Getting a WORLD FAMOUS BAND to perform on a rooftop in Timberborn!

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these buildings look like a knob welcome back to timber bonus if you are not british this song is based on a soap opera code eastenders but i've named it timber bonus because there's timbers because it's timber born and stuff yes hello fellow engineers and welcome back to the lovely province of the timber borners uh things are going extremely well if you haven't been following the last few episodes our youtube members finally have purpose they can use this lovely little suspension bridge to get over to here where they are mining some old steel ruins so i have this awesome dual bridge setup that leads to an incredible temple and campfire location and on your journey using the bridge you can you can shame the beavers in the shaming wheels last time we also upgraded our housing we still got the roof to go and some other bits and bobs like the rooftop terraces we're gonna have like a beetle style gig up here as an opening ceremony and over here a double floodgate thing which appears to be flooding everywhere oops um i i sort of realized this isn't gonna work too uh not while there's these blocks underneath so i don't really know why i did that i guess it will look cooler which i guess could that be a thing looking cool is that a bit architecturally let's move on and let's move on yeah i noticed down here we had we had quite a few deaths at the end of last week so cali pavlovsky jonathan keivers shatika and tears of talos they all died of old age and but thankfully motorway matt the new generation of engineer they've grown up and they're ready for a job a motorway mat where does he the power where are you no you got to get out of there get out of there hang on what's going on why why where's our shamed beavers let's just press pause a second who's in that one architect's over engineers that's good rc looks like an architect yep that one that i'm not gonna say yep they're all in there so did someone die what's going on oh look bridges suck died of old age yay bridges no longer suck okay that is fantastic over here the flooding is getting a bit serious now it's sort of spreading towards our city what i'm gonna do i've just remembered if we press this button we've got all this dynamite under there so let's turn that off and we're going to from the middle i think we want we want dual explosions we're going to press this destinate button which is one of the most magical buttons you can ever press in life a big red button with the word detonate on it so three yeah i couldn't be asked to wait we're just going straight off look at that look at it and this is gonna lower the water level as you can see there uh which should mean yes no more flooding now we've also got this ledge that i was trying to get rid of so detonate do this little strip ditto neat and then there's one there on his own so we'll detonate you as well so we've got a lot more water storage back here oh and there you go it's filled up to there oh we've got our we've got our tiered system going now nice that's pretty cool i'm i'm happy with that although completely pointless this front thing pretty much it looks a bit more professional and appearances they do matter occasionally right so we've got a lot of building works going on over here we've got our new water storage plant a new farm we've got the rooftop terraces and stuff we've still got some of this to finish uh and you you may have noticed this is all north of the river this is all in the patreon land and i've had i've i've read the comments of my videos we've had quite a few complaints that i've been leaving the youtube members behind as you can see we're we're halfway through the night if we do a quick scan of our youtube members you can see well apart from one no there you go he's he's gone to bed now thanks supreme is now asleep but you can see all of our beavers they are all sleeping peacefully on parts joe doral over there just by the cliff and got a load in the carrot fields koyokoi reborn as a youtube member that's what he would have wanted yeah we've even got people sleeping on the edge of the pier there we've got liv cot edwards josh culk to me they look pretty pretty comfortable but i've been told by the comments no you you're not having this you want me to build a home for the youtube members and i feel like to be fair yes we did last time do a very very posh super apartment complex for our patrons which actually i'm going to connect this log storage area up there so if i just press pause quickly i want to come down into by the way i do realize i was i started talking about the youtube members i've instantly gone to patreon i'm like hang on i just gotta do something for the patreons i care about my patreons i will be back to youtube members do not worry we're gonna build them an amazing amazing accommodation but for now we need to come into demolish buildings and resources say dig up all of those come to parts and structures we want some steps there and then we just want to path from there over to there maybe we'll prioritize those stairs yeah that should just get some logs down to this area a bit quicker which is very handy but anyway anyway back to the youtube members we're going to build them an accommodation all right before we do that we need to we need to get rid of some of these trees let's just come into cut trees oh they're already already selected for cutting in which case they're probably out of range of a lumberjack flag so in which case we're just going to demolish these which means we won't get any wood from them but at least they'll get removed so that's all sorted the other thing we need to do while that's being done is make sure these guys have enough building materials now the youtube members they don't produce too much themselves they've got a load of logging stuff over here which are actually both full up so they've got a lot of logs and if we come into housing we can see exactly what they need to build all of these and it looks like it is just logs okay so that's actually really good but i'm going to use some mega engineering here we're going to be going up so we're going to need stairs and platforms which require planks yes i'll tell you what we're going to come over to here which is the distribution post now these guys supply the youtube members with some extra resources so they're currently sending water logs planks and berries now they're not producing their own berries and they need them to reproduce logs they are producing their own logs so perhaps we could reduce that or we could just say let's get some more builders in there because currently we've got william johnston it's icy hippity hilly and the real electrical engineer i'm sorry there's nothing electrical you're doing i guess i could put you in a power wheel because then at least you're generating power for no purpose yes i do realize that but you are an engineer still so maybe i won't maybe i won't so if we open all four of those slots if any more patrons grow up and require a job they can start bringing resources over so that we can build our housing now look up here you can see our youtube members are getting rid of those trees so now we've got space all right so first off we're gonna have to do some planning how do we want this building to work i basically want to build as tall as i can how tall will that be that's pretty tall i think they'll probably be happy with that and in this district oh look they're all sleeping again so in this district there's currently 32 homeless beavers so we don't want to go too mental i don't think we want to build this with the large barrack but perhaps we'll unlock the large row house so that costs 600 science we've currently got 2322 signs so we'll click this and we'll say are you ready to unlock yes we are so we've got that now and look at this i'm going to build this right by the c so they've got a c view so i think what we'll plan to do is like that so they hold eight each so with six of those that will be more than adequate the only other thing we need to consider is how each of these doorways will be accessed so we're going to need some sort of platform arrangement probably like a spiral staircase going around so let's just pause because i can see there's there's a lot going on down here there's births there's people growing up there's even a death i'm sorry wayne let's try and work out a layout in order to get the height if we add steps there for example and then a platform and then because that's in the war so that has to be a double platform and that can be a double platform because there should be steps and that one needs to be a triple platform let's put the steps in and just make sure i'm doing this right no i completely got so i need to be a triple yeah that's a triple yeah and then that's a triple up there so to get up to that door level we're gonna need two sorts of platforms so we can either do a triple and a single which will be six logs and four planks i just want to reduce the number of planks i think so i need four planks plus another one platform which is four planks again or i could just do two and two yeah basically there's no difference so i think i'll do two and two then i think i probably want my steps around the side rather than around the back because around the back could be like a nice little balcony sort of area so perhaps we'll do like that sort of thing and of course health and safety what does a balcony need it needs edge railings so we'll put a path along there so along this front edge we put railings and then we just go off again i guess do a double and a double with stairs on top and a double and a double with stairs on top so around the back i think we want two doubles so that'll get us to that level yeah now there's going to be a lot of wood a lot of wood yeah i think it's just going to be double doubles everywhere so that's nice and simple in terms of building and tell you what just for the banter we're going to go around the back and just put in our balcony now i've just done that at the front just so that they can build if we decide to make a rooftop all right so now we need to add the stairs so we got stairs there and there and on this side they go there and there and there and there and then we just got parts so the parts go on every other floor so along there and along there around this side let's go along there and so if we wang a roof on the top which is in decoration this little bunting covered tree stump we can plop a roof there and that's gonna be beautiful if i say so myself in fact i don't even know if we want a roof on top would we prefer a statue we could put that on top that looks incredible oh no we can't it's too high i think it's too high so i'll tell you what i'm gonna hit save and i'll be back in a second right we're back and i feel like i feel like what i built it's not really it's not doing them justice the months and months these guys have spent sleeping on the streets need something better they need something more powerful so what we're gonna do i'm gonna come back into the large row house we're gonna keep building up yep i will not stop until these beavers have adequate housing and yes basically i just installed a mod that allowed me to build far higher than i could previously but that is gonna look fantastic look how tall it is look at the view of the timber borders they're gonna have they're gonna be able to see everything from look at the shadow uh the only downside is we're gonna have to build some crazy scaffolding in order for them to build this oh and to access the doors to use it so let's get building scaffolding and this might be a good time for a montage all right that's that done that looks incredible time to do all the stairs and everything else so for stairs we'll do there i think we'll just do one side at a time doing every other floor so these should all be in the right place all right pretty good we'll do the other side now let's try and do this zoomed out maybe this can be a nice time-lapse for you all as well nice and then it's just a case of doing the paths around the front and back again easiest way is just do every other floor and say what we probably should be fast forwarding because it's going to take a while oh god there's also a dry season on the way 2.9 days i probably should make sure we're equipped for that but i do want this thing to start being built in the meantime right lovely so that is all planned and ready to go and i don't think anyone can complain i haven't looked after the youtube members housing needs anymore um but yes we we have a dry season approaching so we need to be sensible now make sure we are covered so if we head over here look our water storage area is completed that's fantastic do we have jobs so andrea de silva leblanc is in there what about the others they're all empty okay so first priority is to make sure they have jobs so are there any jobs up here we can get rid of it seems a shame to do this but i think maybe the distribution post joke across new york city and nine con you are both sacked maybe real electrical engineer i think you can you can do better than that me perhaps i don't know where they went okay for some reason they're not they're not pumping their logs anymore you got some new job oh no i know why look how many people died warrow died raythel nick robert beckley oh that is not good we had some good times but that is not good at all yeah meanwhile we've got we've got a lot of a lot of warning lights so what have we got breeding halted i assume that's because there's no berries and i guess that's because we're just using them too quickly so maybe mr forrester you're actually not planting anything are you so chris o'brien you're paused we'll keep down under thunder gathering berries just as and when but uh breeding's gonna be greatly reduced for a little bit oh look at this it's finally the grand opening right so let's delete the temporary scaffolding and look baby definitely a contractor it's enjoying the new rooftop terrace there's another one over here who's that your proper lazing back there boujo seven so yeah maybe they're just warming that up because this evening the beavers are sort of like beetles but with beavers involved uh they're going to be doing a rooftop gig that's going to be very exciting but anyway with all the deaths we need more log pumpers so do we pause science i feel like everything is everything built over here now maybe we can pause the builders yeah let's pause for builders and are they all pumping their logs now yes colton's in there mr razzle ryder pie and they are all gonna be pumping away just like andre now there's nothing wrong with pumping your log if it helps the community oh we've also got a warning here for unconnected building this large water tank this building isn't connected to any district center by path as you can see there there is a path it's just out of range if we click on our district center the red lines are sort of how far our district center spreads you can see it just finishes there so whether we sacrifice a water tank just to put a path in maybe okay so the thing is i'm not sure although these log pumpers are right next to it i'm not sure they'll use it if it's not part of the district center so yeah i'll tell you what before they add any water to that let's get rid of that and we'll do a path down there and now when we click on the district center you can see it's in range right okay that is good it's now night time it's ready for the gig so welcome to the stage the beavers the beavers even and let's hope i don't get a copyright take down for this help i need some word to help i also need water help we're nearly running out of food when i was young i had so many hopes until i realized that matt was in control of us i was going to build a dam i had so many other bigger plans then matt came along with his architect beaver in ways a little bit so yes the beavers they had a great they had a great concert i wish i could show you the whole thing but uh we don't have time we've got we got many things to do we've got a dry season approaching in one day uh by the way pl please like the video for that that took me so long to edit i don't even know that i know in my head i've got to edit this it's going to take me bloody ages because i'm going to give them stupid wigs and instruments i'm probably even going to make their arms move so it looks like they're playing i'm going to do it yes but anyway oh i got far too much time on my hands apparently look at all of our beavers this next morning they're getting back to work they had a fantastic gig morale is super high even if the beavers lyrics were a bit anti-matte and but yeah so first things for i am actually i'm going to pause this water dump over here joe doral i apologize you are no longer required now that's because we need to start storing some water so that kia who is pumping her log can provide water that won't just be dumped it will actually be used i'll tell you what actually the old water level is a bit low over here i'm going to top everything up before the dry season starts oh god i wasn't paying attention also pay attention we've got we got flooding down there raise that back up to two and a half open this one oops sorry youtube members oh dear all right so it's night time now the final night so i think it's probably worth starting to raise floodgates and make sure we've got warsaw storage everywhere so we want to start with this bottom one to raise you up once this starts flooding which is pretty much instantly we'll raise that one as well and we can see this is backing up so we'll raise that one and now this is backing up we'll raise that one and we'll raise that one i've probably gone a little bit too early i think this is gonna flood pretty majorly in a second oh goodness that's a lot of water oh god okay i might i might lower these a little bit that's quite a big flood it's just typical a flood would happen just before the start of a dry season isn't it all right there we go we've stopped that area of flooding it's now just flooding down here that's fine it shouldn't flood too much right the drought started right so let's raise that okay right so that water should drain i think we'll leave these pumps running although no one can use them because they're flooded i was gonna say we'll keep using them to lower the water level but it seems to be going down really really bloody quickly oh god so tell you what i think i will pause these so tough two t's i apologize position wasting time yep you're out of a job mix mischief so you uh we now have no power here so knob guy your paws from the shredder fedarsky can't make any more planks all right so this middle area is completely paused because no power we don't want to lose any water either we want to keep this area green and down here has plenty of water hopefully that should be long enough we got 5.8 days survive so this is our longest dry season yeah but it should be okay these floodgates are full so we're not losing any water down there so we should be able to keep them pumping we've now got quite a lot of unemployed patreons yeah we've got two so i think we'll put them in here so nob guy and wadaski are now taking resources to the youtube members um but i just had a thought i know dangerous um i was thinking perhaps i know i quite like that these architect guys they don't have a purpose to their lives but at the same time it might be an idea if i were to take power over to the youtube members because they have no running water they have no way of producing power but if i were to do it via shafts shafts then perhaps they could make their own lumber mill and they could make their own planks so shall we look at doing that i don't know what it will entail but power shaft ah can they only be built on platforms yeah they can right we might have to unlock the high power shaft this does take up a gear which isn't ideal but it's only 80 science let's unlock it at least see what it looks like so that will take power down to there or do we just do platforms over trouble is that's gonna be we're gonna need like a whole other bridge just to transfer power over maybe it's more worthwhile doing the power just to hear and then just taking logs over that way okay well actually i've noticed no one's actually using these bridges i might get rid of this drop-off point or at least put another one up there so drop-off point there i know we're on the we're on the wrong side we're on the wrong side of the border hang on so the drop off point can only connect to that side so i'll tell you what we'll do our path over to there now where are you going real quantity surveyor the bean counter he's using the bridge is he off to the campfire or the temple he's warming up by the campfire lovely look at them they're loving it yeah if we fast forward to tomorrow will any of these distributors use the new roots no they won't all right say what then i might have to get rid of that one sorry drop off point you're dead and hopefully they will go that way now will they i just want them to use this bridge i want it to have purpose is that so much to ask oh it's because i didn't add a route to it oops all right tell you what then i tell you what we'll keep the drop-off point we did have and we'll say add a new route so to the original one we'll just have berries and water and then we'll add a new route to the top one and that's going to be planks maybe logs as well they might need logs oh no we've had a load of new deaths dancers enforcer the guy that fell off the roof he had to use up quite a lot of his lives but not anymore he is brown bread so is william johnston and nolan does stuff he'll no longer be doing any stuff so i apologize to you beavers but you did all right come on beavers use the bridge use the bridge yes yes yes badaski you legend and deschingan okay so we're delivering planks and logs via our very important bridge and you guys thought i built this bridge just for no purpose like an architect no it always had purpose it was always gonna help build this definitely now what if we build a plank factory down here is that a good location i don't really know but let's build one anyway so a lumber mill it takes 50 hp so we might have to get two down here if we do one there and one there and with our power shafts we can say go down there down there down there down there and this one we have to do a bend like that and a straight one into the lumbar milk right and you can see they're getting built really quickly fair play guys look at that before we've even built a path to the front of it all right so we've done that now these are up and running so the fork has gone in there and help i'm stuck in a podcast now they're both turning logs into planks which hopefully in turn will be delivered to here all right i'll tell you what we've got a knob situation going on so the knob guys finally died of old age i'm very sorry but your replacement is the strongest shape i'll tell you what that sort of gives me an idea maybe this should be in the strongest shape i think it could be a very easy fix just to add some testicles i mean annoyingly we just built the uh the distribution post there but if we go to housing perhaps we could just do something like that let's get rid of the water dump i think i think it's pointless there we go there we go much better uh the old the old ratio is a bit off but oh man that is going to be beautiful when it's finished if it ever gets finished i wonder what year it will be when that finishes but i do believe in the guys they like they've got pretty far already to be fair to be fair to them they're doing okay i might build a new water dump just over this side just in case we need it so i like to keep this area green to be honest so i will aim to build that oh god i just noticed this area went completely brown so we need to we need to lower our floodgates we can lower this bottom one and that will bring life back i know it's night time but you can just about see the death turning into life which is always a nice sight um but we need some more water so we'll lower this top one oh i also need to be careful down here looks like we've over pumped down here so you guys runeberg tom oliver booty blaster and slicy but fast you should no longer be pumping your logs because look our potatoes are drying out and they'll die in 0.5 days so we're going to have to make a lot more water enter this so this dam over spills and this bottom level fills back up so we fast forward and you can see the water over topping this dam now raising up we've saved the potatoes we have saved the spuds all right meanwhile these guys are pumping away look how much the water level has gone down fair play guys there's a lot of water down there as well so i actually have three unemployed youtube members down here so it might be worth if we want to build this quicker making more builders so if we come into labor we can build a builder's hut i think we'll plonk that there or high prioritize that and then we can carry on with our skyscraper and would you look at that the drought has finished so that means our water source will be producing water again which means we can fill up these dams again so two and a half two and a half we want to lower that one to 0.5 i think that one was zero this is a very complex system but it worked look how much water we stored oh god actually i'll probably wait until we have more influx of water there before doing that this bottom one should be 0.5 as well i believe and then we should be all good we've we just had a couple of deaths as well ryan ml tom oliver they both died of old age i'm glad that the beavers only seem to be dying of old age though that is good to see yes i think we'll leave that there for today we're gonna have to wait until this is built this incredible structure which i cannot wait to see i don't even know if it will get finished before we die i have a feeling some drought will take me out at some point but yeah cheers for joining guys peace love and huge megadong skyscrapers and i'll catch you guys next time bye [Music]
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 469,587
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: timberborn, timberborn gameplay, timberborn ep 1, timberborn dam, timberborn flooding, timberborn 2, timberborn part 1, timberborn free download, timberborn demo, beaver city builder, beaver, beaver dam, rce, real civil engineer, timber born, timber born game, timberborn full version, timberborn full game, timberborn full release date, timberborn game, timberborn lets play, timberborn review, eastenderspleasedontsueme, eastenders
Id: T-b-dGJKGL4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 14sec (1514 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 29 2021
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