Never give a Highway Engineer unlimited budget... InfraSpace!

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oh my god do you feel that it's an earthquake matt's moving the mouse i'm making it okay that was a bit weird hello fellow engineers and welcome to infraspace and when you load the map look at what we're looking at our lovely lovely informative sign and this looks over the rest of our town and basically i think we're on like some sort of barren planet there's a load of resources dotted about the place which we have exploited with huge mining operations and then built huge road networks which send them through various processes to make different things which then gets sent to our ever-growing town center where we're leveling up our habitats now looking at these it looks like we might be a bit short on the middle one so basically these are habitats where people live this is a decent habitat in order for it to upgrade to the next level which are these ones they're basically just the crystal maze you need to try and fill up this bar home appliances then when it's upgraded into a nice habitat we then need computers and parks to be delivered yes parks do get delivered for some reason but you also need to keep the previous resources coming in so if home appliances don't keep coming this will de-level now looking at my fairly large housing estate you can see there's hardly any crystal mazes and pretty much if one upgrades into a crystal maze like that one just did oh look we've leveled up a city we're now level three yeah it looks like as soon as a decent habitat turns into a nice habitat the parks are almost instantly delivered and it's not long before a is delivered which means it turns into one of these a residential building so i would say my supply chain needs more home appliances people getting through washing machines and kettles like no one's business so back over here where i've got a load of stuff going on these are electronics factories they turn iron ore and copper or into electronics now i've got a load of these on this line now they then leave that and head towards the home appliances factories where we've got eight of them creating home appliances so what i'm going to do i'm going to place another home appliances factory down and if i see a load of trucks leaving the electronics stores i know that was sort of making too many electronics and i can put more home appliances down and these two store houses here these don't actually do anything on this line see they only store concrete and steel so they're actually pointless being there i'm going to delete them goodbye next we're going to build a home appliances factory and we're going to see do a load of trucks leave the electronics and head there oh my goodness look at all the trucks coming okay i think we can put a lot more of these down then look at all the traffic so that means in these electronics factories they were literally just piling up they were doing nothing oh god now it's carnage why are you like crossing lanes like go in your own sahidian knobs yeah you can also see as well over here because we need iron ore there's so many trucks leaving these mines that is proper clogged up now but i think that's just temporary i think once these start going we'll be fine this corner is really bugging me as well like look at it not only is it a funnel into like a blind corner because there's safety barriers but there's like no curve on it at all so i'm gonna click on this and i can click that button put some nice curve in right that's much better a lot safer so hopefully some of these will start upgrading to crystal meters already yeah if you look there's a lot more crystal meters dotted about now the reason we need to upgrade these is sort of two things one it allows us to get more workers if we come over to here this is a spaceport and this is how people arrive to our colony in order to increase our immigration rate you've got to upgrade your habitats to make your city more attractive to newcomers now thankfully we're a moderate we've been poor most the time but i think now we're slowly upgrading all these housing more people want to move here i mean why wouldn't you we've got crystal mazes alright so in the bottom left this shows us how many jobs we have available on the left in yellow is population so that's 946 and on the right is housing 958 so we're about 100 houses short of jobs so it's probably worth building a few more houses now to keep this neat i like to put a house that and i house that end then i draw the road from there up to there oh god oh no that guy what the hell we've made a bridge we made an unintentional bridge all right there we go here's attach now you can see there's a little road there going through that building okay so we can fill in the gaps with a few more houses i think that should be enough as these upgrade the capacity will increase you can see there's a load of resources arriving like oxygen and survival food i've also got a load of these residential buildings at the front they're like the highest upgraded that we have so far top grade further we need a good meal a home robot and culture i don't think any of those are unlocked yet because this is the other reason why we need to increase our citizen level if we go into city level there you can see your city will be promoted to large town once you have at least a thousand level four citizens so level four citizens are the ones that live in the residential buildings and then in our research tab will become a large town and we can unlock all of these for now we're still a small town and we've unlocked everything so we're just gonna have to do a bit of upgrading a bit of scaling up right so i feel like the home appliances is sort of the thing that's ruining us at the moment and what i could do i could create another strip of these if i just look at the resources that's supplying it you can see most of these large copper mines their outgoing storage is full which means they're sort of under utilized like there's not enough copper things being used so as they come along here into there only so much is being used compared to what's being produced if we go over to our iron mines oh we can click them we can see they're not large they're still small so that's probably a good place to start to increase production right and there we go we are producing loads of iron now and the thing is we need more iron than copper as well because in the electronics factory that uses copper and iron but then the home appliances doesn't use any more copper hence we had a stockpile but it does still use iron so what it might be worth doing because we got so much copper over here what have we got one two three four that's one and one that's two on one so essentially we need yeah we need double the iron mines in order to keep this fully utilized so we got nine copper ones so basically we really need ten more of these iron mines to link into this road now up here there is another iron ore place i'm not going to be able to fit tenon but we can do better than we've done already so i think if we go something like that a few more large iron mines so we can get five of those in there we need to power them so we'll use a windmill we'll put one in the middle of that hill to make a nice obstacle should any people crash off that windy road they might hit a blade and go flying it could be beautiful all right so as these guys are mining away you can see the storage is filling up why why are new trucks leaving there oh there you go look one has come so i think basically demand comes from here first because these are further away so apparently not too much demand and actually doing the math i sort of forgot about the production time so in the electronics factory it's one on one for iron and copper to create two electronics that takes 32 seconds and then so that's the two electronics that we've just made it then needs another one iron and that's 36 seconds so it's not quite a two to one ratio i thought it was it's a little bit less than that but all of these electronics things can you see the storage on the left that's how many like raw materials they have stored and they're all pretty much full which makes me think we could probably build a few more of them to make these work fully efficiently so what i might do i might do another row of these next to it so let's move this out the way a little bit then we'll plonk a two-lane one-way concrete road that will go from about there so i think we'll do four for now and i'll probably do four down here probably needs to be slightly less due to the time and when i say four i obviously mean eight numbers right so i guess in the warning there's not enough power that's because we haven't increased the number of turbines so you can see in this network we need 92 megawatts to be produced we're only producing 77.2 so we're gonna have to add another windmill and the key with these is just to make sure the orange circles don't overlap but to keep efficiency high then you can see we're producing slightly more than we need so that is all good but this isn't connected at all yet we've got to connect up some roads so we're going to do a similar sort of layout as that into this one but we're going to have to come off these roads so what i'm thinking is we take our concrete road one way one lane we say we'll come off there we'll come around and over so now you can see there's a load of copper coming along that we'll then do the same with this one but we're not going to go up we're not going to waste a bridge we're just going to come along there all right so now we've got that going on so we've got loads of production of electronics happening then as the electronics get made they're coming down to here the home appliances thing then we just need to connect this back in so i'm sort of thinking as production is a bit slower obviously getting the resources out there coming down in two lanes i think we're just going to do a one lane out so likewise once home appliances are made there's not that many so you can just come down one lane we can do the traffic management here say right lane stay right left lane stay left and now we should be producing way more home appliances right yes look we got four rows of residential buildings now and a few more crystal mazes spouting up i have noticed though you can see power network one we're not producing enough electricity so this is our wind farm i'm sort of just expanding as we need but we're looking good we are now full on our population perhaps it's time because we have more jobs than population and housing perhaps we need another row or two right so there's a load more houses you can see they've got no electricity at the moment so if we just grab the power pole we can extend up to there i think that will cover all of them yep they're all yellow lovely all right you can see these guys are upgrading it might be worth producing a bit more oxygen and food because you can see some of these bigger ones they are low on oxygen now these are our oxygen producers the atmosphere processor so we'll build a few more of those all right probably went a bit overboard but it is what it is what about the food production yeah i think we're gonna have to do a strip of food as well now it is sort of chicken and egg because obviously as i make more food and oxygen plants we need more jobs we need more people as we need more people we need more food and oxygen it's a vicious cycle right sorted no not sorted you aren't connected now we're sorted but now we're short some power again it is a vicious cycle with this game right nice now we've got loads of housing loads of jobs we just need to attract some more population so if we come back to these you see immigration rate is moderate so that's good so essentially we just need to be a bit patient now and have a look what we want to level up next i am liking the look of this base though like that is decent i am thinking though all these iron mines they're not doing anything this is our steel production area i'm thinking maybe it'll be worth creating more steel because we know the fast roads need steel so let's look to add a few of these up here that is a lot of traffic the old cover trucks are not happy what's the power like on that network it's under supplied so let's add another turbine and what better place than in the middle of the ore that's being made covered by loads of electrical wires that hang perilously above the mining equipment lovely aren't you glad we're away from earth and the rigorous health and safety things they have there i thought with all the steel being produced we might have to bloody smoke bloody smoke all right now looking around i'm seeing traffic because it's not too bad but there is like there's a bit of traffic everyone's moving a bit slowly so in my real engineering job i've turned a bar of london from 30 mile an hour into a 20 mile an hour zone it was one of the worst things i ever did i felt so guilty for the drivers so here i'm going to remedy that i'm going to do the opposite we're going to upgrade all of our roads from the tier 1 to the tier 2 which we know is a lot quicker and we're basically just going to go through and upgrade all of these so it's all a lot faster right so that's all that done you can see the roads are all darker now and the cars are moving way faster look how fast that post is being delivered it's sort of terrifying seeing how fast they're going around the corners although i'm part of boss forwarding time okay i was like bloody over there quick no that was me being an idiot anyway down here you can see we actually have more people than jobs so we need to expand and i think the most productive way to expand is to create jobs that will help us upgrade our habitats so we're gonna head over to here and see how things are getting on if we head up here it looks like none of these are moving yeah if i click on these outgoing storage is full so potential to make a lot more electronics factories nice that was a perfect fit and that also means we can then make some more home appliances now cover the bottom two ones of those so they all have power now and oh my goodness look at the traffic look at it we've got a land train a land hover train oh god that's that's a big rock is that a rock or did some alien poo on my road i don't know how to get rid of that but look at this that is a lot of traffic oh god i wonder if it's worth making this a two route yeah because look they split oh i'm an idiot so if we come into roads and we say make this a tour and now look how much quicker they're merging then down at this end they can split off in the directions they want to go although really annoyingly look they're like no i want to go that way i want to go that way i make out your mind's children i mean as there's so many we could we could upgrade these to tier three we can do that stretch of highway we can't do that stretch because as we learned last time we'll lose these like private accesses because this road is like a motorway look how big the safety barriers are they're huge so this is only good for doing stuff like that so yeah up to there so you can see how slow they move along there they're going slow along there then when they hit this road whoosh gone so i'll probably upgrade these ones as well so that one that oh god what happened there what happened there game so for some reason that was pointing that direction when it should just be doing that you want all of this nice and fast look how safe this motorway is it's been covered in rocks uh thankfully we do have the big barriers so it'll be fine it really gives you perspective of how big these mining machines are they right so as you can see now cars are absolutely flying to these so we should have upped our production yeah hardly anything being stored in here anymore which means they're all being used lovely although it does look like we're struggling to get electronics down this end perhaps i might delete one or two maybe we'll delete those four and that should be better but how are the upgrades doing the upgrades are doing pretty well actually they've got quite far now we're on 644 out of a thousand so we are getting there and there's a load of home appliances coming that's what's in these red other trucks they're convoying it all the way to our town and hopefully that will upgrade a few more of these worse ones to the crystal maze oh i've just realized why these weren't working oh i'm an idiot i did this last time so because i've made this a district i've got to make sure it's all painted we can probably build what we got rid of i was wondering why things weren't getting delivered it's because we were outside of our district i feel like as well actually home appliances would get there a lot quicker if we upgraded this road and they're going pretty slow along there and if we upgraded to this highway you can see the purple one whooshing along they are so much quicker i'm going to do that we've got so much concrete and steel as well so why not annoyingly i think as i replace the road it sort of kills everyone on it like sorry guys go on get off get off the road get off get off quick sorted don't know why it keeps taking me over that side go over that side especially as these roads are right-hand drive like why would you merge on that side of the road literally makes no sense right so i'm thinking maybe it would be worth making like a new electronics and home appliances place maybe a bit closer so at the moment we're going all the way up there which is fine but maybe we should do another one like over this way like there's a lot of copper down in this corner even that bit there's pretty good so what if we were to we've almost got to do that to get all the copper let's build some large mines so if we plonk one there and then we'll just do the spacing as small as possible all right so like that that is completely surrounded it's all looks like a kidney but then i don't want traffic to be an issue i sort of want i still want cars to take their time as they go around so i think we're gonna come around we're basically building a mining pit out of roads oh and you can see by the shadows it's looking good it's it's getting there man sort of going like a stadium i could gladiator mining stadium in the future people love mining it's all they care about all right so that's that completed and then we take this up to i feel like i should probably extend this road so that could get busy i don't know how many houses we'll eventually do but if we go to like there maybe all right sort look at that that's actually quite cool uh however we do need power down here and what i was thinking we're trying to do wireless technology down here so if we bung a solar power plant in and then if we put a substation we can make that easily cover everything just by doing that however there is not enough power we're going to need a few more solar panels there you go two is good so now this is creating copper and then if we just add some iron then along this road we can do electronics and home appliances again and just because i'm really curious to see how many vehicles will actually come out there at once i'm not sure if there's like a limit for each miner but if we start doing electronics along here perhaps there and that's all those powered uh why i have no copper trucks left do we need to set up a district i think we do let's create a new district all right so that's perfectly the shape that we need to because that covers the mine and it should cover all the manufacturing stuff there so that's perfect no other reason and i think for ease of easness which is definitely a thing grab some road from there and put some big iron miners on it that was random i just got i just got a subscriber on twitch i didn't know it did that that could ruin a recording all right so they're all powered i'll then just do a road and we'll keep this road nice and simple i think and that's much better look we've made a super fast roller coaster road thing that's actually pretty cool that we do need to sort out our districts though so so the question is why hasn't anything left here i'm going to assume i've accidentally done one of these roads facing the wrong way anyone with a keynote let me know what if we connect it again i'm worried the road might be too long that's disappointing anyway perhaps that's one for next time i'm gonna say for now guys peace love and rollercoaster highways bye [Music] you
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 185,020
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: infraspace, infraspace game, infraspace gameplay, infraspace part 1, infraspace guide, infraspace review, lets play infraspace, infraspace tutorial, infraspace pc, rce, real civil engineer, infraspace giveaway, infraspace free download, mining game, huge mining machines
Id: eTk8mby2pPY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 49sec (1129 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 16 2021
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