13 Advanced Phrasal Verbs to Speak English #lingoda

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in the next 10 minutes you're going to learn 13 advanced english phrasal verbs that will help you out in your next conversation so we're going to go over or learn these phrasal verbs in real life sentences things that i do every day things that i did today and i'll explain how you can use them too instead of more academic english verbs that you might learn in an english class but might not hear as often in the real world so if you want to improve your english speaking and you're listening then keep watching because at the end of this english speaking lesson video i am going to share how you can become more fluent in english in just three months and do it possibly for free with the next lingoda language sprint i'll explain more details at the end do you ever wonder why it's difficult to understand native english speakers but pretty easy to understand your english teacher well one of the reasons i already talked about in last week's english speaking lesson which you can check out at the link in the description uh but there's another reason there's not only just one reason i'm sorry there's another reason which is phrasal verbs this is super important to understand phrasal verbs and i'm going to show you why because in your english textbook in your english classroom you learn more academic verbs which are a bit more formal and of course native english speakers know them but we don't always use them in everyday conversation we're more likely to write and to read using these more academic plain verbs and we're more likely to speak and to hear people using phrasal verbs in everyday english conversation that is why they are so important but what i don't understand even though i'm an english teacher i do not understand why phrasal verbs are not taught from beginning english because this is how people really speak in the real world so if you want to be able to speak with people in the real world not just read or write it's so important to understand phrasal verbs well that's why i don't follow a textbook that's why i don't teach in a classroom anymore i just teach you here at go natural english if you like the way that we learn together at go natural english make sure to subscribe here on youtube to the go natural english channel if you feel like when you speak english you don't sound very native like and you want to know why phrasal verbs are a huge part of that too it's important to get used to that's a phrasal verb right there um instead of saying like become accustomed to get used to using phrasal verbs i know this can be really intimidating frustrating challenging difficult because we didn't learn these phrasal verbs from beginners english from english 101 and that's the problem but if that's your situation then don't worry we can still learn phrasal verbs together right here right now today in the next 10 minutes so here we go no more learning english just from a textbook from today we are going to reverse engineer your english by taking phrasal verbs from real life phrases real life conversation real life speaking and understanding them the way that people use them let's go through my typical day together and i'm going to show you some phrasal verbs as opposed with using more formal english verbs i'm going to replace that more formal academic verb with a phrasal verb and ask you to repeat after me and try using these phrasal verbs in your own sentence if you cannot think of your own sentence then i highly encourage you to simply repeat the one that i say you can try writing it down in your notebook or in the comments here below it is so important to not just watch but also to interact with our lesson here together let's make the most out of that's a nice phrasal verb uh benefit from so let's benefit from or even better let's make the most out of this lesson together that was a freebie that's not even part of the 13 phrasal verbs that i'm gonna teach right now that was a bonus so let's start with to search for example you might say i'm searching for my keys i can't find them where are my keys a native speaker is more likely to say i'm looking for to look for something just a minute ago real life story i couldn't find the memory card for my camera so i was thinking oh no how am i going to record this speaking lesson without a memory card so i looked for my memory card and i figured out i discovered um that the memory card was hidden underneath my laptop so i figured that out that's another phrasal verb i want to repeat again i figured out i figured out the memory card was under my laptop so i discovered the memory card was under my laptop you got it okay let's continue i'm going to repeat some of these because repetition is really important to remembering them and practicing them together so i'll move quickly but i may repeat some of them for good luck to help us to remember arrive what time do you arrive at work in some english textbook dialogues this is actually the language the verb that they use but this is really not so common it's quite formal people may use it but it's not as common as asking what time do you get to work as you know the verb get replaces so many more formal verbs we use get in dozens of phrasal verbs to get to means to arrive so it can mean other things too it can mean to have an opportunity or we can use it in combination with other prepositions like to get around to but let's keep it simple today and just think about using it to say to arrive so i get to work around 8 00 a.m now you can say this even if you work from home like if if i start working i could say i get to work i start working at 8 a.m i get to work or i get around to work or i start working around eight a.m each day there's another way to say this which is get going which means to really start in earnest so instead of saying i start my work or i begin my work i can say i get going around 8 a.m i really get going on my tasks to get going can also mean to leave so don't be confused here because we're talking about beginning and then leaving the context is everything so we're never really going to use a phrasal verb on its own we're going to have other words in the sentence right to inform what we're trying to communicate so if i say i get going on my first task around 8am it's clear that i'm saying to start if i say for example i'm gonna work about eight hours today and get going by 4 p.m that means i'm leaving right we know by the context and if this seems confusing you can always ask get going do you mean to leave it's such a good idea to always ask questions i think in a lot of english classes it's discouraged to ask questions and that makes me very sad because asking questions is a huge part of the learning process and i encourage you to ask questions here as well i'll do my best to answer each and every one of them to become excited did you become excited for this lesson well i become excited or get pumped up with a cup of coffee each day i make my morning coffee and it pumps me up for the day so to get excited is to get pumped up now this is a little bit of casual slang but you have to understand that phrasal verbs in general are slightly more casual than their more formal counterparts like to get energized or to get excited here's another one that's a little bit more informal to receive texts while i'm working my phone is often blown up by text messages or i could make that more of an active less of a passive sentence and say text messages blow up my phone or people blow up my phone with text messages while i'm working all throughout the day some of them are work related some of them are not do you get blown up by text messages during your work day tell me in the comments if you do cancel one of my meetings was cancelled or called off it was called off now what's interesting about phrasal verbs is that we don't have opposites that mean the opposite like i can't say i called on a meeting and have it mean that i started or declared a meeting in fact to call on means to ask for help which is not the same as to schedule a meeting at all but to call off means to cancel a meeting don't worry i know this is confusing but if we keep practicing and we keep looking at phrasal verbs in context like the real sentences that you would use with them it's going to get clearer and clearer and easier and more fun to use and you're getting more and more fluent in your english speaking every minute you're watching here and repeating with me so let's move on to the next one to rest well since my meeting was called off i rested or took a little time off to take time off is to take vacation so we don't really say i took a 30 minute vacation but i could say i took 30 minutes off work to rest and relax and surf the internet to take time off so i searched the internet and i checked out the news and some other things to search is to check out i checked out some things on the internet you know how it is the rabbit hole on the internet where you look at one thing then another thing and then another thing and all of a sudden before you know it i decided to or ended up looking at a new coat on ebay so i decided i ended up bidding on a new coat on ebay and and i discovered or i found out shortly after that i won it i discovered i found out that i won it i had won a new coat yay okay back to work so i had to find an answer i had to find an answer about an error in a contract so i figured out i found an answer i figured out that there was a mistake in a business contract this was serious i'm so glad i figured it out before we closed the contract because i didn't want that business partner to not be punished or to get away with their mistake to not be punished is to get away with something but i caught the error on time and this business partner didn't get away with their mistake yay they are not going to get away with shortchanging me to shortchange someone means to make a mistake in their favor so not in my favor but in their favor so if you buy something and someone short changes you it means that they don't give you the right change or they take something to their advantage that's not really fair so shortchanging someone is not fair it's not right but it's a good phrase to know so i'm going to continue or go ahead with go ahead with or continue the transaction now let's go over let's review these phrasal verbs one more time together but first i want to encourage you to try out or to attempt to try out to attempt a great way of practicing your english speaking and you can practice all of these phrasal verbs when you practice your speaking online with lingoda an amazing company that offers live online english speaking practice with their expert english teachers they have a special sprint event that is open for registration it's open for registration until april 16th so make sure that you sign up before the deadline so you don't miss out on this opportunity you don't want to be short changed you don't want to miss out the deadline to sign up is april 16th and the sprint starts on april 28th but what is the sprint well you may have heard me talk about it before because lingoda has done language sprint events in the past over 40 000 language learners have benefited from the lingoda sprints and now is your chance you can take the super sprints which is 30 lessons per month so one per day or the regular sprint which is 15 lessons per month now each of these the super spread and the regular sprint are for three months and in that time period you will greatly improve your english speaking fluency if you just attend the lessons that you agreed to attend showing up is half the battle now if you attend all the lessons you agree to if it's the super sprint 30 lessons each month for three months you get 100 of your tuition back it's free fluency for free this is an amazing opportunity and if that's a little too much for you to commit to i highly recommend that you try the regular sprint 15 lessons per month for three months and you get a 50 back on your tuition which is still an amazing opportunity to improve your english at a very great affordable cost both plans require a 49 euro deposit and each plan is paid in a monthly installment so you don't have to pay all up front and again if you attend all your agreed upon lessons you get either the 100 or the 50 refund on your tuition 100 for the super sprint 50 for the regular sprint please check all the rules carefully and learn how to sign up at the link in the description or at gonaturalenglish.com lingoda this is an amazing opportunity for you to improve your english speaking skills and i have personally practiced my spanish language skills with lingoda of course i'm a native english speaker so i didn't take their english lessons but i am positive hearing from go natural english viewers like you that you can have a good experience with their english teachers too you can check out the lingoda instagram account here for other english learners stories and to see how they benefited from the lingoda sprint and you can read about how it works at gonaturalenglish.com lingoda the link is in the description what's more is if you're watching this and you're not wanting to work on english for some reason but you are interested in spanish or french or german then lingoda has a language sprint for you as well so think about improving more than one language or another language you have a lot of options here i think the hard part is just choosing which language to improve and going for it i highly encourage you to sign up to the next lingoda sprint and see what all the excitement is about now let's review each of those phrasal verbs that i introduced for one last chance to practice those together to take notes and to practice those phrasal verbs with your lingoda sprint teacher if you decide to sign up searching is to look for arrive to get to start get going become excited pumped up to receive texts is to get your phone blown up again this is slang cancel is to call off to rest is to take time off to search or to look at something is to check out to decide to is to end up discover is to find out to find the answer is to figure out to not be punished is to get away with to continue is to go ahead excellent job going over or reviewing the phrasal verbs now don't give up don't quit don't give up you've got this the secret to success in english speaking is to speak a little bit each day and you can continue to watch go natural english videos here or check out all the hundreds of free english tips on the go natural english website at gonaturalenglish.com where you can learn more with me there thank you so much for watching again i'm your english teacher gabby from gonaturalenglish.com have an amazing day and bye for now
Channel: Go Natural English
Views: 71,172
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Go Natural English, Gabby Wallace, Phrases for speaking English, speak english naturally, speaking english, english speaking, english listening, phrasal verbs, advanced phrasal verbs, advanced english lesson, native english teacher, native english speaker, phrasal verbs with get
Id: zAROowzxIsQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 20sec (1100 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 19 2021
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