Engineering the MEGA GRID in Cities Skylines 2!

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hello fellow engineers and welcome back to City skylines we're checking out the brand new map today it's called the coral riches or corales and basically they've finally made a map that's really really flat ideal for building what we're going to be doing today and today we're going to be attempting to create the mega grid now if you've watched my city skylines playthroughs before you know I'm not a big fan of grids roundabouts on my bag and Cy sacks I do love a coldi sack but uh rather than just doing a boring old Grid City which is what everyone does probably by using like this tool thing that like Auto grid stuff like that's fine but the grids the grids are massive I want to try something that I sort of found out while while designing my worst ever city um it's that you can build like mini grids so basically if we were let's just say we we build that road there this is going to work so nicely being a flat map by the way but you can see my snap it snaps to between those two grids and the next one yeah so it always snaps between two grid spots so I can put that in there you can see the grids have gone perfectly if I do that the Grid in the middle does disappear so we can't do we can't do grids that small however o this could be interesting could I use alleys so I can put an alley in can I put one in there and oh it doesn't allow so I can't I can't get a oneway a one person Grid in what if I do a oneway road does that help okay so basically I've tried loads of different stuff and the the smallest sort of patch I can get is like it's a 4x4 grid but that's going to be the basis of my entire city to basically just prove to everyone what a terrible idea grids are so as always with these challenges we're starting on a brand new map you see nothing is unlocked so we're going to be progressing exactly how the game will allow us to progress and then we can directly compare that to how my previous cities have done I'm going to imagine doing a grid in this manner I imagine the the road maintenance costs would be like way too much that like I won't ever be able to make money but yeah basically I've got all of those parallel lines if I want to grid them up I've got to go from there and oh this is going to be horrendous to drive around like I hate the normal grids just for like all the crossroads everywhere this is going to be a whole new limit a whole new extreme and yeah I've predicted failure although saying that I sort of always feel like these little these little challenge cities I build I feel like they're always going to end in tears and they always end up being amazing so we'll see what happens but yeah that's our first road layout to be fair it only cost us 9 Grand so we have a lot of cash to play with the thing is I'm not sure how I'm going to get like all my services and stuff in maybe they'll just have to go like around the edge of Missi I don't know but uh for now let's start painting up some residential areas so before I do anything let's look at wind direction okay wind's going that way so if this is my city and I'm going to expand like out over that direction I probably want like my industrial as you enter the city so let's make those six industrial we'll do a little commercial buffer around like that and then the rest will be residential we got that sort of thing now the trouble here the trouble here there's so much more road than building so it's going to be real interesting as to how how the demand actually works like how big our grid will have to be in order to satisfy people oh and I've always I've already forgotten like the first major thing we need Services we need electricity we need water we need areas to poo so let's just hit pause whilst I build and I think I don't really have a choice I got to build over to the coast haven't I so we'll just extend all of these roads like as far as we can so like that we've all extended that way but we know we're not allowed to just do roads like that we've got to we got to make it a grid so let's put all these perpendicular ones in so we'll just slowly add all of these so we get closer and closer to the Sea and then then we got to be a bit more careful cuz we got to keep a grid so I think what we're going to do is just do like that sort of thing the trouble is if I if I do any sort of angle we lose use all the gridness oh yeah it goes It goes very funky at the ends very funky yeah I think that works for now so what I want to do down here I got to add my services so we can probably put our water pumps like in here so let's just shove one there for now so that's going to give us drinking water remember all of our pipes are connected via the grid so that's good for pooing we sort of want that Downstream a bit so I may just extend my grid this way and then put that maybe like down here now whilst it's a pain to build these grids I don't actually mind too much in terms of like the finances it's pretty cheap to build roads so I reckon let's just grid up this area like all the way to the Sea sort of like that after griding up all of that I think I'm allowed to build up this end so sewage Outlet straight into the sea Boot and hopefully that will float off like that direction and not affect all my all my Seaside properties we got over here one final thing we need is electricity and I'm thinking I was going to say this map's probably too flat for wind wind power but no look there's loads of wind the arrows are like orangey that's good okay so I'll shove a few wind turbines down here and suddenly I'm a tiny village right decent and that should mean these oh no these houses they're not being built I haven't actually connected them hang on my bad we'll just connect to the grid literally to the grid like that then the electricity goes where it's needed and my resident can start building anyway oh my God look at the demand people really want to live here so let's get let's get painting so I think down here towards the coast this is all going to be industrial so that can go up to there I think we're going to need some commercial buffers in so we'll get a few of those in and then next to the commercial we definitely want medium density housing before I build anything more I should probably look at like getting some healthc care in so Medical Clinic I think I'm just going to have to do this like around the edge so if I shove that there that covers everyone okay that's good and then a cemetery if I put that next door if there's like doctors that have like they have a bad day or something I mean cemeteries next door so sorted that's two two issues gone so looking at the happiness there's no negativity everyone's just loving life okay decent well I guess in the meantime I should probably I don't want to extend like over this way too much cuz that's where my industrial is going I need to extend up that direction so I think what I do since I've had this road in let's just extend up that we so we're just going to grid all of this up so there's all of those roads in we'll then just put all the all the perpendicular ones in so that's all of those in which oh no have I done one I did one wrong I did one wrong man so easy to make mistakes doing this so get rid of all of those ones right well I'll just replace these last few that I messed up before there we go then we've got some medium density demand so let's shove some row houses in so yeah that Medium density demand has gone we're getting a bit of bit of low density demand so I'm going to I think I might leave a gap just for some like commercial I feel like living close to shops is probably a good thing I mean you should probably do that in like any City a build in this game but look at this place just one building per plot nice oh down here look we got we got a bit of industrial so let's get that in we got to keep the industrial going cuz that will fuel our economy no doubt and the commercial can go down that strip that I left earlier we got a few more mediums a load more industrial and yeah things are going good I tell you what this city is like it's going to take up a lot of area I feel just cuz like there's so much road I don't really know how the demand Works in this game I assumed it was just like a building but it's probably not a building it's probably like an area of building that satisfies demand so yeah as suspected this is probably going to be like a really really big City compared to like my my usual sort of build thankfully developers very very useful flat map so let's just keep painting if we've got demand we will try and meet it yeah industrial let's just paint them all in commercial I feel like it's best to like sandwich those between layers of like medium density housing unfortunately there's no medium density demand at the moment so those shops might be a bit screwed at least in the short term but right within like a minute or two we've we pretty much filled all of our plots already oh this this city is going to be quite mental I think right okay and then we're already going to have to start expanding this grid I thought this would last longer than like 3 minutes I'm not going to lie so would it would it be worth like literally just using like all the space they have up like there's a reason I call this the mega grid because it's going to it's going to be migraine inducing I'm pretty sure oh nice pat on the back for Matt we are a small village means we've got even more money to spend on grids well actually hopefully I'll unlock the taxes soon yeah cuz in my budget tab I don't have the services unlocked yet that's what I want to look at just to see like how much road maintenance is costing me I suspect it's going to be pretty pricey but anyway I'll just do this for like 10 minutes two hours later that's all of those done now we can now we can now do this direction the trouble is I'm so far zoomed out it's actually quite hard to see if I'm perpendicular or not or parallel whatever angle you want to look at it and I really don't want to mess up one of these lines cuz then I'm going to have to delete it and deleting is a lot more of a pain than just getting it right the first time right not going to lie I'm starting to regret this layout already oh balls I cocked one up I cocked one up that's not parallel at that end uh so to delete I've got to my eyes my eyes go down to there press delete then build it back in properly but yeah I feel like the roundabout City I was looking at that like through my British eyes like this is absolute just yes just looking at my magic roundabout Recreation Americans probably hated that this they're probably loving anyway right we have demand so industrial and then oh look I actually I've unlocked medium density like decent ones which should actually be quite good to be honest yeah do I want to carry on my strips of like medium density with like commercial either side is that how I want to do this in strip RPS I'm not sure what I do want to do though try and find my roow housing is that the yeah so these are are these the row houses yeah they are they're the the American style row houses so they're not even in a row like one of them has an entrance that side the other one has an entrance like behind it literally not even in a row I don't understand what is going on there oh something else I don't understand there's like you got high rent already that's really not good or it might be it might be cuz no one's educated yet if we can educate our citizens we can tell them what absolute mess of a city they live in yeah if we do oh it covers the entire grid one school okay we'll do school there we'll do a high school next door to it like that then we're a large village already so that's good we got a few other needs as well now we got the fire and rescue we can get in let's shove those down there does that cover the entire grid oh it does that is one good thing about the grid like these Services they seem to just affect everyone like everyone's happy I don't understand how that works right we need to keep up with our industrial demand there's so much industrial demand it's pretty incredible I think just strips of like commercial will probably be good I also need to continue the commercial buffer over here as well cuz I don't want our Industrial Area getting too out of hand right anyway I've been painting up the demand the the city is growing like anything um I should probably look at getting some unlocks I got loads of like unlock points I feel like I should probably get the advanced Road Services because if you remember this grant us access to this tab the road Services where we can build the road maintenance Depot now the thing is because we've got a grid we've only got one entrance so basically anyone that wants to enter our city comes in here and you can see where they've been using this road so much the condition is now yellow rather than green so if I get a road maintenance Depo in I can then shove that there and that should allow this road to be fixed surprisingly City this big only population of 800 and also surprisingly traffic like entering the city not that bad I guess because like once you're in like you can really get quite spread out there's so much road like compared to a normal City like every building sort of connects to like the same roads whereas these there's like a road like everyone has their private road pretty much anyway we'll watch these houses going I don't know what they're trying to tell me don't know what they're trying to tell me at all all right anyway we're at the stage where I'm bored of coloring in now I want to I want to build some more roads again so I might just buy some extra land and extend just cuz I can but thankfully the game recognized that and they're like oh Matt have a million quid mate that's a very Grand Village cheers game oh look we've got we got a new color so we've got office zones we can put in oh and interestingly it sort of says like where good locations for office zones would be so tell you what maybe I'll come and like Wang a few in there like a couple in there cuz a couple they'll probably get built straight away you can see cranes have gone in all like straight away as well so that's good we've also got the low rent housing so I imagine just like one or two of these will probably set satisfy all the demand all right so oh we got to a point where there's there's not enough wind so we need an extra turbine or two so we'll shove another one down here connect it up to the grid and then we get by the way check out my the grid is insane like when you look at it like a power Network yeah nice oh look I've also I've unlocked Parks now is there like a small enough Park that will fit in like one of the yes one of these small gaps I can get a small playground in yeah a small Park is too big a small plaza plaza is too big but a playground we can put in so let's just swap some people's houses with parks and I imagine this is actually going to cheer people up cuz they're not actually the happiest right now yeah lack of entertainment wasn't good so this is actually solving that and uh cuz they fit I can let just go around and just shove them in like wherever I need them okay nice that's probably enough parks for now oh what I wouldn't mind doing actually is trying to have like like tool buildings in the middle and sort of fan out would that work I don't know all I do know there's a lot of demand for every I tell you what I'm just going to low density residential everything up all right so I think that's every Square painted at least the squares that I've got oh lack of high skill work I think I need better education let me just unlock we'll get a college on the goat there we go unlock maybe a uni as well we can then place a college down there we're a Tiny Town can then place a university oh we can't place the university next it won't fit thankfully I have the ability to buy new plots so let's expand our city like that purchase let's get our universe that cost a lot of money but hopefully that should solve that problem and oh look we got the medium density mix housing so yeah tell you what what I might do well two things I might do actually I feel like we're low on power so first off let's extend the grid up this way probably just to the edge of that tile annoyingly we got to do it for every single road but I think once these are in I'm not going to be extending right anymore I'll just be extending like the other direction oh I put I put a wonky one in the wonky ones hurt my soul oh I got to go back and redo it oh that's so much effort just to do that one road again anyway they're all in up to that point now I am just going to add in the crosses I'm literally just going to spend the next like hour griding this up I might even pause the game I'm just going to build I'm just going to do roads so we're set for later and then uh we'll carry on in a bit so so you in about like I say an hour it's probably going to be like 2 or 3 but I'll see you in a bit all right so that was one of the worst experiences of my life we are finally done now this thing is grided up uh so now I have to I have to start painting what I'm thinking of doing I might just use this Marquee tool we'll start with the low density hous in you can see by the way my grids didn't always line up they went a little bit funky at times I've got a few like blank squares so maybe I'll come back with like arcs or something and fill that up oh my goodness the graphics are going a bit weird this idea is really trying its hardest to give me a migraine anyway let's go from above and then we'll do a strip like that and along this Edge in the low density housing then I might do just a little strip of like medium density row houses only cuz these are like slightly taller that's cool we've then got actual medium density now I don't know if this medium density with shops underneath like taller I don't know I'll just put those in anyway cuz that will do our commercial stuff in the meantime back here I'm going to satisfy some of the other bits of demand like we got offices let's lose some of these houses put offices in commercial as well I'm just going to go I'm just going to delete a load of these low density ones just replace them with commercial as this is where all our people live currently and to have a successful shop you need Shoppers anyway then everything down here can be industrial you can see like how many squares didn't actually get colored in there I don't if my grid was just like too big or maybe it was like the topography cuz it wasn't perfectly flat but right everything's sort of painted we've just got to we just got to wait for wait for everything to be built I think in the meantime let's get some public transport on the the goat so bus depot bus station and then just a whole load of bus stops so just going to plant them everywhere that's sort of making people happy even though they're not actually connected to anything yet but at least if we got the stops we've got the option to make them align so that's cool so Lo have just randomly dotted around those we're actually getting we're getting XP for each of these they only cost 400 quid each as well so that's quite good we then just need we need to do a bus line so should probably start from the bus station that makes sense then we'll just go to like random ones of these sort of like doing join the dots like you never know what you're going to be drawing not until you're done anyway so there's our first bus route and all the buses are leaving as well nice right I've then got to continue my Park so they're all surrounded annoyingly they don't fit in the areas where I can't grid either so they must just be like slightly the wrong shape I mean they're are square they're definitely the wrong shape but they're slightly too small to fit anything in the middle okay so city is definitely growing is it growing fast enough though I am not convinced let me just check like all the needs like oh education doesn't reach far enough oh would it be cheating if I got rid of some of these grids I mean or do I just purchase some more land and place them around I think that's probably what I'm going to do so if I shove a school down that end okay that's quite good then need one on that edge as well okay that's everyone schooled up we are educated I'm going to unlock some large Parks I thought they'd give like a bigger area but they don't oh yeah might as well just do the small Park like the cheapest ones okay small playgrounds for everyone so yeah again just trying to paint the entire area so let's just try and get these in I'm just going to spam click it's making people happy so that's good we're also getting a lot of XP so that's also good and now we're a busy town okay we're now completely green with Parks fire we're also green police we're green once we do something down this end yeah there we go I'm pretty sure the Postal Service doesn't work but may as well do that I I like seeing loads of stars so we are lacking in in the middle in terms of the old the old radio M but that's what it's like in the middle of city like the buildings are too tall you don't get signal so that's just realistic well up here people don't have water so hopefully just adding another water pumping station down this end will work it might be it's to it's actually too far away oh no we got Stars up there that's good you can see sewage not causing anyone issues and City Construction actually going like pretty well like you see all the buses the buses drone yeah this is actually going quite nice we've got quite space in the middle though oh man the frame rate is not happy with this either yeah I wanted like loads of tool buildings in the middle that doesn't seem to be happening there's just there's just no demand for them so maybe we just do low density housing until there is demand I guess all right I think I'm going to try and make people happy so let's give them internet let's make tourists come and let's get some financial support for people welfare office so we'll then get a water parking that's going to make people very happy give everyone decent internet any I'm just adding a few more Parks just to get my XP up and I'm now great town which means high density housing that's something I really want to see how they build that on these small plots so sorry everyone that lives there you're being replaced oh wow they have gone up fast they look decent so this is what the city looks like at the moment pretty good just ignore the fire over there I guess it turns out the grids do actually work like Mega grids they massively hurt frame rates though I'll tell you that and yeah if we go into Services the roads are only costing us 0 Grand like what there's so much Road here like just looking down these like look how much Road there is honestly oh my goodness look how little frames there are as well it's quite nice to see some of the some of the taller buildings though that's quite decent oh frame rate is dead so out I think that's probably where we're going to leave this today um annoyingly city has not failed so maybe grids are better than roundabouts I don't know let me know in the comments for now I'm going to say peace love and the mega grid bye guys
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 504,117
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines 2, rce, real civil engineer city skylines 2, real civil engineer, city skyline 2, cities skyline 2, city skylines 2, cities skylines 2 gameplay, cities skylines 2 reaction, cs2, cities: skylies 2
Id: afHtg4KC18s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 59sec (1259 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 02 2024
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