End Time Updates | Rev Joe Morris

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thinking about Hilton will make a way for you and there is no way he loves taking things that are impossible and you can laughing amen amen Wow Wow hallelujah sho glad you came tonight come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] I guess you can be seated how cool man I never get to be here and this is just fun to be here with everybody it's crazy on Sunday night you know you're hungry come on oh really praise God so good to see you Colleen I miss being here you know we're just it's we're supposed to be on the road so we're on the road so but with that we're not here but we keep up with some of the messages we go back and see online and see different things and I know this morning was great that's so cool and anyway so bless you guys gosh aren't we blessed to be living right before the coming of the Lord I mean how privileged are we to be when all these verses are coming to pass I mean you can almost stop each other and go how could it be that we would be that group right before we're caught up it's just a wonderful season I believe we're in store for demonstrations of the Holy Ghost I believe when store for mass amounts of gifts of the Spirit and operation I believe we'll see the resurrection demonstrated right in front of our eyes and it's amazing thing is he raised you up to do it hallelujah and then well how we keep waiting for when's this group gonna come in and do this not you praise the Lord so uh your your carriers of that everything about this house is is preaching that way about we can do the works of Jesus and that's what we're destined to do your him in the earth as he is so are we in this world so I appreciate our pastors don't you appreciate their push but to not just have laws just teach the word don't know to push for everything heaven has for us before we leave and that's a display of the power of God not so we can just have powerful meetings but so that God can get people's attention he can bless them and strengthen them encourage them his mercy and his kindness it is absolutely you see the tie of all the gifts of the Spirit tied to his goodness and really bless his heart he has gotten blamed for all the bad stuff and he's the real deal he's the good of good of good of good of good of good of good good every good you see in anybody he's the origin of it oh come on he's the origin so you know uh Colleen I give you just a little bit of a I don't know what you call it testimony or whatever I was in Wow Jackson Mississippi laughs and uh I'll give you one from Corbin Kentucky I was there a few weeks ago this is so cool I want the pastor told this as I was there but what was the time before when I was there he told the story I had a word of knowledge about Bell's palsy I was just just getting ready to preach and the Lord said palsy and I thought when we go to hear that water knowledge very often so I called that out and this young lady was there probably 25 26 and she wasn't used to all this and she the presence of God came down on her and the lady next to her said hey I think he's talking about you and she goes wow this is crazy well she gets healed of Bell's palsy right there and 12:30 that night she called her pastor is a sweet Baptist pastor and she said I know Jesus doesn't heal any more but I think I got healed tonight and and so the sweet Baptist pastor said don't tell anybody but I believe me does to praise the Lord amen so it's just amazing how merciful he is to reach out to people and take care of them and I think there might be someone here from omlie anybody from Arkansas come over from that from that town the pastor told me they were coming and we had a guy healed of two rotator cuffs guy got to take his glasses off Danette for his glasses anymore had word a knowledge that some woman where she holds a child's getting healed lady was supposed to have a distraction we didn't have to have hysterectomy this is how cool God is the Prophet I worked for years ago he had offices here in Tulsa 61st and Memorial the Triad Center we had a lady that came and volunteered every single day because listen to this she had had a destructive me and about a year later she went to the doctor and said you know I got some weird symptoms and he goes well you're actually pregnant and he goes the weird thing is is I took your uterus out and you're pregnant say nothing's too hard for God come on she volunteered every single day how cool is that to go back to the doctor that took your uterus out go I something unusual is going on well it is unusual you're carrying a baby and I took the area out where you gonna carry your baby so there's nothing too hard for him come on when God told Abraham I'm the Almighty God walk before me and be thou perfect Abraham's like really come on he goes come on I'm the one that was and is it is to come I mean he started talking about that he's God I'm the Almighty God there's nothing too hard for me so we're just we're just blessed to live right before all this happens and I go back to Pastor Mark and Janet I just appreciate them I met Pastor Mark at John OC shirts and I believe about 1975 he was on the road with Kenneth Hagin and my mother we met Pastor Mark and my mom started asking him to her church in Spring Hill Louisiana I mean you talk about a podunk little town but there weren't no Word of Faith churches so my mom started this church and and I believe it's the first meeting that Pastor Mark and Janet came to after they got married but I was so blessed to see Pastor Mark being normal you know what I mean it just was like hey he's normal and then when they came that first time after they got married they came in a black Corvette and they had all this equipment that black Corvette to the point that the wheels were bowing out like this and I thought that's just cool to have your ministry vehicle a black Corvette hallelujah amen so that's how your pastor thinks and I just appreciate his I said it while ago his push for everything we're supposed to see I know people have had visions of seeing walkers and breathing machines on all the walls and I just believe that we're will get to see it I don't know how long that season will be I believe it'll be very short there's a display and an explosion of the glory of the Lord so it's righteous where you go to church I mean it's just people think well I'm just gonna go get fed know there's some destiny to it I'll give you a little bit of one there Mike Taylor was an old friend of mine he went to church at Victory Christian Center here's the Reebok shoe salesman okay I knew a lot of his buddies better than him actually but he would go around selling selling Reebok shoes of different stores and all that and one of the times this is a few years ago one of the times he was on the Turnpike you know how hard it is to turn around the turnpike you know he's going on the turnpike he looks over and he sees a lineman that works on the powerlines and he's fall fallen over on the ground and he could tell as he's buzzing by like going 75 you know the guy didn't look good but it's hard to turn you stopped on the freeway you know the Turnpike so he keeps going to goes Lord do I turn around go back to the guy you know the Lord goes to go check on him so all the hassle the exit turned hirako back on the exit turn there come back on that exit turn come back by the time he got back to him he gets to the guy on the guy's dead I mean he had gotten electrocuted he's laying there on the ground he's dead and Mike Taylor my buddy he wanted to tell stories really laid back about he goes he was I'm sitting here looking at this guy that's dead all sudden the guy comes up and pulls in off the road and Mike Taylor my buddy yells at him hey do you know how to pray he goes no no no no I'm not afraid goes we'll call 9-1-1 so so while that guy's calling 9-1-1 my buddy mike taylor all of a sudden something came on him we know what it is this gifts to the spirit he grabbed that dead guy by the ears and said I command you to come alive in Jesus name the guy started coughing and spitting came alive right there he goes I have a horrible headache he goes well you were actually we're dead you know I mean the good I don't know how long he hadn't been breathing but he's raised from the dead very cool now I just was in Jackson Mississippi a couple of weeks ago at Chuck and Tammy's Ford's church I was there years ago and told that story this man walks up to me he goes I'm the guy that drove up on him when the man was dead he goes I didn't know how to pray then but I know how to pray now come on what are the odds of being in the church where that guy was so it pays to be at the right place at the right time think of what we're taught we're taught Dominion we're taught Authority we're taught who we are in Christ I watched so much stuff on TV and I look at these guys preach and God bless them but don't have a clue about who they are in Christ that we were complete in him we've been quickened we've been raised we've been seated with him in heavenly places I'm not moved by what I feel not moved by what I see moved by what the word says about me I heard the Lord saying this because I'm gonna get into what I'm gonna preach on here and just admit it but I heard the Lord say this people have gotten so weary in well-doing he said hang out with me hang with me hang with me and there's a renewal of strength you don't even have to doesn't take very long just a little bit of time in the presence of the Lord and you know that we're initial just be just bust away from you don't want to be wearing while doing you want to be strong he never told you to be strong he said be strong in the Lord and the power of his might so we we don't have to labor to be strong you are strong I think it's wonderful how Daniel prophesied about all of us he saw this group and it was so traumatic what he saw he saw basically the whole book of Revelation and it kind of freaked him out and he's like well Lord what do we do about this and Gabriel said don't worry the Ancient of Days will prevail hallelujah and then Daniel saw some more stuff he saw you he said you're strong he saw you said you'd know you're God you'd be strong and you do exploits don't you love it that heavens already seen what you look like and heaven calls you strong knowing your God and doing exploits come on that's what the Holy Ghost is said about the last day church so there is a strength in you a boldness in you and a daringness in you and that is a platform for the power of God so God's called you out set you up for this hour so that you wouldn't just hear teaching you there'd be an unction with the teaching of fire and Holy Ghost and power twin elements unlimited power unlimited wind through fire purity all these different things that make alterations it's not any what I'm preaching on tonight but it makes alterations how many of you know I used to preach a lot in London I never could go sightseeing because you preached seven hours on Friday eight hours on Saturday then you do the church on Sunday that you start somewhere else on Monday I mean it's insane the amount of preaching you do when you go to the schools and so I remember one of the years I went down on Savile Row where they make the suits you know this was gosh I don't know 20 years ago and I walk I walked into the suit guy and I want ceman is the name of the company's right there by Chester berry and all the famous suit places so I walk him to God goes okay this is what we're going to do he started messing with me see all this room material right here on the side of my jacket see like that right there he goes what we're gonna do we're gonna tuck your arm holes here and we're gonna bring your shoulder up cuz he said you're afflicted I said well thank you god bless you because know your afflicted your right shoulder slopes could you see if I button my jacket right now you see all this extra material here because my right shoulder doesn't go up because I'm throwing a ball my whole life so he goes what we're gonna do is we're gonna we're gonna tuck your arm holes here and I'm thinking man what's this guy doing he said I'm trying to make you look taller and thinner said if you can make me look taller and thinner I'm behind a suit praise the Lord so he's doing everything he can to hide my flaws but see that's what 4 s is all about we come together in spite of our flaws in spite of our weakness in Acts chapter 2 the Holy Ghost came on them clothing came on them it's not about you it's about what's on you you've got some clothing on you that knows no weakness knows no failure never failed before never will he's not just enough he's more than enough so you have that on you and Jesus said you'd be endued with power from on high that's the word clothing that's what you carry you carry this grace on you you carry this presence on you and man God sets you up for the coming of the Lord how cool is this so pastor Mark II said I want you to do for us he said I want you to do end times and he said well then do whatever they came back to do in times you said do whatever do many times do whatever said okay whatever so let's jump into this you got your Bibles there let's do it let's get right into the word let's pray I've gone a long time for him prayed come on praise God thank you Jesus Lord we love you we're here on Sunday night we mean business we're hungry I thank you for blessing every person that came Lord I thank you for great strength for them great boldness for them great grace for them Lord I thank you for a renewal of assignments Lord what heaven has given this church to do we thank you for radical renewals of assignments well thank you for new dreams new hopes new vision new boldness to do the will of God Lord we look to your word we're grateful we're amazed that you let yourself be beaten we're amazed that you let yourself die for us so we're we're blowing away it's your kindness and your goodness so Lord as we get into these truths that I show us show us how close we are to to Jesus being revealed to the whole earth and that father you would set our lives up to be voices and witnesses of this goodness before you come strengthen every person lord I thank you for radical wild bold strength for every person in this room we thank you for it Lord and Jesus wonderful name and everybody said amen so yeah here are so many things man so much stuff on TV about the coming of Lord and so so much of it's not scriptural so much some of us get scriptural some just you I'll eat the hay and spit out the sticks you don't want to have a lot of sticks praise the Lord you like to have some good hay but what a privilege to have different groups doesn't matter what groups talking about the coming of the Lord you can see in a Presbyterian talking about the coming of Lord you can see a Methodist talking about the coming of Lord you can see a Baptist talking about the coming of war so there's a theme coming through all the airways right now because Jesus is just about to come back I mean think about it for every one verse there is about the first coming of the Lord eight times more about the second coming so there's that much more about the second coming why he wants us to be versed in this the one time Jesus rebuked the crowd he rebuked the Pharisees over and over and over and over and over again but one of you reviewed the crowd the only time he ever beat the crowd was them not knowing what time it is he said you can tell what the weather's gonna be but you don't know your hour your visitation so it frustrated him that they weren't paying attention would that be weird to go like right now I know exactly when her meteorology will change is gonna happen I see a front coming in from Kansas coming down into Oklahoma praise the Lord I tell you the moment it's gonna rain that's great but that doesn't do me much good when God is about to come from heaven and descend to earth and make up his habitation on the planet forever so there's some protocol for that and the protocol for that would be paying attention to what the word says about the earth would look like right before he comes why why would that be a big deal so you accelerate know you're engaged how many of you when you got married when you got engaged you talked more not less could you imagine I'm engaged I can't talk to you for six months know when you're engaged your your relationships more and more enhanced you know colleagues not here but you know when we got married I'll never forget as long as I live she came walking down the aisle and she didn't go like this oh my god I'm about to marry that guy here we go another one bites the dust no she wouldn't that be weird if that's her she's walking down the aisle like this here we go and then she stopped stop just a second hold on let me shoot up right before we go let me grab some pills wouldn't that be idiotic would that be ill-advised wouldn't that be witless and brainless no you won't your wife who you're about to marry to be excited and the teaching on the coming of the Lord is to produce an excitement in you that you accelerate when you see the finish line you run faster not slower could imagine all the training well there's the face line let's chill no it doesn't matter how tired you are it doesn't matter how out of breath you are you you see the finish line and you press so you may have gone through some stuff the devil may be in attacking you you may have been going through hell Oh countered all joy come on that's nothing that's that this light affliction is but for a moment it works a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory while we look not of the things what you're seeing but things which they're not seen come on don't you don't start romancing the storm that's being preached so much in our group right now well God's gonna send the storm your way and and how you are when you go through it's gonna know the storm is designed to kill you the storm is not designed to teach you the storm is not designed to help you the storm is designed to kill you the only fruit that happens after going through a storm is your weary you get beat up you know you lose your boldness hi here's so much weird teaching I like you might want to grab your Bible about that remember when that when that man was messin with this his son's wife and Paul said turn him over to Satan for the destruction of his flesh God couldn't even touch his flesh turn him over to Satan for the destruction of the flesh God's not the destroyer we're gonna do with all of us on that one here we go okay we got to get in getting in times here we go okay so all this stuff's happening you and we're gonna get into some science tonight that like in the last five weeks something's happened every single week that went to the company of Lords I'm just like oh my god so grab your Bibles and go over there to Isaiah I know that was a long intro so we're going all night tonight Pastor Mark said go to 11 so we're gonna go to 11 no we're not gonna call hey bring your blanket your pillow it's a long service we can make it through it in Jesus name go to Isaiah 46 and let's look at this for a second I know you know this but we're gonna get to some signs here in a minute Isaiah 46 look at verse 9 remember the former things of old I'm God there's none else I'm God there's none like me verse 10 40 Isaiah 46 verse 10 now declaring the end from the beginning and from the ancient times things that are not yet done saying my counsel shall stand and I will do all my pleasure so here he's saying this is how you can tell I'm God this what brings autant isset ii to the book I'm gonna tell you what's gonna happen before it happens only it God can do that you can talk to a Buddhist you can talk to a Muslim their book doesn't give you future this is the only book that gives you future okay and in this book the Bible talks about Jerusalem over 600 times the Quran Jerusalem's not mentioned once but all sudden the Jerusalem got holy to Islam it's crazy so here you see God tell God say hey this is how you can relax and trust me and tell that I'm God is because I can give you future Ezekiel prophesied the very year Israel to be better nation Gabriel told Daniel the year Jesus would come came exactly to the year flawless wine he's been there done that made the t-shirt so we're working with a dad who's watching over his word to perform it so if we'll speak the word you can watch the word come to pass all the flawless things we'll get into it or just other staggering how flawless they are amazing one event after event after event God said it came to pass God said it came to pass God said it came to pass why is that a big deal well the first coming of the you had prophecies you had documentation about it all the prophecies of the verse coming the Lord are so flawless remember it was prophesied he'd be born in Bethlehem of the tribe of Judah he'd be preceded by a messenger he would enter into Jerusalem on a Colt that gamble over his robe they'd pierce him with the thorns on his head they'd put a wholeness side piercing his hands pierce from his feet he would not open his mouth before his accusers he'd be crucified between two thieves it would get dark in the middle of the day while he's on the cross you know what the odds are of all those happening in one generation it's just math just statistics it's 780 trillion times another billion times another trillion its 780 was 33 zeroes afterwards in science it's absurd to think that it happened by chance didn't happen by chance God said it came to pass so all those prophecies are cool there's many more okay for every one of those you got eight times more about the second coming so the documentation is there why so we would be alerted to how close we are so that wouldn't we wouldn't just be messing around we'd be busy doing the will of God I mean Lauren my our daughter guys just a little pen years ago said Jesus is coming look busy well you don't want to fake it hey man you want to be doing the will of God amen so with all of this why is this a big deal it's the hope that purifies you even as you are pure teaching on the coming of the Lord is to get you great hope and great joy your strength will be tied to your joy we should be so excited that the Lord is about to come back that people think something's mentally wrong with us they should be telling you to break that pill in half now I was witnessing to a Navy SEAL one time on an airplane flying somewhere and I was telling the Navy Seal about all the signs he goes well how can you tell you know what's going on so I'll tell you what's going on went through all the signs with him and and and then I went through the ones about the prophecies the first coming of the Lord he goes well they just read those and brought them to pass seriously I said they they made an eclipse happen when they won the date he's supposed to happen well if you can tell me how you gonna pull that off man you're pretty cool no you can't do that but God can tell what's gonna happen before it happens so that's when he talks about this so let me read these names to you you know these and you've heard these many times but we got to get to this I so hang with me a little bit listen to all these names and look how flawless they are Adam means man Seth means appointed eNOS means moral Kanan means sorrow mahalia means the blessed God Jared means shalt come down Enoch means teaching but those Allah means his death brings Lamech means despairing Noah means rest put all those names together the first ten names of guys in the Bible man is appointed mortal with sorrow the blessed God shall come down teaching that his death brings the despairing rest gives you the entire plan Redemption and with the first ten names of guys in the Bible because he said I'm God I'll tell you what's gonna happen before it happens so we happen to be this wild group of people just before God physically comes back to the planet so there's some weird protocol for that and that's just what John the Baptist was I mean the Bible said he was a burning and a shining light he woke up a dead nation between Malachi and Matthew four hundred years of silence also and John comes on the scene the Bible says he woke up a dead nation yet he did no miracle we think if we had miracles we can shake America John woke up the whole area there was not one single miracle they said are you a prophet he said no I'm not I'm a voice a voice of one crying in the wilderness they said are you the Prophet he said normal voice and Jesus will hang with me he said there hadn't been a greater prophet since him or ever was or ever will be but the least in the kingdom of God Scott more norming than John the Baptist so tonight you could have got saved this morning and you're more of a voice than John was so all of this is because he wants to use your voice you can be buying a pizza in Delaney's you can be getting a quarter pounder with cheese with a lot with large diet coke and fries go by the way what you're seeing in the world right now is Jesus is about to come back and we're gonna go through a whole litany of stuff that you can give people to show them how close they are because the Lord loves them so much it's all about how much he loves you how much he loves them he wants to get them okay so grab your Bibles you turn wherever you think I'll turn will see if your flowing praise the Lord here we go now why don't we go to Luke you know we're gonna go to Luke let's go to Luke for a little bit and let's buzz through this for a minute because I want to get into a couple signs that happened last week in the week before in the week before which are just crazy cool Luke 21 and we've gone here many times but let's go back for a couple minutes Luke 21 look at verse 24 Jesus is super super clear about a couple of signs that you can tell you're living when Jesus is about to come back he's super clear there's no wiggle room there's no differentiating weirdness at all it's just like Bam Bam Bam Bam so watch what he says in verse 24 Luke 21 verse 24 they'll fall by the edge of the sword and shall be led away captive into all nations and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles on the nation's until the times of the Gentiles or nations be fulfilled now we this we get into this because this is so bizarre that the Lord goes okay by the way when you see Jerusalem won back times up so when did that happen 1967 how crazy is that to be living when what Jesus said you could tell times up when you see this happen now what was that those a huge deal remember Israel was completely surrounded by all these other nations and they wanted to annihilate Israel just like right now last two days ago you had sirens going off in southern Israel my friend that's in Israel he was preaching in Fort Worth a few months ago he said one day we had to go to the shelters 22 times in one day we never hear about that 22 times in one day because Rockets are firing from Gaza into Israel from the south Hamas is doing it so at the 1967 though Israel was completely surrounded and we know the story miracle after miracle after miracle happened one of the times one of the Israeli soldiers three or four of them were going over here like this and the Syrian army came down there was a massive minefield right here and so we can't go anywhere ever we'll run to the mines and they said well it congratulate each other says great serve them with you next thing you know this huge wind blew through and it exposed every single one of the mines and they walked to safety divine intervention to help them get Jerusalem back one of the other times you know what you've heard it many times when there was an 88 Egyptian tanks coming down on his right there in the Six Day War and in an israeli cook he said well if I'm gonna die I'm gonna go out in a blaze of glory he starts to load the shells could you imagine being the cook oh by the way I need you to fire some shells out of a tank no problem yes there's a problem I don't know how to do this well he jumps in the tank and figures out how to load the shells and then figures out how to fire the shells next thing you know the all night he's firing shells at the Egyptian army one Israeli tank 88 Egyptian tanks the Egyptian commander waves a white flag in the morning he said I'm here to surrender the highest-ranking officer the Israeli goes highest-ranking officers just me hello no it's not just you the whole night the countryside was filled with tanks with men dressed in white you've been shelling us all night we can't take it anymore two years ago when I was in Israel the article came out from Saudi Arabia and they said we still don't understand how Israel won the six-day war and they treated those men dressed in white on the front of the tanks they were too afraid to call them angels but that's exactly what they were Jerusalem was one back but why the timetable we'll get to the timetable here in just a minute because of 1917 one Jubilee later 50 years later 1967 Jerusalem was one back everything's like on a flawless calendar and we'll get into things that show us where that calendar is so Jerusalem's one back and watch how clearer the Lord gets even after that cuz that's pretty amazing there's many more things but look at verse 29 you know the verses he spanked in them a parable he said look at the fig tree that's the nation of Israel and all the trees those are the prophetic nations around Israel when they now shoot forth our bud you see and know of your own selves that summer our harvest is an eye at hand hmm likewise I love the word likewise just as bold as you are about that he says likewise when you see these things come to pass and no circle the word know when you see these things come to pass no he didn't say wonder he didn't say sense he didn't say perceive he said when you see these things come to pass you can know something and watch how bolder he gets when you see these things you can know the kingdom of God is nigh at hand what things is he talking about Jerusalem being won back and Israel being made a nation the fig tree buddy now look at the next verse look how clear he is be ready for verse 32 barely I say unto you this generation what generation the one that sees the fig tree bud and Jerusalem one back that generation will not pass away to loss fulfilled now that's pretty radical people go hockey you can't tell them the Lord's coming back you can if you can read don't get mad at me but that's just like saying I'm driving Oklahoma City tonight and I can't tell what I'm gonna get to Oklahoma City when the signs tell me it's 90 miles the next nine says 70 miles next sign says 50 miles I don't go oh my god I'm never gonna make it to Oklahoma City no the signs are telling me I'm heading that way Jerusalem being won back is real big man a nation or two the biggest size that tell you that you're the generation now how crazy is that that people will quote wall of that day in that hour no man knows well you need to find out who he's talking to Jewish boys they're about the second coming talking to the church he said you're not in darkness that day would overtake you as a thief you get your rapture doctrine from the epistles the second coming doctrines from the Gospels Matthew 24 has nothing to do with the rapture that's the second coming once taking him one's left that's not the rapture that's the second coming cuz I hear guys on TV going well if you're not an overcomer you're not going up in the rapture he's getting all his verses from the Gospels he's talking to Jewish boys that are fulfilling the law the the rules change after the resurrection actually I got a better Amen that come on the rules changed after the resurrection I hear people go well if you're not an overcomer you're not going up I am an overcomer on him as he is so are we in this world I might be the clue the most stupid idiotic ill-advised witless Christian but I'm still in the body I can be absolutely an idiot but I'm born again boom I'm going up in the rapture because I'm in the body of Christ all because of him absolutely nothing to do with me all because of him by His stripes I am healed with his wound so all these all these doctrines are basically saying Jesus didn't do quite good enough job to purchase you he so purchased you he's going to say come up hither come up to the throne of God and he's able to subdue even all things unto himself and when he says come up hither come up to the throne of God all of a sudden this mortal is gonna put on immortality that the the stain of Adam's gonna be taking off my flesh I'm gonna get a brand new body and I'm gonna rock it right up into heaven come on and he said so shall we ever be with the Lord wherefore freak everyone out about these things no he said it'll bring you comfort Paul was writing to the church at Thessalonica because they thought they're in the tribulation he said you can't be here in the tribulation because the Antichrist can't even be revealed until you leave you can't have the Christ and the enterprise here at the same time I was talking about he said of that day that hour no man knows Jesus was giving them a clue about telling them the exact festival that he's going to come back for us on the Feast of Trumpets ok the Feast of Trumpets is on the 29-point 25th day of the month so the Sanhedrin would send two witnesses out and go tell me when there's a new moon ok because the Feast of Trumpets is when he's going to come it's about a three-day period that's why I said of that day in that hour no man knows he was telling them I'm coming back for your own Feast of Trumpets pretty amazing we'll get to more about that here in a couple minutes but we're so blessed so we're talking about Israel made a nation of Jerusalem in 1 back how crazy is that let's talk about what happened the last few weeks then we'll get to the rest of them this last week the water filled up around the Temple Mount the ritual baths filled up with water first time in 2,000 years the rabbi's said man this is what we've been waiting for for 2,000 years they've had no water there this last week and two weeks ago they filled up again full of water the rabbi said my god the Messiah is about to come the Sanhedrin this last week got permission to use their trees cut their trees down to burn fires for sacrifices that was last week a few weeks before that Israelis went up on the Temple Mount and prayed they didn't get arrested that's the first time in a couple thousand years they didn't get arrested they've been arrested by Jordan every time they've gone up there this last week they weren't arrested so you got tangible physical things you got foxes that showed up on the temple mount's on The Jerusalem Post front page The Jerusalem Post Fox's showing up on the Temple Mount that's lamentations 5 the limitation is what I said when you see the Temple Mount desolate when foxes is there that's what it's time for the Messiah well that happened about four weeks ago Ezekiel prophesied there'd be fish in the Dead Sea guess when the fish showed up in the Dead Sea this last year I mean is every single week even you had locusts show up in northern Africa that were enough to eat almost the whole whole planet I mean because why that's gonna be happening during the tribulation you had an asteroid last week do a flyby of the earth and they didn't find out about it until after it happened how do you miss an asteroid that's the size of Manhattan oops well we know that that's going to happen during the tribulation but let's go back to what Jesus said let's go back to this so cool look what he said look what he said in verse 30 when they now shoot forth their bud you see and know of your own selves this summer our harvest is nigh at hand like in Tulsa us Brown it's dormant but all sudden come March maybe a little bit into April loss on the trees begin to bud the grass starts turning no one has to tell you summer's coming yeah I could you imagine walking out and going man I sense a change what's up with all this trees are changing duh it's a season changed summers coming no one has to tell you likewise just as bold as you are about that when you see Israel made a nation you see Jerusalem lone back you can know I think I'll come preach to Philip god bless you Philip see the whole thing about this is so you can no not so you can wonder and that's what the Lord wants us what does knowing bring what does knowing bring boldness I don't wonder if the Lord's coming I know he's coming come on people go you can't you can't know what the Lord's coming back really are you serious that's two signs we've got about 50 I can give you how many do you need for you go I get it now why would that be a big deal of the Lord because he loves you he loves you I mean when Colleen and I got married you member this you were in the wedding Jamie was in the wedding the day we got married I had my best man take a gift from Tiffany's over to Colleen they were the groom where all the girls were all getting ready you know so my best man takes the gift from Tiffany's up to Colleen so it could bless her because I want them to be excited you want your bride-to-be to be kind of excited on the day you're getting Perry trying not depressed and so I wanted to surprise her so so my but my best man takes her a gift from Tiffany's and then my friend that's gonna play in the the wedding plays the song she won't hear out in the backyard someone to go into her mood to be wonderful for the wedding I want her to have a gift and I warned her to have the song she wanted if I think like that what do you think the Lord's wanting to do for the church can you imagine what's the Lord doing hang on it's all gonna be over soon no he's not saying hang on talking over soon come on we're gonna go out in a blaze of glory it's bad as it gets in the world the church is gonna have that much more of the glory of God all right so you go back to this let's go back to the for just a minute look at verse 30 I believe it is likewise when you see these things come to pass know that the kingdom of God is nigh hand so he said in verse 30 you could see and know we talked about brother Hagin Kenneth Hagin prophesied about right for the coming of the Lord you'd have a spirit of seeing in a spirit of knowing on the church where's that from that verse right there you could see in though you could see and know okay let's do some history for a minute because I got to get rolling here I'm taking way too much time you guys are so easy to preach to 1917 leaving a movie about it this year pretty big deal several movies about it 1917 Kenneth Hagins born 1917 Allenby flies into Israel on a biplane he's a general from Australia Allenby they didn't know his name meant a prophet sent from God to deliver you your land so they passed out leaflets everywhere allenbys come and alibies come and alibies coming well they read that they said man why in the world can we fight against God so they dropped their weapons because it meant a prophet sent from God to deliver your land so Jerusalem's turned over to Israel in 1917 same year Jesus appears to Kenneth Hagins mother says name him John that he will have a part and getting the earth ready for the second coming of the Lord not everything but apart how do you like that Jesus goes name your son John yeah I like that name named Kenneth how weird is that so you know what Hagin means in the Hebrew one to go before it a pair of people for the coming of the Lord John Hagin pretty crazy think about pastor mark years ago Pastor Mark and Janet we used to do these prayer meetings actually he did them called acts 13 meetings over in Broken Arrow like 1989 1990 91 they were praying about listen John's I've said this before here but there's so many new people we need to hear this we prayed about John's likes to the east John's legs to the east that be Pastor Mark being John's being Kenneth Hagins legs to the east so all the Bible schools that Mark started back then whether they were Estonia or Germany or or Italy or wherever listen to their last names of the people that went to start the schools John and Michelle Grunwald guess where they went Germany that's my sister tony patsy cameneti guess where they went italy Chuck and Sheila banks guess they're doing England Tim and Vicki kills from guess where they went Sweden every one of their last names were indicative of the country they went to I mean it's almost like there's a God involved there is a pen so we have all these tangible signs so let's run through some of the others because there's several more that I forgot about we'll get back to them here for dis minute so you got Israel made a nation you got jerusalem won back that's pretty amazing jesus said if you see those two you're the generation but then the next you have the Hebrew language restored 120 years ago no one spoke Hebrew now everyone speaks Hebrew because the Bible said right before the Messiah comes he'd restored that language to them so now I've been on the boulevard Ben Yehuda Boulevard where the one guy said you know what we ought to speak Hebrew here a hundred years ago no one spoke Hebrew now they all speak Hebrew you should google it find out when the languages have been lost like that when it's been recovered never you can't find them speaking Hittite can't find him speaking amirite you can't finally speaking Canaanite but you can hear him speaking Hebrew because God said right before the Messiah comes I'll do this and he's done it in our lifetime pretty radical all right after that you've got the Ethiopian Jews brought back these are all tangible things we can look at I know it's a lot of info but hang with me it'll build a case okay it'll build a case I gotta go preach to Philip god bless you Phil hey man okay so see the Ethiopian Jews that's a pretty big deal what happened was in one day Israel sent c-130s down into Ethiopia and airlifted 18,000 Ethiopian Jews in one day it's the first time ever the manifests on the plane said 187 passengers and when they landed there was a hundred ninety-two passengers how'd they pick up five passengers had five babies born on that flight first time ever that they landed with more people on them when they took off because God said I'll bring them out of Ethiopia broath Ethiopian Jews out there's a lot of lot of interesting information to go with that when the queen of sheba met with solomon sheba means seven after the house of the lord the number seven guess what she brought solomon 666 talents of gold so when the house of the lord is complete seven will be the number and you'll see 666 come on the on the scene so that's why the Ethiopian Jews were brought back because they had a baby and God honored their baby when did he airlift them out in 1992 in your lifetime they're all brought out in one day there was an American man known for running from the law paid 30 mm dollars to do it he he was running from the law in America and our president pardoned him after he did one good deed for the Jews so you see tangible physical things people stepping in and obeying God to get the will of God Rock right before the coming of the Lord the Kings coming back the Kings coming back come on come on this is the hour for Jesus to be revealed where where we call it the book of Revelation Daniel call it this the Ancient of Days this is where the father's about to honor the son and you talk about excitement oh my come on he was spit upon he was mocked he was ridiculed but my friend every knee is gonna bow every tongue to confess and say he's Lord to the glory of God the Father come on and you get to do this protocol this entry way for him to come is the church being a voice Wow okay so after the Ethiopian Jews what do you got you got you got the revival of the Roman Empire that's the EU you can look on the money I bring some of the the euros back Pastor Mark will have some from Italy it has the woman from the book of Revelation on it this is even crazier go to the Capitol building in Strasbourg France and it's identical to the Tower of Babel not similar identical it's fragmented at the top just like the Tower of Babel so so that's that system saying we'll make our own way to heaven out of that system you had the Pope two years ago three years ago four years ago even this last year say we need one world religion one world authority and one more monetary system so there's this pressure for the end of Christ to come on the sing and seen and bring this about so you're watching the platform for the Antichrist be done right in front of you when did that happen when did that happen 1957 they said we felt like Romans on that day now in our lifetime we've seen it all come together a couple years ago I spoke in Norway flew from Norway down to nice the only and stamp your passport because you in the United States of Europe just like if you went from Oklahoma to Kansas you don't have to have your passport a man so you're seeing all these physical tangible things because Jesus is about to come back alright what's the next one this one's pretty cool we don't you know I don't have time to go through all of them in detail because I want to get somewhere but the fertility of the land of Israel is probably one of the most one things you can never see is that Mark Twain was there in the late 1800s mirror Mark Twain the writer he said the land is so desolate it will not support life yet Israel produces 90% of the fruit for all of Europe what if you ate an apple tonight made New Jersey ate a pear made New Jersey ate a banana made New Jersey oh man what's up with New Jersey Israel's the size of New Jersey yet produces 90% of the fruit for a continent because God said I'll make the dirt preach for me come on it's just preaches you can go to the cornfields and there's roses all around the cornfields I go why would they decorate the corn fields the simple dents the the insects will go to the roses first so they're gonna have to do you'd only have to put pesticides on the corn Israel is the only nation that has more trees now than any nation in the world since they've been keeping count God showed them how to put a tray underneath the tree it collects the do and they have trees everywhere because God said I'll make it produce I was on the border of the go on that's the northern part of Israel you can see Damascus you can see the lights down there and the grass right there it'd be like you have wood here and you have carpet you can tell in the wood stop seeing two in the carpet starts right same way with Syria no one has to tell you there's Syria right there it's brown dirt I told my buddy from Israel I said to get my grass to look like this I've got to use Scott super Turf Builder and I gotta need a sprinkling system and I even called Scots and said you know what your fertilizers not working as well anymore and the lady told me that's right we detuned it I said I used to use four times a year to get my grass to look right and I told my buddy I said what do you guys put on the grass he goes we don't put anything on the grass God's Word said I'll make it produce I have to labor in the flesh to get my grass to do with their grass looks like automatically why because god said i'm gonna make this preach for me why is he doing this it's just like Joseph he's gonna reveal himself to his brethren right here at the very end I hear people talking about the tribulation the tribulation we call it Judgment the tribulation is because there's so many people that are hard-hearted that the hardiness of man has to be laid low for seven years just to get people to make change it's not about God being mad here over the wrath of God really it's the mercy of God cuz some people are so hard-headed they won't make a change so they got missiles coming at them I say that in conjunction with you got the fertility of the land of Israel he preaches I don't have time to go through all there there's the venn after event after event showing oil that's in the northern part of Israel that's more oil than all of Saudi Arabia it's just it's just absolutely crazy how verse after verse after verse after verse it's coming to pass cart let's go to go to another one then we'll see how far we go we're not gonna go to much longer but hang with me we got a couple signals to get to after the signs he had predatory Birds I was watching the Animal Planet channel a few years ago and an Israeli ornithologist comes on they're the only reason I knew what that was my brother was one went to college for nine years I told you he my dad said what'd you learn he said learn how to play poker so nine years of school for birds okay these ready ornithologist said it's the largest gathering of predatory Birds ever in history hundred and seventy two different species of predatory Birds why is that a big deal and my ears perked up after the Ezekiel 38 war goggles on the fowl of the air to clean the land up seven years later at the Battle of Armageddon he calls them the fowl of the air to clean the land up so you've got the cleanup crew in Israel right now and that's kind of radical when you've got animals in position you got fish in position you got Russia and Crimea Russia in the Ukraine Russia all over Syria why they're about to invade Israel so if you've got Russian position birds in position foxes in position fish in position what's the church doing so if all these other groups can get on point and the church is like I'm too busy come on the average person goes to church once a month 1.8 times a month we went week might when my mom got in this in 1970 we went to church every single night I thought my mom had lost her mind but if you don't get in you it'll get in you to where you have a Dominion mentality so now we have all these signs yet birds I mean you have the Temple Mount Institute I wish I had I wish I had an hour to show you videos of the Temple Mount Institute it's a last name Schoen it's men that are there lack cohen means priests there they have their priestly garments they have everything they need they didn't have oil of anointing that was found just a few years ago they needed a red heifer they said well they found one or two go today no they have like 45 red heifers right now they have everything they need this last year they took out an area right on the edge of the temple and they slit a lamb's throat I saw the video of it normally they get arrested they didn't even get arrested there they're pushing to do sacrifices why as soon as we're raptured he goes back to Old Testament time and they start having sacrifices again they're ready so if they can be ready ahead of time what's the church doing ahead of time that's a huge deal about the Temple Mount Institute I wish I had time to show you all the stuff about it because I mean they have the menorah they have everything they're ready to have sacrifices and there's actually going to be sacrifices all during the Millennium - it'll look back at what Jesus had to die for think about that sacrifices with Jesus physically in Jerusalem and you're still killing animals says Eko typical so we'll talk about for a thousand years so you're watching the setup for all these great changes I hear the Lord say this to me and I can't I can't light myself on fire a buddy of mine got me a helmet with a siren on it I used to run over the chairs but I haven't done it in years he should run over the chairs and go all the way back and start screaming and going crazy let me just tell you why God is about to come back Jesus is just about to come back I mean I know we hear that and we know that but I'm telling you what this is it man I want to get to a couple of signals because I want the signals to bless you they'll bless you there's many many more signs may be lovers themselves we have selfie six Matt's trying to get me to do 15 selfies at once he's gonna buy me a tree of selfie sticks and I'm gonna take the picture pic bouf bouf bouf bouf bouf i'm gonna make it to me that'll be my movie every movement I make him selfies I was in Los Angeles a little while back there was a guy crossing the street there and almost got hit by a car because he was taking selfies from two different sticks men will be lovers to themselves well that went over a good good night everybody drive safely start the car I'll be right there here we go come on so let's skip over some signs now and let's go to signals for a minute because there's some really cool signals specifically having to do with what's going on in our country right now number one the biggest signal is a couple years ago you had blood red moons on Passover and Tabernacles and we know that that's a pretty huge deal I mean that I remember I told you I was in grows back Texas a month before the first blood-red moon and I was praying and I was walking the floor press here to the Mentos bravano KEK to April to see April to see pen to see a copper front of April to see I'm praying out April to see and I'm like man what am I going to see in April now I've been preaching on the blood red moons for like five years and the first one's gonna be in April that year and I'm praying out April to see alright so I start calling my friends they what what's the Holy Ghost been saying about April so Colleen and I you know come come that first blood-red moon right here in Tulsa I got an outdoor fire built you know and there came that Blood Moon you know it was cold chilly that night we're sitting out there by the fire and also and there goes the moon turns blood red and the Lord says I told you you'd see in April I said that's what you're talking about he said I made the moon turned blood red for you on the day my son died okay four in a row Passover and Tabernacles what's Passover when he died for us was Tabernacles when he's gonna come back and Tabernacle with me and that's the second coming so the heavens are going I died for you I'm coming back died for you coming back kind of like Morse code amen did-did-did I was the last time he had four in a row and Passover entire knackles 1967 when Jerusalem was won back 1948 when Israel's made a nation 1492 when the Jews were kicked out of Spain that's the last time you had for a road like that so it's like the Lord's going like this he's he's he's doing this as much as he can McFly I mean he's trying it's something he's trying everything he can to go oh by the way I'm about to come back hey sorry to bug you with all the flashing lights and everything with planets turning colors and everything but I want you to get this then you had the Bethlehem star and I got some homework for you tonight I don't really get chance to talk about being 4s I got a little extra time that doesn't mean I'm going all night frustum I'll be done here in a minute but hang with me Bethlehem star first time in 2,000 years what's Bethlehem star Jupiter Regulus and Venus at the birth of Jesus you had all three of those planets come together I remember the remember the UH not the sanhedrin but with the guys from Iraq what's the guys called the Magi there you go thank you god bless you I love how you even said that the Magi I got it okay so the Magi I mean they rode camels for 700 miles why because they knew those three planets are gonna come together don't you love that without the internet or anything they could look at the skies and know how did they know a king was gonna be born Jupiter king planet Regulus regal King planet Venus spinner from Mars women from Venus Venus a mother planet all three of them came together at the birth of Jesus what was the constellation Virgo this last year NBC Nightly News we have a slushee Levant Jupiter regulars Venus I'm luck man that's Beth lamb star first time in 2,000 years what was the constellation Leo he's the Lion of the tribe of Judah you should you should google this this is my homework it's my extra extra time tonight Google this Bethlehem star on YouTube it's an attorney from Nashville that puts the put this whole presentation together sweet Baptist man look at his bonus feature two minutes long you know what happens on the bonus feature he shows you this is gonna freak you out I'm telling you I'll come preach to you buddy let me tell you what it does you know it what happens is on the bonus feature it shows the earth exactly at 3:00 p.m. when Jesus is dying on the cross you see the constellation Aries the passion lamb the heart of the lamb goes black there's an eclipse exactly at the moment Jesus gives up the ghost the flawlessness of the heavens showing God's love like that google it good YouTube it two minutes Bethlehem star coolest thing I've ever seen in my life showing you that God would have the heavens lineup for the death of his son pretty radical okay after that you have oh man you'd mercury do a flyby the Sun happens five times in a century but that went down directly with the Temple Mount the moon performed a sickle the planets formed a sickle Orion changed this instrument the hammer yet hammer and sickle on the same day what's that that's Russia's symbol God's trying to show Israel you're about to go through the threshing floor you don't talk about this very much but Israel has law I can't believe I'm gonna say this Israel has 9 million people in it right now Zechariah says that two thirds of them are not gonna make it so one-third is gonna make it so it'll be exactly like the Holocaust six million of them are gonna die it's the only 1/3 are gonna make it so all this hell it's gonna come on the earth at least it gets people from going to hell forever yeah I won't say that again Patsy said that too in Australia going through the whole tribulation that's hell on earth but at least it's better than going to hell forever other words people's hearts will turn and they'll get born again don't get mad at me the Bible says half the population gets saved during the tribulation one's taking the ones left fifty percent it's pretty cool all right this is crazy everybody with me say don't do you're not gonna shoot the messenger or you're gonna hang with me all right hang with me just a minute okay let's talk about President Trump for a minute the is this Garner's a lot of interesting comments but but think about our president for a minute this last year on January 21st was the midpoint of his presidency last January 21st I was preaching in Birmingham Alabama it was a Blood Moon Wolf Moon super moon that day when Trump was born it was a blood-red moon 700 days later Israel was made a nation when Trump was elected Benjamin Netanyahu had been in office seven years seven days seven months when Trump was elected he was 70 years old 7 months 7 days at the inauguration he moved the embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem after 70 years all right we know the rapture is gonna be on Feast of Trumpets when you say president trumpet president Trump and you say vice president pants you're saying the coming of the Lord our president and vice president's name mean the coming of the Lord trumpets trumpets trumpets trumpets trumpets you think it's a coinkidink no no no no no no so that just means that we're here during destiny destiny I mean how crazy is that to have your president and vice presidents name mean the coming of the Lord so remember in Daniel Daniel 9 I'm stopping right in here because I've gone a long time Daniel 9 remember Daniel said you know in the first year of Darius which was made king over the realm of the Chaldeans I Daniel understood by books the number of years where the word of the Lord came to Jeremiah the Prophet that he would accomplish 70 years in Jerusalem I set my face the Lord God to seek my prayer and supplication with fasting so so that's cool and we know what that all is all about two chapters over Gabriel said I also stood on the day that you started to pray for Darius I stood to strengthen and confirm him indicating Gabriel was seated and then when Daniel began to pray Gabriel stood up to strengthen and confirm that president I looked up strengthened and confirmed know what it means strengthened confirmed nothing really extra here but there's something about about God can have Gabriel stand up to help a president with someone praise man we need to pray for our presence we need to pray for our leaders we need to pray for our police need to pray for our governors need to pray for those that are in authority over us that we delete a quiet piece of life because you you you have the authority you know the authority you know so with all of this I mean there's there's so much in Matthew 24 you got plagues you've got coronavirus you got all this other stuff locusts you got all this stuff happening because Jesus about to come back these are all symptoms of the Tribulation Period we're not in the tribulation yet because you can't enter into that until we depart you have so much authority you have to be taken off the earth you would dictate what's happening during the tribulation plus it's seven years of Old Covenant time that you're not supposed to be here for because Gabriel told Daniel it's for the Jews and for Jerusalem so we're just a cool a group of people that in the last 50 years got ahold of the word 50 years ago there were no where the faith churches when I spoke in Alma Arkansas a couple weeks ago on the way over there every little town Word of Faith Church Word of Faith Church word if a church where the furniture gods raised up this independent voice and message so that we could know who we are in Christ so that we'd walk in the fullness of his authority so we would accomplish more in a shorter period of time I remember Pastor marks Holy Ghost means I'm stopping right now there's God there's so much you could get into but I want to I want you to come back John Osteen said he who preaches short should we heard again I can't even hear what I was saying it'll come back to him holy ghost mags you thank you thank you years ago when Pastor Mark and Janet we're doing that on the 21st Street it was about 99 97 98 something like that they were such soaking meetings that yeah it was just we all if those of you that were here you know it was so fun it was crazy wasn't it wasn't it fun they you just absolutely we were learning to enter in learning to respond and I remember getting in those meetings one of the times I came out of one of them I had a Jeep back then I took my Jeep to the gas station and I went to get to put my gas in and I went in to get me a diet coke I was gonna get a big 32 ounce as I went to my 32 ounce deal this man yelled out to me because hey I sure would like to know how to go to heaven I looked around go man who's this guy talking to I'm busy getting my diet coke I didn't want to spill it you know I'm most priceless so I'm I'm messing with my diet coke this man yells out again hey I sure would like to know how to go to heaven I mean I'm looking around well there's no one else in here he's actually talking to me so I walked over to my said well yeah I can tell exactly how to get to him so I ministered to the man but it's because of being in those meetings I didn't walk into that gas station going hey let me lead you to the Lord no I'll walk into that gas station to get a diet coke but there's something about being in the presence of God there's something about being in the presence of God and it just does it and I just commend you for being so faithful to come not just Sunday morning but Sunday night to hear the word hear the word the the the we're so soon going to go from faith to sight you'll you'll look back on all the sacrifices you made to hear the word of the world is gonna go check that out you're gonna get little badges in your house and have it you're gonna have little stars on your little entryway showing that you went to church or other people didn't go to church and then on your robe on your robe there's gonna be a little thread coming through here that thread is gonna show that you went to church with nobody else went to church there's gonna be a thread over here showing that you knew about authority there's gonna be a thread over here that you knew about righteousness little bitty things on your robe we're gonna be indicative of what you got during this dispensation and you don't want to be walking around the Millenium in a speedo bathing suit come on cuz you're gonna be clothed indicative to your faithfulness peepin I'll say that you my dad went went home be with the Lord and on his deathbed he got saved on his deathbed I never got to do anything so never his robes are gonna be pretty sparse yeah amen how grateful are we that we have his word come on come on hit his word we have hidden in our heart come on come on we have great priests great peace have they that love thy law and nothing shall offend them there were defend means nothing can come against she's not really think of offense he's not talking about office he's talking about impenetrable great peace have they that love thy law and nothing can offend you nothing can come against you I said nothing so laughs in the face of adversity I mean there you go come on buddy good good last because we should mock we should mock disease we should mock lack Colleen got attacked yesterday today and I said in this ridiculous for you to have symptoms like Jesus having symptoms you're him wouldn't it be ridiculous the Lord to go I'm gonna have a little bit trouble breathing I have like wheezing right now no you don't see the Lord doing that he's God come on he did lay aside his glory but that's how you are let's thank him for me because I had to come words a knowledge come to minister for a few folks and we'll go home father we thank you for your the timing of your coming happens to coincide with us being on the earth how shocked are we how privileged are we how blessed are we to have revelation of it Lord we are still blown away that you died for us blown away that you let yourself be murdered in such a fashion that's so hideous so Lord we magnify the resurrection we magnify the death could not hold you down we thank you for this season where you Jesus get to be made known to the whole earth the whole earth full of your glory the Spirit of God I know this is a wonderful time for you to so strengthen your church and so unveil new truths to the church about Jesus father help us see different things about you this is a day that mysteries of the father are revealed in the earth Wow thank you Father thank you for thank you for blessing everyone that came what what you have for them to do the hand of the Lord upon their life we thank you for thank you for great strength great strength great strength we thank you for Jesus name Amen amen you know I had a couple of words I don't I don't have a I'm real cautious about I don't have anything I know how you think but I heard this damage in your jaw I don't know if you grind your teeth tonight don't know what if it's maybe something else just receive it just take it say I don't have anymore damage by John eight ten how cool is that to have eight ten don't any more damage your job and the other one was a trouble with your thyroid I don't know what the deal is with your thyroid don't have to know the whole deal just just need that's what the Lord said thyroid I mean I've had the weirdest miracles just not even knowing the whole thing just like the Bell's palsy i hun even know the lady's getting healed no more policy amen grace God there's another thing you got you got like lumps underneath your growth arm some like a node you watch that's dead dead Jesus name Amen some person here you got trouble with nosebleeds I know it sounds weird but uh just take it no more nosebleeds cool Sunday night you're about to come in the Lord get your nose healed amen praise God Lord thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you for dying for us Lord we magnify your goodness Lord we magnify your mercy we take this time just for you sister honor you magnify you glorify you Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus we thank you for your kindness thank you for your mercy praise God hallelujah you know and I know this sounds weird but uh I call that thyroid while ago with someone your temperature your temperature things totally messed up and you're being healed I had the exact same word of knowledge in cops Creek Virginia didn't even think anything about it I just somebody's temperature gauge messed up afterwards the head usher came over to me said I've been wearing ice packs I had trouble with my temperature thing and man he went through this whole litany what was wrong with him because I felt this heat come down on me wow he sounds completely healed it that cool God you can make it find but he wants your temperature to be cool and this other one gosh I know everybody's had this whiplash someone's back of your neck speed healed whiplash whiplash may not have been to correct maybe something else he may have been skydiving for all I know whiplash whiplash you know I haven't done it in a couple of years but they were there time in that corporate Church every word of knowledge I call it I went out and got him when out found him they were all visitors God just wanted to love on the visitors and that cool and that coisas loves you think about how much he loves you right now all of this informations cuz he loves you so much he said lift up your heads your redemption is drawing nigh so he does want you downtrodden II want you happy what's he excited he loves you it's all about how much he loves you he's not frustrated with you tonight not mad at you tonight not ticked off at you he loves you absolutely loves you it's a freak out love like you can't even quantify this is like yeah yeah how could it be that cool let's thank him then we'll go father we thank you thank you thank you ordinarily double 7 unless you tell me to thank you Jesus I bless you and I magnify you I blessed she'd back to fine you okay i bless you magnify I bless you magnify you praise God thank you thank you thank you you know I'll tell you two minutes - one minute story not even a minute if he lasts a minute that I'm gonna dismiss I had world knowledge I was in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania mark motors the pastor's name and the lady that started the church this is about her oh I'll use I won't use her name I was preaching there the Lord said hemorrhoids and said I'm not calling that out I mean this is yeah there's no cool way to call him Roy sir I'm saying the Lord says hemorrhoid said I'm not calling it out I walk back and forwards the toilets I'm not calling out and little aren't so sweet but he'll kind of rebuke you if you're gonna be chicken you know now this lady that's in the church that started the church she was taking all this chalk for five days because she was going in for surgery for hemorrhoids and the North told her said Joe is gonna call that out and you can either go down and get healed or you can go have your surgeries I don't care what you do he said but you have to kind of humble yourself to come down in front of the whole church so verse it says I finished the Lord telling her that said somebody here you got hemorrhoids and that lady came down got healed now I take her she's about ninety now she was about maybe 75 then 65 then I take her around all these other churches she said don't tell that story about me in front of all those beautiful but the Lord seal on your backside somebody's got some kind of damage I don't know if it's him or he's don't know what it is but you're sealing he just loves you that's why I said lord I don't want to say that but he's pretty cool he can handle it hey man I told you that one and I'm shutting up right now I mean Glenwood Springs Colorado the Lord said somebody bruised their male parts I said I'm not calling that out hello what goes with your chicken I said okay there's somebody here you Bruce your male parts and I waited for a little bit and nobody come down and finally I know the pastor was a good friend when he stood up he'd had some surgeries and I have any more children I said no that's not it how embarrassing is that to stand up for the whole church and that's not you he saw something I mean that terrible that's terrible and I've been back to that church from any time so then I sat down I said I'm not leaving till you come this is what he's doing the old days I just sit down said I'm not leaving till you come had a vision saw this horse coming through this thicket there was a creep there and the horse dog was head down like that and the man caught himself on the horn of the saddle and I told that story he'd come walking down I've been back to that church 20 times I say rusty tell everybody what the Lord did for he goes man leave me alone man leave me alone no he's just good he's good he's good he's good he's good let's thank him one more time then we'll go or thank you for blessing to all that came tonight thank you for your kindness Lord thank you for your kindness Lord we we take this moment to magnify your good to send your kindness but we love you and honor you and bless you thank you for being so kind to us Lord thank you Jesus thank you Jesus you know if you're here and you've never experienced this kindness maybe you've been going through a storm he wasn't the author of the storm he said I'd come that you might have life and have it more abundantly amen hey real quick does anybody here not been baptized in the Holy Spirit you say well you know I'm saying but I've never been baptized man this last year I've seen so many people can feel the Holy Ghost I thought they misunderstood me if you're here tonight you've never been baptized the Holy Spirit won't - before we go I want to pray with you anyone at all jesus said you be endued with power not weirdness anybody at all don't don't be embarrassed you may have come in just recently no no don't be embarrassed at all oh man get it get it get it get it get it real quick before we go anyone at all Amen good for you cool awesome awesome wonderful who else wants to join that they get baptized the Holy Spirit tonight amen what we'll do we're gonna dismiss in a moment and they'll take you to a place of Prayer instantly we fill the spirit who else wants to join that one anybody else you ought to be baptized in the Holy Spirit amen that clothing from heaven we were talking about at the beginning the service that's what it is it makes you faultless in spite of your faults you have this glory on you called the Holy Spirit amen Natalie and don't you love him man he loves you he loves you he loves you there's so many things you could get into to show you how close we are just return but we're not very far at all I'll just go out I believe we'll have a great harvest where we leave it's gonna be so crazy there's gonna be - all hands on deck I would learn all the definitions of the gifts of the Spirit I would learn everything you can about Authority because I believe it's gonna be a brief way but it's gonna be such a way that we'll just be going oh my lord look at all this going on then also we're gonna be caught up we're gonna be raptured let's bow our heads for just a minute father we thank you for your goodness and your kindness we love you we honor you I thank you for people coming home tonight coming back they might have been running astray welcome them home tonight Lord there may be someone here tonight that's never given their life to you Lord we thank you well they'll ask you into their heart let's all pray this prayer say Lord Jesus come into my heart I receive you tonight as my Lord and Savior thank you for dying for me in Jesus name Amen now if you weren't safe you prayed that prayer and you meant it with your heart you just got born again we have a tendency to won't flash we want spider-man well Batman or Superman little worse pretty low-key but you're living when you're about to see the big stuff so thank you for coming tonight thanks for taking the time to come before f great pastor mark again next week Holly and I go to South Carolina then we go to MIT for worth when we go to Alabama so we're not here for a while and after that we go to somewhere else and then California anyway so we're so privileged to be in this church aren't we yeah Holly and I are so blessed to be with you have a great spring season I know we'll see you here and there we can
Channel: WOCTulsa
Views: 4,206
Rating: 4.9452057 out of 5
Keywords: end times, joe morris, rev joe morris, joseph morris, woctulsa, world outreach, revelation, book of revelation, armageddon, world outreach church, the rapture, Jesus is coming, the bride of christ, tribulation
Id: JoVMjeLNuB8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 3sec (4383 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 23 2020
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