Guest Minister Joe Morris | End Times 2017

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so good to be with you guys today thank you faster Deena aye man it's good to be back I can't believe it was a year ago when we were here for those meetings in October you blink in a year goes by man the Lord's coming so soon it seems like just can't even keep up with how how things are happening so fast but I'm blessed to be with you I love that your second server is almost full I believe you're gonna have to kick walls out or however you do that or maybe a pastor in Rome I have a bullhorn he'll get out in the parking lot or however he needs to do that but it's exciting the scripture tells us to forsake not the assembling of ourselves together as some would do especially as you see the Day approaching we gather all the more you know as a kid growing up my mother would take us to meetings and I wasn't that excited about going to church every night you know I'm like mom are you have you lost your mind every single night we went to church because we were hungry we go to Kenneth Hagin meetings where he stood out in the sleep in the rain all afternoon to get a seat and then you would fight for a seat and get in trouble for fighting for people for a seat and the ushers would have to correct you because you'd be diving toward a chair and I know that sounds crazy but in those days there was such a hunger for the Word of God and I loved the thread of your pastor's word and spirit and admissions just the real healthy mentality of the whole earth package that we have through salvation if it wonderful that today whoever you invite here they're gonna hear things about Jesus that'll set people free forever it's the incorruptible seed when its own it grows up and it becomes so I know I haven't got to hear a lot of faster than I was teaching lately over the years I've heard it but I know every time he preaches it feeds you it strengthens you and it shows you what Jesus left you 2,000 years ago wouldn't it be something if we walked in the full measure of everything Jesus left us and I'm telling you what he took care of everything if you don't have peace this morning the chastisement of our peace was upon him he was tormented mentally so you don't have to be tormented middlee his back was beaten and ripped up so you can be healed and then he went into the heart of the earth for you so you don't have to went into hell for you Wow paid the penalty for Adam's sin so whatever you have need of Galatians 3 says it Christ redeemed you from the curse of the law so it's good news for all of us there is no bad news and not only that we're living right before he returns so what a blessing to be on the planet just before Jesus comes I said it first service right now you've got Jesus appearing to children all over the nation of Iran one of my buddies from Iran his name was raise us off I like to play golf with him he's about this tall so I'll try to get pictures with him so it makes me feel taller praise the Lord go raise it come over here and stand by me buddy but he has his life has been threatened so many times for preaching Jesus but you can't keep Jesus from appearing to these children so you got a subculture of revival happening in a nation where you can't even get in to preach so it's just amazing times we're we're very very privileged to watch the gospel go all over the world and the response of it is here right here in Orlando is we do the will of God and I mean I look at your building I was in the very first service of your church over in the hotel then next year I was in another building next year with another building and then watch this church grow so it's just wonderful that we gather all the more so this morning we're going to get into how near we are to the coming of the Lord now we'll get into this so that we can know we can pick up the pace spiritually we can run our race faster just like in a race if you're in the last lap you you give it all out you when the white flag goes out you floor it same thing in football when the two-minute warning happens you you focus on those two minutes you're all in so the church has to get that mentality that we're about to see Jesus face to face so I want to get into some things that shows us how near we are because it's pretty cool once you get into all these signs and how close we are it dawns on you that all of a sudden this Jesus that we worship all the don't you love all the songs we sang about the resurrection a death couldn't hold him down all the sudden we're gonna go from faith to side we're gonna see his eyes as a flame of fire feet like unto fine brass voice of many waters I mean people get a little weird like are we living in that generation of the rapture I know it sounds strange that we'll be caught up but we're gonna be caught up we're gonna be raptured so there is no bad news for us and the rapture of the church is a beginning not an ending I hear people go well I have so much in my heart I got so much I want to do it's because you're gonna live forever amen so let's get into some of these things and I sure wish Colleen could have been with me I think she was with me a couple years ago she's back in Tulsa holding holding the fort down and our daughter Lucia in Orlando she lives way down by Disney so she'll be here Wednesday night our husband but I'm just blessed to be with you I count your pastures dear friends and and how normal they are blesses me you can invite anybody here and they're gonna be blessed they men well grab your Bibles and turn to 2nd Peter if you would and we'll start here button let's pray as we get into the word Lord we're so grateful that you gave your life for us we're amazed amazed that you let yourself be beaten for us amazing love amazing grace that you would die for us so thank you this morning for redeeming us we thank you for this this sliver of time right before we're caught up to see you face to face that will do the will of God we thank you for blessings upon this church we thank you for the hand of the Lord upon this church Lord amplify your voice through this church Lord every area of their outreaches lord I thank you for for new grace new boldness a new platform to do the will of God in the whole community supernatural favor with the leaders of the city favor with the leaders of the state Lord we thank you for it and father as we approach these verses about your return let us see how wonderful you are Jesus you be lifted up you be magnified and father we'll leave the room with more of a reverence for Jesus the Son of the Living God we thank you for it in Jesus wonderful name and everybody said amen you know we get into this because I was in Buffalo West Virginia kind of in the middle of a coal mining country a couple years ago and I preached on gifts of the Spirit all day Saturday and in times was gonna be Sunday morning Sunday night and as I walked in the Lord said talk about Esther I said well I don't have time to talk about Esther I'm preaching on the N times and it takes a while to give him get started and the Lord said again talking about Esther I said Lord I can't talk about Esther I'm doing ten times today third time he said talking about Esther I said Lord do you realize your God you know how this works I don't have time to do this so the fourth time he said talk about Esther I said okay okay okay so I talked about how she risked her life and went before the king and you know Mordecai told her hey salvation is gonna come to the Jews whether you obey God or not seumas will recognize who knows whether you come to the kingdom for such a time is this so I did that for a couple minutes and got my conscience clear then I preached on 10 times and so the Lord had to tell me four times well the next day Benjamin Netanyahu the Prime Minister of Israel came to our Congress and he said I'm coming to you as Esther before the king and quoted verbatim what I said that church service the day before I was like Lord you're he's he's desperate for us to put the dots together Jesus Jesus is just about to come back so let's see what the scripture says how we should respond to this so go to 2nd Peter if you would second Peter chapter 3 and we'll look at verse 1 this second epistle beloved I like this the tone and the epistles is he's not mad at you he loves you and the whole thing about endtime preaching and he's so excited to see you he wants you happy and hopeful if you hear in time preaching that brings fear to you that's not Bible the whole thing about that's preaching on the coming of the Lord is so that you'll be happy and expectant because Daniels already seen you he said you'd know your God you'd be strong well the joy of the Lord is your strength most people are walking around that you work with they're oppressed they have nothing to look forward to you have the number one thing to look forward to is that you're gonna see Jesus face to face hallelujah so the preaching on end times is to change us it stirs us up but it makes us accelerate our pace so he calls you his beloved he says now I write unto you in both which I stirred up your pure Minds by way of remembrance that you'd be mindful of the words that were spoken before by the holy prophets and to the commandments of us the apostles the Lord is Savior knowing this first there shall come in the last days scoffers walking after their own lust notice what they'll do when they say this in verse four they'll be saying where is the promise of his coming for since the father's fell asleep all things continue as they were from the beginning of creation so he said the climate right for the coming of the Lord people would be scoffing and they'd be saying well we've been hearing the Lord's coming all of our life and we haven't seen him we'll see that's almost crept into the church as a kid my mother would say every day hey jesus is coming tonight and it would freak me out but I'd go to bed every night Lord I love you because she scared me so bad I didn't want to miss the rapture you know what I mean I mean she put the godly fear into you that the Lord could come back that night but you know what the amazing thing about this is is right now you're seeing scoffers about what happened last week all I thought the Lord was coming back last week we're very soon very close to it but we don't scoff we get expected when we get excited amen but he tells you what happens here in verse five he says for this they willingly are ignorant that by the Word of God the heavens were of old and the earth standing out of the water and in the water he basically said they forgot that the flood came change came when no one believed a change was coming Noah preached and everybody mocked him but guess what when those animals start showing up I bet they were going home something's up with this this is crazy but what happened the flood came so just as much as they were mocking that Jesus is coming back and the climate right now is the exact same way like at whatever because there is a change coming for the earth Jesus is coming back for the church will be raptured will be caught up the earth will go through seven years of what's called tribulation the Bible calls the time of Jacob's trouble it's Israel's trouble it's pressure on Israel to receive Jesus as their Messiah and Jesus will present himself to them just like Joseph did Jesus will be revealed to his brethren right here at the very end so you're watching everything in the earth right now get set up for the Antichrist to come on the scene and for the Jews all of a sudden to take over because we're going to do our job and then we're gonna depart and be with Christ there's a lot of preaching nowadays when there's not going to be a rapture there is going to be a rapture Enoch was raptured Elijah was raptured Jesus was raptured the church will be raptured the two witnesses will be raptured so it's a Bible doctrine he takes the righteous out before judgment comes the Angels told a lot we can't do anything until we get you out of Sodom and Gomorrah thank God Jesus compared to the coming of Lord to the days of lot that in the days of Noah so we're gonna depart and the really reason why you have to depart do you have so much authority as Jesus is going to take you off the earth the Antichrist can't even be revealed you have so much authority so it's Old Testament time that he takes you off the earth so he can do some things don't like during the Old Testament so it's amazing that he sets your life up for right now to finish your course just like the book of Acts style right before we're caught up what is the book of Acts style resurrection power of God hallelujah that's why you're in this church so the Lord admonishes us here to get these things so that we can recognize the hour and go over to Isaiah and he gives you a little bit more go to Isaiah 46 and we'll see why we get into this buzz over there to Isaiah chapter 46 it's page 818 if you got a Bible like mine you want to be cool when we all have the same same Bible that'll be so cool look at Isaiah I believe it's Isaiah 44 I'm sorry I can't even find it notice Isaiah 46 here we go oh gosh I'm in the wrong deal in Psalms no wonder it didn't work this is pretty interesting that you can look at this and see God say something about himself that lets you know something you can bank on he's gonna give you something that gives you the authenticity of the scripture think about this what what what's something you could look at this morning to go I can see one thing in the scripture that shows me how authentic it is watch what God said it is in Isaiah look at Isaiah 46 look at verse 9 it is page 818 if you got a Bible like mine he said in verse 9 remember the former things of old I'm God there's none else I'm God there's none like me watch this declaring the end from the beginning and from the ancient times things that are not yet done saying my counsel shall stand and I will do all my pleasure I mean basically he said this is how you can tell I'm God I'm gonna tell you what's gonna happen before it happens now no other book gives you this you can talk to the Muslim you can talk to a Buddhist their book doesn't give you future this is the only book that gives you future the flawlessness of that's amazing Ezekiel prophesied the exact year Israel be made a nation Gabriel told Daniel the exact year Jesus would come the first time I mean think of the prophecies about the first coming how many of you in school didn't like algebra didn't like trig didn't like geometry and then it went to statistics how many of you didn't like statistics I was in statistics for about a week and they could have been speaking Chinese for all I knew I literally was sitting there going I have no idea what they're talking about it's just math but listen to the prophecies of the first coming of the Lord born in Bethlehem of the tribe of Judah preceded by a messenger he'd go into Jerusalem on a cold he'd be given away for 35 pieces of silver he'd be thrown into a potter's field and go to buy potter's field he'd be beaten he would not open his mouth before his accusers they'd gamble over his robe Wow he'd be piercing his side he'd wear a crown of thorns this is a good one it would get dark in the middle of the day while he's being crucified he'd be crucified between thieves you know what the odds are of all those happening in one generation it's just math 480 trillion times a billion and another trillion it's 480 with 33 zeros after words even in science after so many zeroes of subservience there was no chance involved God said this is what it's going to be like that's what it was like okay that's the first coming for every verse there is about the first coming there's eight times more about the second coming so there's more verses about right now than any other time in the Bible so why would God do that so that we would be aware of where we are so we'd make changes in our lives that you and I are living right before the king of kings and the Lord of lords is coming back in every movie you see where the where the hero comes in at the end and stops war Jesus is going to come back at the Second Coming and he's gonna stop war and you're gonna come back right there with him on white horses and every knee will bow every tongue will confess that he is Lord to the glory of God the Father oh come on that first coming was under the radar he can't get much more under the radar amen born in a stable amazing God Himself born in a stable and then he was beaten and mocked but this time he's coming back and glory hallelujah every eye will see him so so the earth is making preparation for that we'll get into the signs today to show you how nation is getting ready nature's getting ready the church should be getting ready so let's get into some of this go over to Luke if you would and let's tap into it because it's very very clear I've heard people say over the years where you can't tell on the Lord's coming back actually you can if you can read because he put all these signs in here to tell us why would he want to do that so you'd make changes in your life in other words we don't fit Church into a lot our life it is our life I mean what would we do if we knew the Lord has come back tomorrow I'd hope we'd go to bed tonight going Lord I love you I mean we can respond with haughtiness or humbleness that went over a good good night already praise the Lord no no no one the Lord's coming back we humble ourselves Lord what do you want me to do I I'm in so go to Luke here and Jesus makes it very very very very clear so look at Luke 21 and look at verse 24 he's real clear here in verse 24 they'll fall by the edge of the sword and they shall be led away captive unto all nations and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles or Nations until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled so he says hey when you see Jerusalem won back times up 1967 six-day war we're at the end of six days of human history Jerusalem was won back the miracles that happened in that six-day war are absolutely amazing because jesus said when you see the jerusalem back times up amazing so here if you live west of Jerusalem you read left to right if you live east of Jerusalem you read right to left everything goes back to that piece of real estate it's amazing you can go up on the Temple Mount and there's flies everywhere Beelzebub Lord of the Flies come off the Temple Mount no flies the devil is so stupid you can go to Israel I was there again last November you don't even need a tour guide you can find a mosque everywhere the devil put a mosque you know Jesus did something important there's a mosque over there what happened there that's where he was beaten there's a mosque over there what happened there that's what he's racing the dead there's a mosque over there what happened there that was the Mount of Ascension the devil thought if I just put a mosque on it I'll cover it up but all he did was show you where Jesus did something important hallelujah so everything comes back to Jerusalem the Bible said Jerusalem would be a cup of trembling for all nations the UN this last year voted that Israel has no right to even police Jerusalem they're doing just like the Antichrist is going to do to change dates and change history they're trying to take the historical fact away that Jerusalem was won back by the Jews it was won back by the Jews because God said right before the coming of the Lord he'll bring Jerusalem back to them when did that happen your lifetime so let's go look at a couple more to make it clearer look at verse 29 he says look at the fig tree Jesus spake this parable look at the fig tree another victory is the nation of Israel and all the trees when they now shoot forth our bud you see and know of your own selves that summer our harvest is nigh at hand I like this likewise it's just like in the spring I live in Tulsa the grass is brown in the wintertime the trees lose all their leaves you know a man spring the when the trees begin to bud you have that sense of wow summers coming it's exciting you get out get in your yard I've never seen someone in spring go hey summers not coming this year like what what are you talking about now the trees are telling me summers coming the trees are preaching to me that there's a season change he said likewise just as bold as you are about that when you see the fig tree but Israel made a nation you know something's coming he tells you what it is the kingdom of God is coming look at the next verse he says in verse 31 likewise when you see these things come to pass run into the woods and buy all the brownies you can because it's gonna be bad no he said likewise when you see these things come to pass know hear that word know not wonder not sense know that the kingdom of God is night hand now the next verse is the kicker you ready for this jesus said this don't get mad at me verse 32 verily I say unto you this generation this generation this generation shall not pass away - also field what generation the one that sees Israel made a nation of Jerusalem won back he said the one that sees these things you're it so we're it I hear people go I don't believe that they don't matter I hear people say I'm not comfortable with that it still won't matter we're it whether we like it or not so we might as well buckle up and go hey this is this is the deal the gospel is going all over the world God has regathered Israel so he can court her think about it my wife and I were dating she's from Los Angeles I lived in Tulsa and then we were trying to date by text and man you can't convey emotion by it doesn't matter how many emojis you got back then there were no emojis but anyway you I'm trying to text her you're so pretty it doesn't work I moved her from California to Tulsa so we could court we can be closer to each other God has moved Israel from all over the earth back to their land in your lifetime so he can court her and it's just like Joseph he's gonna reveal himself to his brethren so you're living when God's doing these radical things so jesus said if you see if you see that you're it and I like that verse you can see and know I talked about it brother Hagin said right before the coming of the Lord he prophesied there'd be a spirit of seeing and knowing on the church now what is that an attitude of seeing and knowing now what do we get that from right there from that verse you'd see and know these things and think about this think about the history of this just that hang with me for a couple minutes before we get to the rest of the signs brother Hagen was born in 1917 hundred years ago Allan be an Australian general flew into Jerusalem he was in a biplane they had passed out these flyers allenbys coming his name meant an arabic a prophet sent from god to deliver you your land so the turks dropped their weapons not a shot was fired they said man we can't fight God so Jerusalem's turned over to the Jews right there in 1917 same year Kenneth Hagin was born the Lord appeared to his mother told him to name him John she didn't name him John named him Kenneth don't you love that Jesus appears to your mom says naming this he was I don't like that name so she named him Kenneth supposed to name him John guess what Hagin means in the Hebrew one to go before to pair people for the coming of the Lord his very name is the definition of John the Baptist and I said at first service in the Old Covenant God raised up the prophets ministry to pull Israel back to do the will of God ok in the New Testament we had John the Baptist get the earth ready for the first coming of the Lord but God has raised up the believer to be a voice before the second coming we have to know all these facts so that when people get around you they go I don't know what's up you go I know exactly what's up Israel got back to their land Jerusalem was won back and we'll go through the rest of them but you're you're watching what God said years ago come to pass in your lifetime so it makes you make changes in your life so let's go through some of the signs I mean the big ones are those too I gave you what's the next one Hebrew language restored now you know 100 years ago no one spoke Hebrew there now everyone speaks Hebrew one guy le a who'd been Yehuda it's amazing how it all it takes is one person to do the will of God he said you know what we used to speak Hebrew here he came up with new words for fountain pen and airplane you can go there now and they all speak Hebrew perfect Hebrew google it see when a language was lost and recovered never like that they don't speak Hittite they don't speak am i right you can't find Canaanite but you can find Hebrew hallelujah and my jeans that I wear it made Levi's all cuz of a Jewish guy got him enough fabric to make some tents and he said man we got too much fabric let's make some jeans come on hallelujah so just shows you the the blueprint of the Covenant of God in the earth amen so you had the language of all right listen that's that's a miracle what's the next sign the next time would be the Ethiopian Jews brought back because God said right before the Messiah would come he'd bring them out of Ethiopia well Israel sent these c-130s one American man paid for it paid thirty million dollars they flew those c-130s right down into Ethiopia air lifted 18,000 Chuck Roberts on headline news said an exodus that eclipses the book of Exodus I mean you got a secular newscaster preaching and X could have done it like this and Exodus that it really Clips is the book of it he didn't do it like that though Amen so so in one day they were airlifted could see the Exodus took a while this happened in one day you had ladies having babies on those airplanes come on so God did this in your lifetime so you got the language restored I got the Ethiopian Jews brought back the next one would be the revival of the Roman Empire that's the United States of Europe I mean even their money has the woman from the book of Revelation on it I would preached in Norway last year went down to nice they don't even put a stamp on your passport anymore it's that platform for the Antichrist and if you want to get even crazier where there's about seven armies in the nation of Syria there's a triangle of location there where the Bible calls them the Assyrians and that's exactly where all those armies are and that's where the Bible says the Antichrist will come from revived Rome I mean I've been to the capital building we should do this promise me you'll do this you'll Google the capital building of the EU it's in Strasbourg France it's identical to the Tower of Babel not similar identical it's amazing that system is you know we'll make our own way to heaven oh Jesus is the way the truth and the life so in your lifetime all these things are happening pretty amazing after that you've got the fertility of the Land of Israel in other words God did it to where you could look tangibly and physically look at things the land is so blessed Europe gets 90 percent of its fruit from the land of Israel I mean think if you ate a banana this morning made new jersey apple made new jersey pear made new jersey man what's up in new jersey israel is the size of New Jersey yet it produces so much for the whole continent of Europe because God said right before the coming of the Lord he'll make the land prosper and produce I mean it's radical Israel is the only nation that has more trees than any nation since they've been keeping count God showed them how to put this little tray underneath the trees so they'd grow more trees without any rainfall you can go up on the Golan Heights you can see that the border where Syria is and I asked my Jewish buddy my friend there I said you know what for me to get my grass like this I've got to fertilize it with Scott super Turf Builder four times I said do you guys sprinkler this he goes we don't sprinkler anything the grass is lush dark green and you can see the border where Syria is it's dirt no grass because God said I'll let the I'll let the dirt preach for me oh come on they found more oil on the Golan Heights than all of Saudi Arabia I could go more there there's about 15 different things about the fertility of the land of Israel why did God do that so everywhere you look you'd have a witness God raised up the United States of Europe mm-hmm he would get the fertility of the land you got a language restored so he's trying every avenue so that if you're even remotely paying attention you'd say God's up to something what's God up to the king of kings and the Lord of lords is just about to come back to the planet hallelujah you go from there you have the Temple Mount Institute a group of Jewish men that been going to school for 20 years their last names Cohen they have all the articles for the sacrifice they have a menorah encased in glass just like the drums here is it's worth like several million dollars so then get stolen it's encased right after the rapture of the church that's gonna go back to Old Covenant time they're gonna start having sacrifices these people it's called the Temple Mount Institute they've been getting ready to build that temple for 25 years they have all the articles ready this last year they did a sacrifice beside the Temple Mount didn't get arrested last year they got arrested and put in jail because it's not time yet but my friend they're in position so if God can get people that aren't even born again yet in position how much more can you get the church in position oh come on there's another one the Animal Planet Channel I was watching a few years ago an Israeli ornithologist a bird specialist she said it's the largest gathering of predatory Birds ever in history man I kind of freaked out she goes we don't understand it it's the largest gathering of predatory Birds a hundred and seventy two different species of predatory birds now why is that I go man I know exactly what it is right after the rapture God calls on the fowl of the air to come clean the land up after the zeeco 38 war seven years later the battle of armageddon read it revelation 19 he calls on the fowl of the air to come keep the eat the flesh of captains eat the flesh of mighty men eat the horses so you've got the cleanup crew in Israel right now so what does the church do with all these other things obeying God oh come on we're not gonna lag behind you've got Russia coming into Crimea you've got Russia Russia built an army base two kilometers from the border of Israel on the galán you've got Russia has areas all over the nation of Syria why because the Bible says Russia is going to come down into Israel right after we're raptured so you're watching the setup for that right now I mean you've got Isis damming up the Euphrates twice because the Bible says the Euphrates River will run dry right before the second coming that freaked me out when I saw that because the Bible says the kings of the east will come up with Euphrates Isis he's using American equipment to dam the river up you got when I was in Israel last year the news came on the scene there and they said that Jordan has got to stop Israel from buying land in Petra man I freaked out why cuz Petra is where the Jews are going to go for safety during the tribulation so gods had them buy all this land over there so they're in position you got all these different groups in positions so what's the church gonna do oh come on now he told you to lift up your head your redemption is drawing nigh he said you could be living when all these signs are happening but you could be so busy that you didn't realize the Kings about to come and you could be downtrodden he's lifting up your head means your stance and your walk is you're you're depressed no lift up your heads we should be so excited we shouldn't be so happy that people think something's mentally wrong with us break that pill in half what is that pill I'm about to see the King I'm about to see the king of kings and the Lord of lords the one who gave His life for me the one who died for me come on we're communicating to him that we love him we're coming to church but my friend you want to make some changes in your heart because we're about to see him I don't know what the protocol is from going from vase to site but we're going to be caught up we're gonna be raptured and we're gonna see him face to face wow what an amazing time that we'll be right there at the throne of God we'll go to the reward seat of Christ marriage supper of the Lamb then we're gonna come right back down at the second coming so you have many many signs of the coming of the Lord many many many many no signs for the rapture rapture signless because it's a mystery the church age is a mystery but you have all these signs about the second coming make sure hang with me for just a couple minutes make sure you don't put Second Coming verses on the rapture like the book of Matthew the ten virgins today didn't have oil in their lamp that's not talking the church that's talking to the world I don't need oil in my lamp I've got the maker of the oil I got the Holy Ghost so all those Matthew 24 verses are all second coming verses they're not rapture verses so if you if you look at those you'll feel like you don't qualify because they didn't qualify Jesus had been raised from the dead but you you have other signs men will be lovers themselves we have selfie sticks I mean that's that's pretty never has there been a generation that's more excited about taking photos of ourselves praise the Lord I mean it's bizarre but you know there's many many other signs about fifty my favorite one is Aerosmith's lead singer Steven Tyler got saved so when Aerosmith's getting born-again you need to lift up your head Jesus is about to come back that's kind of the last sign right there here I mean you know who got him born-again Lenny Kravitz the guitar player yeah he said you want peace in your life the only piece you're gonna ever have is when you accept Jesus as your Savior glory to God when Lenny Kravitz is getting Aerosmith born again buddy lift up your heads Jesus is about to come back hallelujah let's talk about the signals for just a second we'll go a couple minutes into the signals and we'll do be dismissed because we're we're watching signs of the coming of the Lord now if you're driving from here to Daytona maybe 45 miles you go a few miles since 30 miles go a few miles is 20 miles few miles does 15 the signs show you you're headed in the right direction that you're headed toward Daytona once you get into Daytona you don't need signs you have signals you're there you're gonna look at some things today about the signals that we have the planets are to be signals for us it's not weird it's not rocket science the Bible says before that great notable day of the Lord the Sun would be darker than the moon would turn to blood so what do we have a couple years ago blood red moons on Passover and Tabernacles four in a row okay what's that for Passover is when Jesus died so the heavens are saying I died for you Tabernacles is when the second comings gonna be he's gonna come back and Tabernacle with men so the heavens are signaling to wake up hello I died for you I'm coming back I died for you coming back four in a row when's the last time you had four in a row on Passover and Tabernacles 1967 when Jerusalem was won back 1948 when Israel's made a nation 1492 at the Edict of expulsion when the Jews were kicked out of Spain the amazing thing is the difference in years between the two first first segment was 19 years next act was 48 years 1948 with like Lord you're getting ridiculous now you're blatantly showing us and then you had a solar eclipse in between them on Nisan one the the the New Year Day for the Jewish religious New Year Day that's never ever happened in history had a guy go back with a computer a hundred thousand years and then this last year he had a solar eclipse and what didn't happen he went down it's sundown in Jerusalem Sundowns when the Eclipse happened there all right this last year you had the Bethlehem star okay now what was the Bethlehem star at the birth of Jesus he had Jupiter Regulus and Venus come together Regulus regal King star Jupiter King star Venus winner for Mars Women for Venus Venus is a mother planet all three of them came together at his birth and some of them did retrograde motion formed a halo and a crown of her Bethlehem to the point that the Magi traveled by camel for months to get to Jerusalem because the the stars told him the heaven sold them the king was going to be born okay the constellation was Virgo at his birth this last year Lester hold on NBC Nightly News said we have a celestial event he goes we got Regulus we got Jupiter we got Venus and when holy cow that's the that's the Bethlehem star okay guess what guess what the constellation was Leo he's the Lion of the tribe of Judah first time in two thousand years because the Bible said you'd see signs in the heavens okay you got mercury doing a flyby of the Sun happens five times in a century the planets formed a sickle the moon formed a sickle Orion changed this instrument to hammer you had hammer and sickle on the same day what's hammer and sickle that's assemble God's trying to show them that you're getting ready to go through the threshing floor I don't need signs I don't need signals I have a witness in my spirit that Jesus is coming soon but the Lord is so merciful and so sweet he's trying to show a whole nation hello if you're paying attention I got the stuff happening in the heavens on exact dates that would wake you up I mean if you want to get even crazier we go into a couple days ago I'm getting into this because I I don't know how many thousand emails I had about how well the Lord didn't come September 23rd well there was an oral tradition in the Jewish rabbis that a planet-x would hit earth but that's not in the Bible that's oral tradition so on September 23rd that was supposed to happen didn't happen did it well it was Rosh Hashanah I believe the rapture will be on Rosh Hashanah it was a wonderful opportunity for the Lord I mean because 100 years from 1917 I told the Lord if you don't come this year you missed a great opportunity phrase the Lord but on September 23rd you had a heavenly event as well you had the revelation 12 happening event happening you had Leo and Virgo at the same time and what happened then was think about this this was September 23rd virgos giving birth to a Jupiter to a king the nation of Israel all right if you have a birth you have a conception back up nine months from September 23rd you got December 23rd the UN voted that Israel can't police Jerusalem so you have all these heavenly things in conjunction with what the scripture says because you the Bible talks about the Antichrist is gonna try to change dates and times you've got them saying Israel doesn't have Jerusalem this is Israel doesn't have Jerusalem and then they said well Israel doesn't have Hebron that's where Abraham's buried that's where Sarah's buried and you had Herzog go before the UN he goes well I have a title deed here it's 4,000 years old and he read from the book of Genesis where 19 verses where God gave Abraham Hebron because see you see this psychotic mentality that Israel can't have its land because God promised Israel their land so Lucifer's trying to do everything he can to make it look like it's illegal for Israel to have Jerusalem because Jerusalem be a cup of trembling for all nations the biggest war that will ever be called the Battle of Armageddon is gonna be over Jerusalem so we're blessed we're blessed the whole reason we get into all these signs and I'm skipping over so many why don't we do this because he wants you to know how much he loves you he loves you he loves you he wants it hammered into you blistered into you and thumped on the inside of our heads how much he loves you he can't wait to see you face to face I've been so excited about coming to be with you but really I'm so excited to I could see my daughter my daughter lives in Orlando I got to spend a couple days with her before coming back Wednesday I plotted how I'm gonna bless my little girl she's married has a wonderful marriage but I still think of how I can't wait to see her when she calls me I light up when I see her picture come up with my phone because I love my little girl and that's the way the Lord thinks about you if I think that way about my little one can you imagine what the father thinks about you he's gonna get to see you face to face Wow he's gonna say enter into the kingdom prepared for you before the foundation of the world so there's a lot of changes happening in our little sliver of time rapture the church seven-year tribulation then the second coming of Christ so we're blessed what do we do what what do we do as a local church I'm in all-hands-on-deck I don't fit Church into my life it is my life Lord what do you need me to do I'll do it there's a surrendering mentality it is wonderful to how much he loves us but our response is Lord I surrender my life I'll do whatever you want me to do I'll help here I'll do this I'll be more of a witness and you're in your job you don't even have to be strange you can just say hey I know what's going on the earth I'm Mara I was on a plane to Sweden this lady goes I just don't know what's happening I said I know exactly what's happening Israel's made a nation Jerusalem was one back Hebrew language was restored Ethiopian Jews were brought back you got the fertility the Land of Israel revival Roman Empire she goes oh my god when he got another flight attendant so tell him I said Israel's made a nation Jerusalem back got to go get another five or 10 we had six flight attendants right there we're having a church service on the airplane because you have the answers for everybody you come in contact with its Jesus of Nazareth the one who was and is and is to come the whole earth is full of his glory so as a church man I'm excited for your future I'm excited for the wild mentality you have as a church because we're about to see Jesus let's bow our heads and close your eyes here before we go Lord we love you we thank you for all these signs of your return so we would be in position to do the will of God thank you for blessing everyone that came today thank you for blessing their jobs their households their their their kids I thank you that this year everything they set their hand to would prosper bless them I thank you for divine appointments for them to be a witness we thank you for father in jesus name amen and amen hey I'm so glad you came today real quick forward dismissed is anybody here this morning I know you came to hear pastor norm please come back and hear him but maybe you're here and you've never made Jesus the Lord of your life how cool is that that God raised up this church just so you can make Jesus the Lord of your life if you're here and you've never done it with the uplifted hand on which as they pray for me I'd like to be saved they're like to be born again I'd like to accept Jesus as my savior and he paid the price for Adam's sin thank God I can't be flawless but he's flawless for me amen if you're here at all anyone at all you've never made him the Lord of your life I want you to lift your hand up real high and say that's me pray for me you know I told you I was in that service in Canada Keith Johnson's church gave the altar call on a 96 year old man raised his hand I went down there to pray for him I left the next day went to the airport with the pastor's son the pastor called me he said that 96 year old man went home be with the Lord last night now that's cutting it close you don't want to wait til your last day on the planet to receive Jesus so if you're here this morning and you've never done it let's do it today I won't embarrass you I'll pray with you anyone at all real quick before we dismiss with the uplifted ants they pray for me I'd like to be saved hallelujah all right looks like everybody's saved one more invitation you say I'm born again but I've never had that Pentecostal experience of being baptized in the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues acts 2 acts 19 acts 11 they all got baptized in the Holy Ghost if you're here today and you've never done that you want to do it today let's do it today with the uplifted hands say that's me pray for me I want to be baptized in the Holy Spirit at the end of the service here they'll tell you what to do you mean instantly filled jesus said you'd be endued with power not weirdness power if you're like that here today and you want to get baptized the Holy Spirit just slip your hand up we'll pray for you right here at the end anyone at all slip your hand up real high and I know there's people who hadn't got filled you want to get filled do it make a memory right for the coming of the Lord you'll probably have a badge in your house in heaven got baptized the Holy Ghost right before the king came back hallelujah anyone at all don't to miss anybody alright looks like everybody's filled I'm going to take my mic and go down to the back row cuz he said every one of you had the tongue has a doctrine we'll see how filled you are well that went over a good good night everybody come on drive safely no you don't have to get it today you just need to get it I so appreciate you coming today you communicate to the Lord that you love him because you're coming to church
Channel: East Coast Believers
Views: 2,282
Rating: 4.8823528 out of 5
Id: W-CssOarwYA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 32sec (2432 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 03 2017
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