Signs of the Times: Jesus is Coming Soon! | Rev. Joe Morris and Pastor Beth Jones

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okay bfc you guys are in for a treat because today we have a special guest a good friend of ours he's spoken at vfc and time's gone by he's an incredible preacher person super cool you guys are going to meet reverend joe morris here this morning so joe welcome so glad to have you great to be with you pastor ben thrilled to be with you well he's got an incredible message you guys to share with you and here's the thing joe really is an expert and has dialed in and focused for years on what the bible says about the second coming of christ end time prophecies the signs of the times but joe what i love about you is you are so normal and you are not like crazy hype you're just normal and factual and biblical and spiritual and you lay it out so well so church family you guys are in for a treat today let me tell you so joe let me ask you this before we get into your message because you i love the way you phrase the way you teach this topic because so many people think it's like escape theology like you know you just waiting for the rapture and then not doing anything with your life type of thing but can you talk about that just to set it up how you explain this sure you bet you know it's it's weird if you see a race i've never seen anybody at the end of a race slow down when they see the finish line they're excited all that training all that labor all that work is for right there and the church has to get that mindset that we if we can see the finish line you accelerate and you you try to do more in a shorter period of time runners call it a kick and the church has to get that mindset because we don't have a lot of time left so there needs to be urgency i couldn't imagine noah getting up on the ark going relax everything's cool not i'm sure noah had had a ton of urgency like get in the boat right now and it has to get into the church and that's why i think the lord's so kind to show us so many verses to show us what it would look like so that we could accelerate i just love that whole idea of the hustle theology because sometimes people do think i'll just wait for the rapture the world's crazy i just want the rapture to hurt and get here and of course we all do but it doesn't like me like you said we slow down it means we hustle up reach more people for christ and all the things that you preach and talk about so the other thing i love joe that you talk about so frequently is this whole idea that people say well you shouldn't talk about end times you know gets everybody's hopes up can you talk about that just a little because that's another great setup i think for what they're about to hear sure i had a famous evangelist say now joe if you preach on the coming of the lord you'll just get everybody's hopes up and i said uh well duh of course it's it's the hope that purifies you even as you're pure it's amazing how your strength will be tied to your joy and the the the teaching on the coming of the lord is to bring radical joy i mean that's that's where the energy comes from to accelerate i'm about to see jesus face to face so i can't imagine uh being agitated and mad and mean the night before the coming of the lord could you can you imagine being a jerk from the night before jesus comes no the whole thing is you change your tone you're more merciful you're kinder you're sweeter and you're more unselfish how can i be a soul winner because i'm about to see jesus so that's the whole purpose of that uh hope that that makes you happy so it the bible says it purifies us even as we're pure so i think the more we look at how close we are the more it alters us i would hope it would alter us you know to go my mother used to say this oh the 1970 the rapture's happening tonight i'm like oh my god really well i would go lord i love you so i it made me get humble not haughty right you can either be one way or the other so that's what the whole tribulation is about is the haughtiness of man has to have some pressure on them so man before the rapture that hope is to make us so filled with joy i think people should be so happy that people think something's wrong with us something's right with us but it's such a great perspective and i wanted everybody to hear that before we get into this so before we go into your message joe just so they can sort of get to know you a little bit more can you just tell us just a couple of personal things give them a little quick bio on you so they just make the connection sure sure you know when i went to rhema in 1980 i can't leave us 40 years ago and just follow kendall tegan's teaching always looking to you know scripture and verse not moved by what we feel not moved by what we see so over the years uh the the bible schools overseas would have me come to the end times because they couldn't get uh zola levitt or jack van impe so they'd send crazy uncle joe and i'm like you know i always had an interest in it but i'm like what in the world am i doing preaching end times and the lord told me in 87 to do it i said no i don't want to do that i thought it was weird so i end up doing end times and so it's interesting how the lord wants a perspective of great joy and great hope and it's sad that it's gotten promoted in such a scary way right so that that's kind of my background being around rhema being around the word of god and uh always had needed scripture and verse you know preached in germany and they'd go well you said so and so i said we don't know wait a minute the bible says so-and-so yeah so our all of our boldness is based on what what jesus did two thousand years ago and what the bible says so that's that's a thought pattern for my history a little bit no that's awesome and that's just so rock solid there's so many winds of doctrine floating out around there and so many ways of quote being a christian but it's the word of god it's preaching the word it's building your life on scripture and verse as you said and you know that's how we were all raised uh up in faith in ministry and not deviating from it so i love that that's your whole foundation that's great well there's such safety in that and you always go back to jesus being glorified and jesus being magnified not right not not what we're trying to do it's all about this is his hour the entrance of the king so the focus should all go back to the scripture and what it says i mean think about it more verses written about the revelation of the second coming because it's such a big deal so it should be great joy and great hope tied to all of that yeah yeah i mean like you say you know it's such a privilege it would have been such a privilege to have lived on earth when jesus came the first time and all the signs that pointed to that even still people missed his visitation but then to have so many more signs as you indicated for his second coming and for us to be alive on earth now is pretty incredible one thing you mentioned and i think we should mention now before we get into the message is the difference between the second coming and the rapture because people get those mixed up can you just sort of define those for a moment for everyone sure the rapture of the church is about seven to eight years before the second coming of christ at the second coming we bodily come back with them the bible says on white horses and you know i've ridden horses and i've uh motorcycles if i'm never flown or a horse so that's going to be so cool but uh i mean people are teaching weird stuff about the rapture but it's just an evacuation i mean it was raptured elijah was raptured jesus was raptured and really the church will be raptured because we have so much authority we would alter what happens during that seven year period so uh we people don't realize it's going to go back to seven years of old covenant time that's why it's so remarkable to watch all the pieces come together for that seven year period so so we'll be evacuated uh he's going to call the ambassadors home just like lot the angel said i can't do anything here until i get the righteous out so uh god's not going to judge the righteous with the wicked so we'll be called up to go to the reward seat of christ where it's supper of the lamb and then come back physically come back with him at the second coming two different events yeah yeah okay good i'm glad you made that clarification i like the way you ordered it the evacuation because we all get that we all understand that anybody with heart would evacuate godly people out of an ungodly scenario just out of the mercy and goodness of their heart so i mean of course how much more merciful and good is god so that i like i like that you use that word that's that's good sure sure paul was pretty specific about that you know yeah let's get into them paul i'm going to call you paul let's get into the possible let's get into so let's get into your message then and i want the church to hear it and jeff and i are so pumped that you're with us joe thank god for technology that we can even do this virtually i mean how incredible is that so it's cool so church get ready we're going to go into joe's message he's going to just share this directly with you and then at the end of this message we're going to come back and do a short little q a with uh with joe just to get some more details so enjoy the message now listen he talks fast just like i do so listen fast take notes get dialed in because you're really going to get super super encouraged okay so here we [Music] go good morning valley family church thanks for coming this morning uh what a wild year we've had so far but it's so important that we gather as much as we can to hear the word of god the amazing incorruptible seed that when it's sown it grows up and it becomes i want to say first of all i sure love you guys as church how amazing how cool you guys do everything and i love your pastors i've known them for years i love how stinking normal they are i love that you can invite anybody to your church and they're going to hear about jesus they're going to hear about what jesus did for them and what a massive inheritance that we have in christ so thanks for coming today you know today we're going to look at things that show us how close we are to the coming of the lord we'll look at some signs we'll look at some markers and we'll look at indicators that show us how close we are because in the past we were taught you can't tell when the lord's coming back but yet he put more verses in the bible to show us how close we'd be so we'd have a heads up and that's exactly what he said he said when you see these things come to pass lift up your heads your redemption is drawing nigh so i know it's been a wild year but we're living so close to his return so we'll get into all that today it's amazing as we get into this it's about looking at the finish line you run faster not slower it's not an escape theology and it's acceleration theology i know you guys have done so much as a church over the years and i believe your your best days are ahead i believe this will be a wonderful fall for you so let's pray just before we get into the word father we thank you for your word today thank you for sending jesus 2000 years ago he died was beaten for us father we are amazed at your mercy and your love and your compassion that jesus would give his life and be beaten for us lord we're so grateful for the resurrection it's for us easter every day thank you for strengthening everyone this morning i thank you that your word will so nourish us today and father give us insight into how close we are to the return of the king jesus of nazareth we thank you for that father in jesus wonderful name and everybody said amen so we're looking at different things that point to the coming of the lord it's amazing how we have so many signs it's interesting so many verses in the bible to show us what it would look like so we wouldn't have it messed up and not realize how close we are we call them signs or markers or indicators of the second coming of the lord we know the rapture of the church is signless but the second coming has tons of signs and it's just like this you were driving from kalamazoo to detroit i don't know how many miles it is maybe let's say 150. if you're on the freeway the sign says 150 to detroit the next sign says 120 next sign says 90. next night says 70. you know you're headed toward detroit doesn't freak you out it brings you peace looking at the signs or markers showing you're headed that way we'll look at some things today that are very exact they're very precise super easy to understand that show us how near we are to literally god coming to the planet jesus coming back it's interesting paul talked about the baptism 12 times the coming of the lord 52 times for every one verse there is about the first coming of the lord there's eight times more about the second coming so it's a whole thought pattern that changes us if you thought the lord was coming tomorrow i think you'd be sweeter and kinder tonight could you imagine jesus is coming tomorrow hey what are you doing no i think you'd be more merciful i think you'd be kinder and you know my mom years ago we got in this in 1970 and back then it was like hey jesus is coming tonight i mean she would freak us out as kids hey the rapture is happening tonight well i'd go to bed every night lord i love you because it so freaked me out i didn't want to miss the rapture so it's not about fear it's about knowing how close we are that you make changes in your life to run faster so we have to accelerate so it's really a cool that god gave us so much and even in the gospels he said you can tell what the weather is going to be but you don't know your hour of visitation so he wanted them to know their hours so even in the old covenant we have a tribe called the tribe of issachar that had an understanding of the times to know what the children of israel ought to do so he wants us to know what time it is and i heard a guy say to me the other day a while back actually a famous evangelist he said joe if you preach on the coming of the lord you'll just get everybody's hopes up i said well duh that's exactly right it's the hope that purifies us even as we're pure so let's look at these things that show us how close we are and the amazing thing about prophecy it shows it so shows the authenticity of the bible so with that turn in your bibles if you would to isaiah isaiah chapter 46 and we'll look at this one key here that shows us why we get into end time preaching it's not to scare us it's not to be frightened it's to excite us and everything we'll get into today about how close we are is because he loves you so much he wants you expectant he wants you happy he wants you hopeful in fact there's five things about end times he said don't be troubled don't be deceived i want you happy hopeful and comforted there is no bad news for the church now there's a lot of weird stuff being preached now there's a there's some bad news for the world but for the church there's only great things ahead and jesus even said lift up your heads your redemptions drawing nigh indicating he didn't want you downtrodden he wants you excited and wants you happy as we approach the coming of the lord it's just like colleen and i were getting married i wouldn't want her walking down the aisle i'm standing there as my bride-to-be is walking down the aisle i'm so excited i wouldn't want her all bowed over and going oh my god here we go i'm about to marry that guy another one bites the dust no i'd want her excited that we're about to get married so the lord wants the church expectant and excited hopeful full of strength your strength will be tied to your joy so knowing about the coming of the lord being so close it should produce radical joy so let's look at isaiah 46 and we'll look at why we get into this this is so cool these are some of my favorite verses in the bible so go to isaiah 46 and we'll skip down to verse number 9. you've heard this before but it's so good to get into it isaiah chapter 46 verse 9 he said remember the former things of old i'm god there's none else i'm god there's none like me declaring the end from the beginning and from the ancient times things that are not yet done saying my counsel shall stand and i will do all my pleasure i'll give you my translation that he basically said this is how you can tell i'm god i'll tell you what's going to happen before it happens pretty amazing no other book can give you that you can talk to you can talk to a buddhist you can talk to a muslim their book doesn't give you future this is the only book that gives you future god goes i'm going to show you how this brings authenticity to the bible i'll tell you what's going to happen before it happens in fact ezekiel prophesied the very year israel would be regathered amazing gabriel told daniel the year jesus would come the first time precisely to the ear it's flawless because he's god he's already been there done that made the t-shirt so with that let me read you i know this is a lot of info but listen to the first 10 names of guys in the bible and it'll show you the whole plan of redemption and how flawless god is now just run with me for a minute this is a ton of info but it's pretty cool he says here that the first of all adam means man seth means appointed enos means mortal kanan means sorrow mahila means the blessed god jared means shall come down enoch means teaching methuselah means his death brings lamech means despairing and noah means rest put all those names together and look what it says man is appointed mortal with sorrow the blessed god shall come down teaching that his death brings the despairing rest gives you the entire plan of redemption with the first 10 names of guys in the bible so it is cool he's already been there done that made the t-shirt so we can relax he's watching over his word to perform it and all of the verses you got the whole book of daniel got the whole book of revelation showing us what the earth would look like just before he comes in fact this whole last year matthew 24 getting down to verse nine verse nine is the start of the tribulation in matthew 24. before that jesus said you'd see earthquakes you'd see uh famines pestilence and diverse places and he said these are the beginning of sorrows the word sorrows there's the word birth pains or we would call it contractions jesus basically said just before the tribulation you'll see things coming on the earth that aren't the tribulation but are leading up to it that are so severe that you can't ignore it just like most if most every lady i know that about the eighth month of their pregnancy man they're they're ready to have a baby well when those pains started coming in their belly they didn't go that's pizza they said no those are contractions those are those are birth pains so what did those contractions do they were so severe you couldn't ignore it and jesus said that's what you would see that's what we've seen this last year even oklahoma is the number one spot for seismic activity in the whole world earthquakes going off the chart i moved from california back to oklahoma and all sudden pictures started coming off the wall and i'm like what in the world earthquakes so many earthquakes so even the earth is getting ready and getting ready for great change because the king's coming back you know the bible says that at the second coming even the heavens are fold away the stars don't give their light for the entrance of god himself isn't it amazing the first time he came in humility this second coming he's going to come in glory wow it's going to be amazing every knee will bow every tongue will confess that he's lord to the glory of god the father how amazing they were watching the set up for the entrance of the king really everything's so set up for god to deal with israel and he's going to do just like joseph he's going to reveal himself to his brethren at the very end so you're watching the setup for the climax of of the church age right in front of our eyes so let's look at some of the markers or the signs that show us we know the rapture is going to happen to the church we'll be caught up in a moment the twinkling of an eye and it going to be cool never gain weight again never be tired again we're going to get a brand new body a glorified body and we'll go up to heaven for seven years we'll be at the marriage supper of the lamb the reward seat of christ and then we'll come back with jesus at the second coming and the second coming is the one that has all the signs man about 50 some odd precise exact sign so grab your bibles and let's turn over to luke because we're going to look at how easy they are to get to show us how close we are go to luke chapter 21 if you would if you've got a bible like mine we'll see what page it is but luke 21 jesus is going to give us some information that's really uh radical how clear it is it is amazing that we've been able to mess it up so much and preach that you can't tell when the lord's coming back yet you've got all these verses showing you what it looked like when he's coming back so let's look at this look at luke 21 and watch jesus get into this for a minute he's going to make it super easy for us so look at luke 21 verse 24 verses that we've heard before but if you'll notice in the gospels jesus is only talking about the second coming now that's a huge deal the rapture is not mentioned in the gospels because jesus is fulfilling the law he's talking to jewish boys so make sure you uh look at it in that respect because there's many verses that all you'll almost feel like you don't qualify for the rapture in the gospels because you don't jesus hasn't been raised from the dead once the resurrection happens the rules change you're him as he is so are we in this world so let's go to look luke and look at the signs of the second coming look how the lord made it super easy for us luke 21 verse 24 if you've got your bibles there's page 98 if you've got a bible like mine look at luke 21 verse 24 jesus said here they'll fall by the edge of the sword and shall be led away captive unto all nations and jerusalem shall be trodden down or overthrown of the gentiles until the times of the gentiles are fulfilled now that's pretty amazing jesus made the timing to a city being won back jerusalem was overthrown in 70 a.d well when when did the jews get jerusalem back in our lifetime 1967 pretty amazing the six day war you know i don't have time to get into all of it but the miracles that happened in the six day war absolutely radical because uh jerusalem had to be won back how amazing in our lifetime it happened one of the cool miracles i don't have time to get into all of them but one of them is so neat uh the all those nations were coming against israel surrounding israel and attacking israel 88 egyptian tanks were barreling down on the nation of israel one israeli cook didn't know how to run a tank he said hey if i'm going to die i'm going to go out in a blaze of glory he hops into a tank start firing shells at 88 egyptian tanks one israeli tank with a cook firing shells at 88 egyptian tanks and he starts firing shells at them next thing you know the egyptian commander comes out with a white flag said hey i'm here to surrender the highest ranking officer the israeli goes highest-ranking officers just me and he goes oh no it's not just you the whole night the countryside was filled with tanks with men dressed in white you've been shelling us all night we can't take it anymore well it's a miracle i mean even the saudi arabian newspaper last year came out said we still don't understand how israel won the six day war how they won it was divine intervention because time's up so in your lifetime jerusalem's one back jesus goes hey when you see that time's up now watch him get clearer he's going to make it even easier for us to get look down at verse 29 and the lord gives us a parable to make what he had just said make more sense so watch what he says look in verse 29 he spake to them a parable he said look at the fig tree another fig tree is israel and the all the other trees those the nations around israel they were altered in the last hundred years their names were changed i mean persia went to iran and so look he says look at israel and all the trees when they now shoot forth in verse 30 when they now shoot forth or bud you see and know of your own selves that summer our harvest is night and i like how easy he made this so likewise i love that word likewise just as bold as you are about in the spring when the trees bud and the grass changes color you know there's a temperature change coming you don't freak out you go wow summer's coming he said just as bold as you are about that when you see these things come to pass freak out and run into the woods no he said when you see these things come to pass no interesting he's telling us these things so we can know this not wonder not sense not perceive he said when you see these things know that the kingdom of god is nigh at hand that's pretty radical he said so you could know it and look at the next verse this is the kicker you're ready look at verse 33 verse 32 sorry verily i say unto you this generation will not pass away to all fulfilled wow now that's radical he said basically the group of people that sees israel regathered and jerusalem won back that generation won't pass away to all fulfilled that's pretty amazing i hear people go i don't believe that it don't matter i hear people say i'm not comfortable with that it don't matter he the group of people that sees those two events you're it tag you're it you're the group that's going to be raptured so aren't we blessed that jesus made it so clear so in your lifetime israel israel's regathered 1948 amazing the gathering of them so god can court israel and protect israel after the rapture russia is going to try to attack israel and god is going to intervene and protect israel so the heathen may know that he is god so you're seeing the set up for all this right now so they've been regathered jerusalem's been won back and jesus goes hey the group that sees that you're it that that's the generation i'm coming back the amazing thing is that's two signs i can give you 50 today which is crazy so we're so blessed so watch what he says here he said heaven and earth will be altered but my words won't be altered if you're that group you're it now i like how the lord said he said you could see and you could know interesting but let's run through some of the other signs because we uh we have about maybe we'll get into 10 or 15 we'll run through them because they're so exact and so easy to understand look how amazing the lord did it to what we could get it a city reborn a nation reborn he said that generation is the one i'm coming back but the next sign would be the hebrew language restored well 100 years ago 120 years ago no one spoke hebrew and israel in the last 120 years that that language has been uh resurrected you should google that see when that's happened before you can't find him speaking hittite amorite canaanite but you can find them speaking hebrew one guy elie who'd been yehuda said you know what we used to speak hebrew here let's come up with some new words for fountain pen and airplane and the language has been regathered because god said he'd restore that to them just before the coming of the lord when did that happen your lifetime all right after that you've got the the coming back of the ethiopian jews this is a pretty big sign eighteen thousand ethiopian jews airlifted in one day amazing israel sent these c-130s down into ethiopia airlifted eighteen thousand uh it's the first time ever when the manifesto an airplane said there's 180 passengers when they landed there was 187 because ladies were having babies on those planes because they were airlifted this is the miracle of it cnn headline news chuck roberts said an exodus that eclipses the book of exodus listen when cnn's preaching about what the lord's doing you better lift up your head jesus is about to come back well that was amazing so that happened in your lifetime that was 1992 when that happened pretty pretty wild all right after that you've got the revival of the roman empire it's the united states of europe i mean they have the woman from the book of revelation on their money you can go to their capitol building this is a cool uh homework assignment google the capitol building in strasbourg france for the eu it's not similar to the tower of babel it's identical to the tower babel man even the markings on the inside of it are from nebuchadnezzar the art out front of the building is a molecule of iron magnified because that's what daniel saw he saw iron and clay just before the coming of the lord so you you have that uh nation re-established as a platform for the antichrist pretty crazy all right that's pretty wild because you can tangibly visibly see it after that you've got the uh the fertility of the land of israel i mean think about this god said that israel would be so blessed it would bloom be blossomed that it would preach to everyone israel produces 90 of the fruit for all of europe wouldn't it be wild this morning in in kalamazoo or or anywhere around battle creek also in you ate an apple made in new jersey ate a pear made in new jersey 80 grape made new jersey that's weird all this fruit comes from new jersey israel's the size of new jersey but it's so uh producing for the rest of the world it's radical never heard of anything like that israel is the only nation that has more trees since they've been keeping town so the fertility of the land of israel preaches mark twain was there he said the land is so desolate it won't support life yet it supports life everywhere in it while you go up on the border of syria and and the northern part of israel the golan you don't have to have anyone tell you where syria starts where syria starts it's dark brown where israel is lush green grass i told my buddy i said do you guys sprinkler that do you scott super turf builder he goes we don't do anything to it god's word so nourish the land that god said i'll let the land preach for me wow it preaches so you have tons more you have so much more signs though let's go through some more see israel made a nation jerusalem went back language restored you got the ethiopian jews brought back you've got the fertility of the land of israel after that you got the the uh you you it's just crazy that not just the revival of the roman empire all these things are set ups for the antichrist but you have the temple mount institute it's a group of jewish men last name's cohen they've been getting ready for sacrifices for all these years even this last year they appealed to prime minister benjamin netanyahu hey can we have sacrifices on the temple mount well no well they tried to do it on the side of the temple mount so that's a group of jewish men that are in the old city ready to start having sacrifices pretty crazy now these are some signs that have happened in the last few months those are radical dramatic signs we'll get into many more here in a moment but this last year you had fish showing up in the dead sea that was prophesied two thousand five hundred years ago when did it happen this last year in 2019 then all of a sudden this last year you had foxes show up on the temple mount that's lamentations 5 18. and then you had the ritual baths around the temple mount fill up with water first time in 2000 years the rabbis are like wow the messiah is about to come so you've got physical tangible things that are happening that point to the coming of the lord this next one's kind of radical because the man it preaches i was watching the animal planet channel a few years ago i'm an espn kind of guy but i was watching the animal planet channel one night and it came on it was an israeli ornithologist and the only reason i know what an ornithologist is my brother was one he went to college for nine years to study birds my dad said what did you learn he said well i learned how to play poker well god makes so many birds you gotta go to college for nine years so anyway she said it's the largest gathering of predatory birds ever in history i'm thinking what 172 different species of predatory birds start showing up in the land of israel why after the rapture you have the ezekiel 38 war god calls on the fowl of the air to come clean the land up seven years later at the battle of armageddon you have the the fowl of the air come clean the land up so you've got the cleanup crew in israel so you have all these different groups in position you got russia having nine bases in syria because the bible says russia is going to attack israel just after the rapture so you've got birds in position fish in position you've got foxes in position you've got the temple mount institute in position so all these groups are ready for what's going to happen just after we leave so that should preach to us that we're about to see the king jesus is just about to come there's many more signs though yeah men will be lovers themselves just selfie sticks how crazy is that that we live in a time that people would go i think i'll take a few more pictures of myself how weird is that i was in california last year the guy had two selfie sticks crossing the street almost got hit by a car so we we see all these things that point to his return their signs my favorite sign though is aerosmith stephen tyler got saved listen when aerosmith's getting born again you better lift up your heads jesus is about to come back so how blessed are we to have all these tangible physical things that point to his return i mean it is pretty remarkable that jesus said you'd have some markers and that's what we have many many many signs i mean it is uh pretty strange that people go well you can't tell the lord's coming back actually you can if you can read that'd be like saying you can't tell you're going to get to detroit i said it earlier if you're driving from kalamazoo to detroit you don't freak out the signs are there to bring you a peace to know that you're going toward the right direction it's it's pretty wild that jesus the very things that he said you could look at that one verse that of that hour no man knows you can't tell when the lord's coming back that was code for saying i'm coming back on feast of trumpets the very thing that we use to say you can't tell when the lord's coming back he was giving us a three-day period when he is coming back because the feast of trumpets was on the new moon it was on the 29th fifth day of the month so he didn't know if it's the 29th of the 30th the sanhedrin would send two witnesses out so they'd see which day it was if the new moon was there they knew it was feast of trumpets and jesus when he said that was saying hey that's when i'm coming back for you so we're so blessed that we were really taught incorrectly over the years that we can't tell when the lord's coming back when thessalonians says you are not in darkness that day would overtake you as a thief paul was so specific about i'm telling you about the rapture of the church so you'll be happy you'll be hopeful and you'll be comforted so that you're excited about the return of the lord not sad about it i've never seen anybody in a race through the finish line and go let's see what should i do now no when you see the finish line you know exactly what you're to do all that training all that pressure all that time you put in and all that energy was so that you'd run faster at the end you think about a football game two minute warning man when you see a quarterback he's looking at the play clock i've never seen a quarterback don't show me the play clock no he wants to see the play clock because the plays are more crucial as the time is winding down we look at all these signs of the coming of the lord because the time is winding down they show us how close we are to the king coming back i can't tell you the exact day's coming but i can tell you the season he's coming that season's right now i believe we have a little bit more time but not much it's very close so we've talked about some of the signs there's many many more but let's run through just for a couple minutes the signals before we dismiss these will take just a couple of minutes but these are kind of radical they preach to us we all heard about the blood red moons a few years ago these are signals in genesis the bible said that the planets would be for signs or the hebrew word there are signals well man you had blood-red moons on passover and tabernacles four in a row a few years ago that's radical what's passover that's when he died for us what's tabernacles that's when he's going to come back and tabernacle with men so the heavens are going i died for you i'm coming back i died for you i'm coming back when's the last time you had four in a row on passover and tabernacles 1967 when jerusalem was won back 1948 when israel's made a nation 1492 at the edge of expulsion when the jews were kicked out of spain so that's pretty radical to have them on those exact dates showing us their indicators you know people go well nothing happened no they're indicating there's a change coming just like when you turn your blinker on it's an indicator you're about to turn that's pretty wild that's pretty blatant uh to have blood red moons and then you have the bethlehem star last year we don't hear a lot of teaching about that but jupiter regulus and venus come together at the birth of jesus consolation was virgo jupiter is a king planet regal re uh king planet uh and the venus men are from ours women from venus venus and mother planet those three planets came together at the birth of jesus this last year wow nbc nightly news so we have a celestial event we have jupiter regulus and venus coming together first time in 2000 years the constellation was leo he's the lion of the tribe of judah how wild that you've got physical signs in the earth physical signals in the heavens that jesus is about to come back many many more mercury doing a fly by the sun went down directly over the temple mount at sundown planets formed a sickle the moon formed a sinkhole you had hammer orion changed his instrument to hammer he had hammer and sickle on the same day that's russia's symbol because russia's about to attack israel god's saying hey israel you're about ready to go through the threshing floor so these are all tangible physical signs for us to show us how close we are what do we do we respond we go wow jesus is coming so soon let's accelerate let's help our local church let's be engaged what can we do to help our local pastor i know pastor jeff and beth have such radical plans for these days right before the coming of the lord let's be all in i couldn't imagine going well i don't know about that you really can't tell when the lord's coming back how many signs do we need to show us how close we are let's make adjustments in our lives let's make changes in our lives to run faster and to have great joy remember all of this information is because he loves you so much he wants you expectant he wants you hopeful he wants you happy he loves you he's not mad at you he's not frustrated with you he loves you so all of this is to make great change in the believer so if you're here this morning though you hear all these signs about the coming of the lord now for the believer it's all good news but for those that haven't accepted jesus as their lord it's a scary time because the tribulation is coming so soon if you're here this morning you've never asked jesus into your heart make all these signs and make all this information put pressure on you to go make a decision right now to ask him into your heart i want to pray with you pray with me if you would if you're here this morning and you've never asked him into your heart i want you to pray this prayer with me say lord jesus i come to you today i accept you as my king that was raised from the dead thank you for dying for me thank you for for being my substitute there's no way i could pay for my sins but you paid for them for me i accept you this morning as my lord and my savior thank you for dying for me in jesus name amen if you prayed that prayer and you meant it from your heart and you asked him into your heart man you have eternal life amazing he loves you so much what's amazing is we're about to see him face to face it's kind of hard to get ready for going from faith to sight all the songs we sing about how wonderful he is we're about to see him eyes is a flame of fire feet like undefined brass voice of many waters wow jesus jesus is coming so soon well thanks for tuning in today can't wait to see you guys in person love what all you guys are doing amazing what you're doing i know there's great days ahead have a wonderful fall season i know things will kind of remotely get back to normal here pretty soon have a blessed sunday and a great afternoon god bless you guys [Music] okay valet family church can we thank joe morris for that incredible message on the signs of the times and the lord's return i mean i hope you guys had your hair blown back and your eyes wide open as you listen to sign after sign after sign and joe barely scratched the surface and he he told us there's so many signs he just touched on a number of them i think just to get us stirred up and hopefully get us hungry to dig into our own bibles and really dive into god's word about his coming jesus is coming again joe that was incredible thank you thank you thank you oh great to be with you it's so fun to see people hungry for uh how close we are to his return great to be with you thank you well one thing i wanted to ask you a couple different questions and you mentioned it in your message about that whole scripture you know that you could observe the weather red sky at night sailors delight and we could observe the weather but how important it is can you just put an exclamation point on the importance of that sure it was it must have been so important to jesus that he never rebuked the crowd he rebuked the pharisees over and over and over again but never the crowd the only time he reviewed the crowd was them not knowing the seasons he said hey you can tell what the weather's going to be but you don't know your hour of visitation so it did interesting that he really wanted them to know specifically with all those prophecies about the first coming you only had a few people like anna and simeon and maybe mary and joseph think of the whole nation of israel and seven or eight people aware of the first coming so i think he's really excited about more people being excited about the second coming yeah totally that is just so cool and it's so nice isn't it of the lord to give us so many signs and make it just as obvious as the weather yes welcome to red sky at night and we all know what sailors do like red sky in the morning is sailors warning and that's so obvious to us isn't i just think it's and you you highlight that in the way you teach this that the lord's just blaring these things to us because he loves us so much and i just think it's a definite exclamation point though i like i like what you the way you put it it's interesting paul wrote in thessalonians is that hey while i was with you i told you all this stuff what do you teach on the rapture the second coming and the antichrist and the whole purpose was hey for comfort because you're not in the tribulation and and that won't start until the church is evacuated so he's real real big on making that come across so that the church would be comforted isn't that something boy you talk about a day you want people to have comfort you sure want to see that now and that's exactly what the scripture was supposed to do it brings comfort and joy no that's cool that's awesome i love that let me ask you a couple questions i have written down here and so a couple other things i think would be fun for the church to hear about is um matthew 24 you talked about the birth pangs and that you know we're definitely in that season and so i guess my question to you is and i think i know the answer but just for clarification you definitely believe we are in those birth pangs of matthew 24 based on all the other signs yes yes you know in matthew 24 those were pretty specific jesus said it would be so severe that you can't ignore it and boy you've got earthquakes you've got famines you've got pestilence you've got uh ethnos nation against nation that we're really there's ethnic uh trouble back and forth but then verse nine is when the tribulation starts so it's kind of interesting jesus was literally opening up the seals of revelation in front of their eyes and they didn't even know it so i mean they're like he gave them kind of a precursor to the whole book of revelation but the whole purpose was they said what's it going to look like his answer was a little different than what i thought you know i would go hey great revival church doing great he's you know the answer for him the signs of the coming or the tribulation period and i thought that was interesting he's talking to jewish boys there and that's exactly what they needed to hear and boy you can certainly see signs of the tribulation right now we're not in it but boy you can see symptoms of it and that's what totally well and the other thing that i think is a good distinction people don't always make is that matthew 24 is really written to the jews you just mentioned it but we sometimes read it thinking it's for the church and it becomes confusing when you compare it to first thessalonians and all the rest of the scriptures in the new testament so i like that you pointed that out it's just we can learn from it but it's not really for us per se right correct i mean the tone changes it's amazing how even in luke he said hey pray that you might be accounted worthy to escape these things i don't have to pray to the account worthy i am worthy after the resurrection i'm him i'm i'm his body so but you put those those rules of the gospels on the church and that you feel like you don't qualify because you don't he hadn't been raised from the dead once he's raised from the dead boy the whole thought pattern's different to where you go from a laboring to get his approval to your hymn wow that's what happens with matthew 24 a lot of people teach that but those are all second coming verses not rapture verses at all yeah right okay good i wanted you to make that distinction some people recognize that but because there's so much teaching out there and it's all convoluted i think that's a great a great distinction um what do you what do you say you you talk about i like how you word it you talk about signs and signals the biblical signs and then the certain signals and there's been a several of those signals in recent years could you talk about that just a little bit yeah sure i really didn't get into it as much during the message but i mean you had the blood red moons you had the bethlehem star probably the craziest uh signal would be and i don't talk about it a lot was midway through trump's presidency there was a blood moon wolf moon super moon and when trump was born there was a blood moon and 700 days later israel's made a nation and then trump when trump was elected president benjamin netanyahu had been in office seven years seven months seven days when trump was inaugurated he was 70 years old seven months seven days and moved the embassy from tel aviv to jerusalem after 70 years and then if you say the president vice president's name you're saying the coming of the lord trump hence trumpets our president vice president's name would mean the coming of the lord wow that's wild that's crazy trumpets trump hence i mean it's like what so i mean like you said the lord's going out of his way to make it obvious that he's about to return to return wow that's that is crazy now what do you go ahead go ahead sorry that's that's a pretty big signal yeah what about the rabbi because you talk about a rabbi in your other teachings about things he said can you talk about that because i think that is also stunning stunning yes rabbi iksakaduri and i don't talk about a lot of rabbis but he got born again jesus appeared to him and he accepted him as a messiah and he said hey open this letter after i'm been been gone for a year he died in oh six he opened the letter up and he talks about he accepted jesus as the messiah but he had other prophecies in there from 2006 he's one of his prophecies which is remarkable that right before the coming of the lord that israel will be ruled by two benjamins well six weeks ago benjamin netanyahu and benjamin gans decided to jointly rule israel that's never happened before because of coronavirus and they needed to have security because of iran and hamas and hezbollah so i mean to have that even spoken of that the leaders of israel has specific names and leaders of america have specific names the reason that's a big deal to me is iran says israel satan and america is the great satan doesn't say anything about switzerland or malaysia or germany israel and america so look at the leaders of israel america of specific names for a specific time interesting well just the two benjamins in israel like you said it's never happened and for it to have been prophesied decades ago it's just so nice of the lord if people will receive that if people will pay attention like you say and and you know and connect it to all of the other signs and signals i mean at a certain point it is like slam dunk right it's like how many signs do you need before you realize what's trying to show you he's about to return and like he said i think it's so kind of him to go out of his way to make it so obvious right totally because he wants us to to enjoy it like the thing he said lift up your heads indicating you could be living when all this happened to be downtrodden the whole purpose was lift up your heads don't try and have some joy about your life so yeah and then being afraid because oftentimes meetings people that's afraid to come i thought it'd be bad news like isn't that sad the gonna add rap about his return that people are freaked out that it's gonna scare them when it should be exciting no i love that it's such a twist of thinking to be comforted to be courage lift your eyes up this is the hustle theology i mean all of that i feel like puts the joy and the energy in our hearts to then live in these times the way the lord wants us to so i just joe i love what you're doing i feel like it's such a service to the body of christ and we just pray that god continues to amplify your voice continues to get the word through you to many many more people it is such on time what you're speaking what you're sharing and we really esteem it and appreciate you taking time to be with our church today it's awesome to have you thank you thrilled to be can't wait to see what happens this fall fall season this year great to see you guys uh it's always good to see okay i've sort of made it sound like we're done but i just want to ask you a couple more questions so can i okay france you mentioned france and you mentioned the eiffel tower something in in your message and i didn't fully grab it all can you expound on that a little yeah uh the the the capital of the eu is in strasbourg france and it's it's amazing if you look at pictures of it side by side with the tower battle it's not similar to the tower of bible it's identical to the tower bible it's that system uh if you see your slogan as well we'll be our own gods we don't need god that same thought pattern that will make our own way to have no jesus is the only way to heaven and it's weird that that platform for the antichrist is so blatant i mean the markings inside the building are all from nebuchadnezzar wow the the art in front of the building is a molecule of iron magnified because daniel's handing clay it not bit after a little available after a little bit you're like oh my gosh look at how blatant this is i mean even in switzerland there's a particle collider underground and the company's called sperm they're look they're looking for the god particle their logo 666 you can you can and like someone was should have said hey that's kind of not a good logo for us but they don't even know they're fulfilling all these verses and set up for the antichrist so it's just weird to have it right in front of your face sheesh it is crazy but you like you said seemed like even in scripture so many times people were fulfilling prophecy and didn't even know it and said things and declared things and lo and behold you know fulfilled what god said was going to happen what about uh this recent peace treaty with israel and the uae what is your thought on that as it relates to biblical prophecy that's a pretty big deal because you're watching the players align themselves up for ezekiel 38 which is pretty remarkable uh even trump brought them out about six months ago jordan and saudi arabia all of a sudden have become friends with israel and they've always been just staunch enemies even saudi arabia's letting israel refuel their planes over their land this year five years ago never would happen a year and a half ago never would happen why is that a big deal the uae saudi arabia and jordan don't attack israel in the ezekiel 38 war and that's a huge deal that's hard to even explain that real clear but all of a sudden you got the players that don't hurt israel forming ties with israel with peace treaties really a huge deal and i mean amazing that each one of those nations in the ezekiel 38 are listed one by one that will attack it specifically turkey and iran and you look at their thought pattern now and that's to annihilate israel and then the uae and then jordan and saudi arabia let's be friends with israel because they're trying to protect themselves from how crazy iran is wow so it is pretty remarkable to watch when your football game when the players get on the field you go hey we're about to kick off well the players are on the field that's what's what's amazing about it yeah that is amazing did you say that something happened recently as it relates to turkey or what's the thing you're most paying attention to now including this thing with turkey i think the the biggest thing is watching secular media like jerusalem post debka and media outlets in the middle east talk about turkey turkey fighting in jordan i mean in fighting in libya fighting in iraq fighting in syria and and turkey flexing its muscles about the temple mount man when i see them say the verbiage of let's call on all of islam to ascend to jerusalem and take the temple mount from the jews it's one thing to think that it's another thing to verbalize that and media outlets to say hey it's this though turkey is completely surrounding israel to annihilate israel and that's exactly what the bible says so i love seeing secular guys quote scripture and you don't even know their quote scripture thank you very much yeah wow that is it's amazing stuff man we are getting a front row seat to a pretty incredible time of history and the lord's on his way the lord's going to return soon and joe you just laid out so well thank you again for your time thanks for feeding our church this morning and everybody you know we kind of like to give snaps for people and we're praising the lord but we're giving snaps and thanks to our friends that minister to us so everybody just give your amens your high fives your hearts whatever you want to do in the in the uh social media boxes to thank reverend joe morris for a strong word today and you've encouraged us joe thank you thank you thank you so much we really appreciate it sure great to be with you excited for what's going to happen we'll get to see jesus so soon thank you we love you guys take care the other thing i love joe that you always talk about and you i think you do it like every week you really encourage people what should they do as a believer what should i be doing in light of all of the signs of the times and the signals and everything what should i be doing as a christian in light of this great news i think the the bible is so specific specifically because the influence of the world is so dark you have to hear the word more than normal and i think we should engage more in church when you're getting ready to get married when you're engaged you talk more not less so there should be more engagement in church and helping our local church help our local pastor what what can i do how can i have all hands on deck basically the real radical volunteer mentality just before the coming of the lord so i think there's a connection with church and a connection with what our pastor is saying and what our pastors what's heaven saying to my pastor right now that would alert me to make alterations because god will do that he'll use our local churches and our local pastors to have just the right message for that flock to make changes and and and we should take heed to that go look this is jesus talking to me because he loves me so much he wants me to have a heads up yeah totally no that's really good it's actually quite nice of the lord to not make it complicated and only for the deep theologians even those of us that can look at a cloud can't figure this out right right when he even said about israel being regathered he said he said the fig tree buds he says you can tell spring's coming likewise in the same manner when your trees begin to bud and your grass turns i've never heard somebody go hey summer's not coming this year well duh the trees are budding the grass is turning he made it just as easy as comprehending the weather about a season change like if you can when you see israel re-gather in jerusalem on back it's just like springtime when the trees bud it preaches to you that there's a temperature change so i love how you did make it so simple and so easy for us me too what do you think here's a question for you what do you think about the quote definition of a generation you know there's been a lot of talk over the years about 40 years 70 years 80 years whatever what is your understanding of that that's a great question uh i mean we know a generation to the old testament was about 40 years a generation to us is a lifespan of a man but if you want to be super technical the bible says in matthew these are the generations from adam to jesus and it was 55 years so however you do the math whether it be old testament new testament our time or in matthew it's uh it's us you know he said this generation won't pass away to all fulfilled you can do the math several different ways i always look at gabriel when he counted when jesus was going to come the first time he didn't count when he was born he counted in 30 a.d when jesus rode into jerusalem triumphantly so add 2 000 years to 30 a.d you're at 20 30. so we're there however you want to look at it right right take seven or eight years from that so however you do the math in the generations because you kind of divide it between the fig tree buddy and jerusalem being one back right average about takes flawlessly where we are right now well we know the lord will have it be perfect it'll be right on the money when the time comes we're just trying to figure it out now he did say that no one would know the day or the hour of his second coming but they would know the signs and signals and we know that the rapture is at least seven years prior to that and um so like you say you can't know exact time and 100 details but you certainly know the season and the time frame and that's where we're at now amazing thessalonians he said he said that that day won't overtake you as a thief and i love that paul said that like don't be freaked out you'll you'll know how close you are and i love that that's so sweet of the lord to go to the world it shocks them right and sudden destruction comes upon them but to us uh it won't be it won't be that much of a shock because of all the blatant obvious signals we're like jesus is about to come back sure yeah what do you think about this this would be the last question what do you think about um you know when jesus first coming he came like right on the money and i don't know the exact jewish holiday but i know that all the holidays and the pentecost and everything was perfect it was just right in sync with the jewish calendar um so we know that was true with his first coming and it's probably going to be true with his second coming yeah and to them with the rat then the rapture will be however many years prior to that but to what degree are you paying attention to the jewish holidays especially the ones up and coming here um shortly i i supernaturally pay attention to the feast of trumpets just because it looks like that's when the rapture would be is i'm not i'm not dogmatic about that but he fulfilled passover flawless unleavened bread flawless first through flawless pentecost was given you know came the holy spirit was poured out on pentecost so the next feast is piece of trumpets which is called the feast of gatherings and it's uh the beginning of seven days of all mirroring the seven years of tribulation this is what i like about it too is the coronation of a king we go to the private ceremony and he comes back at the second coming for a public ceremony so i'm paying attention to that i i'm not saying the rapture will be on feast of trumpets but every september i'm paying very close attention feast of trumpets this year is what what date september 18th so by the time we see this message we will know [Laughter] yeah it was a three-day period that's what was cool about when jesus said no man knows the day or the hour he was talking about feast of trumpets that was code for because it was on the 29.5th day of the month so you didn't know if it was the 29th or 30th so when jesus said that they went wow he's telling us he's coming back for us on feast of trumpets the very verse that people think they can't know was jesus in code telling them i'll tell you exactly when i'm coming back for you which is bizarrely crazy but so like the lord to make it a little bit of a hidden parable so to speak yeah yeah exactly i love those kind of things it's so neat yeah wow exciting times well again joe thank you so much for being with us today and really really appreciate it really value what you're doing to keep up the great work thank you great to be with you good to see you guys all right vfc that's it god bless you guys
Channel: Valley Family Church
Views: 1,744
Rating: 4.8222222 out of 5
Keywords: valley family church, jeff jones, portage, kalamazoo, beth jones, basics with beth, bible basics, learn the bible, bible truths, word of god, jesus, god, study the bible, bible study, simple bible study, easy bible study, women of god, women of faith, believe jesus, jesus loves you, biblical truths, biblical teaching, sermon, church, church online, kalamazoo churches, michigan, bible basics with beth, daily bible study, bible beliefs, joe morris, end times
Id: Q2dlAkBywZ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 16sec (3436 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 20 2020
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