The Most Impossible One Tile City Yet in Cities Skylines 2!

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ever since the Inception of the city Builder players love to expand and grow their cities to larger and larger sizes sprawling across the maps with ever increasing skyscrapers metropolises metropoli humongous cities and using every single map tile at their disposal but what would a city look like if it was the opposite of sprawling If instead of using all the map available you were limited to one single solitary tile not the entire starting area of a map which is small I grant you but is actually nine large roomy spacious tiles in size but we're going to use just one single tile a tile that is measured at a minuscule 75 units wide and 75 units tall 1 nth of the starting area and it's starting to look quite constrained quite cramped and so UNM Metropolis like that I begin to wonder is a one tile City even possible I'm going to be exploring this question in the most modern the most realistic City Builder City skylines 2 can it be possible to create a thriving growing bustling money-making City in only one tile will the people flock to drive on the tiny streets happily toil in the tiny Industries and rush to spend their hard-earned muler in the tiny shops Shut Up And Take My Money well grab your cup of tea and together let's find out the answer I started Ed by choosing the map Mountain Village look good I named our new city compact BG as it seemed at to the challenge at hand and dived in flat land access to a little water lots of trees I marked out my one tile 75 by 75 units only and gazed across what was soon to become my Magnus Opus that Swedish for amazing City wanting to make the absolute best use of The Limited space available to me I I embarked Upon A Road layout unlike any that I had attempted before instead of the humble roundabout we were going to go grids baby grids grids grids as far as the eye could see we didn't have to keep the grids forever and things could be adjusted along the way of course but something told me that this would be a good start sometime later we have a beautiful symmetrical and Visually pleasing fully gritted tile now I'm sure my Discerning viewers you've noticed that as it stands no one can be moving into the city because there is no outside connection but this is the tile that I chose so with a quick switch of the road tool a connection was made and I made sure that the actual connection was inside the one constraining tile that we had and got to work this road design was chosen to maximize space it used the thin but zon Alley Road with four tiles in between so we could have backto back two wide and two long buildings these citizens would be getting to know each other very well in these cramped spaces but I get ahead of myself we need water sewage and electricity the very basics of a good City Life with the very limited access to water in our tile I had to be careful one wrong move and my citizens would not enjoy the taste of the water that I would be providing for them so I made a decision to sacrifice a small amount of land in compat BG for a sewage Outlet praying that it was far enough away from the water pumping Sur hang on a minute a serendipitous Discovery was made our amager one tile siiz City actually has access to groundw and Innovation bestowed upon us by the Colossal order developers after City skylines W and I was going to take advantage of it so my citizens could happily make their cups of Yorkshire Tea for electricity we had no access to external power sources they were out of bounds wind was a nogo as the land lith low so dirty coal was our only choice and finding a suitable spot way over at the back down wind I cringed as it took up almost nine of my perfect squares our space that was already at a premium was evaporating before my eyes with the initial Services taken care of we could now invite the Discerning public to come on in and grab a plot zoning was carefully undertaken with one eye on the progress of our soon to be megalopolis oh yeah of course we needed sewage and the water pumping Services my bad and within mere moments we were a tiny town now things were rolling with access to budgets roads and bridges that we would never use clinics and above all medium density housing oh yeah we could now cram even more people into the space that compact BG held so dear at last our first residents of compact BG arrived filled with hope and a love for small things hopefully which was good because this city was compact they raced to find the best house money could buy and enjoy each other's company which is going to be very close to them and the lovely views and grow we must that demand bar became like that needy friend always wanting more we zoned it grew they moved in we zoned it grew and the cycle continued along the way we placed what would be conceivably the only Clinic to ever grace this land but only time would tell if that was true keeping up with the residential demand was easy commercial a cinch but now industry was Raising its ugly head satisfying the demands without taking up too much space would be a challenge but one that I embraced I zoned like a madman until we hit small village once again the rewards of wealth education and medium density Apartments had my bank manager and the happy citizens of our city jumping for joy now education the backbone of a growing civilization was now the greatest tool at hand hand an elementary school was carefully placed in the optimum position which was of course inside our one tile because outside would just be playing wrong we would also need a high school to keep the convey belt of knowledge flowing So I placed that too and lost even more valuable real estate and then kept right on zoning our city was approaching 350 citizens but alas death was at the door hearses were called for and even though we could allow these services to be serviced from outside the city I thought it best to spend some points and build our own crematorium with our recently unlocked medium density housing we could build up higher into the sky and house even more people per teeny tiny square of land rents would be cheaper we could encourage more people to move in and study population would expand in the middle of all this there was a game update the last update before colossal order went on a break let's hope this pack doesn't uh break the game and I'm also hoping it fixes the potato trees that you might have spotted from time to time earlier on in the video anywh who back to the challenge medium density flats or apartments if you're from across the pond were springing up and soon they were filled to the brim zoning was becoming my life but I took a quick break to adjust my taxes people are happy and getting happier ni but zoning was becoming my life every plot must be the efficient 2x two every house 2x two every shop 2 by two every industry You Guessed It 2 by two and of course every service building as large as it needs to be I was caught by surprise as we hit large village with a nice cash boost some development points and some useless tiles that we couldn't unlock because this was the one tile challenge not the many tile challenge also we now have access to service budgets which would mean more money for us plus fire farming and police to keep the people safe and fed zoning continued our tile was becoming more and more cramped I decided to adjust some of the services to claw back some funds and then noticed we had gone too far we had become engaged in incorrect zoning placement complaints were rearing that ugly head ground pollution air pollution what are we done even though I personally thought they were both at acceptable levels there was only one solution that's right kicking them out of our city the offending people were caught by surprise as their couches magically disappeared from beneath the they would take it on the chin though like the true compact bergans they were once again complaints were appearing high rent was the cry possibly because crime was high and the police were nowhere to be seen uh that was easily solved and they went out on patrol like the Troopers they are it was then that I realized I'd forgotten the specialized Industries with chickens and stone at our fingertips so I got right on that after some effort Stone being used in the upkeep of houses and chickens of course being being used for food should help to keep local costs down uh these would both be deleted later for the space What seemed like hours passed and then I zoned no more I'd reached the point where our one teeny tiny tile was full everything was zoned everything was full no room was left our population was still growing almost 1,000 people loved living in compact BG but was this the end could we expand no more never we would now look to enact some gentrification a process that could if done right to bring in the more affluent more well-to-do citizen that would pay more rent educate themselves more and take higher paying jobs and spend more money grow our economy larger and larger growing the city ever more larger digress so what could we spend our five development points on that would help us with these new goals roundabouts well as lovely as they are we had no need the same with Road services or parking electricity and water were already taken care care of as well as health and trash which we just threw over the board of our one tile into the next tile but College welfare offices and universities if we could make room for them they could be our ticket to the megalopolis that we sought but we had reached a standoff no more citizens could move in because there was no more space to Zone and we had no demand for higher density residential what we needed was space for students as large as it was the college had to go in somewhere I bit the bullet which took us to Grand Village with more money development points and useless extra tiles but the production panel access could prove lucati as well as the low rent housing and parks of course who doesn't love a dog park so low rent housing went in which took up the very small high residential demand that we had plus some dog parks to keep people and all the dogs happy also offices were now in demand other Goods could be made software could be sold and more educated people could find suit suble employment looking at the production panel it was obvious that coal was in very high demand so what natural resources did we have in our one tile nothing just farmland and we' already built over that people were still mildly annoyed and the tax rate seemed to be the problem so with all the government subsidies coming in why not drop the tax for residential and with no more space to build raise the tax for everybody else in fact I wanted to encourage well and highly educated people so I would pay them to come into compact BG and live with us so I kept my eye on the well and highly educated figures and nobody moved in until we finally passed 1,000 citizens and then a few moments later disaster struck buildings of fire collapsing Carnage apparently we had no local fire services so they traveled from outside and by the time they arrived it was too late so we quickly fixed that problem and hope nobody had noticed day became night became day again and then it happened we had .1% of a well educated person and the demands for medium and high densities started to climb so we zoned I decided to start removing industry as it was causing pollution and I think we could easily get by with less hopefully killing two birds with one stone lower pollution growing the population we also upgraded our schools with libraries that would increase the chance of graduation which would in turn need more high density zoning plans were a foot for a while it was a game of whack-a-mole trying to fulfill different demands to induce other different demands but my city seemed to be stuck around the 1,200 citizen Mark so I lowered tax rates again hoping industry could level up want to employ more people and increase demand again and it worked Tiny Town yeah now we have access to postal services and internet nice and our first mix zoning lovely demand was starting to Skyrocket so I replaced and rebuilt higher and higher denser and denser the city was growing in front of our eyes smaller houses replaced by towering blocks housing more and more compact Burg then we unlocked the Polaris suites with a wellbeing bonus and 180 households capacity I made room for it immediately and hoped and prayed that people would move in and as much as I loved our Quarry it caused far too much ground pollution and took up space so it had to go I soon realized that no one had a place to park their car in a city so I did what all good Mayors do put up a parking lot on the outskirts of town by now I was growing desperate taxes would all now be at zero and service charges were dropped as well I wanted more and more people to save more and move and upgrade and move in and live in my lovely tiny little town maybe Transportation was the key will buses be our only hope I made room lines clockwise and counterclockwise and one across town would hopefully be enough to satiate our citizens desire for travel unfortunately ground pollution was still holding back Polaris Suites from filling its 180 slots so it had to move Rubicon Apartments became available again well-being bonuses Galore and more people slots very quickly it began to pH population was Rising once again and things were looking up then we finally hit boom town and pollution management was on the cards for sure our city will be green if it's the last thing I do it was not the last thing I did and we never ended up green after many many many hours of micromanaging our demand we had finally hit busy town and people were moving in at one point I did try a university but it took up a third of the tile and it didn't help my goal was Big Town which would bring high density residential and then great town for the high density businesses jobs were key we needed enough open positions to tempt people to move in and stay in compact Burg a good strategy was to fulfill the medium density and Commercial demands by replacing low density commercial with mixed use which of course contains commercial and counts as medium density residential two birds one stone but chaos was setting in at one point a multi-car collision threatened to take out nearby buildings with a raging Inferno but the proud firefighters did their Duty and our mixed use buildings were saved population was slowly and surely creeping ever ever closer to 3,000 citizens but with no room to build XP gaining items our only increase in XP came from population growth we finally hit 3,000 population and progress slowly but surely closer to Big Town then it happened as we entered 2025 we hit big town now we would grow the sky was the limit high density was now at my fingertips but again lack of jobs was the problem if we were going to get the demand we needed we must have more jobs so again I dropped the tax rate to zero to promote leveling up and more jobs um I then went mad any house or business complaining about no customers or no money would be banished and replaced with high density residential and they would love it and it finally happened high density buildings orbe it they were empty but build it and they would come wouldn't they yes they would thank you Rebecca Porter then our first death wave hit heres were called but the numbers kept Rising I thought this was something we'd left behind behind in City skylines 1 how would this nightmare end we lost hundreds at the end of 2028 they just couldn't keep up upgrading the crematorium to deal with the demand with additional incinerators and freezer expansion pushed us morbidly XP step by XP step towards our next Target of great town slowly but surely that teeny tiny green bar of high density residential demand that was torn in me from the taskbar would creep ever up we were growing again I started upgrading buildings gaining more and more XP craving the next Milestone and then one breezy day in May great town we were a great town with commercial high density yes I built I replaced I bulldozed I wanted high rises as far as the eye could see it was finally happening medium density would be replaced over and over and over with large Sleek tall beautiful skyscrapers SES of commercial were built higher and higher than 4,000 population so many people wanted to move in we now had traffic jams that are extremely inadequate would look good if it had a roundabout City entrance it was glorious population exploded and we breeed past 5K there seemed No Limit 52,000 there it is in our rear view mirror 6,000 autumn turn to Winter turn to 2029 and in the month of February we hit small City our success was assured as we now had access to high density offices and City promotion who wouldn't want to live here in compact BG so we zoned and waited adjusted our exorbitant office tax rate down and down and bingo we started getting more more jobs and we know that that will attract more people so that's what happens if you build a city in the smallest of tiles in City skylines too with enough time and patience you could reach megalopolis I'm sure but we shall take comfort from our small City in just one tiny tile 75x 75 remembering that each of its residents is one happy compact Bergan my name is biffer and if you've enjoyed this video a sub and a like would be most appreciated thank you to all of my lovely Patron supporters and YouTube channel members too who I'm sure would all love to live in my one tile City I'll see you soon for the next one have a great day bye-bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 288,563
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines 2, biffa plays, 1 tile city cities skylines 2, one tile city, cities skylines 2 challenge, cities skylines one tile, cities skylines 1 tile city, urban planning, cities skylines 2 game, cities skylines tips, cities skylines ii, cities skylines 2 tips, cities skylines 2 ep 1
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 40sec (1180 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 21 2023
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