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hello and welcome back to english today and this is DVD 6 and the second DVD of your elementary level and in this DVD you will see another three episodes of our story that's life followed by our special TV programs in the first a music expert talks about John Lennon followed by a business debate about Bill Gates then in the grammar section we will study the regular and irregular verbs of the past tense adjectives and the use of should forgiving advice ok so enjoy your studying and have fun hi jack yes that's exactly what I told him I sent him an email asking for more information and no I didn't I'm sorry I didn't have enough time today ok ok I'll call him in 10 minutes bye hi jack so did you have a good day no I didn't it was a horrible day and I had a lot of work to do first I met some clients in the city we met at 9 o'clock and finished it too after that I checked the monthly loss and profit accounts twice and then I wrote some letters I am so tired well now relax have a glass of wine you're lucky I'm cooking lasagna your favorite dish no thanks and I ate lasagna at lunch oh but it's not a problem I'll prepare something else and after dinner we can watch Wimbledon on TV there's the men's singles match should be exciting I'm sorry am i I can't I have some work to finish and then I'm going to my karate gym that's how I relax oh hey Jack just a moment didn't you notice anything did you clean the kitchen no I didn't um did you receive your marvelous set of Chinese plates no Jack nothing about the house it's about me oh I see you bought a new pair of shoes didn't you there's very nice well I have to go now it's late doesn't matter go bye such a waste of time hello and welcome to English today your live program where you can learn the English language now did you see the last episode of That's Life well I think Jack needs a pair of these what do you think I mean honestly min let's change the subject and talk about something else shall we let's talk about regular and irregular verbs let's take an example the verb play well in the past it's very easy because regular verbs just take II D at the end so play plus E D becomes played another example start + e D becomes started let's look at those on the screen now because there are certain things that we need to know about the pronunciation and the spelling in particular of regular verbs in the past so as we said the simple verbs are play visit you just add Edie so it's played and visited what happens if a verb ends with E well it's simple we just add D so Liv becomes lived just D dance becomes danced you just add the D there's no need to add another e ok then what happens if the verb ends in a why for example hurry well that's simple you take off the Y and you replace it with i IE d hurry becomes hurried now this is for verbs which end with a Y preceded by a consonant so another example is Mary it ends with ry and becomes married i D okay then the next group stop t.o.p is the end of that verb so it's consonant vowel consonant with these verbs what we do is we double the consonant so stop become stopped with double P but the pronunciation doesn't change okay another example is prefer prefer becomes preferred Double R okay again pronunciation doesn't change so these are the things you will need to remember about the simple past regular verbs mainly it's a problem of spelling okay otherwise it's easy the problems begin with the irregular verbs because you have to learn them by heart which means by memory you have to learn them individually now I am going to read some to you some of the most important ones some of them you have already heard in the story so listen carefully to the pronunciation by bought you notice that oh ugh T is pronounced ought by awed come came do did drink drank eat ate find found get got give gave have had make made meet met read read notice that now read and read are written exactly the same but the pronunciation changes in the past tense read read say said send sent speak spoke tell told think thought watch that again ough T ought write wrote okay so some of those are the most important irregular tense verbs that you will hear all right now let's go and join our friends again in that's life and the girls are looking at an album of photographs listen to them carefully and see how many past tense verbs you can pick out okay and then we'll cut we'll continue with our studying on it after they're very important these verbs see you later bye hey Ann mr. Simms thanks a lot for the tip on the bookshop oh my god and what's happening here makeup let me see new hairstyle new dress you look great at last somebody noticed my change it's impossible not to notice it Thanks well what were you talking about oh I wanted to thank you for the tip on the bookshop it's a great shop great I'm glad you liked it I love sitting and drinking a cup of coffee and looking at the books yes that's exactly what I did i sat down ordered a cup of coffee and read and I found all the books I wanted what books did you find I bought I biography about Virginia Woolf and a book about archaeology and you what are you doing I'm trying not to think about all my problems so I'm looking at some pick can I see them sure they're pictures of us oh look look at this one we were in Edinburgh we went for a trip do you remember yes I do how funny Alice was with that Scottish hat did we go by car oh no we didn't we went by train and at the very last moment Peter didn't come because of the audition yes as usual and who's this I don't know him that's Frank a friend of mine I met him on holiday in Norway he had a good time together and afterwards he went his way and I went my way yeah that's life did you have an affair with him no no I didn't nothing like that and we were only good friends do keep in touch no don't he wrote me a letter five years ago he sent me an invitation to his wedding did you go now I didn't well unfortunately I had a lot of work and I couldn't get away hey this is Jack how smart he looks in this picture yes he does do you mind and if I keep this picture with me I I do mind no way I'm sorry Sharon but no why not what do you care about it and you what do you care about it giggles what's happening here nothing at all why hello again and welcome back that's quite a triangle isn't it in the story now let's continue with the past tense and let's look at questions and negative forms fortunately they are very regular because we just use the auxilary did remember in the present tense we used do and does well in the past tense we only need did and in the negative didn't so things are easier okay now I want to do a little exercise with you to practice questions I will say a sentence in the positive form and I want you to formulate the question let me give you an example I say I went out last night went the simple past over go exactly so the question is where did you go all right now I want you to practice to formulate the questions next example I saw a good good film I saw a good film what film all right did you see very good see saw very good after we went to a pizza place after we went to a pizza place where yeah exactly where did we go the infinitive went go okay where did we go next one I had a four seasons pizza I had a four seasons pizza question what type of pizza did you have exactly have is the infinitive of the past tense had great next one we drank some beer we drank some beer what good did you drink what did you drink great next one we talked about the film we talked regular about the film what what did you talk about so it's a regular verb we take off the IDI the infinitive talk what did we talk about great next one we left the restaurant at 11:30 we left the restaurant what time did you leave very good leave is the infinitive of left what time did you leave the restaurant and the last one be careful here it was very good it was very good what did it be remember the verb to be is always an exception and we don't use an auxilary we don't use did we don't use do we don't use das so what's the question it was very good what was it like alright so remember with the verb to be don't use the auxiliary did so let's go to the screen now and look at that written to help you memorize it okay so we said that we use did and didn't in the question and negative forms let's look at the question you have the question word when the auxilary did the subject you and then the infinitive form alright when did you arrive who did she or he see how did it happen why did we sell it okay always did we did with I you he she it we you they and where did they go last week all right so it's not difficult now the negative well we take did not and we abbreviate it to didn't and we say I didn't see them last month you didn't hear me he or she didn't visit him last week it didn't rain last month we didn't buy the house they didn't go to the party yesterday so again didn't with all the forms I you he she it we you they alright so now you know the positive form the question form and the negative form of the simple past tense which means you can have some fantastic conversations with any of your English or American friends alright so keep listening for that and we'll keep talking about it in the future lessons so take care until then see you soon bye tell me more tell me more did you get very far far sorry could you stop singing night I can't read sorry jack what are you reading it's a book about inventions really can I have a look sure I'm reading about the computer Oh Jack you have a serious problem you work hard all day long and then you spend your spare time reading about computers the same applies to you with music I mean are you crazy how can you compare music with computers anyway music is my job you know we're performing in a few days I'm so nervous I know I know but music isn't the only thing in life I'm studying for my European computer driver's license does that count sure it does but music is more interesting that's your opinion Peter well for example did you know that Bill Gates founded Microsoft but the computer goes back to the 19th century they built a computer in the 19th century no John Babbage had the idea for the first computer in the 19th century he called it the analytical engine hey guys what are you talking about I've got a questionnaire for you are you ready not again why do you like answering all these surveys I guess it's a hobby a little strange I know anyway it's a way to learn something new about ourselves you know I'm curious at you too well are you ready no no not me please leave me alone Alice I have more important things to think about bye bye jack okay okay what are the questions shoot this questionnaire is about love first question when was the first time you kissed someone ooh that's an interesting question I kissed a girl for the first time two years ago come on you're joking yeah I guess I am now I kissed her in 1982 how did you know it was 1982 I remember it well I met her during the summer holiday I was riding my bicycle and when I saw her I fell off she was so beautiful did you kiss her immediately no it took me a long time she gave me a kiss for my birthday in January interesting very interesting next question Saved by the Bell just a moment let me answer that welcome back again it's good to see you now I have one more thing to tell you about the simple past tense and it's all related to pronunciation the pronunciation of the regular verbs now it's unusual but we have three different ways of pronouncing the verbs in the regular in the past so we need to look at the screen and study those together it's quite interesting let's take the first group look at the verbs watch dance laugh wash and walk now if you notice those verbs end with a hard sound watch dance laugh wash okay those are hard sounds now when we add the IDI what happens is the pronunciation becomes T we don't say watch it we eliminate the e and we say watched okay interesting hey so look at that watched danced eliminate the e pronounce the T danced laughed washed and walked okay now the temptation is to say watch it Dan said the LA fed wash it but we eliminate the e and we add T okay watched danced good the next group listen to the verbs play clean study close snow now the pronunciation at the end of those verbs is soft not like walk which is hard it's soft play clean study closed snow so the pronunciation of II D becomes D it becomes played again we eliminate the e we say played cleaned studied closed snow okay not snowed closed ed study it but studied closed snowed all right so first group with a T second group with a D and the last group is actually easy if a verb ends with a tea or a D then the pronunciation of II D becomes it and in fact it's impossible to pronounce it any other way take an example start it becomes started started not started started okay so want becomes wanted start becomes started land landed paint painted alright so those are the three groups of pronunciation just keep practicing them and they'll soon become automatic for you don't worry too much and also when you're listening to our friends in that's life try and pick the pronunciation out alright great I'll see you again in the next lesson bye hello yes just a moment Alice it's for you Tom on the phone oh no no Jack can you tell him I'm out please no Alice I told him you're at home Oh make something up please I don't want to talk to him he's so boring tell him I'm ill or something else whatever you like uh hello Tom hello Tom I can't hear you hello thanks jack kay whoa where were we let me see ah when did you start school what does school have to do with love and what a stupid question I started school when I was six years old everybody starts school at six years of age right um did you enjoy school I enjoyed university yes I enjoyed it very much excuse me Alice but do you really find this questionnaire all that interesting well not really anyway let's go on and why did you enjoy university because we had parties every Saturday night ha ha no really why well I learned a lot and I made a lot of new friends I lived on my own and just a moment hello it just a minute hey Alice its John on the phone Oh Jeff please tell him that oh I know that you're not at home well that's your ill I know the story thanks jack hello John hello John I can't hear you right now where were we wait a minute Alice now it's my turn I have a question for you okay shoot could you please answer the phone next time you know I'm not your secretary hi again and welcome back to your live English language learning program Alice has a lot of admirers doesn't she girls how does she do it now I want to do an exercise with you to help you practice recognizing past tense verbs okay so I'm going to become a news reader I'm going to read you the nine o'clock news in English and I will use about 22 verbs in the past I want you to listen carefully and try and recognize as many as you can all right so let me get in position are we ready okay good evening and here's the nine o'clock news yesterday 10,000 people left their workplace and went into the streets of London to protest against the government's new labor law the police sent out special forces to control the crowds and arrested 15 people a Bengali tiger escaped from London Zoo yesterday morning it went to Covent Garden and drank and ate everything in its path the zookeepers found it in the garden of a pub and took it safely back to the zoo Prince Charles had an accident yesterday playing polo they took him into the hospital in Scotland where they did a minor operation on his leg when he spoke to the press this morning he said that he felt fine and now rugby this afternoon England played Italy at Twickenham and Italy lost by three points the Italian captain broke his leg the English captain said the game was closed and that the Italians played very well that's all for me good night so how many verbs did you get 10 15 20 22 all right let's go and check them on the board now together so we started with good evening here's the 9 o'clock news yesterday 10,000 people left their workplace left is the past tense of leaf good and went into the streets of London went past tense of go right to protest against the government's new labor law then the police say it out Special Forces sent past tense of send to control the crowds and arrested which is the past tense of arrest it's a regular verb arrested 15 people okay how many so far okay a Bengali tiger escaped from London regular verb escaped from escape it went to Colin garden market went past tense of go and drank and ate drank past tense of drink ate past tense of eat the zookeepers found it in the garden of a pub found past tense of find good and took it safely back took difficult took past tense of take take took okay Prince Charles had an accident had is the past tense of have they took him took him you know past tense of take to a hospital in Scotland where they did a minor operation did past tense of do yeah when he spoke to the press spoke is the past tense of speak he said past tense of say that he felt fine felt past tense of feel great rugby this afternoon England played past tense of play Italy at Twickenham and Italy lost lost is the past tense of lose okay lose the Italian captain broke his leg broke past tense of break the English captain said past tense of say we saw the game was closed was is the past tense of yeah the verb to be and that the Italians played very well play regular verb past tense of play play played okay well done how many did you get twenty-two twenty eighteen nineteen I know it's difficult at the beginning and in fact that is often one of the most difficult things is recognizing English pronunciation that's why it's very important for you to learn good pronunciation at the beginning because it will really help your comprehension so take care and I'll see you in the next lesson for more practice bye hi Sharon what's up hi jack I'm okay don't worry everything is just fine really I don't think so come on tell me what's happening some problems with Peter no well yes but I don't think you're the right person to talk with maybe you're right but I can't stand seeing you so sad in this what does it mean don't worry I'm not leaving forever my colleague Lucy invited me to spend the weekend at her house she has a cottage in the countryside near Brighton we are leaving an evening right after work the countryside is lovely there I hope so I need a break living with Peters getting hard he's so nervous about his concert he can only think and talk about that he seems miles away and as for his music he's excessive he goes on singing all day long he doesn't speak with me anymore he sings with me Sharon can you pass me the salt please I like it when you smile I think a weekend in the countryside is exactly what you need I didn't know you liked the country so much are you joking I love the countryside it's so quiet and relaxing a lot of people think it's boring well they don't know what they're missing what Jack are using cliches now like the countryside is safe in the city is dangerous or the country is clean in the city is dirty and don't forget the country's cheap - yes there's that - the city is very expensive just think how much the rent is for this apartment don't remind me I have to pay mine tomorrow morning well Jack it was good talking with you you make me laugh sometimes I think about us about how we were together once we were we are a wonderful couple don't forget it alright hi again how are you so Jack and Sharon both like the countryside do they can you imagine them alone in a house in the country cheek-to-cheek will see could be interesting now in this lesson I want to talk to you about adjectives adjectives in that last episode they talked about the city and the countryside so let's look at some adjectives that we could use to describe the city and the country for example the countryside is beautiful but often cities are the opposite of beautiful we say ugly beautiful ugly alright usually the countryside is quiet and the city is noisy noisy the countryside is usually safe where our cities can be yeah dangerous life in the countryside is slow or is life in the city is fast the countryside is rural whereas the city is urban all right usually the countryside is charming and often cities are modern life sometimes in the countryside car can be boring but life in cities is usually interesting life in the countryside can be very relaxing whereas the city is usually exciting countryside is very clean and would like that whereas often cities are dirty the countryside is usually cheap whereas cities are often expensive okay so those are typical adjectives to describe countryside and city now let's think of people and things well people can be young but things we wouldn't say things are young we would say things are new so a book is new but my brother is young the opposite of young is old okay old and we also use that for things so we could talk about an old book now some people are fat but when we describe a book in that term then we say the book is thick not fat okay we can say a person is thin and we can also say a book is thin then somebody is me two meters tall somebody is tall whereas we would say for building the building is big or high then the opposite is short person is short and the thing would be little now there's another very interesting thing about adjectives to learn is that adjectives are divided into syllables so for example if you look at the the adjectives beautiful how many syllables are there beauty-full three syllables beautiful beautiful okay let's look at another example quiet listen to that qui yet two syllables quiet another one safe is one syllable safe how about dangerous how many dangerous dangerous three okay one more interesting that's quite difficult interesting how many syllables for interesting pronunciation interesting relaxing relaxing three cheap one okay so all adjectives in English are divided into syllables you can count them and that's important when you want to compare things which is what we'll be looking at in another lesson now we're going to go back to that's life and Ann wants to buy a car and jack is giving her advice listen to the way that they use the word should and then we look at that in the next lesson alright see you then bye hi jack do you have a moment I always have time for you and can I ask you a question sure how can I help you well I need your advice I want to buy a new car ah you should buy a fast expensive sports car come on I can't afford a sports car my car's old it's too big and it's difficult to drive very good reasons to buy a new car yes I'd like to buy a small stylish car that's not too expensive a small stylish car that's not too expensive and for young people of course you shouldn't buy a car for old people so what car should I buy I don't understand anything about cars well what about buying a Ferrari are you joking just kidding let me think oh can I have a look how about this car it's nice isn't it expensive all cars are expensive these days by the way did you hear about Sharon yes I met Peter in the afternoon he told me they had a quarrel but I don't think we should worry about it do you hmm well maybe we should what do you think of Sharon and she's very pretty yes she is what about me jack do you think I'm good-looking come on and when you are very attractive do you really think so yes and you were always on my mind oh oh I'm sorry doesn't matter jack hello again and welcome back did you hear what Jack said to Anne he said you should get yourself a really fast expensive sports car now do you think that's practical advice with all the money that Anne hasn't got well he did say one thing which is useful he used should and that's what we're going to study now the use of should because we use should in English when you want to give advice to someone so if I say to you for example oh I've got a terrible headache then you give me advice and you could say for example well you should take an aspirin should should write an SH o uld very easy because we say I should you should he should it should she should we should they should fantastic and never changes so should plus the infinitive now I want to do something with you I'll say something and I want you to give me some advice all right so for example I say really tired I'm really tired okay yeah you should go to bed or you should rest exactly next one um I'm getting fat I'm getting fat yeah exactly you should eat less or the negative would be you shouldn't eat so much you shouldn't eat so much okay next one Oh my back my back really hurts Oh exactly you should see a doctor or you should go to a chiropractor for example great now um I don't speak English very well I don't speak English very well yes exactly you should watch English today all the time alright fantastic so that's the form should for suggestions let's look at them now on the screen just to consolidate that so should in the positive form the examples are you should take a rest she should take an aspirin they should see a doctor he should stop eating sweets and I should study English every day okay so the form is should plus the infinitive without to the negative she shouldn't shouldn't look at the pronunciation shouldn't work so much I shouldn't go to bed so late you shouldn't go to that film he shouldn't smoke so much alright the question when you're asking for advice is simple you put shoot first and then the subject so examples are should I see a dentist what should I do and should we practice English every day yes we should okay good so that is the language that you can use whenever you want to give advice to somebody in English should plus the infinitive so should you come and see me every day yes you should okay and you should come to the next lesson so I'll see you there take care bye hello hello and welcome to music world and welcome to tony moore our music expert in this week's edition we want to celebrate the life of a great musician from liverpool maybe the greatest pop musician of all time right Tony yes that's right and of course we're talking about John Lenny yes John Lennon a famous singer and songwriter but also sometimes a controversial figure okay Tony let's look at the important moments of his short but very successful career well John was born on October the 9th 1940 in Liverpool he had a difficult childhood his parents separated and John lived with his aunt Minnie she was very very strict and she didn't like John spending all his time playing the guitar so John had a difficult childhood and what about the Beatles when did this amazing pop group start playing together in 1958 John met Paul McCartney at art school in Liverpool this was the beginning of their musical journey together shortly afterwards George Harrison joined them at the beginning the band was called The Quarrymen but in 1959 they changed the name to the Beatles hmm interesting where did the band play well in Liverpool of course at the cavern club but they gave their first series of performances in Hamburg at the star club in the city's red light district the Beatles were very happy and had lots of fun in Hamburg it was here in Hamburg that they developed their look and in particular their famous hairstyle on a hairstyle that suddenly became fashionable all over the world ah that hairstyle they were called moptops weren't they yes that's right what was their first number-one single the single Please Please Me it was an immediate success and went to the top of the chart that's right well the four lads from Liverpool played together as the Beatles until 1970 their last album was Abbey Road then the band broke up to the disappointment of all their fans and then what did John do next he started a successful solo career imagine and plastic ono band were popular albums did John ever try to reunite the Beatles oh no his relationship with Yoko Ono became very very important for him John and Yoko started to get involved in politics they began to spread a message of world peace and when was he killed John was killed on the 8th of December 1980 outside his New York apartment in the Dakota building who killed him Mark David Chapman a Beatles fan and why he was crazy he was mad he said Lennon had betrayed the ideals of his generation yes well John was only 40 when he died but he certainly isn't forgotten no he certainly isn't forgotten today's day is a garden in Central Park called Strawberry Fields to remember John's life it's neither Dakota building okay so John Lennon John Lennon perhaps the greatest pop musician of all time thanks to our expert Tony Moore thank you goodbye see you again next week for another edition of music world goodbye the Beatles what a band a band is a group of musicians that play together for example a jazz band when the band plays pop or rock music we often say a pop group or a rock group a musician is someone who plays music there are jazz musicians classical musicians pop musicians we say that someone plays music or plays a musical instrument for example John played the guitar I play the piano do you play an instrument a singer is also a musician their voice is their instrument they sing a musician plays music and a singer sings songs John was also a song writer a songwriter is the person who writes a song and the words of the song are called lyrics the lyrics of John Lennon's songs are very beautiful the Beatles recorded lots of albums an album is a record or CD with eight or more songs on it a single is a record or CD with just one song often a single becomes very popular and we say that it goes to the top of the charts the charts is the list of the most popular songs that week so when a single goes to the top of the charts it means that it's at the top of the list and very popular when a song is number one on the list we call it a number one single Please Please Me was a number one single but bands also play live in front of an audience we say they give a performance so we can say the Rolling Stones are playing in Rome tonight all the Rolling Stones are giving a performance in Rome tonight a performance can be just one song or piece of music but when a band or singer plays lots of songs we call it a concert unfortunately some bands like The Beatles separate and we say they break up the Beatles broke up in 1970 and John Lennon started his solo career a solo career is when a musician record songs alone without the band it's time for me to say goodbye to all you music lovers see you next time good evening and welcome to this week's edition of let's talk in the studio with me this evening our our commentators Marie and Tom how are you fine thanks very very good today let's talk let's talk about one of the world's most famous men in the world I mean Bill Gates the world's top businessmen and the richest man in the world I have a question how did he become so successful I can answer that question with one word Windows the most widely used computer operating system in the world yes yes that's true it's almost every computer in the world uses Windows let's go back in time a little how did Bill Gates arrive at where he is today well I'd say thanks to his business skills at the end of the 80s when he found in Microsoft he understood where the computer industry was going that's right at that time computers were very big very expensive and only large companies could use them Gates understood that smaller personal computers the PCs we use today were the future of course he wanted all these pcs to use his software so he understood 20 years ago how we use computers today that's a good businessman ah but of course you need more than intuition to become the world's top businessman yes of course to become the world number one businessman you need an aggressive business philosophy for example from the beginning Bill Gates did everything to stop the illegal copying of Microsoft programs until this time people didn't buy software programs they shared them freely or copied them Bill Gates created the market for computer software but that's not all Bill Gates was very ambitious to do you know he wanted to be a millionaire by the age of 30 yes and he worked very very hard for many years he only slept six hours a day he was a real workaholic hahaha so he also helped coffee producers to uh-huh I get that after he became a multi-millionaire with Windows what did he do next he turned his attention to the Internet initially he didn't think the Internet was important this was a business mistake Microsoft developed Internet Explorer 4 and three years later Microsoft one browser war and destroyed its competitors so today almost every computer in the world uses the Microsoft program that's right well Bill Gates is a very very successful businessman is there anything about him to make him likable or just a bit human what his charity work this is very important for him bill and his wife Melinda now work for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in 2000 Bill gave half his fortune to the foundation to fund charity work this is fantastic Bill Gates a successful man with very good business skills but with a big heart too well today we have learned about one of the most important business leaders of our age thanks very much Murray and thank you Tom goodbye goodbye you good bye bye and good bye to you and see you again soon for the next edition of let's talk well Bill Gates is definitely the most famous businessman in the world but I didn't know he was so generous a businessman or businesswoman is a person who works for a company or for themselves and they are always looking for ways to make money to be a successful businessman you need good business skills in other words good ideas to sell more and to make more money Bill Gates has very good business skills he founded Microsoft to found a company means to start a company and Bill Gates founded Microsoft because he knew where the computer market was going what is the computer market the people who buy computers the people who buy a product are the market of that product Bill Gates even created a market for computer software to create a market for a product means you are the first person or company to sell that product they also destroyed his competitors competitors are the people who sell the same product as you of course to be so successful bill worth a lot we say he was a workaholic workaholic come from the word alcoholic a person that drinks a lot of alcohol and he became a multi-millionaire with his business philosophy a multi-millionaire has lots of millions of euros or dollars someone who has 1 million is called a millionaire a business philosophy is how someone wants to run a business to run a business means to manage a business Bill Gates runs his business very well and not only he gave half of his money to a foundation which is an organization that funds charity work to fund something means to give money to an activity and charity work is when people work to help each other so very smart but also very generous I think I would be is like Bill if I were a multi-millionaire to see you soon
Channel: Learn English Conversation
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Length: 63min 11sec (3791 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 13 2014
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