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all right let's see if this works this might take me a minute to make sure that we are live all right I think we're live yay amazing okay hello welcome to our English challenge week I am so excited to be here with you this is our English challenge week from February 16th no February 12th to the 16th today is the 12th so welcome to day one if you can see me and if you can hear me can you please type yes in the comments below I just want to make sure that everything is okay before I continue so please tell me if you can hear me and see me I haven't used the live broadcast in a while so I'm just making sure everything is good to go amazing thank you so much thank you all dough and Irina for being here thank you Rana amazing okay I'm so happy you're here welcome so Aldo and Irina and a lot of people right now are watching on our challenge watch page that is the correct place for you to watch and comment I'm going to be watching the comments and responding to comments on the watch page which is at the go natural English website if you're watching this somewhere else like on youtube please click on the link right down there in the description where you'll see the link for the official watch page all right I am super excited to be here with you I if you don't already know me if you don't recognize me I am gay Wallace I am your American English teacher and the founder of go natural English and I am really happy to be here with you for our English challenge week oh my gosh I'm so excited that you're here I'm here we're gonna spend five days together Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday and improve your English I have some big exciting plans for us and it's gonna be a lot of fun so if you are here right now watching and if you can think of a friend of yours or maybe a colleague or maybe a family member who is interested in improving his or her English and you think maybe they're just you know hanging out maybe they're just scrolling on Facebook or maybe they're just watching some soccer video or some cat video on YouTube share this with them right now share gonaturalenglish.com slash challenge page actually I'll show you go natural English comm slash challenge here let me show you with my pretty nails gonaturalenglish.com slash challenge is where you can sign up for the week-long english challenge with me and with over a thousand other English learners who have signed up my goal is to help as many of you this week as possible 100% for free for you to understand the go natural English learning methods and techniques and together to improve in a short time so I really want you to invite your friends so tell them hey get off your butt and come practice English with go natural English and with me so share it right now before we go on I want you to share this with at least one person who you think might benefit from it and I'm gonna take a look at your comments I might not be able to come right away because it's hard for me to actually talk and to comment at the same time and also wow it looks like we may have broken the go natural English website because oh no there we go okay it's back up I think it was getting a lot of traffic for a second from everyone watching amazing okay this is really exciting so as I mentioned I'm going to be reading all of your comments and I'm going to respond to them but I may not be able to respond right away because I am also talking and asking you questions so one way that you can get the biggest benefit out of our English challenge week is to participate so watch these live broadcast English lessons there's going to be one each day this is our first one and participate by commenting on the go natural English watch page at gonaturalenglish.com slash challenge - 1 if you're watching on youtube make sure that you click on the link in the description to watch on the official page that's how you're going to participate when I ask you to answer a question or when I ask you something like your opinion or to ask you for your comments I want you to participate on that page that's where I'll be able to check your comments because the comments on YouTube disappear as soon as I stop broadcasting so that's no good I want to be able to see your comments after our lesson is over also you want to comment because participants who comments are going to win a prize at the end of the English fluency challenge the English challenge week now the only way you can get the prize is by signing up for the challenge so the most important thing you can do is to sign up correctly at gonaturalenglish.com slash challenge so make sure you and your friends or your family or your colleagues have gone to gonaturalenglish.com slash challenge and if you sign up here then you're good if you sign up here and you participate in the comments you're going to get a prize at the end of the week 100% for free this is awesome hey I think it's awesome I think you're gonna have a lot of fun this week so what is the English challenge well I'm gonna tell you what we're doing this week one other thing one quick thing before we jump into the lesson today and what it's about I mentioned we're going to discover go natural English methods and techniques we're going to improve your English pronunciation your listening skills your fluency your grammar all of your English skills are going to be this much better by the end of the week especially if you're participating everyday and you watch all the lessons you're also going to have the opportunity to be immersed in native English by listening to me your American English teacher so this is going to improve your English a lot and you're going to I hope enjoy it I hope that we have fun and even more than that as if that weren't enough look around in the comments and you can easily meet other amazing English learners look at everyone who is here I am amazed people from Russia from Brazil from Turkey people living in in the United States from other countries this is so so cool I'm just refreshing the comments now to take a look it's so awesome to see you guys from so many different countries around the world and that is such a beautiful thing that's what keeps me motivated all the time every day to continue to teach you so one thing that I want to ask of you what I need of you besides your participation is to help me to reach more English learners the best way that you can do that as I mentioned is to share this challenge so share this link invite your friends but the other thing that I want you to do is to subscribe to go natural English on YouTube when you subscribe that helps other people to actually learn about go natural English and it's been a huge goal of mine to grow the channel not just for me it's not for my enjoyment it's for although I do enjoy it it's for you and our English Learner community so that we can reach more people so that we can inspire and motivate more people to enjoy learning English so do that for me subscribe make sure that you're subscribed right now to the go natural English Channel on YouTube and we'll dive right into our lesson as soon as you're subscribed I'll wait five more seconds for you to subscribe have a sip of my coffee I'm always drinking coffee if you didn't notice alright well officially welcome to the English challenge one thing is I'm gonna ask you some questions so let's start off with our first question I want to ask you where are you watching from some of you have already told me in the comments that you're watching from Brazil or from Russia or India but please if you haven't commented yet tell me where are you watching from I see Lina who works in France but is Lithuanian I see Jimmy I see I don't know where Jimmy is from but thank you for your comments you said I decided to purchase the e-book I'm so glad because I made it the right decision to improve my English speaking skill that's awesome I'm really happy about that so I'm happy that you're happy about the e-book so tell me where are you watching from and I'll tell you I am well not watching I am doing this lesson I'm teaching this lesson from Missouri which is a state in the central United States it's very central so I already told you about the prize I already told you why we're here I already told you about some things we're gonna do my goal for you is for you to enjoy English I want you to feel confident about English I think that there have been some problems that everyone has had with learning English if you're an adult like me like most of us we are finished with regular school we're working we have families we have obligations and we realized that our English class that we took in high school or in college or even our private English class I say our I mean you I didn't take English class because I took English class but for native speakers anyway what you're realizing now is that your traditional English class did not work very well it failed you not it's not your fault it's not your fault at all but the problem is that traditional English learning methods have not been working they don't work traditional English learning methods prepare you for a test they prepare you to pass the quiz in the book they prepare you maybe for a TOEFL or an IELTS or an FCE or other exam they prepare you to get your degree in college or your diploma in high school but do they prepare you for the real world sadly oftentimes the answer is no they do not traditional language learning methods have not been working and I know this firsthand not from learning English because English is my native language but from learning Spanish in high school and in my University and from trying to learn Portuguese Japanese and other languages I realized that traditional methods don't work traditional methods meaning memorizing a list vocabulary words individual words I used to have to do that a lot in language class have you ever had to memorize a list of individual vocabulary words you can tell me in the comments filling in the blank with the correct word form this can be very frustrating because sometimes even the exercises themselves are not natural so how are you supposed to learn natural native English from exercises that aren't even natural themselves and explanations of grammar that are complicated and grammar that we don't really need to know in order to have a good conversation but you're taught to memorize grammar just because it's something that's on the test I mean think about how we learn language as babies or as young children did your mother tell you when you were a baby about the past perfect tense or about the the difference between going to or will or the subjunctive or the conditional tense or did she say here my baby fill in the blank with the right word form I don't think so how did we learn we learned through example and we learned because we had a strong desire and a strong motivation to learn because how do you ask for what you want when you are a baby you have two options you can cry or you can learn language and you can ask specifically for what you want now as an adult are you gonna cry for what you want and let people guess what you're asking for and maybe think you're crazy or are you gonna learn a correct way to express yourself and to really be expressive in English well I think we know the answer and I think that a lot of us have some trauma from old language classes from the old methods from our old teachers and that trauma is keeping us from having success what I mean by trauma is when you wrote an essay in English and the teacher returned it to you all covered in red but you didn't know the good things that you did in your essay only the mistakes your teacher only focused on the mistakes and you were punished for those mistakes well that's a little bit traumatic then you become afraid of making mistakes or trying new things and you become afraid of speaking English because it's embarrassing to be told that you made a mistake and that's bad but I go natural English one of the techniques that we use is to encourage you to make mistakes I know it sounds crazy but it's not because mistakes are really the only way to improve and to learn and to move forward making mistakes in the go natural English technique means that you're trying new things now don't make the same mistake over and over and over and over but make the mistake once know that you're making the mistake through feedback from the go natural English team and your classmates and they're going to cheer you on and say good amazing we love your mistakes you did a good job trying this and then correct it and move on and continue to grow and you can actually feel proud and not bad about making mistakes anymore that's one huge difference between traditional methods of language learning and the go natural English method so I want you at least today if you take one thing just one thing from today I want you to change your mindset change the way you think about mistakes and stop feeling bad about your mistakes in English and start to see them as opportunities to grow and opportunities to learn what do you think about that can I miss make be an opportunity to learn I hope that you agree okay I really love your comments and I really I can't wait to read all of them thank you for your comments okay moving on another another thing I have to be very careful here because I have a lot of friends who are teachers or a lot of friends who run language schools so I don't want to generalize because there's there are some good schools there are some good teachers but some language schools actually want you to fail why because you're paying tuition in order to learn English so if you learn English and you don't need them anymore they're not going to make money but I think that's wrong I think that it's my duty to help you to become an independent learner so that I teach you the go natural English method and you learn how to learn so when you learn with me and with go natural English you don't just learn the rules of grammar or a list of vocabulary words you learn first how to learn a language how to learn a language not just English language but any language so this comes from if I can tell you a little story I'm getting a little bit out of order here but I plan to tell you this story later but when I was a bit younger and I got an opportunity to go to Japan and teach English I had a really really interesting experience I I went to Japan to teach English and I met other English teachers from all over the world I met people from New Zealand Australia Canada of course also from the United States from England and from other countries as well from Brazil and from Vietnam and from China anyway I met a lot of international English teachers and a lot of international students in Japan and since we were from all over the world one thing that we always talked about when we got together we always had these conversations about how to learn a language faster better more fluently how to sound like a native we wanted Japanese people to think that we were natives which well it's a bit difficult if you look at my face you're probably not going to think I'm a native Japanese speaker especially if you hear me speak Japanese because I didn't get that far in my Japanese I actually learned much more Spanish and Portuguese while I was living in Japan but we exchanged a lot of advice a lot of experience a lot of tricks and techniques that we all learned about how to improve our language learning skills and I became a bit of an expert at that time in learning languages and when I returned to the United States I entered a master's degree program in education in teaching English to speakers of other languages so I earned my master's degree in education and linguistics and teaching English as a second language so I became an expert in teaching English and that's why I want to teach to you is not just English not just grammar not just pronunciation rules but actually how to learn any language and if you are an English teacher or if you want to teach your native language what I teach as part of go natural English can help you a lot with that as well so I mentioned that I learned a lot more Spanish and Portuguese while I was living in Japan and I think that's so shocking because I was living in Japan I was taking Japanese lessons but they were traditional kind of lessons and I wasn't learning very quickly and unfortunately I didn't have the opportunity to meet a lot of Japanese friends because I was working with other English speakers and on my time off I would usually go out to do something that I enjoy a lot which is to dance salsa and who did I find dancing salsa I've found a lot of people from South America and I formed most of my friends my friendships and my community with people from South America and therefore because of the community I became more fluent in Spanish and in Portuguese and actually when I returned home from Japan to the United States I taught Spanish for three years in an American high school so another part this is why I'm telling this story is another part of the go natural English method of learning is giving you a community of amazing English learners and English speakers who you feel like you have some things in common with and you're learning from and you're enjoying life together in our online community now I don't know if anyone in our group will go salsa dancing together but we certainly have a lot of interesting conversations online and who knows we've actually had people in our online community who are from the same city it's such a small world it's really amazing so traditional English classrooms haven't really caught up to technology I remember the last time that I had taught English in a traditional classroom my colleagues my other English teacher colleagues and my boss were strongly against social media no cell phones in the classroom no Facebook no interaction on social media that's bad bad bad or is this because I remember when I was trying to improve my Spanish one of the top waves that I learned outside of dancing salsa of course was through social media I remember when Facebook was still new and I joined it and I kept in touch with one of my Peruvian friends through Facebook who I met in Japan and we would always chat on facebook on the instant messenger and that allowed me to think about what I was saying because I didn't have to say it immediately like you have to speak quickly in a conversation like a real-life conversation but online on social media you have time to think about what should I say is this the right vocabulary word let me check you have time and that's a great way to improve your fluency is by chatting on social media so that's part of the go natural English method as well so it's really really interesting to see how we can apply technology to learning English language there's a lot of other things I want to tell you guys I mean traditional English language schools are really one size fits all and sometimes it doesn't fit for your busy life sometimes it's just more convenient to learn from your home or from your office or to actually be able to express your goals and your motivation for learning English and to follow that I'm gonna ask you a question so everybody wake up I want to ask you a question what is your motivation for learning English my motivation for learning Spanish was because I love the language I love to speak with other people in their native language I love to dance salsa I love the music and Spanish is a very big part of our lives in the United States it's the second spoken language here so it's also very good for job opportunities now let me ask you what's your motivation for learning English is it for work is it for just a personal love of the language is it for maybe a school program or if it's for a test that's okay tests can help us to achieve our goals - they're not all bad so I'm gonna take another sip of my coffee and wait for your answer today I put condensed milk in my coffee and it's really sweet okay I'm checking your comments I'm refreshing them now I love seeing your comments okay Veronica I need it for my job but I am enjoying learning languages as well thank you for your comments nice to see you and Irina I like to make new friends and speak with them that's my motivation wonderful okay great Oh Martin that's interesting you have to understand repair manuals and although you have a motivation about plans to live abroad amazing oh I want to keep reading all of your all of your comments there's so many I am going to read every single one of them when I finish and then respond to them okay so I told you a little bit about the go natural English method let's recap quickly so far if I can remember we talked about having a community where you can learn together with other people there's a quote a proverb rather a proverb that I love about community if you want to go fast go alone right because alone you can make your own decisions you can go quickly go at your own pace but if you want to go far go together we can help each other so much as a community as a group if you feel tired your friends will motivate you if you don't know where to look next for the next thing to learn well your friends your teachers go natural English team can guide you so think about that you can learn a lot on your own but this is one thing that I've had to learn a lot in my life and in my work is to stop trying to do everything alone I'm very independent and I want you to be independent too but to a certain point sometimes we have to really take a look and be honest with ourselves and think can we get farther if we have help sometimes the answer is yes so another thing is - okay we said learning through community we said to learn with technology right using social media as a tool to chat with people in English it gives us more time to think we talked about making mistakes and how actually making more mistakes more often not the same mistakes over and over and over but more mistakes are more opportunities to improve your English right what else I think there were a few other things I said if I forgot to recap there you can tell me what else we have learned so far one thing I got a question from one of my go natural English learners about should we use Google Translate because like I just said technology technology is a really good tool for learning but what about Google Translate so one of my Brazilian friends shared a story with me today and he's he recently visited the United States and he said it's incredible to see Americans or hear Americans singing along to American music in English in our native language because if you think about it most of the world and maybe you sing American music in English but it's not your native language and so the feeling that you get from these songs is actually different then what native English speakers would feel or fluence English speakers would feel as long as you know the real meaning of the words of the song you can feel what other native speakers feel when they sing those lyrics there's a big difference between the feelings you get when you understand the lyrics of a song and when you don't and that's why so many English learners love to listen to music and really understand it and you love watching movies in English without subtitles and really understanding it but this is something it's related to Google Translate because Google Translate can translate but it can't give you the feeling it can give you a word that could be a match it could be a translation it could be an equal but it could be an equal in a very literal direct sense but not in the sense of the feeling there's a lot of songs that can't be directly translated there's a lot of idioms and proverbs that cannot be directly translated for example I mentioned that I taught Spanish for three years and I assigned my students to write an essay an essay about one of their favorite sports the players athletes so one of my students wrote that his favorite athlete has three goats and I thought that's strange are you sure and then I realized what the student had done he wanted to say that this athlete had three children so he probably wrote he has three children but no instead of children he said a different word he probably wrote the athlete has three kids kids is a more casual native way of saying children and so he probably wrote this in Google Translate and clicked on translate and what did Google Translate come up with in Spanish chivas which is goats also kids because a baby goat can be called a kid just like a child can be called a kid Google Translate didn't know really from the context of the sentence even whether we were talking about humans or animals so I caution you to rely on technology completely I think for fluency we need a mix of Technology and humanity because we want to really connect with each other and that requires feelings too so Google Translate can be a helpful tool but don't rely it on it completely um before we wrap up for today I actually want to share a chapter or a page rather not if I don't think it's a full chapter that would be very long a page from the English fluency formula which is the go natural English ebook a lot of you guys have been talking about saying that you want to get it or you got it already and you're really happy with it so I want to share a little bit of that I'm gonna see if I can share it on the screen along with my face and actually read it with you a little bit so I think now you should be able to see the screen that says mind sets this is from inside the go natural English members area so this is part of the ebook the English fluency formula so I'm going to share this with you before we wrap up the day here and in tomorrow's lesson day two I'm gonna share a technique for improved listening skills so that when you listen to native English speakers you can understand the conversation okay so I want you to comment as I'm reading this I'd like you to comment what you learned from this lesson was there at least one thing that you learned from this lesson tell me in the comments on the go natural English watch page and please a reminder help us grow the challenge week by sharing this with a friend by subscribing on YouTube to go natural English and sharing this with a friend this will help a lot okay here we go mindset which is so importance your mindset is more important in the beginning than anything else so I'm gonna read here I think you can see the screen in high school did you ever feel embarrassed or nervous or anxious and English class did you always look at the clock wishing class was over already now it doesn't have to be that way let's change how we interact with English to be successful and enjoyable okay timeout as I'm reading look at the words and listen to my voice you might notice some words that are pronounced differently than you thought they would be like this word interact it looked it looks like interact but in fact it's interact because that T sound changes when it comes after an N and before a vowel so just watch listen let's make a comparison to something you may enjoy do you enjoy playing games learning English can be like an enjoyable game to imagine each new phrase you learn as points that will help you win the game each time you practice English on your own or with friends is a training session and each conversation that you participate in is a game each time you speak it's like trying to make a goal sometimes you make a mistake but at least you tried and sometimes you make a goal it's funny that a lot of English learners want to be able to participate in long conversations with natives immediately without making mistakes it's like going straight to the Olympics without any training to master the sport of playing English it's essential to train and make a lot of mistakes first that's the only way to know what really works do you think that it would work to just read about soccer and then win the World Cup without playing actual games would you like just reading music notes written on paper but never hearing or playing the notes out loud would you like to try to swim without getting wet these are all comparable to trying to speak fluent English without practicing and without ever making a mistake it's impossible it's time to get used to practicing playing a lot of games making a lot of mistakes making a lot of sounds and music and getting wet so here's something to consider before learning any more English what is fluency I'm gonna stop there I think that tomorrow we can talk more about what is fluency and also I'll share tomorrow a technique for improving your listening skills which I know is really huge for a lot of you I get so many questions about listening skills so I can't wait to share that with you so again subscribe to go natural English on YouTube let's get up to a million subscribers this year this is an amazing community of learners you guys are so motivated and passionate and I think that together we can make it there so let's do it and I will see you tomorrow do you do you want to know what time and what link do you want to know how to come back for day two well everything that you need-to-know is included in an email to you when you sign up at gonaturalenglish.com slash challenge so make sure that you're signed up and I'll send you all the information by email so sign up and then check your email if you don't see anything maybe it went to spam you can search for an email from me my email address is info at gonaturalenglish.com so search for that if you don't see it and also when you sign up make sure that you entered your correct email address no mistakes mistakes are good except for when you're signing up for the challenge don't make a mistake in your email address that is a bad mistake don't make that kind of mistake alright thank you so much for watching I hope you have an amazing rest of your day rest of your afternoon evening night morning I don't know what time is it where you live I have no idea you're watching from so many different places all over the world so I will see you tomorrow ma bye for now
Channel: Go Natural English
Views: 35,951
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 7HG0vX005NI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 54sec (2454 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 12 2018
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