An English Lesson for Real English Speaking Fluency | Go Natural English

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in the next 15 minutes you're going to be speaking english more fluently more confidently more naturally hello welcome to our live english lesson i'm gabby from go here to help you with your english speaking skills your english listening skills your confidence in speaking and expressing yourself i am thrilled to be here with you i'm going to share some specific examples that we can practice together to train your english listening and speaking skills for better fluency right now today we're going to do it together not just to talk about learning english but we are going to be speaking english together today i need you to practice along with me so when i ask you a question or when i ask you to repeat please don't be shy please engage insert ads practice and you are going to get a lot out of this this live english lesson you're going to benefit a lot from this live english lesson now if you have questions i am going to do my best to answer them but you have a lot of questions there are a lot of people here hello everyone who is here watching live i will do my best to answer them but if i cannot answer them all right here i want to answer them individually as best i can the best way for us to connect with each other so that i can help you with your english is to join my email group for english learners you can do that at slash email i'm going to also tell you at the end of this english lesson how you can learn more with me because today right now this is just going to be about 15 minutes together it's not enough time to become completely fluent in english we're going to improve your skills together right here right now but i'm going to be honest fluency is an ongoing practice and if you want to learn more with me i'm going to tell you how with the complete go natural english course but i'll tell you that at the end of our lesson now i want to tell you if you don't already know that english is an awesome opportunity for you if you're watching this right now you probably are at the intermediate level of english if you can understand most of what i'm saying but you find it difficult to express yourself to speak your mind to speak up in english i know you're not alone so many english learners feel like you and today we're going to practice we're going to improve that but i just want to encourage you don't give up being here right now you are advancing your english you are in the right place now i want to start today with what is called a mantra one thing that is so important for you to become an english speaker a fluent english speaker is to have the right learning mindset to stay motivated because this is what the biggest challenge is for many intermediate english learners is simply to stay motivated to improve your english okay so what is a mantra a mantra is a short phrase an idea an expression an affirmation that you want to program your mind to believe to think in a more positive way so one problem that i find with a lot of english learners is that they think negatively about their own english skills and it hurts me to hear this when you say things like oh my english is so bad i'll never become fluent i make so many mistakes okay you know we don't have to think like this we don't have to believe these negative ideas it's important to train yourself to keep your mind open to improving to keep your mind open to believe in yourself so let's practice a mantra i would like you to repeat after me and you can write this in the comments if you want to repeat it by typing every day i am improving little by little again every day i am improving little by little okay we can make up another one and you can share your own mantra with me in the comments inside my complete english fluency course fluent communication one of the first lessons is where i talk about creating a mantra i explain it in more detail and i ask you to share your mantra with me we can practice this to get today together for example another one might be that i am an awesome english speaker i didn't say perfect i didn't say anything that's untrue but awesome is a fun word it's a positive word it carries some good energy for me and so i like to say this mantra when i'm learning other languages and i invite you to say it about yourself in english okay are you ready i am an awesome english speaker one more time okay say this out loud and you can even write it in the comments i am an awesome english speaker very good now it's important that you say your mantra with feeling not just oh i'm an awesome english speaker but really you have to put energy behind your mantra so that you can feel it and you can believe it yourself okay this is very important because we have to give ourselves positive energy in order to continue our studies okay now we have done our mantra congratulations you are moving in the right direction and we even practiced a little bit of english right then and there english is going to open up so many opportunities for you i want you to understand that english is part of a successful life if you are working on building your career if you want to communicate with people from around the world if you want to simply feel confidence in your communication skills when you're traveling when you're working with international colleagues when you're learning when you're reading when you're watching tv educational programs or for entertainment listening to music there's so many examples listening to podcasts english is a great tool for you to have it really opens opportunities in your life and so that is so important for you to remember and to understand also to stay motivated when you're learning a language like english there are building blocks there are levels there are stages in your learning we can't simply learn all of english at once and that's why of course we're going to practice together for about 15 minutes today but it's not enough we need to continue after this so building blocks would be vocabulary when you are a beginner you start with individual words i know a few individual words in several in several languages that i want to learn but i only know a few words i don't know how to put together sentences in arabic for example i know that martha is hello and shukran is thank you but i don't know how to make a sentence i am a beginner you are not a beginner you are probably an intermediate english speaker you know vocabulary words you can make sentences you can understand a lot of english around you but sometimes understanding native english speakers is difficult and expressing your thoughts as clearly as you want to and as quickly and fluently as you want to can be difficult so that's where we are today and you have to understand it is a process it is a cycle after i learn to understand natives and speak in longer sentences i have to go back and learn more vocabulary so i start with vocabulary but i circle back to growing my vocabulary to you know a beginner is learning individual words or short phrases like hello thank you but as an intermediate and advanced learner you're going to learn more advanced vocabulary you're going to learn idioms and slang and phrases like don't get me wrong but when you're wanting to express yourself like natives do or understand natives you're going to hear phrases that you don't learn in your textbook more conversational phrases i just thought of that one because it's kind of a way to emphasize what you're saying don't get me wrong but english is a process okay so you can reach fluency don't get me wrong but english is an ongoing process fluency is an ongoing process communication is an ongoing process here's the thing here's the thing when you learn english you learn usually with a textbook with a teacher and you learn certain vocabulary you learn common phrases but the phrases that you hear in the real world the very common phrases that we use in everyday conversation are often not the same as what you see in your english textbook and so today i'm going to share some very common phrases with you that we can practice that some some are common but the way that we say them the pronunciation is different than what you might hear from your english teacher or um you know reading in your book the way you might think they sound so we're going to practice together are you ready to practice tell me yes in the comments i'm sorry i've been talking a lot and you know i want to get through our english lesson and our practice together to make this the most beneficial english speaking lesson for you so let's look at some examples and by the way again if you have questions please ask them and i'm going to do my best to answer through this lesson but if i don't again i will do my best to answer by email after you join our student email group at email okay number one what's your name what's your name what am i saying try writing what i'm saying in the comments to train your listening number one what's your what's your what's your name i'm sure you can understand i said name and you can probably guess that i'm asking what is your name okay it's an easy question english 101 but the way that you hear natives say this is not always so clear it's not always what is your name it's what's your name what's your name what's your what's your what's your name practice saying it with me what's your name what's your name okay and you can tell me the answer in the comments my name's gabby or my name's tell me your name okay i'm watching for your response in the comments let's move forward number two now it's very common to talk about the weather uh in small talk we often talk about you know it's cold it's hot it's sunny it's raining and whatnot but um you might hear someone say it's nice out it's nice out isn't it it's nice now it's nice out it sounds like one word what is this word snice out i never saw that in the dictionary of course not because we are connecting sounds we are linking our speech and snice out is actually it is nice out isn't it a tag question at the end to emphasize and to uh have some connection with the person we're speaking with it is nice out isn't it maybe it's sunny it's warm it's a beautiful day it's nice out it's nice out isn't it ah yes it is yes it's a beautiful day it's nice out or it's nice out it's nice out you see these sounds like it's they become very small because they're not emphasized we don't need to emphasize it it's just a subject placeholder in the sentence talking about the weather so we can say it's nice out okay let's go on to the next one now i want you to type what you hear kind of like dictation i know i'm going a little fast but as i mentioned this is a fast english speaking lesson where do you work where do you work where do you work where do you work okay i see some answers coming in where do you weirdy uh is connected speech putting together the words where do you where do you go where do you work where do you work where do you work it's a very common question talking about your profession your job what do you do what do you do um what do you do is actually the next one so let's go ahead what do you do type what you hear in the comments how we would actually write this in uh correct words not just how it sounds but in english how would how would we write these words what do you do what dia is what do you what do you do what do you do this is asking about your work what is your career when someone asks you what do you do they're asking well are you a teacher are you an engineer are you what are you what do you do okay last one and then we're going to review these how long have you been here write it out how long have you been here how long have you been here write it in the comments this is how long have you been here how long have you been here how long have you been here how long of you been here so instead of saying how long have you been here you'll hear how long of i can't say it slowly how long have how long have how long have you been here how long have you been here how long have you been here okay say it with me how long have you been here so for example if you recently moved to the united states you could say i have been here one year i've been here one year i've been here one year one more let's do a bonus one write what you hear did you just move here did you just move here did you just move here did you just move here i see some answers coming in did you just move here is the question so if you just recently moved for example to the united states i i live in the united states so you could say yes i recently moved here yes i just moved here or no i have been here a long time i've been here i have been here since uh 1999 or whatnot okay so summary we're going to repeat these phrases actually they're all questions um i didn't realize i was writing all questions for you today but it's good for training our conversational skills in english because speaking skills are not all about just one person talking at the other unless maybe you're making a speech or public speaking it's about a dialogue two ways so it's important to ask questions okay repeat after me what's your name what's your name next it's nice out isn't it it's nice out isn't it three where do you work where do you work good what do you do what do you do excellent how long have you been here how long have you been here did you just move here did you just move here excellence you are doing so well just in the last few minutes your english speaking skills have improved and i encourage you to review these phrases you know you can go back and take notes write these down replay this once it's uh you know posted and you can review these together with me remember that learning english is all about building blocks building your vocabulary building your pronunciation skills your listening skills training on a daily basis so that each day you really are learning a little more and improving a little more and adding a new phrase a new word a new idiom to your english each day this is how you build confidence this is how practice makes perfect i don't really believe in perfect but that is a common idiom a popular idiom practice makes perfect so let's practice let's move towards improvements always progress and improvement is our goal connection with each other learning to ask questions to have conversations that are meaningful to connect with each other this is what we do in the complete go natural english course part of the course is the community and when we practice in our community we get to know each other we connect with other english learners from around the world right now i think i have people from over 140 countries represented in the course a lot of english students in the complete go natural english course are living in the united states so if you are living in the us or you're thinking about moving to north america it can be a great resource for you to talk with other people who are already living in north america this is always what i do when i'm thinking about traveling somewhere or moving somewhere i try to meet people who live in that place on the internet right you don't even have to go to that place first you just meet them and ask them questions but in the complete go natural english course you are going to have a community of other english learners to practice your english speaking skills with just like the real world but not only the community you have coaching as well when you join the complete course you have english speaking practice and coaching to tell you what you're doing well and what you need to improve on so these are live online speaking lessons and of course you have the course the lessons hundreds of premium lessons that you cannot find anywhere else not on youtube not anywhere outside of our complete english course the course is called fluent communication because that is our goal we train your speaking skills your listening skills your fluency your confidence to give you fluent communication skills so if you'd like to learn the details about the course you need to sign up for information at pre-reg that's p-r-e-r-e-g i'll put the link in the description so that you can click on it and get more information now it's really important that you do this now because next week we are opening registration and this is a special event there are limited spots available in the course and a limited time to register so make sure that you sign up for more information there's no commitment it's just information i know you're probably worried about the price is it free no because this is an intense english training that will help you to reach your goals and you get live coaching and you get access to our community and our complete course it is an amazing experience that brings you results and this is not free but the cost of the course is very very affordable it is valuable compared to other private language schools compared to tutoring it is very affordable i have different options for you to join and i'm going to tell you in detail what the options are in email format so it's all written and you can look at the different options and decide which one is best for you because truly if your goal is english fluency and i think it should be if you want to have more opportunities in life you need to get help you have to understand where you're making mistakes where you are blocked and how to break through those challenges to break through to fluency you can do this with the right mindset with the right lessons with the right coaching and corrections and feedback and the right community to support you so from here we're going to wrap up we're going to close up this lesson i really really appreciate that you came here today to practice with me i hope that it was helpful whether you joined the complete course or not this today was a lesson that you can take with you you can practice this over and over and see immediate improvement if you if you like this kind of lesson then i recommend that you join the complete course go to pre-reg and i will see you there i will be checking my emails to answer all of your questions about the course and i am so excited to tell you more in advance of opening registration for you to join the course starting next week all right we are in this together we are stronger together thank you for being here i hope you have an amazing day and lots of english fluency in your day and i will talk to you soon all right mwah bye for now
Channel: Go Natural English
Views: 31,361
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: American Accent Training, American Accent, Go Natural English, Gabby Wallace, English lesson, English speaking, learn english, speak english, English listening practice, English speaking practice
Id: TzBqjGvRarw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 25sec (1525 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 11 2021
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