[Eternity] Q&A on Heaven and Hell // Jimmy Evans

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eternity and this message is called answers about heaven and hell and the next two weeks I'll be talking about heaven and hell this is this is everything and the reason I'm talking about this by the way is when you understand what the Bible says about heaven and hell you really really really want to go to heaven and you really really don't want to go to hell and but there are people if you don't understand it you know I'll tell the story in a minute about a guy who didn't want to go to heaven God was trying to leave the Lord so didn't want to go to heaven and so when you don't understand it you know you can get confused and you lose some of your motivation of why you live for Jesus or why you make some of the decisions that you make and so I'm going to answer ask and answer some questions here kind of alternating concerning heaven and hell the first question the big one and I know pastor Jimmy touched on this in his series on you asked for it it says why would a loving God send people to an eternal place of punishment and I think that there are two groups of people that asked that question the first is sincere people they just sincerely would like an answer to that question and I'm gonna give you an answer to that question right here but some people that ask that question are cynical they really don't want an answer they're only using this really is a means of justifying their defiance of Christ and their rejection of God so but there are sincere people who asked that question I kind of want to make several points in answering the question the first is God didn't create hell for people and he doesn't want anyone to go there he gave the life of His Son Jesus so no one would have to go to hell in Matthew 25:41 the scripture we read last week about the about the judgment of the sheep and the goats it says that God prepared hell for the devil and his angels and people who rebel against him will go there only because they've formed an alliance with the devil against God but this is second Peter 3:9 says this the Lord is not slack concerning his promise as some count slackness but is long-suffering toward us not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance God doesn't desire it's not his will that any person goes to hell but every person comes to repentance the sec thing I want to say is God greatly desires a family to enjoy eternity with now theologically God doesn't need anything God is self existent but biblically we know that God wants the families whole he gets out of creation God created a man and woman in the Garden of Eden and commanded them to multiply he wanted them to fill the earth because he wanted a big family to share eternity with at the end of all of human history Jesus gets a bride and God gets a family that's all he gets and so we know that what God is after in creation and in life is he's after a family here's another point to make in this God has given us a free will and cannot force us to want him even though he wants us altima the honors our will concerning this choice now there's only two choices heaven or hell god we choose God and heaven is where God is and hell is where God isn't and there you can't make another choice there aren't three or four choices and you can't reject him and go to a good place and so there are choices that we make God has chosen us as his family but the point is he can't force us to want him he wants us to choose him and he gave us a free will to do that but here's here's the real issue that the devil doesn't want us to consider concerning this and that is the constant inexcusable rejection of a loving God who does everything right beginning with Satan in heaven now Isaiah 14 if you want to read this on your own isaiah 14 in Ezekiel 28 tell the story of Lucifer Lucifer was in heaven and Lucifer was created by the everything was created in perfection that's what we're told in the Bible concerning the devil and concerning everything else he was Lucifer which means Light Bearer and he was the covering cherub over the garden of God who was heavens worship leader and he had musical instruments built into his body and he was perfect and the Bible says that in other words he never had an abusive father he didn't grow up in poverty he had never been rejected by anyone he had never had a bad day in his life and everything was perfect but in a perfect creation one day he decided that he wanted to take God's place and he rebelled against God revelation 12 shows us allegorically that he took a third the angels of heaven with him when he rebelled in other words heaven was spoiled a perfect heaven was spoiled because one of the creatures that God gave a free will in the midst of perfection rebelled against him so God came to earth and created Adam and Eve perfect in a garden called Eden which means pleasure and delight and God lived with them in that garden they had provisional immortality they would have lived forever they were just unbelievable specimens that lived almost a thousand years even after they sinned and God created them in perfection never had a bad day never were abused never had any pain in their life never sickness no reason to reject God but imperfection they rejected God so God tried again he sent Jesus and Jesus came to the earth a perfect man the son of God and he perfectly will reveal God to everyone loving them healing them raising them from the dead doing mighty miracles and they crucified him a perfect man and one more time he's going to do it this is in the Millennial age after we're gonna be raptured we're gonna go to heaven and we're gonna be married to Jesus in a seven year wedding while the earth is going through seven years of tribulation which could happen any moment it could happen before this message is over with seriously and so that's gonna happen then we're going to return revelation 19 says we're going to return with Jesus and we're gonna rule and reign with him for a thousand years and here's the record of it but what I want you to notice here is what happens at the end of the thousand years now this is revelation 20 verse 1 I saw an angel coming down from heaven having the key to the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand he laid hold of the dragon that serpent of old who is the devil and Satan and bound him for a thousand years and he cast him into the bottomless pit and shut him up and set a seal on him so that he should deceive the nation's No More till the thousand years were finished but after these things he must be released for a little while and I saw Thrones and they that sat on them and judgment was committed to them then I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for their witness to Jesus and for the word of God who had not worshiped the beast or his image or had received the mark their foreheads are on their hands and they lived and reigned with Christ for a thousand years now those are people who receive Christ during the tribulation and they refuse to worship the Antichrist the rest of the Dead did not live again until the thousand years were finished this is the first resurrection blessed and holy is he who has part in the first resurrection over such the second death has no power but they shall be priests of God and of Christ and shall reign with him a thousand years now when the thousand years have expired Satan will be released from his prison will go out to deceive the nations which are in the four corners of the earth Gog and Magog Gog and Magog there is just an idiom for the nations and rebellion to God to gather them together to battle whose numbers is the sand of the sea they went upon the breadth of the earth and surrounded the camp of the Saints which is us and at the beloved city which is Jerusalem and fire came down from God out of heaven and devoured them the devil who deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone where the beast and the false prophet are and they will be tormented day and night for ever and ever so again beginning in heaven in eternity past God created angels of a very high order and he gave them free will and 1/3 of them used it against him and rebelled against him and heaven was spoiled because of it so then God came down and created Adam and Eve perfect and they rebelled and earth was spoiled because of it we are still seeing the results of their rebellion against God Jesus came perfect but they crucified him so now Jesus Christ the king of kings and Lord of lords returns to Earth and there are mortals there who have survived the tribulation I don't know how many but let's just say that there are three or four billion that have survived the tribulation and those mortals now will be under our authority we will rule them under Christ's Authority we will rule and reign with Jesus for a thousand years and how many of you know that Jesus is perfect and everything he does - think about the corrupt world that we live in right now think about the political corruption that is in the world right now there will be a perfect King in Jerusalem for a thousand years and he will rule the earth perfectly for a thousand years and at the end of that thousand years from the four corners of the earth as many as the sand of the sea the Bible says they will rush Jerusalem surround us surround Jesus with the intent of killing Jesus and deposing him of being king and in response God the Father since fire from heaven and kills them all throws the devil in the lake of fire and I can't wait for that day but see sinful people are so selfish that they always put all the onus over on God the burden is always on God why would a loving God send people to hell let me ask you this question why would any person reject a perfect God hell is our choice it's not God's choice it's our choice God has been extremely patient and long-suffering in his desire to get a family but he will not force us to love him because that love is worthless force love is worthless love if God did not give us the choice to love him what is that you want to live in eternity with the God who forces you to loving of course not the other thing is the final heaven will only be occupied by people who want to be there see me ask you this question I want you to think about this do you want to be in heaven when a rebellion breaks out do you want to be in heaven when a third of the people in heaven decide they don't want to be there anymore and they want to kill God all the people in heaven have chosen to be there they have not been forced to be there they have not just been created and given a free will and they're there every single person heaven has chosen to be there and here's what CS Lewis said this is a quote by CS Lewis there are only two kinds of people in the end those who say to God thy will be done and those to whom God says in the end thy will be done all that are in Hell choose it without that self choice there could be no hell no soul that seriously and constantly desires joy will ever miss it those who seek fine to those who knock it is opened free will means consequences and this is what we have to understand free will means eternal consequences God has given us a free will and the way we use our free will on this earth requires consequence and there are people they want to live their lives any way they want to they don't want to serve God but they want to end up in a good place that is absolute irresponsibility and every mature adult understands I have to take responsibility for my choices in life because there are consequences to my choices and there are eternal consequences to my choices and grown-up mature people accept that and immature people don't accept that and there are eternal consequences for not accepting that question number two will we know each other in heaven now this is a question that I get a lot well we know each other in heaven and it kind of goes along with a lot of misconceptions that we have about heaven I worked when I was in college I work for my uncle delivering appliances and I worked with a guy just a super nice guy we got along great and we were in the truck together a lot all day long delivering stuff and we talked about the Lord I was a new Christian but you know we talked about the Lord he knew I was a Christian and so one day I was telling him about the Lord and I was just saying basically saying to him you know are you a Christian are you gonna go to heaven and he I was driving he was in the passenger seat there and he said I don't want to go to heaven and I said you don't want to go to heaven he said I don't want to float around on a cloud playing a harp okay listen to me you know where he got that from cartoons for those of you remember Tom and Jerry remember that in the cartoon somebody dies and they go to heaven their float floating around a cloud playing a harp there's nothing biblical about that whatsoever now the bible does mention you know elders who play harps and heaven and stuff like that what I'm saying is that's not what we do in heaven so the question is will we know each other in heaven we don't know each other now we will finally know each other in heaven this is what first Corinthians 13 says for now we see in a mirror dimly but then face to face now I know in part but then I shall know just as I am known so people have this concept that in heaven were spirits in this ethereal world that we're ghosts we're basically ghosts and we float around heaven and we know Jesus but we don't know each other and so you fly by your mother and you don't know it and it's just like this lobotomized group of spirits in heaven who you know how crazy is that when you get to heaven you finally know people you walk down the street of heaven your David King David hey how are ya I know you I know you I know you I really know you I intimately know you why because we're the Bride of Christ and we're one with Jesus Christ and we have the mind of Christ finally we know each other when you get to heaven everything in heaven is a trillion times better than it is on this earth everything is better okay the so then let me talk about physical senses for this minute again out the I had this week someone asked me this question the good question they said why are the dead in Christ race first since they're already in heaven so people like my dad my dad died of cancer and he was 80 years old and we buried him and so we buried my dad and so he's in heaven I know my dad's in heaven listen every time my parents went to church here for years and every time we gave an altar call my dad raised his hand I know my dad say okay I know my dad say so somebody adds in heaven kay so the question is he's already in heaven so why are the dead in Christ raised first because they get a physical body my father is buried in Dallas and he had six cancers over a 20-year period when he died and a couple of days before he died he was on morphine because of his cancer he fell and broke both arms and we buried him I mean he just look awful okay so he is going to get a new body here real quick and his body this buried in the ground is going to come out of the ground the dead in Christ will rise first the my dad's spirit is in heaven my dad's spirit will be rejoined with a new perfect body and that will rise first and then we'll go up meet him in the air so what I'm saying is you have a physical body in heaven we have the physical body and it's absolutely awesome I'll describe it to your a minute but this is first Corinthians 15 this is talking about burying people and how they're resurrected out of their graves okay now by the way for all of us who are alive when Jesus happens this happens to us but we never die and I want to be a part of that group first Corinthians 15 there are celestial bodies in other words Stars and there are terrestrial bodies in other words people but the glory of the celestial is one and the glory of the terrestrial is another there is one glory of the Sun another glory of the Moon another glory of the stars for one star differs from one another in glory so also is the resurrection of the Dead the body is sown in corruption buried sown means put down in the ground it's buried in corruption it is raised in incorruption it is sown in dishonor it is raised in glory it is sown in weakness it is raised in power it is sown a natural body it is raised a spiritual body there is a natural body there's also a spiritual body so it is written the first Adam became a living being the last Adam became a life-giving spirit however the spiritual is not first but the natural and afterward the spiritual the first man was of the earth made of dust he's talking but Adam there the second man is the Lord from heaven as was the man of dust so also are those who are made of dust and as is the heavenly man saw also are those who are heavenly and as we have borne the image of the man of dust we shall also bear the image of the heavenly man well did you know that we all bear the image of Adam and Eve we're dust right now if we died in their various we go back to dust came from dust we're going back to dust and says as you have borne the image of the man of dust you will also bear the image of the heavenly man Jesus post-resurrection okay so let me say this in Luke chapter 24 Jesus has been resurrected okay this is after the resurrection and there were a couple of disciples walking to a place called Emmaus and Jesus appeared to them he shows up comes up and joins them they didn't know who he was he walks along he talks with them he goes in to eat with them he spread physically he takes a loaf of bread with his physical body he breaks that loaf of bread in front of them and then disappears then right after that in Luke 24 Jesus appears to the disciples he walks into the disciples and said touch me handle my body I want you to see that I'm flesh handle my body and then the handle him he said touch me now handle me they touched him in they handle him he said y'all have anything to eat and they said well we've got some broiled fish in the honeycomb hey let me have it so Jesus ate Broll fish and a honeycomb after his resurrection they walked outside and he went to heaven as you have borne the image of the earthly you're gonna bear the image of the heavenly here's what I'm going to say in heaven you don't have a supernatural body you have a supra natural body you have a body that is a part of nature but it's above nature we're gonna sit down and eat and drink with Jesus and then we're going to travel at the speed of thought we're going to be able to we're going to be in a dimension that we're not in right now in other words we will experience every sensual pleasure we will feel like we've never felt before we will see like we've never seen before heaven is not some ethereal senseless place heaven is a physical place where there's physical touch but we're beyond the natural just like Jesus Christ we can disappear we can we can do spiritual things that we've never dreamed of before and some people say well don't you think heaven would be boring let me ask you a question for those of you who are hikers what if you could hike for a thousand years never get tired what if you could ride the back of a line because the lion lays down with the lamb there's no violence in heaven there's no wild animals in heaven there's no death or violence or theft or anything like that in heaven how would you like to swim under the ocean for two or three years without a tank and play with all the fish how would you like to travel to every star in the solar system and go play on every star and never get tired and never get sick and never get hurt and never lose a relationship and never lose a loved one or anything like that I has not seen ear has not heard nor is it entered into the heart of man what God has prepared for those who love him I'm telling you you will know in heaven you will feel in heaven the food there is phenomenal and you can eat it forever not gain weight now that's the best amen of this message so far it's phenomenal it's phenomenal and the reason I'm saying this you want to be there you want to be there it's just a phenomenal place ok question 3 what about people who have never heard the gospel or people in the Old Testament will God send them to hell or hold them accountable for what they don't know no I don't believe they will now this is an important question there are many people who never heard the gospel okay and so you know people of all ages people obviously of the Old Testament there was no gospel in the Old Testament I want to say two things first of all our God is a just God do you agree with that absolutely God there will never be a person that can say that God was not just to them in judgment and the second thing is since the beginning of time God has been testifying of himself to every person through creation this is Romans chapter 1 beginning in verse 18 the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness because what may be known of God is manifest in them for God has shown it to them for since the creation of the world his invisible attributes are clearly seen being understood by the things that are made even his eternal power and Godhead so that they are without excuse because although they knew God they did not glorify Him as God nor were they thankful but became futile in their thoughts and their foolish heart was darkened professing to be wise they became fools and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man and birds and four-footed animals and creeping things their God has testified of himself to every person since the beginning of creation it says here that creation even testifies of the Godhead and so no person will ever be able to stand before God and say I never I mean I had no idea you existed every single person that has ever been born during their lifetime God will attest of himself to that individual with or without a preacher with or without the church with without a gospel God testify himself to every person now I want to say there's another question I'm about to ask in just a minute that goes with this question okay so I want both of them to go together it's very important and so when people every person knows of God but there are people that just don't want to be burdened with that knowledge and here's what Romans 8 says this keeps going Romans 1:28 as even they did not like to retain God in their knowledge this goes right behind the scripture we just read they did not like to retain God in their knowledge God gave them over to a debased mind to do those things which are not fitting being filled with all unrighteousness sexual immorality wickedness covetousness maliciousness full of envy murder strife deceit evil mindedness they are whisperers backbiters haters of God violent proud boasters inventors of evil things disobedient to parents undiscerning untrustworthy unloving unforgiving unmerciful who knowing the righteous judgment of God that those who practice such things are deserving of death not only do them but Preta but also a proof of those who practice them and so is it begins by saying even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge God gave them over to the base mind we had a man one time who shared his testimony in the church here and he had been a pimp and he was very unrighteous and he had prostitutes that worked for him and all that and he said when they went and checked into a motel the first thing he did was throw away the Gideon Bible out of his room because he didn't want anything in that room that reminded him of God he didn't want to retain God in his knowledge and there are people they don't want to think of God see the average person you see money laying around that doesn't belong to you and you reach over to take that money and the fear of God comes on you and you think if I take that money you know it'll be wrong and God will not bless it if I take that money that's the average person a person who has not wanted to retain God in their knowledge they'll justify anything they have no God consciousness that they have and it says God gives them over to a debased mind that the based mind means they have no basis of moral thought they have no basis of moral region reason we're seeing a world like that right now by the way so here's the question so my basic answer is can a person go to heaven okay I've got two parts of this now once you're about the can a person go to heaven without hearing the gospel I mean if they never heard the gospel can they go to heaven it's a qualified yes I'll finish this just a minute so here's another thing why should we preach the gospel if a person can get to heaven without God okay I'm not saying they get without God or with the gospel the first reason we preach the gospel is so people can have a personal intimate relationship with Christ they need to know they can't know Jesus without that the second is so that they can fulfill their destiny in life they can't fulfill their destiny without a personal relationship with Jesus and the third is so that they can be the Bride of Christ and live in the presence of God forever only the church lives in the presence of God forever only the church okay and we'll read the scripture here in just a second so when I say that people can go to heaven I'm saying a qualified yes jesus said I'm the way the truth and the life no one comes to the Father but through me and that's exactly right you will not live in the presence of God the Father without Jesus Christ okay but let's read a scripture here this is the fourth question we'll finish with this are there degrees or levels of heaven in hell the answer is yes now there's no good place in hell there's no bad place in heaven but there are degrees Matthew chapter 11 this is talking about Hell this says then Jesus began to rebuke the cities and which most of his mighty works had been done because they did not repent what do you corazon what do you best say that for if the mighty works were done in you that had been done in tyre and Sidon they would have repented long ago in sackcloth and ashes but I say to you it'll be more tolerable for tyre and Sedona in the day of judgment than for you and you Capernaum who were exalted to heaven will be brought down to Hades for if the mighty works which were done in you had been done in Sodom it would have remained until this day and I say to you it shall be more tolerable for the land of Sodom in the Day of Judgment than for you listen that Sodom and Gomorrah was destroyed by God with fire and brimstone in cheese this is Jesus area they lived Jesus lived in Capernaum in the Sea of Galilee area and Jesus said best say to all of you cities around here that I did most of my miracles it will be better for Sodom and Gomorrah on the day of judgment than for you because of all the mighty miracles I did as a witness unto you so yes there aren't there's no good place in hell you don't want to go to hell okay and so but there are levels of judgment okay well what about heaven this is second Corinthians 5:10 we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ that each one may receive the things he has done in the body according to what is done whether good or bad and there's no one goes to hell from the judgement seat of Christ if you're a Christian you're going to be judged at the judgment seat of Christ it's a judgment of rewards now 1st Corinthians 3 verses 12 through 15 say some people have lived their lives gathering gold silver and precious stones that means something eternal but other people Christians have lived their lives gathering wood hay and stubble and it says the judgment will burn up the wood hay and stubble but these things through gold silver and precious stones will go with us into eternity if we've lived our lives for Christ in other words there will be some people that in fact it says he will be saved some people be saved yet as through fire and what it means is they get to heaven but they didn't anything up there remember in Matthew 6:20 jesus said lay up your treasures in heaven and not on the earth some people there are some people in this life that live pretty humbly but they're gonna be lavished in heaven because they serve God all their life and they're going to meet a reward in heaven that we can't even imagine there are other people who are Christians but they lived a pretty worldly life they've never really done that much for the Lord they never let a person to Christ they've never served their days never done much they're gonna get to heaven but they just won't have a lot when they get there so there's no bad place in heaven but there will be people who have a greater reward well let me read this scripture and we'll close this is revelation 21 and 22 and this is talking now about the Bride of Christ this is talking about a new heaven and a new earth now when it talks about the new Jerusalem this is us this is where we live with Jesus for all eternity this is the only the church okay listen to the wording of it this revelation 21:1 of the seven angels who had the seven bowls filled with the last seven plagues came to me and talked with me saying come I will show you the bride the Lambs wife and he carried me away in the spirit to a great and high mountain and showed me the great city the holy Jerusalem descending out of heaven from God having the glory of God her light was like a most precious stone like a Jasper stone clear as crystal she had a great in high wall with twelve gates and twelve angels at the gates and names written on them which are the names of the 12 tribes of the children of Israel three gates on the east three gates on the North three gates on the South three gates on the west now I'm gonna skip to verse 22 that's the description of where we're gonna live for Jesus okay this is verse 22 I saw no temple in it for the Lord God Almighty and the lamb are its temple the city had no need of a Sun or moon to shine in it for the glory of God illuminated it the lamb is it's like the nations of those who are saved shall walk in its light and the kings of the earth notice now the kings of the earth shall bring their glory in - in other words there'll be kings around the earth that bring offerings to God in the New Jerusalem its gates shall not be shut at all by day there is no night there and they shall bring the glory and honor of the nation's into it but there shall be no means by no means enter anything that defiles or causes an abomination or lie but only those who are written in the Lamb's Book of Life and he showed me a pure river of water of life clear as crystal proceeding from the throne of God in the Lamb in the middle of its street and on either side of the river was the Tree of Life which more 12 fruits each tree yielding fruit every month the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nation's there shall be no more curse but the throne of God in the lamp shall be in it and his servants shall serve him they shall see his face his name shall be on their foreheads there shall be no night there they need no no lamp or light of the Sun for the Lord God gives them light and they shall reign forever and ever okay so the the angel says to John I want I want to show you the bride the Lambs wife and a thirteen thousand eight hundred mile cube comes down from heaven okay it's has 12 stories to it each of thousand miles apart this is it says twelve thousand furlongs but that's thirteen hundred eighty miles so this is a city that's thirteen hundred eighty miles wide long in high it has 12 stories God lives in the middle of it and this is the New Jerusalem where the church lives with Jesus we live in the intimate presence of Jesus listen revelation 21:1 says God destroyed the heavens in the earth he made new heavens and a new earth and the new earth had no see the recreated earth the new Jerusalem will be a part of the recreated Earth but it will be the very presence of God the recreated earth will have three times more landmass than we have right now ok so there's three quarters the world is covered with oceans so all of that will be land so it says a couple of things here that are interesting one is the kings of the earth the peope there will be keep we live in the very presence of God in New Jerusalem we don't live around the world we live right there with him for all of eternity ok but evidently there are people living on the earth that are not a part of the Bride of Christ ok and the other interesting thing it says is the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nation's so let me go back 3,000 years let me go back 3,000 years the jungles of South America and let's say that there was a woman in the jungles of South America 3,000 years ago obviously didn't hear the gospel there was no gospel but she saw the creation and she believed in God based on that and she was a precious woman she was a moral person she was a giving person she was a forgiving person she helped people she was kind and gracious and based on what she knew she did everything she could okay to live for God this was she died and at the very end of the millennium there's a great white throne judgment where she'll be resurrected and she'll be judged according to what she's done okay so she's brought before God and let's just say that woman who did everything she could to live right and to live morally based on what she knew would God send her to help I don't believe so well she come into the New Jerusalem to live in the presence of God no no one comes to the Father but through Jesus so where will that woman spend eternity now I'm not gonna get dogmatic about this because I don't know this is true it's my belief that those who are not Christians in a part of the body of Christ God will put them somewhere on the recreated earth so they can live but they don't have a perfect body like ours because they still have to be healed the leaves of the trees in the New Jerusalem are for the healing of the nations and these people ever die but they evidently don't have the same supranatural bodies that we do let me say this another way it's really worth it to live for Jesus you know that so when I say heaven a person going to heaven there's the heaven which is the New Jerusalem which is the very presence of God that the church lives in and then there is the recreated earth where people go who don't go to hell and there are people who've never heard the gospel and I'm saying it would be unfair for God to hold them accountable for something that ever hurt but God has testified to every person in the history of the world that he is real he has testified to every person of his nature but there have our people who have chosen not to retain God in their knowledge and reject him and those people will go to hell but there are other people who have seen the same thing and lived the best they could according to what they had they're not the Bride of Christ they will not live in the presence of God but they also won't go to hell they'll come to a recreated Earth okay I want you to stand with me if you would and I want you to bow your heads I just want you to bow your heads and I want you to just think about the context of what we're saying heaven and hell and and where we spend eternity if you're a believer here you have the absolute confidence of knowing that you'll spend eternity in the presence of God and what a fantastic confidence that is if you don't know where you would go if Jesus came right now or if you died or if you know that you're not living for God this is an important time to make an eternal decision
Channel: Revived Life
Views: 85,994
Rating: 4.7957449 out of 5
Keywords: jimmy evans, romans 1, prophecy, judgment seat of Christ, Great White Throne, end times, revelation, book, bible, jesus, god, holy spirit, sermon, message, rapture, tfc, trinity, fellowship, gateway, robert morris, eternity, free will, degrees, levels, hell, children, saved
Id: tfGSZGNldK8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 44sec (2084 seconds)
Published: Thu May 11 2017
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