Chuck Pierce - New Era Revelation - Prophecy 2020

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now let me show you a few things as we move forward and this is what we're ahead for two years and four months you can mark it down today we are ahead we are coming through this place say we're coming through the slog and it is a swamp that we're about to come through now we're in this time of breaking out of conventional ways of thinking this is very key for us if we're going to make it through this place that we're headed through and with that you have to understand we're making a shift into harvest it's not what it we think and anytime you're moving into a harvest season what happens is the separation gets worse and worse and worse and greater and greater and greater over these next two years you will see one of the greatest separations in this nation it will almost look like the civil war has come it's just that God is going to have to define this separation so we fully understand it it will cause his people fill with the spirit to rise up as one now it's what's gonna happen with us we won't have time for the racism cart we won't have time for all of that because we're gonna have to be one and the voices with the anointing we're gonna have to learn to follow after the anointing and be able to see the anointing because the separation is going to get greater and greater what we're entering into is an an era a decade and I don't know if Paul has studied this or knew what he was saying about this last night but the decade is actually called speaking fourth your Liberty and we're going to see so much upheaval coming in the earth realm that you'll just have to hang on for dear life because there will be so many issues rearranged because of the voices that are coming forward it's what the whole next decade is about and each year will have a different significance of how we speak we'll keep repeating that to again it this is what the season ahead looks like all of a sudden Moses is just working the same way he's been working the last 40 years and in the midst of him doing that a bush begins to burn now here's the key issue about this decade ahead God is going to interrupt our last season now I'm gonna say that again he's gonna look at your last season he's gonna look at the last 40 years and all of a sudden he's coming down in the midst of it and he's going to interrupt it he starts burning this bush bushes burn out in the desert this is not unusual but all of a sudden there's a faith action in Moses that's so important this is what God's gonna be looking at in us all of a sudden the Word of God says Moses turns to go look at the bush see God is going to be interrupting but we're going to have to recognize the interruption and in the midst of that we're going to turn we're going to look at that bush and recognize this is not the same thing as burned last week this is not the same thing that burned three years ago all of a sudden there's this divine interruption and Moses comes face-to-face with the bush and God says take your shoes off you're in a new place all of a sudden God reveals himself to it and then all of a sudden God says I'm ready for you to do some things that I prepared you for 40 years ago but you weren't capable of completing them but now I'm calling you in to them and you will be used not only to change a nation but you'll be used to deliver a nation look at somebody say the divine interruption is on the way we are entering into a decade where we cannot be silent the Word of God says cry day and night watchman for Jerusalem stay upon her walls and the Lord says this is a time that you your voice in this land will be heard between March and April chaos war there will be sounds that you've not heard sounds of the enemy trying to make an advancement but the Lord says the sound of my voice through my people will rally and be heard in this land I feel like a PC there's a setup through man that has set structures in place and you're gonna start seeing some tremendous dance record the desk where the Lord says when sin abounds depth bow and the Lord says you watch how I start closing certain dominoes to topple I say there's a truth that I will uncover coming out of China that has never been seen before I say to you get ready for that I am about to all the church in China a new anointing will fall on that church and because of that the truth that is not seen will began to be uncovered I say to you get ready the all of my anointing is beginning to squirt on the church that has had to pull back and remain hidden over these last several years and because of that the sheet of deception will be lifted father we say as we go through this time that we are hearing your breath blows to cause an awakening in the nation's you're drawing a snare we're submitting we're resisting [Music] and the enemy must start backing away we say territories will now start awakening we say this is the beginning of an awakening conquest throughout the earth a remnant arising with the sound of awakening you're snapping in place new borders new boundaries that which has been contending for your people you're ordering new borders for their lives people are being repositioned they're letting go of places where they have been to be reborn by you for a new portion everybody decreed new portion now to create of your nation your state wherever you are that the borders are reawakening structures are beginning to say we have to reform [Applause] we say the health structure will start reforming from heaven because the spirit a penetration is coming into it and it will be bypassed by healings until it comes into a new order [Music] and the Lord said very clearly to me tighten your belt now I want you to say that out loud I've got to tighten up as well move forward now that can mean several things it can mean tighten your belt because your provision is going to go into a different dimension and so it becomes important that we tighten our belt and when I started asking the Lord about it he said my people need to tighten up their belt because I'm going to teach them starting now to do exploits that means they will take resources they have access to and they will begin to recreate those resources and bring them into a new law of use so this year we're going to see great incredible creativity come in resource it will be an incredible time and then he also it could also mean that we are headed into one of a rollercoaster type year and we've got to tighten up for the ride ahead and so that sounded ok to that we would tighten our belt for the ride that's ahead for us in this 2020 era it also can mean that you're going to be lean and mean look at somebody and say I think I'll choose that third definition and so as we enter a new era I feel it's important that we remember what it says behold what the Word of God says and I say behold I do a new thing do you not perceive it so that says to us we can miss it but I think this year it's going to be very difficult to miss what God is saying and doing we're going to be desk for it this year and desperation crisis creates a move of God see what really happens at a new era is all of a sudden you're at the end and the beginning both at the same time so you have to go through a reset just like reset you know in in the tech world there's just some things you can't figure out how to fix so all you do is turn them off and turn them back on then everything starts working and comes back into a new order the Lord says the glitches of your past season I'm resetting them and he also says I'm getting ready to put you in motion so that you speak your future I wrote a series of books from when God visit me in 1986 and showed me tenure increments through 2026 everything that we have just crossed over in to in 2020 you'll find it in one of those books it's been written God said it he said we would be moving but he said this would be our most intense year the nations would go into places of intensity they had never been before and all of a sudden there would be divine alignments and moments of change that would produce faith explosions in his people now get ready just as China Russia and America vie for power God says I have power within you that I'm about to explode but let me say this to you we will be in a great tension it will be a new era of warfare for us it won't be like the warfare we've been in in the past it's a tension arising I call it the lion vs. the dragon war that will happen this decade we must know who we are part of we must leave our maintenance mentality and walk into a conquest mentality based upon the boundaries that God is assigning each one of us that is the word I want to leave for each one of us individually corporately territorially and generationally [Music]
Channel: Chuck Pierce
Views: 117,653
Rating: 4.8742037 out of 5
Id: PuYfJB8sE4c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 7sec (907 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 25 2020
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