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oh blitz what i found more fun things oh great what did you find i found brain mode for the missiles ooh brain mode for missiles what do you mean yeah it's amazing they're smart missiles oh that means i already tried shooting my guy i wouldn't shoot your guy i get wrecked i didn't get yours okay he's getting scrapped all right so smart missiles huh does that mean i get to start making missiles and then everything i mean i'm saying that i'm gonna build missiles did you did you give us any minds or anything upgradable oh well they're they're as upgradable as they normally are so it's vanilla except our my or our missiles go weird oh yes okay build the building mode building building mode make a bunch of mines before people yell at me forget to make wind turbines before people yell at you okay that wind turbine he's got a case of the bad dumb in here this time that's okay i'm gonna make new ones make more batteries as well oh i forgot that was the thing i always forget about thank you for reminding me you're so nice yeah people say i should just not remind you but then it's like he's gonna find out eventually why don't i why do i have negative resource generation again that should be fine i just hear everything being upgraded and building right now oh yeah things are looking fine in my end of the world if you were wondering just upgrading things are they normally nothing abnormal happening i'm surprised they don't see you populating your basement you know what i decided to go against the basement today oh it's just a bold strategy cotton i don't like having spiders they're they scare me and basements are full of spiders well see that's why you don't go in the basement and forget about it building anything down there because there's spiders but the spiders will take care of all the stuff down there oh you have spiders in your basement that work for you i mean is that what it's like having an intern yeah they just clean the walls and make a mess everywhere what did i get from my guy my guy my guy my guy my guy my my my hero man my unit guy i don't even you ready for this oh no get ready uh-huh okay we gotta see the smart missiles because this could be really bad okay there they go and then where are they going okay we shot one down they're just climbing all over the mountain all those machine guns wow wow everyone's after that one now jerkface are they still shooting at it they were this is gonna be amazing this is gonna be so dumb this is i saw i mean we're the experts in dumb so oh yeah which just means i need more of those we need more stupidity somehow my guy over here got damaged did your missile go backwards no i think one of your minigun bullets shot him oh weird got some serious arc power on that art are like an arc reactor for dolphins now i mean we can be dolphins and missiles this is so bad this is not good and even more souls hey we shot it do they bounce off the ground this is so not right dolphins all right well might as well do the good things with the missiles are you upgrading them oh yeah so you people worrying all the smart junk over here the real question is did you make any defense oh yeah i have defense not much not enough defense why did we just hit let's curve straight down nice there we go okay flak works a little better sort of now your missiles are trying to dodge your air defense uh-oh one fire again this is weird in turn this is very weird but i'm okay with that oh but you don't even you're on fire all sword spawn player yeah it's it's getting put out don't worry about it hey that wasn't very nice oh i shot one and away they go oh okay they're not too damaging i'm fine with that the guys are still screaming though i don't even know how to how do we best defend against this um good question i haven't thought that far ahead oh where's your defense um right there whoa no no no no no okay then i wonder what happens if we do portals like will the missile go through the portal and just continuously going in this weird loop i don't know it could i'll let you figure out the portals because you like them so much both of us have problems with portals i think you have significantly more problems with them though getting more storage storage thank you for reminding me i am forever and you're dead oh good now what could i do with that uh oh uh oh why the uh oh no reason oh did you see that turn he's like coming in what where's he going i might have said oh okay see you later here's some more uh-o's they spread so nicely they do ow oh good your defense is getting ready that's working wow what the world just happened to my base man what the crap oh dear oh my defense is missing yeah it is that was rude smart missiles coming in hot okay the other thing about having smart missiles is you actually have to use them in turn i have been using them you just taking out the defense in the meantime fine you want smart missiles i'll send you smart missiles i don't like this feeling i don't like i think you just blew up your own warhead did i okay we need to reinforce the reactor here ah things are exploding they are it's amazing that way i didn't really like that guy anyway if you were wondering wait oh no i didn't know i was still on fire does something blow up no yes okay bad and then uh some more i think you don't have defense in the front uh oh that's a lot [Applause] now why didn't this one fire oh that's why it had projectile dysfunction my base had a whoopsie yeah which is usual okay there we go now he'll do the thing it's so weird seeing a bounce off the ground yeah what is it doing this is cheating i need one of those like auto repair fellas in here we're doing this again yeah we are really oh would i just blow up my sniper wow oh boy now what happened there i have no idea what just happened but i yeah i think my base has a big old hole in it it's a little risky but i'm going to try it are you risking it for the biscuit i am i want to see how well this works i don't like it when you say stuff like that okay it still works well except when it blows up yeah i got defense again you have made me mad in turn oh have i you have made me that that's not how that works he had the time stone that was stupid why did this guy decide to shoot he couldn't even hit the thing i like how it just dodged through your base and just hit the reactor exactly yeah because my guy decided to shoot he's like oh there's something over there my guy no you were the one controlling the sniper i watched you that was the cyber shot that was not the sniper shot oh look at the bounce he's going he's got he's gonna make it they're gonna do it oh my goodness they're doing it they're on their way that's so cute that you have little tiny rockets well they're making it at least or mine now at least these guys can do the proper defense oh my gosh that's dumb no dumb involved here just there is so much dumb involved no i just one at a time now your entire resume is dumb resume hello yes i have a bachelor's degree in dumb now all i need to do is just sit here and fire my eight warheads one after another as soon as i get power back oh for crying out loud we're crying in the rain here now don't you know are you just sniping me again is that your old i mean your only offense is just a sniper uh so far that's been my only defense but now here's some more offense they actually shot one down that was pristine right there okay that's an idea first time for everything oh why are those make it through cause they're skilled they're making it i literally wanted to put a guy right there but you didn't no something happened my sniper nest is sagging a little bit he's got the the snoopy droopy uh-huh whoa calm down there ow there we go there we go ow talking bad about little missiles i was you were the one who said they had the snoopy droopy i said my sniper had the snoopy droopy why am i oh i'm still on fire i didn't realize all that was on fire too oh i forgot i had these here i thought they were blown up oh we can arrange that i don't even know what i'm talking about no yes yes oh you have a lot of empty space in your base maybe it's because i have 11 towers well why can't my missiles do the dumb and then curve downward at the last moment thankfully i have just a lot of energy production there we go hey now oh my god there we go whoa that's what the earlier missile should have done he just noped out of there he's like this space is weird man i ain't going anywhere close to that this is way above my pay grade it's like it doesn't even matter oh no whoa whoa there goes a missile bay we got one oh oh oh oh it tickles oh come on take it out take it out take it out okay that's fine machine guns what are you doing oh did it hit something they just they just let it go let it's like a song that was that was stupid they're just like hmm i think it's time for my coffee break no where are you going missiles where are they going whoa oh no okay good uh-oh mine hit the perfect location [Music] that was expensive intern i'm not gonna lie what was it yeah okay yeah they are starting to get a little expensive aren't they i don't know how to use these but we're gonna try it oh hello oh i see what you're trying to do trying is the first step to that idea i just have a whole mess of sadness over here oh do ya trying to build up all sorts of fun things but you keep breaking it yeah you're saying that like that's not what we're doing here that's true that is kind of our entire goal in the world how long with just endless missile swarms oh man i don't even know which missiles are which ah oh you're still on fire i don't think it was even me that caused the fire this time oh you didn't start the fire what am i hearing wait there's a dumb warhead that's right in front of my face what i think yeah he just got in case the dubs laying there oh okay then come on fellas you can make it in there you can make it oh [Applause] cue the screw that guy in particular comments oh your reactor got damaged it did i don't even know how wow oh gosh why am i on fire again uh whoa oh wait your reactor just got damaged too come on another good hit oh no fall over nope nope not having any of that i think he did that too early that was weird okay my face is sad oh your base is sad i don't know why i don't group all these together actually wait you haven't been no oh gosh my defense is gone oh these are good kids these are good hits whoa i see what you got hiding in there gotta do some serious emergency thinking here it's emergency thinking yeah that's when regular thinking isn't enough you're like huh how do i do this extra special today wow yeah my base is so full of issues oh you want to talk about bases with issues yeah i know i did something special to yours is so special i feel so special right now oh good he wasn't paying attention for that thing yeah oh i didn't have to hit the part that was falling so that's what happens when that dies i like it i just blew up my own base i didn't really i did oh that sucks and you also have no defense down at that level that's okay i didn't need that part anyway oh you don't do yeah no oh that's not gonna be done remember what i told you about not needing any defense no no whoa get down get down that worked no one did i did a thing it didn't work it did and then we make a better face yes it's okay i'm rebuilding it why is it still on eisenmann got severed what i just started your basement i didn't even notice it until i was like huh you can build an upgrade center i'm like what i have that nope not working oh weird not working they're not doing the attraction thing not working just going away from it not working that that black laser really doesn't work nope oh why'd you have to hit the sniper what did he ever do i mean i just have to systematically dismantle your base again you know what that's fine because you have a lot to go through before you get to my last reactor i'm working on it nice how did i just built that see the objective is i don't really care about everything i just want to keep your basement gone well you got lucky last time i don't know how you're gonna severed this time with lots of fire oh he made it he's alive again no no no that's painful oh reactor damage eh that's a lot of concentrated fire right there oh that's a swarm missile doing its work hey i don't have any defense against used to our missiles good that's the problem with this mod just trying to build everything in the world again.com and i can't because you're annoying.com again i will continue to be annoying there's just a lot of missiles happening here yep they're all just bouncing around like they do oh that's a big sound oh my gosh there's three of them come on machine gun do the work no why do you only shoot once i like bouncing it along the ground he's like i just want to come and play can i come and play boom i was upgrading that no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no everything's okay oh whoa okay well well did you say the whelp when i said the wealth well i'm sorry no i'm not sorry see the most annoying thing is how you have so many flat guys so many two i got rid of him i didn't like him he made fun of my mother again oh my he's like no oh great this isn't working that's reactor damage no no no no no no no big missiles big missiles big missiles trying to allow big missiles lots of big missiles how can you afford to shoot so many big missiles have you looked at my base over there and how many windows i have i just have like 838 production at any one time that is gross it is much like your your ship now it got grossified yeah and can't even build defense because it gets destroyed right away yeah that's because i have like uh three four five six seven eight nine 12 missile silos oh for crying out loud one time you told me i have to get through your entire base if i'm going to hit that back reactor work it out it is i'm working on it in turn i think these will do a lot of it right now that was a fun mod yeah i find the mods and they still don't work that's just my luck oh but i got your reactor health to a nice number you did nice that's a victory in my book and i'd like to thank all of the patrons and channel members who have supported the channel last month including autodave ben dickey teddy hippies zarnoff max rail vc engineer whippet good deegan eagler jason baron fox spencer whiskey destructo man fighter sax joe doug rules fury ero skunk chest corian lewis rob the block red katy psycho dalton hevorah mr m gaming kyle sekander kyrian grayson monkey bill zane and mark
Channel: Blitz
Views: 130,143
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: forts, blitz, blitz plays, blits, blitz forts, forts blitz, forts gameplay, forts game, forts new update, forts update, forts ships, forts ship, forts planes, forts plane, forts warship, forts new, forts high seas, forts high seas multiplayer, forts multiplayer, forts multiplayer blitz, forts interndotgif, interndotgif forts, forts ships dlc, forts intern, forts mods, forts modded, forts nuke, forts missiles, forts rockets, forts smart missiles
Id: S1vF8LYyAK4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 45sec (1065 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 25 2022
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