Signs of the Times | Rev. Joe Morris

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[Music] halleluyah halleluyah halleluyah [Applause] hallelujah [Applause] [Music] halleluyah halleluyah I just I heard this plane is day and I'm just gonna say this and then we'll just give God glory but as we're praying I've had it so you pray by inspiration you play by information you pray by inspiration and I just truly believe as we were praying the Holy Ghost was saying and the same way in the same way the devil and the enemy didn't know what they were doing by crucifying Jesus and let him come down to hell if they knew they would have never let him in and in that same way they were surprised when he rose up with that power and stripped the enemy of its power and made a show of every demon in every devil and snatched the keys from Satan in the same way they were surprised there's gonna be an uprising of men and women and the sphere of influence where the enemy has had control where the enemy has had the opportunity to to contaminate it and the same way God is sending supernatural Holy Ghost spies in government supernatural Hanako spies and entertainment and in education in all those areas right now where it's just dark he's planning Holy Ghost field powered people in those areas and out of nowhere the light is just going to begin to shine and the devil's territory is going to be destroyed and every plot and plan that the enemy thought he was going to put and this nation and in our schools and our kids and the next generation is going to be destroyed because we have Holy Ghost field people with the light inside of them that will be supernaturally planted in those spaces and they will take Dominion and authority in those areas like never before like never before [Music] [Applause] I believe it I believe it come on you can we give God praise kill give up raise [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] let me see is ever good [Music] petunias together [Music] I can [Music] [Music] ladies [Music] [Applause] [Music] it is impossible [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is impossible [Applause] [Applause] [Music] not gonna live our [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] it is impossible [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I can do anything [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we don't serve at DEFCON we serve alive [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on charge you believe it nothing is impossible with God and I dared to believe that he likes impossible thinking right he likes us to believe for the impossible because he is the god of the impossible [Applause] what an awesome and a mighty God we serve baby we're so excited that you're here on a Wednesday night we know what it took for you to get here and we're so excited that you're here and those of you that are streaming with us we are just as excited that you're joining us drop us a comment let us know where you're watching from and those of you here tonight would you turn around and greet one another [Music] amen I remember where I was when that happened so so long ago but it just seems like wow that's a bright light so long ago but it just seems like you know you just if you were around then and you you probably remember where you were at when you saw that happen on the news and everything but you know what it's like pastor Philip was saying today you know people all over America are not all over America people in New York that had an ear to hear what the Spirit of God was saying to them they they they subverted tragedy and there were some that didn't maybe didn't hear didn't pay attention we don't know those stories yet but I just know the faithfulness of God faithfulness of God is it transcends time the faithfulness of God transcends any circumstance or situation that you could possibly find yourself in God's faithfulness of bounds yet more and more and you know what he's our prime example of faithfulness and I'm so appreciative to anybody in this house who served in the armed forces who who serve in a capacity that helps the public and helps keep us safe thank you so much for everything that you do I know it's a thankless thing sometimes but thank you from us thank you from World Outreach Church thank you from the staff here thank you so much for what you guys do you're brave very brave so we appreciate that I got a little choked up there so guess what time it is it's offering time amen I was thinking about the offering today and I was studying my Bible everybody should try that every once in a while please start the timer or I will go over but but I was reading about the Bible talks about how my God shall supply all your needs according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus that's a familiar scripture to everyone and it's one that we quote often when it as it relates to finances and were believe in God so I was kind of backed up a little bit as I was reading that and really what happened was at that time Paul the Philippian Church really came to Paul's aid when he needed financial support so so you can tie finances to my God shall supply all your needs according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus and and God's riches us riches in glory that connotates his fullness his abundant fullness by His abundant fullness he'll provide supply all of your needs according to his riches abundant fullness and glory according to his abundant fullness and glory come on somebody yeah brother Joe you want to come up and kind of help us out a little bit now now this is a giving house we believe in giving we believe that the giver lives in us and so we imitate our Father by giving amen a lot of times have you guys ever heard the the terminology don't put God in a box anybody heard that so guess what God's already in the box cuz he's everywhere what we end up doing is we put ourselves in a box and we say God can do it this way or God can do it that way or or God can't do it this where God can't do it that way and so when we do that we limit the Holy One of Israel right I remember whenever Erica and I she's right over there in the dark somewhere raise your hand see beautiful I remember as we kind of we started learning about giving and finances and and and speaking that word over our lives and other financial scriptures and stuff and there was this one man the in our greatest need this one man would always be the person that God moved on to supply our needs and so my wife and I was like the first time it happened we're not cool that's awesome great god bless him and then the next time wow it's the same person we did and we're not you know praying that prayer like Lord if there's anybody around that has money that could give to us you know we told nobody but it just seemed like every time the same man gave every single time and so my wife and I kind of got to the place where we're like well is there anybody else but really what does it matter if there is anybody else and so so we talked to the Lord about that and we were like is somebody I was like babe are you talking to this person no are you talking to this person no it was just the person that God chose to bless us and and what I realized is that at that time in his life he was believing God for increase he was believing God for his business to increase and it wasn't that he just chose us out of the blue God spoke to him God spoke to him that you know he said that he would supply our needs according to single by Christ Jesus but he also said given it shall be given unto you good measure pressed down shaken together running over God will cause man to give into your bosom if you search that out in the east and they're the the tire that they wear that's the part of your robe from here up that people make into they put things in like our wallets like we do our wallets in our back pocket they put them in there in the bosom of the road and so so anyways back to that story we just started questioning you know is this the house this keep happening how does it keep being the same person and and he kept giving over and over and over again and and he was believing for increase in his business and what ended up happening is that man to this day he has more work than what he knows to do with he's self-employed so I said all that to say God is faithful and I said all that to say that he shall supply all your needs according to his riches in glory by Christ you just don't put him in a box don't put God in a box and limit him in the ways that he can give to you or how he can get money into your hands because if you do you won't be looking for his supply you you just you might miss it so we're not gonna miss it say I'm not gonna miss it say God however you decide to give I'll receive it whatever Avenue you choose I receive it who whatever person you choose I receive it in Jesus name father I thank you for tonight and I thank you for this opportunity to sow into your kingdom and I thank you Father God that as we do give it is given back to us good measure pressed down shaken together running over in Jesus name amen before we move into our next point of worship we want to let you know that microphones staying there Oh hold still but anyways glory to God he's a keeper and we thank God for that but I came up here to let you know that pastors mark and Janet are in the San Jose area and California and they are ministering this week with pastors mark and Brenda Thomas at the heritage of the baked Christian Center I believe and they are being with them they've been with them this week and the minister tonight and tomorrow and so we always know that when they're on assignment we're on assignment amen amen I got kind of quiet I don't know you understand so uh they always leave us in good hands and tonight we have you know one of our very own that will be coming to deliver a power-packed word from heaven amen brother Joe Morris amen amen we know every time he comes he I always leave the service like like I have so many notes so we just honor and reverence him and and we thank God for the ministry gift that is on his life and so we believe that preaching and praying go hand in hand amen so it's his job to deliver the word but it's our job to pull Church amen amen and the more you pull the more the Holy Ghost will give him more to share but even if you don't pull we know that he's got a great word and I'm gonna be pulling from the corner say but before the worship scene the worship team sings this last song I want to pray for our pastors that we're a couple hours ahead of them and so they're probably at this time preparing for the service and so it's always our job as the body to honor but they're gonna hold the ropes for them wherever they are to guard them and and and to cover them in prayer and so father we thank you for our pastors we thank you for our leaders we thank you for the angels of this house the under scheppers of this vision god we thank you for them right now we just cover them Lord God in prayer Lord God as a body as a family Lord God we thank you for giving them unction or to speak both pastors mark and Janet we thank you for a supernatural flow that will flow and then will take place in that service tonight and even tomorrow God that Lord God let your anointing rest upon them like never before a supernatural anointing will rest and overtake the workout that they will stand boldly declaring the Word of God for that they will move in whatever direction you decide to flow and they'll just jump in that River and go with their father God we thank you that Lions will be changed and transformed like never before Lord that signs wonders and miracles will take place in that meeting or God that people will leave knowing and having an experience with you like they never have LOI thank you for soul save lives change we thank you for healing the miracle work that we think you were even now but as we're hearing another time phone look god we stand as a body if you wrap our arms around the elderly we push them even now for Ghana we thank you for what's gonna take place and we love them we thank you for that service like never before we get the praise on her glory let the church say hallelujah come on shout hallelujah come on let's go one more time hallelujah so let's give God some glory stand up for sure [Applause] [Music] you above the head creation [Music] crowd the stream they just cry Oh [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] you beyond presences each manager [Music] I [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Lord we magnify you mercy we magnify your goodness Jesus Jesus Jesus how could we honor you enough Catalunya you're so good we're amazed we're in awe of your goodness and your kindness we lift you up to night Jesus we magnify you tonight Jesus King of Kings Lord of lords pride and Morningstar lily of the valley firstborn from the dead the Shepherd in the Bishop of our souls the Redeemer of all hallelujah glory to God glory to God man I love that song that sounds so good Amen you guys did such a great job give them a big hand wife they go down thank you guys so good so good praise God you can be seated thanks for coming on Wednesday night I know your life is very busy but there's something about midweek people something about extra service people and I think there'll be badges in your home when you get to heaven you'll be able to walk by and Wow and uh you'll go there'll be little stickers on your wall little little little threads in your robe that said you that showed that your midweek people and Monday night people on Tuesday night seriously you'll have thing you'll have contrasting stitches in your robe people go oh wow you went to church in the middle of week hallelujah I know because we all your life is so busy but there's something about putting the word first there's there's nothing better than than putting him first and you come you're communicating that you love him I mean thank you for those strong amens I was here well good night everybody drive safely come on stop the car honey I'll be right there Alleluia no we're so glad to be back with you we have been gone forever man we were in Grand Junction Colorado this last weekend the weekend before that we were in Eugene Oregon and the weekend before that were in Mississippi the weekend before that I don't know where we were but man this people are so hungry people are interested in the coming of the Lord and I see pastor Tony Paul here man I haven't seen you forever what a right to see here I don't know you're gonna be here man I've been meaning to call you bless you what a great season for you guys to be in Tulsa Oklahoma Jesus is coming right hallelujah man thank you guys for coming tonight sure good to see catch me after the service I'm gonna see you I've preached for pastor Tony many a times up in new Hampshire and gosh we've known each other for years from Boston he worked with John Fidel truck over years so man we honor you and bless you and what a day we get to honor are those about 9/11 the the people that worked think about what happened at 9/11 I want to tell you a little story about your pastor on 9/11 before 9/11 how cool is this and I was hearing this for pastor mark while Philip was praying those things pastor Phil it was praying those things spirit of seeing on pastor mark it'll be increased spirit of seeing that that just means you can you can see and know things supernaturally and that's a good thing for us to pray over our pastor Amen just cool but you know before 9/11 I guess it was some of the Friday night meetings over at the building on 21st Street we were one of those meetings and it was just a prayer meeting I remember I was up against the wall over there and had a vision I saw 911 before it happened I saw the rubble on the Hudson River I didn't see planes fly into buildings but I saw this rub just twisted metal and everything right around the Hudson River and I knew it was New York City and knew something bad was going to happen in New York so that night Pastor Mark and a couple other guys were praying listen what they prayed out that night 911 called 9-1-1 and they get praying out 9-1-1 and after that we talked about not going to New York City I remember telling ray James man don't go to New York something's gonna happen in New York and back then there wasn't Google Earth and now I can look at Google Earth and you can that's exactly what it looked like was Google Earth you could see over there and Osama bin Laden's brother got caught in Florida buying a dolphin that he was gonna fire me dolphin submarine type deal to fire missiles into New York City so I thought it wasn't gonna happen because of that so it's amazing you have a word of wisdom sometimes you can stop from happening what happens sometimes it's just a warning what is going to happen but it really is the biggest point about it is Islam attacking our nation our nation stands for Christianity our nation stands for missions our nation stands for the last days a little young nation getting raised up to send people all over the world it doesn't matter where you go to you know whatever nation you go to there's a crazy American there that God has sent because of the thought pattern of a pioneer spirit of our nation you can go to other nations and they're good nations but they don't have that pioneer spirit they want everything perfect or weren't everything this way I mean all of you here in America you just go half I'm supposed to obey God and you just do it not discounting other nations but I'm just saying there's some wild pioneer deal on our country and that's to get the gospel out and I know that's Pastor Mark and Janet's thought pattern is all of these nations here so that we don't just have good church that we send people all over the planet and I know we do here as a part of world outreach so I'm excited for what's getting ready to happen what a time I'll get into n times here in a second but man so much has happened in the last two weeks that there's no media no not one word on any media outlet in America Israel has taken out several missile sites in the in Syria that Iran has placed there and they're they're guided missile bases that the Lebanon Hezbollah from Lebanon has been building I mean stuff that I a few years ago one would happen and then maybe six months later when what happened the last five weeks you've had one or two happening all week you've had Hezbollah fired missiles from northern part of Gaza I mean northern part of the Golan Heights down into Israel and Israel's happen to protect itself with this Iron Dome system but I mean it seems like they're already in a war and Israel came out showing photographs of the missile base up in Iran nuclear base there another missile base by Damascus every time you see stuff by Damascus you need to pay attention because Isaiah 17:1 says Damascus will be removed from being a city so they keep hauling all these missiles there Israel keeps knocking them out well eventually there's going to be one missiles going to go off and you won't be able to find Damascus so all of this stuff is because the Bible says all these things would happen right for the coming of the Lord how cool is it to watch a verse after verse after verse after verse come to pass you could have lit five hundred years ago and you go man I guess in about five hundred years something's going to get kind of getting rocking but you know what you're not living five hundred years ago you're living when more verses are coming to pass than any time ever in the history of the Bible I'm an Ezekiel prophesied that fish would show up in the Dead Sea guess when they showed up in the Dead Sea this year 2019 not last year not five years before this year so things prophesied two thousand seven hundred years ago came to pass this year two weeks ago you had foxes show up on the Temple Mount now that's kind of a bizarre deal that's from the Book of Lamentations the Bible says that when the Temple Mount so desolate foxes will show up The Jerusalem Post posted it everywhere the rabbis were saying the Messiah is about to come the Messiah is about to come because they know what it means there's about to be a temple rebuilt so if people that aren't even born again can start singing the Messiah is about to come how much more the church is God lives on the inside of you amen so there's things to do in a short period of time so let's pray and we'll get right into the word and we'll be strengthened we'll be encouraged will we bless because Jesus redeemed you won't you to walk in the full measure of what he left you he wants you bold about your authority don't back down from anything don't even remotely back down from anything almost lean forward to be more daring than you've ever been Lord we thank you for your word thank you that Jesus died for us were amazed at your goodness and your kindness we're in awe that you let yourself be beaten and father we asked for divine help assistance in the last days help us harvest father what you give in WOC Lord you've you've given this church such radical insight into the last days a move of harvests miracles signs and wonders we thank you for implementing that in all of our lives Lord we we expect such radical things right here before we're raptured we thank you for finishing off the book of Acts in your style that's resurrection style Lord so help us help us show forth your kindness your goodness and your mercy because you're about to return so Lord we love you and we honor you and we magnify you and Jesus wonderful name amen you know I I hear all these things coming to me so go over to Isaiah while I was in Eugene Oregon there was a prophet that showed up at one of the meetings and he's a prophet from West Texas and he had sent Pastor Mark a prophecy that he saw over our church and I say that because Alfonso's his name he was in a meeting years ago in Kennedy Texas tre Hills the pastor's name I spoke there it was so long ago the hotel said direct dial phones I'm serious it was like lord help us it was so out of nowhere direct dial phones but in that in that church and there in Kennedy Alfonso was there and they had a revival they were supposed to be one or two days it lasted 80 some odd days miracles started happening they started putting a wheel chairs they start putting breathing machines up on the walls because there was so many miracles they started adorning the whole church with with apparatus from people getting healed and an angel appeared Alfonso said another revival and on such and such a day but it will be a foretaste of what you'll see right before the coming of the Lord well that's pretty cool because the pastor got up the next day and goes I have a sense we're supposed to shut it down to a certain day and is the exact day that the angel told Alfonso so god's got some things ahead for us and that guy Alfonso is the one that had a word of knowledge a word of wisdom about our church the Holy Ghost has said some things about our church that people would be lined up trying to get in to get miracles so so we're a radical Church we're an endtime Church so wonderful things are ahead I hear people go well I haven't seen what we're supposed to see don't get weary in well-doing don't don't be moved by how you feel don't move how you what you see come on if you're gonna move by your feelings your baby Christian if you're moved by what you see your baby Christian that's a carnal Christian you're moved by your flesh don't be moved by your flesh your spirit on the inside of you says that God sets your life up for right here before the coming of the Lord he's orchestrated you in it you could be in any kind of Church for during this wild church hallelujah amen so we get into end times why would we want to get into n times it's amazing to hear people go well you're not supposed to get into n times well tell a quarterback that the last two minutes of a football game okay the last two minutes you have a play o'clock and you even have special place for a two-minute warning and you're totally paying attention to the clock because the plays are so crucial you don't have a lot of time and you can't afford to drop the ball you can you can miss some passes at the first part of the game but at the end of the game you can't it's too critical too crucial so once we look at what time it is things start getting critical and crucial in other words God set your life up not to blow him off now I'm saying that because he told Abraham walk before me and be thou perfect the word perfect there is wholehearted don't come to the end of the church age and get casual with your walk with God I mean I'm preaching to the choir because you're here Wednesday night but I'm just saying the body of Christ as a whole has come to the very end as people have gotten weary in well-doing they're like well you know I I thought it would be this way or that way no no don't be moved by your feelings don't we move about what you see could you imagine can you imagine Anna and Simeon they were warned of God is the Hebrew word cream atashi Oh to be divinely instructed they were of God they wouldn't see death till they saw Jesus they go into the temple no Jesus groaning the temple next day no Jesus go in the temple next day no Jesus I wonder how long they did that they could have gotten disappointed got just agitated but no they they stayed in position they stayed in position aboard there came a time when Mary Joseph came walking in and man he began to the Holy Ghost came on him he began to prophesy salvation to the land of Israel and for everybody hallelujah so so it pays to stay in position I'm saying that don't get agitated don't get frustrated stay in position there's six things about the rapture of the church and the word is steadfastness unmovable steadfast unmovable always abounding in the work of the Lord for as much as you know that your labor is not in vain in the Lord so he wants a steadfast church unmovable that just mean that nothing fazes you I used to preach this years ago had a message on steadfastness now I would say I don't care if I find out Kenneth Hagins of flaming crossdresser that's not gonna move me because I hear people that change their thought pattern when they find out that some persons weakest I'm married they they think God's weak God's not weak God hasn't changed he's just the same great one he was way before we were ever around amen the one who was and is and is to come so so we get into endtime preaching because it tells us where we are okay Paul talked about the baptism twelve times coming of the Lord fifty-two times for every one verse there is about the first coming of the Lord eight times more about the second coming so that means it's a big deal okay because all the prophecies at the first coming of the Lord the science of it the flawlessness of it he was prophesied he'd be born in Bethlehem of the tribe of Judah he would enter into Jerusalem on a Colt he'd be preceded by a messenger they they'd give give away a piece of particle land for thirty five pieces of silver that's what he'd be given away for that they would spit on they'd mock him they would wear he'd wear a crown of thorns Wow the gamble over his robe he'd be crucified between two thieves it would get dark in the middle of the day wise on the cross there was an eclipse while he was on the cross you know what the odds are of all those happening in one generation it's four hundred eighty trillion times a billion times another true it's 480 with 33 0 Z in science that many zeros means it's absurd to think that it happened by chance God said it and brought it to pass God said it brought to pass so for everyone verse 3 is about the first coming eight times more about the second coming so look at all the verses showing you what it would look like right before the coming of the Lord why would God go to so much trouble we'd have a tendency to get right before the coming of the Lord and go well is that really the finish line I how can you really tell the Lord's coming in your lifetime well we got sign sign sign sign sign sign sign sign sign sign sign sign sign overwhelming signs so that we don't go I had no idea why is the what's the purpose of all this could you imagine getting married he was just about to get married the groom standing there and his Brides walking toward him and she's all depressed she's like oh my god she's shooting up heroin right before she gets married another one bites the dust no could you imagine how weird that would be for your bride to be walking down like this oh yeah it's just hideous no you'd more when I saw Colleen come we got calling her mom came walking down that aisle I was the coolest thing ever and she was excited she wouldn't depress thank God she wasn't depressed amen if your Brides walking down the aisle looking depressed something's wrong think about that something's wrong so could you imagine living right before you're gonna see him face to face and you don't oh my god whatever we'll make it to the end no there's an expectation there's an excitement I remember even trying to make surprises for her the day of our wedding I had my best man take a gift from Tiffany's to surprise her and then David Ellis was playing in the piano in the backyard he Key's hear it up coming through the house the songs that she wanted to hear so the Lord wanted to make her happy just before we got married not oh my god you're about to get married it's gonna be horrible no no there was an anticipation and excitement that's the whole purpose of endtime preaching so you're happy and hopeful he loves you he's not mad at you he loves you he wants to bless you he wants to encourage you he's not ticked off at you that the devil is so crazy to make that God look like the bad guy God's not the bad guy he's not willing that any should perish but that all would come to repentance so grab your Bibles they're good Isaiah got to get rolling here you guys are seed you preach to I feel what Pastor Mark feels when man is just you can't get to where you want to get we're gonna try isaiah 46 look at this this is really cool i know you've heard this before but look at Isaiah chapter 46 look at verse 9 Isaiah chapter 46 verse 9 remember the former things of old I'm God there's none else I'm God there's none like me declaring the end from the beginning and from the ancient times things that are not yet done saying my counsel shall stand and I will do all my pleasure it's pretty cool God saying this is how you can tell I'm God I'll tell you what's gonna happen before it happens not one time in the scripture says God go let me just show you how this will play out this is how you can totally tell I'm God there's two things that prove God's existence and the devil hates both of them and the Bible tells us not to be misinformed about them number one gifts to the Spirit because the the secrets of someone's heart would be revealed and they'll fall down and say that God is in you of a truth the next one is in times because God can tell you what's going to happen before it happens no other religion can do that so it brings authenticity to the book don't get mad at me if you're talking to a Muslim you're talking to a Buddhist their book doesn't give you future this is the only book that gives you future because God's God Alleluia and he's watching over his word to perform it so listen to this I know you know this video bless you listen to the first 10 names of guys in the Bible so cool Adam means man Seth means appointed eNOS means mortal Canaan means sorrow mahalia means the blessed God Jared means shall come down Enoch means teaching Methuselah means his death brings lament means despairing Noah means risk the first 10 names of guys in the Bible put them all together man has appointed mortal with sorrow the Blessed God shall come down teaching that his death brings a despairing rest gives you the entire plan of redemption with the first 10 names of guys in the Bible because he said I'm God I'll tell you what's gonna happen before it happens so we're we're privileged to be living when all these verses are coming to pass so let's go look and see looking over to Luke we're going over to Luke 21 and let's look at the signs how we can tell how close we are go to Luke 21 verse 24 now if you're driving to Oklahoma City in your own i-44 and I guess it's about ninety miles the next maybe say 70 miles next I insist 50 miles Nick Stein says 40 miles you don't freak out and think I'm never gonna get DoCoMo City the signs tell you how close you are in fact the signs are there road signs are there to bring you peace so that you know you're on the right right Road and you're heading towards your destination we're gonna look at about 15 to 20 signs tonight let's show you how close you are that are idiot-proof precise in arguable flawless signs that Jesus is coming in our lifetime and people go well how can you be bold about that well you can read just like being bold about driving from Tulsa Oklahoma City you don't go I have no idea when I'm gonna get there no you have a pretty good idea if you drive like I Drive it's gonna be way less than 90 minutes praise the Lord in the officer that ever pulled me over said officers the last days you know you got to keep moving praise the Lord all right Jesus just come and look busy come on here we go all right go to Luke 21 and let's look at these verses they're so good Luke 21 Jesus is gonna make it super clear how we can tell Luke 21 verse 24 they'll fall by the edge of the sword and shall be led away captive into all nations and Jerusalem shall be trodden down in the nations or Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled notice Jesus tide timing to a city he didn't say something's gonna happen in a service up in Wyoming and if everyone flies up to see that one service they'll know no God did something so big that when a city's one back you can tell Jesus is about to come so the Six Day War happened and we know all know the miracles we've talked about them over and over and over again the one I like the most is the 88 Egyptian tanks coming down against Israel and one Israeli cook didn't even know how to did he know how to turn the tank on you can google it you can YouTube it and watch his interview because I didn't even know how to start the tank jumps in a tank starts the tank loads shells start one Israeli tank against 88 Egyptian tanks starts firing shells at the Egyptian army next he know the Egyptian commander came out with a white flag he said I'm here to surrender to the highest-ranking officer the Israeli guy goes hotspring officers just me he goes oh no it's not just you the whole night the countryside was filled with tanks with men dressed in white you've been shelling us all night and we can't take it anymore I was in Israel last year Saudi Arabia newspaper came out and said we still don't understand how Israel won the Six Day War and they attributed to those men dressed in white on the front of their tanks they're called angels amen so you can google it and YouTube it that guy doesn't even believe it he goes I don't even believe in this stuff if something happened he doesn't even believe after the fact much less before you have it Amy and we're believers amen another time the the Syrian army was coming down against Israel soldiers there was about four or five of them they said how many bullets you got he goes I got four or five I got two bullets been great serving with you I know we're about toast the whole Syrian army's right there and there's a massive minefield right here Israeli soldiers had nowhere to go next thing you know this huge wind blows in and takes the dirt right off the mines and they walk right through the minefield I mean God's so good even so so something happened why Jerusalem's went back and Jesus goes hey when you see that times up so watch what he says to make it even clearer or enhance what he had just said look at verse 29 he says in verse 29 look at the fig tree that's the nation of Israel that be your timepiece he says in all the trees the prophetic nations around Israel when they now shoot forth or bud you see and know of your own selves that summer our harvest is nigh at hand I like this he said you could see and know this of your own self really don't have to be told this but you can tell when the trees begin to bud the grass starts turning summer is coming don't you love it and Tulsa you know it gets brown on the grass gets brown the trees get brown but come March or April you know you get out and you start working in your yard I've never seen somebody go hey summer's not coming this year you go what were you talking about no nature's preaching to me there's a season change okay and watch what Jesus says likewise just as bold as you are about that season change watch what he says look at the next verse he says likewise G when you see these things come to pass know when you see these things come to pass know not wonder not sense when you see these things come to pass know that the kingdom of God is nigh at hand now this next verse is the tikar you ready everybody with me how many still glad you came how many glad you're here you're not in jail come on praise the Lord all right all right the next verse is the tikar verse 32 verily I say unto you this generation what generation the one that sees Israel made a nation in Jerusalem back this generation will not pass away to loss fulfilled so whether we're comfortable with it or not that's us I hear people go I don't believe that it don't matter I hear people go I still don't believe that well whatever and that's - I can give you 50 jesus said if you see those two you're the generation he's coming back and he even said you could see it you could know it member Kenneth Hagin prophesying about a spirit of seeing and a spirit of knowing on the church where'd that come from that verse right there think about dates for just a minute because I'm gonna get into some cool stuff about Pastor Mark and Janet here in a second but hang with me think of dates 1917 anybody around in 1917 you'd have to be 102 right in hell but anyway in 1917 Alan be an Australian General flies down into Israel and they passed out leaflets before he came allenbys come in album he's coming and they didn't know that in Arabic it meant a prophet sent from God to deliver you your land so when he flew in a biplane they'd never seen an airplane before he flies in they dropped their weapons and turned the land over to the British government and the British government made what's called the bowel Farrell Dec Balfour Declaration they gave the land back to Israel 1917 same year Kenneth Hagins born don't you love it the Lord appears to his mother tells him to name him John she goes I don't like that name I'm going to name him Kenneth don't you love that yeah yeah whatever his name will be Kenneth so she's supposed to name him John doesn't name him John names him Kenneth guess what Hagin means in Hebrew one to go before a fair people for the coming of the Lord and the Lord told his mother that he would have a part in giving the earth ready for the second coming not everything but apart I preached and Raymond Norway a priest and Raymond italy priests and Rhema Germany next month operational Rhema Germany the nine different schools all because of Kenneth Hagins ministry Australia come on Ulster name a country that brother Hagin through selling the word sowing the word sowing the word sowing the word no fanfare whatsoever no zip and his doo-dah at all just completely sowing the word it's boring because he could possibly be turn to mark 11:23 so so look how the changed the world and with that man I got to get moving here I'm running out of time hang with the get let's get moving I remember Pastor Mark years ago when they started having the prayer meetings over in Broken Arrow we can't real wood they used to call max 13 meetings and there were prayer meetings and the verbage was John's legs to the east that would be mark brizzy's ministry fulfilling Kenneth Hagins legs to the east in Europe okay they prayed that out all the prayers pray that over and over and over and over again guess what the names were of all the Bible schools that were started back then John Michelle Grunwald that's my sister and brother-in-law guess what nation they went to Grunwald went to Germany Toni and patsy cameneti went to Italy Tim and Vicky Hillstrom went to Sweden Chuck and Sheila banks went to England every one of their last names were indicative of the nation they went to see there's a God involved the Lord is about to come back and we're a thread of this of this destiny right here think about that they there's more I could get it I don't have time to get into all of it but my friend you gotta pinch your neighbor and go wake up Jesus is about to come back that didn't go very good all right so let's look here so he ties everything to Jerusalem remember if you live west of Jerusalem you read left to right if you live east of Jerusalem you read right to left everything about what's coming to pass is about a piece of real estate called the Temple Mount Jesus is gonna reign there forever Lucifer wants that spot you can go up on the Temple Mount there's flies everywhere Beelzebub Lord of the Flies you can go to the the Dome of the rock and in Arabic it says there is no son of God there is no son of God there is no son of God why there is the son of gods names Jesus and gave his life for you amen so a one that was there last year the Jordanian government came out and said hey Israel can't buy any more land in Petra amen my ears perked up like what in the world and then why is that a big deal the Bible says Israel will go to Petra for safety midway in the Trib and Israel's been secretly buying up land there and if you want to give even crazier okay it's a real dry area there's no water there water came shooting out the side of a rock and formed a river almost as wide as this church brought them a water supply from nowhere so he's Jehovah Jireh he's gone ahead and made provision for them so you got all these things happening because the Lord is about to come back so you got Israel made a nation in 1948 right before that happened Hitler killed six million Jews thinking he could stop the plan of God but he couldn't stop the plan of God everything you see happening in the earth right now is a situation getting ready for what's called the Tribulation Period where all the sudden this pressures gonna put on the earth and Jesus is gonna reveal himself to his brethren just like Joseph revealed himself to his brethren at the very end so you're watching our father get the earth set up so that his son can be magnified his son can be glorified his son can be revealed as the king come on that's why it's called the book of Revelation he's gonna be revealed to the whole earth come on the first time he came pretty under the radar he's more in a manger this next time he's coming every knees gonna bow even creation creations gonna bow in adoration the galaxies are gonna fold their wings the stars are gonna give any more light and they're gonna bow because the entrance of the kings at hand so you're living when all this stuff is happening the setup for that so let's go through some of the other signs because I want to get two signals for a little bit so after Israel made a nation in Jerusalem one bag you got the Hebrew language restored because God said right before the coming of the Lord I'll restore to them a pure language in your lifetime that's happens you should google that you can't find someone speaking Hittite can't find somebody speaking Amer I can't find somebody speaking Canaanite but you can hear Hebrew because God said right before the coming of Lord I'll do that hundred years ago no one spoke Hebrew now they all speak Hebrew it's called a miracle because God said it would happen and it's happen so that's pretty amazing all right the next one would be the revival of the Roman Empire this one's kind of cool because you can all these you can look at the tangibility of them okay the revival the Roman Empire is the United States of Europe they have the woman from the book of Revelation on their money you can you can google their Capitol building in Strasbourg France it's not similar to the Tower of Babel it's identical to the tower Babel I mean it's crazy the markings on the inside of it all from Nebuchadnezzar there's a there's a piece of art out in front of the building it's a molecule of iron magnified because Daniel saw iron and clay so you got you got the language restored you've got the set up for the end of Christ the EU all right what's after that you got the fertility in the Land of Israel I mean Mark Twain was there gosh there's so much to get into about Mark Twain anyway Mark Twain was there he said the land is so desolate it will not support life yet right now Israel produces 90% of the fruit for all of Europe think think if you ate a pear made in New Jersey ate an apple made in New Jersey a banana made in New Jersey ate some grapes made New Jersey oh man what's up with New Jersey wouldn't it make you think something's up because a nation the size of New Jersey producing all that fruit fruit for the whole continent of Europe because God said he would bless their land he said I'll make it preach for me I remember a couple times I've told you the story I was up gonna go on heights in my Israeli friend I'm up there with him and I said you can see the border of Syria cos dirt and before you get to that slush dark green grass I said to you guys you Scott super Turf Builder do you sprinkler that how do you get to look that good he looked at me like are you crazy because we don't do anything to it to get my grass to look like that I have to I have to fertilize it and I even called Scott's because it wasn't getting as dark as I want it and I called them and they said yeah we detuned our fertilizer because we didn't want to make it toxic so I had to use more fertilizer to give him give it to remotely look as close as Israel's is just because God said God said I'll bless the land and just God saying he'll bless the land you have a tangible witness of the covenant God so good all right after that you got the Ethiopian Jews brought back Wow 18,000 airlifted in one day Israel sent these c-130s right down in there that the first planes ever to land with more people on than when they took off people were having babies on those planes you look at the manifest hundred 80 passengers we landed we got 187 what's up with this people we're having kids on those airplanes Chuck Roberts on CNN Headline News CNN said an exodus that eclipses the book of Exodus listen when CNN's preaching about something God's doing you better lift up your head the Lord's about to come back so you got you got tangible stuff to look at I want to I want to just kind of keep moving for just a few minutes because there's so much more to get into but the tangible nosov all this you've got Russia and Crimea we got Russia in the Ukraine you've got Russia bases Russian bases all over Syria you've got a Ron Ian's bases all over Syria so there's this huge setup for what happens right after we're raptured called the Ezekiel 38 war just in the last year Jordan and Saudi Arabia became friends with Israel it why is that a big deal they're not mentioned in Ezekiel 38 war they don't come down on Israel so in the last year they've changed their Alliance they let Israel refuel their planes all over Saudi Arabia crazy so let's go through some more signs you got men will be lovers themselves we have selfie sticks I mean when we were in Los Angeles a while back I saw a guy crossing the street he had two selfie sticks almost got hit by a car because he was so interested in taking a photograph of himself men would be lovers themselves I call it the Seinfeld generation I've talked enough about myself not now you talk about me all right so after that there's so many more I really like the Temple Mount Institute because it's a group of last name means Coen means priest you have all these priests in Israel that I've been going to school for 20 to 25 years they have everything ready for sacrifices they have all the instruments they need they have a menorah that's kind of encased in glass like the like the drums are and they have everything so that they can start having sacrifices why there's right after the rapture it goes back to Old Covenant time and they start having sacrifices so they have all the instruments they need they found several red heifers born this year even on the land used to they tried to import red heifers but they had to be born in Israel this year they got more than they need last year didn't have any this year they got more than they need last year they didn't have any so you got nature getting things in position this last year in April they did a sacrifice on the edge of the Temple Mount and didn't get arrested last year they got arrested because see they're feeling that push to get ready because is about this about time start having sacrifices again pretty amazing they the oil of anointing they founded out where the Dead Sea Scrolls are and they did it they did all the analysis of it it's exactly the ingredients from the Book of Leviticus been sitting there for a couple thousand years I guess it's just a coincidence you know I guess those things are all coincidences they're all found just at the right time and tell them they're no coincidence they men pretty cool so there's so much more this is my favorite one you know I was watching the Animal Planet Channel there was an Israeli ornithologist I've told you before the only reason I know what an ornithologist is my brother was one that's a bird specialist went to college for nine years to study Birds unreal my dad even asked him what you learned he said I learned how to play poker so nine years to study birds I mean think how God thinks he spanned the heavens with his hand he measured the depths of the sea in his palm okay you have a hundred billion galaxies with a star like our Sun he calls them all by name and that's just so you'd have twinkle lights at night just so you can walk out and I go that's pretty cool so the hundred billion galaxies just so you can be enjoy the nighttime so he makes so many birds you got to go to school for nine years to study birds so this Israeli ornithologist came on there and she said it's the largest gathering of predatory birds ever in history 172 different species so all sudden they start showing up in the land why is that a big deal right after the rapture you have the Ezekiel 38 war God calls on the fowl of the air to come clean the land up seven years later you have the Battle of Armageddon and God calls on the fowl of the air to come clean the land up so you got you got animals in position I mean even in Noah's day when he was preaching hey get in the ark it's about to rain they probably ought you're nuts I'll sudden the animal started lining up they probably thought something's up I mean to get my golden retriever to get in the truck you you mean just you talking like herding cats could you imagine could you imagine trying to get that many animals in line to go into a boat seriously that's supernatural so you got all these things in place many many many more things in place that are almost bizarre because sign after sign after sign after sign I mean the Fox is on the Temple Mount absolutely two weeks ago and that showed up on the Jerusalem Post I'm like oh my god so you got animals in place Russia in place Temple Mount Institute in place you got groups of people that are not even born again yet and they're all in position for what's gonna happen so what's the church doing that's why the Holy Ghost tells us don't be weary in well-doing if all these groups can be in position and don't even have God on the inside of him you have a God on the inside of you to you I don't need a sign I've got a witness I mean as a kid my mom you know she druggist all these meetings in 1970 through about 1980 and every single meeting that be tongues interpretation you know what the tongues interpretation was the Lord is about to come back not one time did the Lord go relax you got all the time in the world no there was a witness of the spirit for people to be alert because God's about to come to the planet all right so let's skip from signs because there's so many two signals for a little bit because I got some crazy signals to get into for a few minutes so let's talk about signals if you're driving from Oklahoma City to Tulsa you got signs telling you getting close once you get into also you don't need signs you got traffic signals you're there so what we have we had blood red moons a couple years ago on what Passover and Tabernacles people said well nothing happened well they're indicators just like when you turn your blinker on it means you're about to turn you don't turn the second you put your blinker on you put your blinker on before you turn so God's doing this from the heavens I died for you I'm coming back I died for you coming back I remember I was in grows back Texas praying in tongues before one of the meetings it was right before the first Blood Moon and it Randy Aires is the pastor and I'm walking in the hotel room just Bay City at a proper Laetare come pray Busan but under God just praying in tongues building myself up and I kept praying out April to see April to see and so I thought man what's up in April and I've been preaching about the blood red moons I put the blood red news behind me in the services I'd be and I talked about in April there's a blood red moon the very first one on Passover pretty big deal so I've been preaching about it so Colleen I right here in Tulsa April of that year when the first Blood Moon I built an outdoor fire we got outside because it was kind of cold you know all of a sudden we looked up and there's the the moon turned to blood and I the Lord said I told you you'd see in April I said that's what you were talking about he said I made the moon turn bright red on the day my son died for so in his mind he's going like this hello there's a change coming so you had four in a row it's called a tetrad when's the last time you had four in a row one when the last time was remember 1967 when Jerusalem was won back 1948 when Israel's made a nation 1492 if the eve of expulsion when the Jews were kicked out of Spain so so these blood moons are tied to some super significant things the gap between the last two or nineteen years and forty eight years I told the Lord you're just showing off now because 1948 a pretty big deal all right then after that this is the cool we don't hear much preach tone a lot but I won't go but a few more minutes but I want you to give it for the Bethlehem star okay remember the magic I came to Bethlehem why Kings gonna be born how'd they know that the Stars told him you had Jupiter King Planet Regulus regal King planet Venus spinner from Mars women from Venus Venus as a mother planet all three of them coming together at the birth of Jesus so the Magi rode by camel for 700 miles could you imagine if you're gonna do a motorcycle ride my buddies if I'm gonna do a ride and I said hey there's gonna be some cool stars in 700 miles ago you'd better light the sky up for me to ride this far to see this sport I mean my buddies would you hear me they'd go this better be over the top well it's pretty over the top at the birth of Jesus you had those three planets come together what was the constellation Virgo born of a virgin this last year NBC Nightly News Lester Holt said we have a celestial event we got Jupiter we got Regulus we got Venus Bethlehem star Wow first time in 2,000 years what was the constellation Leo he's the Lion of the tribe of Judah Wow so you got the heavens signaling you got sighs you had mercury do a flyby of the Sun went down directly Sun down the temple the coordinates for the Temple Mount which is crazy he had the planets form a sickle the moon formed a sickle Orion changed this instrument to hammer get hammer and sickle on the same day that's Russia's symbol see God's trying to show them you're about to go through threshing-floor that's what that seven period your period called the tribulation is the time of Jacob's trouble okay so just let me give you a couple more than will dismiss here in a minute you had some words and Ostrom to me so I don't want to forget him just a minute ago one of them was rhinoplasty somebody's got damage inside of your nose he's gonna heal the inside of your nose thank God but this one's cool so hang with me don't get mad at me say say I will not get mad at you Joe I know you're just the messenger so don't get mad at me okay January 21st of this year hang with me January 21st the midpoint of president chumps presidency that night there was a Blood Moon Wolf Moon super moon all right when Trump was born there was a blood-red moon 700 days later Israel was made a nation when Trump was elected Benjamin Netanyahu had been in office seven years 7 months 7 days when Trump was inaugurated he was 70 years old 7 months 7 days he moved the embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem after 70 years ok we know how man this is the good part that's crazy so we we know that the rapture will be on Feast of Trumpets I mean we know that so he's fulfilled all of them that's the next one to be fulfilled there's about 8 things about it I don't have time to preach on but you can tell that's the next one to be fulfilled and it will happen on Feast of Trumpets your presidents name is trump your vice president name is Pence Trump Vince your president and vice president mean the coming of the Lord trumpets trumpets so God's kind of going like this if you're remotely paying attention or excited you're about to have Jesus come back so that's crazy so what do we focus on we focus on our local church how can we help our pastors what what can we do to have harvests hear what we that that's how God ordained did that we gather all the more I don't get mad at me I told you not to get mad that the delivery boy here for a second because right now the church has about not talking about our church went on with the church as a whole people go to church once a month I think they're faithful feed a baby once a month and see how it develops his growth is most people are spiritually I'll do Elvis right there I mean I like it no no no I'm saying that because we have a tendency to get so busy that we blow Church off all right I'll come preach to you god bless you all right thanks for coming so see what happens is when it when it gets to the point that people are so busy that they don't put the word first that means there's other things that are more important to them than Jesus because how you treat that book is how you treat Jesus how you treat that book is how you treat Jesus and then how you treat your pastors how you treat Jesus so God God gave us this hierarchy to where if I can't honor a natural man that stands above me how in the world can I honor God good night everybody drive safely praise the Lord amen so what do we what do we focus on we focus on obviously the coming of the Lord he said in Thessalonians preached to each other exhort one another in other words that just means to call nearer to God why people would have a tendency to be on the fringes when they need to be on fire Jesus even told Kenneth Hagin in that rockwall vision in 1950 he said people will reject the moving of my spirit and not be ready to meet me at my coming didn't say they wouldn't go up in the rapture she said they wouldn't be ready to meet me at my coming wouldn't reject the word they reject the moving of the spirit the church world today says don't pray for the sick don't speak in tongues and don't cast out devils the three things that Jesus said would prove that he was raised from the dead so you're living when there's all this pressure not to honor the resurrection I'll come also I'm going to pet Ania tell about us today I'm gonna talk in tongues to honor the resurrection because Jesus was raised from the dead and when he was raised from the dead he sent the Holy Ghost so I can prove to you the Holy Ghost is here I'm talking another language come on so the very things that bring authenticity to the resurrection don't get caught up in that mindset well we don't want to be weird we don't be strange you're weird we don't do resurrection stuff come on now that that's the traveling guy coming through for a minute okay that's not the pastored office exudes decency the travelin guy exuse urgency cuz I say that but none of people walk up to me when you really can't really can't be bold about the coming of the Lord seriously how many how many signs do you need I'm telling you the whole purpose of this is cuz he loves you so much he I feel him hammer me to go in and inundate that in every service I love them I love them I love them I love them could you imagine colleagues walking down the aisle and I'm standing there we're getting ready to get married and she hadn't heard me tell her I love her for 15 months I'm gonna go ahead and marry him buddy hadn't said a word about loving me no God wants you to know how much he loves you cuz you're getting ready to come down the aisle and you don't want to be depressed you don't be oh my god here we go rapture no if you if you thought the Lord was coming tomorrow you'd be sweeter tonight you wouldn't ya know you you go you'd be merciful you'd be kinder you wouldn't be so judgmental he'd cut people some slack so there's many many many more signs we could get into but this is it we should focus on the reward seat of Christ I'll give you two minutes on the reward seat of Christ all sudden fires gonna hit your life sin was already judged sin was laid on Jesus but your works are gonna be analyzed if they're if they're gold silver and precious stones or wood hay and stubble you don't want a bonfire at the reward seat of Christ yeah you know what you don't you don't want the angels to go you might want to step back god whoa no you won't you won't gold silver and precious stones you don't want what hands double so so so what's gold gold your devotional life those are things below the ground wood hands doubles all above the ground your devotional life Lord how much you tell him you love him not my name's Jimmy I'll take all you give me but I love you the Bible says the tongue of the justice choice silver your words can either encourage or discourage make sure your words lift everybody up amen the precious stones the priests would would bear what was on his heart into the presence of God he pray for the people your focus should be we're harvesting right before we leave but what we're doing is gonna count forever so what's gonna happen when that fire hits your life whatever's gold silver and precious stones will handle that fire and you'll adorn yourself in gold silver and precious stones and you're where you'll wear your faithfulness just like in the military a general has the Stars right there and they have badges they don't have to walk in to go ham faith well I'm bait what I'm faithful no you know he's faithful so in the Millennium you'll be clothed indicative to how faithful you were here you don't want to have a speedo bathing suit on during the Millennium I'm serious how bad would that be to go AHA did nothing in the church age now my dad got saved you know and on his deathbed he had a stroke mock God his whole life cursed God his whole life on the deathbed get saved goes into heaven he's gonna be wearing a smallest bathing suit you ever seen in your life I'll be throwing robes at him dad put something on come on so we still have some time to obey God that's why I talked about your Oh we'll have contrasting stitching here is showing that you were here on Wednesday night Sunday nights Monday nights you were faithful one one layer will show your what you did for the Lord one layer will show your works you won't be jealous of anybody oh go check that out they did the will of God John Wesley said give me 10 min that hates sin and love God and I will change the world he said let God set you on fire people will come watch you burn that's wrong we have a fire pact out there has a guarantee to set you on fire why is that because it's got matches in there go look on the table out there there's a set with matches so if the word doesn't get you you can set yourself on fire hey you know and I'm done III want to tell this one lady right back here this lady in the singing group I saw you you know in the background right there and the Lord said to tell her she's in the right place at the right time but you know sometimes you feel like well or did I miss it did I make a misstep nope nope doing exactly what God ordained that you do in the last days because you know sometimes we have a tendency to go you know I did I make a mistake or I make a wrong move he's trying to tell you no wrong move no no mistake exactly where you're supposed to be a man and you're blessed blessed obeying God amen blessed obeying God he loves you so someone I'll call these mountain time walk walk out the inside of your nose was damaged somebody's got some weird back spasms and now there are several other things I want them to come back to me I had them just while ago it's weird how you uh they'll come to you then you get thinking of time get thinking of everything else man I had the craziest miracles lately just preaching on 10 times so fun to preach on 10 times and miracles happen hmm hallelujah praise God another one it's like you got a this sounds common but I've learned not to even question I'm in Monty kinesins Church in Mount Pleasant I had a word of knowledge someone can't write so I called it out and I'm you know finishing up just like this guy walks up to me almost 30 years old he's bawling like a baby he said I've never written before in my entire life said you call that out I wrote a poem about the coming of the Lord he had something like dyslexia I came here in the name of it but but it doesn't have to be fanfare this other one is your your your gland glandular system in your body you got trouble with your glands don't even know what that is but you're healed so the someone with the damage on the inside of your nose is healed and I see this lining on the bottom part of your I don't know the whole story but somebody you got damaged on the bottom eyelid of your eye you're being healed Lord we thank you for restoring them thank you for blessing them thank you for taking the inside of that person's nose and restoring the inside of that person's nose we're so thankful father we pray for pastor Mark and Janet again just as they're there the the Thomases church thank you for giving him a spirit of seeing Lord spirit of singing or let him let him see as the author say lord thank you for that we thank you for the destiny of world outreach thank you for blessing everyone that came tonight Lord this be the best year they've ever had Lord as we approach the coming of the king we make adjustments we make changes we make preparation to see the king nor do we love you we honor you we bless you we magnify you king of kings and Lord of lords thank you for dying for us Jesus wonderful name amen and amen thank you guys for coming on Wednesday night so cool we'll come back Sunday I believe fast remarkable year Sunday he said his message was the seven sins of Sapphira no I'm just kidding it's not now no greet them for us will be will be I think we might be here Sunday were you here Sunday we leave next week anyway we'll see you Sunday here give pastor Philip big hands he comes well I think my wife's gonna come give my wife a big hand of Chicago who's Colleen go ahead College oh good good good good amen how many of you are excited that you are the generation that Jesus is coming back isn't that amazing do you guys really comprehend that I mean hallelujah right well the Lord dealt with us Joe and I usually hate talking about our product and I want to long about this but we just want to bless you with products so we're not gonna just advertise it I just want to give it to you and the biggest thing is we have this t-shirt coming out it's called Jesus is coming look busy and it's been like our popular self so I have an XXL here is there any men that would like this you want this okay [Music] let's love you and man we have this new people have asked us so we had a three CD set of end times and it kind of covered things but it wasn't like totally in debt so we got a people were saying I need something more in depth like I need more more and more and more cuz dough talks so fast right yeah I always encourage them to slow down but there there is really so much information so we have finally the end times in-depth study ten CDs there's about I want to say eleven twelve hours that are out endless and it's awesome so is anyone want this out here okay I saw this lady back here first rays are hanging I'm sorry but we have tons more out there and if we are out you can totally oh hi sweetheart I know you love so much bless you and we have so much more but just want to bless you guys with all of this stuff Joe never talks about this and it's so good the name of Jesus one of my favorite favorite series nothing nothing cancer sickness disease depression you know marriage problems nothing can match the name of Jesus Joe preaches he said you can burp the name of Jesus and things will happen anybody want the name of Jesus I'm gonna give you one on top okay but this lady over here burp it right so good the name of Jesus handles everything right amen and then oh my mom picked this one okay so the bold no caution this is a DVD on boldness amen you want that okay oh you you're so sweet okay so the boldness on the name of Jesus and be bold you promise if you take this you'll be bold you'll take it yes okay love you sweetheart well we love you guys give it to pastor Philip now if you guys want anything else on the table we love our home church and we love you guys so much so thank you [Music] a man were you not blessed tonight can we give Reverend Joe another [Music] good just just again we think I'm for Morris in a word it's always so good to hear about where we are right man is always so rich in time message is always so rich always a great reminder continue don't go get Lex and basically anyway and what God has called you to be faithful and they continue to strive and do what he's called us to doing this season to expand the kingdom if you're first-time guests we're so glad that you came to our family night and we're so glad that you joined us tonight if you would just take a moment to text the word welcome work well to the number that you see on the screen nine one eight two one five seven zero six six we ask that you would we allow that before then once you fill it out and just complete just a few things on there it'll give you a free coupon to our cafe where you can redeem a free drink so you can do that and also if you don't have your phone with you we have cards in the sink back in front of you you can grab one of those and build it out and take it to the cafe to redeem a free drink as well just a few reminders well actually just one prime timers tonight if last night to sign up for your event the Saturday and that is the pi night so are interested in going to that please stop by the info center or go online to sign up by tonight it'll be here and you can't pay a minor he'll that is all we have again we keep paestum our antenna in your prayers Pasadena is doing the day's session meetings and that's Marcus till the nice list of meetings and today and tomorrow and then they'll be back on Sunday ready to bring a powerful Word of God for our house so let's just continue to keep them lifted I believe that is it there's nothing else you are dismissed we'll see you at nine or 11 I have a son [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music]
Channel: WOCTulsa
Views: 603
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: DAlH33VKaT4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 0sec (5160 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 11 2019
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