in the morning in the afternoon in the evening so when we use those time expressions in the morning in the afternoon in the evening oftentimes we oftentimes we're using we're saying time like this we're saying the hours and then the minutes okay it's ten twenty nine in the morning it's ten twenty nine in the evening okay so if you want to add that other time expression it makes it more specific so you know whether it's the morning the afternoon or the evening a lot of often you can just use this based on context because if people are outside then you most likely know if it's daytime or nighttime but sometimes we're inside and we lose track of time and somebody might say yeah in the morning in the afternoon in the evening especially if they want to emphasize this like like it's really late in the morning and you've been sleeping in late so this is a very simple easy way of doing stuff you say the hours and then you say the minutes now let's look at some time words okay and this is talking about the various parts of the day and these are some good words that that indicate a period of the day that that you should be able to conceptualize and know okay what time are people talking about so in the chat or in the comments let me know I want you to write tell me what is your favorite part of the day and why what's your favorite part of the day and why that is my question to all of you all right right now let me know what is your favorite part of the day so let's let's go around let's go around the whole circle so this day that I have right here would be based on a 24-hour site okay so it's it's a full day and let's start at the top right there at noon or mid day which would be 12 p.m. sorry for the the graphics I tried to make it look like the the yellow for the Sun during the day and then down make it a little darker at night it didn't turn out as well as I'd like but you get the idea so 12 p.m. right there up at the top would be noon we would just say it's noon or midday more commonly I think people would say noon I don't hear a midday as much so people often say noon instead of saying 12 p.m. so once we move once the time moves after that then we are into the afternoon alright and that's a very general time period that there is no specific time like oh it's from here to here it's just after noon that's what it's based on and that is the the day time period until the Sun is going down and when the Sun Goes Down you have the sunset which I think most of us are probably familiar with that word sunset when the Sun Goes Down you have the sunset and after the sunset there is this short period where it's still light out we can see and it's not dark just yet but the night is coming quickly so it's that period from when the Sun Goes Down you have the sunset and then there still light before it gets dark and that is dusk that is what we refer to as dusk and it can also be called twilight that time period where there still light but the Sun has gone down it's Twilight it's dusk once the sun goes down then we are into the evening which is my favorite part of the day because you can kind of kick back relax and enjoy other people are saying the evening as well excellent Maria some people in the mornings okay very cool very cool again let me know what what's your favorite part of the day so once you get into the evening that is when people have dinner they relaxed maybe they watch some TV and then they go to bed and at 12 a.m. that is midnight okay so we have 12 p.m. would be noon all right around lunchtime and then the opposite would be 12 12 a.m. that is midnight and then after midnight you're kind of you're moving back into what people consider morning that it's the early morning and then we go back around and before the Sun comes up this is also important before the Sun comes up it starts to get light you don't see the Sun but there's light and that is what is dawn people can also refer to this as Twilight as well because Twilight is basically any period where there's light but the Sun is either up or but the Sun is still down so it both dusk and dawn you could refer to as Twilight even though I think most people think of Twilight around dusk once the Sun Goes Down so you have dusk and dawn dawn is the time right before the sunrise and then once you have the sunrise then people most of us commonly just refer to that as morning and then you're back at noon and it just goes round and round and round and the time never stops even though I think many of us would like it to stop sometimes so again if you're just joining us welcome we are talking about telling time and the different expressions and words that we can use to tell the time and afterwards I have a little practice for you some of you oh my favorite part of the day is sunrise ooh very cool I am not much of a morning person so I'm not a huge fan of the sunrise I like to sleep in so let's get back to telling time and I want to look at this and talk about half hours so when we're talking about our 12 hour clock all right a lot of times things are broken into different intervals different minutes and a common one is a half hour which is 30 minutes and if we're talking about a time that is right here 30 minutes past the hour then you would just say half past half past and then the hour it's 30 minutes past the hour it's half past mmm and then you'd say the hour so for this okay that 3:30 now this is where let's let's practice some speaking right now I'm gonna say geez what's time what time is it I want you to say the answer I want you to tell me the time all right this this is it's 3:30 we're gonna use 3:30 and I just want you to speak the answer and say it out loud if you're if you're if you're with us right now or even if you're watching this later everybody wants to practice a little more speaking speaking speaking so now's your chance to do a little speaking and just practice it okay so I'll ask you again what time is it you should say it's half past three all right what time is it 3:30 its half past three all right let's look at the next one 8:30 I'll ask you you can tell me hey uh what time is it did you tell me did you tell me the time I hope you did cuz it you should say it's half past eight so if it's 30 minutes past the hour most of the time we're just gonna say half past it's half past one it's half past two it's half past three it's half past four so thirty minutes we would use hath passed in the comments right now in the chat if you were speaking out loud I want you to write the words speaking I want to know if you were actually talking to me and having a little bit of a conversation okay if another thing to point out just so you know a little difference between some of the the British English American English we'll talk about this throughout the lesson but in British English some people may say they may just say half eight so if somebody says half and then the hour that's what they mean they mean thirty minutes past the hour so eight thirty it's half past eight some people in Britain might say it's half eight I remember traveling a long time ago and the first time I heard this I asked somebody from Britain what time it was and they said I think like oh it's half 5:00 and for a second I was trying to think I was like hmm do they mean 4:30 or do they mean 5:30 I wasn't quite sure but if somebody says half and then the hour they mean it's half past that time so 8:30 would be half eight 9:30 would be half 9:00 and of course a very common way that we talk about the time is to give estimates to give approximations so again there's my digital clock right there we can estimate things with about you can always do it if it's 10 29 you don't have to say again the hours and the minutes it's 10 29 you can use about and just estimate it's about half-past ten and then you know that okay it's about 30 minutes past 10 o'clock it's about half past 10 so that is how we can use the half all right so if it's thirty minutes we're going to use half past let's look at the next one another increment very commonly used would be 15 minutes so if we're talking about 15 minutes past the hour it's 15 minutes past the hour we would say it's quarter past and then whatever the hour is okay it's quarter past the hour so again I want to do this a little little speaking right now I'm just gonna I'll give you the time I'll ask you what time it is and just say it out loud practice using these because these are great expressions that that people use all the time instead of saying 215 okay so let's look at that one first 215 what time is it you should say it's quarter past two it's fifteen minutes past two it's quarter past two let's look at the next one okay are you ready 5:15 what time is it it's quarter past five ten fifteen what time is it it's quarter past ten again I want you to practice saying these out loud I don't I I don't it doesn't matter where you are if you're at home if you're on a bus if you're at school if you're at work practice saying these out loud even if you're watching this later on it's always good to get a little bit of speaking practice and actually pronouncing these words and saying it out loud because that's another great way to help you remember the information so 15 quarter past would be 15 minutes past the hour Americans down here a side note for this one Americans also use after I think I probably since I am from the United States I probably use after more than I use past I would say in this example my clock over there you can see I'd say yeah it's quarter after 1:00 it's 15 minutes after 1:00 o'clock so you could use either past or after if you want to say it's it's 15 minutes past the hour but after it's more so I think an American thing than it is a British thing but just so you know food for thought it's quarter after 1:00 it's 15 minutes past 1:00 it's it's the same okay so again if you guys are doing this practice if you're saying this out loud I want you to write just right speaking in comments so I know that you guys are actually participating and saying this stuff and repeating afterwards also I have another question for you do when when you're talking about time in in English do you use these already do you use half past are you using quarter hours to save the time because again this is something that we do everyday that it's so common all the time to use half and quarter so this is talking about quarter past fifteen minutes past the hour now let's look at if it's fifteen minutes until the hour 15 minutes until the hour you are going to use to or till which would just kind of be shortened for until til it's quarter to the hour it's quarter till the hour so again let's just practice let's practice speaking a little more let's look at that first one I will ask you what time it is and just give me give me this response 4:45 that's the one we're starting with 4:45 what time is it and you should say it's quarter till five you could also say it's quarter to five let's do 9:45 what time is it it's quarter to ten its quarter till ten both mean the same thing and 11:45 what time is it it's quarter to twelve or you could say depending on the time you could say it's quarter to noon it's quarter to midnight depending on the time of day twelve it's either going to be noon or midnight those are other ways to express 12:00 p.m. and 12:00 a.m. so we can use two or til when we want to talk about that it's almost at the hour almost at that point another thing I probably more common I used to I don't know why I don't really use till that much I would always just say it's quarter to one quarter to two quarter to three quarter to four quarter to five I personally just used to I don't know which one you are more common you you are more comfortable with you can let us know let me know in the comments I'd be curious okay some people are when I'm doing it aloud perfect excellent thank you for participating excellent let's look at oh that other note my side note down there for you that Americans will also may also use of and this one I think can be pretty confusing it depends where you are from in the country I don't really use of I've heard it before but people might say it's quarter of two that means that it's 15 minutes until two o'clock its quarter of two so if you ever hear that when you're watching a movie or watching TV then you'll know it's 15 minutes until that our quarter up to a quarter of 3/4 of four it's more of an American thing I don't think it's as common so let's continue hello again if you guys are just joining us great to have you with us let me know your name and where you're from we are talking about time and time expressions and different ways that we can say the time so let's look at using time alright using time wisely so I kind of wanted to give you a visual of past or after as well as two or til so again that that clock that hour can be divided into two different parts if you're talking about the first the first part of the hour all right 1 to 30 minutes you're you're you you're going to use past or after when you're talking about the time if you want to say the minutes and after and then the or once it goes over that half-hour then you would use to or till and then whatever the next hour is so I hope that kind of gives you a little bit of a reference as to how the clock is divided and how people are going to use past and after and - until and again if you guys use these let me know write it in the chat do you guys use past and after - until it's great to learn it's great to practice because again we use this all the time excellent so let's look at a also I wanted to point out just for one thing if we're talking about if we're gonna say again morning afternoon evening remember that we're not really going to use that you you're not going to use it's it's quarter after 1:00 in the morning it you could I think it sounds a little strange if you're gonna use those time expressions in the morning in the evening in the afternoon remember it's most commonly used with this form right here when you say the hour and then you say the minutes it's 10:20 9:00 in the morning it's 10:20 9:00 in the evening so that's something to keep in mind if we're going to use those expressions let's look at just some more examples using past after 2:00 until so I hope that you guys can see these clocks down there it's a little small but I think you can kind of get the idea as to where things are at so let's look at that first one right there the the shorthand is almost to the 7 the longhand is on the 8th so we're gonna say it's 20 to 7 it's 20 to 7 it's 20 minutes until 7 o'clock it's 20 to 7 or you could say it's 20 till 7 the next one right there with both hands are pointing to the one we'd say it's five after one five after one or you could say that's that's more of an American way of saying it you could also say it's five past one five minutes past the hour five minutes past one o'clock it's five after one it's five past one again if you are gonna say in the afternoon it'd be more it's fun if it's it's 105 in the afternoon that's what I think would be more commonly used with in the afternoon let's look down here these clocks right here the long hand is on the five and the short hand is in between the two or three so it's a it's twenty-five past two it's 25 past to the the other thing that I wanted to tell you guys when you're using these you know that the clock is divided into twelve numbers all right so it's basically five minutes we use these a lot when we're talking about these five minute increments 5 10 15 20 25 35 we use that a lot so we'd say it's 25 past 2 it's 25 after 2 to say it's 225 and then the final one over there that clock in the corner it's pointing to okay it is it is almost 11 o'clock the long hand is pointing at the 10 so we'd say it's 10 till 11:00 ten minutes until 11 o'clock it's 10:00 till 11:00 or you could say it's 10:00 to 11:00 all right so excellent oh thank you jessabelle from the Philippines love this video well excellent I'm glad that you guys are finding this useful hello hello lene RK I see some new people in here hope you guys are having a great day again thank you for joining us today on this Saturday or even if you're watching this later thank you for joining us let's let's do some practice and again I want to make this a speaking practice so I'm going to give you a time and just ask you what time it is and I want you to think of all the different ways that you can say it and see how many that you can say if you don't want to say if you want to write them down write them in the chat write it in the comments I would recommend try speaking it it's great to say the language but if you want to write it that's fine as well just it's it's good to participate and get involved in this process is the only thing I want so let's look at the first one all right are you ready and boom okay so I want you to say the times out loud or if you want to write them it's fine so again I put it in quotes you just say it's mmm okay what are the different ways that we we could say this this is the time right here I'll give you a moment and then and then we'll go through them and I'll show you the different answers I'll show you what I have so if you look at the clock and you see this time and somebody asks you right now I say what time is it can you can you tell me what time it is what are some of the different answers that you could give what time is it what do you think what time is it so I hope again so you're ready perfect all right yes yes yes VidCon Mohamed Aquino perfect Murillo excellent so some of the things you could say if somebody says what time is it and this is the clock all right the first one you could just say the hour and then the minutes it's 2:15 okay it's 2:15 the p.m. so it would be 2:15 in the afternoon what time is it it's 2:15 in the afternoon you could also say as some of you wrote the chat it's 15 past two 15 minutes past 2:00 o'clock you could also say it's 15 it's Fitz it's quarter after 2:00 is another one we talked about those quarter hours it's quarter after two also it's quarter past two that was another one so you can use any of these examples you could say it's 2:15 you could say it's 15 say the minutes past the hour it's 15 past 2:00 or you could say again 15 we just say it's a quarter it's quarter after two it's quarter past two again quarter after it would be that that's that's more made that's the American Way of saying it so the next one are you ready here it is this is the time this is a time that I really hate to see because it's too early so my question for you is what time is it what time is it tell me what time it is what are some different things that you could say what are some different things you could say if you see this time what time is it and say the answer is out loud it's hmm what time is it all right let's look at let's look at a few of these so first I would say okay it's 6:40 again just saying the hour and the minutes it's 6:40 in the morning all right its morning time usually I'd say it's 6:40 in the mm maybe throw some profanity in there morning because I am NOT a morning person I would hate to see this time we could also say it's 20 to 7:00 all right it's 20 to 7:00 some of you wrote that in there it is 20 to 720 that perfect Vivian Nick brad.leah perfect excellent way to go so it's twenty two seven twenty minutes to two seven o'clock or twenty minutes or twenty til seven twenty minutes until seven o'clock excellent let's look at another one um what about this time right here what would you guys say you see this on the clock and I ask you what time is it what would you tell me can you tell me the time all right for this one there are different ways that we could go about it so let's look at a few of them what we could say is just say the the hours and the minutes it's 11 48 okay you could also say it's 12 minutes all right that's what's missing all right it's 12 - and again we're gonna go to 12 p.m. so you could I put a red line through it because again not many people would use this because it just sounds a little awkward and redundant it's 12 to 12 or 12 till 12 technically that's correct but we wouldn't really use it because of the numbers that we're talking about 12 and 12 more common this is when somebody would substitute 12 p.m. for noon and you could say it's 12 to noon or 12 he'll noon or again if we want to use about and give an estimate you're good to say it's about 10 to noon or you could say in that case it's 10 to 12 10 til 12 that's perfectly fine all of those are all of these answers are fine I just kind of marked out 12 to 12 because again it's just it sounds a little bit like a redundancy and it becomes a little more confusing so people put in there it's 12 to noon perfect it's 12 to midday that is also perfectly fine excellent excellent you guys are rocking it let's do another this time right here what would you say for this time what time is it what time is it you can say your answers out loud or write them in the chat or if you're watching this later write your answers in the comments write them down use the comment section like it's a whiteboard and you can practice and use the language that's the most important thing what time is it so this one what we are talking about a half-hour so let's look at the different ways we can say this again we can always say the hours and the minutes it's 5:30 it's 5:30 5:30 in the evening this would kind of depend on the time of year it's winter right and house so it still gets dark early so I would say it's 5:30 in the evening in the summer when it stays light longer then I might switch and say it's 5:30 in the afternoon so it really depends on the time of year again 30 minutes we'd say a half past it's half past five it's half past five in the US you could say half after five I don't think it's as common usually with after it's it's mostly those quarter quarter hours or as I said in Britain they might say it's half five which means it's 5:30 the most common one would just be it's half past five what time is it it's half past five that's the one that I really wanted to get and all of you said it Broly Oh Nick's done in it's half past five al-aziz perfect Eduardo 5:30 perfect welcome Eduardo just arrived excellent so again these are all great ways to use time expressions in order to quickly review with you guys how we use it again the first way very common is just to say the hours and then minutes it's 1029 and we often use this method especially this way of telling time if we're going to use in the morning in the afternoon in the evening we talked about some important time words that you'll find throughout the day I think most of you are familiar with many of these words maybe dusk and dawn might be two different words so remember dusk is after once the Sun sets and then dawn is just before the sunrise and that is that period of time where there is just there is light out and you can kind of see but the Sun is nowhere to be found and people might often refer to that as Twilight we have 1/2 hours if it's 30 minutes we're just gonna say half half past half past the hour it's half past 3 half past 4 half past five that is a good one to know and same with quarter if it's 15 minutes then we're gonna use quarter it's quarter past whatever the hour is a quarter past two it's quarter past five it's quarter past 10 and as I said Americans like me will sometimes use after instead of past if it is 15 minutes until it reaches a certain hour we're going to use to or till my personal preference I often use to but as those examples 4:45 its quarter till 5:00 9:45 it's quarter to ten 11:45 it's quarter to 12:00 or quarter to noon quarter to midnight whatever time of the day it might be so those are some other expressions and again just showing you how we use past and after 2:00 until and it's most commonly used with those increments of you know 5 minutes 10 minutes 15 20 25 that's a common way of expressing the time so I really am glad that you guys join me today please if you have questions write them in the comments once this video gets posted if you're watching this later again say what's up let us know where you're from right any comments let us know what time it is what time are you watching this lesson please again like and share this video help us spread the word and as always you can join our social media classes we are active well let's start here Facebook Twitter Instagram snapchat and of course right here on YouTube so we appreciate you guys being here with us today Braulio Eduardo Murillo long Maria I'm sure I threw sorry if I miss some of your comments as well sometimes not all of them pop up so thank you guys again for participating and being here and we will see you next time have a great weekend
Channel: Interactive English
Views: 19,892
Rating: 4.9353347 out of 5
Keywords: Interactive English, Learn English Free, Practice English, Learn English Online, fun english lesson, telling time in english, how to talk about the time, useful time expressions, everyday english expressions, learn time expressions, learn english time, time half past, time quarter past, time quarter to, time quarter till, english time words, words about time, english parts of the day, ingles aprender tiempo, english time vocabulary, english time phrases, improve fluency
Id: XeC8fL0eAA8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 57sec (2577 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 27 2018
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